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G4: Conservation of biodiversity (3 hours). G.4.1 Explain the use of biotic indices and indicator...

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G4: Conservation of biodiversity (3 hours)

G4: Conservation of biodiversity

(3 hours)

G.4.1 Explain the use of biotic indices and indicator species in monitoring environmental change.

• Canary in the coal mine! • Indicator species • Sensitive to environmental change

– Lichens: indicator of air quality, pollution• Cities too polluted, not much lichen• Retain metals in tissue, so can measure presence in

air (Pb, Hg)

– Aquatic Macroinvertebrates water quality • Various levels of tolerance• Cleaner water more # of sensitive organisms

G.4.1 Explain the use of biotic indices and indicator species in monitoring environmental change.

• Biotic Index– phytoplankton monitoring

• # organisms in different tolerant groups• Multiply x # based on the tolerance level

(sensitive species, higher #, b/c bigger effect)• More of sensitive species = higher water quality• Total # = biotic index

G.4.2 Outline the factors that contributed to the extinction of one named animal species.• Carolina parakeet

– Extinct in wild since 1900– NY south Colorado– Mid-1800s, settlers cleared trees for farming– Destroyed habitat– Honeybee introduced @ same time, compete for hollow

trees (parakeets use to nest)– HATS! Feathers (yellow, orange)– Live capture for pets

• Dodo• passenger pigeon • thyracine (Tasmanian wolf)

G.4.3 Outline the biogeographical features of nature reserves that promote the conservation of diversity.• edge effects, size and habitat corridors• SLOSS—single large or several small?

– Large is better b/c small have low pop #s, extinction risk & more edge area overall—org @ edge @ more predation risk or competition from invasives risk

• Large nature reserves usually promote conservation of biodiversity more effectively than small ones. The ecology of the edges of ecosystems is different from the central areas, due to edge effects. – Ex. of edge effect: egg-laying habits of cowbird (western US)

• Feeds in open areas, but lays eggs in nests of other birds, near edges of forests.

• Fragmentation of forests considerable increase in cowbird populations b/c increase in forest edge.

• Wildlife corridors allow organisms to move between different parts of a fragmented habitat, for example, tunnels under busy roads.

G.4.4 Discuss the role of active management techniques in conservation.

• Local example:• Restoration• Recovery of threatened species• Removal of introduced species• Legal protection against development/pollution• Funding and prioritizing

G.4.5 Discuss the advantages of in situ conservation of endangered species (terrestrial and aquatic nature reserves).• in situ conservation = keeping them in the natural

habitat, conditions they’re adapted to• Goal: continue adapting, w/o interference (invasives,

humans)– Marine: rare, but ocean needs more protection– Terrestrial: common

• Protect target species (maintain habitat)• Defend them from predators• Remove invasives• Lg enough area to maintain lg population• Lg enough population to maintain genetic diversity

It doesn’t always work...

• If species is so endangered it needs more protection

• Pop not lg enough to maintain gen diversity

• Destruction can’t be controlled (invasives, humans, natural disasters)

G.4.6 Outline the use of ex situ conservation measures, including captive breeding of animals, botanic gardens and seed banks.

• LAST resort• Can’t be kept in natural habitat safely or pop too small• Captive breeding:

– Zoos: artificial insemination (use pedigrees), embryo transfer to surrogate moms, cryogenics, human-raised young

– Problems: introduce these to wild? Can introduce disease to fragile wild pop. (desert tortoises...resp disease); issues of instinct/learning/imprinting

• Botanical gardens:– Way easier; can add wild plants w/wild genes to keep

gen diversity• Seed banks:

– Cold, dark conditions slow metabolism, stop germination

– Can be dormant for decades!!
