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Gah- 4th Icssh

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  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Global Association forHumanities and Social Science

    Research (GAHSSR)

    4th International Conference on Social Scienceand Humanities (ICSSH)


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Conference Details

    Conference Name 4th International Conference on

    Social Science and Humanities(ICSSH), 18-! "ul# !1$, %uala&um'ur

    Conference R& htt'**+ahssror+*4th-international-conference-on-


    Conference /enue Rumah Uniersit!" Uniersit!of #ala!a" $uala %umpur"


    0eadline for Abstract* a'erSubmission

    12 "ul# !1$

    Contact 3mail I0 info&gahssr.org

    Conference Conener 0r 0oroth# CWASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Online Application Form

    lease fill the online application form

    for appl!ing to the conference.

     Application "in#http://gahssr.org/online-application-form.php$i%&'(stat)s&application

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Call for apers

    Dear Colleagues/Professors/Students,

    International Academic Conferences promote international dissemination of knowledge and development of 

     cross-national academic fraternity. !e participants come from different "ackgrounds and countries. !ey s!are t!eir researc!es, e#periences and informally create long-lasting "onds.

    It !as "een commonly o"served t!at people lack t!e motivation and confidence of taking part in

    international events, "asically due to self-made or cultural in!i"itions.

    $e recogni%e t!is factor, and we make sure to support and motivate first timers and also seasoned

     academicians "y&


    'enerating your academic and professional relations!ips

    (oosting your morale and confidence of presenting your researc! in an international platform

    Clearing your in!i"itions of ad)usting to t!e foreign environmentProviding a !olistic e#perience of academic tourism

    !e participation in t!e international conference may "e under following categories&


    *riginal +esearc! Articles

    Pu"lis!ed Articles

    +esearc! Poster 

    Dissertation/ P!D Synopsis

    +esearc! A"stract

    istener/ Co-aut!or A"sentia

    A"stract/ Paper/ Synopsis Su"mission

    Prospective aut!ors are invited to su"mit ull Papers/ A"stract of *riginal +esearc! work or, Synopsis of

    P!D/Dissertation, Pu"lis!ed work, iew-points or $ay orward/ Poster "y filling t!e online application form.

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    ICSS* Conference Themes

    Recent research tren%s in social sciences for %e+elopment of:

    Deeper )n%erstan%ing of arts, c)lt)re, lang)age, religion, commerce, go+ernance an%societ!

    Sol)tions for challenges in aca%emics an% practice

    I%eas for cleaner, healthier an% s)stainale societ! an% en+ironment

    Changes an% e+ol)tion in mass me%ia, %igital me%ia, o)rnalism an% entertainment

    St)%ies on forest an% ri+er conser+ation, r)ral %e+elopment an% goo% go+ernance

    To)rism, c)lt)ral echange, hospitalit! an% catering technolog!

    h!sical e%)cation, sports promotion an% recreational acti+ities

    Sol)tions to social e+ils an% prolems ca)se% ! me%ia, technolog! an% cons)merism

    Wor#-life alance an% a%%ressing iss)es ca)se% ! changing life-st!les

    0ew anal!sis of histor!, infl)ential personalities an% ci+ili1ations

    St)%ies on %e+elopmental economics an% li+elihoo% generation

    ICT applications for e%)cation, research, co)nseling an% commercial acti+ities

    2n%erstan%ing of h)man ps!cholog!, relationships an% changing eliefs an% +al)es!stems

     Anal!sis of h)man rights iss)es, gen%er st)%ies, rehailitation an% social %e+elopmentchallenges

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    ICSS* Conference Themes

    3cont%.4Research an% i%eas for teaching, e%)cation an% learning prolems

     A%+ance% concept)al #nowle%ge, protocols an% est practices

    Worl% peace, %efense st)%ies, national sec)rit! an% stale international sociopolitical


    Research an% anal!sis on )%iciar! an% legal s!stem, constit)tion an% %emocrac!

    I%eas, concepts, anal!sis, strategies an% e+al)ation of organi1ational management,)siness practices, economic policies, monetar! s!stem, acco)nting an% taation,

    finance an% laws

    5ntreprene)rship an% 6S65s

    Online platforms for )siness, networ#ing, go+ernance, health, sec)rit! an% social


     A%ministrati+e an% political reformsInternational )siness an% comm)nication, treaties an% tra%e reforms

    St)%ies on "ang)ages an% "iterat)re


    Other iss)es of interest relate% to social science an% h)manities

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Registration/ a!ment

    Categor! Registration ee

    resenter US* +,-

    articipation in sentia US* 0--

    %istener/ Co1author US* +--

    dditional aper Sumission US* 2,- (per paper)riend/ amil! of articipant US* ,-

     3oung Researcher Scholarship(nl! for Students/ ResearchScholars)

    R55 (%imited to , Seatsnl!)*etails are aailale on

    conference 6esiteA''l# for the conference usin+ the online re+istration form 5nce#ou receie an inoice and initation letter, the re+istration 'rocessbe+ins 7olloin+ 'a#ment o'tions aailable on conference ebsite7  Bank Transfer 7  Paypal (Card Payment)

    7  On Spot Payment on conference day WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Conference 8en)e

    niversity of 0alaya, 12324 5uala

    umpur, 0AA6SIA

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh



    2ni+ersit! of 6ala!a, is centrall! locate% in 9)ala ")mp)r,near 9" Sentral. 9" Sentral is the central transportation h)of 9". It is s)rro)n%e% ! se+eral hotels an% g)est ho)ses.

    The participants are s)ggeste% to oo# the hotel/accommo%ation of their choice near 9" Sentral. o) ma!

    )se an! oo#ing wesite for the same.




    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    )lication Opport)nitiesP+*C77DI8'S 9A(S+ACS *07:

     5O"5: International ;o)rnal of Social Sciences< ISS0 '=>=->?@@

    rocee%ings will also e s)mitte% to C09I 3China 0ational 9nowle%geInfrastr)ct)re4 for archi+ing an% in%eing.

    SP7CIA ISS7/ +7'A+ ISS7 I8 ;*+8A

    Aut!ors of all original full-lengt! papers will "e considered forpu"lication in t!e following )ournal. sual peer review policies apply.

    5O"5: International ;o)rnal of Social Sciences 9ISS8 ??: is anopen access, %o)le-lin%, peer-re+iewe% an% referee% o)rnal.

    eopleB p)lishes original papers, re+iew papers, concept)al framewor#,anal!tical an% sim)lation mo%els, case st)%ies, empirical research, technicalnotes, an% oo# re+iews.

    CrossRef DOI assigne% for all p)lishe% articles

    oogle Scholar In%eing

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    6ore )lication Opport)nitiesThe following partner o)rnal %o not allocate special iss)es. Selecte% est

    papers from the conference will e consi%ere% for p)lication in this o)rnal an% AC wille orne ! the Conference Committee. 2s)al o)rnal policies an% peer-re+iew policiesappl!:

    !e +upkat!a ;ournal on Interdisciplinary Studies in @umanities ISS8 2?B1-

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    hoto aller!

    A*SSR Faceoo# age E Al)m

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    8i%eo aller!

    A*SSR o)t)e Channel

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


     Ao)t A*SSR

      loal Association for *)manities an% Social ScienceResearch 3A*SSR4 is a gloal gro)p of scholars, aca%emicians an%professionals from the fiel% of *)mainities an% Social Sciences forenco)raging intellect)al %e+elopment an% pro+i%ing oppor)nities fornetwor#ing an% collaoration. This association achie+es its oecti+e

    thro)gh aca%emic networ#ing, meetings, conferences, wor#shops,proects, research p)lications, aca%emic awar%s an% scholarships.The association is %ri+en ! the g)i%ance of the a%+isor! oar%memers. Scholars, Aca%emicians, rofessionals are enco)rage% tofreel! oin A*SSR an% ecome a part of a this association, wor#ingfor enefit of aca%emia an% societ! thro)gh research an% inno+ation.

    ecome A*SSR "ifetime 6emer 3no memership fee4 !filling a simple application form: C"IC9 *5R5

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    *ur Colla"orations/ Partner/ enue Providers

    loal R an% D Ser+ices +t. "t%., In%ia 3romoter4

    0an!ang Technological 2ni+ersit!, Singapore 38en)e ro+i%er4

    il%i1 Technical 2ni+ersit!, ==@ eGi#taG, Istan)l, T)r#e! 38en)e ro+i%er4

    R)mah 2ni+ersit!, 2ni+ersit! of 6ala!a, 9)ala ")mp)r, 6ala!sia 38en)ero+i%er4

    Imperial College "on%on, So)th 9ensington Camp)s, "on%on SWH 'A, 2938en)e ro+i%er4

    )ein ahra Technical 2ni+ersit!, Iran 3Collaoration4Research an% 6ar#ets "imite%, D)lin, Irelan% 3Collaoration4

    C09I 3China 0ational 9nowle%ge Infrastr)ct)re4, China 3Collaoration4

    International ;o)rnal of Comp)ter Science an% )siness Informatics 3I;CSI4,6a)riti)s 3Collaoration4

    "inton 2ni+ersit! College, 9T ro)p, 6ala!sia 3Collaoration4

     Asian Instit)te of Technolog! 3AIT4, Conference Center, ang#o#, Thailan%38en)e ro+i%er4

    eacf)l 6in% Fo)n%ation, In%ia 3artner4

    Tresori "t%. 6a)riti)s 3Collaoration4

    International ;o)rnal of "earning, Teaching an% 5%)cational Research,6a)riti)s 3Collaoration4

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Conference Calen%ar pril 0-27 8 3ildi9 echnical Uniersit!" Istanul" ur;e!

    » International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 28-29 April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 28-29 April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), 2*-2" April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on +earning, %d$cation and edagogy (+%A), 2"-2 April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on sychology, +ang$age and Teaching (IC+T), 2-28 April 2!", Istan#$l

    » International Conference on ealtcare, .$rsing and /isease 0anageent (./0), 29-1 April 2!",


    » International Conference on iotechnology, io Inforatics, io 0edical Sciences and Ste Cell

    Applications (1SC), 29-1 April 2!", Istan#$l

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Conference Calen%ar #a! 0-27 8 Uniersit! of #ala!a" $uala %umpur" #ala!sia

    » 2nd International Conference on %n&irotech, Cleantech and 'reentech (%C'), 2"-2 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    » 2nd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 2"-2 0ay 2!",

    3$ala +$p$r

    » 2nd International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), 21-2* 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    » 2nd International Conference on +earning %d$cation and edagogy (+%A), 24-2* 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    » 2nd International Conference on sychology, +ang$age and Teaching (IC+T), 2*-2" 0ay 2!", 3$ala


    » 2nd International Conference on ealthcare .$rsing and /isease 0anageent (./0), 2-28 0ay

    2!", 3$ala +$p$r

    » 2nd International Conference on iotechnology, io Inforatics, io 0edical Sciences and Ste Cell

    Applications (1SC), 2-28 0ay 2!", 3$ala +$p$r

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Conference Calen%ar  

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Conference Calen%ar Septemer 0-27 8 Imperial College %ondon" %ondon" United $ingdom

    = 11th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH), 19-

    ! Se't, !1$, &ondon

    ctoer 0-27 8 Regal riental Hotel" Hong $ong

    » "th International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), !-!8 6cto#er 2!", ong


    Noemer 0-27 1 Nan!ang echnological Uniersit!" Singapore

    » th International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), -8 .o&e#er 2!",


    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Conference Calen%ar *ecemer 0-27 8 lora >rand Hotel" *uai" U5

    » 8th International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), !-!8 /ec 2!", /$#ai

    *ecemer 0-27 8 sian Institute of echnolog!" ?ang;o;" hailand

    » 9th International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), 2"-2 /ec

    2!", ang7o7, Thailand

    eruar! 0-2@ 1 lora >rand Hotel" *uai" U5

    » !th International Conference on Social Science and $anities (ICSS), !8-!9 e#

    2!, /$#ai

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/

  • 8/16/2019 Gah- 4th Icssh


    Than# o)

     Appl! 0owhttp://gahssr.org/in%e.php

    WASRTI - http://wasrti.org/
