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Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-26...

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THE GAINESVILLE SUN FEBKUARY 2 i HUH J wWwV 5 d 6 WI 4 = = + GAINESVILLE teenaker II tttSJ M Ottecrrire n- I Mareb S iwt- ffMMhtfi tftty sjstey thud Ttanday Editor and Publr TBS Week 8m II B year ii Last BdvirthMBitaX A Use 171 110 yr 110 ttJBJBtBl 011 CBSBBMf has Mw4 Bf llm Wtern Yasjto JBta Dt bats MWBtA Irf Iks rweat p kM gives H if tfct HIM JB k will probably try Ia sjtsltr t te Bltowtsl to vets Bt IBB lurch day ttiii iife c Btrj- rn K2B Ipt1 pi reset WMAMuA fe k AAttlABUBA tfkf kAfll sA tt PV W WH BBBjyBfMt Mrs had Btwf JBIBBftft f his B tfctfS BS S BfM iMBCr BO MB- ABM to M ItBk a BUfiaJaRMBt Bil wits fBff all ill BM wrtIalyal- MBisl bo settled af BMMtr Bay teft r ftM ttaf J IBWB V W WCTi PW VsTMTf- Aslu Af PfJB WfeM H BBBMB M Uw CffBCtel B BM Mwtatty t ask Frwk Clark ef this sleet to HBBM lather his Mil regard MnaMallliB rllMBBe la lo BBl spires BvBtlM H Will Rest toatrtBlBly rip aid it i IhifW U this lBBtBB that the right FnaBOota IB dhrBBtiBR the Claim with i ABfBttlM BB ta whisk the older 9t tkB IVB cities sot mush BBtMtMtiea to either city ia being the Must vat Bt present tine the pMttea is which i the livliest The BU tBwa an not always the oaea that BBBfto are looking for but they wins slum uptodate Wateh iainesville- yB progressive people The Live Oak Daily Democrat of the 231 says that Deputy United States Martha T J Buadriz went down to Wilaumh yesterday aid arrested Jesse Hart is charged with selling Hope B without securing a got stamens peens Mr Hats was tak- BB to Jackaeaf Ills last night The got eraseae odeiala seem to else Hop ales as malt liquors std are deter atlaed to ezaet from the venders a li sense If they take out a government la a dry county it is prima faeia evideaee that they are violating the total option laws so they art be twt a two and the only way to avBid arrest be to deal only in red lemonade and peppermint drop far which ao Hqoos license it required the Will taattet trader or Coe I at II XcOU Y lnKaJrfloJi Magle lien Ile tine lit IIDedt111t I- On OL1I Lair Y I Ie Ga1- 1I1ILII H uM AI II roe t- It cOO Tye cIMI Is par tsz II the la- W M HI A- In Siam If WI I IMti Il jlr 1 1 Tlse nfl u Ute M n Is rna tile win wali la f lee to 4 Yereeeeta Act w WeLlet did L L Taaesa ev T wise It1 iAe espies fie AsTATttaae ATai flat fat f1Nt and 10e ts feresisls aadi- rISillllttssrties M SetM ea tassttle M asrated- I lJllap 1ataithsd ttpeet- w iearted1- 1A1i A mss a lla isM sM Nse 1 a s fled UsJ- as3esrsalis ti MWas ly- i Oseta t isms i ii sills b sN state et a- Ptslalsi thItsrglsiw s4 at tit- m u dr dslsIi th pbUs trash tq ebisy e s IN Sslksa has NsMil41 s bussed eehi epelglsetios it aeeewy- s M getst peal hf r the seendt- tr11 Ia th sa1g aestk li ik Iiilst ds- pJuIsR f rep ss of t taalae tdtisl ib bests elf his sad- rsaesabea W bNINN aStsiveaary S- M Mitlt Mt ra oak v T did r s and M add Mike pate ehk Baida the tie Taberaeekp thus have at c sea 4 aYrsrs MvsI 1111 wlmiss- b 4 Osspsr sass eti tall of asherI a1 be sk IsIs the fin death sea Bale IA punt a people t1 of the state 7Ca Ceageepss diltriit ptilsg a able s Sag a smug lphl4sa ppssltles let the s01s11se Is There the t w who lees Ire h r J k > > < = = GETTING WORSE The Jasper Nws shows no scns of improvement in i growing more each week and farther from the facts In vast wee it say Turn to chapter p Re 8 of the last triennial report of the State Superintendent ant read the answer there given Speak it out so that we can all hear it How many days in strection on aa average do chil- dren of the coramoa people get in the year Fifty day Think of it The vchool o laud rd by the advocates of the Buckaaan law for the purpose ef hoodwinking the eeatatoa are taught only days ia a year ea aa average sad asaay ef slew taaftkt ia skaek and sad only 7J7 to e peadd oa sash aekalar The table here cited by the editor of The News give the average to ekeol tot lest and the fact I that beat per seat of theaiaever eater sebaal ahkaagk fa eilitiet sad aceosaaiodatieM lie pro- vided for tkesa Tke taw resjalree that every leanly their ekooa fear BMatk at least trod the average af days eekeaKag give ia the BaWto aekcel U10 aad every child ia the Skate eeasi attea4 if they waaM- Ia his tatea ent regard ing the 75000 annual appreariatiea of the BackauM law ka does set state the assail peas sad lasaliee that it is tyeat the twa aekeektbe Univer- sity std tke Female College wkea the Mel to that the laatituta fee the Blind Deaf and Dmab has M itadeate wkiek have to be fed sad aakeatosl and partly eletked oat of this aataaat also the Cetorei Normal Sekoel wktok 3K- OBtadcat has to be partly provided for set ef this araoaat The Sun ka sever tried to distort the feats la this matter tad sever will TIle igarea the reports show what can be had by the children of school age bat a there I ne eonpulsory school law and the people will not eaaipel then children to attend school the Baekatan law eaaaot be blamed fer such neglect oa the part of parents of children t the t pIe lIt In atla last lunar i f I shoat Jeep ski satin fed Rues red iamb N hat ¬ ¬ ¬ + been repeatedly shown that the sours of steely IB the high schools under the Baekaaaa law makes no de aaad for other preparatory schools When the lye or six minor colleges skit have been abolished were la opera atiaa the people af the smeller towns were obliged ta tend their children to Bartow Gainesville other col- lege or seatlaary sailed preparatory ackeale to it then far the University while now the etasiaate free the high sekeel at Waldo at High Springs can ester the State University aa their dipleata eaheols after leiekiaff tke twelfth grads with eat teadiag these away from home or eesBpelllag them te buy a la which te appear oa dress parade And what is still more If a young aa desires to fit himself for ordinary bwiaese panaits and doe desire the higher Mutation he sea under the Baekmaa school law get aa edueatloa- eafleleat to eater into any line of seer eaatile from mane ia the free public schools of Flotilla A FRIEND TO FLORIDA YOUTH The death of John B Stetson who pateed away Sunday at DeLand almost within tight of the great university which he gave to the youth of Florida for special mourning ea the part ef the people of this State says The Tampa Tribune Sir Stetson wa a selfmade man He began life a a hatter ea a small scale By untiring industry and ener- gy he built op a mammoth establish meat devoted to the manufacture of mens stylish head wear employing 3500 men Seeking a field for the expenditure of a portion of fortune in good works for his fellowman he selected DeLand in thi sunny Land of Flowers a the seat of a great university where the youth of this State and of the South might obtain collegiate training at mall expanse Stetson University stands a a mon nmentto big iarted founder No man could have a bur one and his good deeds will live on for all time through the work of th grand educational Institution LIQUOR LICENSES There before Congress which if adopted will prevent the in- ternal revenue department from is- suing licenses to sell liquor in the State counties end municipalities where laws prohibiting such sale have patted says The Tampa Daily That This bill ought to become a I elM Irena bashes sail his its build I i bill likes osseous fro the a s a bees ¬ > ¬ > ¬ ¬ + law speedily Whtn the people of a political corporation have enacted law agait t the sale of I quor the general Eovvrnment hold nut be a party to its violation The withdrawal of F t- Jer l licenses from prohibited territory and locally unicmsed individual would a better and stronger tep toward restriction of the sale of li- quor than all things which have yet been done in that direction Just what are the provisions of the law we do not know but the first one should b that no Federal license shall he is- sued to any individual who is not al- ready in possession of a license from the local authorities NEW RAILROADS- The Seaboard is after a line from Cincinnati to the South through Ken tacky Teaaeesee and Georgia to reach some point la Florida OB the West Cones There i a plan on foot to pct through a railroad from Tampa ta Atlanta and among all these new line that are surely sowing it would seem that Gaiatsvllle ought to be on some ef them And there is a gocd prospect that she will A direct line teCiaciBBBti would be a good thing for and it would be a goes schema for the wholesalers at Ciaciaaa Bet whether the Seaboard or aa in- dependent trunk line would be the most beneficial remain to be seen At preeeat we are hampered by high freight rate and slow transit The uptodate nerchaat wants a line that can hustle hi goods from the whole tale centers at a rapid rate and have them here when season open and It should also be so regelated that the freight oa a eonsRament of goods should tot exceed the price of the goods at wholesale When these dim collie can be overcome and the ship- per of send his stuff to market- at a reasonable price we can compete with the world The interior of Florida wants com peting lines of railroad with sufficient rolling stock to handle the business that the rapid growth of the country demand Then watch Florida grow b a lOB she produce this ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GOOD STOCK The demand for meats in Florida has caused many of our farmers to look around and see if the home market could not be supplied with homera ed stock Instead of being obliged to resort to embalmed stuff that is ship- ped in as Western meat The result has been that we steadily becom- ing of outsider and can now take care of ourselves The St Locie Tribune its last i sue gives 3 H Gaitskill a fine sendoff- in describing a carload of beeves and hogs which the East Coast Cattle Co received from Mr Gaitskills stock farm in Marion county near Mclc There were thirty head of cattle and forty hotfftn the bunch for which Mr Gaitskill received over 91000 The beef cattle were mixed blood crossed between a pure male Hereford and na- tive cows two years old and dressed from 800 to 400 pounds each The pigs six months old Berkshire stock dress- ed from 60 to 120 pounds The above is only another illustration of what can be done in the stock line by those who iderstand and thoroughly appreciate- the situation and Mr Gaitskill is one of these and is setting a splendid ex- ample for other Marion couctyitci to follow MAYOR THOMAS For tin terms Major W K Thomas served the city of Gainesville as mayor and the dignity with which he has officiated in that capacity has been creditable to himself and the city The stranger who has come here and met Mayor Thomas always been fa- vorably Impressed and he done much to inculcate a good opinion on all He has teen at the head of all movements that were for the ben in- terest of the city and always kn ty when and how to act So movement for the welfare of Gainesville has escaped notice nod while he has ben a buy man with hi again he b courteous to all in regard to matter that concern the city He will retire from the office with the best wither of all our citizen a friend to vary good thing for the city of Gainesville ENTERPRISING COMPANY There is no rue denying the fact that the Fast Florida Telephone Company is under a wideawake management and that the phone are placed in busi tieis places as a convenience for sob scribers When there is toy annoy Ire Deb I has has I hi has n I I I has n i own ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ V PEAS draw nitrogen from the air in large amounts if sufficient POTASH and phosphoric acid are supplied to the plant The multitude of purposes served by the remarkable cow pea are told in the illustrated book The Cow Pea which also tells of the splendid results obtained from fertilizing cow peas with POTASH The book- is free to farmers for the asking i 65 page MAN Visaet J iw Ptssae egR Kith tM reExltr se few slref late the trouble is sought out cad the difijulty removed This line reaches nearly all of the towns in the county besides making connections with other line and the wires are now strung from one end of Alachaa county to the other and more being added every day It i very eon reaicni for farmers as well a b isinets men and it will only be a short time when the Florida Telephone Com- pany instruments will be found in of the adjoining counties- A POLITICAL WARNING- We are given to understand that Lake City proposes to elect this year a Legislature favorable to the repeal of the Bookman bill and the relocation of the State University at Lake City Meantime the officials having the matter ID charge are expending 70000 in the construction of University at Gainesville If Lake City succeeds in her effort the money spent at Gainesville will be thrown away and our educational system will suffer an- other revolution Ell I many ¬ + If the people of Florida are in favor of it it all right a they will have to pay the bill and suffer the confu- sion that may result But if they are not in favor of it they should see to it that each candidate for the Legislature in every county makes a distinct and intelligible declaration of attitude on this question It is very apparent to all close ob- server that a large majority of the people of Florida are satisfied with the results of the enactment of the Buck man bill Punta Gorda Herald While The Herald made a timely suggestion we think there nothing to fear train that source B nre the Leg islatureconvenes again the new State University at Gainesvill will be in such complete rnnninc order that there be only a few to make com- plaint FOR MAYOR Louis C Lynch has come out with announcement for the office of mayor of Gainesville Mr is a Gainesville product has resided here from childhood has served as one of the City Council for several terms is thoroughly acquainted with the needs of the city and being progressive is thoroughly up to the times As a citizen he is well known as a man who knows right from wrong and keeps to the right If he is elected mayor there need be no fear of retro- gression in the affairs of the city Is a man who will stand up for his home town at all hazards NOTICE OF INCORPORATION- Notice is given that we the undersigned intend to aptly to the Governor of the Stat of Florida for Letter Patent to be i ued to the Ala chug Mnnofac tiring Company a po ei1 corporation the Laws of lh Stnt rf Florida of which cam 1iiif thf follnTint hni be the Articles- of Incorporation notice i given pursuant to the requirement of the State of and the ArtHe of Incorporation hive tIn tiled wits S tfretnry f State and are given l l w W C RIVE I A WIMIKI- Ivu T MIXKLIX- U TrRNK- KWT Krvu Antic E ram of thi corpor- ation AIM in M iNO COMPANY The principal place i business of said coppration bt Alachaa Alachua county Florida but the corporation have the powei to establish plants agencies wherever and whenever they may deem advisable ABTICLBH The general nature o this corporation shall be and of cotton The copora tioD shall have the power and author ity to buy and tell cotton cottonseed his I his Lyn h al- b hereby TIn th ITt shall hI shall and t ttlnDrllj this 1 t r ot1c he ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + ahinery fertilizer sad iagredient used in the manufacturing of fertili- zers The corporation shall sin have the power and authority to install and operate for the aaaaufactar tag of to install and oper ate B system of waterwerks Bad elec- tric corporation shall have power generally to and per form have and all other property powers and things as shall be necessary or exped lent for the conduct of the business and generally to be vested with and to have all powers aow granted or which may hereafter be granted to for profit uader the Law of the State of Florida ARTICLE III The amount of capital stock of said corporation shall be TwentyFive Thousand Dollars di- vided into one thousand shares of twentyfive dollars each la par value Said stock my be paid in either In or by labor or with material Of said capital stock the entire one shares have been subscribed and sixty per cent of their par value is now paid in The corporation shall have the Rower increase the capital to an amount aot exceeding one hun- dred thousand AKTKIB IV The term for which this corporation is to exist for nine tynine year ARTICLE business and affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a a a Sec- retary and a Treasurer and a Board of It shall not be deemed that these offices may not be filled sev- erally it being permissible that one person may hold two or more offices- at the tame time The Board of Direc- tors shall be elected from among the stockholders OB the twentyfifth of March 1806 and annually thereafter The President shall he elected from among the Board of Directors the first election and until their successor are elected and qualified the following officers and di- rector shall conduct the business of company W C Rive President R A Turner J T Micelle Secretary and Treasurer ARTICLE VI The amount of ndebetness or liablity to wnieh this incorporation may at any time twentyfive thousand dollars The names and residence of the of orporation and the subscribers of the stock thereof with the number of snares subscribed for by radii are as follows V C RITE J A WILLIAM Jxo T MIZKLLK R A TIHMCR or 107 ooc Before me an officer authorized by the Laws of Florida to and instru nd description came the above parties to me persons who did sign the above instru Pun offlcial seal in the year of our Lrd 19CJ Seal IE Notary Public XOTICH t m the My to- tt w Detroit Mick EEUS J cash VThe eoft the I hl helt said SCr II lU- I I Ids 333 Rlvzr use Shire written m nll of an kinds JCned known known to the identical t rlJ8M on that did sign the same for the purpose there I in set out hand and d of FtbrulrJ I II I InmmltioJ 11 1919- i I I rIo ttit It ter nrt lotIDhlttll tW d liatr6 A II I I Wi Judr hu orfdr rt t f Ie I t J oi j unr n r1 t fIr d t I Trt wt t r It r Tme ISUt It 1 Ii L t this corpora- tions thous- and stock is President in- corporators No 1643 1v1 witness papers and bet and aye they i My ti fibs t 1ter7 four tlreB the herrnt tt 1 r tte nuhts of t rnntt fr tor n nnrr Ute urrnr t the rd t- rin K Ikr e hr o RneL 4M- yr d- s w an tat t tr l p- a I lYe rent trawl 011 FERRY 8 CO f k i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > °
Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-26 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01407/00773.pdfuptodate nerchaat wants a line that can hustle hi goods from the






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teenaker II tttSJ M Ottecrrire n-

I Mareb S iwt-

ffMMhtfi tftty sjstey thud Ttanday

Editor and Publr

TBS Week 8m II B year ii

Last BdvirthMBitaX A Use



yr 110

ttJBJBtBl 011 CBSBBMf hasMw4 Bf llm

Wtern Yasjto JBta Dt

bats MWBtA Irf Iks rweat p kM givesH if tfct HIM JB k will probably try

Ia sjtsltr t te Bltowtsl to vets Bt IBB


dayttiii iife

c Btrj-

rn K2B Ipt1 pi resetWMAMuA fe k AAttlABUBA tfkf kAfll sA ttPV W WHBBBjyBfMt Mrs hadBtwf JBIBBftft f his B

tfctfS BS S BfM iMBCr BO MB-

ABM to M ItBk a BUfiaJaRMBt

Bil wits fBff allill BM wrtIalyal-

MBisl bo settled

af BMMtr Bay teft rftM ttaf J IBWB VW WCTi PW VsTMTf-Aslu AfPfJB

WfeM H BBBMB M Uw CffBCtel BBM Mwtatty t ask

Frwk Clark ef thissleet

to HBBM lather his Mil regardMnaMallliB rllMBBe la lo

BBl spires BvBtlM H Will Rest

toatrtBlBly rip aid it i

IhifW U this lBBtBB that the right

FnaBOota IB dhrBBtiBR the Claim withi ABfBttlM BB ta whisk the older

9t tkB IVB cities sot mushBBtMtMtiea to either city ia being theMust vat Bt present tine thepMttea is which i the livliest TheBU tBwa an not always the oaea thatBBBfto are looking for but they winsslum uptodate Wateh iainesville-yB progressive people

The Live Oak Daily Democrat of the231 says that Deputy United StatesMartha T J Buadriz went down toWilaumh yesterday aid arrested JesseHart is charged with selling

Hope B without securing a gotstamens peens Mr Hats was tak-BB to Jackaeaf Ills last night The goteraseae odeiala seem to else Hopales as malt liquors std are deteratlaed to ezaet from the venders a lisense If they take out a government

la a dry county it is primafaeia evideaee that they are violatingthe total option laws so they art betwt a two and the only way toavBid arrest be to deal only inred lemonade and peppermint dropfar which ao Hqoos license it required


taattet trader or Coe

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The Jasper Nws shows no scns ofimprovement in i growing more

each week and farther fromthe facts In vast wee it say

Turn to chapter p Re 8

of the last triennial report of the StateSuperintendent ant read the answerthere given Speak it out so that wecan all hear it How many days instrection on aa average do chil-

dren of the coramoa people get in theyear Fifty day

Think of it The vchool o laudrd by the advocates of the Buckaaanlaw for the purpose ef hoodwinkingthe eeatatoa are taught only

days ia a year ea aa average sadasaay ef slew taaftkt ia skaek and

sad only 7J7 to e peaddoa sash aekalar

The table here cited by the editor ofThe News give the average to

ekeol tot lest andthe fact I that beat per seat oftheaiaever eater sebaal ahkaagk faeilitiet sad aceosaaiodatieM lie pro-

vided for tkesa Tke taw resjalree thatevery leanly their ekooafear BMatk at least trod the average

af days eekeaKag give ia theBaWto aekcel U10 aad every childia the Skate eeasi attea4 if theywaaM-

Ia his tatea ent regard ing the75000 annual appreariatiea of theBackauM law ka does set state theassail peas sad lasaliee that it istyeat the twa aekeektbe Univer-sity std tke Female College wkea theMel to that the laatituta fee the BlindDeaf and Dmab has M itadeate wkiekhave to be fed sad aakeatosl and partlyeletked oat of this aataaat also theCetorei Normal Sekoel wktok 3K-OBtadcat has to be partly provided forset ef this araoaat

The Sun ka sever tried to distortthe feats la this matter tad sever willTIle igarea the reports show whatcan be had by the children of schoolage bat a there I ne eonpulsoryschool law and the people will noteaaipel then children to attend schoolthe Baekatan law eaaaot be blamedfer such neglect oa the part of parents

of children










f I


Jeepski satin


Rues red








been repeatedly shown thatthe sours of steely IB the high schoolsunder the Baekaaaa law makes no deaaad for other preparatory schoolsWhen the lye or six minor collegesskit have been abolished were la operaatiaa the people af the smeller townswere obliged ta tend their children toBartow Gainesville other col-

lege or seatlaary sailed preparatoryackeale to it then far the Universitywhile now the etasiaate free the highsekeel at Waldo at High Springs canester the State University aa theirdipleata eaheolsafter leiekiaff tke twelfth grads witheat teadiag these away from home oreesBpelllag them te buy a lawhich te appear oa dress parade

And what is still more If a youngaa desires to fit himself for ordinary

bwiaese panaits and doe desire thehigher Mutation he sea under theBaekmaa school law get aa edueatloa-eafleleat to eater into any line of seereaatile from mane ia thefree public schools of Flotilla


The death of John B Stetson whopateed away Sunday at DeLand almostwithin tight of the great universitywhich he gave to the youth of Florida

for special mourning ea the partef the people of this State says TheTampa Tribune

Sir Stetson wa a selfmade manHe began life a a hatter ea a smallscale By untiring industry and ener-gy he built op a mammoth establishmeat devoted to the manufacture ofmens stylish head wear employing3500 men

Seeking a field for the expenditureof a portion of fortune in goodworks for his fellowman he selectedDeLand in thi sunny Land of Flowersa the seat of a great university wherethe youth of this State and of theSouth might obtain collegiate trainingat mall expanse

Stetson University stands a a monnmentto big iarted founder Noman could have a bur oneand his good deeds will live on for alltime through the work of th grandeducational Institution


There before Congresswhich if adopted will prevent the in-

ternal revenue department from is-

suing licenses to sell liquor in theState counties end municipalitieswhere laws prohibiting such sale have

patted says The Tampa Daily

That This bill ought to become a








Ii bill



fro the a











law speedily Whtn the people of a

political corporation have enacted lawagait t the sale of I quor the generalEovvrnment hold nut be a party to

its violation The withdrawal of F t-

Jer l licenses from prohibited territoryand locally unicmsed individualwould a better and stronger teptoward restriction of the sale of li-

quor than all things which have yetbeen done in that direction Justwhat are the provisions of the law we

do not know but the first one shouldb that no Federal license shall he is-

sued to any individual who is not al-

ready in possession of a license fromthe local authorities


The Seaboard is after a line fromCincinnati to the South through Kentacky Teaaeesee and Georgia toreach some point la Florida OB theWest Cones There i a plan on footto pct through a railroad from Tampata Atlanta and among all these newline that are surely sowing it wouldseem that Gaiatsvllle ought to be onsome ef them And there is a gocdprospect that she will A direct lineteCiaciBBBti would be a good thingfor and it would be agoes schema for the wholesalers atCiaciaaa

Bet whether the Seaboard or aa in-

dependent trunk line would be themost beneficial remain to be seenAt preeeat we are hampered by highfreight rate and slow transit Theuptodate nerchaat wants a line thatcan hustle hi goods from the wholetale centers at a rapid rate and havethem here when season open andIt should also be so regelated that thefreight oa a eonsRament of goodsshould tot exceed the price of thegoods at wholesale When these dimcollie can be overcome and the ship-

per of send his stuff to market-at a reasonable price we can competewith the world

The interior of Florida wants competing lines of railroad with sufficientrolling stock to handle the businessthat the rapid growth of the countrydemand Then watch Florida grow












The demand for meats in Floridahas caused many of our farmers to lookaround and see if the home marketcould not be supplied with homeraed stock Instead of being obliged toresort to embalmed stuff that is ship-ped in as Western meat The resulthas been that we steadily becom-ing of outsider and cannow take care of ourselves

The St Locie Tribune its last i

sue gives 3 H Gaitskill a fine sendoff-in describing a carload of beeves andhogs which the East Coast Cattle Coreceived from Mr Gaitskills stockfarm in Marion county near Mclc

There were thirty head of cattleand forty hotfftn the bunch for whichMr Gaitskill received over 91000 Thebeef cattle were mixed blood crossedbetween a pure male Hereford and na-

tive cows two years old and dressedfrom 800 to 400 pounds each The pigssix months old Berkshire stock dress-

ed from 60 to 120 pounds The aboveis only another illustration of what canbe done in the stock line by those who

iderstand and thoroughly appreciate-the situation and Mr Gaitskill is oneof these and is setting a splendid ex-

ample for other Marion couctyitci tofollow


For tin terms Major W K Thomasserved the city of Gainesville as

mayor and the dignity with which hehas officiated in that capacity has beencreditable to himself and the city Thestranger who has come here and metMayor Thomas always been fa-

vorably Impressed and he donemuch to inculcate a good opinion onall He has teen at the head of allmovements that were for the ben in-

terest of the city and always kn ty

when and how to actSo movement for the welfare of

Gainesville has escaped notice nodwhile he has ben a buy man with hi

again he b courteous toall in regard to matter that concernthe city

He will retire from the office withthe best wither of all our citizen a

friend to vary good thing for the cityof Gainesville


There is no rue denying the fact thatthe Fast Florida Telephone Companyis under a wideawake managementand that the phone are placed in busitieis places as a convenience for sobscribers When there is toy annoy







has n














V PEAS draw nitrogen from the

air in large amounts if sufficient

POTASH and phosphoric acid are supplied

to the plant

The multitude of purposes served by the

remarkable cow pea are told in the

illustrated book The Cow Pea which also

tells of the splendid results obtained from

fertilizing cow peas with POTASH The book-

is free to farmers for the asking


65 page




iw PtssaeegR Kith tM reExltr se few slref

late the trouble is sought out cad thedifijulty removed

This line reaches nearly all of thetowns in the county besides makingconnections with other line and thewires are now strung from one end of

Alachaa county to the other and morebeing added every day It i very eonreaicni for farmers as well a b isinetsmen and it will only be a short timewhen the Florida Telephone Com-

pany instruments will be found inof the adjoining counties-


We are given to understand thatLake City proposes to elect this year aLegislature favorable to the repeal ofthe Bookman bill and the relocationof the State University at Lake City

Meantime the officials having thematter ID charge are expending 70000in the construction of University

at Gainesville If Lake Citysucceeds in her effort the money spentat Gainesville will be thrown away andour educational system will suffer an-

other revolution






If the people of Florida are in favorof it it all right a they will haveto pay the bill and suffer the confu-sion that may result But if they arenot in favor of it they should see to itthat each candidate for the Legislaturein every county makes a distinct andintelligible declaration of attitudeon this question

It is very apparent to all close ob-

server that a large majority of thepeople of Florida are satisfied with theresults of the enactment of the Buckman bill Punta Gorda Herald

While The Herald made a timelysuggestion we think there nothing tofear train that source B nre the Legislatureconvenes again the new StateUniversity at Gainesvill will be insuch complete rnnninc order thatthere be only a few to make com-plaint


Louis C Lynch has come out withannouncement for the office of

mayor of Gainesville Mr is aGainesville product has resided herefrom childhood has served as one ofthe City Council for several terms isthoroughly acquainted with the needsof the city and being progressive isthoroughly up to the times

As a citizen he is well known as aman who knows right from wrong andkeeps to the right If he is electedmayor there need be no fear of retro-gression in the affairs of the city

Is a man who will stand up for hishome town at all hazards


Notice is given that we theundersigned intend to aptly to theGovernor of the Stat of Florida forLetter Patent to be i ued to the Alachug Mnnofac tiring Company apo ei1 corporation the Laws oflh Stnt rf Florida of which cam1iiif thf follnTint hni be the Articles-of Incorporation

notice i given pursuant to therequirement of the State ofand the ArtHe of Incorporation hivetIn tiled wits S tfretnry f Stateand are given l l w


Antic E ram of thi corpor-ation AIM in MiNO COMPANY The principal place ibusiness of said coppration btAlachaa Alachua county Florida butthe corporation have the poweito establish plants agencieswherever and whenever they may deemadvisable

ABTICLBH The general nature othis corporation shall beand of cotton The coporatioD shall have the power and authority to buy and tell cotton cottonseed



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ahinery fertilizer sad iagredientused in the manufacturing of fertili-zers The corporation shall sin havethe power and authority to install andoperate for the aaaaufactartag of to install and operate B system of waterwerks Bad elec-tric corporation shallhave power generally to and perform have andall other property powers and thingsas shall be necessary or expedlent for the conduct of the businessand generally to be vested with and tohave all powers aow granted or whichmay hereafter be granted to

for profit uader the Law of theState of Florida

ARTICLE III The amount of capitalstock of said corporation shall beTwentyFive Thousand Dollars di-

vided into one thousand shares oftwentyfive dollars each la par valueSaid stock m y be paid in either In

or by labor or with material Ofsaid capital stock the entire one

shares have been subscribed andsixty per cent of their par value is nowpaid in The corporation shall havethe Rower increase the capitalto an amount aot exceeding one hun-dred thousand

AKTKIB IV The term for whichthis corporation is to exist for ninetynine year

ARTICLE business and affairsof this corporation shall be managedby a a a Sec-retary and a Treasurer and a Board of

It shall not be deemedthat these offices may not be filled sev-erally it being permissible that oneperson may hold two or more offices-at the tame time The Board of Direc-tors shall be elected from among thestockholders OB the twentyfifth ofMarch 1806 and annually thereafterThe President shallhe elected from among the Board ofDirectors the first election anduntil their successor are elected andqualified the following officers and di-rector shall conduct the business of

company W C Rive PresidentR A Turner J TMicelle Secretary and Treasurer

ARTICLE VI The amount ofndebetness or liablity to wnieh thisincorporation may at any time

twentyfive thousanddollars

The names and residence of theof orporation andthe subscribers of the stock thereof

with the number of snares subscribedfor by radii are as follows



oocBefore me an officer

authorized by the Laws of Florida toand instru

nd descriptioncame the above parties to mepersons who did sign the above instru

Pun offlcial sealin the year of our Lrd 19CJ

Seal IENotary Public


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