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Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-08...

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THE GAINESVILLE SUN MARCH J Hlnr fIP j Y MEETING OF CONTROL WM Hill Tfck City Mewtay Xfishtri Present i ftOLLEOK WES1OENT THERE vttMsvANsjnvesJMeatlnKtaLstf Before JaVMT l lpWera ef Business Nature C nJ e jtssl WIth SchMlsLecatien- l flliaiBifar Mere BuIlsWng vffalar aioatbly meeting of Ik- litait Bettfd ef Edn aiieaal Control NM lMiM la Monday and not r lUkHMBiBg that aetkiig outside of Vjt fsjffjrar reatlae of easiness was the board was lets into Tfc e present at skis meeting K P Bryan ef JseksoavilleH- MW Dr A L Browa of Eustis w K of Pensaeole aad- itBif Jf O Kellusa ef Tallahassee 3 O laMea tke aw member U T B King awittw twsj reaulaiar teem et lit sari were set present aiMrs attaadinf the meet ttr Aajlrew SlesM president if H sVlfpfl ilrecter ef ag- t imiiTclytef the Ueiver f A A Stun yydiisfiats r tke Weawaa Col wke Is aeeona- wHt W A Edwards fsjf Mwsrds A Walter tr MM BMW Ualvenity- B jrtsJeT hee f M beard vUlud the iftiMiswktre a leeatloa- tjfHi WjtJge three ktnw and taipM tit xaeriaMBtal Mtegtei The visitors tales fcelag CM the te- f dttiiiei wjHh asanser- tpftM tAtoiiajw treed ea- V VPMMHMi V 9M A9S fcftMiMM ff Oftrlifle Center y aSHien Avert fear yeas Ago jNHs I kid Bees f ft atvcre kidney kf laWftff twe eo- tMtfV KUMf Cue U ea Maff4llM kthk start sjesHmea- tfttt say wvrfag tke tear M ajsA evM rw ewsM Mlf fti keaftlty VMtyi KMsjiy Cwre te uyeae- K ee anaV 4BwansWy wT MM last that there r tke pelltteal lift Jr f tke Oemty- BatwaM GesBsalUec will flBB BW e K Vw 9iW v BB BjvaWewV W Mly MadUsta te aa- BMNMH it HeaAte H II SfcOreaf- yfjjstillii si ei4 4 te enter the nee aa doabt ee aa- gatote kewever as moos Mt e Matl esKmittee will have tt 0iat IrrtBkJinsifi taW Vel r A C erigiaated MMf ft threat and lung JNHfcaifv M aesjeaat of the great w4 peaataritef Feleys Honey tali far Many lailtatieM are offered iat worthless in- ieHim stanilar soaedlng name rare ef tkeai The geaalae Foley gtftty MIl Tar le la a yellow package tub far U cad refe e any substitute 1 to the bug remedy for cough and F THUS UNDERTAKING CO FULL LINE OF NEW GOODS AGENTS FOR TOMBSTONES IMS FENCES See ear sepses feneaal aueatlea to all mutters la- tttoUae Mall aad telegraph orders resseilr atteaoed to OtiMCville Florida ij iiI r J Ii i ilih In I l 01 flea lie After hI t el 11 I bladder I W WeOslka Ce Ate tvhe lilt OHInwa J Jar 1 fir M IM will I Ii J CIa J I 1 l r r I f J W A NAREI 3 flew r r k t thug city s trg labors wee pls I You sad a H awl ed aM stMS is aNeadaace two tads beiMlaip ad appeared 4 Years eMN ajh Is tbs elapse kidney dl- I glad ii ITef pad a rsiasa nJ any I1PMaM act eel use I a rsrsi 11w NR is be eve siaerIti- cNlltMwt sy pssll lets it Ifs r tbs 4 w inalNlu M Ups Tars r sad e as The bare sects McCellua Co- Ts I l IIISXtJ E iTS sad ti rX t > > > > > < > TWO OPEN LETTERS TO MARRIED W01CN- Km Mary Dimmick of Washington toll Bow Lydia K Finkhama Vegetable Compound Mado Her WelL It IB with great pleasure we publish the following letters as they UH a la our coluaaa that Mrs Itrl the claim we ye so Ifl O1 TAN e prove Dimmick Lynn Maw la fully quail led to civ advice women Read Mrs letters Her first letter Dear Mrs Piakluun- I have be n a sufferer for the eight n with a trouble which Ant originated painful period tbv palm were cruel tile Ionian The doctor says I or I cannot lo out want to to aa operation if I cam possibly aroM it P1 aw nie Wa blntf on 7 Her ftecoad letter Yea wffl condition when I lest wrote yoa aad that the doctor bald I have aa operation or I could not live ived aad folio aerie very carefully aad aa now entirely writ carious it seema a attracts that I ata cored I new that I owe a and I wish offering women read this letter and realize you eaa do for them Mra Mary Duwaick Hew easy It was for Mr Dimmick to write to Pinkaaai at Maaa and how little It cost ker a twocent Yet how valuable was the reply As Mrs Mrs Plnkkam has on file thonsanda- eff t such letters as the above ailing wosaea helpful advice AN INTERESTING MEETING Womans Temperance Union Elects Officers for Term The Woaaans Chriitlaa Temperance Union held aa interesting meeting at the leading Room Thursday alter After perfecting plans for the retjepilea of State Convention which will meet here the 10th of April the following officers were elected Mrs J D Toraer presideat Mra Rogers vicepresident Mra George Doig secretary Mrs W Wilson treasurer for the churches Mra McMillan Presbyterian church Mn Dura Cromwell Baptist church Mrs Haeaptou Episcopal church Mra O B Bailey Da Costa MethodUt church Gives Health Vigor and Tone Herbiae It a boon for tafferers from aaeanis By its use the blood ii- qaiehly regenerated and the color be eoaes normal The drooping treaRlh- Is revived The languor ii diminished Health vigor and tone predominate New life and happy activity results Mra Belle H Shriel Middleborough- III write I have born troubled with liver complaint and poor blood and have found nothing to benefit me like Heroine I hope never to be without it I have wished that I had known of it IB my husbands lifetime cents Sold by W M Johnson The New Bank Building The pavement in front of the new First National Bank building i com- pleted and when cleared away will be one of the handsomest in the city The material employed is concrete and the finish it smooth and perfect The bank expects to move into t new building within a short time the fur aiture which was ordered especially- for the place being the only drawback now This furniture is expected daily and will be installed immediately- upon arrival Torture by Savages Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Philip- pines subject their captives reminds- me of the intense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation- of the kidneys says W M Sherman- of Gushing Me Nothing helped- me until I tried Electric Bitters three bottles of which completely cured rae Cures liver complaint dyspepsia blood disorders and ma restores the weak and ner- vous to robust health Guaranteed by all draggteti of raUon 01 fftB le nowt baTe H If Co I f W twr cue trot life to Lydia B to 1 CU walk RI N all or J D Mala DhRleklhaY ad- en Chill church i Ira i lid i Priee Mr1rA or Plakhaa from a operation bffiht Dim Dear Mrs l iakhaa ri ember anus l won not only m7 health Compound your educe pen sad capitol 8 C fay tree Viee presidents Advent its SOc R > > ¬ ¬ ¬ W B PHIFER MADE RIG DEAL Disposed of Naval Stores Interests- in South Florida- A CONSIDERATION OF 90000 The Tract Embraces 18000 Acres of Fine Timber Land 400000 Boxes and a Complete Naval Stores Outfit- A Deal of Importance- On of the meat important transfer in real estate recorded in Florida in ometime was the ale of 1500O acres of timber land together with furry crop or 10000 hox and the com- plete naval stores outfit of VV It Phi fer located at Abtott Pasco county a few days ago It is underlined the considera- tion was POM A large acreage of the tract is virgin timber and aJ to be among the finest for turpentine purposes in Mr Phifer- purcha ed the tract about two years ace since whieh time he has been op ersting on an rxteusire scale Mr Phifer will continue in the na val stores business at Grove Park where he i interested with Mr Waits He will also probably buy another lo- cation firm of Ihifer v Waits at Piirk who are already extensive op- erators are installing a new still and otherwise improving and extending their interests Doctors Are Puzzled Th remarkable recovery of Kenneth loiter of Vanceboro Me the sub ect of much interest to the medical ffaternity and a circle of friends He says of his ease Owing to ten inflammation of the throat and conge liorl of the lungs three doctors gave me up to die when as a last I was induced tn try Dr Kings New and I am happy to say it sared my life Cures the worst coughs and colds bronchitis tonsilitis week lungs hoarseness and lagrippe Guaranteed at all drug stores 5Q- oaud Trial bottle tree PrevattSledge Perry U Prevatt and Miss Jessie Sledge two well known young people- of this city were married Monday morning at the parsonage Rev T J Niion performing the cere- mony The contracting parties have many friends in this city and section who will extend congratulations Invaluable For Rheumatism I been suffering for the past few years with severe attack of rheu matism and found that Ballanls Snow Liniment was the only thing that gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate- my pains March 34 02John C Kinsman III 25c 60s and M Sold by W M Johnson Death of Mrs Rigdon Mrs Mary Rigdon of Bellamy aced at her home Friday of last week and was buried on Sunday Deceased was born and reared in Baker county and had only been residing in Bellamy for a short time She was a widow lady and is survived by three children- If the Bay is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use that old and well tried remedy Mrs Winslow Sooth- ing Syrup for children teething It soothes the child softens the Rams allays all pain cures wind colic and the nest remedy for diarrhoea Twen tyfive cents a bottle Suites Iran and Well lied Meats hatter UN Vicar Neal 1 irlts Sail Hay and Grain C C D D POWELL JOIII1EKS aad COMMISSION MKKCIIANTS in Furniture Queensware Heavy Groceries Hay Grain and Produce Orflce and Warehouse on A C L Tracnn West Main St S near Baird Hardware C Ware- house Gainesville Fla IligBftt fatli Irliei Paid for Chlckeas Prudute Correspondence Solicited Special attention to Consignments- P O Box Car lots a specialty Wire or write us for City Once Center ef ValTrnlty aid E Calea Streets that Pasco Th I Din tf Fl Iftlhc dill I i I Yen county rove see re- sort have Sprimg llattrrue Chairs Ac Eggs and ltd < ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + KI You Hare Always Be f ht ud which bees use fer over SO years hfta iwnte alto Blynattiro ef- JH Bum fccca made under Ills p Borrnil since UH Infancy Allow BO me to deceive yoa In this All Counterfeits IwltottoM are but perlHientii that tri e with cwlaaiccr the b ltli of IfkaU ClUMreaBxpericBce agalBHt Experiment What is CASTORIA CftntorlA a baradeM Mbatltvte for Castor 011 Pare Boric Drops and Seethta Syreps It Is Pleasant It ceatalaa BclUicr Oalna lIke nor other Narcotio- abstaBce IU age Is IU It dentroyH sad allays FeveribBess It DIarrhcvu anti Wind Colic It relieves Tecthlasj Troubles cures CoiMtlpatlon aad Ftatuleacy It aftttiBtllatcs the Food reifulatet the Stomach and Bowels giving bcalthy and natural sleep The CkiMrcBs Faaacea The Mothers Fricad CCNUINK CASTORIA ALWAYS Seth liB tnn of B The Kind You Haie Always Bought- In Ua For Over 30 Years WATCH BARGAINS- I 17 jewelleU WATCHES If you want- a gore Watch at an unusually low price write us H C STEVENS Jeweler HIGH SPRINGS FLORIDA THE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc ESTAIIUSUKt t The question Renders services of very along the line of of Title the Titles in the tate of Florida particularly Aiachua county first ration for W 1 ef THIW Tax Sale Soared KfHtH for Nwu dpt OWN flat f te8nIp the investor Etc References First National Bank of Gainesville H F Dutton A Co Bankers LIST OF sotTiiEKs MAIL oiti tit norsi EXPRESS PREPAID IdtUhrit lrliit IH Hatihftl TIU i WUxiti Hitohftt HV- PKiireku N I1 ie ltrnr Iv N C stale UrtrMir- K K Mat Eureka N IVuch Ib cMtr N C IVah IIratu- Kur ka N r irn- Kurrki N rr XX Kunki X u XXX Kurrk N r I rr XXXX Hrrtttu sunny llrix k Sunny HfiN- IV hu spry sue Veuit Oak ur Hx Per ijuiru Quart i u e- H j 0 o o i n s- Kt KLKA WISE iv r wtsT HAY STREET tuai 1 JACKSONVILLE FLA The Halt t Is Von cares tke VT I have hand a few in 15 I i I sort land eon hi Land PRICE WIN LlOUOR CO Measure t ItS m I t I I t I t 1 o It II I 1 0 C I hi 1 a II J 1 Z 1 o y OtllrOlUd Zrt Si j r1 I 1 rr IIb 1 II IJ a J It 11 i 1 1 t o lO IS I l II JU fi I S I II lUll Itflhtr- Ielelbur I Iflhen h t I IH 0 Uf rl II Jf u IoU use bt ur t ote sOfe Iutl fro II tH t llIe than bra delJrtrtd Sit u if I ur loa ut MlUU- UIIILtAur l tar ftl tJ ort ur r Afire lIalloa le from 1rllluC uu th r mr II b wr buUe are Iultd sated lie r r It ter drtnIOt- ltrld rr rtttI I H on UUltt cheater te k Lint OIC F- In x sad 1 t mil anal sad guarantee vwedlveuaeboaer veraseL hrgeaeV k on a ILTIER APsIrael Town rIti a EUREKA THE t ICEAT Full Quart Irr laabm t 1yt Malt f tt 1 r r0 t t t A a i S 1 5 at 25 11t I r 0t a t J urn M 1 n t5 tit r to ti It l s 1 s e 5t a a e 5 cA I S t tl Pr 15 and tw sS ty It- itiles Front to Per arrI tatm of flatrrtti tr Mttlr ire Cate Asti wtl1r re Sere Sarr txrte dates ut 4 Cori rutr r r hlttr V r trte it sus tkrle r Iureka one Int1r tIt e ere Nr klut Ire alt H LI tlyht grew I it IMr cearyc ruy Mnr urn Nye ion turf td Ali e atI4icatton tCr aw earn IlquurvtL tntho e prrtaIncr tacked art re 3iurr r nutaturaetutr < > > < > > > > + + + = + + > +
Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-08 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01417/00795.pdf · Heroine I hope never to be without it I have wished that I had





WM Hill Tfck City MewtayXfishtri Present



vttMsvANsjnvesJMeatlnKtaLstf BeforeJaVMT l lpWera ef Business NatureC nJ e jtssl WIth SchMlsLecatien-

l flliaiBifar Mere BuIlsWng

vffalar aioatbly meeting of Ik-

litait Bettfd ef Edn aiieaal ControlNM lMiM la Monday and not

r lUkHMBiBg that aetkiig outside ofVjt fsjffjrar reatlae of easiness was

the board was lets into

Tfc e present at skis meetingK P Bryan ef JseksoavilleH-

MW Dr A L Browa of Eustisw K of Pensaeole aad-

itBif Jf O Kellusa ef Tallahassee3 O laMea tke aw memberU T B Kingawittw twsj reaulaiar teem

et lit sari were set presentaiMrs attaadinf the meetttr Aajlrew SlesM presidentif H sVlfpfl ilrecter ef ag-

t imiiTclytef the Ueiverf A A Stun

yydiisfiats r tke Weawaa Colwke Is aeeona-

wHt W A Edwardsfsjf Mwsrds A Waltert r MM BMW Ualvenity-

B jrtsJeT hee f M beard vUlud theiftiMiswktre a leeatloa-

tjfHi WjtJge three ktnw andtaipM tit xaeriaMBtal

Mtegtei The visitorstales fcelag CM the


f dttiiiei wjHh asanser-tpftM tAtoiiajw treed ea-


fcftMiMM ff Oftrlifle Centery aSHien Avert fear yeas Ago

jNHs I kid Beesf ft atvcre kidney

kf laWftff twe eo-tMtfV KUMf Cue U ea

Maff4llM kthk start sjesHmea-

tfttt say

wvrfag tke tearM ajsA

evM rw ewsM

Mlf fti keaftltyVMtyi KMsjiy Cwre te uyeae-

K e e anaV 4BwansWy wT

MM last that therer tke pelltteal

lift Jr f tke Oemty-BatwaM GesBsalUec will

flBB BW e K Vw 9iW v BB BjvaWewV W

Mly MadUsta te aa-BMNMH it HeaAte H II SfcOreaf-yfjjstillii si ei4 4 te enter the nee

aa doabt ee aa-gatote kewever as moos

Mt e Matl esKmittee will have

tt 0iat IrrtBkJinsifitaW

Vel r A C erigiaatedMMf ft threat and lung

JNHfcaifv M aesjeaat of the greatw4 peaataritef Feleys Honey

tali far Many lailtatieM are offerediat worthless in-ieHim stanilar soaedlng name

rare ef tkeai The geaalae Foleygtftty MIl Tar le la a yellow packagetub far U cad refe e any substitute1 to the bug remedy for cough and





IMS FENCESSee ear sepses

feneaal aueatlea to all mutters la-

tttoUae Mall aad telegraph ordersresseilr atteaoed to

OtiMCville Florida





i ilih InI l

01 flea





11 I

bladderI W WeOslka Ce

Ate tvhe

liltOHInwa J

Jar1 firM

IM will







fJ W A




r r

kt thug city

s trg laborswee







aM stMS is aNeadaace


beiMlaip ad appeared

4 Years

eMNajh Is tbs

elapse kidney dl-

I glad iiITef pad a rsiasa nJ any


eel useI



NR is be eve siaerIti-cNlltMwt sy


Ifsr tbs

4 winalNlu



Tarsr sad

e as Thebare

sects McCellua Co-















Km Mary Dimmick of Washington tollBow Lydia K Finkhama VegetableCompound Mado Her WelL

It IB with great pleasure we publishthe following letters as they

UH a la our coluaaa that MrsItrl the claim we ye so

Ifl O1 TAN e


DimmickLynn Maw la fully quail

led to civ advice womenRead Mrs letters

Her first letterDear Mrs Piakluun-

I have be n a sufferer for the eightn with a trouble which Ant originated

painful period tbv palm were crueltile

Ionian The doctor says Ior I cannot lo out want

to to aa operation if I cam possiblyaroM it P1 aw nie

Wa blntfon 7

Her ftecoad letter

Yea wffl condition when Ilest wrote yoa aad that the doctor bald I

have aa operation or I could not liveived aad folio

aerie very carefully aad aa now entirelywrit carious it seema aattracts that I ata cored I new that I owe

a and I wish offering womenread this letter and realize you

eaa do for them Mra Mary Duwaick

Hew easy It was for Mr Dimmick towrite to Pinkaaai at Maaaand how little It cost ker a twocent

Yet how valuable was the replyAs Mrs

Mrs Plnkkam has on file thonsanda-eff t such letters as the above

ailing wosaea helpful advice


Womans Temperance UnionElects Officers for Term

The Woaaans Chriitlaa TemperanceUnion held aa interesting meeting atthe leading Room Thursday alter

After perfecting plans for theretjepilea of State Convention whichwill meet here the 10th of April thefollowing officers were elected

Mrs J D Toraer presideat MraRogers vicepresident Mra GeorgeDoig secretary Mrs W Wilsontreasurer

for the churchesMra McMillan Presbyterian churchMn Dura Cromwell Baptist churchMrs Haeaptou Episcopal church MraO B Bailey DaCosta MethodUt church

Gives Health Vigor and ToneHerbiae It a boon for tafferers from

aaeanis By its use the blood ii-

qaiehly regenerated and the color beeoaes normal The drooping treaRlh-Is revived The languor ii diminishedHealth vigor and tone predominateNew life and happy activity resultsMra Belle H Shriel Middleborough-III write I have born troubled withliver complaint and poor blood andhave found nothing to benefit me likeHeroine I hope never to be withoutit I have wished that I had known ofit IB my husbands lifetimecents Sold by W M Johnson

The New Bank Building

The pavement in front of the newFirst National Bank building i com-pleted and when cleared away willbe one of the handsomest in the cityThe material employed is concreteand the finish it smooth and perfectThe bank expects to move into t newbuilding within a short time the furaiture which was ordered especially-for the place being the only drawbacknow This furniture is expected dailyand will be installed immediately-upon arrival

Torture by SavagesSpeaking of the torture to which

some of the savage tribes in the Philip-pines subject their captives reminds-me of the intense suffering I enduredfor three months from inflammation-of the kidneys says W M Sherman-of Gushing Me Nothing helped-me until I tried Electric Bittersthree bottles of which completelycured rae Cures liver complaintdyspepsia blood disorders and ma

restores the weak and ner-vous to robust health Guaranteed byall draggteti


raUon 01fftB le nowt baTeH If


I f W twrcue

trot life to Lydia Bto

1 CU walk RI N all or





church i Ira





Mr1rA orPlakhaa



DimDear Mrs l iakhaa

ri ember



not only m7 healthCompound your


sad capitol 8 C



Viee presidents












Disposed of Naval Stores Interests-

in South Florida-


The Tract Embraces 18000 Acres ofFine Timber Land 400000 Boxesand a Complete Naval Stores Outfit-

A Deal of Importance-

On of the meat important transferin real estate recorded in Florida inometime was the ale of 1500O acres

of timber land together with furrycrop or 10000 hox and the com-

plete naval stores outfit of VV It Phifer located at Abtott Pasco county afew days ago

It is underlined the considera-tion was POM A large acreage ofthe tract is virgin timber and aJ tobe among the finest for turpentinepurposes in Mr Phifer-purcha ed the tract about two yearsace since whieh time he has been opersting on an rxteusire scale

Mr Phifer will continue in the naval stores business at Grove Parkwhere he i interested with Mr WaitsHe will also probably buy another lo-

cationfirm of Ihifer v Waits at

Piirk who are already extensive op-

erators are installing a new still andotherwise improving and extendingtheir interests

Doctors Are PuzzledTh remarkable recovery of Kenneth

loiter of Vanceboro Me the subect of much interest to the medical

ffaternity and a circle of friendsHe says of his ease Owing toten inflammation of the throat andconge liorl of the lungs three doctorsgave me up to die when as a last

I was induced tn try Dr KingsNew and I am happy to sayit sared my life Cures the worstcoughs and colds bronchitis tonsilitisweek lungs hoarseness and lagrippeGuaranteed at all drug stores 5Q-oaud Trial bottle tree

PrevattSledgePerry U Prevatt and Miss Jessie

Sledge two well known young people-of this city were married Mondaymorning at the parsonageRev T J Niion performing the cere-mony The contracting parties havemany friends in this city and sectionwho will extend congratulations

Invaluable For RheumatismI been suffering for the past

few years with severe attack of rheumatism and found that Ballanls SnowLiniment was the only thing that gaveme satisfaction and tended to alleviate-my pains March 34 02John C

Kinsman III 25c 60s andM Sold by W M Johnson

Death of Mrs RigdonMrs Mary Rigdon of Bellamy aced

at her home Friday of last week andwas buried on Sunday Deceased wasborn and reared in Baker county andhad only been residing in Bellamy fora short time She was a widow ladyand is survived by three children-

If the Bay is Cutting TeethBe sure and use that old and well

tried remedy Mrs Winslow Sooth-

ing Syrup for children teething Itsoothes the child softens the Ramsallays all pain cures wind colic andthe nest remedy for diarrhoea Twentyfive cents a bottle

Suites Iran and Well lied

Meats hatter UN Vicar Neal1

irlts Sail Hay and Grain



Furniture Queensware

Heavy Groceries

Hay Grain and Produce

Orflce and Warehouse on A C LTracnn West Main St S near

Baird Hardware C Ware-house Gainesville Fla

IligBftt fatli Irliei Paid forChlckeas Prudute

Correspondence Solicited Specialattention to Consignments-P O Box Car lots a specialty

Wire or write us for

City Once Center ef ValTrnltyaid E Calea Streets





Din tf


Iftlhc dill











Sprimg llattrrue Chairs Ac

Eggs and










KI You Hare Always Be fht ud which beesuse fer over SO years hfta iwnte alto Blynattiro ef-

JH Bum fccca made under Ills pBorrnil since UH InfancyAllow BO me todeceive yoa In this

All Counterfeits IwltottoM are butperlHientii that tri e with cwlaaiccr the b ltli ofIfkaU ClUMreaBxpericBce agalBHt Experiment

What is CASTORIACftntorlA a baradeM Mbatltvte for Castor 011 PareBoric Drops and Seethta Syreps It Is Pleasant Itceatalaa BclUicr Oalna lIke nor other Narcotio-abstaBce IU age Is IU It dentroyH

sad allays FeveribBess It DIarrhcvu anti WindColic It relieves Tecthlasj Troubles cures CoiMtlpatlonaad Ftatuleacy It aftttiBtllatcs the Food reifulatet theStomach and Bowels giving bcalthy and natural sleepThe CkiMrcBs Faaacea The Mothers Fricad


Seth liB tnn of

BThe Kind You Haie Always Bought-

In Ua For Over 30 Years


I 17 jewelleU WATCHES If you want-a gore Watch at an unusually low pricewrite us




The questionRenders services of very along the line of

of Title the Titles in the tate of Florida particularlyAiachua county


ration for W 1 ef THIW Tax Sale SoaredKfHtH for Nwu dpt OWN flat f te8nIp

the investor Etc

References First National Bank of Gainesville H FDutton A Co Bankers


sotTiiEKs MAIL oiti tit norsiEXPRESS PREPAID

IdtUhrit lrliit IHHatihftl TIU i WUxitiHitohftt HV-PKiireku N I1 ie ltrnr IvN C stale UrtrMir-K K MatEureka N IVuch Ib cMtrN C IVah IIratu-Kur ka N r irn-Kurrki N rr XXKunki X u XXXKurrk N r I rr XXXX

Hrrtttusunny llrix kSunny HfiN-IVhu sprysue VeuitOak

ur Hx Perijuiru Quart i u e-H j 0o o i n s-


The Halt






I have hand a few in 15




eon hi




t ItS m It

I I t I t1 o It III 1 0

C I hi1

a II J

1 Z

1 oy

OtllrOlUd ZrtSi j r1

I 1

rr IIb 1 II


a JIt 11

i 11

t olO IS I l


II lUll Itflhtr-Ielelbur IIflhen h t

I IH 0 Ufrl

II Jf uIoU use bt

ur t ote sOfe Iutlfro II tH t llIe

than bra delJrtrtd Sit u if Iur loa ut MlUU-

UIIILtAur l tar ftl tJ ort ur rAfire lIalloa le

from 1rllluC uu th r mr II bwr buUe are

Iultd sated lier r It ter drtnIOt-

ltrld rr rtttI I Hon UUltt cheaterte

k LintOIC




sad 1 t milanal



vwedlveuaeboaer veraseL hrgeaeV






rIti a



Full QuartIrr

laabmt1ytMalt f

tt 1 r r0t t t Aa i S

1 5 at25 11t I

r 0t a tJ urn

M 1

n t5tit r to tiIt ls


se 5ta


5 cAI

St tl Pr 15and tw sS ty It-

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