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Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-28 [p...

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THE DAILY Sty GAIXESV1LLE FLORIDA MARCH 21 HUH 7 w t 1 l M- p 4 carol attfce Pat OCe at afctetT- t e orae malt tatter H HMCCEKARY IA tor end lubv ter JKMBCBCRTZ City Mitm- F X FREWITT Supt Coatpo lBir Room OFFICE TOKTER BLOCK W Haki e Tcjcrnofx o DAILY J c pabtitbal morning cx 14 Kewby drtivcttd by curler iu city or- Bed to ay ef mitts state poUgc ferls jar tap ui atcetli f 135 three cent fV ire w tk trictljr ia coda ia total cotma line rlnt IBMrtUna Md S e t for additional H TvtasaW k SM to M i fctf c forty yrtlhhnl cwry MMday as4- M an tile BCOT of U- fm rut ef United 4MB AvVWnMflf MXI0 VCCO9M lilt 4mttecamt ttfcM ttervii BBgtrut ffcrtic atalftenjHifai to fy for adrcrtWaa laaaV THB DAILY BC3- CGABHKVU aever BMrfe Reed trade fee ft top aeMeaa greva aa Ke ink Traamell baa deeUsd to eater ike list at the res Bt tint fw VvavfawHvvVswSftl are willing to raise tae vafM the CM ariaen te long as- tkey CM raise the price af coal The MM rae always walks on the MIBJ aM street ezpeeta to letni bia im tbe tbtde- Aa4 MW Oar Bob la bobbins up atrtMlysa aB available tor QcTtrmer He bu always been a papular favorite Tbere ia OBC great obiUele in the wtf ef BM betag able to retch the Wit Hotue th j would Mther he right tbaa be Prratdeat Teihaae Mn gteuea tblaka tfcat If heeajii forgive tbe traateea of tbe- tfeivereity fer wkae they have done eh lfhl fwgtt if tbey won hi The aertal aebliabed TheJasaer Hew rtnudtag the ftjlBt ef Ever aWe Mx4 ia MlMii ic CBfhatieally icalci by the IM eelketer of Dade y M froai atari to reperw that eeae from reftrdiag the aiz ape ia tbe MBlaj eleetlM ere weaM thlah they Ud living all their tires la a lIBel where had exereUed the right of frMchlee There are Baay opportaaities in- Flertde If eeme eaaa would only of- fer fer aale platforms at the areceae tlae he eoald Had a reaiy aale for them to tbe politieiaas- af the State It all depends oa whe takes tbe- aseaey whether it ia itealiag accord tof U Gee Re e A Baa who lift a tohel te boy HeM for hie II a thief To kelp elect a PreeUeat with ether peoples Boaey ia a hit ef tfiyleesaey we zp t The April aber of The Cosaopol Itaa ghee the teeead chapter of The Tresses ef the Seaate aod every Baa who thiaba should read these very able aaaera by David Qrabaa Phillips whieh are writtea with greet care as to the utmost trathfalaeu of state Mat atade The Philadelphia Inquirer has takes the pales to iaTesligate the affairs the Eat Coast railroad where Use eoastroetioB gang at work and ada it about as good as any railroad nap of the fellow who came down from Philadelphia thought they were going to have Sunday dinner at the Koyal Palm Mayor McCarthy of Richmond Va saver thought he would spring into saeh prominence when he taid I rvcofaixe but two flag nod the who took him to would no doubt have thought all if- iasteadhe had exclaimed Kriu KO brash Me was working for a re nomination perhaps j A L- Shr r W ASHLEY Utor P If net TIle the part Use an Mrettlisg kIIOW1I oa- J J WIIIIIk aM Will lie the cIa yr4a after I1J lit Mt UoIra to tats n- TH men a a era I fabrlt loa the rea t alee I Some I task right gun 11 Aleorlate 6 tray gel a its P aEe Rpliae to costa a ttrartMs- Nees Itt ditlptey teed ptlet lltreM M Isar mad get tral e M1f fattrte buy e lees a ednaa Atsf ta- r rise Spelt Ott ttillln t i AI- A rob a teak A M btrgatrl ass i y 1 eke erect itn t i r the 4 ewe a Aelel- Vt all ttl is Fee l reedyIa wear z A starts kilt L every f- lows hr- h was f t c4n d e erg I > ° > ° + = > j j j I NO HOPE FOR RELIEF Governor Cnmmin of Ia in h reply to Senator Ekii fr tn of- j to the uf Iowa on h animation bfife the n t Iummi tee teil rm sent UV t Virginian Seii trr ohr people have known for a lour time truth i Senttor that yo have fairy et t i hrd the reputation of Mending for the railroads in the United State Senate It Is mo t UP- j fortunate thtt any Senator nhotild ac quire such a reputation among the people of th country It it in the biffhen degree important that body of whieh you try a member shell I enjoy the fullest public confidence The gravest problem which confront I u are those which relate to the regu latioa tad restriction of corporal powr These problems will Dot suceeHfally by those whose lives hive bees so molded by corporate tboeght end corporate influvecv that they instinctively turn to corporate ofifera ltd managers for information tad guidance It is with profound re- gret bat I here condenaed your wane lot ray regret disappears end another feeling takes its place when I oMen that you ere not only ing Boar indefensible attitude hot ore eadcavoring to retch over a thou- sand mile of pace and advise the Re- publican votes of Iowa bow to select a Governor The burden is too heavy fur you you cannot lift it The trek is too great for you you cannot ac- complish it With such men as Elkins to guard the slain of the people what can be expected to be dons for their benefit however since the Executive may be in the matter WILL BE A STATE ISSUE The Jackonville Metropolis says that it loose be apparent to all observers that there to be a heated and deter rained eonteti in the next Legislature to the Buckman educational law Those opposed to its provisions and throe favoring it are now at work and the will come at the nut session in TallahMtev The work accomplish ed under that law will all be opset and nullified if one faction can elect its candidates It will be squall so with the other faction to retain the law and encourage the progress of carrying into Sect its provisions It is to be regretted that there is sash strife apparent over the new law tad that all contention cannot be amicably adjusted witboat making a State Iwue of it The coarts so far have sustained the validity of the law the giving the advocate of it mate- rial advantage Instead of appeasing the opposition thereto it seems the de eiaioaa lire spurred that fiction to greeter efort end they may yet have their revenge by electing members sufficient to repeal the law The new laws enforcement for the two years it his been in operation anti the result will be points of Interest to the taxpayers and those interested in- State education The friends of the law assert it will iave thousands of rialtos heretofore frittered swag on State colleges and now spent on county to good effect The question is no moos a local one but a State issue Editor McKenzie of The Palatka is a candidate for the Legislature from Putnam county The people of Putnam will find ia Mr Me Kensle a man who will make them representative if he ia chosen them as he his been a resident of the of Palatka fur stay years and tow the needs of that county Russell Sage says I think had I life to live over again I would charity a life study Perhaps lifetime he might made to- yeld a few rialtos to charity if he had applied himself diligently Rut he possibly might hUd gotten behind in hi studie even then Hows This We otter One Hundred Italian He ward for any car of catarrh that cane not lx cured by Intarrli Carr F J CIIKN Tlled o- We the uniliri i l hove known F J Cheney for the i r lei year and believe him perfectly hoiornblc iti nil bu ine s trniuactioii4 and linnneiallj able to carry out any obligation tnidt by hi firm Wj t IMO KlNNAN AMAIlV Wholesale t Tol di Hall Catarrh dm IP inter sally acting directly IUHJII tilt bt tx tnucou urface the f tem Tr tiim nial free Price 73 t lfnt per bottle by all drticcit Take Hal Pills for pation speech x what 1 b solved pert I I a clash doubt i I hool b I a- ble b be Hall I I I I J lIrll lol t I taken f rent con ll r rot the Hr lay The the f y Henld ity say fat i I c raid s y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > + + + + + + I I u anumjT of CTI n in our not any J r n thy are nriy in our mi S it puTtji We in xpet- M fori 11 iir fitir if wr- p wth it tr fviD in ffe i w trrnr the mar ci nm- tiolttan out oftjlKim ill b T only wonder i that we dont Im mor foreigners in Florid t or ther t no land on which the sun blurt that urpa ei 5 a place to make a fv me on L ntver ity will a Came g library although Mr f rnegie ocpcsfd to giving to institution when imm dt te control is xrci d through a denominational convention or it board What is the muter with the repirt on the daily They dont ein to get any of the pe reh e correct Posiibly some of tbe speaker doui talk u they think Fourteen schools of Manatee county have made 60 per cent under chapter 5381 of the school law securing two mooch school in addition to the reg- ular term- I A G Floweree who his a grove tear refuted 15000 for hi grapefruit crop He sold it by the box at a fancy prier The Jackcon county farmers are to organize an association This it the projer thing to do The State Federation of Womens Club will meet at Tampa April lih A 150000 concrete plant is contem1 plated at Tampa I aad troobl with tawrlt which m 4f i Impur My i red wblrh noritral i uj r I trtta your u rrl4 croi try 11 jr rktn lb iil a Uif a QUite bmro fnaoJ fiitf J P b a f rk Av New Ycrk City ST The Dowe4a r r ickB w k n or drip Kr v balk Tb bl l j kr 0 M l to or root uxitrj tack te M g ReRMdy C4k Chic a or NY l- aW R JOHNSON COMMISSION MERCHANT Dealer and r of RlITh laM VBUETAHLKS V Slitb and Sll- licoftf Citclnnatl Ohio flux W9 Our S eeli ltle Merries Praebe HeacH cu liftf tjcunit r Kc Car Ix t Cabbikr and Toirutoe Refer Cttr Hail Hank Cincinnati 0 Mrr Atr ncp J VV Mruno Mc lnto h Flu M Hnldla HaUmlalc Kla U D Wood KU Mm or otenciK furnl Lc J aitUcaUon Corre omlctce oliclteU ORINO Fruit Syrip new laxative DOM not arrioe or nauseate I aptrarsrur of t city u p JI let r I a I Sit 1 BAli BLOOD I w lib hDtI < 1 my a few I II- Palabbl Ttenndl DGf1 eL hI ceo su TElIUM t 1tubJb YUh1 hull DCt anttJc n I The The serif tr ice r rim w im r- and a t Stet tart rte ere past Alva clad tae u eat and r Implr red steer manta Ib c t rteoJi as es1 For rrtrlnvtttftavr- P1aaat PnVnt See r toN li peals ton eta r aleaant to y i < < ¬ > < < < > > < ± + + + + + Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- stipation by restoring tkt natural action of the stom- ach liver and bowels Per Sale by J W McCuMaai e MEN AND t Pc f r onnalormj lrtil r tlrrrklloA- if niurun ni mbr D r ini n1 art Mlria I or r t in peso t rrrl- y rirr r r J II no r II Ml TJ Circular Not va r a N- Ur ANDPtrtNOCD- N v r c ALL COu TRI 5- rf I I I a rt n HI r t f iIIII I i a t r 1 tjA I kl WOMEN 11141 Jr hrtrnnmtnatoa6- OMt t et INbt errtwl e 1MlfrtuC t OCe pnt rrraueptllCwtl- e 514 y DrogtM- r fat w pRCet WAN i r i ¬ ¬ < > KING OF ALL LINIMENTS CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIL IHB wee aaUeftei wHfc ikeaauttaB- L C Mad fcefrwkkC gearoe- iarfaaedto cmred GKBATBST- aeamtndfd it te I VXRUSXDfcaveret f Iry St I walk wftfceat cntcae aa4 MB aWe fte fcriecai great deal el ligat latter ea tile THREE SIZES 3Sc 50c AND 100 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO- ST lAMa U A AMD MKCOMMKNOKO BY If You Are Insured In a Company that is Kr pnnible Hare a Policy Correctly Written With Liberality uf Policy Contract old the Company Pays Iorkvs You Are Assured That no serious can overtime you without you have some refuge Fire Life Accident and Health Insurance but Reliable Companies Kepreteuted A M CUSHMAN Information cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA X878 CO Do a rocral batklw biulceu our atd tell Foreign sad DoaeiUo Kxekaacr- kccewJble volou ID the UclteC M te Two Trait Daily te Wa kiaxtea and Sew f erk- Soteduir Teethe Novrmb r 36 ES Uluera Haute C U R It UCM UttINco- Htftrl craacult e Ira AIIN oat I i y- CUU I cIa t crosckw v1It SOc a 11 aU Sa 2- W I I lOll C- on C C I J BAIr EBB The aceoueu or Daft Daten con auOJa recetred on raorb terns mtlat eoleetioa of all FLO SOUTHERN RY lad aaalNr cvi Ives clef wcrkI sKita r inar- ueeteu eKea w wrurr neaea a Weir wttlte Met a sal a Feet 1 pal 1 was try fdlMe aft r tkss beset IT1Tli l LINIMZNT shsr 9benel1S v belisM else Ian SOLO M JOHNSON Gaiaeeville e e sn sosiis owJrrEel- tsblinlJCxld F armenrzerecaau and oltefa 9pectai facitlo I3A = < << = + + + No 34 No 30 T o Trains East No Null tf 4 W i Ar ft am M 4 hi to 4 v lv Je Ar e3Da S4w lv Savannah Ar 4 e MI 6t 4 Ar Ioumbu lv li I0 i ArChanottr sVii iu I lies IJMt Arlircrnolir Iv Tutii SHy Ar DanvlJc Lv 5 ttp I ilia- C i H l Ar Uiobinonl Lv litj ii1 Ar lvrclibu tflv S l ti Arfharl tovrlv ittn Ar v IMI iv a i- I Ill Ar Niw lv Inn t iSp New Yur unit NIK and t- I iatc V lv JwS itjvlli 4 11 lv u- i Ar Catumtoi- I Ar nti V c i1 Ar C v Ar t i At rUte Ki- or IB I I let 01 era II iu l t I I Ih Ii Ii I II UUIIr It n I 1 I I roe I Tt IIltl1 luII1lIl IIr lwr l rlrl lr TaUIu pt IIbilliotoln 1 lulaIIL r110 I ar hI S Thruvt urTbO St flt Ar I I t Lt I IMUI Mo L I 14 U tt a 11111 Ic tt ittflJlltr l T n a aq 1 ISM r try t tit raw JP e lea I p eta vq ArWt Mn t nlt Si w5q A U Ltip Ar p lip 1 r Nn and ill Eurla EVerse uta Inrt nl Jar aloe t r Nr w t4 and 1Nd1 Igura S t nt Jrkarntinr Nrw VIr 4t tr wnp It Ih Ls I tare lion Apr N Lr tip rsltl r tM Ire Ar t Iu tii 1r ltprfttatl L Ny- Nu ltd fJh tlralnt Mt Nurttt eMr etwrta Jura wrUL i tI inlsa- tlFtretl hlr14 erne A1 < > < < > > > > > = < + > + North actl VV t No 4 No- n lv JoSp- k l u A i hlMico Mi K ur lvI- U4 AMhlMkro I IltJI IV- Ml lv i iMll Ar 7 a ArfltHMfco MiieonK lv- V v Hil Ar itn i i in- ntslwutl IJirfK r r V e tV Ar MrUml Uii1 r li k 1 l itKv lt Ar l a 1 vtliv lv T Ha iu Ar t lour o lr in So It lv f i A r nt- Jt in AUMta uittM So So13 P7 10 Ri Cia ltr ti lua IS lOa 3 I A r I I II Is I l I p 101 Ar house I SO 1 1It o l all Iia u 11 lOt La r Challanua S It Ar L Iy lu a Ar ClnrlnntrO Lt u tInrtnnatlln t flI JIll 7 I f 11 t I I r THlrdH I II I I II t ti 1 I I I fI t It Arrl Wn G I lAt hIMt Lr 131 1 Trr aIIII t J to lIttafat- ia IS l1li11 Dr woe PItt tIII fiirSJrlhaa 11I1 iii 11 Ie le a I Ke a Chaltaerr ata a It uNLrJatc10tFlatintrAr y1 lSna Itu II Ar I uflt Pa a1Mon tiaSu 11t Lt L1a his dJq Ar Atlrnta 4 Sully ID rc Icy SD r 5a Ar Ut It 4 II U ti tfg Jug S t 55 7144 Est 6 311 Lt F 4r hat It CIOelnnatt 1i t 11t p tinetnn ttI tllailv xtt tr Ihir 1 y I1 tat Lt lets Its rt tr Ity It I ha t r IUrntattlwet M 1r Lt y Met tr I aut7tj Fto 1t V 1 dr i ante Ark it 1S- t11rw1 II Ultt sold thrnur per 1nartU IMattaa Sltrytr ukrwtt to ItiUtna Cr KMa71t- Na t art tese 1GIIaIMaj tIW a0 nrLt Sari cp rv h al e L1 > > > < > < > > > > + + > J C iCs IR A t a U WRT W 1 t I Zl trlet Mttfearer Aclnt ba N a H i Itt t Ittt it ltr1N A I a

    wt 1





    carol attfce Pat OCe at afctetT-t e orae malt tatter

    H HMCCEKARY IA tor end lubv ter

    JKMBCBCRTZ City Mitm-

    F X FREWITT Supt Coatpo lBir Room

    OFFICE TOKTER BLOCKW Haki e Tcjcrnofx o

    DAILY J c pabtitbal morning cx14 Kewby drtivcttd by curler iu city or-

    Bed to ay ef mitts state poUgcferls jar tap ui atcetli f135 three

    cent fV ire w tk trictljr ia

    coda ia total cotma linerlnt IBMrtUna Md S e t for additional

    H TvtasaW k SM to M i fctf c fortyyrtlhhnl cwry MMday as4-

    M an tile BCOT of U-

    fm rut ef United

    4MB AvVWnMflf MXI0 VCCO9M lilt4mttecamt ttfcM ttervii

    BBgtrut ffcrticatalftenjHifai to fy for adrcrtWaa laaaV


    aever BMrfe Reed tradefee ft top aeMeaa greva aa

    Ke ink Traamell baa deeUsd toeater ike list at the res Bt tint

    fw VvavfawHvvVswSftl

    are willing to raisetae vafM the CM ariaen te long as-tkey CM raise the price af coal

    The MM rae always walks on theMIBJ aM street ezpeeta toletni bia im tbe tbtde-

    Aa4 MW Oar Bob la bobbins upatrtMlysa aB availabletor QcTtrmer He bu always been apapular favorite

    Tbere ia OBC great obiUele in thewtf ef BM betag able toretch the Wit Hotue th j wouldMther he right tbaa be Prratdeat

    Teihaae Mn gteuea tblaka tfcat Ifheeajii forgive tbe traateea of tbe-

    tfeivereity fer wkae they have doneeh lfhl fwgtt if tbey won hi

    The aertal aebliabed TheJasaerHew rtnudtag the ftjlBt ef EveraWe Mx4 ia MlMii ic CBfhatieallyicalci by the IM eelketer of Dade

    y M froai atari to

    reperw that eeae fromreftrdiag the aiz ape ia tbe

    MBlaj eleetlM ere weaM thlah theyUd living all their tires la a lIBelwhere had exereUed the right offrMchlee

    There are Baay opportaaities in-Flertde If eeme eaaa would only of-fer fer aale platformsat the areceae tlae he eoald Had areaiy aale for them to tbe politieiaas-af the State

    It all depends oa whe takes tbe-aseaey whether it ia itealiag accordtof U Gee Re e A Baa who lift atohel te boy HeM for hie

    II a thief To kelp elect aPreeUeat with ether peoples Boaey iaa hit ef tfiyleesaey we zp t

    The April aber of The CosaopolItaa ghee the teeead chapter of TheTresses ef the Seaate aod everyBaa who thiaba should read these veryable aaaera by David Qrabaa Phillipswhieh are writtea with greet care as tothe utmost trathfalaeu of state

    Mat atade

    The Philadelphia Inquirer has takesthe pales to iaTesligate the affairs

    the Eat Coast railroad whereUse eoastroetioB gang at work and

    ada it about as good as any railroadnap of the fellow who camedown from Philadelphia thought theywere going to have Sunday dinner atthe Koyal Palm

    Mayor McCarthy of Richmond Vasaver thought he would spring intosaeh prominence when he taid Irvcofaixe but two flag nod the

    who took him to would nodoubt have thought all if-iasteadhe had exclaimed Kriu KObrash Me was working for a renomination perhaps


    A L-


    W ASHLEY Utor

    P If


    thepart Use


    Mrettlisg kIIOW1I oa-J

    JWIIIIIk aM Will lie

    thecIa yr4a


    I1J lit Mt UoIra to



    TH mena

    a era


    fabrlt loa








    11 Aleorlate



    gel aits

    P aEe

    Rpliae to costa a

    ttrartMs-Nees Itt ditlptey teed

    ptletlltreM M

    Isar mad get trale M1f fattrte buye lees a ednaaAtsf ta-



    Ott ttilllnti

    AI-A rob ateak

    A M btrgatrl




    1 ekeerect itn







    Vt allttl is



    reedyIa wear







    lowshr-h was



















    Governor Cnmmin of Ia in hreply to Senator Ekii fr tn of-

    j to the uf Iowa on hanimation bfife the n t Iummitee teil rm sent UV t VirginianSeii trr ohr people have knownfor a lour time

    truth i Senttor that yohave fairy et t i hrd the reputationof Mending for the railroads in theUnited State Senate It Is mo t UP-

    j fortunate thtt any Senator nhotild acquire such a reputation among thepeople of th country It it in thebiffhen degree important thatbody of whieh you try a member shell

    I enjoy the fullest public confidenceThe gravest problem which confront

    I u are those which relate to the regulatioa tad restriction of corporalpowr These problems will DotsuceeHfally by those whoselives hive bees so molded by corporatetboeght end corporate influvecv thatthey instinctively turn to corporateofifera ltd managers for informationtad guidance It is with profound re-gret bat I here condenaed yourwane lot ray regret disappears endanother feeling takes its place when IoMen that you ere not onlying Boar indefensible attitude hotore eadcavoring to retch over a thou-sand mile of pace and advise the Re-publican votes of Iowa bow to selecta Governor The burden is too heavyfur you you cannot lift it The trekis too great for you you cannot ac-complish it

    With such men as Elkins to guardthe slain of the people what can beexpected to be dons for their benefithowever since the Executive may be inthe matter


    The Jackonville Metropolis says thatit loose be apparent to all observersthat there to be a heated and deterrained eonteti in the next Legislature

    to the Buckman educational lawThose opposed to its provisions andthroe favoring it are now at work andthe will come at the nut sessionin TallahMtev The work accomplished under that law will all beopset and nullified if one faction canelect its candidates It will be squallso with the other faction to retain thelaw and encourage the progress ofcarrying into Sect its provisions

    It is to be regretted that there issash strife apparent over the new lawtad that all contention cannot beamicably adjusted witboat making aState Iwue of it The coarts so farhave sustained the validity of the lawthe giving the advocate of it mate-rial advantage Instead of appeasingthe opposition thereto it seems the deeiaioaa lire spurred that fiction togreeter efort end they may yet havetheir revenge by electing memberssufficient to repeal the law

    The new laws enforcement for thetwo years it his been in operation antithe result will be points of Interest tothe taxpayers and those interested in-State education The friends of thelaw assert it will iave thousands ofrialtos heretofore frittered swag onState colleges and now spent on county

    to good effect The question isno moos a local one but a State


    Editor McKenzie of The Palatkais a candidate for the

    Legislature from Putnam county Thepeople of Putnam will find ia Mr MeKensle a man who will make them

    representative if he ia chosenthem as he his been a resident of the

    of Palatka fur stay years andtow the needs of that county

    Russell Sage says I think had Ilife to live over again I would

    charity a life study Perhapslifetime he might made to-

    yeld a few rialtos to charity if hehad applied himself diligently Ruthe possibly might hUd gotten behindin hi studie even then

    Hows ThisWe otter One Hundred Italian He

    ward for any car of catarrh that canenot lx cured by Intarrli Carr

    F J CIIKN Tlled o-We the uniliri i l hove known

    F J Cheney for the i r lei year andbelieve him perfectly hoiornblc iti nilbu ine s trniuactioii4 and linnneialljable to carry out any obligation tnidtby hi firm

    Wj t IMO KlNNAN AMAIlVWholesale t Tol di

    Hall Catarrh dm IP intersally acting directly IUHJII tilt bt tx

    tnucou urface the f temTr tiim nial free Price 73 t lfntper bottle by all drticcit

    Take Hal Pills forpation

    speech x




    pert I










    ble b







    lIrll lol t Itaken


    con ll




    Hr layThe


















    < >










    anumjT of CTIn in our not any

    J r n thy are nriy in our mi S itpuTtji We in xpet-

    M fori 11 iir fitir if wr-p wth it tr fviD in ffe

    i w trrnr the mar ci nm-tiolttan out oftjlKim ill b Tonly wonder i that we dont Immor foreigners in Florid t or ther tno land on which the sun blurt thaturpa ei 5 a place to make a fv me

    on L ntver ity will a Cameg library although Mr f rnegieocpcsfd to giving to institution when

    imm dt te control is xrci dthrough a denominational conventionor it board

    What is the muter with the repirton the daily They dont ein

    to get any of the pe reh e correctPosiibly some of tbe speaker douitalk u they think

    Fourteen schools of Manatee countyhave made 60 per cent under chapter5381 of the school law securing twomooch school in addition to the reg-ular term-

    I A G Floweree who his a grovetear refuted 15000 for higrapefruit crop He sold it by thebox at a fancy prier

    The Jackcon county farmers are toorganize an association This it theprojer thing to do

    The State Federation of WomensClub will meet at Tampa April lih

    A 150000 concrete plant is contem1plated at Tampa

    I aad troobl with tawrlt which m 4f iImpur My i redwblrh noritral i uj r I trttayour u rrl4 croi try 11 jr rktn lbiil a Uif aQUite bmro fnaoJ fiitfJ P b a f rk Av New Ycrk City S T

    The Dowe4a

    r r ickB w k n or drip Kr vbalk Tb bl l jkr 0 M l to or root uxitrj tack

    te M g ReRMdy C4k Chic a or NY l-


    Dealer and r of RlIThlaM VBUETAHLKS V Slitb and Sll-licoftf Citclnnatl Ohio flux W9

    Our S eeli ltle Merries Praebe HeacHcu liftf tjcunit r Kc Car Ix t

    Cabbikr and Toirutoe ReferCttr Hail Hank Cincinnati 0 Mrr

    Atr ncp J VV Mruno Mc lnto h FluM Hnldla HaUmlalc Kla U D Wood

    KU Mm or otenciK furnl Lc JaitUcaUon Correomlctce oliclteU

    ORINOFruit Syrip

    new laxative DOMnot arrioe or nauseate

    I aptrarsrur of tcity u

    p JI letr I






    w libhDtI<

    1 mya few



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    Cures stomach and livertroubles and chronic con-stipation by restoring tktnatural action of the stom-ach liver and bowels

    Per Sale by J W McCuMaai e

    MEN ANDt Pc f r onnalormj

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    If You Are InsuredIn a Company that is Kr pnnible Hare a Policy CorrectlyWritten With Liberality uf Policy Contract old the CompanyPays Iorkvs

    You Are AssuredThat no serious can overtime you without you have somerefuge

    Fire Life Accident and Health Insurance

    but Reliable Companies Kepreteuted

    A M CUSHMANInformation cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA



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