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Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07...

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THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JULY 15 1901 1boI II1I 1- vr JI A 2- v 1 ld WIMM ri n ayatM n- e r 1 = Bstre4 POI Office at Gainesville Fia u e oad mat matter Editor and Publisher r M PM5W1TT SUP C3ap ntntf Rooms OKlce La Haymans Block W Mafia Street 8 Tcutraoim 119- 9mm DAILY STJX pablliferf erery morning ez- Mpt H by tattler la the dty or eeyfttrtef tie Ualtc SUtee pwteg- efeefor ayMV rix onth fttstkree- 0MHar yiataUfar irt week trktljr la frfwace- RcatHsjraMtoMfalecaledliimB toccata a line far Inc iwartkaad 5 eraUf or each additional lUlw 0r fcatay ftrtiK Tfce Twtoe Twk sm I aa right page forty rtMM pair faMUfced every Monday sad Ybw4y Mri all the Dews of the Mk IWKV aa4 geaetai sad will be IMifeJtfNataffe free jart ef the United til tr I 1 All tJuiiliilag Mlto become due after first Tartte sot knows to us triH to ia ad TKK DAILY SUN TIle Mat tv SBfBFlK adopted wvt M MtkM of the Oh War M4 wSwTialKly political i a 4 will probably be HMVMfMr tried wt OB Us merits and iiljfci i kk l er s tonal bias TIM MM ef Ute several States will lK fettiwri wits keenest Interest Thfefi fcegtMlBg to look serious fee tftt MM WH wants to marry Y ff W BM are raising the flag of rililliia a4 siifukte as an essential lB ttltB MArrtago that the suitors ftfcUvnir a M 0rt wemm carnage And WMtly ywtftg wcwaa revolted at tk liar tad left the twiUtng because fee WHy vet edMeat to live in the city her BHsbaad bad ea It reawlas to be seen whether a generous supply of tee creaM boat rides and other things dear to the feminine aura will produce achange of sent That discontent with British rule has agitated certain parts of India for some time and that assassinations save been numerous Is But of late the signs of discontent save beta less conspicuous partly be- cause of reforms instituted by tIle government Therefore the double murder in London the other day of Indiaa officials came as a rude shock especially as assassinations are so ex cccdlngly rare in England Whatever the grievances of the Hindoos murder is no way to secure their removal and in the present case It Is signifi- cant that the brother of the murderer and the better class of Hindoos repu- diate his action Very recently a millionaire was sen- tenced to a years imprisonment for perjury It Is so unusual to see a sum of his class 4calt with in that way that it a sensation Perhaps tho treatment accorded Mm was in response to the growing that no distinction be made be- tween poor and rich criminals We think it was Charles Lamb who at the time railroad accidents were numerous in England said that Improvement would not result until n railroad di- rector was fatally injured On the same principle now a millionaire has been treated like an ordinary crim- inal wo may hope that corporation of- ficials may have less defective mem- ories and give the facts of their bust ness without equivocation and de- ception The signal corps of the I S Army has been issued Instructions by the Secretary of War to a plan for the protection of the Atlantic coast by dirigible baloons The scheme involves the establishment of baloon houses all along the coast from Maine to Florida The stations if built will be 25 miles upon this tit ing considered a safe distance of flight for the airship of the The Intention is for the to go scouting at sa turning and flying back to shore to give the Alarm when the fleet of an enemy U sighted but if Congress should pro- vide for such a fleet it would un- doubtedly be ready before long to drop explosives on the ship ac nervy as welt as slajply scow Fr ui August 4 O- Air lie na- t UPC AKY f jO fj tIS tHY g knowa Heal tale to a CarIa ndnncc at Jess otherwise Ill Nfl f P14 11 t- It II JeA 18CC the States a to lap IArlted Is pure Jr t more caramel 1 f ii l j t de- mand I 1 i lrtt ent craft t I t Popular 4 tie slaw k Y X r M ailed s N x mteerNee made ea all vvn a ea ate j any tlptltteerK AI bh IIINMfed Ie MInd teoj radCtfIftay tatee illttne Atl4awtLLa a 4d u esatkatlbtlatalmendment et sl fiat hoe MW seettetlie are to > r pre cUve de- eMed gent well knowu 5 y 4 r ti prepare aerial Mlttltanfcs > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ << < < > AN OMINOUS OUTLOOK Hereafter according to the an nouncement of Dean Small acting president of the University of Chica- go the professors are to be permitted absolute freedom of thought and speech oven If the institution must suffer for It Thlti announcement Is called forth by the case of Prof GeJrge D Foster who was dropped from membership in Bap- tist Ministers Association on account of alleged heretical statements In his book The Function of Religion in Mans Struggle for Existence Has anybody ever doubted that the Chicago professors were free as the mountain air in the expressions of their opinions no matter how bizarre the latter might be And seemingly they have not been deterred by any fear that the university might suffer for f From declaring that John D Rockefeller is a greater geniiiH than ever Shakespeare was to attacking the institution of marriage they have run the gamut of crazy notions and continue to be a perennial source of slows for sensationloving journals Now with the bars thrown down how they will frolic In the fields of fancy Absolute freedom of thought and speech Any day we may expect to bear of Prof Bookworms discovery that Elijah was snatched up not in a chariot of Ore but In a primitive automobile car Another professor will proclaim tho original site of the garden of Eden to have been along Lake Michigan the serpent coming form Peoria where he made his head quarters and founded that towns famous industry There are plenty- of universities in this country which permit their professors liberty of thought and expression and yet rare- ly do we near of them indulging In extravagant assertions of the kind that bring ridicule upon the institu- tions they represent While hoping for the best as the result of the an new policy at Chicago It will be as well to be prejiared for the When people buy an article of food whether it is coffee butter canned or anything else they want the real thing and not an imitation and they also want full weight It was to secure all this to the public and In the interest of health also that the pure food law was passed Therefore- the attempt now being Maude by pow- erful interests to break down this law so au to be able to revert to the old system of dishonesty should be strenu ously opposed In this connection it should not be forgotten that under that system some of the mall order houses reaped a rich harvest and cut Into the trade of the home merch ants by sending their customers In- ferior and adulterated goods of short weight and it is reasonable to expect the same concerns will be at their old tricks if the pure food law is found unconstitutional- The smallest motor vehicles make the most noise In which respect they arc very like men of a smaller calibre The midget motor boat cats be heard a long distance while the great ocean liner moves ma- jestically along In comparative si- lence In proportion as a man raises his voice when in argument with another In just that ratio he loses dignity and force The young man with ambitions for advancement is recommended to try the effect on him- self of In speech and note results Most disputants have a good deal more in common than either is aware of and If they would first only try to see to what extent they are agreed they are likely to find the point Issue decrease considerably- in magnitude Anyway right or wrong the one who has his voice In control stand a better chance to win H H Windsor In August Popular Mechanics Hows This W offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure- F J CHENEY CO Toledo O- We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan- cially able to carry out any obliga- tions wade by his firm WALDING KINXAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0 naIls Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern- ally acting directly upon the blood aad mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75c Ir bottle Sold by all druggists Take Hulls Family Pills for constl the Chlcago worst t goods 4t If gen- erally solf control S ydtavil ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JUDSON NEWS JUDSON July 11 Sunday was a big day wltha the Primitive Baptist They hold their annual footwashing services nod a great many people from far and near were in attendance A A Witt of Columbia county per- suaded Miss Mary Curry daughter of Mr and Mrs W C Curry to join her fate with his and they were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of Mr null Mrs R S Tucker The newlymarried couple will depart today for Columbia county where they will make their future home The fodder is now ripe for harvest but on account of the continued rains the farmers will not be able to save it and will have to buy hay for their horses for next year Tho corn crop was cut off about onethird on account of the drouth while the cotton crop Is at the present al- though the heavy rains keep the from plowing and cause the grass to grow extremely fast The teYrlble bridge disaster on the St Lawrence below Quebec a year ego has led bridge engineers to exercise greater caution and to some extent revise their ideas Because of the necessity of longer bridges of high level and wider spans bridge construc- tion has evidently reached a critical stage and many experts believe the Quebec disaster shows that the canti- lever principle has about reached Its limit It Is this fear perhaps which has led the authorities to now seek more expert advice before the Quebec bridge is rebuilt As Immense struc tures are In process of construction- in this country or are being planned the decision as to the Quebec bridge will be eagerly awaited Chicago assessors have added a million dollars to the Pullman Cos tax bill If they were to lay an In come tax on the porters they might get several millions more CASTOR IK Xifate ui CUUm Tit KM YH Km Ahnjs Sears th a Signature Good Health Fine Digestion Strong Nerves and Hearty Good Humor come from the moderate use of HARPER Whiskey CHICHESTER S PILLS A yew known a kitSif itAlvar KtllaM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE l Hla fcl fc r annular Ou attt4 IrrlUtloni or Ucer tlom- MI u utctjr ef mucon tucicbriu t- rrtmb tnib piinirM mil not Mtrtn- c r nnc Vii or nt in wr rp i- by vpref prepaid to Circular Mat ou nan to bUua u bu tnav u rfc- Wrt rtc ALL COUNTRIES aiuinfii I U timft- mjmnt aml tim tL jLtl and lafrfaf niM Pnetlw fcdiulwly write or ai U 6 OU S1 U Btnrt pp PBl J IUW P Uct WASHINGTON D C unlsuaJlr fine 0 tips Bile d i1 La41n Ask aDd CoIr fUtile sa1c1 us Blue M- Ta1e r UUIB PROCURID AND DIFINDED MWJ4kl Iut rt r t tww I IN direct 1 i JI IaI Patent tome J M- ml 4 Jf A t- t proba- bly farm- ers EU HARPER wff r v ywrDrarltF- Ceie5 4r Sr Ill I Itrd tart RI tw- 8p n Un iL AYkCtlt CIiINTCW- IIA oiD IlU V S- S J 1 MEN APID WOMEN CSI INiltL dikbra laaarnmsUoui lalitlatCHUI CttCd lest or pnlwnoa Doti LI Drajatsts 100 of tr1S tlt nilWt tI rte ITI r Mk a tit Dale J ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < + + + KING OF THEM ALL BALLASDS SNOW LINIMENT Has bfcn Crowned with Guscasc piice 18S5 rml Is t lny tho Rest Household Liniment oa th market CURES RHEUMATISM ALL PA8M NEURALGIA tRAINS GUYS BRUISES BURNS OLD SORES SCALDS BACKACHE LUMBAKO STIFF JOINTS CONTRACTED MUSCLES SPAAINCD ANMITfi KUSKCRS SPRAINED WRISTS FROSTED FEET CORNS UNIONS CHRBLAINS AND ALL INFLAMMATIONS Price 25c SOc and 100 Refuse All Substitute BalLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO 500502 North Second Street ST LOUIS MO The FayflMtM Vtslblt TYPEWRITERS On Easy Installments ALL KINDS OF SUPPLIES Machines for Rent Write for Prices Terms Etc R C DAVIS West Bay St JACKSONVILLE FLA W L DENHAM Agent EFFECTIVE DEO 19 1108 Leave Gainesville for Fairfield and lo- cal points South 1010 a m Returning arrive Gainesville 425 p m Leave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka Lake City Valdosta and all points North 600 Returning arrive Gainesville 930 pm A L Glass Gin Supt L E Barker Traffic Mgr I NEW YORK CITY and RETURN num m m RAILROAD Tickets on sale from Jacksonville every Mon- day and Thursday beginning with June 17th up to Aug 30th with final return limit Sept 30th Stopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich- mond Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia Reduced rates to other summer resorts For information rates reservations etc call on or write to A W FRITOT Division Passen- ger Agent 138 West Bay St Jacksonville Fla SEABOARD Air Line Railway SAVANNAH COLUMBIA CAMDEN SOUTHERN PINES RALEIGH RICHMOND WASHINGTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK Two KN int Trains Dail- ySKABOAK1 EXPRESS SEABOARD MAIL MODERN PULLMAN EQUIPMENT ONLY LINE Operating Daily Through Sleepers Jacksonville to Now Orleans For full Information and sleeping car reservations call on any Agrt Seaboard or write 8 C BOYL8TON Jr General r Agent Jacksonville Flerltfa v Ph f D CURS r JAMES BALLARD old and Recommended M JOHNSON j ff Tampa Jacksonville Rail y 1 p m k COfleti f I l i 6 0 1 t 00 0000cd t- uooa i i r gJ i 01 Ii g l g g I t1 J is II cnger t- iH 3 omrI t y- w ii CO- al s i j aooooo- oooo35OO VL1 I DOO I t < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ =
Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-07 …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01455/00108.pdfTHE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JULY 15 1901 vr 1boI II1I 1-A JI 2-v


1boI II1I 1-vr JIA 2-

v 1

ld WIMM ri n ayatM n-




Bstre4 POI Office at Gainesville Fia

u e oad mat matter

Editor and Publisher

r M PM5W1TT SUP C3ap ntntf Rooms

OKlce La Haymans BlockW Mafia Street 8 Tcutraoim 119-

9mm DAILY STJX pablliferf erery morning ez-

Mpt H by tattler la the dty oreeyfttrtef tie Ualtc SUtee pwteg-

efeefor ayMV rix onth fttstkree-0MHar yiataUfar irt week trktljr la


RcatHsjraMtoMfalecaledliimB toccata a linefar Inc iwartkaad 5 eraUf or each additional

lUlw 0r fcatay ftrtiK

Tfce Twtoe Twk sm I aa right page fortyrtMM pair faMUfced every Monday sadYbw4y Mri all the Dews of the

Mk IWKV aa4 geaetai sad will beIMifeJtfNataffe free jart ef the United

til tr I 1

All tJuiiliilag Mlto become due after first

Tartte sot knows to ustriH to ia ad


TIle Mat tv SBfBFlK adoptedwvt M MtkM of theOh War M4 wSwTialKly political


a 4 will probably beHMVMfMr tried wt OB Us merits andiiljfci i kk l er s tonal biasTIM MM ef Ute several States willlK fettiwri wits keenest Interest

Thfefi fcegtMlBg to look seriousfee tftt MM WH wants to marryY ff W BM are raising the flag ofrililliia a4 siifukte as an essential

lB ttltB MArrtago that the suitorsftfcUvnir a M 0rt wemm carnage AndWMtly ywtftg wcwaa revolted attk liar tad left the twiUtng becausefee WHy vet edMeat to live in the

city her BHsbaad badea It reawlas to be seen

whether a generous supply oftee creaM boat rides and

other things dear to the feminineaura will produce achange of sent

That discontent with British rulehas agitated certain parts of India forsome time and that assassinationssave been numerous IsBut of late the signs of discontentsave beta less conspicuous partly be-

cause of reforms instituted by tIlegovernment Therefore the doublemurder in London the other day ofIndiaa officials came as a rude shockespecially as assassinations are so excccdlngly rare in England Whateverthe grievances of the Hindoos murderis no way to secure their removaland in the present case It Is signifi-cant that the brother of the murdererand the better class of Hindoos repu-

diate his action

Very recently a millionaire was sen-

tenced to a years imprisonment forperjury It Is so unusual to see asum of his class 4calt with in thatway that it a sensationPerhaps tho treatment accorded Mmwas in response to the growing

that no distinction be made be-tween poor and rich criminals Wethink it was Charles Lamb who at thetime railroad accidents were numerousin England said that Improvementwould not result until n railroad di-

rector was fatally injured On thesame principle now a millionaire hasbeen treated like an ordinary crim-

inal wo may hope that corporation of-

ficials may have less defective mem-

ories and give the facts of their bustness without equivocation and de-


The signal corps of the I S Armyhas been issued Instructions by theSecretary of War to a planfor the protection of the Atlanticcoast by dirigible baloons Thescheme involves the establishment ofbaloon houses all along the coast fromMaine to Florida The stations ifbuilt will be 25 miles upon this titing considered a safe distance offlight for the airship of the

The Intention is for theto go scouting at sa turning

and flying back to shore to give theAlarm when the fleet of an enemy Usighted but if Congress should pro-

vide for such a fleet it would un-

doubtedly be ready before long to dropexplosives on the ship ac nervyas welt as slajply scow Fr ui August



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a CarIa ndnncc

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teoj radCtfIftaytatee illttne


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r pre cUve de-



well knowu





ti prepare























Hereafter according to the announcement of Dean Small actingpresident of the University of Chica-

go the professors are to be permittedabsolute freedom of thought andspeech oven If the institution mustsuffer for It Thlti announcementIs called forth by the case of ProfGeJrge D Foster who was droppedfrom membership in Bap-

tist Ministers Association on accountof alleged heretical statements In hisbook The Function of Religion inMans Struggle for Existence

Has anybody ever doubted that theChicago professors were free as themountain air in the expressions oftheir opinions no matter how bizarrethe latter might be And seeminglythey have not been deterred by anyfear that the university might sufferfor f From declaring that John D

Rockefeller is a greater geniiiH thanever Shakespeare was to attackingthe institution of marriage they haverun the gamut of crazy notions andcontinue to be a perennial source ofslows for sensationloving journalsNow with the bars thrown down howthey will frolic In the fields of fancyAbsolute freedom of thought and

speech Any day we may expect tobear of Prof Bookworms discoverythat Elijah was snatched up not in achariot of Ore but In a primitiveautomobile car Another professorwill proclaim tho original site of thegarden of Eden to have been alongLake Michigan the serpent comingform Peoria where he made his headquarters and founded that townsfamous industry There are plenty-of universities in this country whichpermit their professors liberty ofthought and expression and yet rare-ly do we near of them indulging Inextravagant assertions of the kindthat bring ridicule upon the institu-tions they represent While hopingfor the best as the result of the an

new policy at Chicago It willbe as well to be prejiared for the

When people buy an article of foodwhether it is coffee butter canned

or anything else they want thereal thing and not an imitation andthey also want full weight It was tosecure all this to the public and In

the interest of health also that thepure food law was passed Therefore-the attempt now being Maude by pow-

erful interests to break down this lawso au to be able to revert to the oldsystem of dishonesty should be strenuously opposed In this connection itshould not be forgotten that underthat system some of the mall orderhouses reaped a rich harvest and cutInto the trade of the home merchants by sending their customers In-

ferior and adulterated goods of shortweight and it is reasonable to expectthe same concerns will be at their old

tricks if the pure food law is foundunconstitutional-

The smallest motor vehiclesmake the most noise In which

respect they arc very like men of asmaller calibre The midget motorboat cats be heard a long distancewhile the great ocean liner moves ma-

jestically along In comparative si-

lence In proportion as a man raiseshis voice when in argument withanother In just that ratio he losesdignity and force The young manwith ambitions for advancement is

recommended to try the effect on him-

self of In speech and noteresults Most disputants have a good

deal more in common than either is

aware of and If they would first onlytry to see to what extent they areagreed they are likely to find thepoint Issue decrease considerably-in magnitude Anyway right orwrong the one who has his voice In

control stand a better chance to winH H Windsor In August Popular


Hows ThisW offer One Hundred Dollars Re-

ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure-


We the undersigned have knownF J Cheney for the last 15 yearsand believe him perfectly honorableIn all business transactions and finan-

cially able to carry out any obliga-

tions wade by his firmWALDING KINXAN MARVIN

Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0naIls Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern-

ally acting directly upon the bloodaad mucous surfaces of the systemTestimonials sent free Price 75c

Ir bottle Sold by all druggistsTake Hulls Family Pills for constl

the Chlcago

worst t





solf control
















JUDSON July 11 Sunday was abig day wltha the Primitive BaptistThey hold their annual footwashingservices nod a great many peoplefrom far and near were in attendance

A A Witt of Columbia county per-

suaded Miss Mary Curry daughter ofMr and Mrs W C Curry to join herfate with his and they were unitedin the holy bonds of matrimony at thehome of Mr null Mrs R S TuckerThe newlymarried couple will

depart today for Columbia countywhere they will make their futurehome

The fodder is now ripe for harvestbut on account of the continued rainsthe farmers will not be able to saveit and will have to buy hay for theirhorses for next year Tho corn cropwas cut off about onethird on accountof the drouth while the cotton cropIs at the present al-

though the heavy rains keep thefrom plowing and cause the grass

to grow extremely fast

The teYrlble bridge disaster on theSt Lawrence below Quebec a year egohas led bridge engineers to exercisegreater caution and to some extentrevise their ideas Because of thenecessity of longer bridges of highlevel and wider spans bridge construc-tion has evidently reached a criticalstage and many experts believe theQuebec disaster shows that the canti-lever principle has about reached Itslimit It Is this fear perhaps whichhas led the authorities to now seekmore expert advice before the Quebecbridge is rebuilt As Immense structures are In process of construction-in this country or are being plannedthe decision as to the Quebec bridgewill be eagerly awaited

Chicago assessors have added amillion dollars to the Pullman Costax bill If they were to lay an In

come tax on the porters theymight get several millions more


Tit KM YH Km AhnjsSears th a


Good Health Fine DigestionStrong Nerves and HeartyGood Humor come from themoderate use of HARPERWhiskey


yew known a kitSif itAlvar KtllaM


l Hla fcl fc r annularOu attt4 IrrlUtloni or Ucer tlom-

MI u utctjr ef mucon tucicbriu t-

rrtmb tnib piinirM mil not Mtrtn-

c r nncVii or nt in wr rp i-

by vpref prepaid toCircular Mat ou nan

to bUua u bu tnav u rfc-Wrt rtc ALL COUNTRIES

aiuinfii I U timft-mjmnt aml tim tL jLtl

and lafrfaf niM Pnetlw fcdiulwlywrite or ai U 6


unlsuaJlr fine





La41n AskaDd CoIr fUtile

sa1c1 us BlueM-

Ta1e rUUIB


INdirect 1 i JI IaI


J M-ml 4 JfA










ywrDrarltF-Ceie5 4r SrIll I Itrdtart RI tw-

8p nUn iL AYkCtlt CIiINTCW-IIA oiD IlU V S-



INiltL dikbra laaarnmsUoui

lalitlatCHUI CttCd lest or pnlwnoaDoti LI Drajatsts

100 of tr1S


nilWt tI rte ITIr Mka tit

















SNOW LINIMENTHas bfcn Crowned with Guscasc piice 18S5 rml

Is t lny tho Rest Household Liniment oa th marketCURES RHEUMATISM ALL PA8M



Price 25c SOc and 100 Refuse All Substitute

BalLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO500502 North Second Street ST LOUIS MO

The FayflMtM Vtslblt

TYPEWRITERSOn Easy Installments


Machines for Rent

Write for Prices Terms Etc

R C DAVISWest Bay St



Leave Gainesville for Fairfield and lo-

cal points South 1010 a mReturning arrive Gainesville 425 p m

Leave Gainesville for Sampson City PalatkaLake City Valdosta and all points North 600

Returning arrive Gainesville 930 p m

A L Glass Gin Supt L E Barker Traffic Mgr


num m m RAILROAD

Tickets on sale from Jacksonville every Mon-day and Thursday beginning with June 17th up toAug 30th with final return limit Sept 30th

Stopovers allowed on these tickets at Rich-mond Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia

Reduced rates to other summer resortsFor information rates reservations etc call

on or write to A W FRITOT Division Passen-ger Agent 138 West Bay St Jacksonville Fla

SEABOARDAir Line Railway




Two KN int Trains Dail-ySKABOAK1 EXPRESS


ONLY LINE Operating Daily Through SleepersJacksonville to Now Orleans

For full Information and sleeping car reservations call onany Agrt Seaboard or write 8 C BOYL8TON JrGeneral r Agent Jacksonville Flerltfa



f D



old and RecommendedM JOHNSON



Tampa Jacksonville Rail y


p mk





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