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Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09...

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THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 19 1909 Ii Jii if r- tJ 1 m y I e- fi + BAR ASSOCIATION HONORS THE MASONS ELOQUENT PRESENTATION AD DRESS BY 3YD L CARTER Judge Mason Responded With Feeling Paying High Compliment to the Alachua County Bar Association Quo of the most touching Incidents of the flfthleth anniversary or golden wedding of Judge and Mrs H G Mason which occurred at their home on Wednesday the luth lust was the presentation by the Alachua County liar Association of two handsome goldheaded silk umbrellas appro- priately engraved The committee from the bar asso- ciation comprising Judge Horatio Davis president of tho association and Attorneys T W Fielding Evans Halle Ilobt B Davis Syd L Carter T B Ellis Jr called nt the Inane at a late hour in tho afternoon when they were warmly welcomed the genial Judge and his good wife The Presentation Speech Judge Carter who had been select oil as spokesman by the committee made the presentation speech In the following neat words Judge Mason Through the par tlnllty of the president of the liar As soclntlon and the committee selected by him n very pleasing duty has to my lot town tho rrcsenta to you and your consort of these two sunshades Their Intrinsic value ds small but the spirit that prompted Xho gift Is beyond price A half century ago In the full vigor of youthful manhood you enter- ed into that marriage relation which tho Christian religion teaches us Is tho holiest estate It Is n matter of gratification to your friends that a axfcrcfful providence has fit to illustrate and emphasize that Bible truth by permitting you to enjoy that relation for such a length of time As yourfeet near that dim and misty lino that marks tho end of mortality it must be a source of supreme conso- lation to you that that same merciful Providence has vouchsafed to you tho companionship or tho one whose plighted troth you won so long ago To you Mrs Mason The sweetest thought as you Jour ney hand in hand to that peace- ful shore Which times tempesting waves shall dash no more Must be that in that long ago when with bounding pulse and dimp- ling cheeks you plighted your troth Jt was to one who In his life has Illus- trated the highest Ideal of American citizenship and whose private and public character Is as pure as the mountain tops snow thrice battled by- line Northern blasts That your husband may be long spared to fill the responsible anti ex united position ho now occupies and that you may be spared to still be solace and comfort Is the earnest wish of each and every member of this Bar Association of Alachua County of which your distinguished husband Is an honored member Judge Carter who is regarded as one of the most eloquent orators of the State seemed at his best on this occasion and his remarks fell with great Impressiveness upon the ears of those about him Judge Masons Reply Although somewhat feeble from the exorcises of the long day Judge Ma- son was equal to the occasion and replied to the address of Judge Carter feelingly as follows Gentlemen 1 thank you for those beautiful gifts In commemoration this fiftieth anniversary of our mar- riage It affords us pleasure beyond the power of expression to receive from your hands these beautiful me- mentos of this happy occasion I as- sure you they are highly prized for their beauty sad value mud doubly j o because of the source from which they came but while they are so PILES OIlED AT hOME llf NEW MSOMTWN METHOD 1 Jt you suffer from bledtn Itching blind or protruding Pile scud me your address you bow to cure jrounclf at JKOEM by the pew ftbturplion treatment and will alto Mod sown of this homo rtm nt- in for trial with references from your va locality If Immediate re- Uef aad permanent cure aMurvd Scad BO- M y but UI1 of but otter Write tadfif Me M ttuuuuen Dot P 0uaU sand by Been ilk o- ft l r requested ube to at w fal- len lon r Y r his y 1 w t seat ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° highly valued for their beauty and usffulncSH and will be to cherUlud fur many days In toniiark with our ni i reclatloh of and kind words you have ex pressed in presontlnf them they arc us nothing Indeed I estimate the contidcnce and respect of and particularly of the njuinbers of the Alachua County liar Association with whom 1 have been so lung as- sociated far above add beyond the value of any substantial sifts To attain this has been one of the high- est alms of my life and to be thus assured by your generous words and acts that I have the confidence and respect of those who know me best is a reflection that gives to us tilt largest portion of happiness on this occasion and inspires me with the hops that whether my time of service- be many days or few I shall still be worthy of the full measure of confi- dence and esteem which you have so touchingly expressed Gentlemen In behalf of my wife and for myself I most heartily thank you A DUMPCART OUTING M1CANOPY Sept IS MHS May Starke Mrs A II Kmersontf charm hug cousin from Jacksonville Miss Isabel Patton of the belles of Gainesville Miss Rosalie Smith a Daytona Beach and Miss Cora May Slmonton Queen of Mlcanopy who are attending Mrs A H KinertfonH house party had a very pleasant ride In one of Mrs Kmerfconb largo touring cars Friday through Mlcanopy and the surround- ing country The young ladles were enjoying the scenery while spinning up Sil- very avenue when the cur became unmanageable and took a leap In the air causing the young ladles to have a sitting contest In one of nopys principal streets Miss Starke being the heaviest we think won the contest by sitting down the hardest The young ladles all received slight bruises we think as they took their suppers standing Friday night Mr Tom Carlton one of Mlcanopys most prominent young men who was hav- ing an outing with the ladles of the dumping party was seen the fol- lowing evening He was able to he out but still had the dumps Mr Leon Thrasher who was standing In a nearby store and who was a wit- ness of the grand dumping hurried- to the scene and aslsted the ladies to regain their feet and restore their combs hairpins and jewelry Mr Thrasher has our lifetime friendship for the deed Reynolds the chauffeur from Panama had quite a thrilling experience holding on to the fly dis- tributor of the old gray mule al- though he stayed at his post of duty and soon got the animal under con trol Dictated by C R and typewritten by M E Testifies After Four Years Carlisle Center N Y 0 D Bur bans writes About four years ago- I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bpttles of Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four years I am again pleased to state that I have never had any return of those symptoms and I am evidently cured to stay cured Kinney Remedy will do the same for you J W McCollum Co FOR CITY MARSHAL- To the Voters of the City of Gaines- ville A special election laving been called on Tuesday October 11 for tuft election of a Marshal to succeed ten T Arnow resigned I big to announce that I will lu a cnmliau for that office and n k the support of my frUiuln IkIng thoroughly t x- perleiictd along the line of police work which has been gained by a practical experience and being now acting Marshal if my action In capacity meets your approval I ask your votes to be continued in office Sincerely HARRY L OWENS Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is today the best known medicine In use for the relief and cure of bowel complaints It cures griping diarrhoea dysentery- and should bo tnkon at the first un- natural loosonoss of the bowels It Is equally valuable for children and adults It always euros Sold by all druggists- Let a want ad negotiate a trade for you of something you dont teed something you do the lone Mica I Oil t hit tar yet senti- ments fellow nien heart snasherl > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BACKACHE To lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Rocklnml Maine I was troubled for a long time my back and and was every I until 1 was and I should never get well I read a testimonial about E 1inkhams Vegeta- ble and thought I would After tak- ing three bottles I was cured and never felt so well In all my life I recommend K Vegetable Compound to all friends Mrs 6 Columbia Avenue Hoekiaml Me Backache Is a of female weakness or derangement If you have backache neglect it get permanent relief must reach the root of the trouble we know of will do this so and as Lydia K Vegetable Com Cure the cause of these aches and pains and you will well and strong The great of unsolicited pouring in proves conclusively that E made from roots and herbs has restored health to thou sands of women Mrs Pinkham of Lynn Mass invites all sick women to write her for advice She has guided thousand to health of charge Organized District Convention Editor Sun On Tuesday night the 14th Inst at Hislng Sun hall on North Arredondo street a district convention of the G U O of O F was organized with Past Grand Mus- ter S H Willis In the chair The usual committees were appoint- ed who reported as required The committee on bylaws of which Dr G V Hawkins was chairman made exceptional progress and the chair- man was the recipient of many comp- liments The following annual officers were elected S H Willis G M su- pervisor by appointment 0 D Will lams vicesupervisor J J Dooling secretary J II Lowe assistant sec- retary H Price chaplain J H Gass treasurer G W Hawkins W Peach and W D Ford members of advisory board It seems to be the concensus of opinion that no better man could have been selected by the district grand master of Florida as super- visor of the Gainesville district than the present Incumbent S H Willis The meetings of the convention are to be held and the purpose Is to stimulate Interest In the order MEMBER Can be depended upon Is an ex- pression we all like to hear and when- It Is used In connection with Cham- berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcmcdy it means that It never fails to cure diarrhoea dysentery or bowel complaints It Is pleasant to take and equally valuable for ehll- iren and adults Sold by all FOR CITY MARSHAL 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate for City Marshal at the spe- cial to be held on October I am III the race until the lose on the day of the election mill respectfully solicit tilt votes of my promising if elected to perform the duties of tho office without fear or favor live mo your support and you will never have cause to regret It eliAS M DKLL Not a minute should he lost when a child shows symptoms of croup Chamberlains Cough Remedy given- as soon as tho child becomes hoarse- or even after the croupy cough pears will prevent the attack Sold by all druggists Dr A Dolan Mild Medicine Treatment for Horses and Mules Eyes Gainesville Florida YOUR WILL YIELD E constantl ree p election Hit II polls zip miserable dis- couraged 1 1 a j xo dis- tressing semi annualiy drug- gists fellow citixcns ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ready Fer Us As tiMitnl the children were ver hungry anil were xvnltln patiently tot father to nil the Plates and pas tlnin around Father however was busllt engaged lu conversation Iud ml w little Marion After every our line eating the child grew desperate and Interrupted father Say papa Ive an nwful Rood np petite today if youll only glre me n chance to use It Womans Home Companion- Best Treatment for a Burn If for no other reason Chamber gains Salve should be kept In every household on account of its great value In the treatment of burns It allays the pain almost Instantly and unless the Injury Is a severe one heals the parts without leaving a scar This salve Is also unequaled for chapped hands sore nipples and dis- eases of the skin Price 25 cents For sole by all druggists Sympathy HeIt was i frightful moment when I received your litter telling me of the nbstmli lit our rlupe I would haws xliot myself but I had no iimney lu buy n ruhr She l eirest It only you laid let me know HimpllilsKlmiis Hoppity Hop Are you just barely getting around by the aid of crutches or a cane Vnless you have lost n limb or have a deformity if your trouble Is rheuma- tism lumbago sprain stiff joints or anything of like nature use Mallards Snow Liniment anti in no time you can throw away your crutches and be as well as anyone Price 2c 0e mud 100 Sold by NV M Johnson A Mean Friend All Hies up m iuse Well holly He city will pay you to panule streets Ier hUlls instead of xweepln It would be better them by a vacuum pmc- ess Kansas City Journal To Be Happy You must have good health You cant have good health If your liver is not doing Its duty slow but sure poisoning Is going on all the time under such circumstances Hallanlj- Herblne makes a perfectly healthy liver keeps the stomach and bowels right and acts as a tonic for the en tire system Sold by W M Johnson Quito a Success Wife of the Professor Charles tire is a telegram explosion In your laboratory und the place wrecked Professor Thank goodness Then that experiment way a success after nil New York Journal Health and Beauty Aid Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotch- es like Foleys Orlno Laxative for In digestion stomach and liver troubles and habitual constipation Cleanses the system and Is pleasant to take McCollum Co Cause For Joy Congratulation old mnn I sup l oe youre tickled to death because Its n boy Yes lu a few years now Ill have an excuse for going to the clrcus Detroit Free Press Warning- Do not be persuaded into taking any- thing but Foleys Honey and Tar for chronic coughs bronchitis hay fever nthma and lung trouble as It stops the cough and heals the lungs J W McCollum Co Strong Proof for a bresuh of promise eh Yep Any defense TeniH rnry Insanity and I expect to prove It by tin lute letters 1 wrote Washington Hiniltl CASTOR IA Par Infants and Children The Kind Ins Han Always Sough All tho Difference My wife ls wry bull said n eau at Illoorusbury county court You mean she U very III I hops she is not bud replied the innslflrH- UsympatheticallyLondon Telegraph Hicks CAPUDINE Cures Sick Head- ache Also Nervous Headache Travelers Headache and aches from Grip Stem wh Troubles or Female troubles Try Capudlne its liquid effect Im- mediately gold by 4rB gtfU dust 11111 lit to 11 W Dears thi- 11turo c h lL D gun his lusts pctIliii lint r the the clean Bowl p J the g < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > BUSINESS MIXSOX DENTIST Office over Dutton Hank Phone 2S6 DR GEO S WALDO DENTIST Graham Building East Main Street ft Phone 51 AIM Long Distance DsVERE B MORRIS DENTIST Office oven Gainesville Natloul Caa Phoao 200 DR J H ALDERMAN DENTIST Office over Outton ft Co Phase 280 CalaesTllle Fla E BAKER ATTORNEYATLAWS- OLICITOR IK CHANCERY GAINESVILLE Alaohua Co FJ Office in Haynmnn Block BAYER ATTORNEY AT LAW FLORIDA Can toll your sity iai proved and unimproved trueking and farming land Bead hist a lilt of what you offer for tale aiife J A CARLISLE ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Equity Rea Estate and U0 eral Praetiee All business proaptly attended to Office next to offlec QAIHXSVILLX FLoaiBA FRANK CLARK Taus W FIELDING CLARK FIELDING LAWYERS Practice IB all Courts State anti Federal Oticea Over Gainesville National Duke Gainesville Florida T F THMUS UNDERTAKING CO PULL LINE OF NEW GOODS AGENTS FOR MOHDMRiTM TOMBSTONES and IRON FENCES Fflrtooal attention to au satterala Mall aad telegraph erdwa- proaptly attended to QatBtsvllle Flerlta REAL ESTATE GAINESVILLE FLA I Farms Dwellings Lots For Sale LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH t Abstracts of Title Made- To all Lands in Alachua County on short notice Fire Insuruce Written In Reliable Cornpanle CARDS- C G j i Sell DR j W D 1 1 k See osr Use YOTLE VOILE r F h H l- rorm sd t r f Baa IAllta5VILLS samples tkla moo ve Sletwo l4ttel NIi44si IMF
Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09 …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01521/00566.pdfChamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is today the best known


Ii Jii if r-













Judge Mason Responded With Feeling

Paying High Compliment to the

Alachua County Bar Association

Quo of the most touching Incidentsof the flfthleth anniversary or goldenwedding of Judge and Mrs H G

Mason which occurred at their homeon Wednesday the luth lust was thepresentation by the Alachua Countyliar Association of two handsomegoldheaded silk umbrellas appro-priately engraved

The committee from the bar asso-ciation comprising Judge HoratioDavis president of tho associationand Attorneys T W Fielding EvansHalle Ilobt B Davis Syd L Carter

T B Ellis Jr called nt theInane at a late hour in tho afternoonwhen they were warmly welcomed

the genial Judge and his goodwife

The Presentation Speech

Judge Carter who had been selectoil as spokesman by the committeemade the presentation speech In thefollowing neat words

Judge Mason Through the partlnllty of the president of the liar Assoclntlon and the committee selectedby him n very pleasing duty has

to my lot town tho rrcsentato you and your consort of these

two sunshades Their Intrinsic valueds small but the spirit that promptedXho gift Is beyond price

A half century ago In the fullvigor of youthful manhood you enter-ed into that marriage relation whichtho Christian religion teaches us Istho holiest estate It Is n matter ofgratification to your friends that aaxfcrcfful providence has fit toillustrate and emphasize that Bibletruth by permitting you to enjoy thatrelation for such a length of timeAs yourfeet near that dim and mistylino that marks tho end of mortalityit must be a source of supreme conso-lation to you that that same mercifulProvidence has vouchsafed to you thocompanionship or tho one whoseplighted troth you won so long ago

To you Mrs MasonThe sweetest thought as you Jour

ney hand in hand to that peace-ful shore

Which times tempesting wavesshall dash no more

Must be that in that long agowhen with bounding pulse and dimp-ling cheeks you plighted your trothJt was to one who In his life has Illus-

trated the highest Ideal of Americancitizenship and whose private andpublic character Is as pure as themountain tops snow thrice battled by-

line Northern blastsThat your husband may be long

spared to fill the responsible anti exunited position ho now occupies andthat you may be spared to still besolace and comfort Is the earnestwish of each and every member ofthis Bar Association of AlachuaCounty of which your distinguishedhusband Is an honored member

Judge Carter who is regarded asone of the most eloquent orators ofthe State seemed at his best on thisoccasion and his remarks fell withgreat Impressiveness upon the earsof those about him

Judge Masons ReplyAlthough somewhat feeble from the

exorcises of the long day Judge Ma-

son was equal to the occasion andreplied to the address of Judge Carterfeelingly as follows

Gentlemen 1 thank you for thosebeautiful gifts In commemorationthis fiftieth anniversary of our mar-

riage It affords us pleasure beyondthe power of expression to receivefrom your hands these beautiful me-

mentos of this happy occasion I as-

sure you they are highly prized fortheir beauty sad value mud doubly

j o because of the source from whichthey came but while they are so

PILES OIlED AT hOME llfNEW MSOMTWN METHOD1 Jt you suffer from bledtn Itching blindor protruding Pile scud me your address

you bow to cure jrounclf atJKOEM by the pew ftbturplion treatment andwill alto Mod sown of this homo rtm nt-

in for trial with references from yourva locality If Immediate re-

Uef aad permanent cure aMurvd Scad BO-

M y but UI1 of but otter Writetadfif Me M ttuuuuen Dot P 0uaU


































highly valued for their beauty andusffulncSH and will be to cherUludfur many days In toniiarkwith our ni i reclatloh of

and kind words you have expressed in presontlnf them they arcus nothing Indeed I estimate thecontidcnce and respect ofand particularly of the njuinbers ofthe Alachua County liar Associationwith whom 1 have been so lung as-

sociated far above add beyond thevalue of any substantial sifts Toattain this has been one of the high-

est alms of my life and to be thusassured by your generous words andacts that I have the confidence andrespect of those who know me bestis a reflection that gives to us tiltlargest portion of happiness on thisoccasion and inspires me with thehops that whether my time of service-be many days or few I shall still beworthy of the full measure of confi-

dence and esteem which you haveso touchingly expressed

Gentlemen In behalf of my wifeand for myself I most heartily thankyou


M1CANOPY Sept IS MHS MayStarke Mrs A II Kmersontf charmhug cousin from Jacksonville MissIsabel Patton of the belles ofGainesville Miss Rosalie Smith aDaytona Beach andMiss Cora May Slmonton Queen ofMlcanopy who are attending MrsA H KinertfonH house party hada very pleasant ride In one of MrsKmerfconb largo touring cars Fridaythrough Mlcanopy and the surround-ing country

The young ladles were enjoyingthe scenery while spinning up Sil-

very avenue when the cur becameunmanageable and took a leap In

the air causing the young ladles tohave a sitting contest In one ofnopys principal streets Miss Starkebeing the heaviest we think won thecontest by sitting down the hardestThe young ladles all received slightbruises we think as they took theirsuppers standing Friday night MrTom Carlton one of Mlcanopys mostprominent young men who was hav-

ing an outing with the ladles of thedumping party was seen the fol-

lowing evening He was able to heout but still had the dumps MrLeon Thrasher who was standingIn a nearby store and who was a wit-

ness of the grand dumping hurried-to the scene and aslsted the ladiesto regain their feet and restore theircombs hairpins and jewelry MrThrasher has our lifetime friendshipfor the deed Reynolds the chauffeurfrom Panama had quite a thrillingexperience holding on to the fly dis-

tributor of the old gray mule al-

though he stayed at his post of dutyand soon got the animal under control

Dictated by C R and typewrittenby M E

Testifies After Four YearsCarlisle Center N Y 0 D Bur

bans writes About four years ago-I wrote you that I had been entirelycured of kidney trouble by taking twobpttles of Foleys Kidney Remedy andafter four years I am again pleasedto state that I have never had anyreturn of those symptoms and I amevidently cured to stay curedKinney Remedy will do the same foryou J W McCollum Co


To the Voters of the City of Gaines-ville A special election laving beencalled on Tuesday October 11 fortuft election of a Marshal to succeedten T Arnow resigned I big toannounce that I will lu a cnmliaufor that office and n k the supportof my frUiuln IkIng thoroughly t x-

perleiictd along the line of policework which has been gained by apractical experience and being nowacting Marshal if my action In

capacity meets your approval I askyour votes to be continued in officeSincerely HARRY L OWENS

Chamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy Is today the bestknown medicine In use for the reliefand cure of bowel complaints Itcures griping diarrhoea dysentery-

and should bo tnkon at the first un-

natural loosonoss of the bowels ItIs equally valuable for children andadults It always euros Sold by alldruggists-

Let a want ad negotiate a tradefor you of something you dont teed

something you do






t hit




fellow nien

heart snasherl















To lydia PinkhamsVegetable Compound

Rocklnml Maine I was troubledfor a long time my backand and was every

Iuntil 1 was

andI should

never get well Iread a testimonialabout E1inkhams Vegeta-ble andthought I would

After tak-ing three bottles Iwas cured andnever felt so well

In all my life I recommend KVegetable Compound to all

friends Mrs 6Columbia Avenue Hoekiaml Me

Backache Is a of femaleweakness or derangement If youhave backache neglect itget permanent relief must reachthe root of the trouble weknow of will do this so andas Lydia K Vegetable Com

Cure the cause of theseaches and pains and you will

well and strongThe great of unsolicited

pouring in provesconclusively that E

made from rootsand herbs has restored health to thousands of women

Mrs Pinkham of Lynn Massinvites all sick women to writeher for advice She has guidedthousand to health ofcharge

Organized District ConventionEditor Sun On Tuesday night the

14th Inst at Hislng Sun hall onNorth Arredondo street a districtconvention of the G U O of O Fwas organized with Past Grand Mus-

ter S H Willis In the chairThe usual committees were appoint-

ed who reported as required Thecommittee on bylaws of which DrG V Hawkins was chairman madeexceptional progress and the chair-man was the recipient of many comp-liments

The following annual officers wereelected S H Willis G M su-

pervisor by appointment 0 D Willlams vicesupervisor J J Doolingsecretary J II Lowe assistant sec-retary H Price chaplain J HGass treasurer G W Hawkins WPeach and W D Ford members ofadvisory board

It seems to be the concensus ofopinion that no better man couldhave been selected by the districtgrand master of Florida as super-visor of the Gainesville district thanthe present Incumbent S H Willis

The meetings of the conventionare to be held and thepurpose Is to stimulate Interest In theorder MEMBER

Can be depended upon Is an ex-

pression we all like to hear and when-It Is used In connection with Cham-berlains Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaItcmcdy it means that It never failsto cure diarrhoea dysentery orbowel complaints It Is pleasant totake and equally valuable for ehll-iren and adults Sold by all

FOR CITY MARSHAL1 respectfully announce myself a

candidate for City Marshal at the spe-cial to be held on October

I am III the race until thelose on the day of the election millrespectfully solicit tilt votes of my

promising if electedto perform the duties of tho officewithout fear or favor live mo yoursupport and you will never havecause to regret It


Not a minute should he lost whena child shows symptoms of croupChamberlains Cough Remedy given-as soon as tho child becomes hoarse-or even after the croupy coughpears will prevent the attack Soldby all druggists

Dr A DolanMild Medicine Treatment for

Horses and Mules Eyes

Gainesville Florida






electionHit II polls




11 a j



semi annualiy


fellow citixcns














Ready Fer UsAs tiMitnl the children were ver

hungry anil were xvnltln patiently totfather to nil the Plates and pas tlninaround Father however was buslltengaged lu conversation Iud ml wlittle Marion After every our line

eating the child grew desperateand Interrupted father

Say papa Ive an nwful Rood nppetite today if youll only glre me n

chance to use It Womans HomeCompanion-

Best Treatment for a Burn

If for no other reason Chambergains Salve should be kept In everyhousehold on account of its greatvalue In the treatment of burns Itallays the pain almost Instantly andunless the Injury Is a severe oneheals the parts without leaving ascar This salve Is also unequaled forchapped hands sore nipples and dis-

eases of the skin Price 25 centsFor sole by all druggists

SympathyHeIt was i frightful moment when

I received your litter telling me ofthe nbstmli lit ourrlupe I would haws xliot myself butI had no iimney lu buy n ruhrShe l eirest It only you laid let meknow HimpllilsKlmiis

Hoppity Hop

Are you just barely getting aroundby the aid of crutches or a caneVnless you have lost n limb or havea deformity if your trouble Is rheuma-tism lumbago sprain stiff joints oranything of like nature use MallardsSnow Liniment anti in no time youcan throw away your crutches andbe as well as anyone Price 2c 0emud 100 Sold by NV M Johnson

A Mean FriendAll Hies up m iuseWell holly He city will

pay you to panule streets IerhUlls instead of xweepln It would bebetter them by a vacuum pmc-ess Kansas City Journal

To Be HappyYou must have good health You

cant have good health If your liveris not doing Its duty slow but surepoisoning Is going on all the timeunder such circumstances Hallanlj-Herblne makes a perfectly healthyliver keeps the stomach and bowelsright and acts as a tonic for the entire system Sold by W M Johnson

Quito a SuccessWife of the Professor Charles tire

is a telegram explosion In yourlaboratory und the place wreckedProfessor Thank goodness Thenthat experiment way a success afternil New York Journal

Health and Beauty AidCosmetics and lotions will not clear

your complexion of pimples and blotch-es like Foleys Orlno Laxative for Indigestion stomach and liver troublesand habitual constipation Cleansesthe system and Is pleasant to take

McCollum Co

Cause For JoyCongratulation old mnn I sup

l oe youre tickled to death becauseIts n boy

Yes lu a few years now Ill havean excuse for going to the clrcusDetroit Free Press


Do not be persuaded into taking any-thing but Foleys Honey and Tar forchronic coughs bronchitis hay fevernthma and lung trouble as It stopsthe cough and heals the lungs J WMcCollum Co

Strong Prooffor a bresuh of promise eh

YepAny defenseTeniH rnry Insanity and I expect

to prove It by tin lute letters 1 wroteWashington Hiniltl

CASTOR IAPar Infants and Children

The Kind Ins Han Always Sough

All tho DifferenceMy wife ls wry bull said n eau

at Illoorusbury county courtYou mean she U very III I hops

she is not bud replied the innslflrH-UsympatheticallyLondon Telegraph

Hicks CAPUDINE Cures Sick Head-ache

Also Nervous Headache TravelersHeadache and aches from Grip Stemwh Troubles or Female troublesTry Capudlne its liquid effect Im-mediately gold by 4rB gtfU

dust11111 lit




Dears thi-

11turo c h lL

D gunhis

lusts pctIliii lint r





p J















Office over Dutton Hank Phone 2S6



Graham Building East Main Street ftPhone 51 AIM Long Distance



Office oven Gainesville Natloul CaaPhoao 200



Office over Outton ft CoPhase 280 CalaesTllle Fla




GAINESVILLE Alaohua Co FJOffice in Haynmnn Block




Can toll your sity iaiproved and unimprovedtrueking and farming land Bead hista lilt of what you offer for tale aiife


ATTORNEY AT LAWAnd Solicitor in Equity

Rea Estate and U0eral Praetiee All business proaptlyattended to Office next toofflec QAIHXSVILLX FLoaiBA




Practice IB all Courts State antiFederal

Oticea Over Gainesville NationalDuke Gainesville Florida








Fflrtooal attention to au satteralaMall aad telegraph erdwa-

proaptly attended to

QatBtsvllle Flerlta



Farms Dwellings Lots


Abstracts of Title Made-

To all Lands in Alachua Countyon short notice

Fire InsuruceWritten In Reliable Cornpanle












See osr






H l-











Sletwo l4ttel NIi44si IMF
