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Gall forming insects, mites and their management

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1 Muraghendra P. Ibrahimpur PGS 12 AGR 5769 Gall forming insects, mites and their management
Page 2: Gall forming insects, mites and their management

Contents What is gall ? Types of gall Gall Formers – Insects, mites & others Importance of galls Management Conclusion


Page 3: Gall forming insects, mites and their management

What is gall ?

‘Pathologically’ developed cells, tissues or organs of plants

Hypertrophy and hyperplasy

Abnormal growth caused by another organism

(Mani, 1964 ; Margaret and Peter, 1996) 


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• Reaction of cambium and other meristematic tissues to stimuli produced by the organisms.

• Minute to 2 inches in diameter

• As shelter and food source and gives protection form parasites and predators

(Mani, 2000)

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Modern explanation of gall

Abnormal growths of Bacteria and Fungi - Tumours

Insect and mite induced ones - Gall

(Raman, 2007 ) Actual Causes for Gall formation

The organism induces/ produces higher levels of plant growth hormones (Hartley, 1998 ; Byers, 2005)


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May be pest or may not be

• Most are harmless but just look interesting

• Damage high value of plants

(Mani, 1973 and Buss, 2007)

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Can alter resource allocation

• Negative effect on the fitness of the plant

Decrease the energy allocated to flowering

Less energy to reproduction- fewer seeds

Fewer and small size rhizomes

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General Types

Open Galls Closed Galls

Simple Galls/ Monothalamous/Unilarval Compound/ Polythalamous/ Multilarval Unilocular- With one cavity Plurilocular- With many cavities



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Types of Galls Definitions

1. Blistergalls Blister-like swellings of leaves

2. Budgalls Deformities in buds

3. Bullet galls Nearly solid, unicellular or monothalamous galls Looks like bullets

4. Cecidomyia General term applied to any species referring to gall midges


Different Types of Galls (Based on Sites)

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5. Erineum Hairy or pile-like by plant mites

6. Flower galls Deformed flowers or masses of flowers

7. Fruit galls Deformity on fruits and seeds

8. Leaf galls Deformations with leaves

9. Leaf spots Marked discoloration rather than swellings or deformation

10. Oak apples Term used for particular familiar large galls on oaks of genus Amphibolips

11. Pouch galls Simple, pouch-like deformities


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13. Roly-poly galls Loose, usually oval cell with a large cavity

14. Root galls Galls on roots of plants

15. Rosette galls On bud tip. Generally consist of central cell surrounded by a rosette of partly developed leaves

16. Stem or twig galls Deformations on twigs and stems

17 Subcorticol galls Galls just under the bark of (usually) one side of stem or twig. Irregularly shaped

11(Ananthakrishan and Raman, 1989)

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Major Gall causing organisms

Bacteria Fungi Virus Nematodes Mites Insects


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Where we can find insect and mite galls

On leaves On Petioles On Flower buds On flower heads On Stems On Barks On Roots On Branches

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Major Plant Families in which galls are formed

Leguminiaceae Moraceae Lauraceae Combretaceae Anacardaceae Cucurbitaceae Compositae

*** Insect galls are becoming economically important especially in perennial ecosystems***

About 80 percent of the gall wasps produce galls specifically on oak trees (Mani, 1973)


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Insect Specificity to produce Galls

Seasonal Abundance

Gall development usually begins in the spring and progresses throughout the summer and fall months.

( Raman, 1983 & 2007 ; Varadarasan et al., 1982)

90% - host specific

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Agrobacterium tumefaciens, -crown gall


Fungus stem gall or "poop gall" on choke cherry (Prunus virginiana). The swollen stems are caused by the fungus Dibotryon morbosum

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Major Orders / Families of insects producing galls

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DipteraLargest number of gall-making insects

Cecidomyiidae(Gall Midges),Trupaneidae , Oscinidae, Agromyzidae

Hymenoptera• Majority are in the Cynipidae Gall

Wasps Mainly in on oaks

• Tenthredinidae, Eurytomidae, • Torymidae and Chalcididae

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More in Tortricidae and Elachistidae

Aegeriidae, Tineidae, Olethreutidae, Lavernidae, Pyralididae Thyridadae

HomopteraAphididae, psyllidae, coccidae



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122 species of gall forming insect and mits species were indentified.

91 insect species,31 mite species.

13 alien insects.

Most frequented hosts are Quercus-28 species,

Acer -10, Populus-9, Telia-8.

Jan Kollar (2011)


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Diptera Hymenoptera Homoptera Lepidoptera Coleoptera Acarina0









More than 13,000 insect species are known to produce galls in trees

(Suzuki and Fukushi, 2009)

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Number of species of galls related to major fruit crops

Number of gall forming species reported on selected fruit crops

(Uma and Verghese, 2008)

An over view of some plant galls of selected trees in India

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Parts of trees affected by galls and the number of species involved in selected tress

Leaf Inflorescence Bud Stem Twig

Mangifera indica + 20 +5 +3 +2 +1

Syzigium cumini +4 - - +2 -

Acacia leucopolea +8 +2 +2 +4 -

Pongamia glabra +1 +1 +1 - +2

Dalbergia sissoo +3 +1 - - -

(Uma and Verghese, 2008)

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Dipteran gall formers


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Seasonal incidence of chilli gall midge (Asphondylia capparis Rubsaaman.) and its parasitoids

Basavaraj et al.(2011)

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Basavaraj et al. (2011)

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Mango gall midges Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) Procontarinia sp. leaf P. allahabadensis (Grover 1962) leaf P. amraeomyia (Rao 1950) leaf P. mangiferae (Felt 1911) leaf, stem P. mangifoliae (Grover 1965) leaf P. matteiana Keiffer & Cecconi 1906 leaf Cecidomyiinae: Lasiopteridi: Lasiopterini Lasioptera mangiflorae (Grover 1968) flower [Meunieriella mangiflorae Grover 1968] Cecidomyiinae: Lasiopteridi: Dasineurini Dasineura amaramanjarae (Grover 1964) flower Gephyraulus indica (Grover & Prasad 1965)

flower 28Raman et al. (2009)

Incidence of mango midge and its control

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Life cycle: EP- 2 to 3 days, LP-7 to 10 days, PP- 5 to 7 days, pest over the period of Jan- March

Favourable climatic conditions, Temp-24oc, RH- 60-82%

Symptoms:small raised wrat like galls on leaves,Infested bud develop as along pointed galls.

Management : Cultural control Chemical control- fenitrothion 0.05% Bifenthrin @70ml/100L Biological control: Platygaster sp.

Eupelmus sp.

Inostemma ocularae

Torymus sp.

29Waqar Ahmed et al. (2005)

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Quantitative Estimation of Some Metabolites and Enzymes in Insect induced Leaf Galls of Mangifera indica

(Marmit and Sharma, 2008)

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Host Plant -Mangifera indica

Gall Insect – Amradiplosis allahabadensis at Jaipur, Rajasthan

1.Estimation of total soluble sugar- Phenol sulphuric acid reagent method

2.Estimation of reducing sugar- Miller(1972)

3. Determination of α- amylase activity- by measuring the maltose and other reducing sugar – by 3-5 dinitro salycylic acid calorimetric method of Bernfeld(1955).

4. Estimation of invertase activity- by Harris and Jaffcoat method (1974)

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variety Mean percent silver shoot

Kharif 2004 Kharif 2005 Pooled mean Score


Original transformed Original Transformed

Original Transformed

Leimaphou 1.21 6.05 3.62 10.16 2.42 8.11 3 MR

Akutphou o.26 2.79 1.22 5.60 0.74 4.20 1 R

Ereimaphou 0.68 4.66 1.o5 5.47 0.87 5.07 1 R

Sanaphou 1.30 6.26 2.38 8.37 1.84 7.32 3 MR

KD-5-2-8 3.08 9.94 4.41 11.62 3.75 10.78 3 MR

KD-5-3-14 0.69 4.65 4.28 11.76 2.49 8.21 3 MR

WR-3-2-1 0.79 4.91 2.32 8.63 1.55 6.77 1 R

RCM-10 1.53 7.05 3.93 11.01 2.73 9.03 3 MR

Tamphaphou 0.62 4.73 2.49 8.74 1.56 6.74 3 MR

Punshi 0.50 4.02 5.55 12.98 3.03 8.50 3 MR

TN-1 16.07 45.09 18.15 50.99 17.11 98.62 7 S33

Reaction of var . to gall midge occuring under prevailing rice crop ecosystem of Manipur during 2004 and 2005

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Incidence of O.oryzae and grain yield in different screened var . of rice during kharif 2004 and 2005


Variety Mean per cent silver shoot 2.48Mean grain yield(t/ha)

Leimaphou 2.42(8.11) 3.47

Akutphou 0.74(4.20) 2.78

Ereimaphou 0.87(5.07) 3.23

KD-5-2-8 3.75(10.78) 4.93

KD-5-3-14 2.49(8.21) 4.63

WR-3-2-1 1.55(6.77) 2.49

RCM-10 2.73(9.03) 4.84

Tamphaphou 1.56(6.74) 5.43

Punshi 3.03(8.50) 3.88

TN-1 17.11(48.82) 1.69

Singh et al. (2005)

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Effect of nursery treatment and seedling root dip on rice gall midge infestation during khariff, 1997 and 1998

Treatment Dose Mean silver shoot yield

30 DAT 40 DAT 50 DAT 60 DAT q/ha % increased over control

Corbofuran 3G(seedling treatment at 45 DBP+ monocrotophosat 45 and 60 DAT)

1.5Kg a.i./ha





39.14 21.40

Carbosulphon 5G(seedling treatment at 45 DBP+ monocrotophosat 45 and 60 DAT)

1.5Kg a.i./ha




9.09 37.25 15.54

Isazophos 3G5G(seedling treatment at 45 DBP+ monocrotophosat 45 and 60 DAT)

1.5Kg a.i./ha





37.07 14.98

Chloropyriphos 20 EC5G(seedling treatment at 45 DBP+ monocrotophosat 45 and 60 DAT)

0.22% 0.62(0.97)




39.97 23.98

Monocrotophosat 45 and 60 DAT 1.5Kga.i./ha




14.57 34.05 5.61

Untreated control 11.46(2.25)




SE(m)± 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.62

CD 0.05 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.25 0.37 0.37 1.79

Singh et al. (2000)

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Rose Pea Gall by gall a wasp (Diplolepis



Hymenopterans gall former

Vein Pocket Galls, Macrodiplosis quercusoruca

Goldenrod Stem Gall - by the small fly Eurosta solidaginis

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Wool-sower Gall on a White Oak twig – seeds like items inside the gall. - by Cynipid Wasp, Callirhytis seminator

Horned Oak Gall - by Cynipidae. It is the Horned Oak Gall Wasp, Callirhytis


An "oak apple" gall caused by the

gall wasp (Andricus californicus)

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(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)

(Blue gum chalcid)

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Severe pest on Eucalyptus – A recent News

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Galls development stages

Mir samim akthar et al. (2012)

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Feeding of larva on tender portion of the plant and releasing oxalic acid, etc.

The tiny galls formed on the stem kill the affected portion of the plant - stoppage the apical growth

At the side, buds become active - bushy growth of the plant.

Photosynthetic activity gets affected.

Loss in yield Bio-control-

Aprostocetus sp. Megastigmus sp. Kavitha Kumari , 2009

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42Kavitha Kumari , 2009

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Kavita kumari(2009)

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Kavitha Kumari , 2009

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Petiole Gall on cottonwood trees, by Petiole Gall Aphid

Pemphigus populitransversus

Hackberry Petiole Gall by Psyllid- Pachypsylla venusta

Aphid and Psyllid gall formers

Hackberry Nipple Gall – Psyllids-Pachypsylla

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Do aphid galls provide good nutrients for the aphids? : Comparison of amino acid concentrations in galls among Tetraneura species (Aphididae: Erisomatinae)

Suzuki et al., 2009

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Amino Acids

Aphid Species

T.y T.sp.O T.f T.r T.s T.t Intact Leaves


1422.9 ±410.7a

1170.5 ±441.7a

697.4 ±158.6a

77.0 ±18.0 b

47.59 ±14.6b

35.3 80 ±5.6b

Essential a.a






3.3 9.1±0.8c









Average concentrations( ±SD) of amino acids found in Tetraneura galls and intact leaves of Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (Control)

*- Average no. of second generation aphid per gallSuzuki et al., 2009

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Amino Acids

Leaf T. y. T.sp.O

T. f. T. r. T. t. T. s.

Arginine 0.39 8.42 17.84 14.95 0.98 0.45 1.48

Threonine 3.11 57.74 43.03 13.73 4.66 1.74 2.72

Aspergine 2.25 1078.3 835.9 515.0 20.21 1.76 13.93

Glutamic Acids

19.1 39.33 54.63 27.62 7.48 13.17 4.94

Lycine 0.49 1.09 3.42 1.04 1.09 0.59 0.72

Glutamine 2.94 52.77 53.40 14.92 3.22 1.9 1.75

Non Essentials

40.2 115.36 73.75 73.75 27.6 18.4 15.83

Amino acid profiles (averaged nM)

Suzuki et al., 2009

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Percentage of aspargine , other non-essential and essential amino acids found in Tetraneura galls and intact leaves

%age Aspergine

%age Non- essential a.a.

%age Essential a.a.




Suzuki et al., 2009

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Lepidopteron gall former

Betousa stylophora swinhoe (Thyrididae : lepidoptera).

It is specific univoltine pest. (Masarrat et al.,2007)

The newly emerged larva penetrates into the new growth of twigs.

Typical gall formation –snake chamber flute.


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Infestation of apical twig gall maker B.stylophora in different varieties / genotypes

Variaties/ Genotypes Gall formed twigs(%) No.of galled twigs

Anand -1 27.95 b(23.11)

1.47 b(1.68)

Guj-aonla-1 31.61 a(28.36)

1.56 a(1.94)

Anand-3 26.84 b(21.50)

1.42 bc(1.54)

LS-1 21.54 d(14.92)

1.28 ef(1.16)

Krishna 19.61 e(12.61)

1.25 fg(1.08)

Kanchan 12.93 g(06.70)

1.14 h(0.88)

Chakaiya 17.00 f(10.28)

1.19 gh(0.96)

LS-2 15.73 f(08.97)

1.18 h(0.96)

LS-3 19.79 e(12.75)

1.27 f(1.15)

LS-4 19.49 e(12.58)

1.27 f(1.14)

LS-5 24.17 c(18.39)

1.30 ef(1.22)

LS-6 25.26 c(19.19)

1.39 cd(1.45)

Banarsi 21.75 d(15.06)

1.34 de(1.32)

NA-7 10.50 h(05.03)

1.06 i(o.70)

Bharpoda et al.(2007)

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Category of resistance

Based on twig damage Based on no.of gall

Per cent twig Varieties/genotypes

No. of galls/twig Varieties/genotypes

Resistant (R) Less than 14.96(<x)

NA-7, Kanchan,LS-2,Chakaiya, LS-4, Krishna, LS-3 and LS-1

Less than 1.23(<x)

NA-7, Kanchan,LS-2,Chakaiya, LS-4, Krishna, LS-3,LS-1 and


Moderately resistant(MR)


Anand-3, Banarsi,LS-5,LS-



Anand-3, Banarsi and LS-6

Susceptible (S) 21.52-28.08(x+2sd)

Anand-1, 1.55-1.89(x+2sd)


Highly Susceptible(HS)

More than 28.08 Guj-aonla-1 More than 1.89 Guj-aonla-1

sd 6.56 0.32

Bharpoda et al.(2007)

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Elm Finger Gall - by a mite Eriophyes ulmi

Maple Spindle Galls – by gall mite

Lime Nail Galls (Eriophyes tiliae tiliae)

Mite galls

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Eriophyid Gall Mites

Poplar bud gall mite (Eriophyes parapopuli) Ash flower gall mites(Eriophyes fraxiniflora)

Jessica and Wayne(2004)

Ample bladder gall mite: Vasates quadrupeds Mapple spindle gall mite: Vasates aceriscrumena Erinium gall mite: Eriophyes aceris

Pellitteri et al.1997

Page 57: Gall forming insects, mites and their management

Aceria pongamia This species produces solitary, elongate, spindle shaped

galls with the truncate apices on the upper surface of the leaves of pongamia pinnata. These galls are irregular greenish with internal cavity densely filled. This is during rainy season.

Acalitus hibisci The galls n Hibiscus vitifilius Linn. Galls are globose, hollow , sessil, with rough texture outer

surface , they greenish brown externally with short fine hairs internally. Gall width 1.5 to 3mm. This infestation occurs through out the year.

Ghosh et al.(2002)


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Pesticide avoidance Monitor/scout Plant selection Pruning Plant removal Use broad spectrum insecticides like

abamectin, bifenthrin .

Ryan (2011)

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Aculops fuchsiae was described in 1972 from specimens discovered on a Fuchsia sp. from Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

In 1981, an eriophyid mite new to North America.

This gall mite, Aculops fuchsiae Keifer, is believed to be native to Brazil.

Ostoja and Eyre (2012)

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Life cycle The  Aculops fuchsiae is with four stages: egg, larva, nymph and adult. fecundity ~50 eggs , The TLC 21 days .

Carlton Koehler et al.( 2005)


The round bodies are mite eggs

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Infested growth becomes twisted and stunted, swollen and blistered, and Often reddened.

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To destroy all infested plants, placing all infested material into bags before disposal.

abamectin (e.g. Dynamec) and spirodiclofen (Envidor). Envidor is approved for use indoor and outdoor.

Use natural enemy Amblyseius californicus

Ostoja and Eyre (2012)

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Abundance of bud galls caused by eriophyoid mites among host trees Carpinus tschonoskii

Galls caused by Acalitus sp. (Eriophyidae) among host trees Carpinus tschonoskii (Betulaceae).

As tree size increased, the number of galls increased.

tree characteristics such as number of terminal buds, temporal pattern of shoot elongation and reproductive status .

Ishihara et al.(2007)

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The life history of a gall-inducing mite: summer phenology,predation and influence of gall morphology in a sugar maple canopy


** = control (gall-free) leaves

Phenology of MSGM life stages from gall on sugar mapple leaves during the growing season of the host.

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MSGM gall ostiole condition in relation to (a) MSGM eggs and immatures(b)Tarsonemus eggs, larvae an adult

Rajit Patankar et al.(2012)

Mean number of maple spindle gall mite (MSGM) eggs in galls with (clear bars) and without (shaded bars) tarsonemid larvae from sugar maple canopy leaves

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Tannic acid -economic products from galls Eurasian cynipid gall- 65 percent tannic acid

Dyes - from galls. Turkey red dye is found in the "mad apple" gall

For Natives of East Africa -galls as a source of dye for tattooing

Some galls are aromatic and acidic in flavor and is used with honey for cooking


Importance of Galls

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Pliny(1997) stated that the Aleppo gall is able to dye hair black

Inks - from some galls, such as the Aleppo gall produced by Cynips gallae-tinctoriae on oaks

Inks from galls – In Legal documents (Laws, 1972) USA, England, German and Danish Government have

specified formulas for inks using the Aleppo gall.


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Cultural Control:Pruning and destroyingKeep the plants healthy

Biological Control:Complex of Natural enemiesSome Insects may feed on the galls for food and shelter - For ex. Gall wasps, gall midges, clearwing borers, long horned beetles, metallic wood-boring beetles, weevils, ants and others

Chemical ControlContact insecticide or target the immature with a systemicA horticultural oil/ dormant can control aphid galls 68

Management of Galls

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Galls are species specific

Galls are of economic importance

Galls are of metabolic machinery/Physiological Sink

In India, more concentrated studies are needed to know how these galled tissues are formed and what are the ecological factors affecting the galls, etc.

Also, an intensive research should be conducted whether these galls can be used in medical fields for treating the human disorders and can be used commercially

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Thank you
