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GamagoriGamagori- ---shishi howhow tottooto ......1 【GamagoriGamagori- ---shishi 】howhow...

Date post: 28-Jan-2021
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1 Gamagori Gamagori Gamagori Gamagori-shi shi shi shihow how how how to to to to dispose dispose dispose dispose garbage garbage garbage garbage There are the rules for how to dispose garbage There are the rules for how to dispose garbage There are the rules for how to dispose garbage There are the rules for how to dispose garbageburnab urnab urnab urnable le le le garbage garbage garbage garbage kitchen chen chen chen refuse refuse refuse refusepaper paper paper papersplastics plastics plastics plasticsgrass grass grass grasses es es es etc. etc. etc. etc.When? hen? hen? hen? __ __ __ _______ _____ _____ _______ __ __ __ and nd nd nd ______ _____ _____ ________ ___ ___ ___ twice a week) AM AM AM AM6:00 00 00 00~AM ~AM ~AM ~AM8:00 00 00 00 (Please dispose of garbage in this time period only) Where? Where? Where? Where? burnable garbage station near your housethe designated places to dispose of burnable garbageif you do not know Please ask neighbors or your apartment janitor. Please call to the Environmental Waste Management Division. 0533-57-4100 How? How? How? How? Please dispose of them in Gamagori-shi designated yellow garbage bag. Please buy these bags at any supermarket or convenience store in Gamagori-shi. It says as 蒲郡市 がまごおりし 指定 してい ごみ 袋 ぶくろ 」) Please dispose in yellow net. Why? Why? Why? Why? When you dispose garbage improperly, everyone will be worried. crows may scatter them. burnable burnable burnable burnable garbage garbage garbage garbage station station station station英語
  • 1

    【GamagoriGamagoriGamagoriGamagori----shishishishi】howhowhowhow totototo disposedisposedisposedispose garbagegarbagegarbagegarbage

    ★ There are the rules for how to dispose garbageThere are the rules for how to dispose garbageThere are the rules for how to dispose garbageThere are the rules for how to dispose garbage!

    ①①①① bbbburnaburnaburnaburnablelelele garbagegarbagegarbagegarbage ((((kkkkiiiittttchen chen chen chen refuserefuserefuserefuse,,,,paperpaperpaperpaperssss,,,,plasticsplasticsplasticsplastics,,,,grassgrassgrassgrasseseseses etc.etc.etc.etc.))))

    ●●●●WWWWhen?hen?hen?hen? ____________________________________ aaaandndndnd ____________________________________ (twice a week)

    AMAMAMAM6666::::00000000~AM~AM~AM~AM8888::::00000000 (Please dispose of garbage in this time period only)

    ●●●●Where?Where?Where?Where? burnable garbage station near your house(the designated places to dispose of burnable garbage)

    ≪ if you do not know ≫

    ・Please ask neighbors or your apartment janitor.

    ・Please call to the Environmental Waste Management Division. 0533-57-4100


    ・Please dispose of them in Gamagori-shi designated yellow garbage bag.

    ・Please buy these bags at any supermarket or convenience store in Gamagori-shi.

    (It says as 「 蒲郡市がまごおりし

    指定し て い


    」) ⇒

    ・Please dispose in yellow net.


    When you dispose garbage improperly, everyone will be worried. crows may scatter them.

    【【【【 burnable burnable burnable burnable garbagegarbagegarbagegarbage stationstationstationstation】】】】


  • 2

    ②②②② recyclablesrecyclablesrecyclablesrecyclables ((((recyclable garbagerecyclable garbagerecyclable garbagerecyclable garbage⇒⇒⇒⇒cancancancanssss,,,,bottlebottlebottlebottlessss,,,,pet bottlespet bottlespet bottlespet bottles etc.etc.etc.etc.))))

    ●●●●WWWWhen?hen?hen?hen? _________ andandandand __________ (twice a month)

    AMAMAMAM6666::::00000000~AM~AM~AM~AM8888::::00000000 (Please dispose of garbage in this time period only)

    ●●●●Where?Where?Where?Where? recyclable garbage station near your house (the place to dispose of recyclable garbage)

    ≪if you do not know≫

    ・Please ask neighbors or your apartment janitor.

    ・Please call to the Environmental Waste Management Division. 0533-57-4100

    ●●●●How?How?How?How? ・Please do not place them in garbage bag.

    ・empty the contents and rinse them.

    ・rinse off the dirt.

    ・Please dispose of small garbage only. (within 30cm)

    ・Please place them separated in the boxes at the recyclable station↓

    【【【【recyclable recyclable recyclable recyclable garbage garbage garbage garbage stationstationstationstation】】】】

    <<<< The boxes are separated per colorThe boxes are separated per colorThe boxes are separated per colorThe boxes are separated per color >>>> bbbblue lue lue lue boxboxboxbox かん cancancancanssss bottlebottlebottlebottlessss wwwwhite hite hite hite boxboxboxbox

    ((((remove the capremove the capremove the capremove the cap))))

  • 3

    petpetpetpet bottlesbottlesbottlesbottles plasticsplasticsplasticsplastics green netgreen netgreen netgreen net yellow netyellow netyellow netyellow net

    metalsmetalsmetalsmetals bbbbrown rown rown rown boxboxboxbox landfill wasteslandfill wasteslandfill wasteslandfill wastes rrrred ed ed ed boxboxboxbox

    ((((remove remove remove remove the the the the label, crush and label, crush and label, crush and label, crush and

    dispose dispose dispose dispose themthemthemthem))))

    ((((snacsnacsnacsnacksksksks and and and and bbbbread read read read bagsbagsbagsbags,,,,traystraystraystrays,,,,cartcartcartcartonsonsonsons,,,,bottlbottlbottlbottleseseses,,,,

    ddddetergent etergent etergent etergent containerscontainerscontainerscontainers,,,,pppplasticlasticlasticlastic containerscontainerscontainerscontainers))))

    ((((ffffrrrryyyying ing ing ing panspanspanspans,,,,potspotspotspots,,,,kkkkitchen itchen itchen itchen kniknikniknivvvveseseses)))) ((((glassesglassesglassesglasses,,,,bowlsbowlsbowlsbowls,,,,cupscupscupscups,,,,fluorescentfluorescentfluorescentfluorescent lightslightslightslights))))

    crushablecrushablecrushablecrushable wasteswasteswasteswastes yyyyellow ellow ellow ellow boxboxboxbox

    ((((umbumbumbumbrellasrellasrellasrellas,,,,ssssmall mall mall mall electrical applianceselectrical applianceselectrical applianceselectrical appliances))))

    batteriesbatteriesbatteriesbatteries orange boxorange boxorange boxorange box

    green boxgreen boxgreen boxgreen box mmmmilk ilk ilk ilk cartonscartonscartonscartons

    ((((Open and Open and Open and Open and rinserinserinserinse))))



    leafletsleafletsleafletsleaflets ,,,,


    near boxnear boxnear boxnear box

    (tietietietie them with plastic ropethem with plastic ropethem with plastic ropethem with plastic rope)

    clclclclothesothesothesothes near boxnear boxnear boxnear box

    ((((Please disPlease disPlease disPlease dispose in plastic bagspose in plastic bagspose in plastic bagspose in plastic bags))))

    ((((do not ddo not ddo not ddo not dispose ispose ispose ispose on rainy dayson rainy dayson rainy dayson rainy days))))

    iiiindustrial ndustrial ndustrial ndustrial wastewastewastewaste do not disposedo not disposedo not disposedo not dispose!!!!

    (do not dispose do not dispose do not dispose do not dispose on rainy dayson rainy dayson rainy dayson rainy days)

  • 4

    ③③③③ ooooversizedversizedversizedversized garbagegarbagegarbagegarbage ((((waste over 30cmwaste over 30cmwaste over 30cmwaste over 30cm))))

    ●●●●WWWWhen?hen?hen?hen? MondayMondayMondayMondayssss~~~~FridayFridayFridayFridayssss andandandand SundaySundaySundaySundayssss (except Saturdays)

    AMAMAMAM9999::::00000000~~~~PMPMPMPM4444::::30303030 (PM0:00~PM1:00 break time)

    ●●●●Where?Where?Where?Where? Please bring them to Clean CenterPlease bring them to Clean CenterPlease bring them to Clean CenterPlease bring them to Clean Center.... (Please pay if there is excess garbage)

    ≪if you do not know≫

    ・Please ask neighbors or your apartment janitor.

    ・Please call to the Environmental Waste Management Division. 0533-57-4100

    ・Please check the map ⇒ address: 1 Kuchitado, Nishiura-cho, Gamagori-shi

    warningswarningswarningswarnings!!!!electronic recycle itemselectronic recycle itemselectronic recycle itemselectronic recycle items((((TVsTVsTVsTVs,,,,airairairair----conditionsconditionsconditionsconditions,,,,refrigeratorrefrigeratorrefrigeratorrefrigerator,,,,

    wwwwasasasashing machineshing machineshing machineshing machines etc.etc.etc.etc.)))) →→→→ do not disposedo not disposedo not disposedo not dispose

    ≪when you dispose≫ → Please ask an electronic store (you need to pay)

    IssuerIssuerIssuerIssuer::::GamagoriGamagoriGamagoriGamagori EnvironmentalEnvironmentalEnvironmentalEnvironmental Waste Management Waste Management Waste Management Waste Management DivisioDivisioDivisioDivisionnnn

    ((((Gamagori Clean CenterGamagori Clean CenterGamagori Clean CenterGamagori Clean Center)))) 1 1 1 1 Kuchitado, NishiurKuchitado, NishiurKuchitado, NishiurKuchitado, Nishiuraaaa----cho,cho,cho,cho,GamagoriGamagoriGamagoriGamagori----shishishishi TEL 0533-57-4100 FAX 0533-57-3924 MAIL [email protected]
