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Gambaru Forest as Northern Training Area

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    Home About Petit ion Links Media & Resources Study Program

    MO N DA Y , N OV EM BE R 7 , 2011

    Moving Futenma ... ?



















    Secretary Leon Panetta came to Japan last month, the first thing he

    did was to urge Tokyo to move ahead with the relocation of Futenma

    Air Base from overcrowded Ginowan City to Henoko in northern

    Okinawa Island. It was an international agreement, he might insist,

    so that he would be justi fied to press Tokyo to expedite its early


    But would he?On what legal and moral basis does he think the U.S.

    can demand Futenma's function be moved to Henoko with the

    increased functi on and capabili ty the Marines have entertained to





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    realize SINCE the 1960's? Probably, he might answer that the

    Henoko relocation is legit imate because it wi ll be carr ied out in line

    with the bilateral agreement (the 2006 Roadmap) and that i t is

    morally justif ied because the relocation wi ll eliminate a highly

    dangerous situati on under which Ginowan cit izens are obliged to live

    their daily life.

    This argument may sound rational at fi rst glance. However, what one

    should never forget i s that Futenma Air Base was originally

    constructed on il legally confiscated land during the Batt le of Okinawa

    and afterwards. Pri vate lands were encroached upon with impuni ty

    while area residents were herded into concentrati on camps. There

    were five vil lages there which together wi th two other vil lages

    consti tuted Ginowan Vill age (now Ginowan City) wi th a joint

    populati on of more than 12,000. The encroachment of land as well as

    the constr uction of the base were carr ied out in clear violation of an

    international law (Art icle 46 of the Hague Convention) and, above all,

    universal moral principles.

    The U.S.'s "taken-for-granted" ri ghts to the land where Futenma Air

    Base sits is thus like a fence's putative rights to stolen goods.

    Certainly, t he U.S. cannot demand Futenma's replacement in

    exchange for such stolen goods. Dealing stolen goods is severely

    punished by law in any country, Japan or the U.S. The bilateral

    agreement i s thus completely void i n th is sense.

    Yoshio Shimoj i

    Naha, Okinawa



    SU N DA Y, O CTO BE R 2 , 2011

    A letter to the New York Times... close Futenma!

    Close the Futenma Air Station im mediately with no stri ngs


    Submitted to Th e New Yor k Ti mes September 16, 20 11; The

    Japan Times September 2 0 , 2011; The W ashington Post

    September 26 , 2011

    Albeit knowing there's a str ong local opposition,

    study program in September 2010




    US for OKINAWA is

    a new peace action

    network based in

    Tokyo that was recentl y formed by

    U.S., Japanese, Canadian, New

    Zealand, Australian, Welsh, Mexican

    and other citizens living in Japan

    who are concerned about Okinawa. A

    deli berate double entendre, US may

    be read both as "us" (you, me,

    everyone), as well as U.S. (reflecti ng

    the proactive stance of Americans in

    Japan who support a base-free




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    W ashington cunnin gly cajoled Tokyo into agreeing to

    relocate the Futenma Air Station to H enoko, Nago in

    northern Okinawa. I t was a governm ent-to-governm ent

    agreement and so Tokyo has every bit of inter national

    obligation to carr y out the agreed-upon relocation plan as

    soon as possible, insists W ashington.

    Less than two months ago, form er D efense M ini ster

    Toshim i Ki tazawa and the newly appointed U.S. Defense

    M inister Leon Panetta reaffir med that "Tokyo and

    W ashington will m ove forw ard with the plan to relocate the

    contr oversial Futenm a base wit hin Okinawa."

    Last week (September 7), the Noda cabinet's newly-

    installed Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba m ade an

    inaugural telephone call to U.S. Secretary of State H illar y

    Clinton in which he assured her that Japan would "stick to

    the accord r eached last year to r elocate" Futenma to


    Gemba also said at his inaugural news conference that he

    would do h is best to per suade Okinawa residents to accept

    the bilateral accord. H ow would he do it? By lavishly

    bribing H enoko, Nago City residents into consentin g? Or

    else, Tokyo would pr obably have to resor t to police force,

    invoking state power and thus causing bloodshed and social

    turm oil. By coercing Tokyo this way, W ashington is actually

    instigating these dir ty tactics, and wou ld r epeat its stock

    phrase: "I t's Japan's domestic problem that has nothing to

    do with the U.S." A great democracy, indeed.

    The meeting in N ew York on W ednesday (September 21)

    between Japan's new Prime Minister Toshihiko Noda and

    U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the U.N .

    Gener al Assembly session was the culm inat ion of an arr ay

    of such reassur ance and confirmations. Noda assuredObama that he would do his utmost to implement the 200 6

    accord between Tokyo and W ashington.

    Futenma was constr ucted toward the end of WW I I with an

    aim of attacking mainland Japan by B-29's in order to end

    the war quickly. But the war ended before that plan was

    actually carr ied out. Futenma should have been retur ned at

    that point; in stead, it has continued to be in the firm gri p of

    the U.S. mi litar y all these years to this day.

    The U.S. militar y seized the land in clear violation of Article

    46 of the H ague Convention, which states: "Fami ly honour

    (relatives of the Florida manatee)




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    and r ights, the lives of persons, and pr ivate proper ty, as

    well as religious convictions and pr actice, must be

    respected. Pri vate property cannot be confiscated."

    There are mor e than 3 thousand so-called "mili tary-land

    owners" for the Futenma Air Station. This figur e tells

    everythin g about its history, that is, how i t came into being.

    Futenm a was constructed, while area residents were still

    herded into concentr ation camps dur ing the ongoing Battle

    of Okinawa and after in the freely encroached-upon area

    where there wer e five idyllic villages with a joint populat ion

    of more than 12 thousand.

    Other U .S. bases in Ok inawa, 33 in all, have mor e or less a

    similar hi story. I n the 1950 's additional land was

    requisitioned at bayonet point and by bulldozer to expand

    already existing bases. Take I ejim a, for instance. Jon

    M itchell wr ites in his recent ar ticle in The Japan Tim es:

    "With all of Okinawa under U.S. administration, the

    authorities started by tricking the landowners (in I ejima)

    into signing voluntar y evacuation paper s... But then, when

    some fam ilies refused to leave, 30 0 U .S. soldiers with r ifles

    and bulldozers dragged women and children fr om their

    beds, tore down their hom es and slaughtered their

    goats." ("I ejim a: an island of resistance," M ay 22, 20 11

    Japan Tim es)

    The illegality and imm orality of Futenma would not

    disappear even if it were to be moved to H enoko or

    anywhere else in Okinawa just like dirty m oney would not

    become clean how m any times it m ight undergo laundering.

    Both governm ents, especially W ashington, m ust realize thi s

    and search for an alter native solution, that is, to move it

    outside of Okinawa, most preferably, to the U.S. mainland.

    The M arin es themselves may have known the cri mi nality oftheir base, for they already had a bluepr int for constr ucting

    a new base in H enoko in the 1960 's which is str ikingly

    similar to today's relocation plan.

    I r epeat: Close the Futenma Air Station im mediately with

    no str ings attached. M ove it to the U.S. mainland. There's

    no obligation for the Japanese taxpayers, Okinawa

    residents in parti cular, to foot all the bills for r eclaimi ng

    the pr istine coastal waters off H enoko and constructing a

    new, advanced base complex includin g milit ary portfacilities for the U.S. M ari nes.


    Moving Futenma ... ?


    February (1)

    January (1)

    2010 (40)

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    Yoshio Shimoji

    Naha City, Okinawa



    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 20 11

    US for OKINAWA statement on Takae

    February 23, 2011

    US for OKI NAWA Statement

    WWF-Japan and JUCON (Japan-US Citizens for Okinawa Network)

    Press Conference:

    Halt the Construction of U.S. Military Helicopter Landing Pads that

    DestroyBiodiversity and Threaten Local Residents

    Needlessto say, as an American citizen, I f ind it ironic that at a time when

    the government of my country is urging countries in the Middle East to

    respect democracy, it is continuing to collude with the Japanese government

    to deny the people of Okinawa their right to the same.

    Under the cloak of lightening the burden of military bases on Okinawa,

    Washington and Tokyo have promised to give back a portion of the land that

    has been appropriated from Okinawa in exchange for building a U.S.

    megabase in Henoko and 6 more large helicopter landing pads in Takae.Both of these areas have fragile biodiversity found only i n Okinawa that will

    inevitably suffer great destruction as a result of these plans.

    To us, the promise being made to Okinawa sounds like tell ing a man you

    will give him back an arm you have cut off only as long as you can remove

    his leg. How can the U.S. administration ask Okinawa to accept this kind of

    outrageousdemand, when Americansmyself includedwould never

    allow it?How can Tokyo politicians and off icials call for this when they

    know people in mainland Japan would reject? Why is the voice of

    Okinawans not being reflected in Washington-Tokyo policies?

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    Another guise being used in this issue is the threat of North Korea. The U.S.

    has more than 800 military bases around the world, a stockpile of nearly

    10,000 nuclear weapons, countless conventional weapons, and the largest

    navy in the world. American navy battle fleet tonnage greater than that of

    the next 13 largest navies alone combined. And yet, we are expected to

    believe that we can't face North Koreaan impoverished country smaller

    than many U.S. states that doesn't have a single military base outside of its

    border--wi thout the construction of yet more helipads in Takae and an

    immense base in Henoko.

    Clearly, the greatest threat in this matter is not arising from North Korea. On

    thecontrary, i t comes from officials in Washington and Tokyo who are

    flagrantly violating democracy; who are wil ling to destroy yet more of the

    Earth'sbiodiversity at a time when we are starting to keenly realize how

    much we need it to survive as a species ourselves; who are generating more

    unnecessary military buildup that profi ts a few while the health, education

    and other social structures of the rest of us crumble.

    As a representative of U.S. and other citizens from around the world, I call

    for an end to the irresponsible actions of these American and Japanese

    off icials. It's time for them to start carrying out their duty as representatives

    in service of democracy, as well as of peace and regional and global

    sustainabil ity. Clearly, people worldwide are calling for new changes to old

    harmful policies, and the time has come for Washington and Tokyo to begin

    li stening. Build peace, not more heli pads in Okinawa.


    MO NDA Y, J A NU ARY 3 , 2 0 1 1

    Join the action to protect the biodiversity of


    Please Join Action for Takae at US Embassy!

    Please Join Us in Our Action for Preserving the Pri stine

    Yanbaru For est and People of Takae, Okin awa!

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    W e invite you to join us in our protest at the U.S. Embassy

    in Tokyo over the r estar t of the U.S. helipads construction

    in Takae, H igashi V illage of Okinawa, and the destr uction of

    the sit-in tent by a U.S. helicopter, either by sending us your

    message/ request to the US Embassy by email by January 8,

    or physically joini ng our action on Januar y 10 in Tokyo (see

    instr uction at the bottom).

    The Yambaru Forest is a habitat for endangered species such as

    Yambaru Kuina (Okinawan Rail ) and Noguchi Gera (Okinawan

    Woodpecker) . It is known internationally as a region rich in

    biodiversit y. Takae, sit uated in Yambaru, i s a small vil lage of about

    160 r esidents, including many who moved here for i ts pristi ne nature.

    However, the U.S. Marine Corps has been using the Yambaru Forest

    for combat t raining. In 1957, th US mi li tary started using the area as

    Northern Training Area (Jungle Warfare Training Center), and

    currently there are 15 U.S. helicopter takeoff and landing zones

    (helipads) in Higashi Vil lage. Residents of Takae have constant ly

    suffered from the noise and the r isk of helicopter crashes. To make

    matters worse, the Japanese and US governments decided to bui ld 6

    new helipads, surrounding the residential neighborhood of Takae.

    Construction of new helipads wil l not only fur ther endanger the

    liveli hood and lives themselves of Takae residents, but also fur ther

    destroy the precious environment wi th it s wealth of species, forest

    and rivers. New military facilities also pave the way to the possibility

    of a new war. Residents of Takae have protested against the helipads

    construction for the above reasons. In 2006, we passed a resolut ion

    against the new helipads, and demanded of the relevant authori ti es

    that they review the construction plan. Takae residents and their

    supporters from across Japan and fr om around the world have

    continued to sit- in, monitoring the site and trying to persuade the

    government against t he construction.

    The Japanese and US governments, however, have not l istened to t hevoices of opposit ion by the residents, and have not provided sincere

    explanation or proper opportunit ies for public hearing. The Japanese

    government even decided, all of a sudden, to prosecute some of the

    local protesters for obstructing t raffic.

    Just before dawn on December 22, 2010, at 6:30 AM, some 100

    members of the Okinawa Defense Bureau, ignor ing the ongoing court

    proceedings, barged into the site without warning to restart the

    helipad construction. On the next ni ght, December 23rd, a US

    helicopter hovered only 15 meters above the sit -i n tent, causing thetent to blow down. Such mil itary exercise over a public road threaten

    the safety of local residents. The Japanese and US governments

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    are harming the people of Takae by forcing through the construction

    work wi thout suffi cient explanation or consent by local residents.

    Such an approach by the two governments is unacceptable.

    Residents of the Henoko distri ct in Nago Cit y, where the Japanese

    and US governments plan to bui ld a replacement base for MCAS

    Futenma, have also been sit ti ng-in for over 2,400 days, in order to

    preserve their li fe and the beauti ful ocean. We urge you also to say

    NO to the new base plan in Henoko.

    Following our protest to the Ministr y of Defense on December 22 and

    the December 26 demonstration in Shinjuku, Save Takae/ Okinawa

    an urgent appeal and demonstration against construction of

    helipads, we wil l go to the US Embassy in Tokyo and the Japanese

    Ministr y of Defense on January 10 (M on.), 2011, to protest. We would

    like to collect as many requests/ demands as possible and deliver

    them to the US government. We accept both i ndividual and

    organizational messages. Just one sentence message, such as We do

    not need US helipads in the pri stine forest wil l suffice, or a longer

    message is welcome too. The Takae and Henoko issues are not just

    about war and mi li tary bases, but they are also about environmental

    preservation, biological diversity, and an alternative, slow-li fe

    li festyle. Please express your message in your own words. Please

    foll ow the below i nstruction and send your message by January 8,


    With our voices and wi th our actions, let us stop the helipad

    construction in Takae, and the base constr uction in H enoko. Let us

    bring a peaceful and fulfi ll ing li fe to Takae and Henoko!

    (The original document in Japanese is at: http:/ / takae.ti-

    da.net/ e3296164.html. Translated by Norimatsu Satoko and Gavan


    Email your message/ request to:

    [email protected]

    Please include in your em ail the following information:

    *** Nam e (for an individual) or name of your organization

    ** * Your m essage/ r equest (length is up to you)

    Both Japanese and English messages wi ll be accepted.

    Deadline: January 8 (Sat.), 20 11

    I f you can physically join our action at th e US Embassy,

    please meet us in fr ont of Toranomon JT building, at 3 PM

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    on January 10 , 20 11. (Take Exit 3 of Subway Ginza Line

    Toranomon station. W alk four m inutes straight on

    Sotobori Street, towar ds Tameike Sanno). W e particular ly

    appreciate par ticipation of people from U S!

    Address: Toranomon JT Building, 2-1, 2 chome, Toranomon, M inato-

    ku, Tokyo see MAP here.Address in Japanese: 2011 1 10

    15 3


    Organizer: Okinawa o fumini ji runa (Do not trample on Okinawa!)

    Urgent Action Commi ttee; Yuntaku Takae; Okinawa One-tsubo Anti -

    war Landowners Association Kanto Bloc (URLs below)

    http:/ / d.hatena.ne.jp/ hansentoteikounofesta09/

    http:/ / helipad-verybad.org/

    http:/ / www.jca.apc.org/ HH K/

    There wi ll be another action on the same day at the

    M inistry of Defense. We will m eet in fr ont of the M oD at

    6:30 PM . The organizer of this action is Comm ittee for N ot

    Allowing Base Construction in H enoko. See Map of M oD

    here: http:/ / www .mod.go.jp/e/ access/ index.html

    In Japaneese, 1 10 18

    ttp:/ / www.jca.apc.org/ HH K/ NoNewBases/ NNBJ.html

    For the background inf orm ation in English about the

    Takae issue, go to:

    Voices of Takae (English version)

    http:/ / nohelipadtakae.org/ fi les/ VOT-english2010Oct14.pdf

    Postcardfrom Takae, by Jon Mit chell

    http:/ / www.fpif.org/ arti cles/ postcard_fromtakae

    See a YouTube video of the Okinawan media reports on the

    December 23 i ncident of a US heli copter hovering above the Takaeprotest tent, whi ch caused damage to the tent and some items in the


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    http:/ / www.youtube.com/ watch?

    v=j8DgIANejUA&feature=player_ embedded


    FRI D A Y, N OV EM BE R 26 , 2010

    USfor OKINAWA featured in the JAPAN TIMES

    http:/ / search.japantimes.co.jp/ cgi-bin/ fl20101127a1.html

    Expat peace group studies

    embattled Okinawa ecologyU S F O R O K I N A W A T O U R C O V E R SH A R M F U L I M P A C T O F U . S . B A S E S ,

    B O T H E X I S T I N G A N D PL A N N E D

    By JON MITCHELLSpecial to The Japan Times

    At first glance, the group of 15 young Japanese and

    foreigners gathered together in the arrival lounge at Naha

    airport look like just another package tour for a week of

    fun on Okinawa's tropical beaches.




    gh to

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    Participants in a tour organized by US for Okinawa carry the group's

    banner on a hill overlooking the Oura Bay in northern Okinawa Island.














    ed bombs, however, it becomes clear that instead of

    working on their tans, they are more concerned about

    world peace.

    These English teachers, interior designers and university

    students are taking part in a study trip organized by the

    group US for Okinawa to teach people about the

    environmental impact of American military bases on the


    "The name US for Okinawa has two meanings," explains

    Emilie McGlone, the group's cofounder and international

    coordinator for the nongovernmental organization Peace


    "On one hand, it reflects the support of American citizens

    living in Japan for a base-free Okinawa. On the other

    hand, it shows that 'all of us' are dedicated to raising

    awareness about the dangers caused by the bases.

    "We believe the best way to achieve that is to come here

    and talk firsthand to local residents about the problems

    they face."

    Over the next four days, the participants will meet with a

    diverse range of Okinawan people each with a

    different environmental horror story to share. In Ginowan,they will listen to a resident recount the 2004 crash of a

    U.S. Marine Corps helicopter and the subsequent

    scramble by the authorities to recover radioactive

    strontium-90 from sensors attached to the rotor blades.

    Farther north, they will learn about the military mishap

    that strafed 1,500 depleted uranium shells across tiny

    Torishima Island rendering its once bountiful fish

    stocks inedible for human consumption.

    One of the most affecting encounters will occur in the

    village of Takae, where soft-spoken Ikuko Isa will

    describe her fellow residents' three-year campaign to

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    block the construction of six new military helipads in the


    As she discusses the daily stress of living next to the

    world's largest jungle warfare training center, she doesn't

    raise her voice in anger. Even when she describes recent

    revelations that, in the 1960s, the military likely tested the

    defoliant Agent Orange near rivers that supply the rest of

    the island with more than half of its drinking water, she

    remains calm.

    "We're just ordinary people trying to live ordinary lives."

    Belying the myths of a politically apathetic younger

    generation, the tour's participants fill their notebooks with

    the stories they hear. They pepper the local residents with

    countless questions, and back on the bus they compare

    notes to fill in any blanks they missed.

    "I first came to Okinawa on a package tour three years

    ago," explains a young Japanese woman. "All we did was

    visit beaches and souvenir shops. I didn't know about

    these (environmental) problems. This trip is a real eye-

    opener for me."

    On the third day, the group's devotion is put to the test.

    McGlone wakes them up at dawn, herds them onto the

    bus and then leads them on a 15-minute hike through

    thick jungle. From a hilltop overlooking Oura Bay, local

    resident Takuma Higashionna talks about the dugong

    a relative of the manatee that feeds on the sea grass

    in the waters below.

    The dugong was once revered by Okinawans as a

    messenger of the gods, but now their numbers have

    dwindled to fewer than a dozen.

    Higashionna is campaigning to establish a sanctuary in

    the area. He faces heavy opposition Oura Bay is the

    proposed site for the relocation of U.S. Marine Air Station

    Futenma, and current plans call for two 1,500-meter

    runways to be built over the beds of sea grass.

    In 2008, Higashionna sued the U.S. Department of

    Defense, arguing that the runway plans violate American

    laws protecting "natural monuments" (such as the

    dugong) wherever they live. Higashionna won the case,

    but Washington has failed to abandon the project.

    "If this were the United States, it wouldn't be allowed to

    go ahead," Higashionna tells the group. "So why do they

    let it happen here?"

    Following Higashionna's talk, the tour climbs aboardboats and heads out for a closer view of the area

    threatened by the new base. Half of the participants don

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    scuba tanks to search for the telltale furrows of foraging

    dugong, while the rest snorkel among the bay's rare blue

    and "walking" coral.

    Despite their failure to spot the elusive dugong, they bring

    back to shore a newfound sense of Oura Bay's fragile

    beauty. Nao Sokei, a native of Naha, was particularly


    "Seeing all of that sea life made my love for this island

    deeper. Now I realize I need to think more about how to

    protect Okinawa."

    On the final day, the tour participants meet with local

    campaigners dedicated to achieving precisely that. For

    the past 6 1/2 years, Inochi o Mamoru-kai (Association for

    the Protection of Life) has been staging a sit-in near Oura

    Bay to prevent the construction of the new base.

    In 2007, elderly residents, fishermen and environmental

    activists waged a campaign of disruption against

    construction crews attempting to bore pylons into the

    seabed. They chained themselves to scaffolding,

    maneuvered kayaks in front of massive barges and wore

    down the laborers with a combination of heated

    negotiation and good humor.

    Faced by the campaign and negative media coverage,

    the government called off the construction. However, with

    the May acceptance by then Prime Minister Yukio

    Hatoyama to the relocation of the Futenma base to the

    area, the association expects the return of the

    construction crews at any time.

    While Hiroshi Ashitomi, one of the campaign's leaders, is

    touched by US for Okinawa's support, the 64-year-old

    retiree has a word of caution: "If younger activists are

    arrested, they'll lose their jobs or the police record will

    prevent them from being hired in the future."

    He gestures around the campaign tent to the elderly

    protesters sipping jasmine tea. "That's why there are somany retired people here. We're not afraid. We have our

    pensions. They can't take those away no matter what we


    On their way back to the bus, some members of US for

    Okinawa review what they have witnessed over the past

    four days, and they wonder aloud why anybody would

    want to sign up for the military in the first place.

    As if on cue, two young American soldiers emerge from

    the sea and sit on the harbor wall, peeling off their fins

    and snorkels. Some of the tour participants look startled

    to be suddenly confronted with the object of their

    antipathy, but as the Americans excitedly describe the

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    coral and multicolored tropical fish they just saw in the

    bay, it appears that they share a common appreciation of

    the nature here.

    One of the group tactfully steers the conversation toward

    why they joined the army and both men cite the lack of

    employment opportunities in their impoverished

    hometowns, combined with the lure of a free university


    Bemoaning the lack of information they received when

    they first arrived on Okinawa, they say they're keen to

    learn more about the island. One of the group hands

    them his business card and invites them for a drink when

    they're next in Tokyo. The soldiers say they'll be in touch.

    Back on the bus, the group fills their notebooks with

    details of the meeting. They say it was one of the most

    illuminating discussions of the trip in that it helped todispel some stereotypes about American servicemen.

    McGlone, too, seems pleased at the chance encounter.

    "When people talk to each other, you can see the wheels

    start turning on both sides. It's a great thing to watch.

    People learn best through face-to-face communication.

    That's what US for Okinawa is all about."

    For information about upcoming US for Okinawa studytours, contact Emilie McGlone [email protected]



    Takae, a place flourishing with biodiversity and in

    danger ...

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    (photo by Rob Pott in Takae)

    US for OKI NAWA is pleased to share Peace Boat` s statement for


    Online link:

    http:/ / www.peaceboat.org/ english/ nwps/ sm/ arc/ 101023/ index.html

    On October 18, 2010, the 10th meeting of the Conference

    of the Part ies to the Conventi on on Biological Diversity

    (COP10) began in Nagoya, Japan. During our global

    voyages Peace Boat visits numerous places throughout

    the world including the Galapagos Islands, the Guiana

    Highlands, Rapa Nui (Easter Island), and Antarctica,

    learning about and spreading the importance of

    biodiversity. Throughout this process, we have learned

    that biodiversity is not only an issue of nature,

    environment, animals and plants, but also of peace and

    human r ights. We also emphasize that this issue is deeply

    related to worldwide poverty, the rights of i ndigenous

    peoples, and confl ict . Noting that war is the greatest

    destruction to the environment, we insist that global

    mil itary expenditure which exceeds 1.5 tri ll ion US

    dollars a year be allocated instead to protecting


    To Peace Boat, a world where biodiversity is protected is

    one where all li ving creatures can be free of the threat of

    extinction or the threat of being killed unreasonably, and

    can fulfi l each one of their li ves. Such a world cannot be

    achieved without joint and continuous efforts bygovernments and civil societies across the globe.

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    Peace Boat calls for the points below r egarding


    1. No need for m ilitary bases that threaten allnatural livesMili tary bases bring huge damage to the ecosystem.

    People li ving in Subic Bay in the Philippines sti llsuffer from health and environmental problemseven now, although the US mil itary base was closedin 1991. In Ecuador, South America, US mili tarybases were recently forced to withdraw, andEcuador adopted a Consti tut ion which prohibits anyforeign bases or tr oops being stationed in theircountry. We need all countri es to follow the lead ofEcuador in order to protect diverse li ves.The sea of Henoko, Okinawa, is a rich treasure ofbiodiversity where creatures such as the endangereddugong and precious corals li ve. We oppose theconstruction of a new mi li tary air base in Henoko's

    Oura Bay, and call for an Okinawa free of mi li tarybases.

    2. Nuclear development and natural life cannotcoexistPeace Boat has travelled around the world withmore than 100 Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors)from Hi roshima and Nagasaki to talk about thedevastation caused by nuclear weapons. Throughour voyages we have learned that there are peoplewho suffer over generations because of radiationfrom nuclear facil it ies and depleted uraniumweapons. We have also learned that the common

    wish of ordinary cit izens across the world is to livein a nuclear-free world. Nuclear waste is also a greatconcern. Nuclear weapons and development pose athreat to all li ving creatures on earth and to theenvironment. Cit izens and governments must worktogether in order to reali ze a 'nuclear-free world'.

    3. Realize a world where the rights ofindigenous peoples are ensuredWhi le indigenous people across the world have li vedover generations in harmony with nature, they alsohave long suffered from violation of their r ights. InBri ti sh Columbia, Canada, a mass tourist resortdevelopment is violating the sacred land of theindigenous people, making it diffi cult for them tocarr y on their li ves in the forest where they havealways lived. There should be no human ri ghtsviolations in the name of 'environmental protection'or 'development'. I t is important that we learn tolive in harmony with nature following the wisdom ofindigenous peoples, and bui ld a society where theirlifestyles, cultures and r ights are protected andrespected. As an NGO based in Japan, weparticularly pledge to learn from the Ainu, theindigenous people of Japan, and to deepen ouractivit ies in this field.

    4. Re-examine 'development'Through our global voyages, we have learned thatour li ves depend deeply upon the rich biodiversityexisting throughout the world. Simultaneously, we

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  • 8/2/2019 Gambaru Forest as Northern Training Area


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    ENTRANCE: 500 yen donation

    * L im it to br ing no more than 10 pieces of clothi ng / accessories in

    good condi ti on. Everyone is welcome to join us, even just to come

    shopping, so it is not necessary to br ing clothes.

    ** Organized by US for OKINAWA with support from Peace Boat


    US for OKINAWA

    http:/ / www.us-for-okinawa.blogspot.com/


    http:/ / www.peaceboat.org/

    : 10/ 20/ 2010 (WED)

    : 19:30 ~ 22:00

    : / GET , 4 ,


    http:/ / www.getuniversal.co.jp/ assets/ img/maps/ get_map_large.jpg

    : 500

    * Limit to bring no more than 10 pieces of clothing / accessories in

    good condi ti on. Everyone is welcome to join us, even just to come

    shopping, so it is not necessary to bring clothes.

    ** US for OKINAWA



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