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Game genre and synopsis

Date post: 08-Aug-2015
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I t a l l started 2013 with the batt le of Afghanistan raging on David Cameron was determined to end the war and assigned a smal l team of scientists to experiment with chemicals that targeted the enemies in Afghan and would k i l l them instantly, they fi rst experimented on smal l rats the chemical was success as i t k i l led the rat instantly when exposed to the fumes, they named this chemical “Chemical X”, but what they didn’t real ise this newfound chemical reanimated the creature also causing i t to crave for fl esh, this result ing in the scientists being bit by project #1, they were the fi rst to become the “Infected”.David Cameron real is ing his fault gave ful l funding to the Task Force cal led the G.B.I .S.T (Great Brit ish Infected Str ike Team) as they were neglected in the past for a waste on resources as there was no such thing as “ infected beings” wel l not unti l now. But by then it was already too late the virus had al l ready spread to the whole of the Uk al l they could do was send al l survivors to smal l “Safe zones” that were mostly in subways, tunnels and Army Outposts, these safe zones were successful in containing the infection unti l i t became airborne al l fl ies and insects had become infected and as they were able to fl y they could easi ly fl y over the wal ls, this resulted in ¾ of the surviving populat ion to become infected, by the t ime they came up with answer to that problem (by using fl ame throwers) most of the outposts had been overrun.



5 years have passed s ince the s ta r t o f the v i rus and you a re the las t h ighes t rank o f G .B . I .S .T to be a l ive you have jus t escaped narrow ly f rom the cap i ta l London tha t was jus t recent ly overrun wh ich was where the las t remnants o f the government were ho ld ing ou t a t wh ich means there wont be any he lp f rom hear on ou t . You have fi ve squads le f t f rom the HQ o f G .B . I .S .T wh ich was a l so s ta t ioned a t London bu t managed to escape w i th you w i thout be ing detected by any in fec ted ho rdes . Your bes t be t was to send th ree o f your squads to the rema in ing sa fe zones in L ive rpoo l , Hu l l and Leeds to bo ls te r there de fences , you loose con tact w i th the squad in Leeds one week la te r , t here las t t ransmiss ion was tha t they had con t ro ls to a nuke and p lanned to detonate i t on Leeds to p revent the huge hordes f rom reach ing the rema in ing se t t lements , bu t i t on ly bought us t ime to p repare fo r the ons laught . The UK los t con tact w i th Amer ica 2 years in to the in fec t ion s ta r t ing wh ich g ives you the impress ion tha t no he lp f rom there w i l l come e i ther. The G .B . I .S .T have been hear ing rumours tha t the sc ien t i s t s who s ta r ted the v i rus may s t i l l l i ve as another o rgan iza t ion ca l led the I .E .A ( In fec ted Exper imenta t ion Assoc ia t ion ) had exper imented i l l ega l ly w i th the chemica l X to c rea te super so ld ie rs wh ich resu l ted in ex t reme muta t ions to l i v ing human exper iments bu t w i th there knowledge cou ld g ive you the key to the cu re and to the sc ien t i s t s poss ib le loca t ions . Bu t there a l so rumours o f there be ing mercenar ies w i th the logo o f the I .E .A on there shou lders who a re guard ing these ru ined bu i ld ings as they s t i l l t h ink there i s a way to c rea te these super so ld ie rs , th i s assoc ia t ion i s co rrup ted and they w i l l s top a t no th ing fo r there exper iments to con t inue , th i s a l so makes them another th rea t o f many as they have equa l men and equ ipment to G .B . I .S .T.


Insane RoamersI.E.A G.B.I.S.T Looters

A task force with a sole purpose to eliminate all infected personal and to protect all remaining survivors. They are the only form of protection against the infected and all the rest of the survivors. The main character is in charge of G.B.I.S.T after the remnants of the HQ in London was overrun killing all the remaining officers of G.B.I.S.T.

A rogue corporation who experiment on human and other living subjects and were responsible on creating the virus by polluting the “chemical X”.They are very well equipped with the same tech and weapons as G.B.I.S.T and are highly dangerous.

A large group of cults that are referred to as Insane Roamers, who believe that the infected are blessed by the heavens and worship them and perform rituals in there name. when I.E.A come looking for humans to experiment on they mostly willingly choose to be experimented on, but most of them are on insane by devouring the remains of the undead which corrupts there mind…They still no how to use guns though which makes them a threat.

Groups of ruthless looters who steal any resources, any weapons they can find and are willing to steal from the defenceless men, women and children. They are not vet well equipped but are high in numbers which makes them as nearly big of a threat as the infected are.

The ob jec t ive o f the game i s to fi nd a appropr ia te p lace to bu i ld your se t t lement in the c i ty o f Manchester to protec t the sa fe zone f rom the in fec ted by fi nd ing resources inc lud ing food, water , fue l and bu i ld ing resources . To top tha t you a re fi nd ing lost documents o f the I .R.C ( In fec ted Research Corpora t ion) who worked w i th G .B . I .S .T but the headquar te rs was overwhe lmed as everyone ins ide the bu i ld ing had supposedly become in fected and a t the t ime there was over 100 people ins ide which spread drast i ca l l y qu ick , th i s bu i ld ing i s the most overrun p lace in the UK as i t was where the in fec t ion began but i s the on ly p lace which cou ld g ive you the research you need to e i ther fi nd any surv iv ing sc ient i s ts who deve loped the v i rus the potent ia l l y cou ld he lp you come up w i th a vacc ine or g ive you the appropr ia te in format ion to make your own vacc ine , wh ich i s a lot eas ie r sa id than done as the sc ient i s ts have not been seen for fi ve years and a t l east ha l f o f them were b i t ten which means tha t a t least s ix o f them cou ld poss ib ly be a l i ve . But you must be wary as there a re insane roamers who have become to worsh ip these undead c reatures and w i l l s top a t noth ing unt i l the whole o f the surv iv ing popula t ion i s overwhe lmed. Th i s makes your chances o f success ext remely un l i ke ly.



Zombie Survival

Horror GameSetting


Modern Day





Zombie Infested Tunnels



Military Bases



UK Military Weapons

USA Military WeaponsHunting


Crawling ZombiesRunning

Zombies Giant Zombie


Flying Swarm

