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Game Maker Evil Clutches.

Date post: 18-Jan-2018
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Learning Objectives Create a game that includes shooting, scoring, music, spawning and top scores list.

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Game Maker Evil Clutches Learning Objectives Create a game that includes shooting, scoring, music, spawning and top scores list. Advanced Group Call it YourNameAdvancedClutches
Create a Game with the Following Controlling the Hero The Hero can shoot at targets/Enemy The hero is damaged by running into something The game ends/hero dies when hitting something An Enemy that moves and randomly shoots damaging things at the hero An entity that is trying to escape from the enemy that you want to catch and not kill. You will need to keep score You will need to keep a Top Scores list Include background music Include sounds for shooting/ Catching/ Evil Clutches!!! For todays game you can use the images in resources\chapter02 The Game You are a mother dragon trying to save her hatchlings from an unpleasant band of demons You can move up and down using the arrow keys And you can shoot fireballs using the space bar The game ends if the dragon (Good) is hit by a demon (Bad) The Characters (Sprites/objects)
Create Sprites for each of these Click on the Pacman Dragon.gif (spr_dragon) Boss.gif (spr_boss) Demon.gif (spr_demon) Baby.gif (spr_baby) Fireball.gif (spr_Fireball) Click on Load Sprite. Go to Resources\Chapter02 And load the above sprites. The Characters (objects)
Create Objects for each of these Click on the blueball Obj_Dragon (spr_dragon) Obj_Boss (spr_boss) Obj_Demon (spr_demon) obj_ Baby (spr_baby) Obj_Fireball (spr_Fireball) Hit the down menu to select the corresponding sprite. Well add Events and Actions for each as we go on. Boss Object (obj_boss)
Add a Create Event Start moving up at speed 8 Drag the move fixed action into the actions screen Click on the up arrow Add Event Create Give a speed of 8. Add event Other Intersect boundary Boss reverses vertical direction when it hits the boundary Start moving up at speed of 16.
Obj_dragon Add event Keyboard Up Start moving up at speed of 16. Add events for down arrow and for no key pressed (stop).
Obj_dragon continued Add events for down arrow and for no key pressed (stop). Room Name it room_first, Titled Evil Clutches Add the Dragon and Boss Test here to make sure the dragon can move and the boss is going up and down. Fireball Object Add a create event that has the fireball fly to the right at a speed of 32. Destroy the fireball when it goes beyond the room
Add Event Other Outside room Destroy the fireball when it goes beyond the room Get the dragon to shoot the fireball
Add Event Key Press Test the game after this to make sure the dragon is shooting fire.
Create a Fireball Test the game after this to make sure the dragon is shooting fire. Create Obj_fireball Set x to 100 Set y to 10 Click the relative box Note the 3 Left Directions
Demon Object Add a create event. Move Fixed Note the 3 Left Directions 12 Bounce Add Event Other Intersect Boundary Reverse Vertical Destroy when it leaves the room
Add Event Other Outside room Destroy instance Demon Collides with Fireball! Destroy the instance Relative (So it will be added to the score)
Add 100 to the score! Set Score 100 Relative (So it will be added to the score) Demon Collides with Dragon
Add Event Collision With obj_dragon Show Highscore And restart the game Flying Demons From obj_boss Add event Step 1 in 50 chance of creating a demon
Test Chance 50 sides Create the instance Create an instance Of Obj_demon At x=0, y=0
Click the relative box Test Create obj_babyDragon
Add Event Create Move fixed Left with a speed of 8 Destroy when it leaves the room
Add Event Other Outside Room Destroy the instance Self Collision with fireball Destroy instance -300 points, relative Collide with dragon Destroy instance Gain 500 points Random creation of baby dragons
Open obj_boss Add event Step Test chance 1 in 100 Create instance Baby Dragon Relative Backgrounds Create Background Name it background_cave
Load the Background.bmp Put the background in the room
Open the room_first Select Backgrounds tab Select background_cave Test it Add Background Music: Create Sound
Create a Sound Resources -> Create Sound OR Ctrl-Alt-U Hit the Speaker Icon Load the Sound Load Sound
Go to the Assignments Folder -> Resources -> Chapter 2 And select the music file Load the Sound Name the Sound 1) Name the Sound Sound_Music 2) Click the OK Create Music in Boss Object
3) Select the Main1 tab 2) Select the Create Event 1) Open the Boss Object Drag over the Play Sound icon. Select Sound and Loop 4) Test it Click on the Pull Down Menu
Select the Sound 3) OK Select the pull down menu and set the loop to true. Adding Interest with Sounds for Actions
Hitting Demon Hitting Baby Add other Sounds Shooting Scoring When new demons is created 3) Find the Demon sound in the Chapter 2 Resources
Hitting Demon Sound 1) Create Sound 3) Find the Demon sound in the Chapter 2 Resources 4) Open 2) Load Sound Name and OK 1) Name the sound Sound_Demon 2) Click OK Play Sound Played when the demon has a collision with a fireball Tying the Sound to the Collision
3) In the main1 tab select the Play Sound icon 2) Select the Collision with Fireball event 1) Select the Demon object 4) Select the sound_Demon 6) Test it 5) OK Finishing and Extending
Add sounds for hitting the baby Find a sound and add it for shooting the fireballs Add a sound for when Demons and Babies are spawned. . Test and Turn is as YourNameEvilClutches
