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Gandhian philosophy in peace and harmony

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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Dr. J D Singh Asst. Professor G V (PG) College of Education (CTE) Sangaria-335063, Rajasthan, India Email: [email protected]
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Dr. J D Singh Asst. Professor

G V (PG) College of Education (CTE)Sangaria-335063, Rajasthan, India

Email: [email protected]

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Global peace has become a major concern these days. In the present time, humanity is facing a terrible challenge of its own existence.There is a general restlessness in the entire world which is leading to widespread violence. Today communal amity has become essential for national integration and hence Gandhi gave it the highest priority.

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Need of Gandhian PhilosophyEspecially today when we are

surrounded by the forces of darkness, we need a leader like Gandhi, a man of rare courage, character, and charisma, who dares to tell the truth, who can overcome violence with non-violence, and who shows us the way to light.

Therefore, Gandhian philosophy and thoughts are relevant in the changing world of today and can help in difficult time, and the philosophy is also needed for global peace.

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Gandhian philosophy about peaceMahatma Gandhi believed

that the universality of religion can best be realized through the universlization of education, and that such universalization is the spring board for national integration.

He and his followers threw the King of England and his great armies out of India using weapons of truth and non-violence.

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Gandhian ThoughtsAccording to Gandhi the

universal human value of Ahimsa ought to be cultivated not merely at personal level, but at social, national and international level too.

It is a very powerful means to avoid conflict, since it springs from inner realisation of the equality of all human beings.

He lived, thought, acted and inspired by the vision of a humanity evolving towards a world of peace and harmony.

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Peace and Gandhian philosophyPeace can be described as:

• Absence of war• Sense of inner peace and well-

being• Sense of tranquility• Harmonious relationships• Balance in nature (ecology)• Forgiving nature• Working for social justice – human

rights, poverty etc.

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According to Gandhi ji Values like truth, non-violence, humility, forgiveness, tolerance, love, fairness, unselfishness are meant for the peace, prosperity and harmony of the world. If human values are not there, humanity will be destroyed.

Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence has found expression in other movements around the world.

The Gandhian philosophy that includes ideas such as those above is certainly relevant today.

Peace and Gandhian philosophy

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He and others believed India should have its freedom and get rid of the English rulers and their army.

So he taught his people to fight back at the English - but not with guns or other weapons.

Gandhi’s ideas of non-violent protest - or trying to change unfair practices or laws without hurting anyone - have been used by important leaders in our country and around the world.

Peace and Gandhian philosophy

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Peace and Gandhian philosophyGandhi left many valuable

sayings for the modern man to fight for goodness in society in a non-violent way.

The force of power never wins against the power of love. There can be no democracy where there is no harmony, no peace.

Mahatma Gandhi taught us that we can bring harmony to our world by becoming champions of love and peace for all.

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Peace and Gandhian philosophyMahatma Gandhi has a source of

inspiration, not only for the nation, but for the entire world. He inspired the world with his faith in truth and justice for all Mankind.

Communal harmony had the pride of place in Gandhi's constructive programme.

Hoping that everyone one sees A world of love and unity

He is the great Personage Whose Teachings will enable humanity to build a new world.

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Influences of Gandhian PhilosophyIn fact, two out of the four pillars

of education suggested by the Delor’s report, namely learning to live together and learning to be, are related to peaceful living.

Dr Martin Luthar King and Dr Nelson Mandela were greatly influenced by Gandhi's principles. President Obama is also impressed.

National Curriculum Framework (NCF-2005) by NCERT asserts that education must be able to promote values that foster peace, humanness and tolerance in a multi-cultural society.

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Peace and harmony can be achieved by-

Integrated effortsActualizing students’

potentials Teaching students how to

learn and un-learn about life

Helping them make peace with themselves and others, live in harmony

Help in dealing with conflict, destruction and prejudice etc.

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Role players in promoting peace and harmonyFor world peace and

harmony, we have to develop common culture and attitude among global people.

Initiatives of peace to be taken up by all stake holders

Educators and psychologistsReligious and spiritual leadersAdministrators and legislatorsParents and students

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A world of peace can be achieved if we learn and adopt the power of non-

violence, as shown by the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

Let us join hands together and “Pray for peace, work for peace, and

let live in peace and harmony”

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