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Gardening Secrets of the Lost Orphans

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  • 7/28/2019 Gardening Secrets of the Lost Orphans


    Gardening Secrets of the Lost Orphans

  • 7/28/2019 Gardening Secrets of the Lost Orphans


    One beautiful sunny day two of the helpers of the Great Gardner were traveling

    down the straight and narrow path through the furthest edges of the cultivated

    territory called Peaceful. They were searching for gardens whose care takers

    might be in need of their assistance. The soil was quite rich in this part of the

    territory, fully capable of producing a fine hundredfold crop. Still, even the very

    best soil did require the right kind of attention from its care taker to bring forth

    a harvest worthy of its potential.

    One of the travelers, Miss Patient Listener (or Miss Pal for short), was quietly

    contemplating her own role in the process, as she and her companion walked

    along the path. She remembered how she had wished she could have grown up

    to be one of the garden starters. That job seemed so much more important and

    glamorous. Miss Pal had never been outside of Peaceful Territory herself. And

    she could only imagine what it must be like to travel to frightening places likethe Valley of the Lost Orphans, searching for those who might be willing to come

    back and work the cultivated gardens in the long-established territory.

    Sometimes the garden starters would even scatter some seeds in the valley,

    where the soil was thought to be poor and most of the inhabitants cared

    nothing at all about nurturing the delicate and valuable plants.

    Miss Patient Listener also found herself wishing at times that she was more like

    her traveling companion, Miss Good Advice Giver (who was called Miss GAG forshort by some, but preferred to be called Miss Good). She always seems so

    confident, thought Miss Pal, so bold and direct.

    You seem lost in thought today, Miss Pal, Miss Good observed, even more

    than usual. What's on your mind?

    Miss Pal blushed, Um . . . well, you know, not much really . . . Embarrassed to

    have been caught with such thoughts in her head, Miss Pal ended up sharingthem anyway.

    And knowing Miss Good Advice Giver would be eager to jump in and remind her

    that such thoughts were not at all proper, Miss Pal added, Well, of course I don't

    dwell on such things very often. And of course I know the Big Gardening Book

    tells us that ALL our jobs are important and we are different for a purpose. Like

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    different parts of the same body and all.

    Hey, look! exclaimed Miss Pal, suddenly interrupting herself. Isn't that one of

    the gardens we are supposed to visit right over there? She pointed toward a

    small bit of land with a tiny rather shabby looking house and some sort of odd

    looking homemade structure that was unlike anything Miss Pal had ever seen.

    Yes, actually, that is one of the places on the list, but I would rather just skip that

    one today, answered Miss Good, who, unlike Miss Pal, had traveled this part of

    the territory previously.

    That place, explained Miss Good, is the home of Miss Negativity. I have tried

    to help her with her garden several times and it has been a complete waste of

    time. She won't listen to a thing I have to say. Can't benefit from advice, not inthe slightest! But you are certainly welcome to try. Maybe your approach would

    work better with her. Miss Good smiled. I do realize some folks are a bit put

    off by my blunt way of saying things.

    Miss Pal said she felt up for the challenge on such a lovely day.

    Well, then, said Miss Good, I will walk on a little further and visit with some of

    the new orphans. I do enjoy them so much! So eager to learn; they soak up myadvice like delightful little sponges!

    As Miss Pal approached the run-down strange looking property, she began to

    feel somewhat fearful. But she felt more courageous after reminding herself of

    some of the words from the Big Gardening Book. I can do all things through

    him who gives me strength, she repeated to herself as she knocked on the door

    of the ugly little house.

    She could hear someone moving around inside the house, but had to wait for at

    least five minutes before the door was actually opened to her, by a woman who

    appeared quite elderly. But in the sunlight, Miss Pal could see that she was

    probably a bit younger than she had seemed at first.

    How are you this fine day? asked Miss Pal after introducing herself.

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    Oh, my, not at all well, answered Miss Negativity. But, of course, I never am. I

    am just not a healthy person, you know.

    I am sorry to hear that, said Miss Pal. But perhaps I can be of some assistance.

    I am a visiting Gardner's helper and I have stopped by to see if you need any

    help so that your garden can be as fruitful as possible and please our Great


    Oh, I see, said Miss Neg. Well, I must say. I have not found your kind to be of

    any help at all. Not too long ago I had a visit from someone named 'Miss

    Busybody' or 'Miss Know-it-all' or something like that; I can't remember the

    name exactly.

    Miss Good Advice Giver? suggested Miss Pal.

    Yes, yes, that was her alright. And she went on and on about how I needed to

    change this and change that. Said I would probably feel much better if I would

    get out more, get some exercise and fresh air working in my garden, and that I

    would benefit from the fresh vegetables too. Of all the nerve! As if it's my fault

    I'm sick! Well, she doesn't know what I've been though. No one does! So how

    can they think they have the right to tell me what to do?!!

    Well, I'm not much for telling people what to do myself, said Miss Pal, so

    maybe you can show me around your place and I will just listen.

    Miss Neg looked at Miss Pal suspiciously, but agreed.

    Well, THIS is good, said Miss Pal, spying a copy of the Big Gardening Book in

    Miss Neg's home. Do you read the book?

    Of course I read the book! said Miss Neg sourly. I've read it over and over,

    more than anyone, I think.

    So, what do you think of it? asked Miss Pal. Do you have any favorite


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    Favorite passages? said Miss Neg. No, I don't suppose I do. Mostly, reading it

    just makes me more angry!

    Angry? Really? asked Miss Pal incredulously. Why would it make you angry?

    Because, snapped Miss Neg, it is full of stuff about what people are supposed

    to be doing. And people are NOT doing what they are supposed to be doing!!

    Um, like what? asked Miss Pal.

    Like, how they are supposed to be helping the widows and orphans. And I sure

    don't see anyone trying to help ME! I, of course, have been a widow for a very

    long time. And, as a matter of fact, since my parents passed away a few yearsago, I am not only a widow; I am also an orphan! So I ought to get double

    attention, don't you think?

    Well, um . . . I suppose so, answered Miss Pal, not knowing what else to say.

    Anyway, can we go out and look at your garden?

    If you like, answered Miss Neg, but it certainly isn't much to look at. Since I'm

    not well and nobody helps me, I'm afraid the garden isn't growing like it shouldbe.

    The two women went out to the yard and Miss Neg pointed to the strange

    looking structure that Miss Pal had seen from a distance. Miss Neg pulled aside

    an old blanket that was covering a kind of doorway and they entered the

    darkness under the structure that was made of old boards roughly patched

    together. There was nothing much growing except a few weeds around the


    Well, here it is, said Miss Neg with a dramatic sweep of her hand. My garden.

    But why do you keep your garden all covered up like this? asked Miss Pal.

    For protection, of course, snapped Miss Neg. I have to keep it protected from

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    harsh weather and animals and robbers and all sorts of dangers!

    Okay, said Miss Pal. I suppose there ARE dangers. But if you keep your garden

    all covered up, how does it get the sunshine and water it needs to be fruitful and

    grow a good crop?

    At that, Miss Neg's face took on an even angrier expression. Now, look here!

    she answered. You said you were just going to listen, but now it seems you are

    trying to tell me what to do, just like all the others!

    Oh, no, I'm sorry, said Miss Pal.

    Well, alright, then, said Miss Neg. But since you say you want to help, maybe

    you could bring me some water from your garden so I can at least get somewater to these plants that are trying to grow.

    Of course! said Miss Pal eagerly.

    And, even though Miss Pal's home was a long distance away, over the next

    several weeks, she patiently brought water from her rain barrel to Miss Neg's

    garden. She soon began to grow tired and frustrated. She very much wanted to

    talk with Miss Neg about taking down the structure or finding a more efficientway to get water, but then that would be too much like giving advice or even

    criticizing, so she was careful about what she said.

    She began to avoid Miss Good entirely, knowing she would shake her head in

    disapproval at all the time and effort being wasted on Miss Neg's hopeless

    garden when there were so many others that needed their attention.

    But, of course, eventually even Miss Patient Listener began to lose patience andbegan to see that she really did need to give more attention to others and even

    to her own garden. So one day she timidly asked, Miss Neg, don't you have a

    rain barrel of your own?

    Miss Neg looked at Miss Pal with that suspicious expression that Miss Pal always

    hated to see. Of course I have my own rain barrel, she said. It's in the shed

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    where it's safe. If I bring it outside, it could get blown away in the wind. As a

    matter of fact that is what happened to the last one I had, so I'm taking no

    chances with the new one!

    Well, said Miss Pal, gathering all her strength and tapping into the strength of

    the Great Gardner, reminding herself about being able to 'do all things'. Miss

    Neg, she began, I am running out of water and I need to give more attention to

    my own garden and my other work. So, I am afraid I will not be able to keep

    coming here to bring you water. Maybe, if you are not willing to use your rain

    barrel, you could use your garden hose. Do you have one of those?

    Now Miss Neg was extremely offended. That would never work! It is not as

    good! So, if you don't have time for me, that's just fine! You are just like all the

    others, so go away and leave me alone!

    Miss Pal was deeply saddened that it seemed she had been unable to be of any

    help at all to Miss Negativity. But she soon busied herself with working on her

    own garden and with traveling again with Miss Good and getting to know the

    new orphans.

    She still became so tired at times. She remembered what the Big Gardening

    Book said about the workers being few at harvest time, and she realized theshortage of workers was just as severe in the season of spring time when the

    gardens were just getting started and the early stages of the nurturing work

    were so critical.

    She was feeling especially overwhelmed one day when she stopped to see how

    some of the newer orphans were doing.

    Oh, I am so happy to see you! said one of the orphans. We have so manyquestions and sometimes we just don't understand the Big Gardening Book and

    need someone to explain it to us.

    So Miss Pal got right to work. And later, while they were resting a bit, one of the

    orphans admitted, you really did get here just in time. We were so discouraged

    some of our brothers, Mr. Sitting-on-the-Fence and Mr. Ready-to-Run, nearly

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    had us convinced we should just give up and go back to running wild in the

    Valley of the Lost Orphans.

    Miss Pal began to visit frequently after that and soon she could see that the

    orphans were growing a very strong and beautiful garden and she began to see

    that they had ideas of their own, things they had learned and experienced in

    their years in the valley, ideas that were actually helping their gardening to be

    even more successful.

    Some of the other helpers tried to tell us we were doing it all wrong, and we

    had some arguments and conflicts for awhile, but they did eventually back down

    when they saw how well our garden was doing, one of the orphans told Miss


    Miss Pal began to get to know the orphans individually and especially enjoyed

    visiting with Miss Enthusiasm and Mr. Youthful Insights. It's hard sometimes, he

    explained, understanding people who are so different from us, but we each

    have our strengths. No one is good at everything, but EVERYONE has

    something to give.

    But then, for several weeks, Miss Pal had to stick closer to home and leave the

    traveling to Miss Good and some of the other helpers. Miss Pal needed to givemore attention to her own family garden, which had gotten a bit neglected while

    she had been spending so much time visiting Miss Neg and the orphans.

    Miss Pal sighed. She tried hard to keep the right balance and really did manage

    fairly well and even felt excited and joyful most of the time, as long as she

    remembered not to neglect tapping into the strength of the Great Gardner. And

    yet, she did become tired at times and wished there were more willing helpers.

    And so it was that, when Miss Pal felt that her own garden was in good order

    and her family had received enough extra attention for awhile, she set out to

    visit the orphans at the far end of the territory again. Miss Enthusiasm was so

    excited to see her and couldn't wait to tell her about all their progress. She ran

    to greet Miss Pal while she was still traveling down the path.

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    Oh you just must see how our garden is doing! Now close your eyes and I will

    tell you when to open them, Miss E said as they grew closer.

    When Miss Pal opened her eyes, she was quite surprised and delighted. Why it

    is beautiful! she exclaimed. But, what is this? You have added something new.

    Oh, the fence, yes, I will tell you all about it. It isn't a very large and imposing

    fence, of course. But we get such a lot of ornery rabbits out here. I hear you

    don't have them much where you live, but out here, they just gobble up our

    produce quite quickly! Actually, it's a rather long story, Miss E added. Maybe

    we can chat while we work in the garden.

    So the two went out to the garden and while doing a bit of weeding, Miss E

    recounted the story of the fence. You see, she explained, when the gardenstarter first brought us here, we were desperate for help. The garden starter said

    he couldn't stay long to help because he had so very many other gardens to

    start. But he said helpers would come and that they would show us how to do

    the weeding and the watering and how to understand the Big Gardening Book.

    And of course, the helpers did come, but they were all so very busy that we just

    weren't getting as much help as we needed.

    Yes, I do understand, Miss Pal sighed.

    The help you gave us was wonderful, Miss E added. But, after you stopped

    coming, we ran into some new difficulties, like those pesky rabbits. We had

    heard that Miss Neg was very knowledgeable with all the reading of the Big

    Gardening Book she was always doing. And since she was our close neighbor,

    Mr. Youthful Insights and I knocked on her door. Well, she said she would like to

    help, but she wasn't well and there was little she could do. She said she was

    actually very concerned about us, though, and said she was always quite vocal intelling anyone she came into contact with that they should be doing more to

    help us.

    So, then, did she do anything herself to help you? asked Miss Pal.

    Not at first, continued Miss E, but we visited her a few more times and asked

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    questions about the Big Gardening Book and we asked if there were things we

    could do to help her out as well. But she really seemed like she didn't want

    visitors, so after a while, we stopped going. But then, the rabbit problem

    became so much worse and we decided to approach Miss Neg again because,

    like Mr. Youthful Insights says 'everyone has something to give'. And of course,

    Miss Neg's strength is her knowledge and experience with protecting against

    dangers and pitfalls.

    Interesting, nodded Miss Pal. I never would have thought of it that way.

    It still wasn't easy, said Miss E. We tried a few more times, but we eventually

    all gave up, except for the twins, Miss Persistence and Mr. Perseverance. They

    just kept on knocking on Miss Neg's door every day until at last she agreed to

    come over to see about our problem. Of course, at first she wanted us to build abig structure like the one she has over her own garden. But then our brothers,

    Mr. Handyman and Mr. Mediator, got involved and, after a bit of heated debate,

    we finally ended up with this lovely and very useful fence.

    Wow! That is amazing! exclaimed Miss Pal.

    I think Miss Neg really did enjoy being able to feel useful and valued for her

    expertise, added Miss E. So we began to visit back and forth a bit more andMiss Neg began to be more willing to take some risks with her own garden. She

    has put her new rain barrel out in the open and has begun to take down some of

    the structure so her garden can get sunshine and rain.

    Definitely amazing! Miss Pal repeated. Actually, it doesn't seem like your

    group is even needing much assistance from the helpers anymore.

    Well, we have been trying to convince the other helpers of that very thing, saidMiss E. We've asked if we might be permitted to become helpers ourselves.

    Maybe some of us could even go with some of the garden starters to the Valley

    of the Lost Orphans. We feel we are ready, but I guess we have grown up so

    quickly that some of the older helpers think we are still much too inexperienced

    and that it would be just too dangerous. I think they are worried we would be

    tempted to go back to running wild in the valley and that all the progress we've

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    made would be wasted.

    Oh, but you all have so very much to offer, a fresh perspective and so much

    more understanding of how the lost orphans think and what they need and how

    to reach them! I certainly DO think you are ready and I will put in a good word

    for you with the territory leaders!

    Miss Pal was quite excited to talk with the others about this idea. She had

    missed the meeting the leaders had recently called because of her family garden

    having been in such need of attention the past few weeks. She decided to seek

    out her friend, Miss Good, to see if she knew how the meeting had turned out

    and when the next one would be held.

    Miss Pal had received the notice from the territory leaders about a month ago.Very Important Meeting it had said, concerning a number of very important

    issues and concerns. The notice had said the territory leaders and the helpers

    would meet to seek guidance from the Great Gardner and to discuss such

    questions as: Why is it taking so long for the helpees to become helpers, ready

    to assist the experienced helpers so they would not be so overworked and

    spread so thin? Secondly, why are so many of our own children abandoning the

    family gardens to run wild in the Valley of the Lost Orphans? And thirdly, what

    should be done about the disagreements over how the orphan situation shouldbe handled?

    Miss Pal thought it sounded like a very interesting and important meeting

    indeed and she very much wished she could have attended. She was explaining

    this a few days later when she was finally able to meet up with Miss Good.

    Well, actually, said Miss Good, you were better off to have missed it. The

    meeting did NOT go well at all! Everyone showed up with their worst names onand not one single issue moved one iota closer to any kind of resolution. Miss

    Peacemaker and I and some of the other leaders and helpers tried to remind

    them about seeking guidance from the Great Gardner like the notice said. And

    they said, 'yes, yes, of course we will do that. That's why we're here!' But then

    the differences of opinion were so intense and the arguing got so heated that

    we all just lost our objectivity entirely!

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    Oh, my, said Miss Pal, that doesn't sound good at all!

    It just kept getting worse, Miss Good continued. Mr. Doomsayer was saying,

    'this is the worst crisis our territory has ever faced'. And he said things were

    better before the garden starters started bringing in the lost orphans from the

    valley. As if there wasn't already enough work to do taking care of our own

    people and our own gardens. And he said that if those orphans, with their wild

    ideas, would never had come here, our own children would never have even

    known about the valley or have had temptations to go there and run wild.

    Miss Good went on with her account of the meeting, barely pausing to breathe.

    Mr. Flight Risk and Miss Pot Stirrer said they were going to just leave and go to

    another territory much further away from the Valley of the Lost Orphans andtake many of our weaker brothers and sisters with them. 'And then what will you

    do without us?' they said. 'You think you've got a crisis now. Just wait and see

    what it'll be like after WE are gone!'

    At that, Miss Pal was so angry she actually interrupted. But how can they say

    such things? None of those people have even bothered to travel to the far end

    of the territory to get to know the orphans!

    Yes, Miss Good agreed. Those of us who have come to know and love the

    orphans were quite upset. And there was a lot of arguing and everyone talking

    at once. I tell you the whole thing would have been too much even for your


    Well, it certainly sounds like it would have! commented Miss Pal.

    And Mr. Doomsayer was going on about how the whole structure that we havealways known is just going to fall apart and be entirely destroyed! continued

    Miss Good. And Mr. Radical Change was saying, 'well, that's good! Let it fall!

    Then maybe we can build something that is actually relevant and can keep our

    children from wandering off!' Then Miss Atta Standstill said, 'oh my, no! I am

    quite certain that the Great Gardner wants us to leave everything EXACTLY the

    way it has always been!' And Mr Oblivious said, 'what are you all even talking

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    about? There is no crisis here! These times are no worse than any other times.

    Why, children were wandering off and abandoning their family gardens even

    back in the days when the Big Gardening Book was written!' And someone else

    said, 'that is true, actually. But, of course, many of the children do come back.

    After they find out the wild life of the valley really isn't so great after all.'

    And then, added Miss Good, they all got to arguing about whether or not it

    was worthwhile to try to start gardens right there in the valley itself. And, like I

    said, there was not a single issue or concern that got answered or resolved in the


    So, when is the next meeting, then? asked Miss Pal.

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    It will be held exactly one week from today, answered Miss Good. Are you

    going to go?

    I'm not sure, Miss Pal said. Do you think there is a chance the next one will be

    any more productive?

    It could be, said Miss Good, if we really listened to each other instead of each

    one being so focused on trying to convince everyone else that their own opinion

    is the best and only right answer.

    Listening! Yes! agreed Miss Patient Listener. But surely that isn't the ONLY

    important thing. Tell me, Miss Good Advice Giver, if you were to give advice to

    the territory and you KNEW that each and every one would absolutely DO what

    you recommended, what would you say?

    Miss Good just glowed all over her entire being at the thought of this delightful

    opportunity. Well, Miss Pal, she said, I intend to take this assignment very

    seriously. I will spend the next few days thinking about this and seeking wise

    counsel and I will emerge with a written list of the very best advice I have ever

    come up with!

    And so it was that, after three days, Miss Good Advice Giver met up with MissPatient Listener again to share her insights. Miss Pal was quite surprised to hear

    what her friend had to say.

    You know, Miss Good began, I didn't come up with a list of good advice tips

    after all. The issues we are dealing with in the territory right now just don't have

    any easy answers. And this is such a critical time, with so many important

    decisions. I think that's why people are so angry these days because we know

    how much it matters and we're scared! So maybe the only bit of advice thatreally counts is that we ALL have to sincerely seek guidance and wisdom and

    peace and unity and completely trust our Great Gardner.

    Yes, definitely! agreed Miss Pal. That does make sense!

    And it seems to me, Miss Good continued, that if we are really trusting that

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    our Great Gardner will provide what we are asking for, then, even if it seems like

    some are receiving totally opposite guidance from what others are receiving,

    then we just need to set aside our pride and our need to be right and listen to

    each other. We need to respect each other's strengths and contributions and

    then trust that it will be revealed how it is all supposed to fit together. We

    should remember that we are all different for a purpose. No one is good at

    everything, but everyone has something to give!

    Miss Pal smiled, remembering when she and Miss Good had first talked about

    this truth some months ago. And she remembered how Mr. Youthful Insights

    had said something quite similar. And she imagined bringing some of the

    orphans to the next meeting so they could speak for themselves and remind

    others that sometimes the reason that there aren't more willing helpers is that

    those who ARE willing and excited about getting started with the helper workget told they CAN'T do it.

    And Miss Pal almost giggled out loud at her next thought. Hey, Miss Good, she

    said, what if we brought some of the orphans to the next meeting and even

    brought Miss Neg?

    Miss Good did laugh out loud at that question. I supposed it would be easy

    enough to convince the orphans to join in, but Miss Neg? Oh no, she wouldnever go!

    But seriously, continued Miss Pal. I think we could still ask for her input.

    Certainly there is value in hearing what she has learned about dangers and


    Yes, I do believe you are right, said Miss Good, because of course EVERYONE

    has something to give!

    Then suddenly a different expression came across Miss Good's face. You know,

    I just remembered something. When I was visiting with Miss Neg those times, I

    guess I wasn't really listening, because I was too caught up in my frustration over

    the way she just would NOT hear my advice. But we did have a few peaceful

    moments. And I remember now that she said something like this 'You know, I

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    do understand that I worry way too much and I don't trust our Great Gardner

    nearly enough. But, since I am considered to be an expert on dangers and

    pitfalls, I will tell you what I know, both from my experience and from the Big

    Gardening Book. The dangers and pitfalls to be most concerned about are not

    the outside forces. The most dangerous pitfalls are the ones that come from


    Miss Pal was quiet for a few moments before finally saying, well, then I do

    believe we have a great deal of good insight here. But definitely we need to

    seek guidance on how to proceed.

    Yes, said Miss Good. At least we are very sure of what the first step needs to

    be. And maybe that really is all we need. Just enough wisdom to proceed. One

    step at a time.

    Brenda Carlsen (RoseDQ) June 2013
