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Gardening sheets containers

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Climbing Penstemon Keckiella cordifolia (kek-ee-EL-la kor-di-FO-lee-a) Family: Scrophulaceae (Figwort Family) Native to: Southwestern CA to N. Baja; usually found on north facing slopes or under the shade of trees near streams or other water sources. Growth characteristics: perennial shrub/vine mature length: 3-6 ft. ; can grow to 15 ft. Sprawling woody shrub that often climbs over other plants. evergreen in mild climates with a little watering, deciduous in winter cold or under drought stress. Blooms/fruits: Blooms May-July. Flowers are showy, red, growing in compact clusters at ends of branches. Very attractive when in bloom look like elongated snapdragon flowers. Uses in the garden: Very useful plant to provide summer color, particularly in shaded areas. Does fine under trees, including oaks. Good for backs of beds, along walks. Can be trained to grow along a wall or fence. Good ground cover and on banks. Foliage is attractive with some summer water. Sensible substitute for: Non-native viney, summer-flowering shrubs such as Abelia. Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: provides nectar for hummingbirds. Bees and butterflies. Birds also eat seeds. Foliage provides shelter for birds, small animals. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Part-shade is best; full sun only with supplemental water Soil Any well-drained soil; any local pH Water Very drought tolerant; can take some summer water, but don’t overwater Fertilizer Low requirements/ none needed Other Organic mulch is fine Management: Relatively easy. Prefers cool roots, so mulch or consider planting under a large shrub or tree with low water requirements. Will need to provide support to get it to grow on fences/walls. Propagation: from seed : yes by cuttings : semi-softwood cuttings or layering (easiest) Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7, 8, 10-14, 20, 21, 24, 28 2/19/11 © Project SOUND
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Climbing Penstemon – Keckiella cordifolia (kek-ee-EL-la kor-di-FO-lee-a)

Family: Scrophulaceae (Figwort Family)

Native to: Southwestern CA to N. Baja; usually found on north facing slopes or under the shade of

trees near streams or other water sources.

Growth characteristics: perennial shrub/vine mature length: 3-6 ft. ; can grow to 15 ft.

Sprawling woody shrub that often climbs over other plants. evergreen in mild climates with a little

watering, deciduous in winter cold or under drought stress.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms May-July. Flowers are showy, red, growing in compact clusters at ends of

branches. Very attractive when in bloom – look like elongated snapdragon flowers.

Uses in the garden: Very useful plant to provide summer color, particularly in shaded areas. Does

fine under trees, including oaks. Good for backs of beds, along walks. Can be trained to grow along

a wall or fence. Good ground cover and on banks. Foliage is attractive with some summer water. Sensible substitute for: Non-native viney, summer-flowering shrubs such as Abelia.

Attracts: Excellent habitat plant: provides nectar for hummingbirds. Bees and butterflies. Birds

also eat seeds. Foliage provides shelter for birds, small animals.


Element Requirement

Sun Part-shade is best; full sun only with supplemental water

Soil Any well-drained soil; any local pH

Water Very drought tolerant; can take some summer water, but don’t overwater

Fertilizer Low requirements/ none needed

Other Organic mulch is fine

Management: Relatively easy. Prefers cool roots, so mulch or consider planting under a large

shrub or tree with low water requirements. Will need to provide support to get it to grow on


Propagation: from seed: yes by cuttings: semi-softwood cuttings or layering (easiest)

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7, 8, 10-14, 20, 21, 24, 28 2/19/11 © Project SOUND

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*California huckleberry – Vaccinium ovatum (vak-SIN-ee-um oh-VAY-tum )

Family: Ericaceae (Heath Family)

Native to: Coastal Northern America from British Columbia, Canada to Santa Barbara Co., N.

Channel Islands and San Diego Co; on dry, shaded slopes and canyons or moister woodland edges

below 3000 ft. Most common in fog belt along the coast.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 3-6 ft. mature width: 3-5+ ft. Evergreen shrub, much-branched, with elegant delicate appearance. Leaves simple, leathery, glossy above – reminiscent of camelia; foliage used in florist’s trade. New growth and bark is reddish.

Shape and size are much dependent on light; plant becomes larger and more vine-like in low light.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring, usually from Feb-Apr. Flowers are small, white-pink and urn-

shaped like manzanita. Flowers are fragrant and attract hummingbirds, large bees. Blue-black,

shiny fruits ripen in summer and are delicious for jam, jelly, sauces, wine and baked goods.

Uses in the garden: Most often grown as a berry-bush, but makes a nice evergreen shrub in shady

areas of the garden. Woodsy appearance is appreciated in natural gardens. Used for informal and formal (clipped) hedges. Good choice for habitat garden. Does fine in large containers. Cultivar

‘Blue Madonna’ is smaller (4-6 ft tall/wide) even in shade; has all the other attributes of species.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native shade-loving shrubs.

Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and fruits for food. Attracts hummingbirds.


Element Requirement

Sun Part-shade (morning sun) or high shade (under trees) best; can take shade.

Soil Well-drained sandy/gravelly soils best; needs acidic conditions (pH 4.0-6.0).

Water Moderate to fairly regular summer water – Zone 2-3 (weekly or every other week)

Fertilizer Low needs; yearly ½ strength acid fertilizer in spring if grown in container.

Other Acidic organic mulch: bark chips, pine needles

Management: Slow-growing. Resents being moved. Wash leaves with a spray of water

occasionally in summer (remember – it likes fog). Prune out dead branches after flowering.

Propagation: from seed: +/- cold moist treatment by cuttings: soft- and hard-wood cuttings

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 5, 8, 11, 37 10/30/14 * not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND

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* Oregon Grape – Mahonia (Berberis) aquifolium (ma-HOE-nee-uh a-kwi-FOE-lee-um)

Family: Berberidaceae (Barberrry Family)

Native to: Western N. America from N. Mexico to British Columbia; locally, in the San Gabriel Mtns.

On slopes and in canyons in coniferous forest, oak woodland and chaparral.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub mature height: 3-6+ ft. mature width: 2-6 ft. Upright, mound-shaped evergreen shrub. Stems are stiff, often un-branched. Leaves are stiff, dark

green, leathery and holly-like. Quite showy. Moderate growth rate and lifespan (20+ years).

Produces suckers from rhizomes.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms early – late winter to early spring. Flowers are bell-shaped, butter-yellow,

in showy clusters. Flowers have sweet fragrance like honey. Fruits are dark blue, grape-like, ripening in summer. Fruits are tart – can be eaten raw or used for juice, syrup or jellies.

Uses in the garden: Most often used as an ornamental accent shrub or foundation plant. Works well

as a hedge, particularly in shady areas. Can be used as a tall groundcover. Roots and bark make a

bright yellow dye. Good for fall/winter leaf color. Cultivar ‘Compactum’ is smaller (to 3 ft.).

Sensible substitute for: Non-native hollies and other shrubs with unusual foliage.

Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: fruit-eating birds love the berries.


Element Requirement

Sun Part-shade to full shade.

Soil Just about any, including heavy clays. Any local pH fine.

Water Moist to dry (Zones 2 to 3).

Fertilizer Light fertilizer fine

Other Likes an organic mulch.

Management: Prune out old stems and undesired suckers. Other than that, easy to grow.

Propagation: from seed: cold/moist treatment by cuttings: hard & soft-wood, divisions

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7-9, 11, 13, 14, 20, 28 2/17/11 * CA native plant but not native to Western L.A. county © Project SOUND

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*Cascade barberry – Berberis (Mahonia) nervosa (BER-ber-is ner-VO-suh )

Family: Berberaceae (Barberry Family)

Native to: Coastal North America from British Columbia, Canada to Northern CA; open or shaded

woods, often in rocky areas below 6000 ft. Soils usually coarse, rocky or sandy.

Growth characteristics: woody shrub/sub-shrub mature height: 2-3 ft. mature width: 2-3+ ft. Evergreen, woody shrub with erect to arching habit. Compound leaves are medium green, leathery; leaflets resemble holly leaves with spiny margins. Resembles Oregon Grape, but lower-growing.

Spreads slowly by rhizomes or natural layering (branches touching ground will root). Deep roots.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring – as early as Feb-Mar in S. CA. Flowers similar to Oregon Grape.

Bright golden yellow flowers are clustered along flowering stems above the foliage. Flowers in parts

of six. Plants may be covered in blooms in a good year. Best flowering in bright shade. Dark purple-blue fruits ripen in summer and make tasty jelly, jam, wine and pie (very tart raw).

Uses in the garden: Most often used as a small shrub or accent plant in shady spots (for its unique

evergreen foliage and flowers). Makes a nice groundcover under tall trees; does well on slopes.

Can be grown in large containers. Roots and bark used for dye and medicinally (cleaning wounds;

tonic; antibacterial). Makes an interesting cut flower; foliage used in florist’s trade.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native evergreen shrubs.

Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover and fruits for food. Attracts hummingbirds.


Element Requirement

Sun Part-sun (morning sun) to fairly shady; less flowering in deep shade.

Soil Best in well-drained soils; pH slightly acidic (5.0) to neutral.

Water Likes moist soil – Water Zone 2-3 to 3.

Fertilizer Occasional ½ fertilizer in ground or container.

Other Needs organic mulch – leaf mulch is ideal.

Management: Pretty easy with the right conditions. Slow growing. Let it take it’s natural shape –

just prune out dead branches in fall. Long roots; resents being moved.

Propagation: from seed: fresh or cold-moist treat by cuttings: divisions or hard-wood cuttings.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 8 10/29/14 * not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND

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California maidenhair – Adiatum jordanii (ad-ee-AN-tum jor-DANE-ee-eye)

Family: Pteridaceae (Fern/Brake Family) or Adiantaceae (Maidenhair Family)

Native to: Much of CA, OR. Locally on Catalina, San Clemente Islands and in Santa Monica Mtns; in

shaded woods under oaks and pines or on north slopes and rock outcroppings below 4000 ft.

Growth characteristics: clumping perennial fern mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 1-2 ft. Evergreen (with water) to drought-deciduous fern. Delicate and lovely – reminds one of an old-fashioned fern grotto or fern pot. Dark, wire-like stems with wedge-shaped leaflets. Slow-growing.

Blooms/fruits: no blooms.

Uses in the garden: Often used as a specimen plant – in the ground or in a pot. Good choice for

shady areas under trees or on north sides of buildings, walls. Adds delicate charm to moist, shady

rock gardens, dry-stone walls. Adds woodsy, cool appearance to the garden. Does well in pots and containers. Don’t plant under oaks - host for Phytophthora ramorum (Sudden Oak Death).

Sensible substitute for: Non-native ferns.

Attracts: Fair bird habitat: provides cover for ground-feeders.


Element Requirement

Sun Filtered sun or bright shade under trees or north-facing.

Soil Most local soils; fine with wide range of pH (4.0-8.0).

Water Best with occasional to moderate summer water – Water Zone 2 to 2-3.

Fertilizer ½ strength yearly in spring.

Other Likes organic mulch – leaf mulch ideal.

Management: Has reputation for being difficult. Key is location (shade), good air circulation &

moderately moist soil. Summer dormant if it dries out (will come back). Cut off dead stems.

Propagation: from spores: yes by divisions: in late winter/early spring with new growth.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 6, 11, 13 10/29/14 © Project SOUND

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Yerba Buena – Clinopodium/Satureja douglasii (kline-oh-PO-dee-um (sat-yew-REE-a) dug-LAS-ee-eye)

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)

Native to: Los Angeles Co. north to British Columbia; in woods near coast and coast ranges, usually

trailing into open, shady areas of many habitats, commonly chaparral and woodland communities.

Growth characteristics: creeping perennial herb mature height: 6-12 in. mature width: to 6 ft.

Small rounded leaves with delicately scalloped edges and prominent veining are evergreen. Very aromatic. Spreads across the ground forming a mat. Branches root where they touch the soil.

Makes a pleasant tea and was used medicinally by Native Californians for a range of complaints.

Blooms/fruits: Tiny, white-purple “mint-type” flowers on long stalks arising from leaf axils.

Blooms April-Sept.

Uses in the garden: Pleasant, non-aggressive ground-cover. Scented & evergreen. a wonderful

plant for containers, low walls or large window boxes, cascading over the sides. It will grow under

pines and oaks. An interesting ground cover or accent plant cascading over a rock wall, hanging basket. Appropriate for woodland garden, sunny edge, dappled shade, shady edge.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native evergreen groundcovers.

Attracts: ?? Probably bees, perhaps butterflies.


Element Requirement Sun Part shade to full shade; can tolerate full sun along coast Soil Sandy, well-drained best; any pH Water Likes to be moist; will wilt if becomes dry – but will recover

Fertilizer Low requirement


Management: easy to grow. Thrives with little care in filtered shade with some water. Cut back

to encourage denser growth, control shape.

Propagation: from seed: yes, in spring. Barely cover seed. by cuttings: easy

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7, 8, 13, 14, 28 11/26/10 © Project SOUND

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* San Miguel Savory – Clinopodium (Satureja) chandleri (kline-oh-POE-dee-um CHAND-ler-eye)

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)

Native to: Peninsular Ranges (Orange, Riverside & San Diego Co’s); uncommon on rocky slopes and

canyons in coastal sage scrub, chaparral, oak & riparian woodlands and valley/foothill grasslands.

Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 1-3 ft. Shrub-like in dry, sunny places; more creeping/spreading in shadier locations. Attractive, shiny rounded leaves with crinkly edges. Foliage has fresh, minty aroma when crushed.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms Mar-May. Flowers are tiny, white to lavender ‘mint-type’ flowers. Very

dainty looking. Fruits are shiny, dark brown.

Uses in the garden: Most often used as an edging plant or small ground cover. Also nice in a

container rock garden. Provides as woodsy touch at front of perennial beds or with annual wildflowers. Nice little addition to a fragrance garden. Fire-retardant ground cover. Dried leaves

can be used for tea (use sparingly) or in potpourri. This plant is quite rare in the wild – on CNPS rare species list.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native mints and other herbaceous groundcovers.

Attracts: Excellent bee and butterfly plant.


Element Requirement

Sun Dappled sun to shade

Soil Any well-drained, including sandy; any local pH

Water Looks best with weekly summer water in well-drained soils, but is somewhat

drought tolerant.

Fertilizer Benefits from organic mulch such as decomposed leaves


Management: Easy to grow. Manage like any mint. Pinch to encourage branching.

Propagation: from seed: fall or spring; germination may be spotty by cuttings: semi-softwood cuttings in summer; divisions in late spring

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 8, 13, 14 2/12/11 * Native to CA but not to Western L.A. Co. © Project SOUND

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*Monkeyflower savory – Clinopodium mimuloides (kly-no-PO-dee-um mim-yoo-LO-i-dees)

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)

Native to: Coastal CA from the San Francisco Bay to the San Gabriel Mtns.; moist places, stream

banks, seeps, in chaparral and woodland habitats to 5500 ft. elevation.

Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 2-4 ft. Herbaceous perennial becoming half-woody with time. Slender, hairy branches have a pleasant minty aroma. Evergreen with water; drought deciduous otherwise. Fast growing. Leaves simple

with wavy or toothed margins. Slowly spreading via rhizomes.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms summer-fall – may bloom off and on from June-Oct. Flowers are red or

red-orange, showy and somewhat similar to Mimulus or the red Penstemons.

Uses in the garden: Useful flowering perennial for part-shade – under trees, north-facing slopes and

other shady areas. Good under oaks. Fragrant leaves are edible – make nice iced tea. Good

choice in hummingbird garden. Does well in pots, planters, containers. Lovely with Heucheras;

provides early bloom when grown with CA fuschia (Epilobium species).

Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennials.

Attracts: Excellent hummingbird habitat plant.


Element Requirement

Sun Best in part-shade (morning sun or dappled shade under trees); shady OK

Soil Just about any local soil.

Water Occasional to moderate summer water; Water Zones 1-2 to 2-3; taper off in Sept.

Fertilizer Low needs; ½ strength fertilizer in spring for container plants.

Other Thin organic mulch layer – leaf litter is great.

Management: Prune back to 2-4 inches in late fall after blooming ceases. Pinch (if desired) during

growth to encourage fuller growth.

Propagation: from seed: fresh best by cuttings: try semi-hard in summer or fall.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 3, 8, 46 10/29/14 * not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND

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* Red/Hummingbird Monardella – Monardella macrantha (mo-nar-DELL-uh ma-KRAN-thuh)

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)

Native to: Mountains of S. CA to Baja (San Gabriel Mountains, San Bernardino Mountains,

Peninsular Ranges); chaparral, woodland and forest habitats in mountainous regions.

Growth characteristics: herbaceous perennial mature height: 1 ft. mature width: 1-2 ft.

Low growing, creeping perennial with small, dark green leaves. It grows from a creeping rootstock can form sizeable colonies. Paired, broadly oval aromatic leaves.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms June-Aug. Extremely showy with clusters of large (2 inch), red, tubular

flowers in dense heads. The large red-orange flowers are beautifully offset by green to chocolate bracts. A real eye-pleaser that attracts butterflies & hummingbirds.

Uses in the garden: Lovely addition to rock gardens. Often used in containers, where it will creep

over the sides. Also nice next to rock walls. ‘Marion Sampson’ is a naturally-occurring cultivar.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native rock garden plants.

Attracts: Excellent hummingbird plant. Also attracts larger butterflies. Place pots high enough to

discourage cat predation.


Element Requirement

Sun Best in part shade; will tolerate full sun along coast, with regular water, heavy mulch.

Soil Must be well-drained; pH 5.0-7.0 best

Water Regular to occasional water (Zone 2-3 to 3)

Fertilizer Not required; light fertilizer OK


Management: Difficult to establish – you’ll no doubt lose a few plants, but worth the effort!

Propagation: from seed: yes by cuttings: yes; treat like others in Mint family

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14 2/12/11 * CA native plant but not native to Western L.A. county © Project SOUND

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* Mountain Monardella – Monardella odoratissima (mon-ar-DELL-uh oh-dor-uh-TISS-ee-muh)

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint Family)

Native to: Mountains of central & N. CA including the Western Sierras & locally in the San Gabriels; Sin wet or dry, rocky openings in Sagebrush scrub, montane forest from 2000-11,000' elevation.

Growth characteristics: perennial/sub-shrub mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 2-3 ft. A variable species with many subspecies across its range. Gray-green to medium green mounded

perennial with erect stems, woody at very bottom. Leaves simple, paired, highly aromatic with minty fragrance. Plants may be mat-like and low or more shrubby. Evergreen.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in late spring to summer (June to July, even Aug.). Flowers are typical for

Mint family – small flowers in ball-like whorls at the top of stems. Flowers are pale pink or lavender (except ssp. pallida which has white flowers). Flowers are particularly large, numerous and showy

compared to others in this family.

Uses in the garden: One of the prettiest Monardellas. Excellent choice for the butterfly garden.

Minty fragrance is welcome in the scented garden – and also as an herbal tea. Lovely in containers,

where it may drape down the sides. Good for bordering lawns – can take a little extra moisture – or for rain gardens/vegetated swales. Very versatile; good under trees. Best at higher elevations.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native Mints.

Attracts: A range of butterflies with its sweet nectar.


Element Requirement

Sun Does best in part-shade in our area; dappled shade under trees is excellent.

Soil Well-drained – does well in sandy soils; any local pH

Water Adaptable – Zone 2 is best, but OK with 2-3 in well-drained soils.

Fertilizer Fine with organic amendments, ½ strength fertilizer.

Other Organic mulch recommended.

Management: Prune back lightly in fall. Deadhead to improve appearance.

Propagation: from seed: yes; follow instructions from source by cuttings: in summer

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 24, 28 3/29/11 © Project SOUND

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Stream (Giant) Orchid – Epipactis gigantea (ep-ee-PAK-tiss jy-GAN-tee-uh)

Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid Family)

Native to: Western U.S. from British Columbia to Mexico, including much of CA. Locally in Santa Monica & San Gabriel Mtns.; on wet ledges, seeps, wet meadows, stream banks and sandy stream shores and bars, usually in riparian Willow, Boxelder, and River Birch woodlands or in chaparral.

Growth characteristics: clumping herbaceous perennial mature height:1-2 ft. mature width:3-5 ft. Winter-deciduous perennial that spreads from stout rhizomes. Leaves narrow, glossy green,


Blooms/fruits: Blooms mid- to late spring – sometimes all through summer. Flowers are typical

shape for orchids – up to 15 flowers per stalk. Flower color varies tremendously from plant to plant.

Color may be maroon-brown, orange-red, pink-purple or even yellow. Petals light with darker veins. Best to purchase in bloom – or see a picture. Pollinated by Syrphid flies.

Uses in the garden: Can be grown anywhere you’d grow a hardy non-native orchid. Excellent choice

for streamside – does best in running water. Fine for shady areas in bog gardens, water gardens or moist woodland gardens. Exotic looking and easy to grow. Can be grown in large pots, but better

in ground. Cultivar ‘Serpentine Night’ has dark/purple leaves and green-purple flowers.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native orchids.

Attracts: Excellent pollinator habitat for Syrphid flies and other insect pollinators.


Element Requirement

Sun Part-shade or dappled shade best. Can take morning sun to quite shady.

Soil Well-drained soil

Water Needs moist soil; can even be grown in very shallow (1-2 inches) of water. Don’t let soil dry out in summer. Cut back water in cool of late fall.

Fertilizer Light fertilizer or organic mulch.

Other Mulch to retain soil moisture.

Management: Cut back dead stalks when dormant. Divide clumps as needed (every year in pots). Plants can be dormant in some years, depending on weather conditions.

Propagation: from seed: difficult – special agar medium by divisions: easy, later water/early spring

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 8, 13, 18 5/31/10 © Project SOUND

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*Siskiyou bitter-root – Lewisia cotyledon (lew-ISS-ee-uh kot-EE-lee-don (kot-ee-LEE-don )

Family: Portaculaceae (Purslane Family)

Native to: Northern CA and southern OR; sandy or rocky areas (granite outcrops; rock crevices),

often north-facing, in Yellow Pine Forest, Red Fir Forest, Northern Oak Woodland, Lodgepole Pine

Forest, Subalpine Forest from 4000-7500 ft. elevation.

Growth characteristics: clumping perennial mature height: <1 ft. mature width: 1 ft. Succulent perennial, evergreen or nearly so (with water; otherwise leaves die back). Fleshy leaves

in a basal rosette. Leaves spoon-shaped, medium to blue-green, attractive. Long taproot.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring or early summer in S. CA. Flowers are exceptionally lovely (see

them and you want them!). Large (to 2 inch) funnel-shaped flowers in stripes of yellows or pink (more common in nature). Each flowering stem has multiple blooms – just spectacular. Popular

cultivars like ‘Rainbow Mix’ and ‘Sunset Strain’ feature a mixture of flower colors from white to

yellow and bright magenta.

Uses in the garden: Usually used as an accent plant in rock gardens and pots/planters. Featured for

both its flowers and attractive growth habit. Showy addition to pollinator/buterfly habitat garden. Often planted in retaining walls, dry-stone walls etc. (does well with the good drainage).

Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennials like gazania, gerbera, begonia, succulents.

Attracts: Excellent pollinator/butterfly habitat: provides nectar, pollen and seeds for food.


Element Requirement

Sun Morning sun or dappled shade.

Soil Very well drained – sandy or rocky; slightly acidic – pH 5.0-7.0

Water Summer water sparingly – keep crown dry (Water Zone 1-2 to 2)

Fertilizer Feed yearly – ½ strength fertilizer

Other Use gravel mulch; best planted on an angle to promote drainage.

Management: Susceptible to root rot, so promote good drainage & don’t over-water. Plants are

remarkably drought tolerant; taper off water after mid-Aug. Deadheading prolongs bloom season. Snails, slugs and mealybugs can be a problem.

Propagation: from seed: readily available; cold moist treat by divisions: offsets, early summer.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 5, 8, 10, 16, 19, 30, 31, 45 10/30/14 * not native to western Los Angeles County, but a CA native © Project SOUND
