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Gas Industry - Rest of the World

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  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    Gas Industry in Rest of The Wo


    Nastagis N

    Pankaj C


    Saikat Pa

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World



    Evolution of Gas and Gas Industry Worldwide Natural Gas Industry Overview

    Scenario in Africa

    Scenario in Australia

    Scenario in South America Scenario in China

    International Natural Gas Management

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    Evolution of Gas and Gas Indust

    Most of the natural gas that is brought out from under the ground is millio

    of years old

    !rimary accidental burns of natural gas in a roc" were found in anc

    Mount !arnassus around $%%% &C

    &ritain was the first country to commerciali'e the use of natural gas

    Around $()*# natural gas +roduced from coal was used to light hou


    In $),$# the first well-about ,( foot. s+ecifically intended to obtain natu

    in /redonia# New 0or" by William 1art

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    E2+anding on 1art3s wor"# the /redonia Gas 4ight Com+any was e

    becoming being the first American natural gas com+any

    Without any way to trans+ort it effectively# natural gas discovered +re5W

    6ust allowed to vent into the atmos+here# or burnt

    One of the first ma6or +i+elines was constructed in $)7$ 8his +i+eline w

    and carried natural gas from wells in central Indiana to the city of Chicag

    In $79)# the :S government first regulated the natural gas industry

    8oday# the natural gas industry is regulated by the /ederal Energy ;egul


  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    Worldwide Natural Gas Overvie

    As of October ,%$

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    Scenario in Africa Sub5Saharan Africa e2+orts $,, trillion cubic feet of

    natural gas via +i+eline and li@uefied natural gas -4NG.

    Nigeria# E@uatorial Guinea# and Mo'ambi@ue are the

    ma6or natural gas e2+orters in the region

    Mo'ambi@ue sends all e2+orts to South Africa via


    E@uatorial Guinea e2+orts 4NG mainly to Asia# followed

    by 4atin America and Euro+e

    In Nigeria the vast ma6ority of natural gas e2+orts are

    4NG# with small amounts e2+orted via the West AfricanGas !i+eline

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    Top 5 NG E!porters in the World

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    Nigeria is the

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    Australia has large natural gas reserves in the Asia5!acific region with +rod


    Western Australia has the largest +roducing basin in the country Other

    Dictoria# Northern 8erritory -serving local usage only. and Central Australia

    ue to Australia3s location in relation to other countries# conventional gas

    used in the trans+ortation of gas and therefore gas is mostly trans+orted as l

    4i@uid Natural Gas -4NG. is the fastest growing energy sector and the out


    Australia is the world3s fifth largest 4NG e2+orter a+an is the +rimary i

    China# 8aiwan# South Forea and India

    Australia currently has two 4NG +roductions one is the North West Shelf D

    the other is the arwin54NG New +ro6ects are being constructed in ?ueen


    Scenario in Australia

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    !roved reserves at the end of ,%$9 was $,77 8rillion cubic feet

    !roduction at the end of ,%$9 was

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    "o#estic Gas $olicy in Australia

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    %hallenges for Australian Gas Indus

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  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    About 7% of Dene'uela3s natural gas is found associated with oil but the

    locate and +roduce more natural gas from non associated fields

    Dene'uela has im+roved its ,#(*%5mile domestic natural gas +i+eline trans+greater domestic movement and use of natural gas with the roughly $7%5

    Centro Occidente -ICO. system

    8he ICO connects the eastern and western +arts of the country# ma"ing na

    available for domestic consumers and for rein6ection into western oil fields

    In ,%%)# the Antonio ;icaurte +i+eline came online# connecting Dene'u

    Currently# the +i+eline allows Colombia to e2+ort natural gas to Dene'uvolumes ranging between )% and $*% MMcf>d

    While Dene'uela +lanned to eventually e2+ort $d of natura

    difficulties surrounding the develo+ment of its resources re@uired Dene

    im+ort natural gas from Colombia

    $NG and NG in South A#erica

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    4ac" of mar"ets and +i+eline infrastructure is the main reason South A

    develo+ed its abundant natural gas resources

    Argentina has both massive domestic gas reserves and a mature gas mdevelo+ed infrastructure

    &ra'il and Chile have large +o+ulations whose annual gas demand is gro

    +ercentages yet they de+end +rimarily on im+orts

    Dene'uela and Colombia are constrained in the develo+ment of associated

    de+endent on oil +roduction

    8he use of com+ressed natural gas -CNG. as a trans+ort fuel is e2+anding

    a world leader in that field

    &olivia# with its enormous gas reserves# is e2+loring the +ossibility of e2

    west coast of Me2ico# via Chile or !eru !eruvian gas from the giant Cam

    one day be e2+orted as 4NG# because the local mar"et is small and e2+

    com+ete against &oliviaHs abundant gas su++lies

    %hallenges and $rospects for South A#er


  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    According to OG# China held $** trillion cubic feet -8cf. of +roven natur

    anuary ,%$

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    ChinaHs oil com+anies are e2+loring more frontier +lays such as dee+ wate

    derived from coal seams

    China had nearly 9,#%%% miles of main natural gas +i+elines at the end of ,%

    Over the +ast three years# China has ram+ed u+ im+orts of natural g

    +roduction from Central Asia and Myanmar increased and as gas infrastr


    ChinaHs first international natural gas +i+eline connection# the Central

    -CAG!.# trans+orts natural gas through twin +arallel +i+elines from 8ur"m

    and Fa'a"hstan to the border in western China 8he CAG!Hs current ca+a

    s+ans $#$9% miles

    ;obust growth in natural gas demand in recent years# +articularly in the urb

    led China to become the third largest 4NG im+orter and to accelerate deve

    and +i+eline infrastructure

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  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    International Natural Gas &anage

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    Oil and as !ournal Arti"le # Paris $ %ar"h &'()*


    rom promise to per.orman"e - A.ri"a oil / gas re,ie+ - Report on "u

    in the oil and gas industry in A.ri"a*

    Australia0s 1N 2oom3 Opportunities and Challenges by Paul 2al.e*

    Australia0s Natural as Opportunity3 uelling A %anu.a"turing Renai


  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


    4hank 5ou one and all .or your patien"e and "o-op

  • 8/9/2019 Gas Industry - Rest of the World


