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Gasm İngilizce

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    1.A cloud of great width and an altitude of between2000 and 7000 feet is called ..a) nimbusb) nimbostratusc) stratusd) cumuluse) stratocumulus

    2.A device for measuring pressure of atmosphere is known as a:a) Windscaleb) Compassc) arometerd) Blipe) Shaft

    !.A fire started in the main engine room of a vessel when "at sea#. oth main engines were stopped b$ thecrew. %he ship had full electrical power suppl$ during the event due to having a separate au&iliar$ engine room.%he crew"used# '(2 and water to "start#the fire which was "finall$# e&tinguished after about * hours.+hich of the "underlined# words must be changed to get a correct meaning,a) at seab) stoppedc) used

    d) starte) finally

    *.A male passenger -eluk /ne aged ! has beenill for three da$s. 3is temperature is !4 and his pulse rateis 5. %his is a description of a ....................................a) doctors stateb) nurses statec) patient6s stated) pupils statee) customers state

    .A receipt of goods shipped on board a ship signed b$ the person or his agent) who contracts to carr$ themand stating the terms on which the goods are carried is known as .

    a) Bill of Healthb) ill of 8oadingc) Bill of Bulkheadd) Bill of Salee) Notice of Readiness

    9.A safet$ messageis sent whenever .......... .a) %here is an important navigational or meteorological warningb) There is an urgent message about the safety of a shipc) There is an urgent message about the safety of a persond) mmediate assistance is re!uirede) There is loss of life

    7.A ship6s positionma$ be found b$ a .a) knotsb) na"te#c) /-d) cablee) gmdss

    5.A vessel overtaking another . of the overtaken vessel.a) must keep clearb) must alter coursec) $ill be keptd) shall keep out of the $aye) follo$

    4.A vessel which is ableto load and discharge b$itself is called .......................................a) self%employedb) self%ser"ing

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    c) self%maded) self;sustaininge) non%self sustaining

    10.A vessel which is not made fast to the shore at anchor or aground and not moving through the water is ...a) & "essel under$ay and making $ayb) & "essel under$ay and misledc) & "essel under$ay but not making $ay o"er the groundd) & "essel under$ay and stoppede) A vessel which is disabled

    11.A vessel which is used for pulling or pushing a disabled vessel is known as a message isn6t made up of ..a) Ships name and call signb) Ships position gi"en by latitude and longitude

    c) (istance and bearing from coast stationd) %he name of the mastere) Ships ne#t port of call

    1!.A wind which first blows from -outh then changes direction to blow from the -outh ?ast then changesdirection to blow from the ?ast is said to be ..............a) "eeringb) backingc) clock$ised) freeinge) funneling

    1*.A wind which first blows from -outh then changes direction to blow from the -outh +est then changes

    direction to blow from the +est is said to be ..............a) anti%clock$iseb) deliberatec) s$ellingd) veeringe) backing

    1.According to '(8@?/ 1472 and its supplement the master is not obligated to be on the bridge himselfa) +hile checking whistles dail$b) While mooringc) When there is poor "isibilityd) While berthinge) While passing through the restricted $aters

    19.According to the Bnternational 'ode of -ignal the statement CB must abandon m$ vessel D is s$mboliEed b$means of the code letters ,a) A?b) B*c) (+d) HWe) ,(

    17.According to this clause of a charter part$ if loading operation is performed on holida$s time spent forloading ............................ otherwise these da$s ...........................a) shall count < shall not countb) shall not count - shall countc) is permitted - are not permittedd) isnt to be included in laytime - are to be included in laytimee) should be e#cepted - should be accepted

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    15.Acil durumda tm merdivenler ve FkFlar a$dFnlatFlacaktFr. 'orrect translation of this sentence into ?nglish isa) &ll stair$ays and embarkation stations shall be illuminated in an emergency.b) &ll stair$ays and e#its shall be illuminated before an emergency.c) &ll stair$ays and e#its shall illuminate in an emergency.d) All stairwa$s and e&its shall be illuminated in an emergenc$.e) &ll stair$ays and muster stations shall be lighted.

    14.Air draught means the same as ...............a) $eightb) lengthc) heightd) $idthe) sie

    20.CAn oil derrickD is ..a) a platform where all the needed machiner$ for drilling is mountedb) all the e!uipment needed on the groundc) $here brokers and captains li"ed) a machine used to di"e into the sea bottome) an e#perienced greaser

    21.Arrival message does G(% include ..a) nationality of the shipb) call signc) positiond) last porte) destination

    22.Atmospheric pressure is usuall$ given in .a) minibarsb) minimumc) milleniumd) miles

    e) milibar

    /0.1&t its /2 th session in No"ember 34456 37's &ssembly adopted resolution &. 892 :/2) on 1The Human ,lement;oals? and6 at the /3 st &ssembly in No"ember 34446 7' passed a resolution $hereby the primeemphasis in the 'rganiations $ork $as shifted a$ay from de"eloping technical standards and to$ards the humanfactor. Resolution &. 422 :/3) 1'b@ecti"es of the 'rganiation in the /222s? pays particularly close attention to theimportance of fostering a culture of maritime safety. This $as deemed to be the 'rganiations prime mission in the earlyyears of the ne$ millennium.?According to the above paragraph the resolution adopted at the 21 st assembl$ focused more on than.a) de"eloping technical standards - the human factorb) the human factor < developing technical standardsc) the organiations $ork - maritime safetyd) maritime safety - the human factor

    e) the pre"ious resolution - the one of the ne$ millenium

    2*.Au&iliar$ vessels do not include .........................a) cable layersb) ice breakersc) floating cranesd) harbour tugse) fishing boats

    2.ir teknenin diHer bir tekne Eerine ve$a rFhtFma iskele$e $anamasFa) &longsideb) erthingc) =ortsided) Starboarde) &floading

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    29.$ means of radio the captain of a ship can talk with men in other ships or with men ashore. ....... or if badweather is ahead he can be told of it in time to change his course.a) T< is a means of entertainmentb) Because of it6 captains keep the radio under their pillo$sc) =hone too6 makes communication possibled) Whate"er6 the captain should maintain his coursee) 3e can learn if it is safe for him to go on his destination

    27.'areless and improper handling of cargo during loading and discharging operations improper stowagefastening and lashing improperl$ laid dunnage or lack of dunnage altogether insufficient ventilation or lack of itand poor separation of cargo ma$ be considered as the main ones.%he passage is related with ..a) crushingb) pilferagec) leakaged) damage to cargoe) "entilation

    25.'argo gear .a) pro"ides "entilation in the holdsb) sometimes called manholes leading to the lo$er compartments.

    c) protects the $eather compartments belo$ deck from $a"esd) is a "ital concern both for good seamanship and for the sea$orthiness of the "essele) is used for purposes of loading and discharging

    24.'oal shipped in wet condition .................................................. .....a) loses $eightb) gains weightc) $eighs the samed) has no loss in $eighte) has no difference in $eight

    !0.'(8@?/ defines a Cvessel turningD as a vessel .................................................a) making no mo"e

    b) making a small alteration in coursec) making a A turnd) making a large alteration in coursee) not making any alteration

    !1.'ommunications within the ship are done b$ .. .a) ?G/BG??@ (> %3? J

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    !*.Iepth from waterline to vessel6s bottom is calleda) keelb) air draughtc) draughtd) freeboarde) underkeel clearance

    !.Iisplacement %onnage of a ship is .a) The $eight that a ship carries6 $hen it is fully loaded $ith cargo6b) %he amount of water spilled out b$ a ship when it floats at a specific conditionc) The total "olume of all the closed spaces of a ship6d) The sum of all $eights including the cargo6e) None of the abo"e

    !9.Iredging operations b$ the Jor classification surve$the following is to be kept on board and made available to the surve$or on reLuesta) Class certificates and other documentation of significance6b) Reports on pre"ious sur"eys performed6c) &ppro"ed dra$ings6d) All the abovee) None of the abo"e

    *0.>or maintenance of class .a) A.S. Coast >uard controls must be performed by the *lag State6b) %he periodicalregular) and occasionale&traordinar$) surve$s must be performed

    c) nspections by 7' officers for the ships documents must be performed6d)The shipyard must control the ship 6e)The =ort State Control should be performed.

    *1./oing through water b$ force of wind with the help of the sails is known as :a) Na"igationb) Steeringc) =ropulsiond) -ailinge) 7anoeu"ering

    *2.3$drographic surve$ information is used in the making of ............. of all scales.a) charcoalb) chartersc) chartsd) chalkse) changes

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    *!.CB am not under commandD means ..a) am not unable to manoeu"re as re!uired by the Rulesb) B am unable to manoeuvre as reLuired b$ the @ulesc) am no different than $hat $as befored) therefore can keep out of the $aye) therefore could keep out of the $ay

    **.B am proceeding at reduced speed.a) >eitte ilerleyeceDim.b) imana ilerliyorum.c) Ik hFEla ilerli$orum.d) HEEmE arttErEyorum.e) =uru"amdaki gemiyi geeceDim.

    *.CB am sinkingD CB am on fireD CB am not under commandD CB am in collisionD and CB am agroundD are all ......a) pilot re!uest messagesb) $ay point messagesc) anchoring messagesd) clearence messagese) incident messages

    *9.CB have herewith the pleasure in informing $ou that m$ vessel is in all respects read$ to commence workingas per above in accordance with terms of mentioned charter part$. Mours faithfull$.66 Jaster%he above mentioned remark takes place in a< ana) notice of readiness.b) bill of lading.c) letter of credit.d) negotiable bill of lading.e) time charter party.

    *7.Cl need helpD ma$ be followed b$ ...a) What is the anchor position for meF.b) am sending a boat for you.c) ha"e a long to$.

    d) B am aground.e) am altering my course to port.

    *5.B will attempt rescue b$ breeches;buo$a) Can kurtarma "aragelesiyle kurtarmaya geliyorumb) Can kurtarma "aragelesiyle kurtulmaya alEGEyorumc) 'an kurtarma varagelesi$le kurtarma$a alFacaHFmd) Can kurtarma "aragelesiyle kurtuldunue) Can kurtarma "aragelesiyle kurtuluyorsunu

    *4.CBce;breaker assistance is suspended until favourable weather conditionsD meansa) +hen the weather conditions get favourable ice; breaker assistance will resumeb) t is suspected $hether ice% breaker assistance $ill be fa"ourable or not.

    c) No ice breaker assistance $ill be a"ailable e"en if the $eather conditions become fa"ourable.d) ce%breaker assistance $ill be pro"ided until fa"ourable $eather conditionse) ce%breaker assistance must be recei"ed by the fa"ourable $eather conditions

    0.Bf a wind is going to freshen it is going to a) change directionb) lose strengthc) gain strengthd) change namee) stay the same

    1.Bf collision is imminent which one of the two power;driven vessels has to keep out of the wa$,a) %he one which has the other on her starboard sideb) The one $hich has the other on her port sidec) The one $hich is fasterd) The one $hich is slo$ere) The one $hich is ne$ly bought

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    2.Bf immersion in water is necessar$ $ou should enter the water a) uicklyb) Suddenlyc) /raduall$d) mmediatelye) *ast

    !.Bf the weight of a floating ship is greater than the weight of eLual volume of water displaced b$ the ship theship will ...........a) floatb) tiltc) listd) sinke) capsie

    *.Bn certain fairwa$s $ou must maintain a speed of ten knots e&actl$. %he name given to this speed is a) !uick speedb) heart attackc) fast speedd) increased speede) fairwa$ speed

    .CBn cold water the skin and peripheral tissues become cooled and then the deep bod$ temperature fallsD%his is called as ..............................a) dro$ningb) h$pothermiac) hyperthermiad) shocke) immersion

    9.Bn these circumstances it is difficult to assess the damage caused b$ the collision. Bn %urkish $ou wouldsa$ .................................................a) Bu koGullarda atEGmanEn hasara yol aEp amayacaDEnE tahmin etmek orb) IatEGmanEn ne gibi hasara yol atEDEnE bu koGullarda aEklamak or gelebilir

    c) IatEGmanEn yol atEDE ararE karGElamak6 bu koGullar altEnda ok ord) *arklE durumlarda atEGmanEn ararEnE karGElamak "e karGElaGtErmak ok ore) u koullar altFnda atFmanFn neden olduHu hasarF saptamak Eor

    7.Bntermediate -urve$s are a) 7ore detailed:details e#tended) &nnual Sur"eys6b) They fall due6nominally /69 years after the commencement of the class period6c) They are made $hene"er necessary6d) :a)J:c)e) a)Nb)

    5.Bt is reLuired to use the capstan to haul a line. %he order given is .....a) To take line to capstan to hea"e "essel alongside

    b) %o take line to capstan and heave awa$c) To $eigh anchord) To take the head line and turn it arounde) To hold the line and $ait near the capstan

    4.Bt usuall$ occurs off the ship but as stolen cargo can be unwittingl$ accepted b$ the vessel and as soundcargo ma$ be subOect to theft after discharge it is usuall$ the vessel which is blamed. 8osses due to it are ver$serious especiall$ when foodstuffs liLuors and soft drinks e&pensive clothes tools and spare parts for carselectronic eLuipment and precious stones are being carried on board ship.%he passage is about . . . . . . . . . .a) chafingb) collapsingc) pilferaged) moisture and s$eatinge) rain damage

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    90.C8ast night being the third of the month Ja$ Jr.-elim MavuE the pumper went ashore without leave andcame back this morning. 3e did not turn out for work when ordered at 7 o6clock. >or this reason he is fined asum of da$6s pa$.D %his is a report of ............a) offenceb) penalt$c) defensed) accusatione) acceptance

    91.8eave the odd sentence out.a) Radio as the primary "ehicle for maritime search and rescue has been instrumental in sa"ing countless li"es.b) ts first kno$n use fort this purpose $as in 3844 $hen a lightship in the Straits of (o"er used radio apparatus to reportthe steamship 1,B,? had run aground.c) Ho$e"er 7orse Code transmission $ill be eliminated.d) At once a lifeboat was dispatched to rescue the crew.e) Since that time many significant technical ad"ances in the use of radio for na"igation and distress ha"e made life atsea safer for the modern day mariner.

    92.8ifeboats should be taken ashore inspected and tested. All the damage if an$ should be repaired. 8ifeboatwinches should be dismantled overhauled and worn parts renewed. 3and brakes and mechanical brake shouldbe checked and adOusted. After completing the work the$ should be tested under 'hief (fficer6s supervision.

    %his passage is part of .................................................. ....................a) deck department ordersb) repair specificationc) miscellaneousd) engine department orderse) plain letter

    9!.Jan$ t$pes of bulk cargo are liable to shifting and therefore special precautions must be taken with suchcargoes as grain some kind of ores certain kinds of coal broken granite etc. Bt is necessar$ to see that the bulkcargo is well trimmed. A load of barrels should be stowed bilge free and well blocked off to avoid it.%his passage is about ..........a) handling damageb) crushing

    c) dust damaged) leakagee) shifting

    9*.Jaster transmitted a distress alert ............. Bnm;' which was Luickl$ acknowledged.a) forb) throughc) viad) beneathe) beyond

    9.Jerchant vessels do not include .a) sport crafts

    b) reefers.c) au#iliary "essels.d) di"ers boats.e) dredgers.

    99.Jist is announced when water droplets in the atmosphere reduce visibilit$ to between ..........................a) 322 and /22 metresb) 1000 and 2000 metresc) 322 and /22 kilometresd) 32 and /2 milese) 322 and /22 miles

    97.Jorse code flag signalling and radio are ................................................. ....................................a) three main methods of fi#ing positionb) three main methods of taking bearings of land and sea marksc) three main methods of na"igating safelyd) three main methods of communication e) three main methods of taking assistance

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    95.Gavigation in coastal waters is known as .a) ilotageb) =lottagec) Cruisingd) Sailinge) Taking bearing

    94.Gavigator6s sea map with coast outlines rocks shoals etc.is known as .a) Charter partyb) 'hartc) Charged) Chartere) Clearance

    70.DGo matter how sophisticated navigational aids and safet$ devices become no matter how automatedcomputeriEed and mathematicall$ planned become the vo$ages of vessels the element of human fallibilit$ willalwa$s e&ist and will remain the prime cause of collisions in navigable waters.D%he above Luotation emphasiEes the importance of .. in collisions.a) sophisticated na"igational aidsb) automated "ayagesc) human factor

    d) computeriatione) mathematically planned "oyages of "essels

    71.(( carriers are a) au#iliary "essels.b) au#iliary cargo ships.c) special cargo ships.d) mi&ed cargo ships.e) $ar ships.

    72.'n /9 &ugust 344K6 S&L ST&R6 a Bahamian Registered Ro%Ro passenger ferry $as en route to Ramsgate from(unkirk and in a position about M.9 miles east of Ramsgate $hen fire broke out in the main engine room. The fire $ascaused by the failure of a bolted flange @oint on the lo$ pressure fuel system to No K main engine6 allo$ing flammable

    fuel oil "apour to come into contact $ith part of the engine e#haust system. nitial attempts to e#tinguish the fire $ereunsuccessful6 mainly due to failure of the au#iliary generators and the emergency fire pump and despite the in@ection ofalongs into the space. Ho$e"er6 the closure of the engine room "entilation and fuel oil systems effecti"ely star"ed thefire of fuel and o#ygen. The fire $as finally reported as e#tinguished about three hours from the onset of the emergency.The incident re!uired the co%ordinating role of H7 Coastguard (o"er6 off%shore fire fighting teams from ent *ireBrigade6 R&* and H7 Coastguard helicopters. & total of 89 non%essential cre$ and 35 passengers $ere transferredashore by RN lifeboats based at Ramsgate and 7argate. Tugs and other "essels stood by the S&L ST&R $hich $asfinally to$ed to (unkirk for repairs. 'ne cre$ member suffered an in@ury during fire fighting operations and $ase"acuated ashore by helicopter.%he passage does not e&plaina) the reason $hy the fire broke outb) the reason $hy the initial fire fighting attempts $ere unsuccessfulc) the place $here fire occurred

    d) how the crew member inOured during fire fightinge) ho$ the cre$ and passengers $ere transferred to the shore

    7!.erson to work with electricit$ should be ............................................ .....a) untrained and incompetent in technical kno$ledgeb) unfamiliar $ith technical kno$ledgec) disabled and incompetentd) trained and competent with good technical knowledgee) e#tremely illiterate

    7*.Ciri @eisD gemisi imdi tanFtma iareti eki$orum.a)

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    7. ortable rechargeable batter$ operated lamps shall be available in some important points.'orrect translation of this sentence into %urkish isa) BaE Onemli noktalarda Gar@edilebilir6 portatif bataryalE lambalar bulunacaktEr.b) aEF Pnemli noktalarda arOedilebilen batar$a$la alFan portatif lambalar bulunacaktFr.c) =ortatif Gar@edilebilen pilli lambalar Onemli noktalarda bulunacaktEr.d) Bir ka Onemli noktada Gar@lE portatif lambalar bulunacaktEr.e) Par@lE bataryalar taGEnabilir olmalEdEr "e baE Onemli noktalarda istiflenmelidir.

    79.ort state control officer said to the Jaster of the J< = @ose that the ship got detained because of theabsence of the lifeboat inventor$.+hich of the following conventions didn6t the J

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    5!.-eamen who do G(% understand each other can communicate b$ using ....................a) signaturesb) silencec) signalsd) sibilantse) solidarity

    5*. -hip A has -hip ' ahead of her so -hip ' is . of -hip A.a) Aheadb) &sternc) &beamd) 'n the bo$e) 'n the !uarter

    5.C-hipsD in general are classified into the following three t$pes:a) warships merchant vessels $achtsb) passenger ships6 merchant "essels6 yachtsc) $arships6 fishing "essels6 yachtsd) passenger ships6 au#iliary "essels6 yachtse) cargo "essels6 merchant "essels6 yachts

    59.-hip6s position can G(% be given in .................................................. .a) latitude and longtitudeb) bearing and distancec) reference to a na"igation markd) rapid and unambigious methode) electronic position fi#ing references

    57.-ignalling b$ using hand flags is called .................................................. .a) sophomoreb) semiphonec) semaphored) spheree) siren

    55.C-orr$D and C%hank $ouD are .................................................. .a) announcementsb) clarificationc) con"ersation controld) polite statementse) channel s$itching

    54.C-tand b$D means that the information is ....................................... .a) negati"eb) affirmati"ec) not immediatel$ available

    d) not propere) not heard

    40.RamandFranFn kuEe$inden gemeniEi tavsi$e ederim.a) &d"ise you pass ,ast of 7arkb) &d"ise you pass West of 7arkc) &d"ise you pass South of 7arkd) Advise $ou pass Gorth of Jarke) &d"ise you pass Northeast of 7ark

    41.%he content of an$ letter of protest prepared and signed b$ the master is to be .a) kept in a locked dra$er on board the shipb) taken to the court by the master himselfc) passed to the owner < charterer or their agentd) published in any regional ne$spaper related $ith the topice) checked and corrected by the chief officer.

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    42.%he following four stages in a =3> e&change are in the wrong order.+rite down the letters of the correctseLuences.A;Agree on a working =3> channeB;?&change messages';%erminateI;Jake contacta) B&C(b) &BC(c) IA'd) C(B&e) (B&C

    4!.%he force or speed of a ................ is measured b$ an anemometer.a) precipitationb) hailc) fogd) winde) pressure

    4*.%he forepeak tank is used toa) store fresh water or ballast water.

    b) store paint6 buckets6 ropes in.c) di"ide the "essel into longitudinal subdi"isions.d) sto$ the chain cables of the bo$er anchors.e) determine the ships carrying capacity.

    4.%he four *) t$pes of merchant vessels are:a) assanger shipsS'argo vesselsSAu&iliar$ vesselsS>ishing vesselsb) WarshipsCargo "essels&u#iliary "essels*ishing "essels6c) =assanger shipsLachts&u#iliary "essels*ishing "essels6d) =assanger shipsCargo "essels(redgers*ishing "essels6e) =assanger shipsCable layers&u#iliary "essels*ishing "essels.

    49.%he /ross %onnage of a ship is .................................................. .

    a) The $eight of li"ing spaces and na"igational spaces6b) The $eight of cargo6 passengers and pro"isions6 measured in metric tons6c) %he total volume of all closed spaces of a ship in ftT divided b$ hundred 100)d) The $eight of fuel6 fresh $ater and $ater tanks in tons6e) The amount of $ater spilled out by a ship

    47.%he instruction Cto single upD shows ...................................a) %he ship is read$ to leave the Lua$ or berthb) The ship has completed the operationc) The ship has departedd) The ship is under$aye) The ship is abandoned

    45.%he main aim of the 'lassification -ociet$ is ........................... .a) To pro"ide !uick and cheap construction of a "esselb) To design a shipc) To put limits on the ships dimensionsd) To pay for the ship constructione) %o observe if the ship is seaworth$ and is capable of carr$ing the cargo she has been designed to carr$

    44.%he maintenance on board is the responsibilit$ of the ......... and the men in his charge.a) Captainb) 'hief officerc) Second officerd) Third officere) Chief engineer

    100.C%he master of ever$ ship carr$ing haEardous cargo other than in bulk; whether it is or ma$ be e&plosiveflammable to&ic health; threatening or environment polluting; shall in organiEing safe watch keepingarrangements take full account of the nature Luantit$ packing and stowage of the haEardous cargo and of an$

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    special conditions on board afloat and ashore.D'onsidering this rule complete the following statement in case the cargo is . the master mustconsider . while arranging .a) haEardous< the nature Luantit$ packing and stowage of the cargo< watch keepingb) bulk - e#plosi"e6 flammable6 to#ic6 health% threatening- the sto$agec) special- health% threatening or en"ironment polluting- the full accountd) on board- $atch keeping arrangements- any special conditionse) carried in bulk - any special conditions on board - $atch keeping

    101.%he mechanical barrel around which lines and wires are turned is a .............................................a) buoyb) barrelc) capstand) captaine) $aist

    102.%he Jedical @eport >ormat for -eafarers is filled

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    104.%he starboard bow is the areaa) on the right side of the stem.b) on the right side of the stern.c) on the left side of the stem.d) on the left side of the midship line.e) on either side of the stern.

    110.%he space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains ....... used for ballast water and fuel.a) t$eendecksb) double bottom tanksc) cargo%carrying compartmentsd) fore peak tanke) aft peak tank

    111.%he term CvesselD is different from the term CshipD in that the term vessel is used fora) floating craft smaller than CshipsD.b) floating craft larger than 1ships?.c) some floating craft used for sport acti"ities only.d) huge tankers only.e) 1$arships? more commonly.

    112.C%he weather was supposed to be nice toda$ but we were almost froEen to death while doing the ship6smaintenance.D can be e&pressed as .....................................a) The $eather $as e#pected to be cold today but it is notb) The $eather $as not "ery cold today as it $as beforec) &lthough e"eryone hoped for a cold day it turned out to be niced) %he weather was terribl$ cold although it had been e&pected to be goode) The day $as so nice and $arm @ust as $e had e#pected before

    11!.%he vessel which has the right of wa$ is known as . . . . . . .. . . . .a) the regulationsb) more safetyc) a higher certificated) the standing;on vessel

    e) their message

    11*.%here are certain medicines on board which $ou can onl$ use when:a) Captain orders you to do so6b) Lou think it is necessary6c) Mou have medical advice b$ radiod) The ill-in@ured person $ants you to do so 6e) The shipo$ner gi"es you instructions to do so .

    11.%here is a vessel obstructing $our movements.a) Vlerde hareketleriniEi engelle$en bir gemi varb) lerde hareketinie kasteden bir gemi "arc) lerde sii takip eden bir gemi "ar

    d) lerde siin hareketinii bekleyen bir gemi "are) lerde siinle ilgili hareketli bir gemi "ar

    119.C%here is no doubt that the scope of a pilot6s duties have over the $ears been clearl$ defined. %hat he hase&clusive control and conduct of the ship is seldom disputed but this is ver$ different from having command ofthe ship.D Bt is implied in the above mentioned Luotation thata) the scope of a pilots duties has e"er been doubtful.b) no rule has e"er clearly defined as pilots duties.c) a pilot has the conduct of the ship he is in charge of na"igating.d) a pilot has both conduct and command of the ship he is in charge of.e) a pilot6s e&clusive control and conduct of a ship has been a point of dispute

    117.%here shall be clear instructions relating to the operating of the s$stem.Correct translation of this sentence into Turkish isUa) Sistemin alEGmasEna iliGkin aEklamalar yapElacaktEr.b) -istemin alFmasFna ilikin aFk talimatlar bulunacaktFr.c) Sistem Qerindeki aEk talimatlara gOre alEGtErElEr.

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    d) Sistemin alEGmasE aEk talimatlar olmasEyla ilgilidir.e) Sistem alEGmasEyla aEk talimatlara baDlEdEr.

    115.C%his is to certif$ that before

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    12.+atertight bulkheads do not .a) pro"ide protection against fire.b) pre"ent odours from passing from one compartment to another.c) pre"ent leakage bet$een the t$o ad@acent compartments.d) di"ide the "essel into longitudinal subdi"isions.e) store fresh water or ballast water.

    129.+hat association below is not true,a) >=S%atomic clockb) (ead Reckoning% logc) Celestial Na"igation%se#tantd) -atellite Gavigation;8(@AGe) =iloting%chart

    127.+hat is the function of Gavte& device on board ,a) t recei"es only ne$s on sea meteorology and records themb) t recei"es only na"igational $arnings and records them.c) Bt receives navigational and meteorological news and records them.d) &ccording to the information transmitted from shore based radar stations6 it al$ays indicates the position of the"essel.e) f the position of the "essel is filled up in it6 it al$ays indicates the position of the "essel.

    125.+hat part of a ship isn6t in accommodation spaces,a) boiler roomb) galleyc) cre$ messd) laundry roome) cabin

    124.+hen a message has been received but the information reLuested can not be obtained sa$ CWWWWWWWWDa) Go informationb) Say againc) 7essage not understoodd) 7essage not re!uested

    e) 7essage not recei"ed

    1!0.+hen out of sight of land position is found b$ ..............a) coastal na"igationb) metaphysicsc) celestial navigationd) definite landmarkse) pre"ious e#periences

    1!1.+hen steel is in contact with water air or salt solutions it undergoes a chemical change known as ...... .a) Coatingb) Bitumenc) @usting

    d) Cemente) (eteriration

    1!2.+hen the engine refuses to start which of the following situations cannot be a reason,a) No fuelb) Starting air pressure to lo$c) &ir in fuel line or pumpd) n@ection noles not $orkinge) (verloading

    1!!.+hen the second mate caught a contagious disease .................................a) the doctor ad"ised him to stop complainingb) he $as taken out of the sick bay as soon as possiblec) the cre$ lost hope $hen his condition $orsenedd) no one was allowed to visit hime) the doctor ga"e him a check up and found nothing

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    1!*.+hen two vessels are meeting head;on the$ both ..................... to starboard.a) Collisionb) must alter coursec) follo$d) musnt alter coursee) recei"e their message

    1!.+hen $ou are going to reLuest @adio Jedical Advice $ou must have some information read$. %heseinformation are:a) Routine particulars about the ship and the patient6b) =articulars of the illness and the results of the e#amination of the ill person6c) (iagnosis and Treatment6d) =roblems and other comments6e) All the above.

    1!9.+hen $ou cannot understand the message received sa$ C...........a) Jessage not understoodb) Stand byc) No informationd) What you ha"e said is not understandablee) What is your messageF

    1!7.+hich of the following can not be a defect a light might have,a) (estroyedb) (amagedc) Anlitd) 'ff statione) ?&pensive

    1!5.+hich of the following cannot be categoriEed as a distress signal ,a) & flag and a ball belo$ it.b) & signaling mirror.c) @aising arms.d) Smoke signal.

    e) & rocket parachute flare.

    1!4.+hich of the following messages is a distress message,a) 82 miles northeast of Cape To$n engine broken do$n Re!uire tug assistanceb) >ale $arning south$est gale force $inds imminent in sea areas the Black Sea.c) 05.38 West /M.0/ North fire in number 3 hold ship in "icinity. =lease stand by.d) -hip holed in engine room. -inking. @eLuest immediate assistancee) 7an o"erboard. Help $ith search and rescue

    1*0.+hich of the following messages needs to be corrected ,a) 1nstruction; (o not enter the fair$ay?b) 1nformation;

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    1*!.+hich of the following statements is incorrect,a) f there is a ne$ cre$ member $ho @oins the "essel6 he must be trained $ithin the first t$o $eeks after @oining the"esselb) &ll the life%sa"ing e!uipment and appliances must be in their correct places and orderc) f there are any passengers on board6 they must be trained on ho$ to use the life%sa"ing appliancesd) (rills must be conducted as if there is a real emergency situatione) Bt is not necessar$ to lower at least one life;boat into the sea when there is an onboard training

    1**.+hich of the following statements is not correct about tall$ing,a) Tallying is the process of counting6 checking and recording of cargo $hen it comes aboard and lea"es the shipb) Tally clerks are responsible for tallyingc) 'ne group of tally clerks are employed by shipper $hereas one group are employed by ship o$nerd) The Bill of ading is important as it states the description of the goods6 !uantity6 marks on packagese) Bt6s not an$bod$6s responsibilit$ if there6s damaged cargo on board

    1*.+hich of the following statements about finding a ship6s position is not true,a) & ships position can be calculated by a techni!ue kno$n as dead reckoningb) When in sight of land6 the na"igator uses the techni!ues of coastal na"igation to find positionc) To find the e#act position of the ship6 a compass bearing can be usedd) When out of sight of land6 a ships position can be found out by using the techni!ues of celestial na"igatione) Bt is not possible finding the position of a ship b$ means of satellite

    1*9.+hich of the following vessels is to give wa$ to the others ,a) & sailing "esselb) & fishing "esselc) & disabled "esseld) & "essel not under command.e) A vessel underwa$ and driven b$ force.

    1*7.+hile using abbreviations in shipping forecasts the capital letter @ denotes :a) Sho$ers of rainb) Continuous hea"y rainc) 3eav$ raind) ntermittent rain

    e) Rain follo$ed by mist

    1*5.MangFnF Pnlemek iin tedbirler alFnacaktFr. 'orrect translation of this sentence into ?nglish isa) =recautions must be done to a"oid fire.b) =recautions shall be taken to pre"ent fire.c) There shall be pre"ented $ith caution.d) %o prevent fire some cautions shall be taken.e) *ire is pre"ented by some precautions.

    1*4.Mou are running into danger. >og bang ahead of $ou.a)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunu. nQnQde kesik sis "arb)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunu. nQnQde sED su "arc)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunu. nQnQde enka "ar

    d)%ehlike$e gidi$orsunuE. XnnEde kesif sis vare)Tehlikeye gidiyorsunu. nQnQde mayEn "ar

    10.Mou can anchor until there is sufficient water.a) Su yetersi onun iin demirlemeb) -u derinliHi $eterli olana dek demirle$ebilirsiniEc) Su derinliDi giderek aalEyor6 demirliyebilirsinid) Su derinliDi yetersi6 demirlemek tehlikelidire) Su derinliDi kafi yola Ekabilirsini

    11.CMou have caught m$ fishing gear.D is a term used b$ a ..........a) passing shipb) ship agroundc) "essel mo"ingd) fishing boate) protecting "essel

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    12.Mou ma$ navigate b$ $ourself or wait for pilot.a) endini seyredebilirsini yoksa pilot gelirb) endini seyrederseni pilot bekleyebilirc) QendiniE se$redebilir ve$a pilotu bekle$ebilirsiniEd) endini seyredemeseni6 pilotu bekleyine) endini seyredin yoksa pilotu bekleteyim

    1!.CMou must shorten $our cable to three shacklesD is an order given b$ a pilot station ...........a) $hen the pilot boards the "essel to take her from $aiting anchorage into harbourb) after the pilot boards the "essel to take her from $aiting anchorage into harbourc) immediatel$ before the pilot boards her to take her from waiting anchorage into harbourd) immediately after the pilot boards her to take her from $aiting anchorage into harboure) it has nothing to do $ith the pilot $hatsoe"er

    1*.Mour navigation lights are not visible.a) -e$ir fenerleriniE gPrlm$or.b) Seyir fenerlerini alEGEyor mu Fc) Hangi seyir fenerlerini arEalE Fd) Seyir fenerlerini neden gOrQlmQyor Fe) Seyir fenerlerim arEalE.

    1.Mou are in the leading line.a) Transit hattEnE uunb) %ransit hattF EerindesiniEc) Transit geiGte baGtasEnEd) Transit hattE uuyore) Transitte lider olun

    19.Mou are running into danger.a) >emime yaklaGmayEn.b) Tehlike "ar.c) %ehlike$e gidi$orsunuE.d) Lol "erini.e) >emeyini.

    17.A: Io not follow me : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a) am stoppingb) B will not follow $ouc) What is your courseFd) *ull ahead immediatelye) 7ust take tugsF

    15.A: >ull ahead immediatel$ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a) Stop your "esselb) B am going full ahead immediatel$c) am stopping my "esseld) am increasing my speed

    e) am slo$ing do$n

    14.A : /o ahead : >ollow me) : . . . . . . .a) $ill be ready to helpb) B am going ahead B am following $ou)c) $ill be follo$ed by "esseld) He $ill go aheade) Will you be follo$ed by "esselF

    190. ........................ and ..................................... are used as distress signals.a) speakers a"iatorsb) asmoke pigeonsc) rockers "oicesd) flares Y rocketse) na"igators passengers

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    191. ................................. is G(% included in a radar identification message.a) destinationb) addresseec) senderd) positione) course-speed

    192. ................................................. mevkiinde monte edilmi akFntF Pler var.a) There are oceanographic instruments moored in position ..................b) %here are current meters moored in position ....................c) There are drilling rigs installed in position ...............d) There are speedometers installed in position ..............e) There are cable laying operations in position .............

    19!.+hat is the validit$ period of sanitar$ certificate,a)9 monthsb)0 monthsc) 3 yearsd) / yearse) 9 years

    19*.ecause 8og books are vital documentsin the event of ...... or shipwrecks..the$ should be well protecteddocuments for this events ..a)an accidentb)drillsc)berthing operationd)routine @obse)fire drills

    19.without a calculator or computer programme..di$e baslF$or sonu sight reduction together with nauticalalmanac to solve the celestial.......a)bodyb)meridianc)"ar


    199.what is the urthen tonnage,a)light displacementb)loaded displacementc)dead$eightd)grosstone)net register tonnage

    197.Iuring navigationnavigator shall be refer to both te&ts and ..... e&ample of te&t sailing directionslist oflights.?&ample of table sight reduction ,a)books

    b)directionsc)tablesd)almanake)stability booklet

    195.iEbarconun tanFmF $apFlmFe$e or loop kelimeleri geci$ordu) hangi bag denmia)Reef knotb)owlinec)margarita

    194./mI-- 8og book konsolda gorunur bir $erde olmalFdFr......,a)authoried personb)inspectionc)easy entry

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    170...... are used for pipesshipZs funnel for insulation,a)asphaltsb)heat;resistant paintsc)"arnishd)plastic paintse)epo#y paint

    171.the radio log book should be keep clear to the radio for ...... b$ an$ authoriEed person.a) filling inb) an easy accessc) inspectiond) drillse) meintenance

    172. %he success of emergenc$ response depend on............ b$ voFce and b$ radio handset between teamleaders and command area..a) Cooperationb) Cordinationc) Chech listd) the Lualit$ of communication

    17!.+hat is not used describe a mark is BA8A s$stem,a) Shapeb) Iistancec) Colourd) Top marke) ight

    17*.3ow to lower pressure than its surroundings is shown,a) =b) 8c) S'Nd) &NTS'Ne) H

    17.+hich is not charcteristic of liner trade,a) liner conference systemb) designated portsc) hire for shipmentd) fi#ed schedulee) published rates

    179.+hich association is not correct,a) cirrus lo$ cloudsb) cumulonimbus %thundersc) cirrostratus la$er liked) altocumulus ball like

    e) altostratus

    177.Bn which case is the B( 'ertificate of an inspected vessel G(% invalidated,a)&n annual sur"ey is conducted fifteen months after the date of certificate issuanceb)& 39 ppm oily%$ater separator is replaced by a 322 ppm oily%$ater separatorc)The ship is transferred to iberian registryd)%he reLuired oil$;water separator malfunctions

    175.@educe swing as rapidl$ as possible,a)stead$b)steady as she goesc)steady on her routed)midshipe)keep the $heel rapidly

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    174.%he power produced in the c$linder is called.a)cycleb)combustionc)break horse po$er:BH=)d) indicated horse powerB3)e)R=7

    150. ................8eave oddsentence out in the tender vessela) Angle and period of roll is largeb) Rolling is smooth and regularc) ess se"ere stresses up on hulld) >7 is small for type sie naturee) general cargo is likely to break loose due to @erky mo"ements

    151. epirb le alakalF bir soru vardF sPrve$ esnasFnda sPrve$Pr epirbin aaHFdaki hangi PEelliHini kontrol etmeEa)bataryasEb)hru e#p datec)dQgQn yerleGtirilp yerleGtirilmediDid)sertifikasEe)*09 mhE olup olmadFHF

    152.8eave the odd sentence outB; Jental iilness must be taken seriousl$BB; 3ave two people to walk the unsound person on the deckBBB; An unsound person ma$ kill himself or other peopleB=; 3e often thinks that his friends are tr$ing to do him wrong=; Bf the captain does restran and control the mental patient and the mental patient does killor inOure himself or others the captain will be held responsible&) ) BBC) () or

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    147.3ow is the intensit$ of a light e&presed in the light list ,a) Gominalb) uminalc) >eographicald) 7eteorologicale) astronomica

    145.Mour load line certificate e&pires on 27 Ja$ 1455. %he vessel is surve$ed on that date and is foundsatisfactor$. Mou are sailing foreign the same da$. +hich statement is %@U?,&) & ne$ certificate must be issued before you sail.B) The e#isting certificate is endorsed as "alid for a fi"e year period commencing /5 7ay 3488.') %he e&isting certificate is e&tended for a period of up to 10 da$s.() The e#isting certificate is e#tended until the first foreign port of call $here a ne$ certificate $ill be issued by the localsur"eyor.

    144.%o perform the 3eimlich manoeuvere:1;-tand behind the victim2;wrap $our arms around his or her waist!;bend the person slightl$ forward.*;make a fist with one hand;place it slightl$ above the personZs navel and

    9;grasp $our fist with the other hand7;press hard into the abdomen with an upward thrust5;repeat until the obOect is e&pelled from the airwa$.1;-tand behind the victim!;bend the person slightl$ forward2;wrap $our arms around his or her waist*;make a fist with one hand;place it slightl$ above the personZs navel and9;grasp $our fist with the other hand7;press hard into the abdomen with an upward thrust5;repeat until the obOect is e&pelled from the airwa$

    200..................... issued b$ compan$ or designed person B-J 'ode regulation

    a) I('b) S7Cc) S=S

    201.which is located in the tonnage certificate,a) dead$eightb) net tonc) grosstond) "olumetric tone) deplasman

    202.which of the following Fnternational code of signal including statement,a) emg;distress;inOured;damaged

    b)maneo"ring%comunicatEonc) safety comunEcatEon%helthhd) health%meteorological forcastle

    20!.'argo s.f is 1.2m! *0cbft) what is the name of this cargo,a)(reb)7i#turec)(ead$eightd)Homogeneous

    20*.WWWWWWWWWWWW is an effective e&tinguishing medium in an enclosed space.a) co2b)dry chemicalsc)sprinklersd)foam systemse)$ater monitors

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    20. As the heat increases hurricane begins to swirl in a counter clockwise motion. %he average life of ahurricane is onl$ about 4 da$s. +ater not wind is the main source of death and destruction in a hurricane. At$pical hurricane brings 9 to 12 inch downpours resulting in sudden floods. +orst is the powerful movement ofthe sea;the mountains of water moving toward the low;pressure hurricane center. %he water level rises as muchas 1 feet above normal as it moves toward shore.AG-+?@ %3? \U?-%B(G-%he counter;clockwise swirling of the hurricane is brought about b$ ..........A) the low;pressure area in the center of the stormB) the increasing heatC) the trade $inds() the po$er of $ater $a"es,) the high%pressure area $ith the storm

    209.maintenance of the ship is the responsibilit$ of the chief officer and his men in his charge.the$ must protectthe ship from the damaging effects of ... changes in temperature and the action of waves.a)oilb)bunkerc)any li!uidd)salt watere)fresh $ater

    207.bill of lading is a .......... document and implies the owner ship of cargoa)Enternationalb)customaryc)negotiabled)certifiede)secure

    205);-olas chapter 12 reLuires loading instrument ina)ulk carriesb)container shipsc)fi#ed production and unitsd)mobile offshore drilling unitse)&ll of the abo"e

    204)Ccirculation vesselarter$D MukarFdakilerle ilgilia)boneb)@ointc)ribsd)fracturee)blood

    210.A narrow band direct printing eLuipment is a,a)facsimileb)morse telegraphc)tele&d)printer


    211. +hat document is issued after the final check discharged cargo at the port of destination,a)Cargo manifestb)7ates receiptc)%he outturn reportd)*i#ture notee)The disbursement account

    212.+hat eLuipment for fog signals is reLuired for a vessel 1! meters in.a)$histle onlyb)whistle and bellc)bell onlyd)bell and gonge)$histle 6 bell and gong

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    21!.An international air pollution prevention certificate can be valid for:a)3 yearb)/ yearc)0 yeard) $eare)it does not ha"eY

    21*.'lassification covers the ship6s:a)hull onlyb)hull and machineryc)hull and machiner$ including all electrical installations

    21. is the carr$ing capacit$ in weight and it includes the cargo the fuel water di$e devam edi$ora)the deadweightb)net tonnagec)gross tonnaged)net register tonnagee)gross register tonnage

    219.which is suitable for minor burns treatment,a)hold the affected area under hot $ater for at least 32 minutes

    b)make the casually as comfortable as possible6 lie them do$nc)ovner the burn with clean inon fluft$ material to proOect from infectiond)continue to pour copious amounts of cold $ater o"er the burne)take the casually to clear atmosphere and clean them

    217.Iuring ort -tate 'ontrol rocedures there are certain definitions to limit or authoriEe the port statecontrol officer -'() e&ecuting his

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    222..efore using a fi&ed co2 s$stem to fight an enginee room fire$ou must ............a) Call 7aster to engine room.b) Wait for shore support.c) ?vacaute all engine room personeld) Close uick Close

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    2!1.C8a$time for loading and discharging shall commence at 1!.00 hrs if notice of readiness is given up to andincluding 12.00 hrs and at 09.00 hrs ne&t working da$ if notice given during office hours after 12.00 hours.DAccording to this clause of charter part$ if the notice of readiness is given at 1!.00 hours on >rida$ la$ time forloading andire >ightining,a) C'/ *i#ed Systemb) (ry Chemical =o$derc) 3and >laresd) *ireman 'utfite) *ire &larm

    2!*.%he most modern kind of lifeboat dropping or falling into the sea and which is covered is areefallb) ifebeltc) iferaftd) Water proof life boate) Rescue boat

    2!.-urve$s reLuired internationall$ and

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    2*0............... is to elliminate the heat a side of the fire b$ appl$ing something thast will absurb the heata) Smotheringb) 'oolingc) Smoulderingd) =re"atinge) (iluting

    2*1.%he nautical almanac contains information on sunrise ................. moonrise and moonset ................,a) S$ellsb) -unsetc) &tmosphere pressured) 'cean basine) Weather

    2*2.+hich is not a method of giving a position on =3>,a) Reporting to a na"igation markb) >i"ing latitude and longitudec) Reporting a pointd) >i"ing the bearing and distancee) 'onfirmin the speed

    2*!.>or the carriage of the goods firstl$ the shipper or agent sends a ................... to the carrier to book hiscargo. %he document includes full e&planations and facts of all the cargoa) ooking noteb) Charter partyc) Sea reportd) (ock receipte) Boat note

    2**. ill of lading is a ............... document and implies the owner ship of the cargoa) nternationalb) Customaryc) negotiabled) Certified

    e) Secure

    2*.An instrument used for measuring the .................. of the air is called a h$grometera) =ressureb) Heatc) &ir pressured) Speede) 3umidit$

    2*9.%he abilit$ an obOect to float can be defined b$a) (isplacementb) >ra"ityc) Stability

    d) uo$anc$e) nclination

    2*7.(ld ............. nautical charts should never be used for navigation.....a) &nf tornb) Cheapc) (r uncorrectedd) But redablee) 'r or ine#pensi"e

    2*5............ is an offical record book which is used to keep information about a Oourne$ such as the shipZs speedheading port of call crew complement and events on board ship&) & noon position reportb) & letter of confirmationc) A log bookd) & draft sur"eye) & letter of protesd

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    2*4.Bs published weekl$ informing marines of important effecting navigational safet$ including newh$drographic information changes in aids to navigationa) %he notice to marinesb) The nautical almanacc) =lanning guided) The pilot booke) The sailing

    20.Gautical chart based ........ b$ issued national h$drographic office of more national countr$.a) and sur"eyb) 3$drographic surve$c) (eep tide $aterd)e)

    21.+hich is not weather precipitationa) Sleetb) Hailc) 3alod) Sno$e) Rain

    22.+hat is not included in the categor$ of deck machiner$,a) Windlassb) Hatch o"erc) Bo$ thrusterd) -team generatore) ife boat engine

    2!.which fire e&tinguisher can be used all t$pes of fire but it is not cooling effect,a) $aterb) foamc) halond) dr$ powder

    e) halon mi#cure

    2*.muster list posted before ship sailinga) engine officersb) deck officersc) engine cre$sd) each crew membere) cadets

    2..............................a signal announce indicated for safet$,a) all shipsb) all ships all shipsc) pan pan

    d) securitee)mayday

    29.which of the following Fnternational code of signal including statement,a) emg;distress;inOured;damagedb) maneo"ring%comunicationc) safety comunication%healthd) health%meteoro@Ecal forcastlee) safety

    27.A vessel not having a [-eaworthiness 'ertificate[ or of wich the part of it is overa) Can carry cargo but not passengersb) Cannot carry cargoc) Cannot carry passengersd) 'annot operate commerciall$e) Cannot sail

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    25.+hat peepens the channels and clears the mudd$ bottom of ports canals rivers,a) =ipe layersb) cebreakersc) Iredgersd) Reeferse) Bulkers

    24.+hat is not displa$ed on a nautical chart,a) atitudes and longitudesb) Ieviationc)

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    299.+hat do $ou call an e&perienced and Lualification surve$,a) marine surve$b) harbour masterc) coast guardd) port sur"ey

    297.%he shipZs safet$ comittee should include...........safet$ officer and all respresetetive personnel for safet$...a)all cre$memberb)the masterc)the chief engineerd)all ratings

    295.Bf the surve$ reveals that a vessel6s class has been affecteda) There is no change in classb) The sur"ey is repeated in one :3) yearc) 'lass recommendations will be carried out withing the time limit given b$ the class societ$d) The ship loses all the classese) None of the abo"e

    294.After loading cargo cargo manifest is prepared based on the ............. it describes the ship cargo in terms ofpacking weight Luantities shipper name consignee name.

    a) ill of 8oadingb) (amage Reportc) Notice of Readinessd) Statement of *actse) =rotest

    270.ersonel ............... or in survival craft being lowered should remain seated keep their hands inside to avoidthem being crashed against ship side.a) 'n boardb) Standing Byc) 7onitoringd) Taking part ine) Bn a rescue boat

    271.Iepth are measured from chart ....... which is related to the local sea level.a) Iatumb) nformationc) ined) Scalee) Symbol

    272. 8eave odd sentences outB; %ornados are funnel shape tropical thunderstorms which cause enermous damageBB; Among all the fearfull storms tornadoes are the most frigteningsBBB;+ind within tornado funnel can reach the deadl$ speed of 100 mile per hourB=;%hank heaven the$ are short lived. Bf the$ were not the damage unbearable

    =; Bt is not unlikel$ for tornoda blow up the buildings on its wa$a) b) c) d) B=e) ross Register Tonnage

    c) Net Register Tond) (ead$eight tone) ight ship

    25!........ used main as an agent for A categoriEed firea) Halonb) (ry po$derc) *oamd) co/e) +ater

    25*.A .............. report written and record when someone is witness of ita) incidentb) S7c) S=Sd) shipe) bunker

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    25.+ich statement is wrong regardin the bill of lading,a) t is issued bye the carrier of goods for shipmentb) t is document of title of the goodsc) t is a negotiable documentd) Vt is issued when the goods have been dischargede) ShipZs agent dra$s up the bill of lading and the ship master signs it

    259.(ld ............. nautical charts should never be used for navigation.....a) &nf tornb) Cheapc) (r uncorrectedd) But redablee) 'r or ine#pensi"e

    257.Iuring the surve$ the vesselZs structure support s$stems eLuipment and electronics are inspectedand ...............a) ?&aminedb) Repairedc) Replacedd) Testede) *i#ed

    255. Bf cargo damaged or ......... shall be madea) 'laimb) 7arksc) Write

    254....... such as sailing direction light table and almanaca) Nautical chartsb) Gautical publicationc) Sight reduction tablesd) Notice to marines

    240.According to '(8@?/ vessels should be deeled to be in sight of one another when one is observed.............

    from to other.a) by radarb) in rangec) visuall$d) on coursee) and heard

    241.%he maintenance on board is the responsibilit$ of the and the men in his charge.a) Captainb) 'hief officerc) Second officerd) Third officere) Chief engineer

    242.%he fi&ed aids to navigation located ashore or attached to the bottom of the shallow waterwa$s are&) buoysB) lighthousesC) lightshipsI) beacons,) flags

    24!.[Gorth 3arbour this is Amphora this is Amphora on channel 1* over.[ is an e&ample of ............A) first contact messageB) ,T& messageC) pilot re!uest message() anchoring message,) $ay point message

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    24*.la$time for loading and discharging shall commence at 1!.00 hours if notice of readlness is given up to09.00 hours on frida$ la$ time for loading and< or discharging shall commence.a) on friday at 30.22 hoursb) on Jonda$ at 09.00 hoursc) on Saturday at 2M.22 hoursd) on friday at 2M.22 hourse) on Saturday at 3/.22 hours

    24.the document prepared b$ the vessel or b$ his agents separatel$ at loading and unloading b$ the vesselfrom tendering of the notice readiness up to sailing from port is calleda) statement of factsb) notice of readinessc) cargo manifestd) mates receipte) charter party

    249.is shore radar assistance available,&)baseB)faced')based()laced


    247.'oal shipped in wet condition &) loses $eight.) gains weight.C) $eighs the same() has no loss in $eight.,) has no difference in $eight.

    245.+hen out of sight of land position Bs found b$ .........&) coastal na"igationB) metaphysics') celestial navigation

    () definite landmarks,)

    244.what is $our eta,a) J$ ?%A at lighthouse is 01:00 hours U%'.b) 7y ,T& is ....ltc) 7y ,T& to....nm from lighthoused) 7y ,T& from....nme) 7y ,T& is missing

    !00.+hich of the following certificates will not be approved b$ class,a) tonnage certificateb) Eapp certificate

    c) safety construction certificated) load line certificatee) doc!01.Bf a wind is going to freshen it is going to a) change directionb) lose strengthc) gain strengthd) change namee) stay the same

    !02.Gavigator6s sea map with coast outlines rocks shoals etc.is known as ..a) Charter partyb) 'hartc) Charged) Chartere) Clearance

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    !12.Bt shall be the responsibilit$ of theWWWWWWWWWWWWWto prepare the boilers for inspection.a) 'hief ?ngineerb) /nd ,ngineerc) Boats$aind) /nd officere) &ny abo"e organiation

    !1!.>ollowing Luestions 7 to be replied according to the te&t below:[Ha"ing @ust obtained the instituteZs harbor masterZs certificate6E $ould like to say that E ha"e found the course e#tremelyuseful and $orth$hile.The !uestions e#act a $ide sort of information if ans$ered thoroughly and pro"ide an essentialgrounding to anybody $ishing to enter this branch of the industry.Seeking information for pro@ects enabled me to make anumber of helpful contacts and the fact that E had completed the schema $as certainly a metarial factor in being selectedan assistant harbour master $ith my current employers E $oul like to thank institute6 the parties in"ol"ed and mye#aminer for creating such a $orth$hile and practical course[%he world [e&act[ in the second sentence means....................&) accurate or correct in e"ery detailB) capable of being accurate o"er detailsC) preciseI) to force the pa$ment of,) to demantU to insist upon ha"ing

    >ollowing Luestions to be replied according to the te&t below :!1*.%he purpose of the writera captainwriting this letter is to................&) e#act a $ide sort of information.B) create a $orth $hile and practical course.') thank the institute mentioned.() select an assistant harbour master.,) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.

    !1. for e&tinguish a fire which is not truea) Smotheringb) Coolingc) Remo"e fuel from fired) Break the fire e!uation

    e) ut a heat dedector

    !19.>or classification surve$the following is to be kept on board and made available to the surve$or onreLuest :a) Class certificates and other documentation of significance6b) Reports on pre"ious sur"eys performed6c) &ppro"ed dra$ings6d) All the abovee) None of the abo"e

    !17.hanges ma$ be made to the scrap log but the official log is considered permanent.............erasureda)sob)but some

    c)and nod)and some e)and any

    !15.the.......issued as an acknowledgement of the shipment when the cargo is loaded to the vessela)draught sur"ey reportb)sofc)sea protestd)mateZs receipte)time sheet

    !14.all specifics and facts regarding the vesselZs current condition and .......... are covered in the marine surve$conducted b$ the surve$orsa)only machinertb)only inert gas systemsc)seaworthinessd)the hull e)cre$members

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    !20.a kind of thermometer the bulb of which is kept moistened while reading the level of humidit$ is called.....a) human thermometerb) fe"er thermometerc) doctorZs thermometerd) dry bulb thermometere) wet bulb thermometer

    !21.training in fire;fighting procedures and maintenance of eLuipment shold be assured ....a) at regular drillsb) $hen neededc) before arri"ing at a portd )$hen a ne$ cre$member @oins the "essele) $hen there is an emergency

    !22.a fire can be e&tinguished a)$aterb) foamc) carbon dio#ided) sprinklinge) all

    !2!...................... alarm seven short blast and 1 long blasta) 7usterb) /eneralc) fired) mobe) leakage

    !2*............. surve$ is a unigue one and a complete inspection off all the items relating to the particular cetificatebefore the shipa) Bnitialb) ntermediatec) &nnuald) =eriodical

    e) Rene$al

    !2.A vessel is tender if cargo weight is .....a) Concentrated and $ith the full double bottomsb) ,"enly distrubuted "ertically $ith the double bottomsc) 'oncentrated high and the double bottoms empt$d) Concentrated lo$ and the double bottoms emptye) None of the abo"e

    !29. Jeteorologists are scientists who stud$ .... and atmospherea) Windb) +eatherc) *orecast

    d) Sea Statee) Water Conditions

    !27.efore '@ is started $ou should WWWWWWWWWW.a) establish an open airwa$b) treat any bleeding $oundsc) insure the "ictim is consciousd) make the "ictim comfortablee) all of the abo"e

    !25..%he best know reason for the pollution during bunkerin is occured with a) 7ore pressureb) first recei"ing the Bunkerc) final topping offd) re"oming the pipes and fi#ing backe) sagging hose

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    !24.the masters of all merchant vessels must hold fire;fighting drills in the framework of&) Worid Health 'rganiatEon.) %he Jerchant -hipping Justers and %raining regulations).C) =re"ention of Collision at Sea :The nternational Regulation).() 7aritime Vudges Resolutions.,) 7erchant 7arine Cadets &chie"ement

    !!0.1. A11 cargo stowed open area2. cargo wet before shipment!. +eight and Lualit$ as per shippers declaration.%he above mentioned part isA) a part of C master6s @emarksD in a CJaster6s @eceiptD.B) a set of clauses of a charter party.C) taken from a bill of lading.() a part of a 1 Notice of Readiness?.,) a part of the shippers declaration.

    !!1.%he vessel which has the right of wa$ is known as . . . . . . .. . . . .&)the regulationsB)more safety

    C)a higher certificateI) the standing;on vessel,) their message

    !!!.'lassification of ships are made b$:&) 7inistry of 7aritime &ffairs6B) Shipyards6C) National (ependent 'rganiations6I) Bndependent Bnternational or Bnternationall$ recognised 'lassification (rganiEations,) None of the abo"e

    !!*.+hen received a message from a =%- station running : _6Bnstruction. Alter course66The recipient :&lEcE) .................

    a) Has to alter courseb) (oes not ha"e to alter coursec) s not permitted alter coursed) s free $hether to alter course or note) Just wait for the ne&t message before altering course

    !!.which is not covered harmoniEed sorve$.a) antifouling conventionb) solas con"entionc) marpol con"entiond) load line con"entione) dangerous cargo ..

    !!7.'irculation vessel arter$ are related to...a) Boneb) Vointc) Ribsd) *racturee) lood

    !!5.+hich term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck,a) (eadriseb) 'amberc) *reeboardd) Sheere) *rame

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    !!4.strengh of deck will be incerease wth adding......a) sheerb) camberc) coamingd) deck beam breachete) funnel

    !*0.efore appl$ first la$er of paint last particles on bare metal removed with .....8inea) *lat Brushb) +ire rushc) Chipping Brushd) hammere) Brush hammer

    !*1. .....................is the part of the vessel that increases the speed.a) =ropellerb) Rudderc) ulbd) Ballaste) *orepeak tank

    !*2.Bt usuall$ occurs off the ship6 but as stolen cargo can be un$ittingly accepted by the "essel and as sound cargomay be sub@ect to theft after discharge6 it is usually the "essel $hich is blamed. osses due to it are "ery serious6especially $hen foodstuffs6 li!uors and soft drinks6 e#pensi"e clothes6 tools and spare parts for cars6 electronice!uipment and precious stones are being carried on board ship.%he passage is about . . . . . . . . . .a) chafingb) collapsingc) pilferaged) moisture and s$eatinge) rain damage

    !*!. +hich of the following is a cargo handling device,&) da"its

    ) derrickC) bitts() bollard,) capstan

    !**. ?lectrical power ........the ship was provided ...........shaft generator.&) in - forB) of - at') on < b$ () inside - to ,) into - from

    !*.%he purpose of a CGotice of @eadinessD is toA) inform the related part$ that the vessel is in all respects read$ to commence loading< discharging operation.B) note that the charter is ready to sign the rele"ant document.

    C) notice that the parties ha"e agreed on the readiness.() specify the full account of the nature of a charter party.,) inform the master that the consignee is ready to recei"e the goods.

    !*9.J$ position has been ............. b$ decca.&) loosenedB) performedC) fulfilled() lost?) obtained

    !*7. All ships which $ou meet at sea or in the approaches to a harbour are collectivel$ called ..........&) @amB) fleetC) po$er%dri"en lifeboats() tug?) traffic

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    !*5.An$ ............. of course andlood current&) Horiontal Current6 after lo$ tide from landB) Horiontal Current6 after high tide from land') 3oriEontal 'urrent high water from sea() Horiontal Current6 lo$ $ater from sea

    ,) Horiontal Current6 neap tide from land

    !.%he biggest problem $ou generall$ encounter while towing a single tow astern is WWWWWWWWWW.a) the catenary dragging on the bottomb) s$amping of the to$c) the to$ tending to di"ed) Maw

    !9.Mour chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical letters. %his indicatesthe WWWWWWWWWW.a) rock is "isible at lo$ $ater springs onlyb) rock is a haard to deep draft "essels onlyc) rock is dr$ at high waterd) e#act position of the rock is doubtful

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    !7.8eave the odd sentence out.a) Radio as the primary "ehicle for maritime search and rescue has been instrumental in sa"ing countless li"es.b) ts first kno$n use fort this purpose $as in 3844 $hen a lightship in the Straits of (o"er used radio apparatus to reportthe steamship 1,B,? had run aground.c) Ho$e"er 7orse Code transmission $ill be eliminated.d) At once a lifeboat was dispatched to rescue the crew.e) Since that time many significant technical ad"ances in the use of radio for na"igation and distress ha"e made life atsea safer for the modern day mariner.

    !5.%he world [e&act[ in the second sentence means....................&) accurate or correct in e"ery detailB) capable of being accurate o"er detailsC) precise() to force the payment of?) to demant to insist upon having

    !4. %he purpose of the writera captainwriting this letter is to..............&) e#act a $ide sort of information.B) create a $orth $hile and practical course.') thank the institute mentioned.() select an assistant harbour master.

    ,) be a material factor in being selected as an assistant harbour master.

    !90. [Go smoking in closed areas[meansA) Mou must not smoke in closed areaB) Lou donZt ha"e to smoke in closed areasC) Lou donZt need to smoke in closed areas() Lou neednZt smoke in closed areas,) Lou arenZt able to smoke in closed areas

    !91.+hich sentences is true for Bnspections of the outside of the shipZs bottom of cargo ships.a) Bnspections of the outside of the shipZs bottom of cargo ships being carried out with both ship is in dr$dockand afloat.b) nspections of the outside of the shipZs bottom of cargo ships being carried out only $ith ship is in drydock

    c) =assenger shipler iin /K ayda bir yapElErd) Cargo shipler iin 0M ayda bir yapElEre) t is additional sur"ey

    !92.A maOor advantage of the GA=%?] s$stem when compared to other s$stems is that WWWWW.a) the information can be recei"ed on an ordinary *7 radiob) warnings are printed out for reading when convenientc) broadcasts are at scheduled timesd) a lo$ fre!uency band is used for long distance transmission

    !9!.Iunnages prevent cargo from loss and damage caused b$ ......a) tainting b) interent "icec) ships s$eat

    d) caused from moving

    !9*.Iuring loading operation of steel bar vessels crew recogniEe that goods have rust$ surface. Jaster of shipstate the

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    !99.%here are some 'ertificates

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    !5.on ships All crew should be read$ for administer . 8earned to resLue even a second means a lifeor not..a) first aidb) o#igenc) meditationd) in@ectione) pain killer

    !59.when considering about [At sea maintenance[ is concerned with followinga) Cargo ship safety certificateb) Cargo ship construction certificatec) cargo ship radio certificated) cargo ship safety e!uipment certificatee) cargo ship maintenance certificate

    !57.initial surve$s of cargo gear carried out completel$ and freLuentl$ surve$s are made in a) Annuall$b) /c) 0d) Ke) 9

    !55.3old ballast and air dr$ spaces must have visual and audible signals acc to solas in...a) ulk carriersb) Tankersc) =asssengerd) Ro%roe) passenger roro

    !54.Iuring loading cargo chief difference is that the damage occurred but the damage had been written on thebill of loading .what it is calleda) e#ternal bill of ladingb) Iamage bill of loadingc),#ceptional bill of lading

    !40.+hich is not charcteristic of liner trade,a) liner conference systemb) designated portsc) hire for shipmentd) fi#ed schedulee) published rates

    !41.%o sound the tanks and bilges in order to check the depths of liLuit in them is the regular Oob of a .. onboard&) BosunB) (onkeyman') 'arpenter

    () Boats$ain,) Ste"edore

    !42.8eave the odd sentence outB; Jental iilness must be taken seriousl$BB; 3ave two people to walk the unsound person on the deckBBB; An unsound person ma$ kill himself or other peopleB=; 3e often thinks that his friends are tr$ing to do him wrong=; Bf the captain does restran and control the mental patient and the mental patient does kill or inOure himself or&) ) BB C) () < ,) as material fires are called ( class fired) ,lectrical fires are called & class firee) ight metal fires are called , class fire

    *0*.%he carriage of cargo b$ sea is the principal reason...................................a) >or he e&istence of shipb) When cargo loadedc) f the ship is to discharge at more than one portd) *or he carriage of passangerse) *or he e#istence of cargo

    *0.-urve$s reLuired internationall$ and

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    *12.ersonel ............... or in survival craft being lowered should remain seated keep their hands inside to avoidthem being crashed against ship side.a) 'n boardb) Standing Byc) 7onitoringd) Taking part ine) Bn a rescue boat

    *1!.training in fire;fighting procedures and maintenance of eLuipment shold be assured ....a)at regular drillsb)$hen neededc)before arri"ing at a portd)$hen a ne$ cre$member @oins the "essele)$hen there is an emergency

    *1*.enine dengede g noktasFnFn $ukarFsFna bulunan bir $k gemi$i nasFl etkiler.a)decrease >b)increase 7c)make a listd)increase Q/

    *1.+hich of the following eLuipment can not be used for >ire >ightining,a) C'/ *i#ed Systemb) (ry Chemical =o$derc) 3and >laresd) *ireman 'utfite) *ire &larm

    *19. -olas 7* convention has different evalution levels for different passages wich of the following is nor anevalutiona) ength of the shipb) =urpose of usagec) Number of the passengersd) Tonnage of the ships

    e) (wner of the ship

    *17.C%he weather was supposed to be nice toda$ but we were almost froEen to death while doing the ship6smaintenance.D can be e&pressed as .....................................a) The $eather $as e#pected to be cold today but it is notb) The $eather $as not "ery cold today as it $as beforec) &lthough e"eryone hoped for a cold day it turned out to be niced) %he weather was terribl$ cold although it had been e&pected to be goode) The day $as so nice and $arm @ust as $e had e#pected before

    *15.+hen $ou are going to reLuest @adio Jedical Advice $ou must have some information read$. %heseinformation are:a) Routine particulars about the ship and the patient6

    b) =articulars of the illness and the results of the e#amination of the ill person6c) (iagnosis and Treatment6d) =roblems and other comments6e) All the above.

    *14. .... is not a part of liferafta)stabilierb)p$rotechnicsc)canopy6d)buoyancy tube6e)tErmanma basamagE

    *20.seaworthnessda hangi item bulunmaE die 1soru wardFa)manningb)total ma# personnel on boardc)lifeboatd)fire e!uipment e)"oyage area

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    *21.which of following is not true when carr$ing out an intermediate surve$ of cargo ship safet$ certificateFklar:a)inter"als 9 yearsb)radio communication de"icesc)issued new certificate after surve$

    *22.-weat.....vapourmoistened) condensed into ......droplets..below.a)saturated airb)relati"e humidityc)dew point...

    *2!.which is not a publication to be kept on board,a)nternational code of signalsb)nt.bulk chemical codec)nt.gas carrier coded)Nautical pubse)Juster list

    *2*.+hich is not aproved %urkish lo$da)Ieck log bookb)Safety management cert.

    c)Safety e!uipment cert.d)Stabilite booke)*ire plan

    *2.>aking a line means ........a) ight a line in longb) Coil a linec) (iscard it

    *29.Bf the surve$ reveals that a vessel6s class has been affected,a) There is no change in classb) The sur"ey is repeated in one :3) yearc) 'lass recommendations will be carried out withing the time limit given b$ the class societ$

    d) The ship loses all the classese) None of the abo"e

    *27.Mou receive word that a person has fallen overboard from the starboard side. Mou should >B@-% WWWWWWWWWW.&) notify the 7aster) put the wheel hard rightC) put the engines full astern() sound the man o"erboard alarm

    *25.After using a '02 portable e&tinguisher it should be WWWWWWWWWW.&) put back in ser"ice if some C2/ remainsB) hydrostatically testedC) retagged

    I) recharged

    *24.Jechanical gearing of deck machiner$ such as the windlass or towing engine should WWWWWWWWWW.&) be open to "ie$ so6 if a foreign ob@ect gets in the gearing6 the operator can immediately stop the machinery) have a guard over the gearingC) be painted a contrasting color from the base color in order to call attention to the gearing() not be operated if there is any cre$ $ithin 32 feet of the machinery

    *!0. +hich statement is wrong regarding the ill of 8ading,a)t is issued by the carrier of goods for shipment.b)t is document of title of the goods.c)t is a negotiable document.d)Bt is issued when the goods have been discharged.e)ShipZs agent dra$s up the bill of lading and the ship master signs it.

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    *!1.C=ort to =ort Shipment; The responsibility of the Carrier is limited to that part of the Carriage from and duringloading onto the "essel up to and during discharge from the "essel and the Carrier shall not be liable for any loss ordamage $hat so e"er inrespect of the >oods or for any other matter arising during any other part of the Carriage e"enthough charges for the $holeCarriage ha"e been charged by the carrier.?According to this clause of a bill of loading the carrier shall not be held responsible for an$ damage to thegoodsa)after they are loaded on board the ship.b)$hile they are loaded on board the ship.c)while the$ were taken to the port on trucks.d)$hich occured during any part of the sea "oyage.e)likely to appear follo$ing the discharging operation.

    *!2.A victim has suffered a second;degree burn to a small area of the lower arm. +hat is the proper treatmentfor this inOur$,a) Bmmerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours appl$ burn ointment and bandage.b) 'pen any blisters $ith a sterile needle6 apply burn ointment and bandage.c) &pply burn ointment6 remo"e any foreign material and insure that nothing is in contact $ith the burn.d) mmerse the arm in cold $ater for 3 to / hours6 open any blister and apply burn ointment.

    *!!..Unless there is danger of further inOur$ a person with a compound fracture should not be moved untilbleeding is controlled and WWWW.

    a) the bone has been setb) the fracture is immobiliEedc) radio ad"ice has been obtainedd) the $ound has been $ashed

    *!*.@orolarda tekerlekli aralarF ve konte$nFrlarF sabitlemek iin aaHFdakilerden hangileri kullanFlFr ,a)%wist lockb)container lockc)bridge hook d) T$ist hook

    *!.map must be labelled with . and depth informationa ) na"igationalb) landmarks

    c) datumd) lighthouse

    *!9.Mour load line certificate e&pires on 27 Ja$ 1455. %he vessel is surve$ed on that date and is foundsatisfactor$. Mou are sailing foreign the same da$. +hich statement is %@U?,&) & ne$ certificate must be issued before you sail.B) The e#isting certificate is endorsed as "alid for a fi"e year period commencing /5 7ay 3488.') %he e&isting certificate is e&tended for a period of up to 10 da$s.() The e#isting certificate is e#tended until the first foreign port of call $here a ne$ certificate $ill be issued by the localsur"eyor.

    *!7.+hich is about insulation.a)Vmmersion suit

    b)ifebuoyc)ife@acket d)mob e)all

    *!5. >or the carriage of the goodsi firstl$ the shipper or agent sends a ................... to the carrier to book hiscargo. %he document includes full e&planations and facts of all the cargoa) ooking noteb) Charter partyc) Sea reportd) (ock receipte) Boat note

    *!4.%he function of the bilge keel is to WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .A) reduce the rolling of the vesselB) ser"e as the "esselZs main strength memberC) add strength to the bilge() protect the "esselZs hull $hen alongside a dock

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    **0.'irculation vessel arter$ are related to...a) Boneb) Vointc) Ribsd) *racturee) lood

    **1.+hich term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck,a) (eadriseb) 'amberc) *reeboardd) Sheere) *rame

    **2.%he preferred method of controlling e&ternal bleeding is b$ WWWWWWW.a) direct pressure on the woundb) ele"ating the $ounded areac) pressure on a pressure pointd) a tourni!uet abo"e the $ound

    **!.>irst aid treatment for small cuts and open wounds is to WWWWW.

    a) lay the patient do$n and co"er the $ound $hen the bleeding stopsb) stop the bleeding clean medicate and cover the woundc) apply an ice pack to the $ound and co"er it $hen the bleeding stopsd) apply a hot to$el to purge the $ound6 then medicate and co"er it

    ***.Iepths which have been measured are indicated b$ the numbers shown on the chart. Iepths on chartspublished in most parts of the world use WWWWWWWWWWWWW.a) metersb) feet c)fathom d)desimetr e)cable

    **.%he carriage of cargo b$ sea is the principal reason ..a) for the e&istence of shipsb) $hen cargo is loaded

    c) if the ship is to discharge at more than one portd) for the carriage of passengerse) for the e#istence of cargo

    **9.Gavte& mesaOlarFnda hata kodu kFsaltmasF nedir ,A) corr. 8ateB) crrltC) fec() corr.lt,) cer

    **7.the most effective cooling agent among those normall$ used to fight fires is ......a)water fog or spra$

    b)chemical foamc)mechanical foamd)carbondio#ide

    **5.Iear sirs am $riting to find out $hether the post ad"ertised in the ZZmotor shipZZ is still "acant. am 08 years old and ha"e been$orking as a met efor the past se"er years. got the masterZs certificate in 344/ and since that time ha"e been $orling for the Tukish 'cean ines on board>eneral cargo 6 container and Ro%Ro "essels.&s am lea"e no$ can be a"ailable for the @ob any time.ooking for$ard to your prompt reply 6 remain6 %his correspondense is an e&ample...a) testimonialb )masterZs report of the "oyagec) letter of e#ceptionsd) Oob applicatione) e#ract of log book

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    **4.>a&ing is a means of communication ............................ .a) that worked on a s$stem based on phone s$stemb) $hich has de"eloped "ery !uickly o"er the past fe$ yearsc) therefore changes $ill rapidly changed) if companies $ere using it for tele# machinese) unless you determine the name of the recei"er

    *0.Bt is reLuired to use the capstan to haul a line.%he order given is................... .a) To take line to capstan to hea"e "essel alongsideb) %o take line to capstan and heave awa$c) To $eigh anchord) To take the headline and turn it arounde) To hold the line and $ait near the capstan

    *1. ............is available b$ either b$ vhf or b$ direct contact with a doctor from a port or from another ship witha doctoron board.a) search ] rescueb) medical assistancec) bill of health d) taking a pilot e) helicopter assistance

    *2. A: +hat asistance reLuired, : ..............................................

    a) do not need helpb) you are running into dangerc) B reLuire a helicopterd) am on firee) Bridge $ill not open

    *2.ZZ%he Iocument prepared b$ the "essel or by his agents seperately at loading and unloading ports stating all theoperations performed by the "essel6 from tendering of the notice readiness up to sailing from port is called............... .ZZa) statements of factb) notices of readinessc) cargo manifestd) mateZs receipte) charter party

    *!.+hich of the following messages isnot a distress message,a) 82 miles northeast of Cape To$n engine broken do$n Re!uire tug assistanceb) /ale warning southwest gale force winds imminent in sea areas the lack -ea.c) 05.38 West /M.0/ North fire in number 3 hold ship in "icinity. =lease stand by.d) Ship holed in engine room. Sinking. Re!uest immediate assistancee) 7an o"erboard. Help $ith search and rescue

    **.Mou are departing from the 3eatrow Airport to Ooin $our ship in holland. Mou are stopped b$ a securit$ guardwho suspects $ou.What $ould he sayFa) Nothing can pre"ent us from searching you can itFb) regret to tell you that your mo"ements should be restricted

    c) sorr$ to trouble $ou.but would $ou mind showing $our identit$ card,d) $hy ha"e you agreed to carry someone elseZs suitcaseFe) Can you e#plain $hy lam so suspiciousF

    *.+hich of the following statements is not correct,a) %here arenZt an$ regulations about sound signalsb) Sound signals are made up of bells6 $histless and gongsc) ighting means illuminations for shipsd) (uring day time in clear $eather 6 it is easy to recognise the approaching "essele) ight signals gi"e information about the type of the "essel approaching and $hat she is about to do

    *9.Bs it clear for me to enter traffic lane,a) one $ay traffic is establishedb) t$o $ay traffic is establishedc) sea and land traffic is establishedd) only car traffic is establishede) only land traffic is established

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    *7.Bf $our anchor is caught under a rock then it is.......a) foul kirli pis)b) $eight :aDEr)c) hea"ed :ekmek)d) dredging :taramak)e)dragging :sQrQklemek)

    *5.+hich of the following is not checked dail$,a) $histleb) Telegraphc) (istance recorderd) Compass erore) steering s$stem

    *4.%he pilot is now waiting at position..................... .+hat t$pe of message is it,a) &d"iceb) Warningc) nstructiond) Bnformatione) Re!uest

    *90. A:3as $our position been obtained b$ radar, :....................................a) J$ position has been obtained b$ radar.b) Lour position has been obtained by radarc) 7y position $ill beobtained by radard) Lou must alter your course for identificatione) do not ha"e a radar

    *91.3ow ......... is it from 3ong kong to erlin,a) farb) tallc) longd) $idth

    e) distance

    *92.Bs there a fire alarm ........... $our cabin,a) onb) atc) underd) ontoe) in

    *9!.Jan overboard.......................... the life boat.a) 8ower indirmekb) Raise yQkseltmekc) Call

    d) =ute) Sound

    *9*.the cargo vessel is....................in the port.a) largeb) largestc) the largestd) larger thane) the large


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    *99.B cut m$ finger half an hour ago .............................it is still bleeding.a)becauseb)butc)ord)ande)though

    *97./emileride insan girebileceHi b$klkteki kapak.a)menholeb)tugc)flagd)holde)hail

    *95. A small cargo ship not suitable for ocean vo$ages.a)Coantiner shipb)Ro%Roc)Tankerd)Chemical Tankere)'oaster

    *94.%he vessel .................... the port when the storm ...................a)$as lea"e % begunb)$as lea"ing % $as begunc)$as lea"ing % begund)left % $as begane)was leaving ; began

    *70.>oam and water ...........................for electric fires definitel$.a)$erenZt usedb)$ill not be usedc)arenZt being usedd)isnZt usede)arenZt used

    *71.one who command a fleet of naval ships.a)captainb)chief engineerc)admirald)ste$arde)officer

    *72.(peras$on armFhla $apFlacaka)o=eration $ill be carried out using hoseb)o=eration $ill be carried out by means of hosec)o=eration $ill be carried on using hoistd)o=eration $ill be carried up using hosa

    e)oeration will be carried out using hoist

    *7!.ruvanFEdaki gemi$e $aklaF$orsunuE.a)=lease get closer to the "essel ahead of youb)you should get closer to the "essel ahead of youc)$ou are getting closer to the vessel ahead of $oud)you are nearing the "essel in the "acinitye)you are getting closed

    *7*.Bn which case does each of the two power;driven vessels have to alter course to starboard so as to passone another on the portside,a)$hen standing onb)$hen gi"ing $ayc)when meeting end;ond)$hen o"ertakinge)$hen offering $ay

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    *7. ..................B enter the canal,a) ha"e lost radar contactb)+hat time ma$c)Lou are in the fair$ayd)&d"ice you keep youre)(o you ha"e any list

    *79.+hich is not a method of giving a position on vhf,a)referring to a na"igational markb)gi"ing latitude and longitudec)reporting a pointd)gi"ing the bearing and distancee)conforming the speed

    *77.%he true order of conducting an urgenc$ message is: B;anan anan anan BB;osition BBB;(ver B=;@eLuired asistance =;-hip name and call sign =B;anan

    =BB;Bdentif$ =BB;roblema)%

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    *52.Ievice of attaching a vessel to the sea bed and holding her statioar$.a)anchorb)cranec)boltd)chaine)cable stoper

    *5!.Jachiner$ apart from main engine in the engine room.a)main engineb)$indlassc)au&iliar$ machiner$d)$inche)steering gear

    *5*.'argo loaded loose and not in packages or containersa)Bulkheadsb)Containerc)Chemical cargod)ulk cargoe)Cargo battens

    *5.%he saving or rescue of a ship or its cargo.a)pilotageb)mooringc)berthingd)salvagee)to$ing

    *59.A weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing. Bn the Gorthern 3emisphere this wouldindicate that it will WWWWWWWWWW .&) shift in a clock$ise manner) shift in a counterclockwise mannerC) continue blo$ing from the same direction() decrease in "elocity

    *57.%he heading of a vessel is indicated b$ what part of the compass,&) CardB) Needle') 8ubberZs line() >imbals


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    *41.A certificates and documents reLuired to be carried on board ships ................ that the ship compl$ with thereLuirements of the regulation for classification construction machine and eLuipment.a) carryb)certif$c)classesd)classifye)indemnity

    *42. Ullage is the.......................................................&) space left for the e#plosion of the heated oilB) space left for the passage of the heated oil.') space left for the e&pansion of the heated oil.() space left for the diffusion of the heated oil,) space left for the interaction of the heated oil.

    *4!. 8ight Iisplacement %onnage is:&) The amount of $ater spilled out by a ship6$hen it floats at a specific condition6B) The tonnage "alue of a ship6after subtracting the "olumes of na"igational spaces6C) The total "olume of all closed spaces in cubic feet:ft0)6 di"ided by hundred :322)6I) %he sum of the weights of hull machiner$ engines rigging spare parts all connected eLuipment,) None of the abo"e.

    *4*.leeding is usuall$ associated with.a)woundsb)chockingc)heart attackd)fracturee)food poisoning

    *4.+hich statement is not true regarding grain,a)>rain isnt sto$ed near $et cargo.b)>rain can s$ell in hold.c)>rain can be secured by shifting boats.d)/rain needs lashing while stowing.e)>rain can emit odour.

    *49..%o put out a fire isa) fire pre"entionb) fire detectionc) fire e&tinctiond) fire installatione) none

    *47. %he WWWWWWWWW is a person appointed b$ the compan$ and the shi
