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In This Issue Calendars .................................. 4 Capital Campaign Donors ......... 2 Church Retreat ..........................3 Memorabilia Wanted ................3 MLK Celebration ....................... 2 Outreach Division ......................3 Pastoral Perspective ................. 1 Tables.........................................3 Thanks .......................................3 Volume 51, Number 1 Green Lake Church of Seventh-day Adventists January 2017 GAZETTE A Grand, Daunting Truth by John T. McLarty, Senior Pastor January 21 There is no need to worry. We have it on good authority. Who among you, if your son were to ask for bread, would give him a rock instead? If your kid asked for a bite of fish, would you give her a writhing snake? If you, ordinary sinners, customarily give good gifts unto your children, how much more can we expect our Father in heaven to give good gifts to those who ask? Matthew 7:9-11 If that is how God isresponsive, generous, responsivewhy would we fret? Jesus spoke these words in the same kind of world we live in. People struggled under the crushing weight of debt. Husbands and wives were sometimes unfaithful. In-laws could be mean. Children could disappoint. Parents could be miserable human beings. Foreigners threatened the peace. Criminals disrupted lives. If people were looking for reasons to be worried, there were plenty of reasons to find. Real, non-imaginary reasons. Still, Jesus encouraged people not to worry. Because God was good and generous and watchful. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don't toil or spin yarn. Still, even King Solomon in all his glory had no finery equal to that of the lilies. So what do you think, if God takes such care to clothe the ephemeral grass of the field, how much more confident can we be that he will clothe us? So don't worry. Do not imagine that the universe is stacked against you. In fact, the most fundamental of all truths is just this: God intends us good. We still have bills to pay and health challenges to confront. Crime and accidents are real. They happen. To us. We will be stretched, sometimes bewildered and perplexed. That's life here. Still, at the heart of our faith is the conviction: God is for us. In our worship at church, we affirm this truth: God is for us. In devotional readings and prayer we feed our souls the same truth. God is for us. Not just “us” in the narrow sense of the people who look like us, believe like us, hold American passports, and work at jobs that pay well enough to support a Seattle mortgage. God is for us, “us” in the sense of humanity. Human beings. People. Babies and octogenarians. Seattleites and Eastsiders. Americans and Chinese, Syrians and Saudis, Ethiopians and Somalis, Thais and Laotians. Believers and atheists. God is for us. God intends good for human beings. Sometimes when we are pushing against the weight of difficulties that confront us, we wonder where God is. We wonder if God is against us. Because that's the way it feels.

In This Issue

Calendars .................................. 4

Capital Campaign Donors ......... 2

Church Retreat .......................... 3

Memorabilia Wanted ................ 3

MLK Celebration ....................... 2

Outreach Division ...................... 3

Pastoral Perspective ................. 1

Tables......................................... 3

Thanks ....................................... 3

Volume 51, Number 1 Green Lake Church of Seventh-day Adventists January 2017

GAZETTE A Grand, Daunting Truth by John T. McLarty, Senior Pastor

January 21

There is no need to worry. We have it on good authority.

Who among you, if your son were to ask for bread, would give him a rock instead? If your kid asked for a bite of fish, would you give her a writhing snake? If you, ordinary sinners, customarily give good gifts unto your children, how much more can we expect our Father in heaven to give good gifts to those who ask? Matthew 7:9-11

If that is how God is—responsive,

generous, responsive—why would we fret?

Jesus spoke these words in the same kind of world we live in. People struggled under the crushing weight of debt. Husbands and wives were sometimes unfaithful. In-laws could be mean. Children could disappoint. Parents could be miserable human beings. Foreigners threatened the peace. Criminals disrupted lives. If people were looking for reasons to be worried, there were plenty of reasons to find. Real, non-imaginary reasons. Still, Jesus encouraged people not to worry. Because God was good and generous and watchful.

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don't toil or spin yarn. Still, even King Solomon in all his glory had no finery equal to that of the lilies. So what do you think, if God takes such care to clothe the ephemeral grass of the field, how

much more confident can we be that he will clothe us? So don't worry.

Do not imagine that the universe is

stacked against you. In fact, the most fundamental of all truths is just this: God intends us good.

We still have bills to pay and health challenges to confront. Crime and accidents are real. They happen. To us. We will be stretched, sometimes bewildered and perplexed. That's life here. Still, at the heart of our faith is the conviction: God is for us.

In our worship at church, we affirm this truth: God is for us. In devotional readings and prayer we feed our souls the same truth. God is for us. Not just “us” in the narrow sense of the people who look like us, believe like us, hold American passports, and work at jobs that pay well enough to support a Seattle mortgage. God is for us, “us” in the sense of humanity. Human beings. People. Babies and octogenarians. Seattleites and Eastsiders. Americans and Chinese, Syrians and Saudis, Ethiopians and Somalis, Thais and Laotians. Believers and atheists. God is for us. God intends good for human beings.

Sometimes when we are pushing against the weight of difficulties that confront us, we wonder where God is. We wonder if God is against us. Because that's the way it feels.

2 June 2014 2 January 2017

Still, in faith, we declare, God is generous. God means us good.

This truth is far more important and reliable than theories we may have heard (from people connected with church) about dark forces conspiring to do evil. God is more creative and more persistent than all the forces of evil.

As we move into the New Year, let's deliberately feed this central pillar of our faith. God is better than the best parent we have. God is more generous than the liberal benefactor. God is more faithful than the most devoted friend. God is good. God is love. There is an ocean of bad news to swim in. TV, Facebook, talk radio, newspaper, faux news from an endless variety of sources, all screaming doom. Pay attention enough to prepare for responsible action, but when you feel your soul turning sour, when you sense despair and anger welling up, turn again to the words of the gospel.

Do not be like the pagans who imagine God is oblivious to our needs. Keep in mind that God always knows your needs even before you ask. . . . So don't worry. Make it your highest priority to align with the purpose and ways of God, and know that all else will be provided. Matthew 6:7-8, 31-33 ◊

Pastoral Perspective, continued from Page 1

A Grand, Daunting Truth Twenty Somethings

Are You in Your 20s? If so, you are invited to sign

up for a haystack ingredient on the FaceBook page, "GL Young Adults," and eat lunch together in the church fellowship hall on Sabbath, January 28.

Questions? Please contact Mariah Schreven ([email protected]) or Ellen Park ( [email protected] or 805-305-3121).

Oh, Deep In My Heart

I Do Believe

We Shall Overcome Some Day

The MLK Seattle Celebration Com-mittee invites all to the 35th an-nual Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration on January 16 at Garfield High School, 400 23rd Ave, Seattle (http://www.mlkseattle.org/). 9:30 AM workshops. 11 AM rally in gymnasium. 12:30 PM march through down-

town, lunch back at Garfield High School. 1 PM opportunity fair for high school students.

You and/or family are welcome to come for part or all of the day. If you’re interested in experiencing the day with other Green Lakers, please contact Ellen Park, [email protected] or 805-305-3121. ◊

Anonymous Dorothy Bagsby Christopher & Karen Baker Deanna Baker Lucille Bertholf Virginia Bock Karen Walters Brentnall Romeo & Phebe Burgos Scott & Jenn Callender Roy & Sheree Carson Ken & Katrina Case Michael Chia Ruth Christensen Lewis Cornwell LaVerne Dorr Lawrence & Arleen Downing Lowell & Carroll Dunston Ken & Susana Fairchild Alex & Hellen Gagiu Patti Gibson Shelby & Kim Goerlitz Hayden & Jennifer Hamilton Rhea & Susan Harvey Mark Haun Tad & Naomi Ishikawa Mildred Jensen Genevieve Johnson Garrett & Mindy Jones Kurt & Wendy Kleppe Byron & Amy Kneller Richard & Claire Knierim Wui-Jin & Judy Koh Alvin & Verla Kwiram

Rhona Kwiram Carolyn Lacy Vance & Shelly LaGrone Twila Lyman Jeremy & Stephanie Mays Brian & Suzanne McGrath John & Karin McLarty Don & Shirley Mehrer Merle & LaRene Mittleider Jesse & Melissa Negretti George & Irene Neiswanger Don & Judy Oellrich Chris & Natalia Oster Ellen Park Cecilia Plata Shelly McLarty Reich Larry & Joanne Roth Kirk & Sharon Rue Jonathan & Mariah Schreven Kevin Seidel Terri Smith-Weller Doug & Bev Steinman Janna Stern David Trenchard & Rosalie Contreras Keith & Christine Turner Ken & Donna Van Fossen Alwin Vyhmeister & Cheryl Wells Ken & Karla Walters Mary Walters Dana Waters Bernice Wilson Liane Wilson Katrina Zafiro

Donors to the 2016 Capital Campaign

January 2017 3

Merci beaucoup … The Thanksgiving bag was beautiful inside and out. Many thanks

to the Deaconesses, Juniors, and others who worked on this thoughtful project for us seniors. The goodies were wonderful, too. Thank you very much.

LaVerne Dorr

I thank you all for your thoughtfulness. What a surprise to receive such a beautiful Thanksgiving bag of goodies! It certainly looks like someone did a lot of planning. The dried fruit and nuts were especially delicious, but the homemade baked goods were the best part. The bag is empty now, but I have lots of happy memories. You are so kind!

Vance LaGrone

Deaconesses and Juniors, Thank you, thank you! You are the “ministers” of Green Lake Church. I appreciated the decorative artistry of your Thanksgiving gift. Then I was gratified by the delicious foods you selected for the large gift sack. What a series of treats that you chose for us! Your artistic presentation, your thoughtfulness, and your skillful efforts are a delight.

Thank you again!

George Neiswanger

Outreach Division Looking

for Volunteers

The Outreach Division is looking for some exceptional volunteers to fill a few positions. Explorations – Looking for three or four volunteers to

help Carrie Wilbur plan and organize this summer-time church outreach to kids.

College and University – Looking for a volunteer or two to develop and maintain a connection with the late teens/early 20s crowd. Andreas Beccai had this position, and we need to replace him.

For more information about the responsibilities of any of these positions, please see Bryan Carli or Brian McGrath. Thank you. ◊

Memorabilia wanted …

When you’re cleaning out attics and homes and find old photos

of Green Lake Church activities, church directories, printed pro-

grams of special events, and other church memorabilia, the

Green Lake Foundation history project would like to have them

for its collection. Bring these treasures to the church office.

Thank you!

Save the Date!



October 6-8

Kids, remember to bring your

Rexi bank to church!

4 January 2017


Sabbath School Programs

January 7 Liz Joseph, Carrie Wilbur Out of the Gray: Caring for the Caregivers

January 14 Traveling in India Dana Waters

January 21 Bernard Pham Seventh-day Adventist Church Non-combatant Military Beliefs and Service

January 28 Janna Stern

January 7 Communion Mika Devoux

January 14 John McLarty

January 21 John McLarty Auburn Academy Sylvan Chorale

January 28 John McLarty


Church Board January 25, 7:00 p.m.

Finance Committee January 11, 6:30 p.m.

Green Lake Foundation Board January 18, 7:00 p.m.

Fourth Friday Vespers January 27, 7:00 p.m.

Hospitality Potluck January 21, 12:30 p.m.

Neighborhood Meal January 22, 4:30 p.m. Lamb of God Lutheran Church, 12509 27th Ave NE, Seattle 98125

Twenty Somethings January 28, 12:30-4:30

Worship Planning January 11, 7:30 p.m.

6350 E Green Lake Way North Seattle, WA 98103-5416

206-522-1330 www.greenlakesda.org

Green Lake Gazette is a monthly publication of the

Green Lake Church of Seventh-day Adventists 6350 East Green Lake Way North Seattle, Washington 98103-5416

Carolyn Lacy, Editor

Phone: 206-522-1330 Fax: 206-522-7980

e-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.greenlakesda.org

© Copyright 2016, Green Lake Church of Seventh-day Adventists; All Rights Reserved.

Senior Pastor: John McLarty .................... 253-350-1211 Head Elder ............................................. Stephanie Mays Board Chair .............................................. Jesse Negretti Minister of Music .................................. Wanda Griffiths Orchestra Director ........................................ Alex Gagiu Junior Choir .................... Marleen Land, Shelly LaGrone GLC Ringers .............................................Shelly LaGrone Office Administrator................................... Carolyn Lacy Custodian ..................................................... Elmo Rajah Weddings ..................................................Church Office

Stephen Ministers Lucille Bertholf Mark Voth Melody Bennett Gayle Simona Vuletic Barbara Jonsen Karla Walters

Myrtle Mitchell

Preschool and Childcare: 206-525-7877 Anne Kelly, Director

Website: http://www.greenlakepreschool.org e-mail: [email protected]

Donating Online to Green Lake Church Credit card, debit card, and ACH options are available on the church’s website at www.greenlakesda.org by click-ing on the green “Donate Online” box at the top right of the website home page.

January Potluck Change of Date

January 21

Special Guests:

Auburn Academy Sylvan Chorale

extra food contributions welcome

Copies of the 2017-2018 Nominating

Committee report will be available

on the narthex table January 14.
