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GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)

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  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)


    Global Bike Company Overview Exercises

    - Detailed Instruction Version -

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##()

    SAP NetWeaver







  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Sales and Distributin !SD"

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e ' ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    E#er$ise SD %& Create Sales Order

    In t&is exercise we will create a sales order /or /ive ,tream 01 '(2 bikes to t&e3eartland Bike Company" 4o start t&e sales order process5 /ollow t&e menu pat&6

    7o+istics,ales and Distribution,alesOrderCreate6

    4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1 ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Expand t&e menu pat&5t&en double-click on Create

    Enter6OR/or Order 4ype5''A% /or ,ales Or+ani8ationW(/or Distribution C&annel)%/or Division

    4&en click on t&e enter icon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Order type OR is a standard sales order" Ot&er order types can be implemented5 likecas& sale5 rus& order5 consi+nment sale5 etc" 4&e ,ales Or+ani8ation5 DistributionC&annel and Division de/ine t&e Sales Area5 w&ic& will determines many o/ t&e terms o/t&is sale like pricin+" /ter enterin+ t&e date s&own in t&e screen above5 click on t&e

    enter icon )5 w&ic& will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    9irst5 we need to enter t&e customer number /or t&e ,old-to party" ,ince most peoplecan:t remember customer numbers5 we will use t&e searc& capability to /ind ourcustomer;3eartland Bike Company" Click on t&e ,old-to party text box5 t&en click on

    t&e searc& icon5 w&ic& will produce t&e /ollowin+ pop-up window6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e < ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e ,old-to party text box5t&en click on t&e searc& icon

    4abs allow you to speci/ydi//erent searc& criteria"

    Values in t&e text boxes areused to /ilter t&e searc&

    %ake sure t&at only ''A%is entered /or ,alesOr+ani8ation5 W( /or Distribution C&annel and)%/or Division5 t&en click on enter

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter enterin+ t&e values s&own above and clickin+ on t&e enter icon )5 you will +et

    a list o/ customers t&at meet t&e searc& criteria6

    =ou can select (eartland Bi*e C+,an-by double-clickin+ on it" >&en you do5 t&e

    searc& result window will close5 and t&e customer number /or.O/R COP.o/ t&e3eartland Bike Company will be entered in t&e ,old-to party text box6

    0ext5 you must enter t&e *O purc&ase order) number /or t&is transaction" 4&e *Onumber is supplied by t&e customer and it t&e number t&e customer:s purc&asin+department uses to track t&is transaction" >&en we save t&is sales order5 t&e ,*system will assi+n a sales order number to t&is transaction5 w&ic& is t&e number we t&esupplier) will use to track t&is transaction" >e enter t&e *O number supplied by t&ecustomer in t&is sales order screen so t&at we can re/erence t&is document by t&ecustomer:s *O number" 9or t&e purposes o/ t&is exercise5 you can enter anycombination o/ numbers and letters up to 1? c&aracters in len+t&) /or t&e *O number"

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e ? ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Double-click on (eartland Bi*eC+,an-to select it

    0ote6 =our customer numberwill be di//erent

    0ext5 enter any combination o/numbers and letters up to 1?c&aracters) /or t&e *O number

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    0ext5 we need to enter t&e *O date" >e want to enter today:s date5 and rat&er t&antypin+ in t&e date5 we can use t&e searc& capability to simpli/y t&is task" 9irst5 click ont&e *O Date /ield5 t&en press t&e 01key6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e @ ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e *O date /ield5t&en press t&e 01 key

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)


  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    0ow we need to speci/y t&at t&is customer wants to by t&e ,tream 01 '(2 bike" 9or t&esales order /orm5 we need t&e material number /or t&is product5 and t&e searc&capability will allow us to /ind t&is number easily" 9irst5 click on t&e /irst material/ield5 t&en click on t&e searc& icon6

    Clickin+ on t&e searc& icon will produce t&e /ollowin+ pop-up window6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e ( ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    4oday:s date is indicated by a box

    Double-click on t&e date t&reedays /rom today to select it

    Click on t&e material /ield5 t&enclick on t&e searc& icon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    4o easily +et a list o/ bikes t&at we can sell5 we can use t&e Sales +aterial b-des$ri,tintab" >e can +et a list o/ t&e searc& tabs by clickin+ on t&e /ar-ri+&t icon to+et a list o/ tabs5 t&en selectin+ Sales +aterial b- des$ri,tin6

    Enter ''A%/or ,ales Or+ani8ation and W(/or Distribution c&annel5 t&en click on t&e

    enter icon )" 4&is will produce a list o/ bikes t&at GBI sells6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&is icon to +et a list o/

    tabs /or searc& options5 t&enselect Sales +aterial b-des$ri,tin

    Enter ''A%/or ,ales Or+ani8ationand W(/or Distribution C&annel5t&en click Enter

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Double-click on t&e ,tream 01 '( to select it6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e !# ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Double-click on t&e ,tream 01 '(to select it

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e !! ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e Order uantity text box5enter 65 t&en click on t&e enter icon

    %aterial number /or t&e ,tream01 '(2 bike is entered

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Enter t&e order Auantity o/ 65 t&en click on t&e enter icon )" 4&is will cause t&e ,*

    system to c&eck t&e data we:ve entered and call up addition data /rom t&edatabase" 9irst5 we will +et an in/ormation messa+e6

    /ter clickin+ on t&e enter icon o/ t&e in/ormation messa+e5 we will +et additional dataon t&e sales order screen6

    si+ni/icant amount o/ data retrieval and calculation &as occurred as a result o/ clickin+

    on t&e enter icon )" One o/ t&e t&in+s t&at occurred was t&e calculation o/ t&e

    price /or t&is order" >e can easily see t&e details o/ t&is calculation process" 9irst5

    select t&e line wit& t&e ,tream 01 '( bike5 t&en click on t&e pricin+ icon )6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e !' ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e enter icon toacknowled+e t&e messa+e

    Customer address data is now presented4&e price /or t&is order &as been calculated4&e total s&ippin+ wei+&t &as been calculated4&e description o/ t&e bike is now presented

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    ,electin+ t&e ,tream 01 '(2 line and clickin+ on t&e pricin+ icon will produce t&e/ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e !1 ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e block to t&e le/t o/ t&e line to

    select it5 t&en click on t&e pricin+ icon

    Details o/ t&e price calculationprocedure are providedClick on t&e back icon to returnto t&e sales order screen"

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    4&is screen s&ows t&at eac& bike costs '##5 and no discounts or surc&ar+es &avebeen applied" It also s&ows t&at GBI s&ould make '? pro/it per bike sold"

    Click on t&e back icon ) to return to t&e sales order screen" Click on t&e save icon

    ) to save t&e sales order6

    /ter clickin+ on t&e save icon )5 note t&at ,* will assi+n a sales document

    number to t&is sales order bottom-le/t o/ screen)6

    4&e sales order screen is a+ain blank5 ready /or anot&er sales order to be entered"

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e !< ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e save icon to savet&e sales order

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Click on t&e exit icon ) to return to t&e ,* Easy ccess screen"

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e !? ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    E#er$ise SD 2& Create Deli5er- Nte 7r Sales Order

    4o be+in processin+ t&e sales order5 a delivery document must be created" 4o do t&is5/ollow t&e menu pat&6

    7o+istics,ales and Distribution,&ippin+ and 4ransportationOutbound

    DeliveryCreate,in+le Document>it& $e/erence to ,ales Order6

    4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e !@ ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Enter ''A2/or ,&ippin+ *ointEnter a selection date one week

    /rom today you can use 01 tocall up t&e calendar window)4&e sales order number s&ouldbe entered automatically4&en click on t&e enter icon

    0ote6 I/ you lo+ o// t&e ,* system a/tercreatin+ t&e sales order5 t&e sales ordernumber will not be entered automatically"=ou can searc& /or you sales order numberusin+ t&e Sales d$u+ents b- $ust+ertab" Enter your sales or+ani8ation ''A%)and transaction +roup )sales order)"

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter enterin+ t&e s&ippin+ point and veri/yin+ t&e ot&er data5 click on t&e enter icon

    )5 w&ic& will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    0otice t&at in/ormation /rom t&e sales order document &as been copied into t&e new

    delivery document" Click on t&e save icon ) to create t&is document" In

    creatin+ t&e delivery document5 t&e ,* system per/ormed a material availabilityc&eck to make sure t&at t&e material was available to meet t&e customer:s reAuireddelivery date"

    Once t&e delivery document &as been created5 materials mana+ement personnel in t&eware&ouse can be+in processin+ t&e sales order;pickin+5 packin+ and s&ippin+"

    0ote t&at a t&e ,* system will assi+n a uniAue number /or t&is new delivery document"4&is number will appear in a messa+e at t&e lower-le/t corner o/ t&e screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e ! ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e save icon to createt&e delivery document

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    E#er$ise SD 8& Pi$* Materials n Deli5er- Nte

    4&e next step in t&e delivery process is to record t&e pickin+ o/ t&e materials in t&edelivery document" *ickin+ an order is t&e process o/ takin+ material /rom itsstora+e location and movin+ it to a packin+ area" 4o record t&e pickin+ o/ t&ematerial5 we will actually make a c&an+e to t&e delivery document" 4o c&an+e t&edelivery document5 /ollow t&e menu pat&6

    7o+istics,ales and Distribution,&ippin+ and 4ransportationOutbound

    DeliveryC&an+e,in+le Document

    4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e !( ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    0ote6 I/ you lo+ o// t&e ,* system a/tercreatin+ t&e delivery document5 t&e deliverydocument number will not be enteredautomatically" =ou can searc& /or your delive

    document usin+ t&e tab Outbund Deli5er-&Nt Psted 7r Gds Issue"

    4&e Outbound Delivery documentnumber s&ould be entered automatically"Click on t&e enter icon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter clickin+ on t&e enter icon )5 you will +et t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    4o enter t&e picked Auantity5 click on t&e *ickin+ tab5 w&ic& will produce t&e /ollowin+6

    /ter enterin+ 8)/or ,7oc stora+e location;t&e area o/ t&e ware&ouse w&ere t&e

    material was picked /rom) and 6/or t&e picked Auantity5 click on t&e save icon ) to

    save t&e pickin+ in/ormation" =ou s&ould +et t&e /ollowin+ messa+e at t&e bottom-le/tcorner o/ t&e screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e ! ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e Pi$*in9tab

    Enter 8)/or ,7oc stora+e location)and 6/or t&e picked Auantity5 t&enclick on t&e save icon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    E#er$ise SD 1& Pst Gds Issue

    *er/ormin+ t&e *ost +oods issue reduces unrestricted stock material available to sell tocustomers) to re/lect t&e inventory s&ipped an inventory control /unction" In addition5le+al owners&ip o/ t&e +oods c&an+es &ands /rom you to t&e customer as t&e +oodsleave t&e plant 9OB s&ippin+ point) or w&en t&e +oods are received by t&e customer9OB destination)" 9rom an accountin+ perspective5 bot& inventory and costs o/ +oodssold are impacted by t&is transaction" 4&e system re/lects t&at t&e materials are nolon+er available in stock at t&e time o/ post +ood issue re+ardless o/ t&e s&ippin+ terms"

    *ostin+ t&e +oods issue is anot&er c&an+e to t&e delivery document" 4o do t&is5 /ollowt&e menu pat&6

    7o+istics,ales and Distribution,&ippin+ and 4ransportationOutbound

    DeliveryC&an+e,in+le Document

    4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    /ter con/irmin+ t&at you &ave t&e delivery document number5 click on t&e Pst GdsIssueicon" =ou s&ould +et t&e /ollowin+ messa+e at t&e bottom-le/t corner o/ t&escreen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e '# ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Con/irm t&at t&e deliverydocument number is entered5t&en click on t&e Pst GdsIssue icon

    0ote6 I/ you lo+ o// t&e ,* system a/tercreatin+ t&e delivery document5 t&e deliverydocument number will not be enteredautomatically" =ou can searc& /or your deliverydocument usin+ t&e tab Outbund Deli5er-&Nt Psted 7r Gds Issue"

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    E#er$ise SD 6& Create Billin9 7r Cust+er

    0ow t&at t&e bikes are bein+ s&ipped to t&e customer5 it is important to invoice t&ecustomer /or t&e bikes so t&at payment can be received" 4o do t&is5 /ollow t&e menupat&6

    7o+istics,ales and DistributionBillin+Billin+ Document*rocess Billin+

    Due 7ist

    4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    /ter con/irmin+ t&e correct sales or+ani8ation is speci/ied5 click on t&e Dis,la- Bill Listicon" 4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e '! ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    %ake sure ''A%is entered /or,ales Or+ani8ation5 t&en clickon t&e Display Bill 7ist icon

    Click on t&e Collectivebillin+ document icon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    4&e system will indicate t&at t&e invoice &as been created by turnin+ t&e &i+&li+&t o// ont&e delivery line6

    Click on t&e exit icon ) twice to return to t&e ,* Easy ccess ,creen"

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e '' ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    3i+&li+&t is turned o// a/ter t&e invoice is created

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    E#er$ise SD :& Pst Re$ei,t 7 Cust+er Pa-+ent

    >e assume t&at our customer5 3eartland Bike Company5 &as mailed us t&e payment /ort&e bike order in t&e /orm o/ a c&eck" Be/ore we deposit t&e customer:s c&eck5 we needto record t&e receipt o/ t&is payment" 4o do t&is5 /ollow t&e menu pat&6

    ccountin+9inancial ccountin+ccounts $eceivableDocument

    EntryIncomin+ *ayments

    4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    /ter enterin+ t&e in/ormation above5 click on t&e ccount /ield5 t&en click on t&e searc&icon to +et t&e searc& pop-up window6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e '1 ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    .se t&e 01;02 /unction keys toenter t&e current date /or t&edocument dateEnter6

    ''A%/or Company Code/SD/or CurrencyF$ate%))%'' /or ccount%)))/or amount

    4&en click on t&e account /ield5t&en t&e searc& icon5 to searc&/or t&e customer number /or3eartland Bike Company

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter enterin+ ''A%on t&eCust+ers !b- $+,an- $de"tab5 click on t&e enter iconand you will +et t&e /ollowin+ results6

    /ter selectin+ t&e 3eartland Bike Company5 click on t&e *rocess open items icon6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e '< ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    ,elect t&e Cust+ers !b-$+,an- $de" tab< enter''A%/or Company Code andt&en click on t&e enter icon

    Double-click on 3eartland Bike Company to select it

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter clickin+ on Pr$ess ,en ite+s5 you will +et t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e '? ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on Pr$ess ,en ite+s

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Double-click on t&e %

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Click on t&e exit icon )5 w&ic& will produce t&e /ollowin+ pop-up window6

    4&ere is no data to be lost5 so click on t&e.esicon to return to t&e ,* Easy ccessmenu"

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e ' ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Click on t&e exit icon to exit t&is transaction

    Click on.es

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    E#er$ise SD =& Re5ie> D$u+ent 0l>

    ,* provides t&e D$u+ent 0l> tool t&at tracks t&e entire sales transaction process/rom be+innin+ to end" 4&e Document 9low tool is extremely power/ul because it canbe used at any point in t&e sales order process" It provides an audit trail o/ all o/ t&e

    documents wit&in t&e order cycle" 9urt&er5 any o/ t&e re/erenced documents can berecalled and easily reviewed in detail drillin+ down) /rom t&e document /low"

    4&ere are many ways to access t&e document /low tool" One way is to start bydisplayin+ t&e sales order document" 4o do t&is5 /ollow t&e menu pat&6

    7o+istics,ales and Distribution,alesOrderDisplay

    4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    4o access t&e document /low tool5 /ollow t&e pull-down menu pat&6

    EnvironmentDisplay document /low

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e '( ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    0ote6 I/ you lo+ o// t&e ,* system a/tercreatin+ t&e sales order5 t&e sales ordernumber will not be entered automatically"=ou can searc& /or you sales order numberusin+ t&e Sales d$u+ents b- $ust+ertab" Enter your sales or+ani8ation ''A%)and transaction +roup )sales order)"

    =our sales order number s&ouldbe entered by de/ault"

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    4&e document /low /or t&e 3eartland Bike sales order will look like t&e /ollowin+6

    /ter selectin+ t&e invoice line and clickin+ on t&e Display document icon5 t&e /ollowin+screen will appear6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e ' ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    ccess t&e document /low tool usin+ t&e pull-downmenu pat& EnvironmentDisplay document /low

    ny document can be accessed /rom t&edocument /low" 9or example5 to look at t&einvoice5 click on t&e invoice line5 t&en clickon t&e display document icon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    4o access details o/ t&e invoice5 /ollow t&e pull-down menu pat&6


    >&ic& will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1# ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    .se t&is pull-down menu pat&to +et details on t&e invoice

    0ote details o/ t&e invoice5 like w&ocreated t&e invoice and w&en andt&e customer:s *O number

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Click on t&e exit icon ) to return to t&e document /low" Explore t&e document /low

    tool5 t&en click on t&e exit icon ) twice to return to t&e ,* Easy ccess screen"

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1! ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    E#er$ise SD ?& Create Ne> Cust+er

    4&e data entry reAuirements in t&e sales order exercise ,D ! t&rou+& ,D ) wereminimi8ed because muc& o/ t&e data was stored in t&e ,* system" 4&is stored data5known as master data5 simpli/ies t&e processin+ o/ business transactions" In t&e sales

    order process5 we used master data about customers5 materials t&e products we sold)and pricin+ to simpli/y t&e sales order process"

    In t&is exercise5 we will create t&e master data /or a new customer" 4wo types o/customer data are stored about a customer;sales data and accountin+ data" 4&ecustomer master data is created in t&ree +roups5 or views;+eneral5 accountin+5 andsales" Customers can be created centrally5 meanin+ t&at all views are +eneratedconcurrently5 or responsibility can be distributed so t&at di//erent personnel in t&eaccountin+ and sales areas are responsible /or creatin+ and maintainin+ t&e data int&eir respective views" 9or t&is exercise5 central creation will be used to enter all o/ t&eneeded data to de/ine a new customer"

    4o create a new customer5 /ollow t&e menu pat&6

    7o+istics,ales and Distribution%aster DataBusiness


    4&is will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1' ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter enterin+ t&e data s&owed above5 click on t&e enter icon ) and t&e /ollowin+

    screen will appear6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 11 ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    ,elect Sld@t ,art-/or t&eaccount +roupEnter6

    ''A%/or Company code''A% /or ,ales Or+ani8ationW(/or Distribution C&annel)%/or Division

    4&en click on t&e enter icon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter expandin+ t&e ,treet ddress /ields5 scroll down to t&e 4ransportation one /ield6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1< ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Enter t&e /ollowin+ data6'' Te Bi*e ne/or 0ame'' /or searc& term !=2)1/or *ostal CodePrtland/or City/S/or CountryOR/or $e+ion

    4&en click on t&e expand iconto access addition /ields

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Clickin+ on t&e searc& icon /or t&e 4ransportation 8one /ield will produce t&e /ollowin+pop-up window6

    /ter selectin+ $e+ion >est5 click on t&e Company Code Data icon6

    Clickin+ on t&e C+,an- Cde Dataicon will produce t&e /ollowin+ screen6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1? ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    ,croll down to t&e 4ransportation8one /ield5 t&en click on t&e /ieldand t&en click on t&e searc& icon

    Double-click on $e+ion >est to select it

    Click on C+,an- Cde Data

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter enterin+ t&e data above5 click on t&e *ayment 4ransactions tab and enter t&e/ollowin+ data6

    /ter enterin+ t&e Ter+s 7 ,a-+entand clickin+ on t&e Sales Area Dataicon5 t&e/ollowin+ screen will appear6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1@ ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Enter6%%)%''/or $econ" accountreconciliation account)))%/or ,ort key

    4&en click on t&e paymenttransactions tab

    Enter )))%/or 4erms o/payment5 t&en click on t&eSales Area Dataicon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter enterin+ t&e data on t&e Salestab5 click on t&e Si,,in9tab and /ill in t&e/ollowin+ data6

    /ter enterin+ t&e data on t&e ,&ippin+ tab5 click on t&e Billin9 D$u+entstab and /illin t&e /ollowin+ data6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1 ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    %ake sure /SD is entered /or Currencyand %is entered /or Cust"pric"proc"5t&en enter % /or Cust",tats"Grp

    4&en click on t&e Si,,in9tab

    Enter6)2 normal) /or Delivery *riority)%standard) /or ,&ippin+ Conditions

    ''A2/or Deliverin+ *lan8/or %ax" partial deliveries

    4&en click on t&e Billin+ Documents tab

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    /ter enterin+ t&e data s&own above5 click on t&e save icon )" 4&e ,* system willcreate t&e master record /or t&e new customer and assi+n t&e customer a uniAuecustomer number6

    Version !"# $elease %arc& '##( *a+e 1( ,* .niversity lliance *ro+ram

    Enter60OB and Ori9in Si,,in9 D$*/or Incoterms)))%/or 4erms o/ payment)%/or cct"ass+mt +roup) /or 4ax classi/ication /or all t&ree cate+ories

    4&en click on t&e save icon

  • 8/10/2019 GBI Data_exercises SD Module Part I (Mar 08)



    Customer number assi+ned to new customer

    Click on t&e cancel icon to return tot&e ,* Easy ccess screen
