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Gd 0 1 Your Triune Brain

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Article written by Antony V. Trowbridge © (copyright reserved). While accepting the normal copyright conditions of this material, you are invited, indeed encouraged to develop the themes from and with your own knowledge and experience.
© Antony V. Trowbridge [1] Ecology of Knowledge Network ] INNOVARSITY offers e-Learning For Life experiences - that come from- e-Learning about demonstrable innovations - with - e-Learning from people whose ideas foresaw them - and - e-Learning to implement them – by - e-Learning to recognise - The GREAT DIVIDES* that inhibit human progress – because “Sometimes we need to look at those things that ‘go without saying’ – to make sure they are still going” [ Carl Becker 1920 ] The world we have created today has problems which cannot be solved YOUR HOLISTIC TRIUNE BRAIN INNOVARSITY THIS ‘GREAT NEUROLOGIVAL DIVIDE’ [GD/1 ] - between the three substrates of the brain trying to make : “DECISIONS… DECISIONS… DECISIONS…”: OTHER TRIUNE IMPERATIVES GD/1/2 HOLISM AND EVOLUTION GD/1/3 BUCKMINSTER FULLER’S AFRICAN LEGACY GD/1/2 WHAT KIND OF LOVE ARE YOU IN ? GD/1/3 WHY AM I LAUGHING ? GD/1/4 TRIUNE MUSIC-MAKING GD/1
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© Antony V. Trowbridge [1] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

INNOVARSITY offers e-Learning For Life experiences

- that come from-

e-Learning about demonstrable innovations - with -

e-Learning from people whose ideas foresaw them - and -

e-Learning to implement them – by -

e-Learning to recognise -

The GREAT DIVIDES* that inhibit human progress – because –

“Sometimes we need to look at those things that ‘go without saying’– to make sure they are still going”

[ Carl Becker 1920 ]

“The world we have created today has problems which cannot be solved by thinking the way we thought when we created them “

[ Albert Einstein ]



THIS ‘GREAT NEUROLOGIVAL DIVIDE’ [GD/1 ] - between the three substrates of the brain trying to make :




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" For goodness sake child, make up your mind !" exclaimed the exasperated parent - to which came the answer :.

“I wish I could Mom, but there are so many minds to make up!"

The exasperation of the parent and the frustration of the child reflected in this exchange, expresses the reality uncovered by Dr Paul D. MacLean,

as director at the US National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, and from four decades of clinical research, concluded that we do indeed `think'

- not only intellectually but with two other ‘brains’ which he defined as the Triune Brain comprising :

1. The Reptilian - Primal Brain Stem - which controls our central nervous and autonomic systems.

2. The Paleomammalian - Limbic System - which is associated with emotions and social bonding

3. The Neomammalian - Cortex. - as the seat of the intellect,

Historically every culture in the world, however remote and regardless of any cultural, philosophical or religious beliefs

has had its own description of these three areas of consciousness as : ‘Hand, Heart and Head’ `

Action, Emotion and Reason',

'Attention, Affection and Cognition'.

Of special significance he established that :“In its evolution, the human forebrain has expanded to great size while retaining the basic features of the three formations that reflect our ancestral relationship to reptile, early mammals and recent mammals.”

“Radically different in structure and chemistry and in an evolutionary sense countless generations apart, the three formations constitute a hierarchy of three brains in one. Such a situation indicates that we are obliged to look at ourselves and the world through the eyes of three quite different mentalities.”

© Antony V. Trowbridge [2] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

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The significance of Paul’s findings in his book of 29 chapters “Triune Brain in Evolution – Role in Paleocerebral Functions”, has been

in providing a scientific basis for what any of us already intrinsically knows – and experience in life ourselves as being :

o A physical being,

o An emotional being.

o A thinking being.

Vital to our understanding of how these three ‘brains’ react - both internally to each other and to external events is by realizing that each of these has its own genetically programmed ‘intelligence’ which creates its own contexts, experiences and imagery for survival in that :

The Primal brain feels most secure when surrounded by things;

The Limbic brain feels most secure when surrounded by people

The Cortex feels most secure when surrounded by knowledge,

Often defined by the obscure term ‘instinct’ MacLean prefers to describe them as ‘proclivities’ that each of the three brain systems exhibit.

Moreover, although interconnected, there is clear evidence that each of these three substrate of the brain operates somewhat independently,

but which under conditions of a loss of any one function in any one area research has found that cells once thought to have specific functions can switch extensively

Joel Garreau author of “Radical Evolution” “What it means to be human” had noted :“We are at a turning point in history. For millennia our technologies – fire, clothes, agriculture, cities and now space travel have been aimed outwards at modifying our environment. Now, for the first time our technologies are increasingly aimed inwards at altering our minds, memories, metabolisms, personalities and progeny. The curve of innovation is rising exponentially. It is in how we will wrestle with what this means to relationships, loves and lives as we enter a period of engineered evolution that we create and adapt ourselves.”

Mind v BrainThe debate which has raged between the nature and roles of the ‘Mind’ compared to the ‘Brain’

that saw the dualism created by the French philosopher, Rene Descartes [1596-1650] who, in becoming intrigued by the fact of his own thinking, coined the phrase

:“I think, therefore I am” [‘cogito, ergo sum’]The effect was not only the separation between Reason and Emotion

but also between the Material and Spiritual that with the dawn of the ‘Age of the Enlightenment’

suited the growth of scientific materialism and industrial age which saw the brain being a ‘practical’ neural activity as distinct from any abstract concept of the ‘mind’.

Nevertheless, philosophers have continued the struggle to comprehend the relationship between the two as both a logical and a spiritual necessity.

Such philosophical debate has taken place over centuries on the concepts of ‘Mind’ and ‘Brain’especially since the ‘Age of Reason’ so that many have concluded this dichotomy to be the ‘ultimate mystery that human intelligence has not managed to unravel’.

But now from a few practical descriptions and experience of the Triune brain and most importantly their limitations, one can begin to find a new path to understanding

how we human think and behave - rather than the way we’d like to - or others want us to.

The emphasis changed however, in the latter half of the 20th century when neuroscientists began to extensively study and map its billions of neural connections

through multiple scanning and tracking techniques,

© Antony V. Trowbridge [3] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

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© Antony V. Trowbridge [4] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

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So that Gerald Edelman, the 1972 Nobel Prize winner, was to state :“In the past ten years we have learned more about the brain - than in all of history”

But both scientific and public interest was taken to a new level after Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon - when the universal cry went up -

“We have conquered outer space – What next ?”to which an almost universal response was - “Inner Space”

Throughout the years there have been countless books, articles and scientific theses on the brain all providing valuable knowledge to science and medical practitioners..But as enlightening as such descriptions can be, they can equally add to the confusion

and be inhibiting to the least of us in knowing how, what and when to apply them However, just as the motor car one does not need to know the details of all its parts

in order to drive it – only a few actions of one’s hands and feet in knowing how to accelerate the speed, to brake, engage gears and steer

- and of course to know when to put in petrol, oil and waterSimilarly, the functioning of the body depends on what you put in it

which includes the brain – that is - your and other people’s thoughts and how each of the parts of the Triune Brain is likely to respond.



In evolutionary terms this is the oldest of the three substrates we have inherited having all the old mammalian characteristics of the primitive reptile like a lizard,

with the brainstem and the cerebellum and the balancing of our autonomic functions The primal brain likes fixed routines and as creatures of habit we like to do things the same way

as it gives a sense of order and as such it constitutes our body’s built-in bureaucracy that reliably controls all our body’s biological and physical functions such as breathing

Then we learn from useful past experience and by copying others and by repetition to improve our inherent skills - in preference to trying anything new

This can however make us compulsive and obsessive, sometimes even paranoid Of a special significance is a need to establish Territory, as both and personal and group space

that we have inherited from mammals with the imperative to dominate, monitor and control it - and when necessary to aggressively defend it, along with those instincts for hunting, hoarding

and courting a mate with stylist grooming and with triumphal and ritualistic displays - all of which we can observe in any business or academic environment.

2. THE LIMBIC SYSTEM Our emotions have an important part to play in the vital aspect

of both self and group motivation by providing the essential trigger-mechanism to action.Indeed, what worthwhile enterprise has ever been attempted or completed

without that all-important emotion of enthusiasm, its origins actually coming from ‘En Theos’ – the ‘God within’

It was Paul Broca who first used the term Limbic in 1952 in describing the middle part of the brain which he defined as a paleo-mammalian substrate

which is shared by most mammals as the primary seat of our emotions being in three sections of ‘affects’ [ affections ]: as :

Basic affects - associated with our fundamental bodily needs such as hunger and thirst,

General affects - that we experience as feelings of pleasure, desire, anger, fear, dejection and triumph.

Specific affects - are those associated with surprise, happiness, Laughter,

sadness, embarrassment, jealousy and guilt

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There are indeed no neutral Limbic affects - they are either agreeable or disagreeable.But strong emotional / affective feelings of common convictions which can also arise that in turn, are the basis for our attachment to certain beliefs, whether ideological,

religious or philosophical - regardless of whether they are true or false”.

The Social brain Of special significance is the maternal instinct that fosters the bonding between families

and the social groupings of all mammals is characterized by

Nursing and maternal care

The use of audio-vocal communication with offspring

Playful behaviourThe role of play is an especially mammalian attribute that assists the process of communicating

and learning certain skills non-verbally, as Carla Hannaford Ph.D neuropsychologist and author of a number of books including

‘Smart Moves. Why Learning is Not All in the Head’ in which she identifies the Triune Brain as being crucial in the early education process of a child maintains because :

“Brain research shows that through play, natural pleasures, curiosity, creativity, human interaction, and reflective time, grows our brains, keeps us healthy, and allows us to effectively handle, in each moment, what arises in our lives. Natural pleasure can’t exist, however, without an unencumbered heart or a willingness to see beyond our current paradigm, past the fear and confusion to the possibilities and the daily the wonder and beauty of life in these times”

“In these times, there appears to be an intrinsic awareness surfacing that we are more, much more creative and powerful than our family or societal conditioning would have us believe. The balance lies in our willingness to take risks, and remain curious, playful, creative, and passionate while seeing each moment as a gift for our growth.“

Hannaford however, has taken the limbic phenomenon to that of coherence whereby we can consciously retrain our senses to be more available to all the rich vibrational fields

around and within us to give us full access to learning and our intuition and high-level reasoning.“Our ability to remain coherent is especially important, because it provides us the power, even as individuals, to change reality and assist in the establishment of coherence in those lives we are entangled with”.”

Coherence thereby leads to creative ways of living again in our authentic nature.For it is when we are feeling curious, focused, peaceful, joyful, appreciative, enthusiastic and creative

that the heart rate slows and variability pattern is coherent, decreasing the blood pressure with relaxed breathing so that the parasympathetic nervous system becomes active,

© Antony V. Trowbridge [6] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

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The Heart – intelligence and the emotions. Western science has seen it simply as a complex, tenacious pump.

Currently research is showing that ‘the heart is a highly complex, self-organised sensory organ with its own functional intelligence that communicates with and influences the brain,

via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways’Coherence allows us to take in the details of the disturbance and to make appropriate adjustments,

in order to take right and often creative action.

From a state of coherence, the heart attains a greater significance in the Triune context. in that there is more nervous information going from the heart to the brain than vice-versa.

The heart also responds to messages sent from the amygdala, one of the storehouses for our emotional memories, and the brain’s center for vigilance and fear.

From these studies, Hannaford concludes that a coherent state is our most natural and powerful state.to which a further limbic association is made in human interaction in the question ::

“What is Love ?”Ultimately of all the associations with the heart – the most is that of ‘Love’

for which the English language has only that one word, whereas the Ancient Greeks had seven.which are described in the Triune Brain context :

[ See GD/1/2 “How to know the kind of love you’re in’ ]

3. THE HIGHER MAMMALIAN CORTEX The Cortex is the third part of the Triune Brain to evolve which is more highly developed

in domesticated animals and dolphins, in having a high degree of intelligent thought, But which in ourselves is enhanced beyond that of animal consciousness

in the neo-cortex with the capacities of speech and the development of conscious thought and reason in the following two sub-divisions

The two hemispheresIn 1964 Roger Sperry of the California Institute of Technology published the first account

of the twin hemispheres of the brain for which he later earned a Nobel Prize. Robert Ornstein took the idea further and developed the theory

of the different functions of the two brains.

Considerable experimentation has followed this knowledge, with some conflicting and speculative opinions, but evidence suggest two major functions in which :

The Left hemisphere - interprets life in a linear way as in the practices of mathematics, logic and analysis and.:

The Right hemisphere- interprets life spatially through image and pattern-making

- not, as is frequently claimed, to be the seat of ‘intuitive’ consciousness.Broadly speaking, these characteristics can be seen to represent the sciences and the arts.

with studies showing how most people show a greater inclination to use one side of the brain more than the other.

So it follows that from an educational point of view, to develop one side at the expense of the other, would be like looking at a person

with one strong arm and one weakened arm who you would think of them more as a freak than a one-sided genius.

However, in their publication “New World new Mind” Robert Ornstein and Paul Erlichidentified the predicament our civilization being that the human mind

is now mismatched for the world it has created as our old mental system struggles and often fails to distinguish the relevant from the trivial, ignoring the reality and to be

at the mercy of, and unable to influence events that are overwhelming them - implying that in terms of the Triune Brain, the greater proportion of humankind have not emerged from

a primitive state of existence due to their not having evolved beyond the primal state of consciousness, but which Paul sees

as the next evolutionary stage of human consciousness

© Antony V. Trowbridge [7] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

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Historical descriptions of the brainThe Classical Greeks believed that the search for knowledge was the highest good,

and `evil' merely the result of ignorance. Historically, descriptions of the brain have changed according the technology of the age

starting from the Ancient Greeks symbolism, to it being described as a water pump, an electrical transformer, the telephone and radio receiver.

The computer is the latest concept to be added. For certainly we are born with such an incredible instrument for handling knowledge. Originally referred to as an `electronic brain’, such an analogy can now be reversed

in terms of the relationships between the `hardware', `software' and `print-outs’ But it is the brain’s `hardware' that offers us the most interesting recent area of study,

in that we are born with all the three operating programs in place, as the ‘software' for handling and processing data input - but with an empty data-base

- thereafter to be filled by sensory input - and to be accessed if and when required.that can be said to resolve both the human need for constancy and uncertainty,

In the classic tradition of logical cause and effect therefore, the keyboard is a behavourist’s dream of predictability and replication, based on the patterns of thought

that we develop and record from our own experience of life. while the computer print-out demonstrates the outcome of such

processes of interaction between the brain's programs and the inner accumulation of data. This especially applies to the dictum : ‘Garbage in – garbage out’

While psychological and philosophical studies have given us some inkling of these areas of inner knowledge in computer terms no study of either the keyboard

or the programme could ever reveal the nature and origin of the microchip.Herein rests a most important principle and example of the relationship between

the thinking process and data processing, Is there anything more frustrating to a novice than to be sitting in front of a computer and not knowing how to access either the vast amount of information

it contains, - or how to manipulate the programs - let alone design or alter them. Likewise, nothing is more frustrating for anyone in not having the mental skills necessary to access

their brain and its data base of information and to be able to use it creatively and successfully.

In the latter half of the 20th century the emphasis having changed to studying the structural workings of the brain by neuroscientists who have extensively ‘mapped’ it through many techniques of scanning and tracking its billions of neural connections. \

so that the Nobel Prize winner in 1972 Gerald Edelman stated “In the past ten years we have learned more about the brain - than in all of history”

Denis Gabor in 1947 produced the concept of Holography which through the interactionsof laser technology could form a three-dimensional image as a hologram

– as a Holistic image in which the smallest part contains and reproduces the wholeBut now that the limits of the intellect and the brain’s prostheses have become evident,

the need has become evident for the integration of our Biological, Social mental images that would require an additional form of consciousness which Hans Esser suggests would be Synergistic.

“When we have learned to unscramble the animal and human images in our mind and have learned to project the function of each into the making of particular decisions, social pollution will become preventable and our Synergistic consciousness will be able to master the simultaneous functioning of the social and prosthetic brain system. The psychiatrist of the future will be a neurologist specializing in disorders of the limbic system in terms of social brain functioning and to find new freedoms in purposeful evolution, we will have to start cleaning the mind. Then we will be able to develop the synergistic imagery required for the exploration of inner space.

Some of today’s youth realize this when they talk of abut property as being a ‘hang-up’ reflecting new important lifestyles which demand attention because of their non-competitive, non-violent nature. ‘Sports Illustrated relates an example of denial of animal imagery by reporting on hippie David Smith telling young black street fighters :

“If only we can get past the idea that we have to become better than the next cat, and concentrate on being better today than we were within ourselves yesterday, then the world will become a better place”

© Antony V. Trowbridge [8] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

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Mind v BrainThe debate over the nature and roles of the Mind and Brain which has raged over the ages

was accelerated by the French philosopher Rene Descartes [1596-1650] who, in becoming intrigued by the fact of his own thinking, coined the phrase :

“I think, therefore I am” [‘cogito, ergo sum’]The effect was not only the separation between Reason and Emotion

but also between the Spiritual and Material that with the dawn of the ‘Age of the Enlightenment’ suited the growth of scientific materialism and industrial age, which in turn

differentiated a practical neural activity from any abstract concepts. Nevertheless, philosophers have continued the struggle to comprehend the relationship

between the two as both a logical and a spiritual necessity

Just as the dinosaur could have become extinct, says Hans Esser, because its reptilian brain lacked the mammalian brains capacity for social organisation,

so man may become extinct because his social brain cannot catch up with the new network images of man-environment prostheses.

It is this built-in incompatibility of our physical, social and prosthetic images that is the source of social pollution which stems from man’s inability to function, but synergistically,

since it is dominance and possession of territory that makes us feel secure not only physically, but also emotionally and intellectually.

The relevance of this was reflected by Robert Ardrey in his book ‘The Territorial Imperative’: “When I first suggested the subject of my book to C.R. Carpenter, he was amused. ‘Why bother with animals? Why not just visit Pennsylvania State University for a few weeks and keep an eye on the Faculty?”

‘Path to Empathy’ “Humankind”, said Hans Esser, “has always vacillated between being right and being good,

which is generally assumed to be a matter of ethics”. The paradox of the ethical is that whenever reliance is placed on the applicable law , they function to institutionalize and ritualize our conflicts rather than reconcile them.

The concepts of Social Justice and Social Ethics prescribe what is deemed to be a crime against society. But clearly these are insufficient

for resolving our social conflicts. What is required is an Evolutionary Justice and Ethic which determines what is a crime against the planet,

that in turn will induce a new moral imperative when our survival as a species coincides with the survival of the planet.

The second path that Esser proposed is that of empathy in which “We have to find new freedoms in purposeful evolution, We will have to start cleansing our Mind. We have shown how with prosthetic technology we can conquer outer space; we can certainly develop the synergistic energy required for the exploration of inner space”

In the final analysis, human survival depends upon human and society relationships. Society is not a machine,nor are people cogs in it, as traditional politics avers.It is a process that is essentially organic, self-regulatingand evolutionaryin which humans become more and

moremakers of their own physical and social environments.Then there is an acceptance by us as individuals to take personal responsibility for our thoughts and actions which means shaking off the `victim consciousness'

that manufactures alibis and justifications for personal shortcomings. Society and the world is in need of ideas that work, not ideas that are ideological.

because the best of ideas that have shaped the history have not come from mass-actions but from those `majorities of one' who perceived the need for a new paradigm

What it means to be human is, according to Hans Esser, founder of the Man-Environment Association:

"We must realise that the principle aim of the brain is to promote the process of humanization.

© Antony V. Trowbridge [9] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

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“Unless we become more human, we shall become more animal.”Professor Jerzy Wojciechowski:

Because Paul’s neurological research has revealed much about our brain’s electro-chemical structure and its functioning plus the multiple nature of its `hardware'

this has further enabled us to realise its potentials as well as its limitations whereby in terms of the computer symbolism of today the Triune Brain thesis

can be said to resolve the Darwinian ‘Nature versus Nurture’ debate, in that we are born with all the operating programs in place, but with an empty data-base,

that is to be filled by sensory input to be accessed if and when required.

‘Singularity’ The explosion in digital technology has raised many questions and speculations

on the future extension of the computer in its many forms as a prosthesis of the brain.Indeed Artificial Intelligence [ AI ] has been given this new name of ‘Singularity

defined by a British mathematician J.J. Good as a mechanism that will far surpass all intellectual capacity of the human brain.

This which has been logically taken further by Raymond Kurzweil- but has raised questions whether such a mechanism could ask questions

the kind that confront every one of us every moment of every day – hence the expression :“Decisions…. Decisions…. Decisions….”

A ‘Fourth Brain ‘ ? The implications of MacLean's findings are immense - in that since our three ‘brains’

are radically different biologically, structurally, chemically and electrically, we are in fact a walking neurological `committee of three' that are constantly arguing with each other from their own perceptions, memories and agendas

that arise from their built-in genetic ‘programs’ of motor functions and functional intelligence.with each one capable of overriding the other – as they would any ‘Singularity engine’

The most recent evolutionary leap in human consciousness has been the prefrontal cortex that imbues both hemispheres with a higher coherent capacity altruism which can identify and empathise with another person or circumstance beyond that of emotional sympathy.

However, with the increasing pressure of an ‘Information Age’, we are faced with the further question whether If we are not an evolutionary `mistake' so

does it not follow that there has to be a `fourth brain' or another level of human consciousness for keeping these three seemingly incompatible brains in order

as a potential ‘Chairman of the Board’ - the better to be able to make those correct decisions which can overcome the limitations of intellectual comprehension by advancing

our personal evolution from a primitive reptilian, emotional and intellectual mammal to the next stage that can go beyond mere ‘thinking’

to realizing comprehending, deciding on and developing new solutions to our seemingly disintegrating human and planetary condition

Chairman of the Board’ – of our Triune Brain

© Antony V. Trowbridge [10] Ecology of Knowledge Network ]

Dov Fedler

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INTUITION – WHY IT’S REAL – AND NECESSARY There has always been an awareness that comes to many of another state of consciousness

that some would call ‘intuition’ which has often been denigrated as a supposed women’s prerogative, but is now accepted in the latest business management

circles as being a highly prized and essential instrument for sound corporate and entrepreneurial decision-making.

Who has not experienced that inner certainty or `hunch' as an inner conviction of the rightness of a decision that has changed or even saved a life – their own or someone else’s ?

Are these experiences to be written off as mere coincidences or freaks of chance, or are they evidence of some `supra-logic’

that goes beyond the sequential and patterned logic of the two hemispheres of the cortex ? The Holistic explanation of this form of intelligence or hunch faculty

has been that of a subliminal ability to grasp the wholeness of any situation as an instantaneous synthesis of hitherto disconnected elements’.

Indeed, intuitive experiences or consciousness have been said to develop in the womb which people spend the rest of their lives unconsciously searching for, often expressing

confusion, grief and despair as they search for some way to regain the state of Holistic coherence they think they have lost.

‘Instinct’ v Intuition’The origin of the term intuition provides a further insight to its origin and meaning -

being In-Tutor – the “Teacher within’

However, in approaching the subject / reality of intuition, the first task is to distinguish between it and the ‘Instinct’ which properly should be interpreted

as the basic Triune pre-programmed genetic proclivities and reflexes for survival. For example, while one `instinctively' jumps out of the way of a bus,

one intuitively stops at a road junction for no apparent reason, but which could mean avoiding being hit by a vehicle not yet in view.

It is the existence of this facility of insight that distinguishes us most from the animal kingdom and which provides the incentive to imagine, create and to seek out the unknown.

been referred to as Intuition or Creative Insight.

The existence of such an ‘irrational’ capacity as the ‘intuition’ has been endlessly debatedBut Albert Einstein had no doubts on this issue, saying,

"There is no logical way to the discovery of essential laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by the feeling for order behind the experience."

His key words regarding ‘intuition’ - ‘feeling’, ‘order’ and ‘experience’ demonstrate his inherent knowledge of the Triune brain components.

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Henri Bergson at the early years of the twentieth century.“Intuition is the primary gift of man, a gift that enables him to penetrate into the core of phenomenon, while intellect merely interprets what intuition apprehends, defining it from without, what it cannot comprehend from within”

It was Richard Buckminster [Bucky] Fuller in his work on Synergetics was to affirm “Our brains are physical tuning capabilities consisting of uniquely resonant atoms and cells. Life is the present experience. Experience begins with awareness. No otherness. No awareness. Every individual is an evolutionary pattern integrity”

And as William Shakespeare said centuries ago :“To thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night the day.

Thou canst not then be false to any man “ [ Hamlet]Means that when we are true to ourselves means being coherent and in tune

with that ‘inner voice’ in identifying who is the “I” doing all this thinking and feeling -?For this Intuitive faculty can be but an opening for overcoming our cognitive animal origins

with an extension of consciousness for resolving our confusions as a new imperative and personal experience in terms of the Triune Brain, whereby it can be seen that :

The Primal brain acts - without knowing why.

The Limbic brain knows through feeling

The Cortex knows from analysis.

Whereas :

The Intuition [ In-Tutor] just knows….. and knows why, how, and when to act – appropriately.

HOLISTIC / SYNERGISTIC CONSCIOUSNESSRichard Buckminster Fuller defined Synergetics as

‘Unity consisting of an overlapping mix of infrequent big events and frequent little ones”

“I am inclined to think that our integrated organic capability is much more powerful than any of us tend to accredit. I have learned how much we can apprehend in a flash in an eye”.

A Holistic consciousness is that same subliminal ability which grasps the wholeness of any situation as an instantaneous synthesis of hitherto disconnected elements’.

It is not, as so many business, political or professionals use the term as a collection of different elements like water being made up of oxygen and hydrogen

– but which mixing them together does not create itThe principle of Holism, which Jan Smuts originated, he described as “

“To be a whole and to live in the whole becomes the supreme principles, from which all the highest ethical and spiritual rule follow, such as the ‘golden rule.’ And it links these rules with the nature of things, for not only goodness, love and justice that derive from it, but also beauty and truth. The whole is in fact both the source and the principle of explanation of all our highest ideals,

He constantly referred to us as ‘higher animals’ living in a developed world, But always there was a plea for a new realization of our humanness that must

to transcend our limitations with our unused potential -- as he further observed :“People can carry on the affairs of the world with great competence. What is worse, they often consciously suppress the life of the spirit; the ‘still small voice’ is no asset to them. Research has shown already that mental activity in the higher animals as well as humans produce patterns or structures of experience which behave as wholes, and enter into other experiences as undivided and indivisible wholes. Like a period or a rhythm, the mental pattern has only value and effect as a whole.

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THE INTERNET AND THE INTUINETToday, people generally surf the INTERNET looking for answers to problems,

but a more direst source of knowledge is attainable in providing access to what may be termed the INTUINET - for finding what you need to know :

This facility should be regarded as extra-natural to the Triune brain - not a ‘supernatural’ state of consciousness.

This analogy between the INTERNET to the INTUINET is such that the heart has been said to be the ‘transducer’ between it and the brain

having similar ‘portals’ of subjects that are there for anyone to access at the ‘right time’ Indeed. history and experience has shown many examples of someone having an idea,

not doing anything about it and then finding that someone else has done it.

Living in the ‘Now’ There are also any number of philosophies and religions that have been promoted

for “Living in the Now’” or ‘Living in the Present”, as an alternative to dwelling on the past or dreaming about the future.

These are sometimes dismissed by the practical person as being almost irresponsible.But living with one’s In-Tutor is the essence of living in the Now.

“Obey my voice and I will be your God; and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it might be well with you. : [ Jeremiah 7: 23 ]

Having exposed ourselves to the three physical, emotional and intellectual identities with all their conflicting circumstances and stresses the process can begin

of accessing that upper triangle of




TRIUNE CREATIVE MEDITATIONRichard Davidson. University of Wisconsin-Madison took MFI brain images

of 25 members of a biotech firm who practiced meditation six days a week for eight weeks.and found increased activation in the left side of the pre-frontal lobes

indicating lower anxiety and the inhibition of the brain’s fear centre, the amygdale,Traditionally, meditation has been promoted as a means of closing off all thought

by which a state of peace / Nirvana is supposedly attained. But merely restricting thought is stagnation and can even be a cop-out

or a state of not taking responsibility the thoughts they or society produce. Other dangers in meditation include what some believe is a process of

“Opening themselves to the Infinite” - without realizing that in the universe there is an infinity of ‘infinites’ such as infinite illusions, infinite deception, and even infinite evil,

There are many supposed techniques for accessing intuition, however the reality is that one’s connection is inhibited through the imbalances of the Triune Brain

that has the effect ‘jamming’ its special ‘wavelength’ This takes place both consciously and sub-consciously, as intellectually and subliminally,

we are likely to take any number of false ideologies, theories and practices that are thrown at us by politicians, academics and economists.

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THE TRIUNE MEDITATION PROCESSThe following Triune meditative process is a positive approach to taking the first step

of attaining reaching that level by telling each brain to ‘shut down’ in the following manner in keeping with the known meditative importance of breathing

1. CORTEX [ Thoughts]

BREATHE IN : The Wisdom of God

BREATH OUT : and release all ‘toxic’ images – such as :

Negative thoughts

False ideologies

2. LIMBIC SYSYTEM [ Emotions ]

BREATHE IN : The Love of God

BREATH OUT : -and release all ‘toxic attitudes – such as :


Regrets and Envy

3. PHYSICAL [ Actions ]

BREATHE IN : the Will of God and Strength to do it

BREATH OUT : and release all ‘toxic’ weaknesses – inherent in :

Fears and anxiety

Impatience and Frustrations


BREATHE IN : The Peace of God

‘that passes all understanding’ -of the other three brains…


Continuing breathing slowly and purposefully and wait….. for :

A word

A name

A place

- to slip into conscious thought – as something requiring attention :

Immediately – In medium or long term –

Requiring further study or reflection

PersonologySmuts perceived the difference between the conscious intellectual and Holistic experiences :

“There is no such atomicity about mind; its action is throughout massive and holistic. Even below this massive and consolidative character, as we see in habits and instincts. On the conscious level, in spite of the analytic character of intelligence, the underlying and controlling processes are holistic, and systematically fuse lower structures of experience into higher, more complicated patterns, which have the character of wholes, irreducible to their original components.“Nothing could show more significantly the creative whole-making power of human personality. Thus arise the vast holistic structures of science, art literature and religion, with the still greater wholes of Truth, Goodness, Beauty and Love pointing the way to the future.

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Jan Smuts pleaded for the formation of a new Holistic Science of Personology - not as another sub-division of psychology, but as new and independent study

and synthesis of human personal experience and expression, to contrast with attempts at analyzing people which has landed us in an inextricable confusion that has vexed the

soul of philosophy for hundreds of years on the dichotomy between Mind and Body “The rehabilitation of the body is not the least of the magnificent services which science has rendered to human welfare. The body is worse than the spirit, and can be abused, just as the spirit can be perverted. It is the severance of body and spirit which makes ignoble use of either. Holism is the cure and the remedy alike for the abuse and perversion.

It is a matter for regret that in the search for psychological explanations of human behaviour that so many theories that have evolved in the subjects of psychology and philosophy

have all but receded into the portals of academe which use specialised languagewhich placed almost beyond the grasp of the ordinary individual, whereas, in fact

everyone has a ‘philosophy’ or set of convictions by which they act and judge others.

The concept of `mental imbalance' has been equated with insanity or derangement, Ultimately, the responsibility of our future evolutionary development has to move from the sphere of psychiatric studies to a personal and continuous evaluation

of every thought, emotion and action to which the brain either motivates or responds

Smuts saw Personology as a scientific synthesis of human nature that should form the crown of an evolutionary basis for a new Ethic comprising a truer spiritual outlook

“The fact is that the real indefinable quality of a true Personality is inward and is not reflected in the life of unrelieved externality which people live.”

This conviction can be realised through the Triune Brain and knowledge both of its imbalances and resolutions.

However in the context of the Triune Brain, being ‘unbalanced’ is a natural condition to be expected because each substrate, having its own genetic program,

determines how it relates to different situations, and my perceptions of reality. with each giving out different signals that in turn determine one’s general state of mental health

and just why it is so difficult to make all those Decisions… Decision… Decisions…...- in a kind of DIY Evolution Kit -as the following examples illustrate :

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When attacked physically or verbally, there is an instinctive reaction is to strike back, This pattern of behaviour occurs when an active person, who lacks both reason and insight,

subsequently over-reacts emotionally , which can lead to open aggression and an invitation to counter-aggression from another person which in turn can easily degenerate into a situation of No Control - that is typically found in a bar-room fight.

that can have no lasting resolution – indeed is more likely to have the conflict continued in other forms –[ See IMBALANCE 2. ‘ AGGRESSIVE REASON’ ]

Often, moralists who only see the effects of unresolved conflict tend to portray the emotions as something unruly and their repression as a virtue. However, there is a great difference

between arousing emotions instinctively and expressing them creatively. This difference is all too apparent amongst those artists who by whipping up their emotions

to a frenzy of exhibitionism, can confuse self-expression with self-indulgence. The composer Richard Rodgers, when asked the secret of the freedom with which

he created so many great melodies said :'To express something over which you have no control is no basis for art “

- or for anything else in life for that matter’.

Moreover, appeals by well-meaning people in telling an emotionally upset person ”to be reasonable” or to “pull themselves together” can also be counter-productive

and simply increase the already high levels of stress and conflict

Nor are emotions something necessarily to be repressed - but transmuted into that essentially positive Limbic factor of enthusiasm

As indicated, by Louis Pasteur who observed :“The Greeks understood the mysterious power of the hidden side of things.They bequeathed to us one of the most beautiful words in our language – the word ‘enthusiasm’- “En Theos” – the God within. The grandeur of human actions is measured by the inspiration from which they spring. Happy is he who bears a god within - and who obeys it. The ideals of art and science are lighted by the reflection from the infinite”

For in that positive state of Coherence, we can then consciously and enthusiastically retrain our senses to be more focused, joyful, peaceful, curious, appreciative and creative,

with the other two high-level faculties of reasoning and intuition in order to resolve a conflict situation

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The concept of ‘reason overcoming violence’ may seem an answer in a ‘Situation of No Control’But cortical reasoning can actually accentuate aggression when insight is lacking.

And can further be a perversion when reason is used for self-justification or in rationalizing a situation by looking for alibis or scapegoats for some personal mistake

and or looking for someone to blame.

This in turn can result in covert methods of attack or revenge, and the undermining of authority, reputations and even the whole culture of an organisation

thus damaging its reputation, human relations, group cohesion, trust and creative action


A common mistake is to believe that any product of insight must be relevant at the moment of realisation which can lead the energetic enthusiasm of an innovatorto rush into action without applying adequate reason, along with the necessary skills,

experience or attention to detail - which constitutes energetic Incompetence.which is most evident in ‘Protest Politics’ and street demonstrations that arise out of frustration

The search for thrillsA natural human imperative to extend the boundaries of our senses, experience and skills

The root of the thrill-seeking experience lies in two ways : in the contemplation of action that brings about a rush of adrenaline

and through a neural circuit, intimately involved in pleasure, that runs on dopamine, a neural transmitter of novelty seeking and the brain’s reward mechanism

for feel-good responses to food, drink, sex, drugs, gambling and recreation et al.

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A sense of a ‘thrill’ can also be interpreted as a threat that and an aversion to novelty. Using MRI brain scanning, Dr Carl Schwartz at Harvard found that anxious adults showed greater responses in the amygdale, a brain region that processes fearful

and threatening stimuli – back to the imperative of ‘Fight or Flight’

A great threat to humankind, according to Carl Gustav Jung in his closing years, is that of `mass action' when it becomes a collective emotional response

and an act of projecting one's own prejudices, aggressions and shortcomings of others. Above all we have to learn to shake off the kind of social paranoia

which is forever seeking alibis and scape-goats by casting blame on parents, teachers, employers and particularly politicians for personal circumstances and attributes,

which are really within ourselves and should be under our control, compared to those that are external to our direct influence.

The hypocrisy of the ‘Liberator of the Oppressed’.Social revolutions have invariably been led by middle class intellectuals

with a guilty conscience about the treatment of people beneath them whom they may secretly despise but use to support their personal ambitions

by leveling accusations against those above them, whom they envy.The revolutionary - whether motivated from idealism or envy

- assumes an attitude that says in effect :“You are in a possession of power over me- which I regard as unjust and oppressive. But if I was in a position of power over you, I of course would be noble, just and fair.”

They, forebear however to recognize in themselves the hypocrisy of a hidden inference that this state of affairs would be dependent upon the other accepting their concepts of ‘nobility, justice and fairness’ - otherwise of course

it would be their duty to discipline [i.e. oppress] them. As the dictum has it :“Plus ca change – plus cela meme chose”

– the more things change, the more they stay the same.

The ‘Anger Industry’The disillusionment, despair and anger that is current in society today can be traced, not merely

to economic and social circumstances, but to a general loss of purpose or meaning in life. What constitutes a purpose in life ?. In many people’s lives,

finding something to be angry about has become a kind of purpose or mission to them. Anyone who is not angry about something or somebody

has come to be regarded as a self-centred, unthinking or an uncaring person ‘Who does not want to face the realities of the day’ The result has been that Anger,

once considered a deadly sin has developed into a full-fledged industry. When anger is extended into politics, reasonableness is taken for weakness,

servility or capitulation and disagreement becomes a virtue, and its slogans are used as ‘blame-throwing’ weapons of judgment.

It takes very little intellect to be a critic or to point out life’s injustices This can often be a substitute for oneself having to act justly.

Indeed, moralizing can be a very self-satisfying experience as it places oneself above a situation, rather than in it, so that Injustices are not resolved because of the kind of intolerance

that prefers indignation to reason or the snarl to the smile, and because it automatically generates accusations and counter-accusations

which the anger industry has managed to perpetuate rather than solve problems Furthermore, this industry has been given added impetus

by certain psychologists who have produced some neat theories on the supposed advantages of expressing, rather than suppressing anger,

and by encouraging us to confront others and groups with our ‘true feelings’.Anger they tell us should be regarded as being synonymous with honesty.

But such theories that propagate ‘getting in touch with your feelings’ invariably provide justifications for flamboyant gestures.

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‘Letting it all out’ is a two-way process that is difficult to control and often only makes both people angrier, which in turn affects the body chemistry

and subsequent health of the individual. Anger therefore is the ‘cocaine of the emotions’ - a false energy that fools a person into believing they possess some convictions.

Clinical neurologists have determined It takes 6 to 8 hours to detoxify all the cortisol produced during 5 minutes of anger

Danaan Parry, a clinical psychologist and Director of the Earth Stewards Network has been vitally concerned that the critical human dilemma is the need to feel alive; to feel vibrant and to get the adrenaline flowing - even if it is going to risk life itself.

In other words, some people would rather feel alive than be alive.


“When a knock sounds on the door of opportunity - most people think It’s the wolf” [ANON]

Even when intuitive input may have produced a valid decision, it may not be pursuedfor the lack of personal motivation, and faced with doubt and indecision,

all the defensive and survival instincts of the Primal brain arise to block the idea While reason can devise tactics for resisting the change the idea suggests a Limbic lack of

appropriate emotional commitment, can respond with " What's the use.".attitude Alternatively, a person may think of a new idea or initiative, but for fear of the risks involved

or of being rejected or ridiculed, the idea is not transformed into action.

‘Gnosisphobia’Not being able to make a decision paradoxically also inhibits the capacity to make one.

For not making a decision - is also a decision which can have ill-considered consequences In times of stress, changing circumstances or confusion,

it is a common reaction for many people to `switch off' mentally. by which they then enter a state of `Gnosisphobia' that is simply a fear of knowledge,

in deciding what they don’t want to know.This condition is similar to the condition of Anorexia Nervosa

that develops from a fear of what food might do to the shape of their body. So with Gnosisphobia, knowledge is not taken in for fear of what it may do

to the shape of their thinking - and maybe their whole lives.

Such people are heard to say, "Don't tell me, I don't want to know." or " I don't read the newspapers any more."

The condition of Gnosisphobia is therefore a denial of any personal responsibility for events that can literally allow despots to get away – with murder.

So when an individual gives up their essential human responsibility for all their thoughts and actions, they are actually making themselves subject to a fate

even worse than physical slavery - mental slavery - in which they unknowingly hand over all important thinking and responsibility to others

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.At least the Gnosisphobic by choosing to be apathetic and not to be concernedor involved in the broader issues of life, can nevertheless become a victim

of any personal trauma, loss of a loved one or a job that can lead to depressionwhich Mother Theresa has defined, along with loneliness

as prominent diseases affecting the West

Indeed, the American Psychiatric Association has extended its list of diagnosed disorders from some 62 in 1952 to over 300 in 2005 whereby the medicalization of such ‘disorders’

has gradually replaced what was once were seen in a religious context of ‘seven deadly sins’.while the National Institute of Mental Health, in a 2005 survey

showed that forty million adult Americans exhibit anxiety disorderswith one in ten being medicated for some form of depression which at the current rate

is projected to be the number one disease in the US. This may be more cultural than clinical in that the United States constitution proclaims

the “Pursuit of Happiness” – which creates a pressure – to be ‘happy’. The response to which can be a “Happy-go-lucky” attitude of optimism.

in which the ‘American Dream’, to many has become a nightmare of failed expectations, a result of the complexity of our ‘civilized’ having too many options, too many choices

due no doubt to the consumer-led economy and advertising industry that factually feeds a constant state of dissatisfaction in people’s status, appearance or achievements.

Just as there clinical borderline between neurotic and psychotic states, so there is a one between being merely emotionally ‘off-colour’ and depressed

that can become a clinical Bipolar state of rapid or extensive changing from being wildly enthusiastic to being deeply depressed

Depression v HappinessThe result of clinical depression in effect is a close-down of the Triune Brain.

Physically they exhibit a slouched posture, a tired facial expression and tension of the jaws They just ‘give up’ - emotionally, becoming antisocial even withdrawing from friends or family.

Intellectually and culturally they lose interest and any sense of creativity. Being told to “Snap out of it” or “Pull yourself together” is probably the worst advice to receive

Learning to manage depression, according to Carla Hannaford, as a noted kinesiologistshe advises anyone to remember who they are masters of their lives not of circumstances.This means a restatement of one’s Triune consciousness and to embark on a programme

to get the body moving, walking, exercising and with the Brain Gym and to get the motions going with music, preferably playing it, as this will assist the spines on

the neurons of the hippocampus to re-grow and for the replacement of cells to develop.And truly laughter is the best medicine to break the spell of depression.

There is sufficient evidence that Hannaford quotes of an undue reliance on drugs of any natureas a correction of either condition of depression or hyperactivity

Especially, the best ‘cure’ is to find someone else who needs more help that will engage the frontal lobes in acts of compassion, empathy and altruism.

The philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote “Ask yourself if you are happy – and you cease to be”,Here, Lin Yutang has spoken of recognizing the myriad of moments in any day that is

when simply drinking a cup of coffee, or drinking in the sight of a sunset to stop - and simply ask oneself – “Ah is this not happiness“

This is where Triune Brain and knowledge of the Intuitive, Creative Process can bring a greater personal life management.

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An athlete cannot perform properly when off balance, and neither can the faculty of Creative Insight when the three brains are out of balance.

Considering how such imbalances inhibit creative insight – the question arises just how does anyone bring about the necessary rebalance?

We can see how important is the need for the `chairman' of our committee of three brains to keep them in order and to recognise when conflicts between its component parties occur.

This is preferable to having to call later upon a professional counselor to unravel the tangled skeins of mental confusion, caused by a mismatch of the three brains

to circumstances that can then result in a ‘nervous breakdown' when the brain is unable to relate to the circumstances of reality.

Many creative people end up deciding that it is not they themselves who do the creating – but a ‘muse’ or some other form of divine inspiration.

Traditionally we have been told to distrust our own thoughts and imaginings, as well as those who claim to talk to or receive divine messages from God.


Why we laugh and what we laugh at have intrigued and puzzled philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and even comedians themselves throughout the ages

The Triune relationship between humour and creativity is summarized by H.E Schmidt and D.J. Williams in their extensive research paper entitled

“HUMOUR AND ITS RELATION TO CREATIVITY” [ ‘Psychologia Africana’ Volume 13. No. 1 1969 ] :

“It would appear that humour is essentially cognitive, conative and affective and that it has been held up for examination from almost every angle It might well be called the tension-reducing oil which lubricates the mechanism called man, enabling his creative energies to be fully exercised. Much experimental evidence can be found to support this thesis that there is a strong link between humour and creativity. The possibility of man’s sense of developing, so that with his all-round growth in maturity his creativity may be heightened, is challenging”

To Peter Ustinov “Humour is just a funny way of being serious'.in that a ‘joke’ although appearing incongruous nonsense can contain a profound truth,

Holistically then, whatever creative ideas or actions are achieved these can only be the best both for the self, society and the planet

by allowing the Triune Brain’s Chairman / In-tutor to take over- but which can still be inhibited by a resistance to change

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The common factors in the imbalances of both Energetic Ignorance and Resistance to Change, are impatience and a fear of the future.

Here one person will want to change for fear of what will happen if they do not,while the other does not want to change out of fear of what will happen if they do.

which in the political arena is the Primal principle of fear that is the common denominator that will always negate or inhibit the courage that the creative process requires.

Change can be resisted when someone with insight comes into contact with someone who imagines that either their Primal territorial defenses, of intellectual property

or Limbic cultural allegiances are being threatened.It is a popular myth that inventors of `better mousetraps' will have people beating a path to their door

. Ideas are not generally welcomed for a number of reasons. They can be a threat to people in authority and even an unspoken insult or an affront to their

competence - the inference being that they or the existing order had been mistaken. This in turn could mean that they might have to change their own patterns of behaviour,

organization or thoughts that will call for changes in the organisation, which might mean putting them and their career at risk.

Then again, one may have a good idea (insight), but because of survival fears don’t get involved emotionally and take the action to make the changes necessary to succeed.

We may believe we would be more productive and creative in a different job, but don’t seek it out because we are afraid of losing our salary or retirement benefits.

No matter the questions or the excuses for resisting change, they are all the outcome of a defensive attitude occasioned by a lack of Insight and a lack of Limbic emotional commitment. No one is more insecure however,

than the person who cannot accept, adapt to, resolve or at best tolerate the process of change. . Academics are no less defensive of their intellectual territory and are known to be very

resistant to ideas that may run counter to their own or the professional norm.as the British scientists Dr P. Cotgreave observed :

“Today’s bureaucrats would rather make safe bets – backing tried and tested science than risk long shots and exploratory research even if it might be beneficial to all concerned.. Funding mechanisms have become so skewed that there is almost no discretionary funding to allow brilliant boffins to plough lonely furrows”.

Indeed, scepticism is extant universally “ Today, we’d ignore Einstein ” [ London Telegraph 01/10/2003 ]

“How would Newton, Darwin, Einstein and Mendel fare today if they were alive and working in Britain today? These superstars of science would be ignored, marginalized and unfunded, according to a growing number of researchers who are worried that their creativity is being strangled by conservatism and red tape.”

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What Price Research ?The reason for the establishment of INNOVARSITY was due to the Afro-pessimism

regarding anything emanating from Africa - in contradistinction to the well-known statement “Always something new out of Africa.” [ Africa semper aliquid novi [Pliny 1 A.D.]

Academically It has been said that ‘Stealing one person’s work is termed plagiarism but stealing ten is called research.’

Generally, South African institutions, industries, business, government and even academe having a history of non-appreciation and even suspicion

of the concept and meaning of basic innovative research,Firstly, there is what is termed ‘desk-top’ research,

which is a survey of as many existing examples from a study of ‘the literature’ / Internet. From such a list, the process goes on to assess ‘Best Practices’ from which to choose

rather than investing in something original. But as Machiavelli propounded :“There is nothing more difficult to carry out nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit from the old order and lukewarm defenders in all those who could profit by the new”

Secondly, there are countless historical examples of major corporations buying up patentsmore with the intention of preventing, than producing them.

Then there is a common imperative not to ‘rock the boat’ by supporting innovation that might fail. when the preference is rather to simply perform what is expected of them.

where it is also a common attitude of management to sit back and ‘see if it works’ instead of making a commitment to making it work.

As the eminent British scientists W.I. Beveridge stated in his book ‘The Art of Scientific Investigation’ [1957]

“In nearly all matters, the human mind has a strong tendency to judge in the light of its own experience, knowledge and prejudices. If the ideas are too revolutionary, that is to say, if they stray too far from the reigning theories and cannot be fitted into the current body of knowledge, they will not be acceptable”

Thirdly the R & D [Research and Development] in many companies is more inclined to spend time, energy and finance on expanding their existing markets

and modifying a product or substituting materials to reduce costs, than in exploring new ones.Another common response to a genuine innovation is to follow up any enthusiastic response with the immediate question “Where has it been done before ?” or another response being :

“That is an excellent idea. I am sure it will succeed, but you are five years ahead of your time. Come and see me again in five years.”

The evidence here is the lack of risk management that is prepared to invest the necessary time, energy and finance in the basic research of a new possibility.

But all challenges to an existing order carry with them the fear of both risk and failure. A visitor to Edison's laboratory was commiserating over his lack of a result after a

thousand experiments to find a suitable filament for the electric light bulb- to receive the reply, "What do you mean - `no results'- I now know of a thousand things that don't work !"

It takes a very well-balanced person to fail intelligently and to turn it to advantage, as it certainly takes a degree of insight to be able to minimize mistakes and even to predict them

Leonardo da Vinci was certainly not appreciated in his day. :“I am fully aware that the fact of my not being a man of letters may cause certain presumptuous people to think that they might with reason blame me, alleging that I am not a man of learning. Though I have no power to quote from others as they have, I shall rely on a far bigger and worthy thing - experience. They strut about, puffed up and pompous, decked out and adorned, not with their own labours but by those of others. If they despise me who am an inventor, how much more should they be blamed who are not inventors, but the trumpeters of others. Those who study only the authorities and not the works of nature, are the descendants, but not the sons of Nature.”

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This Triune Brain concept has had its critics however as being ‘simplistic’. Yet the reality is that the very complexity and multiplicity of academic books

and articles on the brain which has if anything added to the confusion. It is a further matter for regret that in humankind's search for explanations of human behaviour,

so many theories have evolved in the subjects of psychology and philosophy using specialized language that has placed these subjects almost beyond the grasp

of the ordinary individual, whereas in fact everyone has a ‘philosophy’ or set of convictions by which they act and judge others.

Academically, the normal process of acceptability has to wait until any concept or theory being submitted to a process of scrutiny, replication, peer review

and assessment prior to approval and implementation.

The Triune Brain ‘theory’ requires no such validation. Proof is entirely in the heart, brain and hands of anyone to discover its merits for themselves

from personal experience, with observation contemplation and testing - every day

This can be likened to the time when Faraday was asked by sceptics to define electricity that he had demonstrated [ which even today escapes science ]

- his response was simple and typical.

" Gentlemen, electricity just is - use it

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The work of MacLean therefore has profound implications for our confused human condition,but with some hope of restoring some coherence in all that we create.

For as noted, everything we do we create is a form of prosthesis. whereby a car is an extension of our feet, the radio an extension of our ears

and a telescope and television an extension of our eyes

So it can be seen how our inability to make all those ‘Decisions’ is constrained by the confusions engendered by our three conflicting ‘brains’

but also in attaining greater understanding of following aspects of :

LOVE. GD/1/2






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Paul D. MacLean PhD.After serving with the Yale Medical Unit in the South Pacific during World War II, MacLean conducted research on psychomotor epilepsy under a USPHS Fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. This led to his paper on the visceral system for which he later introduced the term “Limbic System” [1952] He returned to Yale in 1949b with a joint appointment in psychology and psychiatry. In 1957 he joined the Laboratory of Neurophysiology at the National Institute of Mental Health, heading a new section on the limbic system. He became chief of the Laboratory of Brain Evolution and Behaviour.

His investigations focused on the evolution of the forebrain in which he employed the expression “Triune Brain” for the amalgamation of the three main evolutionary developments a synthesis of which was published in 1990 as ‘The Triune Brain in Evolution’ [New York Plenum ]

Dr MacLean has published numerous papers have been published over the decades. [see bibliography ] and been the recipient of : The Distinguished Research Award of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease;

The Karl Spenser Lashley Award from the American Philosophical Society

The Anokhin Medal from the P.K. Anokhim Institute, Moscow.

He has served as editor of the Journal of Neurophysiology and was a founder member of the Association for Man-Environment Relations, New York.


MacLean. P.D.“WOMEN : A MORE BALANCED BRAIN ? [1995]National Institute of Mental Health [Maryland

MacLean. P.D.“EDUCATION AND THE BRAIN [1978] The National Society for the Study of Education [Illinois]

MacLean. P.D.“A MIND OF THE THREE MINDS : EDUCATING THE TRIUNE BRAIN. [1978]The National Society for the Study of Education [ Illinois]


MacLean. P.D.“THE TRIUNE BRAIN [1988]Encyclopedia of NeuroscienceBirkhauser : Boston.


MacLean. P.D.“THE BRAIN’S GENERATION GAP [1971]American Association for the Advancement of Science

MacLean. P.D.“HUMAN NATURE : DUALITY OR TRIALITY [1994]Politics and the Life Sciences

MacLean. P.D.“EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION AND DINOSAURSThe Ecology and Biology of Mammal-like Reptiles

MacLean. P.D.“NEUROBEHAVIOURAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MAMMAL [1980]National Institute of Mental Health [Maryland

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MacLean. P.D.“THE PARANOID STREAK IN MAN [1969]National Institute of Mental Health [Maryland ]


MacLean. P.D.NEOFRONTAL EVOLUTION : Some Fractal Aspects of Microgensis [1990]Springer Verlag


MacLean. P.D.SENSORY AND PERCEPTIVE FACTORS IN EMOTIONAL FUNCTIONS of the Triune Brain [1975 U.S. department of Health, Education and Welfare

MacLean. P.D.CONTEMPORARY SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR : Critical Issues in the 1970’sJohn Hopkins University Press. [Special Award Lecture]

MacLean. P.D.“BRAIN MECHANISMS OF PRIMAL SEXUAL FUNCTIONS and related behaviourU.S. department of Health, Education and Welfare

MacLean. P.D.“OBTAINING KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUBJECTIVE BRAIN”Reprint from ‘So Human Brain’ Anne Harrington

OTHER REFERENCESLove. DavidCharles Darwin, MacLean and the lost origins of “The Moral SenseWorld Futures. Vol. 40 ”[1994

de Soto , Hernando “‘The Mystery of Capital - Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else’ [2000].

Esser A.H“SOCIAL POLLUTION [1971]Social Education Vol 85 No.1.

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