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Gd oar 3.12

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General Diagnosis All material in this presentation is a copyright of Irene Gold Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved. OAR


All material in this presentation is a copyright of Irene Gold Associates, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


1. An 8 year old young boy presents with a red itchy eye lid and granulations seen on the rim of the lid. Which of the following fits this description?

a. Blepharitisb. Hordoleum c. Myxedemad. Pinquecula

2. Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause Horner's Syndrome?

a. Lytic metastasisb. Pancoast tumorc. Gastric carcinomad. Hodgkin’s disease

3. A patient who presents with Xanthomas should be investigated for which of the following?

a. Sjogren's diseaseb. Rheumatoid arthritisc. Arterial diseased. Hyperthyroidism

4. A female patient presents with muscle fatigue, irritability, and exophthalmosis bilaterally. Which of the following is the best diagnosis?

a. Cushing’s Diseaseb. Brain Tumorc. Nephritic Syndromed. Graves’ Disease

5. Which of the following cranial nerves is associated with ptosis?

a. CN 3b. CN 4c. CN 6d. CN 9

6. Which of the following examinations will yield the most information if the patient is complaining about tinnitus?

a. Eyeb. Abdominalc. Nose and Throat d. Head and Neck

7. A patient was diagnosed with an acute otitis media infection a few weeks ago and is now experiencing frequent dizziness. Which of the following is the best diagnosis?

a. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo b. Vestibular Lesionc. Cerebellar Lesiond. Meniere’s Disease

8. The patient complains about dizziness when they roll out of bed or change positions in the middle of the night. Which of the following is descriptive of the problem?

a. Vestibular Lesionb. Cerebellar Lesionc. Acoustic Neuromad. Semicircular Canal Lesion

9. A patient presents with complaints of feeling like he is rotating. He cannot hear as well as he used to, and he also has a constant ringing in his ears. Which of the following is the best diagnosis?

a. Meniere's Diseaseb. Inner Ear Infectionc. Middle Ear Infectiond. Acoustic Neuroma

10. Upon otoscopic examination you note that the patient has bulging of the tympanum with redness and dilation of blood vessels. Which of the following is most likely?

a. Otitis mediab. Otitis externac. Otosclerosisd. Eustachian tube block

11. A 12 year old boy presents with a past health history of chronic allergies. When you perform an examination of his nasal passages you find smooth round nodules. What is the best diagnosis?

a. Nasal Polypsb. Atrophic rhinitisc. Viral rhinitisd. Deviated septum

12. A 35 year old male patient presents with an enlarged skull, mandible, hands and feet. The most likely diagnosis is ____?

a. Acromegalyb. Gigantismc. Paget’s diseased. Congenital problem

13. Which of the following laboratory tests correlates with a diagnosis of Graves’ Disease?

a. Increased TSHb. Increased Thyroxinec. Decreased Thyroxined. Decreased Triiodothyronine

14. In the case history which of the following would be an appropriate follow up question for a patient with suspected migraine headaches

a. Does it come on at night?b. Do you have any tear

formation during the headache?

c. Does it come on at the end of the day?

d. Do you have any warning signs one is coming?

15. Which of the following conditions produces a hyperresonant percussive note over the chest wall?

a. Pleurisyb. Atelectasisc. Emphysemad. Asthma

16. Which of the following is the normal breath sound heard while auscultating the lung at the midclavicular line below the border of the heart?

a. Vesicularb. Trachealc. Bronchiald. Bronchovesicular

17. Which of the following is the first sign seen with bronchogenic carcinoma?

a. Hemoptysisb. Hoarsenessc. Coughingd. Orthopnea

18. An African American female presents with a cough and dyspnea. She states that she occasionally has night sweats. Upon radiographic examination bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy is observed. This best describes _____.

a. Hodgkin’s lymphomab. Sarcoidosisc. Tuberculosisd. Bronchogenic Carcinoma

19. A young boy has a cough that is worse at night , occasionally there is bloody mucus that appears. This is most likely due to ____?

a. Asthmab. Cystic Fibrosisc. Pneumoniad. Pertussis

20. A female patient complains of chest pain and tightness on her right breast near the sternum. She also has had a cough for the past two months. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Carcinomab. Angina pectoris c. Costochondritisd. Intercostal neuralgia

21. Which of the following is present in Hodgkin’s lymphoma?

a. Sternberg cellsb. Atypical lymphocytesc. Paul Bunnel cellsd. Aschoff bodies

22. Jugular venous pulsations are associated with which of the following presentations?

a. Tricuspid regurgitation b. Left ventricular hypertrophy c. Aortic stenosisd. Venous hum

23. Which of the following would cause Pulsus paradoxus?

a. Rib fractureb. COPDc. Constrictive Pericarditis d. Bronchogenic carcinoma

24. Which of the following is a normal finding about S2?

a. Splitting on Inhalationb. It is loudest at the apexc. It is an abnormal pulmonary soundd. Splitting on exhalation

25. Which of the following murmurs is best heard with the patient in the left lateral decubitus position?

a. Aortic valve b. Pulmonic valvec. Tricuspid valved. Mitral valve

26. Which of the following is a likely cause of right sided heart failure?

a. Cor pulmonale b. Rheumatic feverc. Hypertensiond. Hyperlipidemia

27. A patient that has had a history of right sided heart failure should be advised about which of the following?

a. Eliminate all exerciseb. Maintain stable body weightc. Always sleep semi recumbentd. Use caution when undergoing dental procedures

28. If a patient presents with edema of the left lower extremity, which of the following is most likely affected?

a. Arteries b. Veinsc. Capillariesd. Lymphatics

29. An atrial couplet precedes which of the following heart problems?

a. Atrial fibrillationb. Mitral stenosisc. Right Ventricle hypertrophyd. Left Ventricle failure

30. A female with chest pain enters the ER and when the lab work is interpreted the patient has an elevated CK-MB. Which of the following conditions presents with this laboratory finding?

a. Angina pectorisb. Printzmetal anginac. Myocardial infarctiond. Left sided heart failure

31. Where does ventricular depolarization occur on an electrocardiogram?

a. P waveb. QRS complexc. S-T segmentd. U wave

32. The patient presents with epigastric pain that refers to the lower thoracic spine. Which of the following conditions should be investigated?

a. Appendicitisb. Pancreatitisc. Hepatitisd. Cholecystitis

33. While performing an abdominal exam you do not hear any bowel sounds after auscultating for 5 minutes. Which of the following is indicated?

a. Paralytic ileusb. Irritable bowel syndromec. Regional ileitisd. Constipation

34. Which of the following is indicated with an elevated ESR?

a. Myocardial infarctionb. Multiple myelomac. Tissue damage d. Temporal arteritis

35. A female drug addict that is chronically sick and has a large and tender liver is most likely infected by which of the following?

a. Hepatitis Ab. Hepatitis Bc. Hepatitis Cd. Cirrhosis

36. What do you find associated with anemia that presents with jaundice:

a. B-12 deficiencyb. Hemolysis c. Anemia of chronic diseased. Bone marrow disorder

37. Which of the following tests is appropriate to run to monitor a patient with diabetes mellitus?

a. HbA1Cb. Fasting serum glucosec. Glucose tolerance testd. Urinary glucose test

38. A 40 year old female patient presents with 7/10 right upper quadrant pain after eating spicey pepperoni pizza. She also has nausea and vomiting but the pain is not relieved by vomiting. Which of the following is the cause of this finding?

a. Kidney stonesb. Gall stonesc. Bladder stonesd. Duodenal ulcer

39. A 45 year old overweight female has right scapula pain 60 minutes after eating fried chicken. This would most likely be seen with ____.

a. Nephrolithiasisb. Cholelithiasisc. Diverticulitisd. Regional ileitis

40. Which of the following is associated with a decrease in urine output?

a. Diabetes Insipidusb. Diabetes Mellitusc. Hypertensiond. Renal tumor

41. A patient has abdominal pain 2 hours after eating. He also reports having black tarry appearing stools. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Gastric ulcerb. Duodenal ulcer c. Pyloric stenosisd. Reflux esophagitis

42. A female patient with fatigue and weakness presents with a tan appearance but denies she has ever been tanning her skin. Which of the following conditions should be suspected?

a. Hepatitisb. Hemochromatosisc. Cushing’s diseased. Graves’ disease

43. Which of the following conditions is associated with a child that has previously had rheumatic fever?

a. Glomerulonephritisb. Nephrotic syndromec. Pyelonephritisd. Cystitis

44. Urethritis will present with which of the following findings?

a. Nitrites in urineb. Nitrates in urinec. Fatty casts in urined. Urinary hesitancy

45. A patient with low back pain and cystitis will have a pain referral pattern to the___________ region.

a. Flankb. Scapularc. Suprapubic d. Groin

46. Which of the following is a valid test to tell if the epididymis is fluid filled?

a. Transilluminationb. Palpationc. Auscultationd. Percussion

47. Which of the following is a method of measuring a patient’s pain level?

a. Algometryb. Audiometerc. Romerg’s testd. Hoover’s test

48. A male patient presents with a blue sac around his perianal region and bright red blood when he has a bowel movement. Which of the following is the correct diagnosis?

a. Herniab. Fissure in anoc. Hemorrhoidsd. Carcinoma

49. Which of the following is the best way to measure lung capacity?

a. Spirometryb. CT scanc. Echocardiogramd. Manometer

50. An overdose of _________ will cause paresthesias to occur.

a. Folateb. B3c. B6d. Retinol

51. Which of the following hormones can cause an imbalance in the circadian rhythm?

a. Melatoninb. Seratoninc. Estrogend. Testosterone

52. Which of the following cranial nerves can cause a patient to have bradycardia?

a. Trigeminal nerveb. Facial nervec. Glossopharyngeal nerved. Vagus nerve

53. What is indicated if a patient presents with copper wire arterioles, silver wire arterioles and AV nicking upon fundoscopic exam?

a. Papilledemab. Diabetic retinopathyc. Hypertensive retinopathyd. Retinal detachment

54. Which of the following segments of the spine would you adjust to relieve a cervicogenic headache?

a. C2/3b. C3/4c. C5/6d. C6/7

55. A patient presents with a headache, stiff neck, and sensitivity to bright light. When you lift her head to the chest while she is lying supine you note that the knees lift off of the table. Which of the following is the diagnosis given these findings?

a. Bacterial endocarditisb. Meningeal Irritationc. Multiple sclerosisd. Migraine headache

56.A male patient complains of a headache along with a runny nose and lacrimation. Which of the following is the best follow up question to ask him in order to correctly diagnose this condition?

a. Do you notice anything that occurs before an episode?b. Does this headache wake you up at night?c. Have you had a recent sinus infection?d. Does alcohol make your symptoms better?

57. Which of the following conditions will present with a decrease in tactile fremitus?

a. Pneumoniab. Bronchiectasisc. Bronchitisd. Emphysema

58. ________ describes the percussive note of an area of consolidation in the lung.

a. Resonateb. Dullc. Hyperresonantd. Tympanic

59. Upon physical examination you note that the patient has a wheeze like sound upon inspiration. Which of the following is descriptive of this finding?

a. Ralesb. Rhonchic. Wheezed. Stridor

60. Bilateral hyperlucent lung fields and flattened diaphragmatic domes are associated with ___________.

a. Atelectasisb. Bronchiectasisc. Emphysemad. Pneumothorax

61. Which of the following conditions involves the cardiophrenic angles?

a. Emphysemab. Bronchiectasisc. Pneumoniad. Chronic Bronchitis

62. A patient presents with left sided heart failure but does not have hypertension and denies taking any medications. Which of the following could be a cause of this condition?

a. Mitral stenosisb. Aortic stenosisc. Rheumatic feverd. Cor Pulmonale

63. Which of the following conditions would present with an increased alkaline phosphatase test?

a. Prostate cancerb. Osteomalaciac. Osteoporosis d. Bone malignancy

64. A condition involving the small intestines will refer pain to the __________.

a. Right lower quadrantb. Left lower quadrantc. Periumbilical regiond. Epigastric region

65. Which of the following conditions is characterized by an intolerance or allergy to gluten?

a. Ulcerative colitisb. Non-tropical spruec. Diverticulitisd. Spastic colon

66. A patient presents with severe abdominal pain and swelling. As you begin your abdominal exam you push into the abdomen and rapidly release the pressure. Which of the following has been performed?

a. Rovsing’s signb. Psoas signc. McBurney’s pointd. Rebound tenderness

67. Upon inspection of a female patient you note an increase in adipose tissue deposition in the lower cervical area. Which of the following should be suspected?

a. Addison’sb. Cushing’sc. Myxedemad. Grave’s

68. A patient presents with thin arms and legs, increased density of adipocytes in the abdomen, and a round obese face. Which of the following should be suspected?

a. Addison’sb. Cushing’sc. Myxedemad. Grave’s

69. Which of the following symptoms is associated with a pheochromocytoma?

a. Painb. Dilation of the pupilc. Inability to close the eyelidd. Palpitations

70. _______ is caused by an E. Coli infection in the urinary tract.

a. Pyelonephritisb. Glomerulonephritisc. Wilm’s tumord. Nephrosis

71. Upon palpation of the testicles you feel something similar to a bag of worms that diminishes when the patient lies supine. This is indicative of __________.

a. Spermatoceleb. Varicocelec. Hydroceled. Epididymitis

72. Which of the following conditions can cause male infertility?

a. Varicoceleb. Hydrocelec. Testicular cancerd. Benign prostatic hypertrophy

73. Which of the following physical exam procedures is used to differentially diagnose between a tumor and a hydrocele in the testicle?

a. Transilluminationb. Palpationc. Auscultationd. Have the patient cough

74. Upon palpation of the prostate it feels boggy, soft, large, and painful. Which of the following is indicated?

a. Acute prostatitisb. Chronic prostatitisc. Cancer of the prostated. Benign prostatic


75. Which of the following conditions is detected by transillumination?

a. Testicular cancerb. Prostatitisc. Varicoceled. Hydrocele

76. Which of the following does not transilluminate:

a. Testicular cancerb. Prostatitisc. Varicoceled. Hydrocele

77. A patient has pain in her legs while walking and the pain is relieved when she rests. Which of the following would most likely be seen with this patient?

a. Excess tobacco smokingb. Canal stenosisc. Varicose veinsd. Thin shiny skin

78. A patient presents with burning pain, skin sensitivity, and sweating following a sprained ankle 6 weeks ago. These symptoms are seen with ________________.

a. Ankle sprainb. Complex Regional Pain Syndromec. Infectiond. Malignancy

79. Which of the following vitamin deficiencies causes Petechiae?

a. Vitamin Kb. Vitamin Cc. Vitamin Ad. Vitamin D

80. An increased specific gravity indicates ______________.

a. Decreased hydrationb. Increased hydrationc. Increased Phd. Decreased Ph

81. An increase in ketones in the urine is characteristically seen with which of the following conditions?

a. A high fat dietb. A high protein dietc. Diabetes mellitusd. Hypoglycemia

82. Horner’s syndrome is caused by which of the following?

a. Sympathicotoniab. Vagotoniac. Parasympathetic Atoniad. Sympatheticotonia

83. A patient presents with circular red lesions on the mouth without having any previous vesicles. Which of the following is most likely?

a. Herpes simplexb. Thrushc. Leukoplakiad. Aphthous stomatitis

84. Which of the following B vitamin deficiencies is responsible for causing glossitis?

a. Folate (also correct)b. B12c. Thiamind. Riboflavin

85. Which of the following causes an extrapleural sign?

a. Intercostal neuritisb. Pulmonary edemac. Pericardial effusiond. Lobar pneumonia

86. Which of the following locations would tuberculosis metastasize to?

a. Elbowb. Shoulderc. Wristd. Skull

87. Asthma causes an increase in which of the following immunoglobulins?

a. IgEb. IgMc. IgGd. IgA

88. As you perform a physical examination on a male patient you note that there is 1.25” of chest expansion. This is most likely caused by which of the following?

a. Pleurisyb. Costovertebral Ankylosingc. Pneumoniad. Atelectasis

89. Upon physical examination you note the femoral pulses palpate weaker bilaterally than the radial pulses. Which condition will produce this result?

a. Congestive heart failureb. Coarctation of the aortac. Abdominal aortic aneurysmd. Deep vein thrombosis

90. Which of the following is involved when a patient is nodding their head?

a. Vertebral arteriesb. Aortic valvec. Parkinson’sd. NOT Aortic Arch

91. A condition that is caused by hypertension can also be caused by which of the following?

a. Aortic stenosisb. Pulmonic stenosisc. Tricuspid stenosisd. Mitral stenosis

92. Which of the following is the most common cause of portal hypertension?

a. Right sided heart failureb. Appendicitisc. Diverticulitisd. Cirrhosis of the liver

93. As you percuss in the last intercostal space in the left axillary line you hear a dull percussive note on sustained inhalation and sustained exhalation. Which of the following correlates with this finding?

a. Hepatomegalyb. Splenomegalyc. Gastric ulcersd. Diverticulitis

94. A patient has left lower quadrant pain, constipation, and periods of diarrhea. Which of the following is associated with these symptoms?

a. Rheumatoid arthritisb. Psoriatic arthritisc. Reiter’s syndromed. Enteropathic Arthritis

95. Which of the following is indicated when a patient presents with a cyanotic hand following lung surgery?

a. DeQuervain’sb. Raynaud’s phenomenonc. Carpal tunnel syndromed. Congestive heart failure

96. MCV of 64, Hb of 8, MCHC 30, increased TIBC, decreased ferritin are indicative of ________.

a. Thalassemiab. Pernicious anemiac. Iron deficiency anemiad. Megaloblastic anemia

97. If the parietal cells of the stomach are destroyed by disease ________ can occur.

a. Pernicious anemiab. Sickle cell anemiac. Aplastic anemiad. Cooley’s anemia

98. A 42 year old female presents with photosensitivity and a malar rash that gets worse in the sunlight. What lab would you run to make the correct diagnosis?

a. Antinuclear antibody testb. HLAB-27c. ESRd. C reactive protein

99. A deficiency in calcium in the bone is caused by which of the following?

a. Hyperthyroidb. Hyperparathyroidismc. Hypothyroidd. Hypoadrenal malfunction

100. The creatinine test is useful for evaluating which of the following?

a. Glomerular filtration rateb. Function in the calycesc. Metabolic acidosisd. Metabolic alkalosis

101. Which of the following is least affected by exercise?

a. Serum fibrinogenb. Lipid levelc. HDL leveld. LDL level

102. HLAB-27 will be positive in which of the following conditions?

a. The patient presents with a Lanois and swan neck deformity.b. The patient presents with a butterfly rash.c. The patient presents with urethritis and conjunctivitis.d. The patient presents with black tarry stools.

103. A venous hum heard over the abdomen is most commonly associated with ____.

a. Renal hypertensionb. Common iliac arteryaneurysmc. Cirrhosis of the liverd. Portal vein aneurysm

104. The Reed Sternberg cells are seen in conjunction with which of the following pathologies?

 a. Asthmab. Hodgkin’s diseasec. Mononucleosisd. Rheumatic fever

105. The patient is recovering from recent surgery and is now experiencing Hemoptysis. Which of the following should be investigated?

a. Mallory-Weiss syndrome

b. Bronchogenic carcinoma

c. Pulmonary embolismd. Allergy to anesthesia

106. What does absent of the Q wave on an electrocardiogram indicate?

 a. Cardiac ischemiab. Hemorrhagic

shockc. Myocardial

infarctiond. S3 splitting

107. Which of the following conditions is most apt to lead to infertility in males?

 a. Epididymitisb. Hydrocelec. Varicoceled. Precocious


108. Which form of Hepatitis is spread by dirty needles?

a. Ab. Bc. Cd. D


109. The patient complains about fatigue for the last two months. She states she is on a very strict vegan diet. Which of the following is most likely?

 a. Microcytic anemiab. Megaloblastic

anemiac. Normocytic anemiad. Decreased ferratin

110. Which of the following is the first sign that the patient has a kidney tumor?

 a. Flank painb. Dysuriac. Hematuriad. Proteinuria

111. Which of the following is associated with male infertility?

 a. Priapismb. Varicocelec. Hydroceled. Precocious puberty


112. Unilateral pitting edema is associated with which of the following?

 a. Arterial occlusionb. Venous occlusionc. Congestive heart failured. Nephrosis

113. Telangectasia is associated with a ____vitamin deficiency.

a. Ab. B12c. Cd. D


114. Which of the following diseases is most commonly associated with pink frothy sputum?

 a. Pneumoniab. Emphysemac. Congestive heart failured. Pulmonary embolism

