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Geas Answer

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GenEng Test193 / 728 or 27% However, you skipped 4 questions Subject total: 744 Subtotal:

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13. A specialst's right to oversee lower level personnel involved in that specialty ; regardless of where the personnel are in the organzation. You answered: Line authority Incorrect! Correct Answer : Head authority


the central part of an atom is called the You answered: hub Incorrect! Correct Answer : nucleus


A committee created for a short-term purposeand have a limited life. You answered: Standing committee Incorrect! Correct Answer : Add hoc committee

16. A novation where another person is sustained in place of the debtor or he is subrogated to the rights of the creditor. You answered: Substitute novation Incorrect! Correct Answer :

Real novation

17. what type of stress is produced whenever the applied load caused one section of a body to tend to slide past is adjacent section? You answered: shearing stress Correct! 18. Under guidelines for the registration of VoIP service providers and resellers, each VoIP service provider shall post a performance bond in the amount of ______ to guarantee the delivery ofVoIP service to the public. You answered: P5 million Correct! 19. A group of activities designed to facilitate and expedite the selling of good and services. You answered: Advertisement Incorrect! Correct Answer : Marketing

20. Refers to the process of ascertaining whether organization objectives have been achieved and determining what activities should then be taken to achieves better in the future You answered: Controling Incorrect! Correct Answer : Inspection

21. Lead acid or similar gas emitting battry installations where the aggregate power exceeds ______ 5 kilowatts shall be located in a properly ventilated room seperated from the equipment room or location where people are staying. You answered: 5 kW Correct! 22. it has the stock to prior rightto dividends. It usually does not bring voting right to the owners and the dividend is fixed and cannot be higher than the specified amount

You answered: non par value stock Incorrect! Correct Answer : preferred stock


A contracat that is perfected by delivery of the thing which is the object of the contract. Skipped


For provicial stations, AM radio prime time is the time You answered: 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM Incorrect! Correct Answer : all of the above

25. the property of metals that allows them to be drawn into thin wires beyond their elastic limit without being rupture is called You answered: hardness Incorrect! Correct Answer : malleability


An organized strategy for protecting and concerving assets and people. You answered: Risk management Correct!

27. is the loss of value of the equipment with use over a period of time. It could mean a difference in value between a new asset and the use asset currently in a service. You answered: loss Incorrect! Correct Answer : depreciaton


A juridical necessity to give, to do, or not to do.

You answered: Contracts Incorrect! Correct Answer : Obligation


If the mass of an object is doubled, its acceleration due to gravity would be You answered: doubled also Incorrect! Correct Answer : unchanged


A permanent committee that deals with issues on an going basis. You answered: Sinking committee Incorrect! Correct Answer : Standing committee


The condition in which the temperature is the same throughout the entire system is called: You answered: mechanical equilibrium Incorrect! Correct Answer : thermal equilibrium

32. Requisites of obligations that refres to a person from whom prestation is demandable or known as the debtor or obligator. You answered: Passive subject Correct! 33. what kind of chemical bond will from in binary compounds where the electronegativity difference between atoms is greater than 2.0 You answered: covalent bond Incorrect! Correct Answer :

ionic bond

34. On a sunny day at the beach, the sand gets so hot and the water stays relatively cool is due to the diffrence in______of water and sand. You answered: depth Incorrect! Correct Answer : specificheat

35. A novation where there is a change in the person of the parties and the objects or modification of principal condition You answered: Mixed novation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Personal novation


the sum of all the costs necessary to prepare a constructionproject for operation. You answered: construction cost Correct!


who introduced the modulus of elasticity "also known as young's modulus in 1807? You answered: lord young Incorrect! Correct Answer : thomas young

38. these are products or services that are required to support human life and activities that will be purchased in somewhat the same quantity event though the price varies considerably. You answered: commodities Incorrect! Correct Answer :


39. the property of an object that determines the direction of heat flow when in contactwith another object is called You answered: pyrexia Incorrect! Correct Answer : temperature


In aerial entrance, minimum clearance over areas accessible to pedestrians only, must be ____. You answered: 3.5m Correct!

41. A type of compensation that takes place when the obligations are of the same amount and compensation extinuishes the obligations entirely. You answered: Total compensation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Legal compensation

42. the straight-line portion of the stress-strain diagram has slope equal to the ____________ of the material You answered: compressitivity Incorrect! Correct Answer : modulus of elasticity


A kind of solidary when it exists among the creditors only. You answered: Active Solidarity Correct!

44. A five-minute program shall have a maximum of _______ commercial minutes within Metro Manila. You answered: 1 min and 15 sec



in oxidation-reduction or redox reaction, the component receiving the electrons is called You answered: oxidant Correct!

46. Damages which are small and trivial sums awarded for a technical injury due to a violation of some legal right, and as a consequence of which some damages must be awarded to determine the right. You answered: Nominal Damages Correct! 47. Refers to communication facilities installed below thw surface of the earth. You answered: underneath Incorrect! Correct Answer : underground


a reaction in which heat is produced is called You answered: isothermic Incorrect! Correct Answer : exothermic


Type of distribution system that provides concealment of the wires with the least flexibility. You answered: Cellular floor system Incorrect! Correct Answer : Conduit System


The minim um size for service-box is You answered: 0.19m x 1.23m x 1.21m Incorrect!

Correct Answer : 0.91m x 1.22m x 1.19m


The maximum number of components that a single force may be resolved into is You answered: four Incorrect! Correct Answer : two


When the person has to give rewards to anybody who follows orders or requests, it termed as: You answered: Coercive power Incorrect! Correct Answer : Reward power

53. An obligation whose consequences are subjected in one way or the other to the expiration of said term. You answered: Pure obligation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Obligations with a period


The fluid pressure is the same in all directions. This is known as ______ You answered: Pascal's Principle Correct!

55. It is a docoment that indicates the human resource needs of a company detailed in terms of quantity and quality and based on the requirements of the company's strategic plan. You answered: Human Resource Management Plan Incorrect! Correct Answer :

Financial Plan


the isotope of hydrogen with two neutrons is called You answered: politium Incorrect! Correct Answer : tritium

57. A half-hour program shall have a maximum of _______ commercial minutes outside Metro Manila. You answered: 1 min and 30 sec Incorrect! Correct Answer : 8 min and 30 sec 0 of 0 required answer options correct (1 too many selected)


If the mass of an object coud be doubled, then its inertia would be You answered: quadrupled Incorrect! Correct Answer : doubled


A _______ is a person from whom a piece of news orginates. You answered: primary source Correct!

60. Under the rules and regulation on the allocation and assignment of 3G radio frequency bands, existing duly authorized cellular mobile telephone service providers opting to upgrade their networks to 3G using their existing assigned radio frequencies, shall pay annual SUF ___ for the first 10MHz x 2 radio frequency band plus _____ for each additional 1MHz x 2 or fraction thereof of radio frequency in excess of the first 10MHz x 2. You answered: PhP15M ;PhP2M Incorrect! Correct Answer :

PhP35 ; PhP 4M

61. Any of a variety of elecrtronic devices that is capable of accepting data, programs and/or intructions, executing the programs and/or intructions to process the data and presenting the results. You answered: Laptop Incorrect! Correct Answer : Computer

62. Define as wire or cables entering the building, terminated to the man cross connecting point within the building from the nearest telephone facility. You answered: service entrance Correct! 63. Under guidelines for the registration of VoIP service providers and resellers, the code for local access 3G network provider is You answered: 405 Incorrect! Correct Answer : 400


The minimun size for non-vehicular handholes is You answered: 0.19m x 1.23m x 1.21m Incorrect! Correct Answer : 0.61m x 0.91m x 0.73m

65. An acid neutalizing agentsuch as ______should be stored and available in battry rooms for use in accidental electrolyte or acid spillage. You answered: flour Incorrect! Correct Answer :

caustic soda


The following are requisites of contracts except You answered: Cause of contract Incorrect! Correct Answer : Effect of contract


rutherford model of an atom had failed to explain You answered: the positiion of protons and neutrons Correct!


which of the following statements is correct concerning the passage of white light into a glass You answered: the violet color travels faster than red color Incorrect! Correct Answer : the violet color travels slower than the red color

69. A mass is revolving in a circle which is in the plane of paper. The direction of centripetal acceleration is along the radius: You answered: away from the center radius Incorrect! Correct Answer : at the right angle to angular velocity


When sugar is added to water, its boiling point You answered: increase Incorrect! Correct Answer : decrease


the maximum safe stress a material may carry is called You answered: allowable stress Incorrect! Correct Answer : working stress

72. For underground entrance, conduits should be separated from power conduits by not less than ____ in well-tamped earth. You answered: 50mm Incorrect! Correct Answer : 300mm


the atoms which have the same number of neurtrons but different mass numbers are called You answered: homologues Incorrect! Correct Answer : isotones

74. Entities intending to register as a VoIP service provider are required to pay a registration fee of: You answered: P500 000/year Incorrect! Correct Answer : P50 000/year

75. A classification of contracts as to its "cause" where the cause is the mutual undertaking or promise of either of the contracting parties. You answered: Gratuitous Contract Incorrect! Correct Answer :

Onerous Contract


Within Metro Manila, class D aritime classificatio in FM radio is within: You answered: 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM Incorrect! Correct Answer : 12 Midnight to 5:00 AM


Refers to the uncertainty concerning loss or injury. You answered: Risk Correct!

78. It is the sum of menoy which the law awards or imposes as percuniary compensation, recompense, or satisfaction for an injury done or a wrong susurained as a consequence either of a breach of a contractual obligation or tortious act. You answered: Injury Incorrect! Correct Answer : Damages


The moment of inertia of a triangle with respect to to its base "b" is You answered: bh3 Incorrect! Correct Answer : bh12


Which of the following is not a trait of an effective leader: You answered: A high level of personal drive Incorrect! Correct Answer : Greedy

81. In a polar coordinate system , the length of the ray segment from a fixed origin is known as ____. You answered: hypotenus Incorrect! Correct Answer : radius vector

82. The size of the underground entrance within the building shall be no case smaller than ____ in diameter when the service entrance does not require use of a service box. You answered: 50mm Incorrect! Correct Answer : 75mm

83. A type of compensation that takes place when the two obligations are of different amounts and a balance remains unextinguished after the compensation You answered: Legal compensation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Partial compensation

84. Defined as the management function that determines human resource needs,recruits,selects,train, and develops human resource for job created by an organization. You answered: Staffing Correct! 85. A contract which is absolutely without legal force or effect. You answered: Void or Inexistent contract Incorrect! Correct Answer : Voidable contracts


Entities intending to register as a VoIP service provider are required to pay a filing fee of:

You answered: P100 Incorrect! Correct Answer : P180


it is defined as the capacity of a commodity to satisf human want. You answered: luxury Correct!

88. Under the exception proviso stipulated in this particular Section 18, Article III R.A. No. 9292 those who have been registered and licensed as Electronics and Communications Engineers under Republic Act No. 5734 for at least ________ years upon the effectivity of R.A. No. 9292 are qualified to register as PECE. You answered: five Incorrect! Correct Answer : seven

89. Defined as communicating information between seller and potential buyer to influence attitudes and behavior You answered: Sales promotion Correct! 90. the concept that electrons revolve around the nucleus in specific paths called orbits or energy levels was proposed by You answered: rutherford Incorrect! Correct Answer : neils bohr

91. the element that a compoundis composedof are present in fixed and precise proportion by mass. This is known as? You answered: the law of multiple proportion Incorrect! Correct Answer :

the law of constant composition

92. To register for Electronics Technicians (ECT), he/she must have rendered at least _______ years (inclusive or aggregate) of active self-practice and/or employment either in the Government or private sector. You answered: seven Correct! 93. an obligation with no condition attached is called You answered: gratuitous Correct! A contract that has not yet performed. You answered: Executory contracts Correct!



This type of planning is undertaken by middle management. You answered: Strategic planning Incorrect! Correct Answer : Intermediate Planning

96. All stations shall actively promote the growth and development of filipino music. Radio stations are encouraged to schedule ________ OPM's every clockhour. You answered: 2 Incorrect! Correct Answer : 4

97. A function of an engineer where the engineer undertakes the activity of turning a product concept to a finished physical term. You answered: Research Incorrect!

Correct Answer : Manufacturing


At a given pressure, the temperature at which pure substance changes phase is called You answered: triple point Incorrect! Correct Answer : saturation temperature

99. A kind of condition which suspends the demandability of the obligation until the fulfilment of the condition You answered: Reciprocal obligation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Suspensive condition

100. It is the meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself with resprct to the other to give something or to render some service You answered: Condition Incorrect! Correct Answer : Contracts

101. A stage of a contract that refers to the time when the minds of the parties meet in agreement upon the object or subject matter as well as tot the price or consideration. You answered: Perferction or birth Correct! 102. A type of a promotion where a paid message appers in mass media for the purpose of informing or persuading people about particular product,service,beliefs,or action You answered: Publisity Incorrect! Correct Answer :


103. When a person compels with orders through treats or punishment. You answered: Referent power Incorrect! Correct Answer : Coercive power

104. Insulated wires, used to run a subcriber's line from the terminal on pole to the protector at the house or building. You answered: dropline Incorrect! Correct Answer : dropwire

105. The instrument, which measures temperature by radiation, is called You answered: thermopile Incorrect! Correct Answer : pyrometer

106. Refers to the management function that involves anticipating future trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational objectives. You answered: Planning Incorrect! Correct Answer : Supervision

107. The periodic oscillations either up or down or back and fourth motion in straigth line is known as _______. You answered: transverse harmonic motion

Incorrect! Correct Answer : translational harmonic motion

108. With Metro Manila, Class C airtime classification in AM radio is within: You answered: 9:00 AM to 4:00 AM / 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Incorrect! Correct Answer : 9:00 PM to 12 Midnight

109. Within Metro Manila, class A aritime classificatio in FM radio is within: You answered: 9:00 PM to 12 Midnight Incorrect! Correct Answer : 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM

110. An infortant factor for a company to locate in places where they can be easily reached by their customers. You answered: Place Correct! 111. stress caused by forces perpendicular to the areas on which they act is called You answered: shearing stress Incorrect! Correct Answer : normal stress

112. it describes the length elasticityof the material You answered: modulus of compressibility Incorrect! Correct Answer :

young's modulus or tensil modulus

113. Outside Metro Manila, Class B airtime classification in AM radio is within: You answered: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Incorrect! Correct Answer : all of the above

114. The work done by all forces except the gravitational force is always equal to the _____of the system. You answered: total kinetic energy Correct! 115. The spectrum user fee FOR UNPAIRED 3G RADIO FREQUENCY BANDS for each additional 1Mhz or fraction thereof excess of the first 15MHz_______ You answered: PhP6,000,000.00 per MHz Incorrect! Correct Answer : PhP12,000,000.00 per MHz

116. Commercial placement of competing products, services or firms in radio standards: You answered: A and B Incorrect! Correct Answer : shall not be placed within the same cluster

117. the conditio in which the total income equals the total operating expenses. You answered: par value Incorrect! Correct Answer : break even

118. the word proton comes from the greek word "protons" meaning You answered: with positive charge Incorrect! Correct Answer : of first importance

119. a market situation where there is only one seller and one buyer. You answered: monopoly Incorrect! Correct Answer : bilateral monopoly

120. the ratio of density of the test liquids to the density of a reference liquids is called. You answered: relative weight Incorrect! Correct Answer : specific gravity

121. A commercial following the close of the program is called: You answered: hitch-hiker Correct! 122. It is responcible for the procurement and administration of funds with the view of achieving the objectives of business. You answered: Capital Incorrect! Correct Answer : Finance

123. a wrongful act that causes injury to a person or property and for which the law allows a claim ny the injured party to recover damages. You answered: fraud Incorrect!

Correct Answer : tort

124. In aerial entrance, the minimum clearance from ground level when crossing the street must be ____ . You answered: 6.6m Incorrect! Correct Answer : 5.5m

125. Momentum is a property related to the object's_____. You answered: mass and acceleration Incorrect! Correct Answer : motion and mass

126. At the boiling point of a liquid, the vapor pressure You answered: is equal to external pressure on the surface of the liquid Correct! 127. A type of compensation that takes place when the court permits the counter claim of the defendant as against the claim of the plaintiff. You answered: Partial compensation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Judicial compensation

128. With the reference to the thermodynamic diagram of temperature-entropy(TS) what is represented by the area under the diagram? You answered: temperature differece Incorrect! Correct Answer :

heat transferred

129. A form of comunication transmitted through hearing or sight. You answered: Verbal Correct! 130. the density of water is You answered: maximum at 4C Correct! 131. The process of planning, organizing, and controlling operation to reach objective efficiently and effectively. You answered: Planning Incorrect! Correct Answer : Operation management

132. Damages that are reasonable compensation for the injury. You answered: Actual or Compensatory Damages Incorrect! Correct Answer : Temperate or Moderate Damages

133. when a body resistant to heat, is called You answered: thermoplastic Incorrect! Correct Answer : thermoduric

134. All application for the assignment of 3G radio frequency bands shall post performance bond equivalent to You answered: PHP300M Incorrect!

Correct Answer : PHP100M

135. With Metro Manila, Class A airtime classification in AM radio is within: You answered: 5:00 AM t 9:00 AM/4:00PM to 7:00 PM Correct! 136. the value of the stock as stated on the stock certificate You answered: par value Correct! 137. the property of fluids by virtue of which they offer resistance to flow is known as You answered: viscosity Correct! 138. Unsubscribing from future unsolicited commercial and promotional advertisement, survey and other broadcast push messages You answered: sign out Incorrect! Correct Answer : opt-in

139. It includes the tangible (or intangible) items and its capacity to satisfy a specified need. You answered: Product Correct! 140. The Board may, ______ years after the recovation of a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card, upon application of the party concerned and for reasons deemed proper and sufficient, reinstate the validity of a revoked Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card, subject to compliance with the applicable requirements of the Commission and the board. You answered: four Incorrect! Correct Answer :


141. Program interruption for the airing of commercial in Metro Manila shall not exceed ______ breaks in every program hour. You answered: 6 Correct! 142. Refers to the process of activating behavior,sustaining it, and directing it toward a particular goal. You answered: Praising Incorrect! Correct Answer : Motivation

143. The movement from one position to another which has less pay or responsibility attached to it. It is used as a temporary measure to keep an employee until he is offered a hihger position. You answered: Transfer Incorrect! Correct Answer : Demotion

144. A period established by law You answered: Legal period Correct! 145. The pressure applied to a confined fluid increases the pressure throughout by the same amount. This is best known as You answered: Pascal's principle Correct! 146. Echo is formed as a result of Skipped 147. What is the momentum of inertia of a circle of radius r? You answered: 12

Incorrect! Correct Answer : 4

148. A series of states through which a system passes during a process is called the of the process You answered: state Incorrect! Correct Answer : path

149. Allow user to send and receive messages containing images, videos audio and text. You answered: Multimedia Messaging Service Correct! 150. The potential difference at any time between two points on the floor or earth surface seperated by a distances of one pace, or about one meter, in the direction of maximum potential gradient shall be no greater than. You answered: 25 volts rms AC 115 volts DC Incorrect! Correct Answer : 45 volts rms AC 135 volts DC

151. Mass per unit volume is You answered: pressure Incorrect! Correct Answer : density

152. A remission when the waiver or renounciation refres only to a part of the obligation. You answered: Implied Incorrect! Correct Answer :


153. which group is known as a halogens You answered: group II Incorrect! Correct Answer : group V

154. A nature of obligation under civil code which is legally demandable and the courts of justice may compel their performance. You answered: Natural Obligation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Civil Obligation

155. Allow one to send same SMS/MMS messages to a large number of mobile phone You answered: Short Messaging Service Incorrect! Correct Answer : Broadcast Messaging Service

156. The official seal/logo of the Board which is circular in shape, consisting two concentric circles, with the inner circle measuring ________ in diameter. You answered: 32 mm Incorrect! Correct Answer : 48 mm

157. Sound waves in air are You answered: Stationary Incorrect! Correct Answer :


158. an market situation in which two powerful groups of organizations diminate commerce in ne business market or commodity. You answered: bilateral oligopsony Incorrect! Correct Answer : duopoly

159. A device ussed in electrical systems to protect againts excessive current. You answered: Grounding Incorrect! Correct Answer : fuse

160. the components resulting from the reaction are called? You answered: products Correct! 161. decreases in the value of a physical property due to the passage of time. You answered: depletion Incorrect! Correct Answer : depreciation

162. Moment is the product of mass and_____. You answered: acceleration Incorrect! Correct Answer : velocity

163. Water starts boiling when You answered: its saturated vapor pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure Correct! 164. Type of distribution system comprises of two distinct components, distribution cells and feeder(header) ducts. Depending on the floor structure, the distribution cells may be constructed of steel or concrete. You answered: Under floor duct system Incorrect! Correct Answer : Cellular floor system

165. In the Seal of Professional Electronics Enginner, the portion of the inner circle below the diametral space shall bear You answered: the license number Incorrect! Correct Answer : name of the person holding the Professional Electronics Engineer license

166. This type of organizationis very effective in smaller firms especially "singel business firm where key activities revolve around well-defined skill and areas of specialization. You answered: Product or market Organization Correct! 167. This is used to divert undesired currents before they reach the equipment being protected and often are installed both and some distance away from te protected equipment. You answered: resistance limiting Incorrect! Correct Answer : Grouding

168. In the official seal/logo of the Board, the upper part of the annular space bear the words. You answered: LICENSE NO.


169. It is the provision of a grounded electrical conducting material located such that foreign potential will be intercepted and surge currents diverted to ground with least damage to plant equipment possible. You answered: Shielding Correct! 170. the anions and cations which are unaffected by the reaction in solution are called You answered: neutral ions Incorrect! Correct Answer : spectator ions

171. RA 9292 is a consolidation of House Bill No. _______ and Senate Bill No. _______. You answered: 5447; 458 Incorrect! Correct Answer : 5224; 2683

172. A type of service entrance that serves as means of providing service aerially from a pole to a building. You answered: Handhole Incorrect! Correct Answer : Aerial entrance

173. A period agree to by the parties You answered: Legal period Incorrect! Correct Answer :

Voluntary period

174. A tension menber (of solid or standed wires) used to withstand an otherwise unbalanced force on a pole or overhead line strutures. You answered: short Incorrect! Correct Answer : guy

175. What keeps an earth satelite moving on its orbit? You answered: Gravitational attraction of sun Incorrect! Correct Answer : Gravitational attraction between satelite and earth

176. Refers to the approach that seeks efficiency of operation through intergration of all material acquisition,movement, and storage activities in the firm. You answered: Work Incorrect! Correct Answer : Pechasing and material management

177. Refers to attracting qualified persons to apply for vacant positions in the campany so that those who are best suited to serve the campany may be selected. You answered: Recruitment Correct! 178. Refers to evaluation of alternatives using intuition and subjective judgement. You answered: Subjective evaluation Incorrect! Correct Answer :

Relative evaluation

179. A function of an engineer where the engineer may find employment in the government performing any of various tasks in regulating,monitoring,and controlling the activities of various institutions,public or private. You answered: Sales Incorrect! Correct Answer : Construction

180. The spectrum user fee for UNPAIRED 3G RADIO FREQUENCY BANDS for the first 5MHz is __________ You answered: PhP8,000,000.00 per MHz Incorrect! Correct Answer : PhP6,000,000.00 per MHz

181. A closet which is 1200mm more in depth. You answered: raised closet Incorrect! Correct Answer : walk in closet

182. The amount of heat which is absorbed during the change of state of a subtance without rise in its temperature is called its You answered: Specific heat Incorrect! Correct Answer : Latent heat

183. the property which permits the flow of current under the action of a potentialdifference is called You answered: permeance

Incorrect! Correct Answer : conductance

184. the emmision of light by a material cause of its high temperature is known as You answered: incandescence Correct! 185. Smoking ang storing of inflammabe materials is prohibited in battry rooms and"NO SMOKING" signd should be posted________. You answered: before entering battery rooms Incorrect! Correct Answer : Both A and C

186. The boundary of a control volume system is called a You answered: control surface Correct! 187. the tendency of atoms to atrract electrons into their valence shells to form anions is described by the concept of You answered: electronegativity Incorrect! Correct Answer : electrons affinity

188. A more aggressive means of promoting the sales of a product or a service. You answered: Personal setting Correct! 189. An assembly of cellular metal or concrete floor raceways units forming part of a continous floor structure. You answered: Conduit system Incorrect!

Correct Answer : Cellular floor raceways

190. A plan which sets forth the projected expenditure for a certain activity and explains where the required funds will come from. You answered: Project Incorrect! Correct Answer : Budget

191. A type of compensation that takes place when there is compensation by agreement of the parties as in the case of mutual set off of accounts You answered: Partial compensation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Voluntary compensation

192. A type of division that depends on quantity rather than quality You answered: Ideal Incorrect! Correct Answer : Quantitative

193. Thecancellation or revocation of accreditation of individual employee, and recommendation for expulsion from KPB membership and, recommendation to the NTC for the cancellation of permit to operate the station, for improper placement of advertisement shall be given for: You answered: third offense Incorrect! Correct Answer : fourth offense


A legal wrong, committed through fault or negligence, on a person or property, independent of

contract. You answered: Obligation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Quasi-delicts

195. 500 gm of water at 4C occupies a certain volume V. Which of the following statements is correct? You answered: It will weigh less than one pound of water at 0C Incorrect! Correct Answer : Its volume will decrease when its temperature is lowered

196. The last step is Decision making process is to You answered: Make a choice Correct! 197. A classification of contracts as to its "cause" whre the cause is the pure liberality of the giver. You answered: Onerous Contract Incorrect! Correct Answer : Gratuitous Contract

198. Commercial load for radio shall not exceed ______ for one hour program outside Metro Manila. You answered: 17min Correct! 199. it is sometimes called the second hand value Skipped 200. Who wrote the first thermodynamic textbook in 1859? You answered: Lord Kelvin Incorrect!

Correct Answer : William Rankine

201. An opening in an underground run or a system into which workers reach, but do not enter. You answered: manhole Incorrect! Correct Answer : handhole

202. Each registered VoIP service provider shall be assigned a VoIP service prefix __________ You answered: 09xx Correct! 203. The vertical space reserved along the side of a pole or lower to permit ready access for linemen to equipment and conductors located thereon. You answered: pole Incorrect! Correct Answer : climbing space

204. An obligation wherein various things are due, but the payment of one of them is sufficient, determined by the choice which as a general rule belongs to the obligor. You answered: Condition Incorrect! Correct Answer : Alternative obligation

205. the maximum number of electrons, the frist energy level can accommodate in an aton is You answered: thirty two Incorrect! Correct Answer :


206. which of the following is a method of determining the bar force of a truss member You answered: method of section Incorrect! Correct Answer : all of the above

207. A nature of obligation under civil code based on morality, natural law and conscience, they are not legally demandable. You answered: Natural Obligation Correct! 208. When a substance is heated, its You answered: molecules move more rapidly Correct! 209. the modulus elasticity of steel is You answered: 200 Gpa Correct! 210. The ratio of the density of a substance to the density of some standard substance at a specified temperature is called You answered: specific gravity Correct! 211. The official seal/logo of the Board which is circular in shape, consisting two concentric circles, with the outside circle measuring _______ in diameter. You answered: 45 mm Incorrect! Correct Answer : 48 mm


RA 9292 was finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on.

You answered: 5-Mar-05 Incorrect! Correct Answer : 2-Feb-04

213. The range of the frequencies reclassified for the extension of the UHF TV broadcast band under MC 04-07-2005 is_______ You answered: 54-88 MHz Incorrect! Correct Answer : 674- 698 MHz

214. an association of two or more idividuals for the purpose of engaging business for profit. You answered: single proprietorship Incorrect! Correct Answer : partnership

215. the pairs of electrons not shared in the covalent bond are called You answered: nonbonded electrons or lone pairs Correct! 216. Under guidelines for the registration of VoIP service providers and resellers, each VoIP resellers shall pst a performance bond in the amount of _______ to guarantee the delivery of VoIP service to the public You answered: P1 million Correct! 217. Juan agrees to receive p2,000.00 for his horse and Pedro agrees to take the horse for that amount. This refers to what stage of the contract You answered: Preparation or conception Incorrect! Correct Answer :

Perferction or Birth

218. The used of handholes will be permitted for entrance cable not exceeding _____ pairs. You answered: 50 Correct! 219. The minimum length/s of a daily radio news can be _______ You answered: 5 minutes Incorrect! Correct Answer : all of the above

220. Certified experience record of active self-practice and/or employment either in government service or in the private sector, in the format to be prescirbed by the Board, indicating the inclusive dates, companies worke for, description of specific resposibilities, relevant accomplishments and name, position of immediate supervisors for a period of a least_____years (inclusive and/or aggregate), at least _______ years of which are in responsible charge of significant engineering work, from the date applicant to his/her oath as an Electronics and Communications Engineer or Electronics Engineer. You answered: 7 years ; 2 years Correct! 221. refers to the degree of arangement among severals measurement of the same quality You answered: error Incorrect! Correct Answer : precision

222. A contract that creates reciprocal obligations You answered: Consensual contract Incorrect! Correct Answer : Real contract


The amount of heat needed to change solid to liquid is

You answered: cold fusion Incorrect! Correct Answer : latent heat of fuion

224. Under guidelines for the registration of VoIP service providers and resellers, Certificates of Registration (COR) issued to VoIP Providers and Resellers shall be valid for a peiod of _________, and are renewabe thereafter. You answered: 10 Incorrect! Correct Answer : 1

225. Under the rules and regulation on the allocation and assignment of 3G radio frequency bands, assignees shall start commercial not later than______ from date award; You answered: 120 months Incorrect! Correct Answer : 30 months

226. a market whereby there is only one buyer of an item for when there are no goods substitute. You answered: oligopoly Incorrect! Correct Answer : monopsony

227. Refers to the guidelines for the registration of VoIP service providers and resellers. You answered: MC No. 3-11-2005 Correct! 228. a covalent bond formed by the combination of collinear p or orbitals is also called a You answered: delta bond Incorrect!

Correct Answer : sigma alpha

229. The science dealing with the development and application of devices and system involving the flow of electrons or other carries of electric charge, in a vacuum, in gaseous media, in plasma, in semiconductor, in solid-state and/or in similar devices, including, but not limited to, applications involving optical, electromagnetic and other energy forms when transduced or converted into electronic signals. You answered: Electronics Correct! 230. Centrifucal force is______. You answered: inversely proportional to the square of the weight of the object Incorrect! Correct Answer : directly proportional to the radius of the curvature

231. for which element do the number of electrons in their outer or valence shell corresponds to their group number.. You answered: noble gas Incorrect! Correct Answer : representative or main group

232. A process during which, the pressure P remains conctant is called You answered: isothermal process Incorrect! Correct Answer : isobaric process

233. A property of materials or strutures such that they will not convey flame or continue to burn for longer time than specified in tha appropraite flame test. You answered: flame retarding Correct!

234. A type division that depends on quality rather than quantity You answered: Quantitative Incorrect! Correct Answer : Qualitative

235. a written contract by a debtor to pay final redemption value on an indicated date or maturity date and to pay a certain sum periodically. You answered: collateral Incorrect! Correct Answer : bond

236. On decreasing the pressure, the boiling point of water will You answered: increase Incorrect! Correct Answer : remain unaffected

237. The following are considered as factors contributing to motivation expert: You answered: Inferiority complex Correct! 238. Whenever a net force act on a body, it is produces a acceleration in the direction of the resultant force,an acceleration that is directly propotional to the mass of the body. This theory is popularly known as You answered: Hooke\'s Law of Equilibrium Incorrect! Correct Answer : Newton's Second Law of Motion


the mass of an alpla particle is how many times more than that of electron?

You answered: 1567 times Incorrect! Correct Answer : 7300 times

240. To qualify in the registration to be PECE, one must provide _______ certification/s signed by _______ PECEs attesting that the experience record submitted by the applicant is factual. You answered: 1;2 Incorrect! Correct Answer : 3;3

241. Outside Metro Manila, Class A airtime classification in AM radio is within: You answered: 12 Noon to 2:00 PM Incorrect! Correct Answer : all of the above

242. Acurrent that flow from one conductor to ground or to another conductor owing to any abnormal connection(including an arc)between the two. You answered: leakage current Incorrect! Correct Answer : fault current

243. It is a floor assembly elevated with respect to an existing area providing unlimited accessible space under the floor. This has been use d for computer rooms and office space. You answered: Conduit System Incorrect! Correct Answer : Unlimited access (raised floor)

244. A metallic rod carried above the highest point of a pole or struture and connected to earth by a heavy copper conductor intended to carry lightning current directly to earth. You answered: lightning rod Correct! 245. What is the standard acceleration due to gravitational force? You answered: 32m/sec/sec Incorrect! Correct Answer : 32ft/sec/sec

246. When the solidarity takes place among the debtors only, it is called You answered: Passive Solidarity Correct! 247. The angular displacement of a tangent to the tower axis at the elevation from its no-wind load position at that elevation. You answered: tower bend Incorrect! Correct Answer : tower sway

248. The characteristic of sound which enables us to distinguish two musical notes having the same frequency and loundness is called You answered: intensity Incorrect! Correct Answer : picth

249. The following are considered local accounts except: You answered: Bowling Alleys Incorrect! Correct Answer :

Drugstores with branches in another area or province

250. A defective contract where it has all the essential requities of a contract and the contract itself is valid, but by reason of injury damage to third persons, such as creditors , the contract may be rescinded. You answered: Unenforceable Contracts Correct! 251. the tendency of an atom to atrract electrons shared in a covalent bond is called You answered: electronegativity Correct! 252. The minimum number of entrance conduit is You answered: 2 Correct! 253. which type of ions, metals form when enter into a chemical reaction? You answered: negative ions Incorrect! Correct Answer : positive ions

254. An "open system" is also known as You answered: isolated system Incorrect! Correct Answer : control volume

255. For provicial stations, FM radio prime time is the time You answered: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Incorrect! Correct Answer : 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM

256. the rate of flow of thermal energy through a material in the presence of a temperature gradient is called You answered: thermal conductivity Correct! 257. Any change that a system undergoes from equilibrium state to another is called a You answered: cycle Incorrect! Correct Answer : process

258. At any point along a streamline in an ideal fluid in steady flow, the sum of the pressure, the potential energy per unit volume and the kinetic enery per unit volume have the same value."This concept is known as You answered: Hydraulic theorem Incorrect! Correct Answer : Bernoulli's Energy Principles

259. A type of division also known as moral, intellectual or mental division You answered: Quantitative Incorrect! Correct Answer : Ideal

260. It shows the forces acting on an isolated object. You answered: free body diagram Correct! 261. The following are considered to be the essential elements of contracts except You answered: cause or consideration Incorrect! Correct Answer :

effrects to the subjects

262. The promotional tool that publishes news or information about a product,service, or idea on behalf of a sponsor but is not paid for by the sponsor. You answered: Publisity Correct! 263. Refers to the act of choosing from those that are available the individual most likely to succeed on the job. You answered: Training Incorrect! Correct Answer : Selection

264. the chemical name form baking soda is You answered: sodium carbonate Incorrect! Correct Answer : sodium sulphate

265. The condition in which there is no change in pressure at any point of the system with time. You answered: phase equilibrium Incorrect! Correct Answer : mechanical equilibrium

266. A quarter-hour program shall not exceed _______ commercial minutes within Metro Manila. You answered: 7 min and 30 sec Incorrect! Correct Answer :

3 min and 30 sec

267. The following are ways to improve ground except: You answered: Lengthen the ground-electrode in the earth Incorrect! Correct Answer : Place stones near the rod

268. Which one of the following propagates with the same speed as speed of light? You answered: the heat waves Correct! 269. A mercury thermometer is constructed at You answered: a temperature lower than the minimum range of the temperature Incorrect! Correct Answer : atemperature higher than the maximum range of the thermometer

270. the number of atoms (6.032x1032) present in 12 grams of carbon-12 is called You answered: plank\'s constant Incorrect! Correct Answer : avogadro's constant

271. A staff specialist's right to give advices to a superior. You answered: Staff authority Correct! 272. The scientist who systematically demonstrated the equivalence of mechanical energy aand heat was You answered: Joule Correct!

273. "A" obliged himself to deliver to "B" a car. Subsequently, they entered into another contract whereby instead of "A" delivering a car, "A" would deliver a truck. This illustrates: You answered: True novatoin Incorrect! Correct Answer : Real novation

274. solids which break above the elastic limit are called You answered: brittle Correct! 275. The value of universal gravitational constant G depends upon: You answered: None of these Correct! 276. Whene the total kinetic energy of the system is the same as before and after the collision of two bodies,it is called You answered: Inelastic collision Incorrect! Correct Answer : Elastic collision

277. RA 9292 is known as You answered: Electronics Engineering Law of 2004 Correct! 278. Atmospheric pressure is measured by a device called You answered: thermometer Incorrect! Correct Answer : manometer

279. It describes the luminous flux incidence per unit area and is expressed in lumens per square meter.

You answered: Luminous intensity Incorrect! Correct Answer : Illuminance

280. the chemical formula which shows the relative number of atoms of all the element present in a compound is called You answered: compound formula Incorrect! Correct Answer : emphirical formula

281. In the official seal/logo of the Board, the atom is colored with ______ and the nucleus and electrons in _______ color. You answered: black; red Incorrect! Correct Answer : white; red

282. refers to atoms or ions, which have the same electronic configuration. You answered: isotomic Incorrect! Correct Answer : isoelectronic

283. The subscribers has requested to be included on the specific list ro receive direct marketing through SMS/MMS You answered: subscribe Incorrect! Correct Answer : opt-in

284. the condition under which under the stress is constant or uniform is known as You answered: shearing stress Incorrect! Correct Answer : compressitivity

285. the tendency of a body to return to its original size or shape after having been deformed is called You answered: elastivity Correct! 286. A person who is qualified to hold himself/herself out as a duly registered/licensed Professional Electronics Engineer under RA 9292 and to affix to his/her name the letters "PECE". You answered: Professional Electronics Engineer Correct! 287. Refers to any process that accept inputs and the uses resources to change those inputs in useful ways. You answered: Production Incorrect! Correct Answer : Operation

288. Refers to forecasting the future sales of a given product, translating this forecast into the demand it generate for various production facilities, and arranging for the procurement of these facilities. You answered: Conceptualization Incorrect! Correct Answer : Product planning

289. Refers to the process of determining how specific tasks can best be accomplished on time with available resources. You answered: Operational Planning Incorrect!

Correct Answer : Intermediate Planning

290. it is the worth of a property as recorded in the book of an enterprise. You answered: book value Correct! 291. A process during which there is no heat transfer is called You answered: isentropic process Correct! 292. Exemptions from examinations and registrations can be possibly given to You A foreign national that are PECEs, ECEs or ECTs and equivalent who are temporarily answered: employed by the Philippine Government or by private firms in the Philippines Correct!

293. the property of an isolated conductor to store electric charge is You answered: conductance Incorrect! Correct Answer : capacitance

294. Properties that are dependent on the size or extent of the system such as mass, volume, and total energy are called You answered: extensive properties Correct! 295. Refers to the evaluation of alternatives using any technique in a group classified as rational and analytical. You answered: Qualitative evaluation Correct! 296. The Seal of Professional Electronics Engineer as provided by Section 29, Article IV of R.A. No. 9292 shall be, a dty circular seal containing the appearance of ______ in the upper part of the inner circle

You answered: electron Incorrect! Correct Answer : atom

297. When the solidarity exists both among the creditors and the debtors at the same time, this is called You answered: Solo Solidarity Incorrect! Correct Answer : Mixed Solidarity

298. Defined as the vertical and horizontal distribution of telephone two or more floors or adjoining premisses on the same floor of a building generally originating at or near the cabinet up to the Telephone Terminal outlet. You answered: Main Distributing Frame (MDF) Incorrect! Correct Answer : Riser System

299. One shall be allowed to take one removal examination on the subject/s where he/she failed to obtain the passing rating. Provided, however, that a candidate who obtains a passing rating in the majority of the subjects but obtains a rating in the other subject/s. You answered: below 60 % but lower than 50 % Incorrect! Correct Answer : below 70 % but not lower than 60 %

300. the worth of the property which is equal o the original cost less the amount which has been charged to depreciation. You answered: scrap value Incorrect! Correct Answer :

book value

301. A remission when it is inferred from the acts or conduct of the obligee. You answered: Partial Incorrect! Correct Answer : Implied

302. the place where buyers and sellers come together. You answered: bargain center Incorrect! Correct Answer : market

303. It is an electrode buried in the ground for the purpose of establishing a low resistance electrical contact with the earth. You answered: Ground pole Incorrect! Correct Answer : Made Ground

304. A distinct inut of a program with minimum news content of one minute excluding into, extro, headline and commercial load. You answered: Newsbreak Incorrect! Correct Answer : Newscast

305. The horizontal displacement of a point on the tower axis from its not-wind load position at that elevation. You answered: tower bend Incorrect!

Correct Answer : tower displacement

306. it describes the volume elasticity of the material You answered: young\'s modulus or tensil modulus Incorrect! Correct Answer : bulk modulus

307. The simplest way to make an earth resistances test is to use: You answered: Voltmeter-Ammeter Method Incorrect! Correct Answer : Direct metod or two terminal test

308. The boiling point of water on plains is 100C. At hills it will be You answered: less than 100C Correct! 309. This is appropriate for a large corporation with many product lines in several related industries. You answered: Matrix Organization Correct! 310. A person who occupies a higher position has power over persons in lower position within the organization.This describes: You answered: Coercive power Incorrect! Correct Answer : Legitimate Power

311. "A" entered into a contract with "B" whereby "A" will not enter into any enterprise whatever in the phillipines. This lilimitation upon the right to contact that refers to

You answered: Contrary to law Incorrect! Correct Answer : Contrary to good customs

312. The arrangement or relationship of positions within an organization. You answered: Organizing Incorrect! Correct Answer : Structure

313. which group of a electronic table is known as a noble gases? You answered: group VI Incorrect! Correct Answer : group VIII

314. The standard name for 3G mobile telecommunications is You answered: DECT Incorrect! Correct Answer : IMT 2000

315. A remission when it is shown by words or declaration of the obligee You answered: Complete Incorrect! Correct Answer : Express

316. emission of radiations from a substance during ilumination by radiations of higher frequency is called

You answered: flourescence Correct! 317. A function of an engineer where the Engineer is engaged in the process of learing about nature and codifying this knoledge into usable theories. You answered: Testing Incorrect! Correct Answer : Design and Development

318. The horizontal angular displacement of the tower from its no-wind posion at that elevation. You answered: tower twist Correct! 319. provides certain level of safety to humans and properly in case of equipment damages. You answered: Bonding or Grounding Correct! 320. Juan obliged himself to deliver to pedro six sacks of rice as follows:Three sacks of rice to be delivered by Juan on May 1ts, and pedro to pay juan the amount of P150.00. Another three sacks of rice to be delivere by juan on June 1st, and pedro to pay Juan the same amount of P150.00. This illustrate: You answered: Divisible obligation Correct! 321. the mass nearest atomic-mass unit of an atom which contains of 9 atoms and 10 neutrons You answered: 19amu Correct! 322. A wagon is uniformly accelerating from rest. The net force acting on the wagon is You answered: constant Correct! 323. the moment produced by the two equal and opposite and collinear forces is known as a You answered: torque Incorrect!

Correct Answer : couple

324. Within Metro Manila, class C aritime classificatio in FM radio is within: You answered: 12 Midnight to 5:00 AM Incorrect! Correct Answer : 9:00 PM to 12 Midnight

325. The Seal of Professional Electronics Engineer as provided by Section 29, Article IV of R.A. No. 9292 shall be, a dry circular seal consisting of two concentric circles with inner circle measuring ________ in diameter. You answered: 45 mm Incorrect! Correct Answer : 2 mm

326. This type of planning is a responsibility of lower management. You answered: Operational Planning Incorrect! Correct Answer : Strategic planning

327. The factor that determines the intensity of electric shock is You answered: current Correct! 328. It is a room or shallow enclosure which is normally enclosed by a door ( or series of doors in the case of a shallow closet). You answered: Unlimited access (raised floor) Incorrect! Correct Answer :


329. the reciprocal of bulk modulus is You answered: young\'s modulus or tensil modulus Incorrect! Correct Answer : compressibility

330. Refers to the process of determining the contributions that subunits can make with allocated resources. You answered: Operational Planning Incorrect! Correct Answer : Intermediate Planning

331. Refers to the physical cable within a building that does not include station wiring cable. You answered: service drop Incorrect! Correct Answer : building cable

332. At a given temperature, the pressure at which pure substance changes phase is called You answered: absolute pressure Incorrect! Correct Answer : saturation pressure

333. it is defined to be the capacity of a commodity to satisfy human want You answered: discounts Incorrect! Correct Answer :


334. a formula which describeds only the numbers of each element in the molecule is called You answered: ionic formula Incorrect! Correct Answer : molecular formula

335. Function of communication that details when feelings are repressed in the organization, employees are affected by anxiety, which, in turn,affected performance You answered: Emotive Function Correct! 336. a chemical substance which readily evaporates and readily diffuses at ordinary room temperature and pressure conditions is called You answered: inert Incorrect! Correct Answer : volatile

337. A solid iron sphere A rolls down an inclined plane in a frictionless manner. At the bottom of the inclined plane, the total kinetic energy of a sphere A is: You answered: more than that of B Correct! 338. neutron was discovered by You answered: rutherford Incorrect! Correct Answer : chadwick

339. the worth of an asset as shown in the accounting records of an enterprise. You answered: book value

Correct! 340. Refers to the activity combining "technical knowledge with the ability toorganize and coordinate workerpower, materials, machinery,and money." You answered: Engineerring organization Correct! 341. A function of an engineer where the engineer works in a unit where new production or parts are tested for workability. You answered: Research Correct! 342. The spectrum user fee for PAIRED 3G RADIO FREQUENCY BANDS for each additional 1Mhz or fraction thereof in excess of the first 10MHz but not excessding 15MHz __________ You answered: Php8,000,000 per MHz Incorrect! Correct Answer : Php15,000,000.00 per MHz

343. Under guidelines for the registration of VoIP service providers and reesellers, code "yyyy" shall be assigned to You answered: duly authorized local access Incorrect! Correct Answer : duly registered VoIP service providers

344. The effectivity of RA 9292 was on You answered: 28-May-04 Incorrect! Correct Answer : 24-May-04

345. The four P's of marketing are the following except: You answered: Publicity

Correct! 346. An underground entrance's minimum depth under areas used for vehicular traffic inside private property is You answered: 700mm Incorrect! Correct Answer : 600mm

347. In the official seal/logo of the Board, the lower half part af the annular space bear the words. You answered: LICENSE NO. Incorrect! Correct Answer : PROFESSIONAL REGULATION COMMISSION

348. An assessment of future human resource needs in relation to the current capabilities of the organization. You answered: Programming Correct! 349. A plan that is usually more limited in scope than a program and is sometimes prepared to support a program. You answered: Financial Statement Correct! 350. Normal range of the frequency of sound, which the human beings canhear, is You answered: 20Hz to 20,000 Hz Correct! 351. a "closed system" wherein even energy is not allowed to cross the boundary is called an You answered: isolated system Correct! 352. Any product and/or servise that is sold or a service rendered within a province. You answered: Local merchandise

Incorrect! Correct Answer : Local account

353. A device that increases the velocity of a fluid at the expense of pressure is called You answered: diffuser Incorrect! Correct Answer : nozzle

354. The phase of production control involved in developing timetables that specify how long each operation in the prodution process taken. You answered: Scheduling Correct! 355. The use of service box will be permitted for entrance cable not exceeding ____ pairs. The minimum size for service box is You answered: 0.61m x 0.91m x 0.73m Incorrect! Correct Answer : 0.19m x 1.23m x 1.21m

356. the ratio of the unit lateral deformation to the unit longitude deformation is called You answered: bulk modulus Incorrect! Correct Answer : poison ratio

357. the atoms having different atomic numbers but the same mass number are called You answered: isobars Correct! 358. The location of the main terminal must be equipped with adequate lighting, and located at a

minimum distance of ____ above floor finish. You answered: 2.6m Correct! 359. Information transmitted to the mobile phone, either to subscribed or unsolicited messages without a user request and are initiated by the server of the content provider You answered: spam Incorrect! Correct Answer : push

360. A general term applied to the whole or portion or physical property of a communication company which contributes to the furnishing of communication service. You answered: area Incorrect! Correct Answer : plant

361. The bacboard color for Main Terminal Telephone Cabinet (MTTC) used other special service is: You answered: white Incorrect! Correct Answer : blue

362. A contract where only one of the parties has an obligation such as in commodatum or gratuitous deposit. You answered: Real contract Incorrect! Correct Answer : Unilateral contract


In Physics, if LF and LV are latent heat of fusion and vaporization, respectively, which of the

following equations apply in determing the amount of energy needed to freeze a liquid. You answered: Q=mlv Incorrect! Correct Answer : Q=-mlf

364. These are broad guidelines to aid managers at every level in making decisions about reccuring situation or function. You answered: Policies Incorrect! Correct Answer : Guidelines

365. the property of some crystals of absorbing light to different extents,thereby giving to the crystals different colors according to the direction of the incident light is known as You answered: dichromatism Incorrect! Correct Answer : brittle

366. Prevent development of hazardous potential difference in communication plant by direct bonding, when permissible or by use of surge arresters, discharge gaps, diodes, etc. which operate under abnormal voltage condition. You answered: Grouding Incorrect! Correct Answer : voltage limiting

367. One newton is equivalent to You answered: m/s per kilogram Incorrect! Correct Answer :


368. when an atom loses an electron, it forms You answered: either cation or anions Incorrect! Correct Answer : anion

369. Either a voluntary or involontary termination of an employee. You answered: Termination Incorrect! Correct Answer : Separation

370. These are plans covering a time span of more than one year.These are mostly undertaken by middle and top management. Skipped 371. Includes all manufacturing establishments and othe business endeavors where electronics or electronically-controlled machinery or equipment are installed and/or are being used, sold, maintained, assembled, manufactured or operated. You answered: Power Plant Incorrect! Correct Answer : Industrial Plant

372. A device that increases the pressure of a fluid by slowing it down is called You answered: pressure exchanger Incorrect! Correct Answer : diffuser

373. The maximunm span for telephone pole to a building used in aerial entrance should be ____. You answered: 50mm Incorrect! Correct Answer : 30mm

374. These are forces whose lines of action all pass through a common point You answered: concurrent forces Correct! 375. The study of motion without reference to the force that cause the motion is known as ______. You answered: kinematics Correct! 376. Under guidelines for the registration of VoIP service providers and resellers, code "xxx" shall be assigned to __________ You answered: duly registered VoIP resellers Incorrect! Correct Answer : duly authorized local access network providers

377. An uncertain event which wields an influence on a legal relation. You answered: Pure obligation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Condition

378. The process of sending and/or receiving information, data, signals and/r messages between two or more points by radio, cable, optical wave guides or other devices and wired or wireless medium. You answered: Information and Communications Technology Incorrect! Correct Answer : Communications

379. The energy stored in a streched elastic material such as spring is You answered: mechanical energy Incorrect! Correct Answer : elastic potential energy

380. Program interruption for the airing of commercial outside Metro Manila shall not exceed _______ breaks in every program hour. You answered: 6 Correct! 381. A closet which varies 460 to 760mm in depth. You answered: raised closet Incorrect! Correct Answer : Shallow closet

382. A period authorized by the court. You answered: Legal period Incorrect! Correct Answer : Judicial period

383. "A" binds himself to deliver to "B" a Honda Civic car at the end of the current year. They agree in writing that should "A" fail to deliver the car on a specified date, "A" shall pay "B" as penalty P10,000.00. "A" fails to make the delivery."B" could demand the payment of P10,000.00 against "A". "B" however could not compel "A" to deliver the car and pay the penalty at the same time. This is _________type of penalty clause: You answered: Joint Incorrect! Correct Answer : Subsidiary

384. which of the following designation means that the amount of solute is expressed in physical mass units, i.e,millilters. You answered: v/v Incorrect! Correct Answer : w/v

385. An obligation which is not subject to conditions or burdens nor does it mention a specific date for its fulfilment and as such it is imediately demandable. You answered: Alternative obligation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Pure Obligation

386. When a person can get compliance from another because the latter would want to be identified with the former. You answered: Reward power Incorrect! Correct Answer : Referent power

387. a series of uniform payment over an infinite period of time You answered: perpetuity Correct! 388. The idealized surface that emits rediation at a maximum rate is called a You answered: emitter Incorrect! Correct Answer : blackbody


The root mean square speed of the molecules of a gas is

You answered: directly proportional to the square of its temperature T Correct! 390. To register for Electronics Technicians (ECT), one must provide individual certifications from at least ________ registered PECEs vouching for the integrity, technical capability and good moral character of the applicant in a format to be prescribed by the Board. You answered: seven Incorrect! Correct Answer : three

391. In TV standards, every station shall schedule at least a minimum of ______ newscast (aggregate total including advisories) per day from Monday to Friday. You answered: 75 min Incorrect! Correct Answer : 30 min

392. it is where the original record of a business transsaction is recorded. You answered: spreadsheet Incorrect! Correct Answer : journal

393. the formula that described how atoms are joined together is called the You answered: empirical formula Incorrect! Correct Answer : structural formula

394. the subatomic particle with a posstive charge and mass of 9.1 x 10^-27 kg is You answered: neutron Incorrect!

Correct Answer : positron

395. The spectrum user for PAIRED 3G RADIO FREQUENCY BANDS for each additional 1Mhz or fraction threof in excess of the first 15MHz_______ You answered: Php10,000,000 per MHz Incorrect! Correct Answer : Php5,000,000.00per MHz

396. protons and neutrons can be broken down further into elementary particles called. You answered: isotope Incorrect! Correct Answer : quarks

397. the fractional deformation resulting from a stress You answered: bulk modulus Incorrect! Correct Answer : strain

398. A process during which, the specific volume V remains constant is called You answered: isovolumic Incorrect! Correct Answer : all of the above

399. A function of an engineer where the engineer gets employment in a school and is assigned as a teacher of engineering cources. You answered: Consulting Incorrect!

Correct Answer : Teaching

400. It is required that during prime time only ______ hours of the airtime SHALL be allowed for block time programs under station responsibility and supervision. You answered: 2 Incorrect! Correct Answer : 3

401. Refers to the frequency bands allocation for broadbands wireless access. You answered: MC No. 03-03-2005 Incorrect! Correct Answer : MC No.06-08-2005

402. the amount which has been spend or capital invested which for some reasons cannot be retrieved. You answered: fixed costs Incorrect! Correct Answer : sunk cost

403. the stress beyond which the material will not return to its original shape when unloaded is called You answered: elastic limit Correct! 404. the progressive decrease of a property as a result of repeated stress is called You answered: debility Incorrect! Correct Answer :


405. A kind of remission when the enforcement of the obligation is waived or renounced totally You answered: Complete Correct! 406. A discharge through air, around or over the surface of solid, liquid or other insulation , between parts of different potential of polarity, produced by the application of voltage such that the breakdown pat becomes sufficiently ionized to maintain an electric arc. You answered: arc Incorrect! Correct Answer : flashover

407. A function of an engineer where the engineer assists the company's customers to meet their needs,especially those that require technical expertise. You answered: Sales Incorrect! Correct Answer : Construction

408. The direction of an object's momentum is always the same as the direction of the object's You answered: weight Incorrect! Correct Answer : velocity

409. Advertising messages via electronic or manual means, either static or crawl, shall only be allowed in the following exept: You answered: none of the above Incorrect! Correct Answer :

a regular commercial

410. A type of controlling when information is gathered about a completed activity, and in order that evaluation and steps for improvement are derived. You answered: Conccurent control Incorrect! Correct Answer : Feedback control

411. These are palns intended to cover a period of less than one year.First-line supervisors are mostly concerned with this plans. You answered: Single-Use Plans Incorrect! Correct Answer : Long-range plans

412. Refers to the money or other conciderations exchanged for the purchase or use of the product, idea, or service. You answered: Product Incorrect! Correct Answer : Price

413. A means of conveying message through body language,as well as the use of time, space,touch,clothing,apperance and aesthetic element. You answered: Written Incorrect! Correct Answer : Nonverbal

414. The phenomenon of damping results in decrease in You answered: velocity Incorrect!

Correct Answer : amplitude

415. A metallic rod. Driven into the ground to provide an electrical connection to the earth. You answered: Drop ground Incorrect! Correct Answer : ground rod

416. A wave in which the particles of the material move up and down as the wave goes from left to right is called a You answered: Standing wave Incorrect! Correct Answer : Transverse wave

417. if a material is feebly repelled by a magnet it is You answered: paramagnetic Incorrect! Correct Answer : diamagnetic

418. A person who qualified to hold himself/herself out as a duly registered/licensed Electronics Technician under RA 9292 and to affix to his/her name the letter "ECT". You answered: Professional Electronics Engineer Incorrect! Correct Answer : Electronics Technician

419. The acquisition, production, transformation, storage and transmission/reception of data and information by electronic means in forms such as vocal, pictorial ,textual, numeric or the like; also refers to the theoretical and pratical applications and processes utilizing such data and informations.

You answered: Information Technology Incorrect! Correct Answer : Information and Communications Technology

420. Requisites of obligation consist in giving, doing or not doing something. You answered: Prestation Correct! 421. A contract comes from the latin word________which signifies an agreement. You answered: tractum Incorrect! Correct Answer : Contractus

422. Type of distribution system scomprise of two components, distribution ducts feeder(header) ducts. Depending on floor structure, they may be designed into one or two-level system. You answered: Under floor duct system Correct! 423. atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are called You answered: isotope Correct! 424. estimated value of the property at the end of the useful life. You answered: book value Incorrect! Correct Answer : salvage value

425. According to this law, "The force between two charges varies directly as magnitude of each charge and inversely as the square of the distance between them." You answered: Law Universal Gravition Incorrect!

Correct Answer : Total momentum

426. These are statements that either require or forbid a certain action. You answered: Rules Incorrect! Correct Answer : Guidelines

427. stress caused by forces acting along or parallel to the area resisting the forces is known as You answered: normal stress Incorrect! Correct Answer : shearing stress

428. the money paid for the use of borrowed capital. You answered: amortization Incorrect! Correct Answer : interest

429. The condition in which the mass of each phase reaches an equilibrium level and stays there. You answered: thermal equilibrium Incorrect! Correct Answer : phase equilibrium

430. Refers to the extension of the UHF TV broadcast bands You answered: MC No. 3-11-2005 Incorrect! Correct Answer :

MC No. 03-03-2005

431. The spectrum user fee FOR THE UNPAIRED 3G RADIO FREQUENCY BANDS for each additional 1MHz or fraction thereof in excess of the first 5MHz but not exceeding 10MHz is _______ You answered: PhP8,000,000.00 per MHz Incorrect! Correct Answer : PhP6,000,000.00 per MHz

432. The momentum of an object is the product of its You answered: force and time Incorrect! Correct Answer : mass of velocity

433. The average resistances os a dry adult human body is approximately. You answered: 1 000 ohms Correct! 434. A kind of period with a resolutory effect and the validity of obligation is up to a certain date. You answered: Voluntary period Incorrect! Correct Answer : In diem

435. Type of distribution system that serves as the same floor where the cables(wires) are placed within the ceiling and brought down to desk locations. You answered: Ceiling System Correct! 436. It is the voluntary administration of the abandoned business or property belonging to another without the consent of the latter

You answered: Negotiorum Gestio Correct! 437. In the official seal/logo of the Board, the text is You answered: black with white background Correct! 438. As the angle between two concurrent forces decreases from 180, their resultant You answered: unchanged Incorrect! Correct Answer : increases

439. A symbolic representation to emphasize the valence shell of an atom is called? You answered: canstellation daigram Incorrect! Correct Answer : electron dot diagram

440. An isentropic process on a T-S diagram is easily recognized as a You answered: vertical line segment Correct! 441. A riser system that consists of a series of telephone termiminal cbinets/closets vertically onr non-vertically aligned, usually beginning at the ground floor and extending throughout the height of the building. You answered: Underground Riser Incorrect! Correct Answer : Closed Riser

442. A measure of the resistance of the body it offers to any change in it's angular velocity determined by its mass and distribution of its mass about the axis rotaion is known a _____. You answered: angular acceleration

Incorrect! Correct Answer : moment of inertia

443. The Seal of Professional Electronics Enginner as provided by Section 29, Article IV of R.A. No. 9292 shall be, a dry circle seal with a horizontal space bearing the word You answered: LICENSE NO. Correct! 444. Which one of the following processes of heat transfer requires the You answered: radiation Incorrect! Correct Answer : convection

445. The minimum voltage value that is considered hazardous is. You answered: 24V RMS AC Incorrect! Correct Answer : 45V RMS AC

446. when a contract cannot be sued upon or enforced in court unless it is ratified is said to be You answered: Unenforceable contracts Correct! 447. Remedy in equity by means of which a written instrument is made or construed so as to express or conform to the real intention of the parties when some error or mistake has been commited. You answered: Defect Incorrect! Correct Answer : Reformation


An electrical discharge which occurs between clouds and also from cloud to earth.

You answered: Corona Incorrect! Correct Answer : Lightning

449. This loading shall be taken as the resultant stress due to wind and dead weight for 160kph wind velocity. You answered: extra heavy loading zone Incorrect! Correct Answer : Light loading zone

450. An undertaking the object of which is to tranmist audio, video, text, images or other signals or messages for reception of a broad audience in a geographical area via wired or wireless means. You answered: Paging Incorrect! Correct Answer : Broadcasting

451. When the temperature of an ideal gas is increased at constant pressure, You answered: the kinetic energy of molecules increases Correct! 452. The surface of the thermos flask is silvered for minimizing heat trasfer by what process? You answered: vaporization Incorrect! Correct Answer : radiation

453. Any person firm, partnership or corporation government or private engaged in the provision of the telecom service to the public for compensation. You answered: Spam Incorrect!

Correct Answer : Short Messaging Service

454. Ground resistances shall be tested wen installed and periodically afterwards, at least________during the dry or non-rainy months and ALL VALUES OBTAINED SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN THE RULE REQUIRED You answered: 12 times a year Incorrect! Correct Answer : once a year

455. Heat will flow from one body to another in thermal contact with it, when they differ in You answered: mass Incorrect! Correct Answer : temperature

456. It is a document that summarizes the current financial situation of the firm,analyzes financial needs,and recommends a direction for financial activities. You answered: Production Plan Correct! 457. Refers to the rules and regulation on the broadcast messaging service You answered: MC No.06-08-2005 Incorrect! Correct Answer : MC No. 07-08-2005

458. atoms or ions whichhave the same electronic configuration. You answered: isometric Incorrect! Correct Answer :


459. In what form can energy cross the boundaries of a closed system? You answered: heat Correct! 460. A quarter-hour program shall not exceed _______ commercial minutes outside Metro Manila. You answered: 8 min and 30 sec Incorrect! Correct Answer : 4 min

461. The study of motion with reference to the force that causes the motion is You answered: dynamics Incorrect! Correct Answer : kinematics

462. A pure substance at absolute zero temperature is in perfect order, and its entropy is zero.This is best known as You answered: The second law of thermodynamics Incorrect! Correct Answer : The third law of thermodynamics

463. The tansfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interaction between particles is called You answered: convection Incorrect! Correct Answer : conduction

464. Pedro and maria decided to get married on October 10, 2007, Invitations were printed and distributed to relatives and friends and apprel were purchased including matrimonial bed. Pedro, however walked out of it and was never heard of again. This limitation upon the right to contract that refres to You answered: Contrary to good customs Correct! 465. A KBP member whose station, block timer, independent producer or employee convered by the Radio and Television Codes, has been found, within a period of two years or less, by final and executory judgment, to have committd a combined aggregate total of five violations of the Radio and/or Television Codes. You answered: Habitual Violator Correct! 466. Which of the following cannot be considered as a requisite of reformation You The failure of the written contract to express the true intention is due to mutual mistake, answered: fraud, inequitable conduct, or accident. Incorrect! Correct Answer : Thre is a valid contract;

467. "A" borrowed money from "B" in the amount of P50.00 promising to pay the amount "as son as possible". If later on , they cannot agree on the specific date of payment, the remedy of "B" is to go to court and ask the court to fix the date when the debt is to be paid. This illustrates: You answered: Pure obligation Incorrect! Correct Answer : Obligations with a period

468. In the official seal/logo of the Board, the inner ring is filled with You answered: white background Incorrect! Correct Answer : navy blue background


In the official seal/logo of the Board, the inner circle space has the symbol of a/an

You answered: electron Incorrect! Correct Answer : atom

470. When salt is added to water, its boiling point You answered: may increase/decrease depending on the pressure Incorrect! Correct Answer : increase

471. Refers to the process of determining the major goals of the organization and the policies and strategies for obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals. You answered: Intermediate Planning Incorrect! Correct Answer : Secondary Planning

472. It is a management function which involves influencing others to engage in the work behaviors necessary to reach organization goals. You answered: Sales talk Incorrect! Correct Answer : Leading

473. modulus of elasticity in shear is also known as You answered: young\'s modulus Incorrect! Correct Answer : modulus of rigidity


Function of communication that can be used for disition-making at various work levels in the

organization. You answered: Motivation Function Incorrect! Correct Answer : Information Function

475. A suitable enclosure large enough to house key telephone systems apparatus, power equipment and terminating facilities for key telephone systems stations and services, as well as central closets, zone closets, or riser closets, according to the designed of the under floor raceway or riser system. You answered: Closet Incorrect! Correct Answer : Apparatus Cabinet

476. the isotope of hydrogen with only one neutron is called You answered: tritium Incorrect! Correct Answer : deuterium

477. if the properties of a body are the same in all directions ,it is called You answered: isogonic Incorrect! Correct Answer : isotropic

478. the difference between the present value and the worth of money at some time in the future is called You answered: discount Correct! 479. the number of proton in the nucleus of an atom is called. You answered: atomic weight

Incorrect! Correct Answer : atomic number

480. the actual stress that the materialhas when under load is called You answered: allowable stress Incorrect! Correct Answer : working stress

481. a reaction in which heat is absorbed is called You answered: isothermic Incorrect! Correct Answer : endothermic

482. A main terminal generally recommended when entrance cable requirements will exceed 300 pairs. You answered: Main Distributing Frame (MDF) Correct! 483. parties whose consent or signature in a contract is not considered intelligent. You answered: minors Incorrect! Correct Answer : demented persons

484. A apparatus so treated such that it will not maintain a flame or will not be enjured readily when subjected to flame. You answered: flame proof Correct! 485. Shall include but not be limited to office buildings, hotels, motels, hospitals, condominiums,

stores, apartments, supermarkets, shcools, studios, stadia, parking areas, memorial chapels/parks, watercrafts and aircraft used for business purposes, where electronic or electronically-controlled machinery or equipment are installed and/or are being used, sold, maintained, assembled, manufactured or operated. You answered: Industrial Plant Incorrect! Correct Answer : Commercial Establishment

486. the net electric charge in any atom is You answered: 1 Incorrect! Correct Answer : zero

487. RA 9292 was approved on You answered: 17-Apr-04 Correct! 488. Pressure below atmospheric pressure are called You answered: standard pressure Incorrect! Correct Answer : vacuum pressure

489. During actual expansion and compression process of gases, pressure and volume ate often related by PVn=C, where n and C are constant. A process of this kind is called You answered: adiabatic process Incorrect! Correct Answer : polytropic process


In KBP radio standards, each staion is required to schedule a minimum of _______ of news per

day (from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) on a Monday thru-Saturday basis. You answered: 60 min Incorrect! Correct Answer : 45 min

491. If the direction of an object's momentum is west, the direction of the velocity of the object is You answered: south Incorrect! Correct Answer : west

492. For equipment locations, antenna towers,and all allied installations, the ground resistance must never execeed _______. You answered: 43 ohms Incorrect! Correct Answer : 5 ohms

493. electron was discovered by You answered: einstein Incorrect! Correct Answer : j.j.thompson

494. the property of some elementary particles that causes themto exert force on one another is known as You answered: charge Correct! 495. In the Seal of Professional Electronics Engineer, the upper portion of the annular space bear You answered: the word \'\'PHILIPPINES\'\' Incorrect!

Correct Answer : name of the person holding the Professional Electronics Engineer license

496. This loading shall be taken as the resultant stress due to wind and dead weight for 200 kph wind velocity. You answered: Medium loading zone Correct! 497. The lounness of sound depends upon its You answered: All of these Correct! 498. The top management of any firm is involved in this type of planning. You answered: Intermediate Planning Incorrect! Correct Answer : Operational Planning

499. A contract which possesses all the essential requisites of a valid contract, namely, consent, object and cauuse or consideration. It is a valid contract until it is annulled. You answered: Void or Inexistent contract Incorrect! Correct Answer : Voidable contracts

500. The location of the main terminal should have enough working space in front of all terminatuions. Normally ____ away from all hazards. You answered: 700mm Incorrect! Correct Answer : 900mm


a market situation where there is only one seller with many buyer.

You answered: monophony Incorrect! Correct Answer : monopoly

502. A function of communication used a means to motivate employees to commit themselves to the organization objective. You answered: Information Function Incorrect! Correct Answer : Motivation Function

503. Requisites of obligations which is the vinculum or the link that binds the
