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GEMS from SURAH Ash-Shams ayat 14-15 20th · PDF fileGEMS from SURAH Ash-Shams ayat 14-15 20th...

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GEMS from SURAH Ash-Shams ayat 14-15 20 th January 2013 Tafseer Surah Ash Shams Lecture by Sister Eman al Obaid Surah 91 The best thing to start with is Kalamullah! Al Quran is not like any other book it is the word of Allah subhana wa’ta’ala. The only book that whichever page you open, you can relate to it subhana Allah Ulama said: - All Praises due to Allah. When we open the Quran with good intentions Allah speaks to you from it. Don’t ever say that this ayat is not related to me because every ayat in the Quran has a lesson for us at some point of time in our life. Because Quran is guidance and Shifah for all to distinguish between truth and false. One should also never say that the Quran is difficult to understand or is not in our language because Allah actually made it easy for us! Allah has mentioned in Surah Baqarah that the Quran is made easy for all. This is Kalamullah: - then how can Allah not make it easy for all. Actually we make it difficult by telling ourselves that this is not our language. Be sincere and ask Allah for help and He will guide you to understanding. Allah will give you from His bounties. All that Allah wants from us is a change in our heartHe wants us to turn to Him for help sincerely. Just look at Surah Ash Shams How many times alone in this surah has Allah taken an oath? 11 oaths. No surah in the Quran that has these many oaths And the subject of the Oath is NAFS. NAFS IS THE MOST POWERFUL ENEMY AGAINST YOU. So we need to continuously purify ourselves. To purify ourselves also we need help from Allahit is not possible to do this on our own. We need guidance from Allah. The price for Paradise is also clean heart. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO PURIFY MY HEART? ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS READ WITH UNDERSTANDING KALAMULLAH AND IT WILL HAVE GREAT IMPACT ON YOUR HEART’S PURIFICATION, BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO PONDER AND FOCUS ON THE WORDS AND YOUR ACTIONS.

GEMS from SURAH Ash-Shams ayat 14-15 20th January 2013 Tafseer Surah Ash Shams Lecture by Sister Eman al Obaid Surah 91 The best thing to start with is Kalamullah! Al Quran is not like any other book it is the word of Allah subhana wa’ta’ala. The only book that whichever page you open, you can relate to it subhana Allah Ulama said: - All Praises due to Allah. When we open the Quran with good intentions Allah speaks to you from it. Don’t ever say that this ayat is not related to me because every ayat in the Quran has a lesson for us at some point of time in our life. Because Quran is guidance and Shifah for all to distinguish between truth and false. One should also never say that the Quran is difficult to understand or is not in our language because Allah actually made it easy for us! Allah has mentioned in Surah Baqarah that the Quran is made easy for all. This is Kalamullah: - then how can Allah not make it easy for all. Actually we make it difficult by telling ourselves that this is not our language. Be sincere and ask Allah for help and He will guide you to understanding. Allah will give you from His bounties. All that Allah wants from us is a change in our heart… He wants us to turn to Him for help sincerely. Just look at Surah Ash Shams How many times alone in this surah has Allah taken an oath? 11 oaths. No surah in the Quran that has these many oaths And the subject of the Oath is NAFS. NAFS IS THE MOST POWERFUL ENEMY AGAINST YOU. So we need to continuously purify ourselves. To purify ourselves also we need help from Allah… it is not possible to do this on our own. We need guidance from Allah. The price for Paradise is also clean heart. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO PURIFY MY HEART? ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS READ WITH UNDERSTANDING KALAMULLAH AND IT WILL HAVE GREAT IMPACT ON YOUR HEART’S PURIFICATION, BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE YOU WANT TO PONDER AND FOCUS ON THE WORDS AND YOUR ACTIONS.

NOW in previous classes we read that AL-Thamud is a tribe who tried to disobey Allah’s command and also not pay any attention to Allah’s warning that He sent through the Messenger. They tried to kill the miracle of Allah, which was the she-camel. AYAT 14





To slaughter

The again denotes quick action

Are like the sound you hear when an earthquake happens. Referring to the type of punishment that came upon them that all were destroyed and buried under sand.

Allah’s name Rabb is used here Rabb meaning creator/reformer

Because of their lies Their meaning the tribe of Thamud. A day had been allocated for the she-camel and another for the tribe. This wasn’t acceptable by them, so they took quick action and killed the she-camel. All animals with long legs have them cut off first and are then slaughtered. So they rejected what Allah had given them from a rock as a sign for them and a proof against them. So their Lord destroyed them because of their sin. Allah became angry with them and He annihilated them. FASAWWAHA MEANS HE made the punishment descend upon them equally. By this it means that the tribe plotted for the she-camel’s death and appointed the wicked person to do it so they were all part of the sin. From this ayat we have a lot of lessons to learn.

• The only person closest to having a relation with Allah is the one who has Taqwa.

• Self-surrender to Allah because He is our Rabb. • No matter how much money, power and intelligence you have if you

aren’t obedient to your Rabb you’re of no value. • By disobeying Allah we destroy ourselves because we are The

CREATOR’s creation. He has no limits set for anything, but we are

restricted. We have only that amount of power that which Allah has given us.

• Allah is very MOST LOVING, MOST MERCIFUL, and MOST PATIENT. He forgives waits and us when we sin for us to repent, but when you cross your limits (that which Thamud did by killing she-camel) then you are bound to face Allah’s wrath.

• Humans should be a slave to Allah. In that there is respect for them and reward as well.

• We can’t run from Allah’s salvation so the best to do is flee to Allah. • We know that no one can protect himself or herself unless Allah wants

you to be safe. • Biggest jihad is against our own nafs. • Purify our own nafs and be a humble slave to Allah • Allah never forsakes His creation just puts them in situations to reform

them. • All Ayats of the surah and Quran nurture us. • Don’t follow people blindly even if you are minority, because each

individual is accountable for their own action. There was an incident that happened during the time of Umar bin al khattab… he caught a man stealing so, as per theusual penalty his hands had to be chopped off. But the thief’s mother came crying asking for pardon, saying it was the man’s first offense. So Umar replied that had it been his first Allah would have concealed it. Subhan Allah! Ayat 15

Allah is the Creator and the All Mighty So He has no fear of anyone. For example: - A wrongdoer is punished by a person for his actions. The person is in constant fear that the wrongdoer might take revenge in any way. So the person just has fear of the wrongdoer But Allah Subhanahu- wa’ta’ala has no fear whatsoever because no Power is as strong as HIS. So Alhamdulillah the surah is completed. SHAMS MEANS SUNSHINE, WHICH IS VERY CLEAR AND BRIGHT. THIS SURAH FOCUSES ON HELPING US REFORM OVERSELF. OH ALLAH MAKES US AMONG THE ONES WHO LISTEN AND ACT UPON KALAMULLAH. ALL THE QURAN IS ACTUALLY IN OUR HEART. THE SAHABAS USED TO LEARN 10 AYATS THEN IMPLEMENT IT COMPLETELY IN THEIR LIFE BEFORE PROCEDDING TO THE NEXT AYAT. SUCH STRONG WAS THEIR TAQWA AND IMAN. MAY ALLAH ACCEPT OUR DEEDS AND MAKE IT EASY TO LEARN THE KALAMULLAH AND MAY HE PURIFY OUR HEARTS AND GRANT US PLACE IN JANNAH. AMEEN YA RABBUL ALAMEEN.    
