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GEMS Grant Application User Guide

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  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide




    Training ManualSoftProduct v#.#

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    Table of ContentsGCC GRANTAPPLICATIONSPROCESS................................................................................................................

    Prearin' a S#%%e//"#l Ali%ation......................................................................................................................0e"ore &o# 0e'in a GEMS Ali%ation................................................................................................................+

    1 GETTING STARTED.................................................................................................................................3

    . STARTAGRANTAPPLICATION...............................................................................................................-.+ TRAC1INGGRANTAPPLICATIONS..........................................................................................................2.- COMMITTEEASSIGNMENTS....................................................................................................................3

    2 ORGANIZATION INFORMATION.........................................................................................................7

    +. PROJECTNAME......................................................................................................................................+.. Pro4e%t Na!e Str#%t#re.....................................................................................................................5

    +... Enterin' a Pro4e%t Na!e.........................................................................................................................5

    +..+ Sele%tin' Or'ani6ational Role/ in GEMS.........................................................................................5+..+. Chan'in' Role/ a"ter Ali%ation S#$!i//ion......................................................................................,

    +..- Re!in7er/........................................................................................................................................

    3 GENERAL INFORMATION...................................................................................................................12

    -. PROGRAMPRIORITIES..........................................................................................................................+-.. Choo/in' a Pro'ra! Priorit&...........................................................................................................+-..+ Pro4e%t S#!!ar&.............................................................................................................................-

    4 ABSTRACT AND NARRATIVE.............................................................................................................18

    2. PROJECTA0STRACT.............................................................................................................................52.+ PROJECTNARRATIVE...........................................................................................................................52.- PROJECTTIMELINE...............................................................................................................................8

    5 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES................................................................................................21

    9. PROJECTGOALS...................................................................................................................................+9.+ PROJECTO0JECTIVES...........................................................................................................................++9.- PERFORMANCE: EVALUATION...........................................................................................................+9

    9.-. Per"or!an%e Mea/#re/....................................................................................................................+99.-.+ E;al#ation Metho7/.........................................................................................................................+9

    6 SUSTAINABILITY....................................................................................................................................26

    3. ................................................................................................+33.+ ..............................................................................................+33.- ENTERAPLANFORPROJECTSUSTAINA0ILITY...................................................................................+

    7 FIRST YEAR BUDGET............................................................................................................................28

    . 0UDGETDETAIL...................................................................................................................................+5.. E?#i!ent.......................................................................................................................................+5

    ... Criteria Re'ar7in' E?#i!ent......................................................................................................... .....+5

    ..+ Contra%t#al......................................................................................................................................+8

    ..+. F#n7in' a Po/ition................................................................................................................................ +8..+.+ Jo$ De/%rition/............................................................................................................................ ....... +8..+.+. Sta"" Ro/ter/.....................................................................................................................................+8..+.+.+ Jo$ D#tie/................................................................................................................................... .....+8

    ..- S#lie/...........................................................................................................................................-,..-. General O""i%e S#lie/........................................................................................................................-,..-.+ Other Oeratin' Co/t/.................................................................................................................... ...... -,

    ..2 Tra;el...............................................................................................................................................-..2. Prior Aro;al...................................................................................................................................... -..2.+ NC Tra;el Poli%& : IRS Rate "or Gro#n7 Tra;el.................................................................................-..2.- Cal%#lation/......................................................................................................................................... .-

    .+ ADDINGA0UDGETLINEITEM............................................................................................................-+

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    8 TE SECOND YEAR...............................................................................................................................3!

    5. SECONDYEAR0UDGETPLAN.............................................................................................................-85.+ T=ESECONDYEAR0UDGET...............................................................................................................-8

    ! BUDGET SUMMARY..............................................................................................................................4"

    1" JOB INFORMATION...........................................................................................................................42

    11 CERTIFICATIONS...............................................................................................................................44

    . CERTIFICATIONOFNON@SUPPLANTING................................................................................................22

    .+ CERTIFICATIONOFFILINGANEUALEMPLOYMENTOPPORTUNITYPROGRAM (EEOP)....................29.+. Rea/on/ "or EEOP EBe!tion....................................................................................................29

    .- CERTIFICATIONOFSU0MISSIONOFANNUALAUDIT............................................................................23.2 CERTIFICATIONOFSU0MISSIONOFCURRENTANNUALOPERATING0UDGET.....................................2.9 CERTIFICATIONT=ATAPPLICANTISELIGI0LETORECEIVEFEDERALFUNDS.....................................2.3 CERTIFICATIONREGARDINGLO00YING(FORAGENCIESRECEIVING,,*,,, ORMORE)..................25. DRUGFREE

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    GCC Grant Applications Process&'e purpose of t'is document is to provide tec'nica( assistance in su)mitting

    a Governor*s "rime "ommission grant app(ication to t'e "rimina( ustice

    $mprovement "ommittee +"$ "ommittee, or t'e uveni(e ustice P(anning

    "ommittee + "ommittee,. If your intent is to apply under the Crime

    Victims Services Committee (CVS Committee), you should refer to

    the GMS !ser Guide created speci"cally for that committee#

    -(t'oug' t'ere is some information regarding t'e Grant Enterprise

    Management System +GEMS, in t'is document t'e primary emp'asis is on

    /'at is ased of app(icants during t'e app(ication process.

    $reparing a Successful %pplication

    &uestions to 'e %nsered

    'o are you

    o/ do you 4ua(ify

    'at pro)(em /i(( you address and 'o/

    'o /i(( )ene5t and 'o/

    'at o)%ectives /i(( you accomp(is' and 'o/ /i(( you measure resu(ts

    Common *easons Grant $roposals are +eclined

    Proposa( does not meet priorities6

    Proposa( does not fo((o/ t'e prescri)ed format6

    Proposa( is poor(y /ritten andor di7cu(t to understand6

    &'e proposed )udgetgrant re4uest is not /it'in funding range6

    &'ere is no demonstration of need for t'e pro%ect6

    8)%ectives /ere not rea(istic and incapa)(e of )eing accomp(is'ed

    /it'in t'e grant period6

    E9cessive )udget6

    e 'ave a((ocated a(( funding for t'is grant cyc(e 'ence t'ere is no

    avai(a)(e funding6

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    :o evidence grant /i(( )e se(f;sustaining after grant period ends6

    &'e app(ication /as not revie/ed and proper(y su)mitted prior to t'e

    su)mission dead(ine.

    elpful ints

    ect t'e ne/ S-M

    e9piration date /'en t'e S-M registration 'as )een rene/ed. &o c'ec to

    see if t'e S-M registration date 'as e9pired in GEMS go to @My Pro5(eA and

    t'e @Bie/ 8rgani?ation $nformationA ta).

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page 2

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    .orth Carolina Identity Management (.CI+)

    -ut'ori?ing 87cia(s Cinancia( 87cers and Pro%ect Directors must eac''ave an individua( :"$D associating t'em to t'e registered agency.

    :"$D is t'e standard identity management and access service provided

    to state (oca( )usiness and individua( users. :"$D provides a 'ig'

    degree of security and access contro( to rea(;time resources.

    :"$D is not managed )y t'e Governor*s "rime "ommission.

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    /Getting Started8pen an $nternet )ro/ser /indo/ and navigate to t'e U=F of

    'ttpgems.nccrimecontro(.org 'ttpgems.ncdps.gov. $t is 'ere you /i(( start

    t'e grant app(ication process. See Cigure 1.

    Figure 1: GEMS Home Page

    /#/ Start a Grant %pplication&o start a grant app(ication after signing in to GEMS fo((o/ t'ese steps

    1. +a, "(ic t'e My Pro%ects ta) or c(ic t'e Start6 or+), "(ic t'e Start or "ontinue your Grants -pp(ication (in on t'e (o/er (eftportion of t'e GEMS ome page.

    ; or

    $f t'is is your 5rst grant app(ication using GEMS on(y t'e Start a ne/ app(ication(in disp(ays.

    2. "(ic t'is (in to start t'e app(ication process.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    Result: $f you 'ave any active grant app(ications t'e -ctive Grant -pp(icationta)(e disp(ays. +Cigure 2,.

    Action Explanations

    Review:To review or approve an existing grant application, click Review. A read-only version of the

    application opens.

    Edit:To edit an exist ing grant application, click Edit. The first page of the grant application opens. Users canedit any of their original selections.

    Cancel:To cancel an existing grant application, clickCancel. A message displays. To continue with yourcancellation, click Yes, Cancel this project.

    /#0 Trac1ing Grant %pplications$n t'e -ctive Grant -pp(ication ta)(e t'e status co(umn is t'e current status

    of t'e grant app(ication.

    Grant Status Explanations

    Open for Editing:Completion of the grant application is in progress and has not een sumitted to the!overnor"s Crime Commission. The application can e edited or cancelled.

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    ending !inancial Officer Review:The #inancial $fficer has received an email notification indicating thatthe grant application is ready for review. The #inancial $fficer must either approve or deny the application.

    ending Authori"ing Official Review:The Authori%ing $fficial has received an email notification indicatingthat the grant application is ready for review. The Authori%ing $fficial must either approve or deny theapplication.

    ending roject #irector Review:The &ro'ect (irector has received an email notification indicating thatthe grant application is ready for review. The &ro'ect (irector must either sumit the application to the!overnor"s Crime Commission or deny the application.

    $nder Review:The application has een sumitted to the !overnor"s Crime Commission and it is currentlyeing reviewed y the !rant &lanners.

    %odifications Re&uired:The !overnor"s Crime Commission has reviewed your grant application anddetermined that it re)uires modifications. *ou will receive a list of modifications via mail.

    %odifications Co'pleted:All re)uired modifications have een incorporated and the grant application haseen resumitted to the !overnor"s Crime Commission.

    Awaiting Receipt of !unds to GCC:The !overnor"s Crime Commission is waiting to receive federal fundsin order to reward your grant.

    Awarded:The !overnor"s Crime Commission has awarded your grant.

    ending Status $pdate:The system is currently updating your status. &lease check ack at a later time.

    &o vie/ any revie/ comments t'at 'ave )een added )y t'e Cinancia( 87cer-ut'ori?ing 87cia( or Pro%ect Director c(ic t'e =evie/ (in in t'e -ctionco(umn.

    1. "(ic t'e *evie(in in t'e -ction co(umn.

    Result: t'e revie/ comments open.

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    /#2 Committee %ssignments&'e 5rst page of t'e grant app(ication is t'e Committee Selectionscreen.

    *ou cannot continue with a grant application until a committee is selected.

    The committee selected determines the program priorities that will e displayed on the !eneral +nformation

    page of the grants application.

    1. Se(ect t'e appropriate committee optionfor your grant.

    2. "(ic t'e .e3t )utton.

    3. 8n t'e ne9t page c(ic on t'e Pro%ect*s name save)utton to save t'epro%ect.

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    04rgani5ation Information&'e -pp(ication 8rgani?ation $nformation page inc(udes your organi?ation*s)i((ing information your pro%ect name t'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( Cinancia(

    87cer and Pro%ect Director for your pro%ect and your $mp(ementing -gency*s)i((ing information.$nformation in t'is section suc' as S-M +former(y ""=, may )e updated )yt'e GEMS 8rgani?ation -dministrator +8rg -dmin,. &'e 8rg -dmin may goto My Pro5(e and t'e Update 8rgani?ation $nformation ta).

    &'e -pp(ication 8rgani?ation $nformation ta)(e contains your currentorgani?ation*s )i((ing information. =evie/ t'is ta)(e to ensure t'at t'e )i((inginformation is accurate.

    Check all information for accuracy.

    $f t'is is not your organi?ation se(ect "'ange 8rgani?ation from t'e MyPro5(e $nformation menu.

    $f t'e organi?ation information is incorrect p(ease contact your GEMSorgani?ation administrator.

    0#/ $ro6ect .ame$n years past G"" 'as 'ad severa( pro%ectsapp(ications using t'e samepro%ect tit(e suc' as @DBS- Jasic ServicesA. Some pro%ects 'ave uti(i?ed t'esame name as ot'er agency*s pro%ects or pro%ects from previous years.

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    it' t'e ne/ grants management system +GEMS, pro%ects /it' dup(icatenames /i(( not )e a((o/ed in t'e system. Cor c(arity t'e ne/ pro%ect namestructure distinguis'es t'e pro%ects )y app(icant agency and year ofimp(ementationapp(ication.

    0#/#/ $ro6ect .ame Structure&'e pro%ect name must )e entered in order to continue /it' t'e grant


    7or C8I pro6ects it is recommended t'e pro%ect name )e structured asfo((o/s

    Grant "yc(e

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    +f an individual is not listed in the drop-down list, notify this individual that he or she must register with !

    and re)uest an organi%ation or pro'ect role. Refer to Appendix A for complete instruction regarding roleassignments.

    2. :e9t use t'e drop;do/n (ist to revie/ and se(ect an $mp(ementing -gency

    t'at is a(ready associated /it' your organi?ation.

    +f your +mplementing Agency is not included on the list, you can make your +mplementing Agency

    information the same as your organi%ation information or you can create a new +mplementing Agency.

    3. &o mae t'e $mp(ementing -gency information t'e same as your

    organi?ation information c(ic t'e Mae same as organi?ation information

    a)ove )utton.

    &'e system copies t'e organi?ation information into t'e

    Implementing Agency Informationta)(e.

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    . &o edit t'is information c(ic t'e dit Implementing %gency

    Information)utton and save any c'anges made.


  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    K. - Saving -pp(ication $nformation message disp(ays. 'en t'e

    message no (onger disp(ays continue /it' t'e grant app(ication.

    0#/#0#/ Changing *oles after %pplicationSu'mission

    Since t'e 5sca( year for many non;pro5ts )egins on u(y 1 t'e -ut'ori?ing

    87cia( and Cinancia( 87cers may c'ange from t'e time t'e app(ication /as 5rst

    su)mitted to t'e time t'e grant a/ard issued. $t is important t'at G"" print t'e

    grant a/ard /it' t'e name of t'e correct -ut'ori?ing 87cia( and Cinancia(

    87cer for t'e ne/ 5sca( year. &'erefore it is important t'e 8rgani?ation

    -dministrator mae t'e appropriate c'anges to t'e pro%ect.

    &'e steps stated in -ppendi9 - s'ou(d )e fo((o/ed to register t'e -ut'ori?ing87cia( and Cinancia( 87cer in GEMS and to re4uest t'eir ro(es.

    Cor e9isting pro%ects and su)mitted app(ications t'e 8rgani?ation -dministrator

    /i(( need to re;assign t'e ro(es )y fo((o/ing t'ese steps1. Go to My Pro5(e.

    2. "(ic on t'e Manage Pro%ect =o(es ta).

    3. Edit t'e pro%ect+s, for /'ic' t'e ne/ -ut'ori?ing 87cia( /i(( need to )e(isted as t'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia(.

    . 8nce t'e edit )utton is se(ected ne9t to t'e appropriate pro%ect an EditPro%ect =o(es )o9 /i(( appear at t'e )ottom of t'e page.

    H. Se(ect t'e ne/ -ut'ori?ing 87cia( from t'e appropriate drop;do/n )o9.

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    I. "(ic t'e Su)mit )utton

    0#/#2 *eminders $f you are not associated /it' t'e correct organi?ation se(ect "'ange

    8rgani?ation from t'e My Pro5(e $nformation menu.

    $f t'e organi?ation information is incorrect p(ease contact your GEMS

    8rgani?ation -dministrator.

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    2General Information8n t'e Genera( $nformation page users se(ect t'e program priority for t'eir

    grant app(ication. Se(ecting t'e appropriate program priority is e9treme(y

    important )ecause it direct(y aLects /'ic' sections of t'e app(ication disp(ay.

    'en you se(ect a Program Priority and c(ic Save t'e navigation menu

    automatica((y updates to disp(ay on(y t'ose sections re4uired for t'e

    se(ected program priority.

    -(so if you c'ange your program priority you may (ose or gain certain

    sections of your app(ication. Cor e9amp(e if you se(ect a ne/ program

    priority t'at does not 'ave a 2nd year )udget your current 2nd year )udget

    may )e erased.

    $f you decide to c'ange your program priority you must revie/ t'e entireapp(ication to ensure you 'aven*t sipped any ne/ sections.

    2#/ $rogram $rioritiesDepending on /'ic' committee you 'ave se(ected a (ist of a(( avai(a)(e

    program priorities disp(ays. $f t'e program priority you intended to app(y for

    does not disp(ay return to t'e G"" "ommittee assignment page to ensure

    you 'ave se(ected t'e correct committee.

    2#/#/ Choosing a $rogram $riorityP(ease consider t'e se(ection of t'e program priority carefu((y as t'ey may

    c'ange from year to year. $mproper se(ection may dis4ua(ify t'e app(ication.

    -pp(ications are revie/ed )ased on t'e criteria of t'e priority se(ection.

    Choose your priority ased on those listed on the !CC wesite0 www.ncgccd.org.

    Click and read the 1description2 utton next to each priority on the application, if you are unsure as to which

    priority to apply.

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    *ou must decide which priority is the est fit for your pro'ect ased on the information provided.

    1. Se(ect t'e Program Priority. Jefore se(ecting t'e program priority

    revie/ a description of t'e priority )y c(icing t'e Description (in.

    2. &'e Priority Description )o9 opens. =evie/ t'e description to ensure

    t'at you are app(ying under t'e correct program priority.

    3. 8nce you 'ave 5nis'ed revie/ing t'e priority description c(ic "(ose in

    t'e )ottom rig't;'and corner of t'e )o9.

    2#/#0 $ro6ect Summary&'e pro%ect summary s'ou(d )rie>y descri)e t'e goa(s of t'e pro%ect and

    activities t'at /i(( )e conducted to meet t'e goa(s. &'is statement s'ou(d )e

    re(evant to a((o/a)(e activities of t'e pro%ect not t'e over;a(( organi?ation*s

    mission. &'e pro%ect summary is very important as it is used for various

    reports /'en information is re4uested of t'e Governor*s "rime "ommission+G"", to descri)e and summari?e pro%ects G"" funding supports. $n

    addition p(ease use t'is section to (ist t'e speci5c counties to )e served or

    state t'e geograp'ic area+s, to )e served.

    $S Congressional, ()C) *egislative #istricts + Counties

    #re)uently, !CC is called upon y Congressional Representatives and /C 3egislators to provide

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    information regarding grant funded pro'ects in their districts. Therefore, it is important the applicationreflects districts and counties for which the pro'ect will e serving.

    :e9t comp(ete t'e Program Summary. &'e summary cannot e9ceed 300

    c'aracters and s'ou(d start /it' @&'is pro%ect /i((QA &ry to )e c(ear and

    concise /'en /riting t'is summary.

    . &ype t'e summary in t'e summary for t'e pro%ect in t'e Pro%ect

    Summary 5e(d.

    H. Se(ect t'e Pro%ect Start Date and Pro%ect End Date.

    Result:- ca(endar opens.

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    ). :e9t se(ect a year from t'e drop;do/n (ist.

    I. -fter se(ecting a mont' and year c(ic a day in t'e ca(endar. 8nce you

    'ave se(ected a speci5c day in t'e ca(endar t'e ca(endar too( c(oses

    and t'e date disp(ays in t'e te9t 5e(d.

    !. :e9t se(ect a US congressiona( District.

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    K. &o use t'e se(ection )o9es 5rst c(ic an option in t'e -(( Districts )o9.

    N. :e9t c(ic t'e rig't facing top arro/.

    10. &'e district disp(ays in t'e Se(ected Districts )o9.

    &o remove t'e district c(ic t'e district and c(ic t'e (eft;facing )ottom


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    11. Se(ect t'e :.". ouse Districts using t'e se(ection )o9es.

    12. Se(ect t'e .#C# Senate +istrictsusing t'e se(ection )o9es.

    13. Enter t'e $opulation of $ro6ect %rea.

    1. Se(ect t'e $ro6ect Countiesusing t'e se(ection )o9es.

    1H. 'en you 'ave comp(eted t'e desired 5e(ds c(ic Save.

    &o move to t'e ne9t page c(ic Save O :e9t.

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    *ou do not have to enter all fields on this page in order to save and you can come ack at any time to edit

    your entries.

    1I. - Saving Genera( $nformation message disp(ays. 'en t'e

    message no (onger disp(ays continue /it' t'e grant app(ication.

    $ro6ect $rincipal $lace of $erformance

    &'e Governor*s "rime "ommission is re4uired to report to t'e federa(

    government t'e pro%ect*s princip(e p(ace of emp(oyment. &'is isreported )y t'e ?ip code of t'e (ocation. Enter t'e city and t'e R$P

    of t'e pro%ect*s Principa( P(ace of Performance. &'e Principa( P(ace of

    Performance is t'e primary site /'ere /or is performed. $n t'e event

    t'at t'e pro%ect is intended to operate out of mu(tip(e sites enter t'e

    city and t'e R$P of t'e site /'ere comparative(y more /or is to )e

    performed. &o (ocate t'e R$P for a given (ocation you may use t'e

    on(ine too( found at ///.usps.com?ip .

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    :%'stract and .arrative-(( 5e(ds in t'e -)stract O :arrative section are re4uired for su)mission to

    G"". Cor t'is section you /i(( need to enter a Pro%ect :arrative Pro%ect

    -)stract and Pro%ect &ime(ine of -ctivities.

    &'is section of your app(ication /i(( )ui(d t'e foundation for your proposa(

    one from /'ic' a(( ot'er aspects of your app(ication /i(( )e )ased upon.

    Grant funding is competitive6 it is very important to set your pro%ect apart

    from ot'ers. Mae t'is a(( a)out your (oca( community and your community*s

    needs. e(p revie/ers understand /'y funding your pro%ect s'ou(d )e a

    priority /'en t'ere are so many important needs across t'e state. E9p(ain

    'o/ your need is an e9ceptiona( need.

    :#/ $ro6ect %'stract&'e a)stract is a pro)(em statement identifying a need for /'ic' t'is

    proposa( strives to address. Jrie>y descri)e pro%ect*s purpose identify

    target popu(ation and discuss program components /'ic' address t'e

    identi5ed pro)(em. $nc(ude (oca( statistics to su)stantiate t'e need.

    1. Enter t'e Pro%ect -)stract. &'e pro%ect a)stract cannot e9ceed 1H00


    :#0 $ro6ect .arrative

    E9p(ain 'o/ t'e pro%ect /i(( address t'e pro)(em. $nc(ude a description of'o/ grant funded positions are integra( to t'e pro%ect and 'o/ contractua(

    trave( operating and e4uipment e9penses /i(( support t'e pro%ect. Fine

    items contained /it'in t'e )udget s'ou(d 'ave a purpose and direct(y

    connect to activity descriptions contained /it'in t'e narrative. Discuss 'o/

    you /i(( co((a)orate /it' ot'er agencies. Cocus on t'e pro%ect do not give

    agency 'istory do not repeat a)stract.

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    1. Enter t'e Pro%ect :arrative. &'e pro%ect narrative cannot e9ceed

    3000 c'aracters.

    :#2 $ro6ect TimelinePro%ect -ctivities s'ou(d )e detai(ed in a time;(ine. &'e time;(ine s'ou(d

    document t'e @/'o /'at /'en and /'ereA of your pro%ect.

    1. Enter t'e $ro6ect Timeline of %ctivities. &'e pro%ect time(ine of

    activities cannot e9ceed 1H00 c'aracters.

    Cor e9amp(e t'e mont's t'at t'e pro%ect /i(( operate +u(y 201

    t'roug' une 201H, s'ou(d )e identi5ed and /'at t'e pro%ect /i(( doduring t'ose mont's +'ire staL train staL recruit and train vo(unteers

    attend trainingsconferences/ors'ops co((a)orative partners'ip

    meetings outreac' events etc., s'ou(d a(so )e )rie>y descri)ed.


    u(y post position vacancy

    -ugust Septem)er purc'ase e4uipment and o7ce supp(ies

    for emp(oyee to )e added

    Septem)er conduct intervie/s and mae 'iring decision

    Septem)er;8cto)er ne/ emp(oyee is trained

    8cto)er ongoing ne/ emp(oyee de(ivers services

    Decem)er conduct regiona( meetings

    anuary mid;year assessment

    -pri( conduct second round of regiona( meetings

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page 22

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    une c(ose of year eva(uation

    2. 'en you 'ave comp(eted t'e desired 5e(ds c(ic Save.

    &o move to t'e ne9t page c(ic Save O :e9t.

    *ou do not have to enter all fields on this page in order to save and you can come ack at any time to edit

    your entries.

    3. - Saving General Informationmessage disp(ays. 'en t'e message no

    (onger disp(ays continue /it' t'e grant app(ication.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page 23

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    ;$ro6ect Goals and4'6ectives

    Grantees are (imited to t/o pro%ect goa(s and are (imited to four pro%ecto)%ectives per app(ication.

    ;#/ $ro6ect Goals- goa( is a )road statement of /'at you /is' to accomp(is'. Goa(s are )road

    genera( intangi)(e and a)stract. - goa( is rea((y a)out t'e 5na( impact or

    outcome t'at you /is' to )ring a)out. $n t'e case of goa(s for a grant

    proposa( mae sure t'ey are (ined )ac to your need statement +from

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    2. - Pro%ect Goa( entry form disp(ays )e(o/ t'e summary )o9. Enter a

    description of your pro%ect goa( and c(ic Save .e Goal.

    3. 8nce saved t'e goa( disp(ays in t'e summary )o9.

    . &o edit an e9isting goa( c(ic t'e Edit )utton in t'e summary )o9.

    H. 'en t/o goa(s are added t'e -dd :e/ Goa( option no (onger

    disp(ays. &o add a ne/ goa( you /i(( need to de(ete or edit an e9isting


    I. 'en you 'ave comp(eted t'e pro%ect goa(s c(ic t'e :e9t )utton.

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    ;#0 $ro6ect 4'6ectivesPro%ect o)%ectives s'ou(d identify /'at your agency /i(( do to reac' t'e

    pro%ect Goa(+s,. 8)%ectives are s'ort;term descriptions of t'e steps your

    agency /i(( tae to reac' its stated Goa(+s,. 8)%ectives are measurea)(e and

    'ave dead(ines. $n contrast to t'e goa( an o)%ective is narro/ precise

    tangi)(e concrete and can )e measured.

    -ccording to Mim "ar(son and &ori 8T:ea(;McE(rat' in Winning Grants you

    s'ou(d eep t'e fo((o/ing in mind /'en preparing your o)%ectives

    State your o)%ectives in 4uanti5a)(e terms.

    State your o)%ectives in terms of outcomes not process.

    8)%ectives s'ou(d specify t'e resu(t of an activity.

    8)%ectives s'ou(d identify t'e target audience or community )eing


    8)%ectives need to )e rea(istic and capa)(e of )eing accomp(is'ed

    /it'in t'e grant period.

    -n e9amp(e of an o)%ective t'at /ou(d go /it' t'e samp(e goa( a)ove is Jy

    t'e end of year one provide 12H mot'ers in t'e sout'/est area of Ja(timore

    /it' a 2;'our training program t'at /i(( provide 'ea(t' and nutritioninformation.

    Grantees are (imited to four pro%ect o)%ectives per app(ication. 'en t'is

    page is opened for t'e 5rst time an empty summary )o9 disp(ays. &'is

    summary )o9 disp(ays more information as o)%ectives are added.

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    1. &o enter a ne/ pro%ect o)%ective c(ic -dd :e/ 8)%ective.

    2. - Pro%ect 8)%ective entry form disp(ays )e(o/ t'e summary )o9. Enter

    o)%ective performance measure and eva(uation met'od. -(( t'ree

    5e(ds must )e entered in order to save. 'en a(( t'ree 5e(ds are

    comp(ete c(ic Save :e/ 8)%ective.

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    3. 8nce saved t'e o)%ective disp(ays in t'e summary )o9.

    . &o edit an e9isting o)%ective c(ic t'e Edit )utton in t'e summary )o9.

    H. 'en four o)%ectives are added t'e %dd .e 4'6ectiveoption no

    (onger disp(ays. &o add a ne/ o)%ective you /i(( need to de(ete or editan e9isting o)%ective.

    I. 'en you 'ave comp(eted t'e pro%ect o)%ectives c(ic t'e .e3t


    ;#2 $erformance > valuation&'e purpose of performance and eva(uation is to (in t'e activities of t'e

    pro%ect to goa(s of t'e pro%ect. $mposing performance measurements

    ensures resu(ts t'roug' performance monitoring. Performance and

    eva(uation met'ods esta)(is' a process to determine /'et'er t'e activities

    of t'e pro%ect are successfu( in meeting t'e overa(( goa( of t'e pro%ect. &'e

    information gat'ered t'roug' eva(uation may assist in improving future

    activities and processes for greater success.

    ;#2#/ $erformance MeasuresPerformance Measures s'ou(d detai( 'o/ your agency /i(( measure E-"


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    ;#2#0 valuation MethodsEva(uation Met'ods s'ou(d e9p(ain 'o/ your agency p(ans to gat'er record

    and ana(y?e your Performance Measures to 'e(p you understand 'o/

    services are /oring.

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    Sustaina)i(ity is a(( a)out maintaining and continuing to provide services

    after t'e funding period is over. &'is /i(( 'e(p descri)e 'o/ you /i(( eep

    your pro%ect a(ive after grant funding runs out. -s t'e future of federa(

    funding )ecomes more and more uncertain funders (oo more favora)(y on

    pro%ects t'at t'ey no/ /i(( )e a)(e to sustain itse(f /it'out depending on

    federa( funding in order to operate. $t is very important to mae sustaina)i(ity

    a part of your program p(anning.

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    ?#/ @hat is Sustaina'ility$lanningA Descri)e your forma( /oring sustaina)i(ity p(an for t'e pro%ect

    and 'o/ it /i(( resu(t in permanent operationa( funding +not G""

    funding, once t'is grant ends.

    Descri)e t'e strategies t'at /i(( )e imp(emented to support

    funding for t'is pro%ect in t'e future.

    $dentify t'ree speci5c activities t'at /i(( )e accomp(is'ed during

    t'e 5rst year of grant to 5nancia((y sustain pro%ect once t'e grant


    o/ /i(( you get )uy;in from ot'er partners $dentify

    community resources t'at 'ave t'e potentia( to partia((y sustain

    your pro%ect in t'e future.

    $t is not a sustaina)i(ity p(an to /rite t'at you /i(( see additiona(

    funding t'roug' t'e Governor*s "rime "ommission.

    ?#0 @hy See1 Sustaina'ility7undingA Cedera( funding and federa( funding amounts are not guaranteed.

    G"" funding priorities may c'ange from year;to;year.

    Most G"" funding is intended to seed ne/ programs.

    G"" funding may not )e avai(a)(e to grantees after t/o or t'ree

    grant cyc(es. Grantees are e9pected to 'ave independent


    Cunding is competitive not a(( app(ications are funded. &'is

    inc(udes previous(y funded pro%ects.

    $t is important to demonstrate a commitment and p(an of

    continuing t'e initia( investment )y G"" if and /'en G""

    funding ends.

    Some federa( funding streams re4uire t'at a ma%ority of t'e

    operationa( )udget )e generated t'roug' a(ternative sources.

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    ?#2 nter a $lan for $ro6ectSustaina'ility

    &e9t fo((o/ing t'ird main topic.

    1. Enter a p(an for pro%ect sustaina)i(ity. &'is e9p(anation is (imited to !H0


    2. 'en you 'ave comp(eted t'is 5e(d c(ic Save.

    &o move to t'e ne9t page c(ic Save O :e9t.

    *ou can come ack at any time to edit this entry.

    - Saving Sustaina)i(ity P(anning message disp(ays. 'en t'e message no

    (onger disp(ays continue /it' t'e grant app(ication.

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    B7irst ear -udgetJefore entering t'e pro%ect )udget p(ease refer to -ppendi9 J Una((o/a)(e"osts +for a(( app(icants,.

    &'e 5rst year )udget contains 5ve diLerent ta)s E4uipment "ontractua( Personne( Supp(ies &rave(

    &'e E4uipment ta) opens )y defau(t )ut users can se(ect any of t'e ta)sat any time. Ensure t'at /'en you enter )udget items you enter eac'item on t'e appropriate ta).

    B#/ -udget +etail-(( )udget items must )e e9p(ained or %usti5cation made for t'e e9penditure

    in t'e pro%ect narrative. - )udget detai( narrative descri)es t'e (ine item

    p(us a ca(cu(ation for t'at item. $t is important to inc(ude a description of t'e

    4uantity and unit cost so revie/ers /i(( understand /'at t'ey represent. &'e

    )udget detai( must )e provided as an attac'ment. Cor additiona( guidance

    on a((o/a)(e costs you may visit our /e)site to o)tain a copy of our

    standard grant conditions.

    B#/#/ Duipment&'e E4uipment ta) opens )y defau(t )ut users can se(ect any of t'e ta)s at

    any time.

    Drafts of (ease agreements for e4uipment must )e pre;approved )y

    G"" prior to e9ecution.

    $nsta((ation services for e4uipment purc'ases s'ou(d )e )udgeted

    under t'e E4uipment category.

    Co((o/ statefedera( de5nitions and guide(ines.

    B#/#/#/ Criteria *egarding DuipmentCor your information /e typica((y app(y t'e fo((o/ing criteria regarding


    Ma9imum amount for (aptop computers is V2000.00.

    Ma9imum amount for destop computer is V1H00.00.

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    Ma9imum amount for a fa9 mac'ine is V300.00.

    Ma9imum amount for a des is V 300.00.

    Ma9imum amount for a des c'air is V12H.00.

    Ma9imum amount for a side c'air is V!H.00.

    Ma9imum amount for a (aser printer is V3H0.00.

    B#/#0 ContractualJe a/are t'at contracted services cannot e9ceed VH0.00 for an K;'our dayand cannot e9ceed VHI.2H per 'our +e9c(uding trave( and su)sistence costs,/it'out /ritten P=$8= -PP=8B-F from t'e Governor*s "rime "ommission.

    $f contractua( (ine items in t'e )udget section are to fund a position p(easeindicate suc' in t'e ne/ app(ication 4uestion re4uesting t'e information. Corany contractua( fu((;time or part;time positions p(ease )e a/are t'at morespeci5c %o) description )o9es /i(( appear for you to comp(ete. &'ese )o9es

    must )e comp(eted6 a(ong /it' a comp(ete %o) description in t'e (arge %o)description )o9. &'is )o9 /i(( a((o/ up to 2000 c'aracters. P(ease )eadvised t'at you cannot proceed furt'er in your fu(( app(ication unti( a(( oft'is information 'as )een 5((ed out.

    B#/#0#/ 7unding a $osition$f contractua( (ine items in t'e )udget section are to fund a position p(ease

    indicate suc' in t'e ne/ app(ication 4uestion re4uesting t'e information.

    Cor any contractua( fu((;time or part;time positions p(ease )e a/are t'at

    more speci5c %o) description )o9es /i(( appear for you to comp(ete. &'ese

    )o9es must )e comp(eted6 a(ong /it' a comp(ete %o) description in t'e (arge%o) description )o9. !is "o# $ill allo$ up to %&&& c!aracters.

    &lease e advised that you cannot proceed further in your full application until all of this information haseen filled out.

    B#/#0#0 8o' +escriptionso) descriptions are re4uired for a(( grant;funded personne( positions. Eac'

    %o) description s'ou(d )e up(oaded as an attac'ment to t'e app(icationunder t'e -pp(ication -ttac'ments ta). o) descriptions must on(y inc(ude

    t'e dutiesresponsi)i(ities for t'e pro%ect )eing funded.

    B#/#0#0#/ StaE *osters:on;pro5ts are re4uired to provide a fu(( staL roster and a (ist of t'e current

    )oard of directors indicating t'e p(ace of emp(oyment of t'e )oard

    mem)ers /'ere app(ica)(e. &'ese items must )e up(oaded into GEMS at

    t'e time of t'e fu(( app(ication.Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page 3

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    B#/#0#0#0 8o' +utiesFist ey %o) duties of t'e position. $n t'e event t'at t'e position is part(y

    funded )y ot'er sources (ist on(y t'ose duties t'at /ou(d )e funded under

    t'e grant.

    B#/#2 Supplies8perating supp(ies are genera( items needed to imp(ement functions and

    processes of t'e pro%ect. $tems t'at may )e considered operating supp(ies

    are printing postage computer soft/are o7ce rent ce(( p'one uti(ities etc.

    P(ease note items over VH00 are typica((y considered to )e e4uipment items.

    &'ese items s'ou(d )e (ist in t'e )udget detai( on separate (ine items.

    B#/#2#/ General 4Fce SuppliesFie operating supp(ies genera( o7ce supp(ies are t'ose items needed to

    imp(ement functions and processes of t'e pro%ect6 'o/ever you may put a((o7ce supp(ies in one genera( o7ce supp(y (ine item /it'in t'e )udget detai(.

    Some items t'at may )e attri)uted to genera( o7ce supp(ies are pens

    paper fo(ders address (a)e(s >as' drive tape etc. $f t'e app(ication

    contains a genera( o7ce supp(y (ine item an e9'austive (ist of items to )e

    purc'ased against t'e (ine item s'ou(d )e contained in an app(ication

    attac'ment. $tems not (isted in an attac'ment may not )e reim)ursed. &'e

    items (isted s'ou(d direct(y re(ate to t'e operation and success of t'e grant

    funded pro%ect.

    Cor your convenience it is not re4uired t'at you itemi?e a(( o7ce

    supp(ies in t'e )udget detai(.

    -(( items to )e purc'ased must )e (isted in t'e pro%ect narrative

    )udget narrative attac'ment or in a document designated for t'e

    (isting of o7ce supp(ies.

    =efrain from using @etc.A e need detai(s.

    Print cartridges toner soft/are and ot'er 'ig'er priced items +under

    VH00, s'ou(d )e itemi?ed under t'e supp(y category as t'ese items are

    not considered @genera( o7ce supp(iesA.

    $tem /it' a unit cost of VH00 and greater s'ou(d genera((y )e )udgeted

    under t'e E4uipment cost category.

    - @Genera( o7ce supp(iesA (ine item s'ou(d 'ave 4uantity of 12 to

    a((o/ for mont'(y reim)ursement re4uest to )e 5(ed under t'e (ine


    7or e3ampleGrant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page 3H

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    Wuantity Unit "ost &ota( "ost

    12 V12H.00 V1H00.00

    B#/#2#0 4ther 4perating Costs Printing costs must )e itemi?ed.

    -gencies are not a((o/ed to re4uest rent reim)ursement for property

    t'ey o/n or mae mortgage payments on.

    P(ease )e a/are ce(( p'ones must )e under t'e name of t'e agency

    and cannot )e under t'e name of an individua(. 8t'er/ise t'e

    e9pense /i(( not )e reim)ursed.

    Professiona( (ia)i(ity insurance is an a((o/a)(e e9pense6 'o/ever

    property insurance is not.

    B#/#: Travel

    -s a genera( matter &rave( )udget (ine items must not e9ceed t'e currentState rates for mi(eage and per diem. - current trave( po(icy must )e

    su)mitted /it'in N0;days of t'e grant pro%ect*s imp(ementation.

    B#/#:#/ $rior %pprovalPrior approva( from G"" is re4uired for consideration to uti(i?e t'e federa( per

    diem rate for su)sistence and (odging. "onference rates negotiated at a rate

    'ig'er t'an t'e state rate /i(( re4uire prior approva( from G"".

    B#/#:#0 .C Travel $olicy > I*S *ate for Ground


  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    B#/#:#2 CalculationsP(ease s'o/ a(( ca(cu(ations if app(ica)(e

    Calculation for Mileage

    o Wuantity is t'e num)er of mi(es

    o Unit "ost is t'e mi(eage rate

    Calculation for odging+e9amp(e # peop(e 9 # nig'ts 9 V per nig't,

    o Wuantity is t'e num)er of peop(e mu(tip(ied )y t'e num)er of


    o Unit "ost is t'e nig't(y (odging rate

    Calculation for Su'sistence+e9amp(e # peop(e 9 # days 9 V per


    o Wuantity is t'e num)er of peop(e mu(tip(ied )y t'e num)er of


    o Unit "ost is t'e dai(y su)sistence rate

    Calculation for %irfare

    o Wuantity is t'e num)er of peop(e

    o Unit cost is t'e num)er air fare cost

    Provide an e9p(anation of ca(cu(ations in t'e )udget detai(.

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    B#0 %dding a -udget ine Item&o add (ine items to your )udget se(ect t'e appropriate ta) +for e9amp(e

    E4uipment, and se(ect t'e -dd :e/ item )utton )e(o/ t'e ta)(e. 'en a((

    items in your )udget are comp(ete c(ic t'e :e9t )utton in order to continue

    /it' your grant app(ication.

    1. Jy defau(t t'e Cirst

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    . "(ic -ddUpdate Judget $tem /'en your entry is comp(ete.

    H. &'e ne/ item disp(ays in t'e ta)(e. "ontinue to enter eac' E4uipment

    item in your 5rst year )udget.

    I. &o edit an e9isting item c(ic dit.

    !. &o de(ete an e9isting item c(ic +elete.

    K. -fter a(( E4uipment items are entered se(ect t'e "ontractua( ta).

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page 3N

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    N. "(ic t'e %dd .e Contractual -udget Item(in )e(o/ t'e ta)(e.

    10. Enter a Service $tem Description t'e &ota( :um)er of ours and

    t'e our(y =ate )e(o/. Cor e9amp(e a description is &'erapist t'enum)er of 'ours is 12H and t'e 'our(y rate is V2H.00.

    The hourly rate cannot exceed 456.758hour

    11. "(ic -ddUpdate Judget $tem /'en your entry is comp(ete.

    12. &'e ne/ item disp(ays in t'e ta)(e. "ontinue to enter eac'

    "ontractua( item in your 5rst year )udget. See B#/#0

    13. $f t'e ne/ "ontractua( item is a contract position se(ectS

    ot'er/ise se(ect .4#

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page 0

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    1. $f you se(ectedS, comp(ete t'e o) $nformation section for t'is

    contract position.

    1H. -fter a(( contractua( items are entered se(ect t'e $ersonnelta).

    See B#/#2

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    1I. "(ic t'e %dd .e $ersonnel -udget Item(in )e(o/ t'e


    1!. Se(ect a Personne( &ype and enter a Description. Enter t'e:um)er of Mont's or 'ours and t'e corresponding our(y or Mont'(y=ate and comp(ete t'e Position $nformation section.

    1K. "(ic %ddH!pdate -udget Item/'en your entry is comp(ete.

    1N. $f you se(ect Cringe Jene5ts as t'e personne( type you /i(( need

    to se(ect from an additiona( drop;do/n (ist of options.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page 2

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    20. &'e ne/ item disp(ays in t'e ta)(e. "ontinue to enter eac'

    Personne( item in your 5rst year )udget.

    21. -fter a(( Personne( items are entered se(ect t'e Suppliesta).

    See B#/#:

    22. "(ic t'e %dd .e Supplies -udget Item(in )e(o/ t'e ta)(e.

    23. Enter a S'ort $tem Description a Wuantity and a Unit "ost )e(o/.

    Cor e9amp(e a description is reams of paper a 4uantity is H0 and a

    unit cost is VK.!H.

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    2. "(ic -ddUpdate Judget $tem /'en your entry is comp(ete.

    2H. &'e ne/ item disp(ays in t'e ta)(e. "ontinue to enter eac'

    Supp(y item in your 5rst year )udget.

    2I. -fter a(( Supp(y items are entered se(ect t'e Travelta). See


    2!. "(ic t'e %dd .e Travel -udget Item(in )e(o/ t'e ta)(e.

    2K. Se(ect t'e &ype of &rave( &rave( Detai( and Description. :e9t

    enter t'e Wuantity and Unit "ost. Cor e9amp(e se(ect $n;State and

    Mi(eage t'en enter a 4uantity of 2H0 mi(es at a unit cost of .H0 per


    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page

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    The Second eararningX Do not se(ect t'e

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    J-udget Summary&'e Judget Summary page contains an overvie/ of t'e )udget and re4uires

    users to enter an e9p(anation of 'o/ t'ey p(an to provide matc' funds.

    P(ease revie/ t'e Judget Summary page carefu((y. Ensure a(( ca(cu(ations

    are accurate. $f t'ey are not c(ic save at t'e )ottom of t'e page to refres'

    t'e ca(cu(ations.

    +t is important to note that caps imposed on some priorities pertain to the maximum federal share9the total federal re)uest:. The total udget can exceed the cap for the priority, ut the federalshare should not.

    A !rant ;udget atch Calculator is availale under the !rants &lanning ta of the !overnor"sCrime Commission wesite. This tool may assist in udget planning.

    !or exa'ple:

    4 re)uirement:

    4 ?5,===.== #ederal hare or Total #ederal Re)uest

    +n this example, if the federal share was capped at 4@=,===.==, the udget is still within theallowale margin.

    1. =evie/ t'e percentage of matc' re4uired for your pro%ect +for e9amp(et'is pro%ect re4uires a 2HY matc', and e9p(ain 'o/ you p(an to provide

    matc' funds.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page !

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    2. $f your pro%ect provides t'e option for a matc' /aiver and you /ou(d(ie to re4uest t'is option c(ic t'e c'ec )o9 and provide a reason fort'is re4uest.

    3. =evie/ t'e Pro%ect Judget Summary to ensure t'e 5rst year and t'esecond year +if app(ica)(e, are comp(ete and accurate.

    . 'en you 'ave comp(eted t'is revie/ c(ic Save.

    &o move to t'e ne9t page c(ic Save O :e9t.

    *ou can come ack at any time prior to sumission of the grant to edit this entry.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page K

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    /K 8o' Information&'e o) $nformation page contains t'e )udget items /'ere %o) information is

    re4uired and provides t'e a)i(ity to add vo(unteer %o) information t'at are

    not re(ated to a )udget (ine item. See #/#2

    olunteer position titles must e the same as those used in the &ro'ect Astract8/arrative sections.

    1. &o enter a ne/ vo(unteer position c(ic %dd .e Volunteer


    2. - o) $nformation entry form disp(ays )e(o/ t'e o) $nformationsummary )o9. "omp(ete a(( re4uiredappropriate 5e(ds and c(ic Save

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page N

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    .e 8o'.

    3. 8nce saved t'e o) disp(ays in t'e summary )o9.

    . &o edit an e9isting %o) c(ic t'e dit)utton in t'e summary )o9.

    The &osition Type or Bo Title associated with a

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    // Certi"cations&'e "erti5cations page contains nine certi5cations t'at are to )e comp(eted

    )efore your grant app(ication is su)mitted to G""

    "erti5cation of :on;Supp(anting

    "erti5cation of Ci(ing an E4ua( Emp(oyment 8pportunity Program

    "erti5cation of Su)mission of -nnua( -udit

    "erti5cation of Su)mission of "urrent -nnua( 8perating Judget

    "erti5cation t'at -pp(icant is E(igi)(e to =eceive Cedera( Cunds

    "erti5cation =egarding Fo))ying +for agencies receiving V100000 ormore,

    Drug Cree orp(ace "omp(iance +for state agencies on(y,

    "erti5cation of "omp(iance /it' Genera( Statute 11;10.01 +for (a/enforcement agencies on(y,

    $=S Corm NN0 and $=S Corm NN0;ER

    //#/ Certi"cation of .onLSupplanting

    1. =evie/ t'e statement for section - and c(ic t'e c'ec )o9 if you arecomp(iant.


    Cedera( funds must )e used to supplemente9isting state and (oca( funds for

    program activities and must not supp(ant t'ose funds t'at 'ave )een

    appropriated for t'e same purpose.

    Supp(anting /i(( )e revie/ed during t'e app(ication process post;

    a/ard monitoring and audit.

    Cor certain programs a /ritten certi5cation may )e re4uested )y t'e

    a/arding agency or recipient agency stating t'at federa( funds /i(( not

    )e used to supp(ant state or (oca( funds.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page H1

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    Exa'ple:To help clarify the difference etween supplementing and supplanting, we provide the followingexample0

    tate funds are appropriated to hire 5= new police officers, and federal funds are awarded forhiring 6= new police officers. At the end of the year, the state has hired 6= new police officers, andthe federal funds have een exhausted. The state has not used its funds towards hiring new

    officers, ut instead reduced its appropriation for that purpose and assigned or appropriated thefunds to another purpose. +n this case, the state has supplanted its appropriation with the federalfunds. +f supplanting had not occurred,

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    #or example, a local law enforcement agency 9+mplementing Agency of the pro'ect: may employ 75individuals.

    owever, the city or county 9applicant and surecipient of pro'ect: of that local law enforcementagency may employee

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    1. =evie/ t'e statement for section C and c(ic t'e c'ec )o9 if you arecomp(iant.

    //#: Certi"cation of Su'mission ofCurrent %nnual 4perating -udget

    &'e Pro%ect Director certi5es t'at a copy of t'e $mp(ementing -gency*s

    current annua( operating )udget /i(( )e su)mitted upon re4uest.

    //#; Certi"cation that %pplicant isligi'le to *eceive 7ederal 7unds

    &'e Pro%ect Director certi5es t'at neit'er t'e grant app(icant nor any of itso7cers directors or consu(tants are present(y de)arred proposed forde)arment suspended dec(ared ine(igi)(e or vo(untari(y e9c(uded fromreceiving federa( funds. Z$f t'e director cannot mae t'is certi5cation ane9p(anation must )e attac'ed. $f t'is certi5cation cannot )e provided t'eapp(icant /i(( not necessari(y )e denied participation in t'is program. &'ecerti5cation or e9p(anation /i(( )e considered in connection /it' t'edetermination )y t'e GovernorTs "rime "ommission as to /'et'er or not toapprove t'e app(ication. o/ever if neit'er t'e certi5cation nor ane9p(anation is provided t'e app(ication /i(( )e re%ected.[

    $n addition if t'e pro%ect is funded it /i(( )e t'e responsi)i(ity of t'e granteeto ensure vendors etc. are a(so e(igi)(e to receive federa( funds and are notde)arred proposed for de)arment suspended or dec(ared ine(igi)(e toreceive federa( funds. &'e fo((o/ing are /e) addresses to c'ec suc'statuses



    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page H

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    Under Genera( $nformation t'e (ast )u((eted item +De)arredBendor, s'ou(d )e se(ected and @)ot'A Cedera( and Statespreads'eets s'ou(d )e c'eced to ensure t'e e(igi)i(ity ofvendors /it' /'ic' su)recipients e(ect to conduct )usiness+)ased on t'e State guided vendor process or So(e Source, areneit'er de)arred nor suspended from receiving payment )y /ayof Cedera( or State funds.

    1. =evie/ t'e statement for section + and c(ic t'e c'ec )o9 if you arecomp(iant.

    //#? Certi"cation *egardingo''ying (for agencies receiving/KK,KKK or more)

    &'e Pro%ect Director certi5es t'at

    +1, no federa((y;appropriated funds 'ave )een paid or /i(( )e paid to anyperson for in>uencing or attempting to in>uence an o7cer or emp(oyee ofany federa( agency a mem)er of "ongress an o7cer or emp(oyee of"ongress or an emp(oyee of a mem)er of "ongress in connection /it' t'ea/arding of any federa( contract t'e maing of any Cedera( grant t'emaing of any federa( (oan t'e entering into of any agreement6

    +2, $f any non;Cedera( funds 'ave )een paid or /i(( )e paid to any person forin>uencing or attempting to in>uence an o7cer or emp(oyee of any federa(

    agency a mem)er of "ongress an o7cer or emp(oyee of "ongress or anemp(oyee of a mem)er of "ongress in connection /it' t'is federa( grant t'ePro%ect Director s'a(( comp(ete and su)mit Standard Corm FFF Disc(osure ofFo))ying -ctivities in accordance /it' its instructions.

    1. $f your agency is receiving more t'an V100000.00 or more revie/ t'estatement for section C and c(ic t'e c'ec )o9 if you are comp(iant.

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    //#B +rug 7ree @or1placeCompliance (for state agenciesonly)

    &'e Pro%ect Director certi5es t'at

    +1, a drug;free /orp(ace a/areness program /as 'e(d on 0000andor /i(( )e 'e(d annua((y on 0000 /'ic' a(( grant pro%ect emp(oyeesare re4uired to attend6

    +2, a copy of t'e agenda of t'at program inc(uding an attendances'eet signed )y a(( emp(oyees /i(( )e provided to t'e GovernorTs

    "rime "ommission6

    +3, a statement /i(( )e pu)(is'ed notifying emp(oyees t'at anyun(a/fu( invo(vement /it' a contro((ed su)stance is pro'i)ited in t'egrantees /orp(ace and t'at speci5c actions /i(( )e taen againstemp(oyees /'o vio(ate t'is ru(e6

    +, a(( emp(oyees /i(( receive a copy of t'is notice6

    +H, a(( emp(oyees must agree to a)ide )y t'e statement and to notifyt'e app(icant of any crimina( drug statute conviction for a vio(ation

    occurring in t'e /orp(ace /it'in H days of t'e conviction6

    +I, /it'in 10 days of receiving suc' notice t'e app(icant /i(( inform t'eGovernorTs "rime "ommission of an emp(oyeeTs conviction6

    +!, any emp(oyee so convicted /i(( )e discip(ined or re4uired tocomp(ete a drug a)use treatment program6 and +K, t'e app(icant /i((mae a good fait' eLort to maintain a drug;free /orp(ace inaccordance /it' t'e re4uirements of Sections H1H3 and H1H of t'e

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    -nti;Drug -)use -ct of 1NKK and Sections K103 and K10 of &it(e 1 oft'e United States "ode.

    1. $f you are a state agency revie/ t'e statement for section G and c(ict'e c'ec )o9 if you are comp(iant enter t'e date t'at t'e program as'e(d on and t'e date t'at t'is program /i(( )e 'e(d annua((y.

    //# Certi"cation of Complianceith General Statute //:L/K#K/(for la enforcement agenciesonly)

    &'e Pro%ect Director certi5es t'at t'e $mp(ementing -gency is present(y incomp(iance and /i(( remain in comp(iance /it' t'e tra7c stop reportingprovisions of Genera( Statute 11;10.01 for t'e duration of t'e funded

    pro%ect. -n agency may )e in comp(iance /it' t'e reporting provisions ofGenera( Statute 11;10.01 /'ere tra7c stops are reported to t'e Division of"rimina( $nformation &'e :ort' "aro(ina Department of ustice or /'ere t'eagency does not meet any of t'e statutory criteria re4uiring t'e reporting ofstops.

    - (isting of (a/ enforcement agencies current(y re4uired to report tra7c stopinformation may )e found at'ttp///.ncdo%.gov-gencies=e4uiredFist.asp9

    1. $f you are a (a/ enforcement agency c'ec t'e )o9 if you arecomp(iant /it' t'e statute.

    //#J I*S 7orm JJK and I*S 7ormJJKLN

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    &'e Pro%ect Director certi5es t'at t'e most recent(y;5(ed $=S Corm NN0+@=eturn of 8rgani?ation E9empt Crom $ncome &a9A, or $=S Corm NN0;ER+@S'ort Corm =eturn of 8rgani?ation E9empt from $ncome &a9A, for t'eimp(ementing agency 'as )een up(oaded /it' t'is pro%ect app(ication as oneor more pdf +Porta)(e Document Cormat, attac'ments. $n t'e a(ternative t'ePro%ect Director certi5es t'at neit'er an $=S Corm NN0 nor an $=S Corm NN0;ER 'as )een up(oaded /it' t'is pro%ect app(ication for one of t'e fo((o/ingreasons

    &'e $mp(ementing -gency is not a nonpro5t organi?ation.

    &'e $mp(ementing -gency is a nonpro5t organi?ation t'at is e9emptfrom t'e re4uirement to 5(e an $=S Corm NN0 or an $=S Corm NN0;ER.

    &'e $mp(ementing -gency is a nonpro5t organi?ation t'at is note9empt from t'e re4uirement to 5(e an $=S Corm NN0 or an $=S CormNN0;ER and t'at 'as not to;date 5(ed an $=S Corm NN0 or an $=S CormNN0;ER.

    //#/K.oteorthy Certi"cations and*eDuirements&'ere are ot'er certi5cations and re4uirements t'at are /ort' noting even

    t'oug' t'ey are not present(y inc(uded in t'e GEMS app(ication.

    //#/K#/ Con"rmation of a @histleL'loer$olicy

    $n accordance /it' State and Cedera( regu(ations Su)recipients and

    $mp(ementing -gencies must adopt a 'ist(e)(o/er Po(icy. -gencies arere4uired to provide suc' simi(ar document to protect staLers /'o provideinformation and are c(assi5ed as /'ist(e)(o/ers in an eLort to protect pu)(icinterests and state funds.

    //#/K#0 Glo'al 8ustice Information Sharing-(( su)recipients of a/ards /'ere funding supports t'e e9c'ange of %usticeinformation s'a(( comp(y /it' D8*s G(o)a( ustice $nformation S'aring$nitiative guide(ines and recommendations.

    &'e su)recipient s'a(( conform to t'e G(o)a( Standards Pacage +GSP, and a((constituent e(ements /'enever app(ica)(e. =e4uirements of t'is grantcondition are descri)ed at 'ttp///.it.o%p.govgsp\grantcondition.

    &'e su)recipient s'a(( document p(anned approac'es to information s'aringand descri)e comp(iance to t'e GSP and an appropriate privacy po(icy t'atprotects s'ared information or provides detai(ed %usti5cation for /'y ana(ternative approac' is recommended.

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    11.10. Se3ual %ssault Victims !"aw#nforce$ent % Prosecutors&

    Je advised t'at victims of se9ua( assau(t 'ave t'e option to participate in t'ecrimina( %ustice system +report and prosecute, to de(ay reporting )y 'avingevidence co((ected and stored at FESS unti( a decision to report is made ornot report at a((. 2 U.S.". ] 3!NIgg;+d,.

    -dditiona((y victims of se9ua( assau(t must 'ave access to forensic medica(e9ams free of c'arge regard(ess of t'eir (eve( of participation in t'e crimina(%ustice system +report or not report,. Payment for a forensic medica( e9am/i(( )e made to 'ospita(s according to Session Fa/ 200N;3HJ 132.

    Cor additiona( information visit ///.ncgccd.org. Under t'e (eft navigationa(ta)s you /i(( 5nd a ta) entit(ed @- Corensic :urse E9aminer "omp(iance&oo(itA.

    //#/K#: $olygraph 3amination !"aw

    #nforce$ent Onl'&P(ease certify t'at your (a/ enforcement agency does not 'ave any practicesor po(icies in /'ic' a (a/ enforcement o7cer ass or re4uires an adu(tyout' or c'i(d victim of an a((eged se9 oLense as de5ned under Cedera(tri)a( State territoria( or (oca( (a/ to su)mit to a po(ygrap' e9amination orot'er trut' te((ing device as a condition for proceeding /it' t'e investigationof suc' an oLense.

    $f t'e a)ove sentence is an accurate re>ection of your agency*s responsep(ease su)mit a (etter on your agency*s (etter'ead using t'e a)ove

    (anguage to certify t'at you are in comp(iance /it' t'is re4uirement. $f atany time during t'e (ife of t'is grant you s'ou(d fa(( out of comp(iance /it't'is re4uirement p(ease contact Misty -. Jro/n immediate(y at +N1N, !33;HI.

    //#/K#; 8udicial .oti"cation !Prosecuters&P(ease certify on your agency*s (etter'ead t'at courts in your %urisdictionprovide for udicia( :oti5cation )y using -8" form #-8";"=;I1! +:E120!,.

    2. 'en you 'ave comp(eted t'e desired 5e(ds c(ic Save.

    &o move to t'e ne9t page c(ic Save > .e3t.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page HN

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    *ou so not have to enter all fields on this page in order to saveD you can come ack at any time to

    edit the entries.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page I0

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    /0 %pplication %ttachments&'e -pp(ication -ttac'ment page is designed to a((o/ you to up(oad any

    re4uired documents e(ectronica((y. &'is e(iminates t'e need to send in copies

    of t'ese documents direct(y to G"".

    /0#/ %ttachments due at the time of%pplication

    1. StaEH-oard *osters :on;pro5ts are re4uired to provide a fu(( staL

    roster and a (ist of current )oard of directors indicating t'eir p(ace of

    emp(oyment +if app(ica)(e,.

    2. +etailed -udget .arrative -(( grantees are re4uired to attac' adetai(ed )udget narrative. - temp(ate 'as )een provided in GEMS for

    you to use as a guide. P(ease ensure (ine items are consistent to (ine

    items (isted in your pro%ect )udget O inc(ude ca(cu(ations for eac' (ine


    3. 4Fce Supply ist $f t'e app(ication )udget inc(udes a genera( (ine

    item for supp(ies a document must )e attac'ed (isting a(( items to )e

    purc'ased under t'at (ine item. $t must )e determined if items are

    a((o/a)(e andor t'e items are re4uired to )e itemi?ed.

    . I*S 7orm JJK and I*S 7orm JJKLN Cor certain nonpro5t

    agencies see t'e $=S Corm NN0 and $=S Corm NN0;ER "erti5cation.

    H. %ny additional attachments reDuested to 'e uploaded 'y the

    Criminal 8ustice Improvement Committee or the 8uvenile

    8ustice $lanning Committee.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page I1

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    /0#0 %ttachments due If $ro6ect is7unded O $rior to 3penditures

    $rocurement $olicy Prior to procurement transactions

    su)recipients are re4uired to su)mit purc'asing or procurement

    po(icies 8= procurementpurc'asing protoco( to t'e Grants

    Management Specia(ist assigned to t'eir grant pro%ect )y up(oadingit to GEMS under Pro%ect -ttac'ments via e;mai( or snai( mai(.

    Travel $olicy+if app(ica)(e, $f trave( is inc(uded in t'e )udget t'e

    agency*s trave( po(icy must )e up(oaded into GEMS.

    ease %greement+if app(ica)(e, ; - copy of t'e (ease agreement

    s'ou(d )e up(oaded as a pro%ect attac'ment in GEMS at t'e

    )eginning of t'e grant period.

    /0#2 @or1ing ith %ttachments inGMS

    $t may )e 'e(pfu( to use a descriptive tit(e for t'e attac'ment t'at inc(udes

    t'e pro%ect $D generated )y GEMS /'en t'e app(ication /as started.

    /0#2#/ %ttaching an %pplication %ttachment1. "(ic t'e -roseP)utton

    2. -fter t'e 5(e e9p(orer /indo/ appears c(ic t'e 5(e you /ant to


    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page I2

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    3. "(ic t'e 4pen)utton

    . &'e pat' of t'e se(ected 5(e /i(( appear in t'e Up(oad -ttac'ments


    H. "(ic t'e Su'mit)utton to up(oad t'e document.

    I. 8nce t'e 5(e is up(oaded it /i(( appear in t'e (ist. &'e date of t'e

    up(oad /i(( appear ne9t to t'e 5(e name.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page I3

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    /0#2#0 +onloading a Copy of an %ttachment

    1. &o do/n(oad a copy of t'e 5(e c(ic on t'e "le name.

    2. 'en t'e system /i(( as if you /ant to open or save t'is 5(e c(ic

    t'e Save)utton.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page I

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    3. Se(ect t'e fo(der you /ant to save t'e 5(e into and c(ic Save#

    /0#2#2 +eleting an %ttachment

    1. &o de(ete a 5(e p(ace mouse over t'e name of t'e 5(e a do/n;arro/

    /i(( appear at t'e end of t'e 5(e*s ta)(e ce((. "(ic t'e don arro#

    2. "(ic t'e +elete)utton.

    3. &'e system /i(( as if you are sure you /ant to move t'is item to

    t'e site =ecyc(e Jin. &'is is t'e same a de(eting t'e item. "(ic t'e


    . 8nce t'e site de(etes t'e 5(e t'e site /i(( refres' t'e (ist of


    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page IH

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    /2 %pplication Veri"cation,*evie and Su'mission

    &'e app(ication veri5cation revie/ and su)mission is t'e (ast veri5cation ta)

    /i(( re>ect /'ere re4uired information is (acing or not proper(y entered

    /it'in t'e app(ication.

    /2#/ %pplication Veri"cation&'eApplication 'eri(cationpage provides a (ist of a(( t'e 5e(ds t'at you sti((

    need to comp(ete )efore you can su)mit your grant app(ication to G"". -s

    you comp(ete additiona( sections of t'e grants app(ication t'is (ist /i((continue to s'rin.

    /2#/#/ S%M *egistration8ne of t'e most common veri5cation fai(ures is re(ated to t'e S-Mregistration.

    Unfortunate(y t'e error is not a(/ays o)vious. &'e fai(ure to c(earveri5cation may )e due to t'e S-M registration e9piration date entered in

    GEMS 'as not )een updated and t'e e9piration date recorded in GEMS 'aspassed. S-M registration is a federa( system and GEMS is a state app(icationsystem. S-M does not interface /it' GEMS. &'erefore it is t'eresponsi)i(ity of t'e GEMS organi?ation administrator to update GEMS tore>ect t'e ne/ S-M e9piration date /'en t'e S-M registration 'as )eenrene/ed. &o c'ec to see if t'e S-M registration date 'as e9pired in GEMSgo to @My Pro5(eA and t'e @Bie/ 8rgani?ation $nformationA ta).

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page II

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    /2#/#0 Verifying the %pplication&o vie/ a speci5c page t'at contains empty 5e(ds c(ic t'e 'yper(in on t'e

    (eft side of t'e ta)(e. &'e 'yper(ined page opens.

    'en a(( t'e 5e(ds in t'e grant app(ication are comp(ete t'e ta)(e is no

    (onger visi)(e and a @

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    corrected6 'o/ever attempted (ast minute app(ication su)missions may nota((o/ amp(e time to reso(ve t'e tec'nica( issues.

    'en t'e 5rst person in t'e /or>o/ sends t'e app(ication to t'eCinancia( 87cer for revie/ t'e app(ication is no (onger edita)(e.

    'en an individua( sends a revie/ re4uest t'e ne9t person in t'e

    /or>o/ receives an emai( indicating t'at t'e grant app(ication is

    ready for revie/. Eac' person /i(( need to (og into GEMS revie/ t'e

    grant app(ication and approve t'e /or>o/.

    $f an individua( denies t'e grant app(ication t'e Pro%ect Director is

    noti5ed )y emai( and t'e app(ication c'anges to a status of 4pen

    for diting. -ny mem)er t'at 'as access to t'e app(ication canmodify t'e entries and )egin t'e /or>o/ again.

    -s users comp(ete t'e revie/ t'ey s'ou(d use t'e $ro6ect *evie

    Comment istoryto record any outstanding issues are concerns.

    $f t'e grant app(ication contains a Service Cundamenta( "omp(iance

    Statement )ot' t'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( and Pro%ect Director /i((

    need to se(ect an addition c'ec )o9 approving t'is statement.

    1. &'e Revie$ ) Su"mitpage opens a read;on(y vie/ of a(( t'e grant

    app(ication information. &o )egin t'e su)mission /or>o/ c(ic t'e

    %pplication is complete# Send *evie *eDuest to 7inancial


    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page IK

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    2. 'en t'e update is comp(ete a success message disp(ays. &o

    return to t'e GEMS My Pro*ectspage c(ic Vie My $ro6ects.

    3. &'e Cinancia( 87cer /i(( receive an emai( /it' t'e su)%ect (ine of

    @G"" -pp(ication =eady for =evie/A from t'e sender GEMS;


  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    5. &'e Cinancia( 87cer revie/s t'e app(ication and c(ics eit'er

    +enied, return for editingor %pproved, Send *evie

    *eDuest to %uthori5ing 4Fcial.

    $f t'e Cinancia( o7cer se(ects +enied, return for editing an emai(

    noti5cation is sent to t'e Pro%ect Director and t'e app(ication

    c'anges to a status of 4pen for diting. 8nce edits are comp(ete

    t'e app(ication /i(( need to )e resu)mitted to t'e Cinancia( 87cer in

    order to start t'e /or>o/ again.

    $f t'e Cinancia( 87cer se(ects %pproved, Send *evie *eDuest

    to %uthori5ing 4Fcial an emai( noti5cation is sent to t'e

    -ut'ori?ing 87cia(.

    6. 'en t'e update is comp(ete a success message disp(ays. &o

    return to t'e GEMS My Pro*ectspage c(ic Vie My $ro6ects.

    !. &'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( /i(( receive an emai( /it' t'e su)%ect (ine of

    @G"" -pp(ication =eady for =evie/A from t'e sender GEMS;


  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    &'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( c(ics t'e (in to open GEMS and signs into

    t'e system.

    K. &'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( revie/s t'e app(ication and c(ics eit'er

    +enied, return for editingor %pproved, Send *evie

    *eDuest to $ro6ect +irector.

    $f t'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( se(ects +enied, return for editing anemai( noti5cation is sent to t'e Pro%ect Director and t'e app(icationc'anges to a status of 4pen for diting. 8nce edits are comp(etet'e app(ication /i(( need to )e resu)mitted to t'e Cinancia( 87cer inorder to start t'e /or>o/ again.

    $f t'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( se(ects %pproved, Send *evie

    *eDuest to %uthori5ing 4Fcial an emai( noti5cation is sent to

    t'e Pro%ect Director.

    9. 'en t'e update is comp(ete a success message disp(ays. &o

    return to t'e GEMS My Pro*ectspage c(ic Vie My $ro6ects.

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    10. 'en t'e update is comp(ete a success message disp(ays. &o

    return to t'e GEMS My Pro*ectspage c(ic Vie My $ro6ects.

    11. &'e Pro%ect Director /i(( receive an emai( /it' t'e su)%ect (ine of

    @G"" -pp(ication =eady for =evie/A from t'e sender GEMS;


  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    14. $f t'e Pro%ect Director se(ects %pproved, Su'mit to GCC an emai(

    noti5cation is sent to G"" indicating t'at a grant app(ication is

    ready for revie/.

    1H. 'en t'e su)mission is comp(ete a success message disp(ays. &o

    return to t'e GEMS My Pro*ectspage c(ic Vie My $ro6ects.

    8nce su)mitted t'e status of t'e grant app(ication c'anges to!nder *evie.

    G"" /i(( revie/ your grant app(ication and notify you )y mai( if yourpro%ect 'as )een approved or denied.

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    /: %ppendi3 %4rgani5ational *oles

    /:#/ 4rgani5ational *oles&'e re4uest for organi?ationa( ro(es must come from t'e :"$D of t'eindividua( re4uesting t'e ro(e. &'e pro%ect director or editor cannot (oginunder 'is'er :"$D and mae a re4uest on )e'a(f of anot'er user.

    &'e fo((o/ing /i(( provides information on 'o/ to get t'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia(and Cinancia( 87cer to )e (isted in t'eir respective drop don 'o3esforse(ection.

    Eac' individua( associated /it' t'e grant pro%ect must register /it':"$D and t'en (og into GEMS using t'eir :"$D USE=$D and Pass/ord.

    8nce in GEMS t'e individua( needs to set up t'eir pro5(e in GEMS andre4uest an organi?ationa( or pro%ect ro(e under t'e @My Pro5(eA ta).

    8nce approved )y t'e 8rgani?ation -dministrator t'eir name s'ou(dappear in t'e drop;do/n )o9.

    $f t'e @pendingA message continues to s'o/ ne9t to t'e -ut'ori?ing87cia( andor Cinancia( 87cer ro(es c'ec t'e Bie/ 8rgani?ationa($nformation ta) to vie/ t'e 8rgani?ationa( -dministrator ro(e+s,. $f noone is (isted t'en t'e ot'er ro(es cannot )e approved. Someone /i((need to re4uest t'e 8rgani?ationa( -dmin ro(e and receive t'e pending

    ro(e re4uests +See )e(o/ on t'e duties of t'e organi?ationadministrator,.

  • 7/25/2019 GEMS Grant Application User Guide


    -ut'ori?ing 87cia(

    Cinancia( 87cer

    Pro%ect Director

    &'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( Cinancia( 87cer and t'e Pro%ect Director mustrevie/ and approve t'is app(ication )efore su)mitting to t'e Governor*s"rime "ommission. :eit'er t'e Pro%ect Director Cinancia( 87cer nor t'e

    -ut'ori?ing 87cia( may )e re(ated )y )(ood or marriage to eac' ot'er or toany individua( funded )y t'is pro%ect.

    +mproper selection of these three individuals may significantly delay your application.

    ere are e9amp(es of /'o s'ou(d )e se(ected for t'ese ro(es Cor a non;pro5t t'e )oard c'airpresident s'ou(d )e (isted as t'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia(.&'e )oard treasurer s'ou(d )e (isted as t'e 5nancia( o7cer. Cor a s'eriL*so7ce grant t'e county manager s'ou(d )e t'e -ut'ori?ing 87cia( and t'ecounty*s 5nancia( o7cer s'ou(d )e se(ected for t'e pro%ect*s Cinancia( 87cer.

    /:#/#/#/ 4rgani5ation %dministrator&'e individua( re4uesting to )e t'e organi?ation administrator s'ou(d )e /i((ing

    and a)(e to fu(5(( t'e fo((o/ing duties for 'is'er entity

    Update 8rgani?ation $nformation

    -pprove 8rgani?ation User =e4uests

    -pprove 8rgani?ation =o(es

    -pprove Pro%ect -ccess

    Manage GEMS Users

    Manage Pro%ect =o(es

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page !I

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    Someone /it'in t'e organi?ation s'ou(d )e designated to )e t'e 8rgani?ationa(

    -dministrator in GEMS.

    1. &'is person must re4uest t'e ro(e under @My Pro5(eA in GEMS.

    2. &'e initia( 8rgani?ationa( -dmin ro(e /i(( )e approved )y G"" staL.

    3. 8nce t'e 8rgani?ation -dmin ro(e is assigned re4uests for t'e ot'er ro(es

    /i(( )e for/arded to t'e 8rgani?ationa( -dmin approva(.

    &'is individua( /i(( 'ave additiona( ta)s under @My Pro5(eA to update

    organi?ation information manage users etc.

    ;eing an $rgani%ational Admin in /C+( is /$T the same as eing an $rgani%ational Admin in !. The

    &ro'ect (irector, #inancial $fficer, and Authori%ing $fficial CA//$T e the same person. +f a staff memeris funded y this grant, they cannot act as the &ro'ect (irector, #inancial $fficer, or Authori%ing $fficialwithout direct approval from the !overnor "s Crime Commission.

    &'erefore it is imperative amp(e time is a((o/ed for eac' to revie/ approve and

    t'e app(ication su)mission prior to t'e dead(ine. -pp(icants norma((y 'ave t'reemont's to comp(ete and su)mit app(ications. 'en sc'edu(ing time to prepare

    t'e app(ication app(icants s'ou(d ensure enoug' time to /or around de(ays in

    o)taining an :"$D trave( sc'edu(es andor tec'nica( di7cu(ty. &ec'nica(

    di7cu(ties can usua((y )e addressed and corrected6 'o/ever attempted (ast

    minute app(ication su)missions may not a((o/ amp(e time to reso(ve t'e

    tec'nica( issues.

    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page !!

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    Changing 4rgani5ation %dministrator

    &'e ne/ individua( re4uesting t'e ro(e of organi?ation administrator must

    o)tain a :"$D +if t'ey 'ave not a(ready done so,

    Use t'e :"$D to (og into GEMS and set;up 'is'er pro5(e in GEMS

    Go to @My Pro5(eA

    Go to t'e @=e4uest 8rgani?ation =o(esA ta)

    Se(ect @organi?ation administratorA and provide a )rief %usti5cation


    &'e re4uest /i(( go to t'e current organi?ation administrator for t'e agency for

    approva(. &'e current organi?ation administrator s'ou(d approve t'e re4uest for

    t'e ne/ organi?ation administrator. -t t'at point eit'er person may remove t'e

    o(d organi?ation administrator if 'es'e /i(( no (onger )e associated /it' t'e

    agency. $f t'at individua( 'as a(ready departed from t'e agency prior to maing

    t'e organi?ation administrator c'ange t'en contact t'e GEMS program

    administrator at t'e Governor*s "rime "ommission as soon as possi)(e. -t t'is

    time Garrietta Proutey is t'e GEMS program administrator at t'e Governor*s

    "rime "ommission. &'e program administrator /i(( de(ete t'e former

    organi?ation administrator from t'e ro(e for your agency. it'out an

    organi?ation administrator in GEMS associated /it' t'e agency t'e ne/

    organi?ation administrator re4uest /i(( go to t'e program administrator for


    Grant Enterprise Management System User Guide 2013 101!"$ and Pro%ects Page !K

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    /; %ppendi3 - !nalloa'leCosts

    The .C 4Fce of State -udget and Management alongith the .C

    State %uditors 4Fce have clearly de"ned rules regarding

    unalloa'le costs including folloing 'ut not e3clusive to

    Unallowable Costs

    $ndirect "osts -udits

    &rave( O "ompensation forCedera(G"" Emp(oyees


    Fo))ying Cood O Jeverage +e9cept per diem,

    Cundraising State ta9 for Fa/ Enforcement-gencies

    Fand -c4uisition Sporting events

    Jonuses or "ommissions Bisa fees Passport "'arges

    Mi(itary;&ype E4uipment &ips

    State and Foca( Sa(es &a9es Jar "'arges -(co'o(ic Jeverages

    "orporate Cormation Faundry c'arges

    onorariums &rave( O (odging in e9cess of state

    per diemStipends Mem)ers'ip fees to organi?ations

    /'ose primary activity is (o))ying

    $ncentives Premium pay

    Gift "ards "osts incurred outside t'e pro%ectperiod

    Cines and Pena(ties &rinets give;a/ay itemspromotiona( items +t;s'irts mugs(ogo;typed pens etc.,


    -ircraft O Be'ic(e Purc'ases

    Be'ic(e $nsurance

    Be'ic(e =epairs

    Jui(ding $nsurance

    "ommon -rea Maintenance Cees

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