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General Assembly Resolution

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  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

    Report on the fortysecond

    and fortythird sessions

    (422 May 2009, 220 November 2009)

    Economic and Social Council

    Official Record, 20!0

    Supplement !o. 2

    "nited !ations

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

    Report on the fortysecond

    and fortythird sessions

    (422 May 2009, 220 November 2009)

    Economic and Social Council

    Official Record, 20!0

    Supplement !o. 2

    "nited !ations

    !e# $or% and &ene'a, 2010

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution



    Symbol of "ni#ed Na#ion documen# are com$oed of ca$i#al le##er

    combined %i#& fi'ure Men#ion of uc& a ymbol indica#e a reference #o a

    "ni#ed Na#ion documen#



  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution





    Chapter Paragraphs Page

    + raf# deciion recommended for ado$#ion by #&e Economic and Social Council !4


    ++ Or'ani-a#ional and o#&er ma##er .2. 2

    / S#a#e $ar#ie #o #&e Covenan# . 2

    Seion and a'enda 1 *

    C Member&i$ and a##endance 9!. *

    3reeional %or5in' 'rou$ !1! .

    E Elec#ion of officer !9 1

    6 Or'ani-a#ion of %or5 202* 1

    7 Ne8# eion 24

    : S#a#e $ar#ie; re$or# c&eduled for conidera#ion by #&e Commi##ee

    a# i# u$comin' eion 2.

    +++ Overvie% of #&e $reen# %or5in' me#&od of #&e Commi##ee 2111

    / 7eneral re$or#in' 'uideline 2

    E8amina#ion of S#a#e $ar#ie; re$or# 2942


  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    6 /c#ion by #&e Commi##ee %i#& re'ard #o informa#ion on economic

    ocial and cul#ural ri' received from ource o#&er #&an #&e

    S#a#e $ar#ie .0.. !*

    ! +nforma#ion $rovided in connec#ion %i#& #&e conidera#ion by

    #&e Commi##ee of a S#a#e $ar#y re$or# .0 !*

    2 +nforma#ion received follo%in' conidera#ion by #&e Commi##ee

    of a S#a#e $ar#y re$or# and ado$#ion of concludin' oberva#ion .!.2


    * +nforma#ion $rovided %i#& re$ec# #o nonre$or#in' S#a#e $ar#ie .*..


    7 ay of 'eneral dicuion .1 !4

    : O#&er conul#a#ion .. !4

    + 3ar#ici$a#ion of non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion in

    #&e %or5 of #&e Commi##ee .91! !4

    = 7eneral commen# 121. !.

    > S#a#emen# ado$#ed by #&e Commi##ee 11 !1

    +? Submiion of re$or# by S#a#e $ar#ie under ar#icle !1 and ! of

    #&e Covenan# 119 !1

    ? Conidera#ion of re$or# ubmi##ed by S#a#e $ar#ie under ar#icle !1 and !

    of #&e Covenan# 040 !

    Forty-second session

    /u#ralia 4!!! !

    ra-il !!2!.0 2.

    Cy$ru !.!! *4

    Cambodia !922 *

    7E!04!22! (E) 2904!0

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    "ni#ed >in'dom of 7rea# ri#ain and Nor#&ern +reland, #&e Cro%n

    e$endencie and #&e Overea e$enden# @erri#orie 222. 49

    Forty-third session

    @&e emocra#ic Re$ublic of #&e Con'o 21*! .

    C&ad *!

    *10 1

    Mada'acar *1!400

    3oland 40!44! .

    @&e Re$ublic of >orea 44240 92

    ?+ Sub#an#ive iue ariin' in #&e im$lemen#a#ion of #&e +n#erna#ional Covenan#

    on Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri' 4!4 !02

    / /do$#ion of 'eneral commen# No 20 on nondicrimina#ion in

    economic, ocial and cul#ural ri' 4! !02

    /do$#ion of 'eneral commen# No 2! on #&e ri' of everyone #o

    #a5e $ar# in cul#ural life 42 !02

    C +n#erac#ive dialo'ue %i#& #&e inde$enden# e8$er# on #&e iue of &uman

    ri' obli'a#ion rela#ed #o acce #o afe drin5in' %a#er and ani#a#ion 4*


    +nforma#ion eion on e8ual and re$roduc#ive &eal#& ri' 444. !0*

    E Coo$era#ion %i#& $eciali-ed a'encieA #en#& mee#in' of #&e =oin# E8$er#

    7rou$ "NESCO (Commi##ee on Conven#ion and Recommenda#ion)

    Economic and Social Council (Commi##ee on Economic, Social and

    Cul#ural Ri') on #&e Moni#orin' of #&e Ri' #o Educa#ion 41 !0*

    6 E8$er# eminar on #&e O$#ional 3ro#ocol #o #&e +n#erna#ional

    Covenan# on Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri' 44 !04

    ?++ /ddi#ional deciion ado$#ed and ma##er dicued by #&e Commi##ee a# i#

    for#yecond and for#y#&ird eion 4949. !0

    7E!04!22! '

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    / 3ar#ici$a#ion in in#ereional mee#in' 49 !0

    6u#ure 'eneral commen# 490 !0

    C 6u#ure #a#emen# 49! !0

    Coo$era#ion %i#& $eciali-ed a'encie 492 !0


  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    ?+++ Re$or# of #&e #en#& mee#in' of #&e =oin# E8$er# 7rou$ "NESCO (Commi##ee

    on Conven#ion and Recommenda#ion)ECOSOC (Commi##ee on Economic,

    Social and Cul#ural Ri') on Moni#orin' #&e Ri' #o Educa#ion !41

    +B / i# of documen# of #&e Commi##ee a# i# for#yecond eion !..

    i# of documen# of #&e Commi##ee a# i# for#y#&ird eion !.1

    7E!04!22! 'ii

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution





    /< iviion for #&e /dvancemen# of

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Chapter * +ne#

    -raft decision recommended for adoption )y the Economic and Social




  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    conidera#ion of individual $e#i#ion %i#&in #&e frame of #%o eion $er

    year in addi#ion #o i# conidera#ion of S#a#e $ar#y re$or#

    -raft decision

    4 @&e Economic and Social Council, concerned #&a# e8i#in' mee#in'

    arran'emen# for #&e Commi##ee on Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri'

    no lon'er $ermi# i# #o fully dic&ar'e i# re$onibili#ie under #&e

    +n#erna#ional Covenan# on Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri' and

    Council reolu#ion !9.! in an efficien# and #imely manner, and no#in'

    #&a# #&e $reen# bac5lo' in conidera#ion of S#a#e $ar#y re$or# could be

    effec#ively deal# %i#& #&rou'& addi#ional eion, a$$rove #&e convenin'

    of an addi#ional eion of #&e Commi##ee, follo%ed by $reeional

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Commi##ee, in May and November, eac& of #&ree %ee5; dura#ion, in

    addi#ion #o a $reeional %or5in' 'rou$ of five member #o mee# for five

    day immedia#ely af#er eac& eion #o $re$are #&e li# of iue for

    conidera#ion a# #&e ubeDuen# eion @&e Council, in i# reolu#ion

    !99.*9 of 2. =uly !99., endored #&e recommenda#ion of #&e Commi##ee

    +n 2009, #&e Commi##ee &eld i# for#yecond eion from 4 #o 22

    May, and i# for#y#&ird eion from 2 #o 20 November o#& eion %ere

    &eld a# #&e "ni#ed Na#ion Office a# 7eneva @&e a'enda for eac& eion i

    di$layed in anne8 ++ #o #&e $reen# re$or# / li# of documen# for eac&

    eion i di$layed in anne8 +B #o #&e $reen# re$or#

    /n accoun# of #&e Commi##ee; delibera#ion a# i# for#yecond and

    for#y#&ird eion i con#ained in #&e relevan# ummary record

    (EC!22009SR!2 and EC!22009SR2944, re$ec#ively)

    C. em)ership and attendance

    9 @%o ne% member of #&e Commi##ee %ere %elcomed a# #&e #ar# of

    #&e for#yecond eionA Mr Fd-ila% >ed-ia and Mr Nicolaa =an

    Sc&riGver @%o ou#'oin' member %ere #&an5ed for #&eir dedica#ion and

    effor#A Mr /ndr-eG R-e$lin5i and M arbara oloov %&o &a rei'ned from #&e

    Commi##ee effec#ive ! /u'u# 2009

    !! /n elec#ion %a &eld #o fill #&e caual vacancy a $er rule !2 of #&e

    3roviional Rule of 3rocedure of #&e Commi##ee on Economic, Social and

    Cul#ural Ri' (EC!2!9904Rev!) On !. ecember 2009, under i#em

    !, #&e Economic and Social Council elec#ed Mr /lan >&ueinovic&

    /ba&id-e (Ruian 6edera#ion) by acclama#ion for a #erm be'innin' on !.


  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    ecember 2009 and e8$irin' on *! ecember 20!0 #o re$lace Mr uri


    !2 @&e ne%ly elec#ed and reelec#ed member of #&e Commi##ee, a# i#

    fir# mee#in' of i# for#yecond eion on 4 May 2009, made a olemn

    declara#ion in o$en mee#in', in accordance %i#& rule !* of #&e Commi##ee;

    rule of $rocedure

    !* @&e follo%in' $eciali-ed a'encie and "ni#ed Na#ion or'an and

    de$ar#men# %ere invi#ed #o be re$reen#ed by oberver a# #&e for#yecond

    and for#y#&ird eionA /

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    /# #&e for#yecond eionA

    General consultative statusA /mne#y +n#erna#ional (/+), Cen#re Euro$e

    @ierMonde (CE@+M), Comi#H na#ional

    d;ac#ion $our le droi# de l;enfan# e# de la

    6emme (C/E6), 6+/N +n#erna#ional

    (6oodfir# +nforma#ion and /c#ion Ne#%or5),

    +n#erna#ional 6edera#ion of Social

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    for :uman Ri' (+S:R), :uman Ri'

    /dvoca#e, +nc (:R/), >urdi#an

    Recon#ruc#ion and evelo$men# Socie#y,

    ?iva# +n#erna#ional, Minbyun a%yer for

    / emocra#ic Socie#y, u#&eran

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    (:R@6), +ndi'enou Ri' /c#ive Member (+R/M) of +ndi'enou

    Communi#y Su$$or# Or'ani-a#ion (+CSO), +n#erna#ional Reearc& Cen#re on

    Social Minori#ie (+RCSM), >in'ford e'al Cen#re, Movimen#o Nacional

    de Menino e Menina de Rua, Nor#&ern +reland Council for E#&nic

    Minori#ie (N+CEM), Sco##i& Commiion for Men#al :eal#& (S/M:),

    7ood Nei'&bor +n#erna#ional (7N+), +#i#u#o +n#erna-ionale Maria

    /uilia#rice (++M/)

    -. 6resessional #or%ing group

    !1 @&e Economic and Social Council, in i# reolu#ion !94 of 24 May

    !9, au#&ori-ed #&e e#abli&men# of a $reeional %or5in' 'rou$

    com$oed of five member #o be a$$oin#ed by #&e C&air$eron #o mee# for

    u$ #o one %ee5 $rior #o eac& eion y deciion !9902.2 of 2. May

    !990, #&e Council au#&ori-ed #&e mee#in' of #&e %or5in' 'rou$ #o be &eld

    one #o #&ree mon#& $rior #o a eion of #&e Commi##ee

    ! @&e C&air$eron of #&e Commi##ee, in conul#a#ion %i#& #&e member

    of #&e ureau, dei'na#ed #&e follo%in' individual a member of #&e $re

    eional %or5in' 'rou$ #o mee#A

    Prior to the forty-second sessionA

    M ?ir'inia onoanandan

    Mr /--ou- >erdoun

    Mr /lvaro @irado MeGia

    Mr Fd-ila% >ed-ia

    Mr Eibe Riedel

    Prior to the forty-third sessionA

    Mr Fd-ila% >ed-ia

    Mr =aime Marc&anRomero

    7 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Mr /riran'a 3illay

    Mr 3&ili$$e @e8ier

    Mr aode F&an

    ! @&e $reeional %or5in' 'rou$ &eld i# mee#in' a# #&e "ni#ed

    Na#ion Office a# 7eneva from 2. #o 29 May 2009 and from 2* #o 21

    November 2009 /ll dei'na#ed member of #&e %or5in' 'rou$ a##ended #&e

    mee#in' @&e %or5in' 'rou$ iden#ified iue #&a# mi' mo# uefully be

    dicued %i#& #&e re$reen#a#ive of #&e re$or#in' S#a#e and li# of uc&

    Due#ion %ere #ranmi##ed #o #&e $ermanen# miion of #&e S#a#e

    concerned @&e $reeional %or5in' 'rou$ #o $recede #&e for#yfif#&

    eion %ill &old i# mee#in' from 2. #o 2 May 20!0, and for #&e for#y

    i8#& eion from 22 #o 21 November 20!0

    E. Election of officers

    !9 +n accordance %i#& rule !4 of #&e Commi##ee; rule of $rocedure, #&e

    Commi##ee, a# i# fir# mee#in' of i# for#yecond eion on 4 May 2009,

    elec#ed #&e member of i# ureau, a follo%A

    C&air$eronA Mr =aime Marc&anRomero

    ?iceC&air$eronA Mr Mo&ammed E--eldin /bdelMoneim

    M Maria ?ir'inia ra 7ome

    Mr ed-ia

    8. rganiation of #or%

    Forty-second session

    20 @&e Commi##ee conidered i# or'ani-a#ion of %or5 a# i# fir# mee#in'

    on 4 May 2009 +n connec#ion %i#& #&i i#em, #&e Commi##ee &ad before i#

    7E!04!22! 9

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    #&e follo%in' documen#A

    (a) 3roviional a'enda and draf# $ro'ramme of %or5 for #&e for#y

    econd eion, $re$ared by #&e Secre#ary7eneral in conul#a#ion %i#& #&e

    C&air$eron of #&e Commi##ee (EC!242!)K

    (b) Re$or# of #&e Commi##ee on #&e %or5 of i# $reviou eionAL

    fir# (E!92EC!2!9.), econd (E!9!4EC!2!94), #&ird

    (E!9922EC!2 !99.), four#& (E!9902*EC!2!990* and Corr!),

    fif#& (E!99!2*EC!2!990 and Corr!), i8#& (E!9922*

    EC!2!99!4 and /dd!), even#& (E!99*22EC!2!9922), ei'& and

    nin#& (E!9942*EC!2!99*!9), #en#& and eleven#& (E!99.22EC!2!994 20 and Corr!), #%elf#& and #&ir#een#& (E!99122

    EC!2!99.!), four#een#& and fif#een#& (E!9922EC!2!9911),

    i8#een#& and even#een#& (E!9922EC!2!99!0), ei'een#& and

    nine#een#& (E!99922EC!2!9921), #%en#ie#& and #%en#yfir# (E2000

    22EC!2!999!! and Corr!), #%en#yecond, #%en#y#&ird and #%en#y

    four#& (E200!22EC!220002!), #%en#yfif#&, #%en#yi8#& and #%en#y

    even#& (E200222EC!2200! !), #%en#yei'& and #%en#ynin#&

    (E200*22EC!22002!*), #&ir#ie#& and #&ir#yfir# (E200422

    EC!2200*!4), #&ir#yecond and #&ir#y#&ird (E200.22EC!220049),

    #&ir#yfour#& and #&ir#yfif#& (E200122EC!2200..), #&ir#yi8#& and

    #&ir#yeven#& (E20022EC!22001!!), #&ir#yei'& and #&ir#ynin#&

    (E20022E C!2200*) and for#ie#& and for#yfir# (E200922


    2! +n accordance %i#& rule of i# rule of $rocedure, #&e Commi##ee, a##&e ame mee#in', conidered #&e $roviional a'enda and draf# $ro'ramme

    of %or5 for i# for#yecond eion and a$$roved #&em, a amended durin'


    Forty-third session

    L L 3ubli&ed a Official Records of the Economic and SocialCouncil

    10 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    22 @&e Commi##ee conidered i# or'ani-a#ion of %or5 a# i# 29#& mee#in'

    on 2 November 2009 +n connec#ion %i#& #&i i#em, #&e Commi##ee &ad

    before i# #&e follo%in' documen#A

    (a) 3roviional a'enda and draf# $ro'ramme of %or5 for #&e for#y

    #&ird eion, $re$ared by #&e Secre#ary7eneral in conul#a#ion %i#& #&e

    C&air$eron of #&e Commi##ee (EC!24*!)K

    (b) Re$or# of #&e Commi##ee on #&e %or5 of i# $reviou eion

    (ee $ara'ra$& !2 (b) above)

    2* +n accordance %i#& rule of i# rule of $rocedure, #&e Commi##ee, a#

    #&e ame mee#in', conidered #&e $roviional a'enda and draf# $ro'ramme

    of %or5 for i# for#y#&ird eion and a$$roved #&em, a amended durin'


    &. !et sessions

    24 +n accordance %i#& #&e e#abli&ed c&edule, #&e for#yfour#& and

    for#yfif#& eion %ill #a5e $lace a# #&e "ni#ed Na#ion Office a# 7eneva

    from * #o 20 May 20!0 and from ! #o !9 November 20!0, re$ec#ively

    :. States parties; reports scheduled for consideration )y the Committee at

    its upcoming sessions

    2. +n accordance %i#& rule 1!, $ara'ra$& 2, of #&e Commi##ee; rule of

    $rocedure, #&e re$or# ubmi##ed by S#a#e $ar#ie under ar#icle !1 of #&e

    Covenan# are c&eduled for conidera#ion in #&e order in %&ic& #&ey &ave

    been received by #&e Secre#ary7eneral @&e Commi##ee received a a# 20

    November 2009, cloin' da#e of #&e for#y#&ird eion, #&e follo%in'

    re$or#, %&ic& i# decided #o conider a# i# for#yfour#& and for#yfif#&

    eion in 20!0A

    Forty-fourth session !"#$ %ay #&$&'

    /f'&ani#an Secondfour#& EC!2/6724

    7E!04!22! 11

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    /l'eria @&irdfour#& EC!2F/4

    Colombia 6if#& EC!2CO.

    >a-a5an +ni#ial EC!2>/F!

    Mauri#iu Secondfour#& EC!2M"S4

    Forty-fifth session $"$( Novem)er #&$&'

    ominican Re$ublic @&ird EC!2OM*

    @&e Ne#&erland and

    Ne#&erland /n#ille

    6our#&fif#& and


    EC!2N4. and


    Sri an5a Secondfour#& EC!2>/24

    S%i#-erland Second#&ird EC!2C:E2*

    "ru'uay @&irdfour#& EC!2"R*4

    Chapter ***

    'er'ie# of the present #or%ing methods of the Committee

    21 @&i c&a$#er of #&e Commi##ee; re$or# aim a# $rovidin' a concie

    and u$#oda#e overvie% and e8$lana#ion of #&e %ay in %&ic& #&e

    Commi##ee carrie ou# i# variou func#ion, includin' informa#ion abou#

    recen# develo$men# in i# %or5in' me#&od +# i dei'ned #o ma5e #&e

    Commi##ee; curren# $rac#ice more #ran$aren# and readily acceible o a

    #o ai# S#a#e $ar#ie and o#&er in#ere#ed in #&e im$lemen#a#ion of #&e


    2 Since i# fir# eion, in !9, #&e Commi##ee &a made a concer#ed

    effor# #o devie a$$ro$ria#e %or5in' me#&od #&a# adeDua#ely reflec# #&e

    na#ure of #&e #a5 %i#& %&ic& i# &a been en#ru#ed +n #&e coure of i# 4*

    eion i# &a ou' #o modify and develo$ #&ee me#&od in #&e li' of i#

    e8$erience @&ee me#&od %ill con#inue #o evolve

    12 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    (. &eneral reporting guidelines

    2 @&e Commi##ee a##ac&e maGor im$or#ance #o #&e need #o #ruc#ure #&e

    re$or#in' $roce and #&e dialo'ue %i#& eac& S#a#e $ar#y; re$reen#a#ive in

    uc& a %ay a #o enure #&a# #&e iue of $rinci$al concern #o i# are deal#

    %i#& in a me#&odical and informa#ive manner 6or #&i $ur$oe, in 200, #&e

    Commi##ee &a ado$#ed revied re$or#in' 'uideline on #rea#y$ecific

    documen# #o be ubmi##ed by S#a#e $ar#ie under ar#icle !1 and ! of #&e

    Covenan#,! %i#& a vie% #o ai#in' S#a#e in #&e re$or#in' $roce and

    im$rovin' #&e effec#ivene of #&e moni#orin' y#em a a %&ole

    . Eamination of States parties; reports


  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    li5eli&ood #&a# #&e S#a#e $ar#y %ill be able #o $rovide $recie and de#ailed



  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Commi##ee ee5, i# #ron'ly ur'e eac& S#a#e $ar#y #o $rovide in

    %ri#in' i# re$lie #o #&e li# of iue and #o do o ufficien#ly in

    advance of #&e eion a# %&ic& i# re$or# %ill be conidered #o enable

    #&e re$lie #o be #ranla#ed and made available #o all member of #&e


    *. +n addi#ion #o #&e #a5 of formula#in' #&e li# of iue, #&e $re

    eional %or5in' 'rou$ i alo en#ru#ed %i#& a varie#y of o#&er #a5

    dei'ned #o facili#a#e #&e %or5 of #&e Commi##ee a a %&ole @&ee &ave

    includedA dicuin' #&e mo# a$$ro$ria#e alloca#ion of #ime for #&e

    conidera#ion of eac& S#a#e re$or#K coniderin' #&e iue of &o% be# #o

    re$ond #o u$$lemen#ary re$or# con#ainin' addi#ional informa#ionK

    e8aminin' draf# 'eneral commen#K coniderin' &o% be# #o #ruc#ure #&e

    day of 'eneral dicuionK and o#&er relevan# ma##er

    2. Consideration of the reports

    *1 +n accordance %i#& #&e e#abli&ed $rac#ice of eac& of #&e "ni#ed

    Na#ion &uman ri' #rea#y moni#orin' bodie, re$reen#a#ive of #&e

    re$or#in' S#a#e &ould be $reen# a# #&e mee#in' of #&e Commi##ee %&en

    #&eir re$or# are e8amined in order #o enure a con#ruc#ive dialo'ue %i#&

    #&e Commi##ee @&e follo%in' $rocedure i 'enerally obervedA #&e

    re$reen#a#ive of #&e S#a#e $ar#y i invi#ed #o in#roduce #&e re$or# by ma5in'

    brief in#roduc#ory commen# and in#roducin' any %ri##en re$lie #o #&e li#

    of iue dra%n u$ by #&e $reeional %or5in' 'rou$ @&e Commi##ee #&en

    conider #&e re$or# by clu#er of ar#icle (uually ar#icle !., 19, !0!2

    and !*!.), #a5in' $ar#icular accoun# of #&e re$lie furni&ed in re$one #o

    #&e li# of iue @&e C&air$eron %ill normally invi#e Due#ion or

    commen# from Commi##ee member in rela#ion #o eac& iue and #&en

    invi#e #&e S#a#e $ar#y re$reen#a#ive #o re$ly immedia#ely #o Due#ion #&a#

    do no# reDuire fur#&er reflec#ion or reearc& /ny remainin' Due#ion are

    #a5en u$ a# a ubeDuen# mee#in' or, if neceary, may be #&e ubGec# of

    addi#ional informa#ion $rovided #o #&e Commi##ee in %ri#in' Member of

    7E!04!22! 1

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    #&e Commi##ee are free #o $urue $ecific iue in #&e li' of #&e re$lie

    #&u $rovided, al#&ou'& #&e Commi##ee &a ur'ed #&em no# #o (a) raie iue

    ou#ide #&e co$e of #&e Covenan#K (b) re$ea# Due#ion already $oed or

    an%eredK (c) add unduly #o an already lon' li# on a $ar#icular iueK or (d)

    $ea5 for more #&an five minu#e in any one in#erven#ion Re$reen#a#ive of

    relevan# $eciali-ed a'encie and o#&er in#erna#ional bodie may alo be

    invi#ed #o con#ribu#e a# any #a'e of #&e dialo'ue

    * @&e final $&ae of #&e Commi##ee; e8amina#ion of #&e re$or# coni#

    of #&e draf#in' and ado$#ion of i# concludin' oberva#ion 6or #&i $ur$oe,

    #&e Commi##ee uually e# aide a brief $eriod in cloed eion

    immedia#ely af#er #&e concluion of #&e dialo'ue #o enable i# member #o

    e8$re #&eir $reliminary vie% @&e coun#ry ra$$or#eur #&en $re$are, %i#&

    #&e ai#ance of #&e ecre#aria#, a draf# e# of concludin' oberva#ion for

    conidera#ion by #&e Commi##ee @&e a'reed #ruc#ure of #&e concludin'

    oberva#ion i a follo%A in#roduc#ion, $oi#ive a$ec#, fac#or and

    difficul#ie im$edin' #&e im$lemen#a#ion of #&e Covenan#, $rinci$al ubGec#

    of concern and u''e#ion and recommenda#ion /# a la#er #a'e, #&e

    Commi##ee #&en dicue #&e draf#, a'ain in $riva#e eion, %i#& a vie% #o

    ado$#in' i# by conenu

    * @&e concludin' oberva#ion, once formally ado$#ed, are 'enerally

    made $ublic on #&e final day of #&e eion @&ey are for%arded a oon a

    $oible #o #&e S#a#e $ar#y concerned and included in #&e Commi##ee;

    re$or# +f i# o %i&e, #&e S#a#e $ar#y may addre any of #&e Commi##ee;

    concludin' oberva#ion in #&e con#e8# of any addi#ional informa#ion #&a# i#

    $rovide #o #&e Commi##ee

    *9 +n 'eneral, #&e Commi##ee devo#e #&ree mee#in' (of #&ree &our

    eac&) #o i# $ublic e8amina#ion of S#a#e $ar#ie; re$or# +n addi#ion, i#

    'enerally devo#e be#%een #%o and #&ree &our #o%ard #&e end of #&e

    eion, in $riva#e, #o i# dicuion of eac& e# of concludin' oberva#ion

    14 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    3. Comments )y States parties on concluding o)ser'ations

    40 Once #&e Commi##ee &a ado$#ed i# concludin' oberva#ion on #&e

    re$or# of a S#a#e $ar#y, and if #&e la##er ubmi# any commen# #&ereon #o #&e

    Commi##ee, #&ee are made $ublic, a ubmi##ed, a Commi##ee documen#

    and men#ioned in #&e annual re$or# Commen# from S#a#e $ar#ie are

    $ubli&ed for informa#ion $ur$oe only

    4! urin' #&e re$or#in' $eriod, #&e Commi##ee received commen# from

    Cy$ru (EC!2C3CO./dd!) on #&e concludin' oberva#ion #&a# #&e

    Commi##ee ado$#ed a# i# for#yecond eion in rela#ion #o #&e four#& #o

    fif#& $eriodic re$or# ubmi##ed by Cy$ru and from #&e "ni#ed >in'dom of7rea# ri#ain and Nor#&ern +reland (EC!27RCO./dd!) on #&e

    concludin' oberva#ion #&a# #&e Commi##ee ado$#ed a# i# for#yecond

    eion in rela#ion #o #&e four#& #o fif#& $eriodic re$or# ubmi##ed by #&e

    "ni#ed >in'dom

    . 6ostponement of the consideration of reports

    42 a#minu#e reDue# by S#a#e #o $o#$one #&e conidera#ion of a

    re$or# #&a# &a been c&eduled for e8amina#ion a# a $ar#icular eion are

    e8#remely diru$#ive for all concerned and &ave in #&e $a# caued maGor

    $roblem for #&e Commi##ee /ccordin'ly, #&e Commi##ee; lon'#andin'

    $olicy i no# #o 'ran# uc& reDue# and #o $roceed %i#& i# conidera#ion of

    all c&eduled re$or#, even in #&e abence of a re$reen#a#ive of #&e S#a#e

    $ar#y concerned

    C. 8ollo#up procedure in relation to the consideration of reports

    4* /# i# #%en#yfir# eion,*#&e Commi##ee decided #&a#A

    (a) +n all concludin' oberva#ion, #&e Commi##ee %ould reDue# #&e

    S#a#e $ar#y #o inform #&e Commi##ee, in i# ne8# $eriodic re$or#, abou# #e$

    #a5en #o im$lemen# #&e recommenda#ion in #&e concludin' oberva#ionK

    * On ! ecember !999 (.*rd mee#in')

    7E!04!22! 15

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  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    44 +n i#ua#ion in %&ic& #&e Commi##ee conider #&a# i# i unable #o

    ob#ain #&e informa#ion i# reDuire on #&e bai of #&e abovemen#ioned

    $rocedure, i# may decide #o ado$# a differen# a$$roac& +n $ar#icular, #&e

    Commi##ee may reDue# #&a# #&e S#a#e $ar#y concerned acce$# a vii# from

    one or #%o member of #&e Commi##ee @&e $ur$oe of uc& an oni#e vii#

    %ould beA (a) #o collec# #&e informa#ion neceary for #&e Commi##ee #o

    con#inue i# con#ruc#ive dialo'ue %i#& #&e S#a#e $ar#y and #o enable i# #o

    carry ou# i# func#ion in rela#ion #o #&e Covenan#K and (b) #o $rovide a more

    com$re&enive bai u$on %&ic& #&e Commi##ee mi' e8ercie i# func#ion

    in rela#ion #o ar#icle 22 and 2* of #&e Covenan# concernin' #ec&nical

    ai#ance and adviory ervice @&e Commi##ee %ould #a#e $ecifically

    #&e iue() %i#& re$ec# #o %&ic& i# re$reen#a#ive() %ould ee5 #o 'a#&er

    informa#ion from all available ource @&e re$reen#a#ive() %ould alo

    &ave #&e #a5 of coniderin' %&e#&er #&e $ro'ramme of adviory ervice

    admini#ered by #&e Office of #&e "ni#ed Na#ion :i'& Commiioner for

    :uman Ri' could be of ai#ance in connec#ion %i#& #&e $ecific iue a#


    4. /# #&e concluion of #&e vii#, #&e re$reen#a#ive() %ould re$or# #o #&e

    Commi##ee +n #&e li' of #&e re$or# $reen#ed by i# re$reen#a#ive(), #&e

    Commi##ee %ould #&en formula#e i# o%n concluion @&oe concluion

    %ould rela#e #o #&e full ran'e of func#ion carried ou# by #&e Commi##ee,

    includin' #&oe rela#in' #o #ec&nical ai#ance and adviory ervice, #o be

    $rovided by #&e Office of #&e :i'& Commiioner

    41 @&i $rocedure &a already been a$$lied in rela#ion #o #%o S#a#e

    $ar#ie and #&e Commi##ee conider #&e e8$erience #o &ave been a very

    $oi#ive one in bo#& in#ance +n a cae %&ere #&e S#a#e $ar#y concerned

    doe no# acce$# #&e $ro$oed miion, #&e Commi##ee %ill conider ma5in'

    %&a#ever recommenda#ion mi' be a$$ro$ria#e #o #&e Economic and

    Social Council

    7E!04!22! 19

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    -. 6rocedure in response to nonsu)mitted and considera)ly o'erdue


    4 @&e Commi##ee believe #&a# a i#ua#ion of $eri#en# nonre$or#in' by

    S#a#e $ar#ie undermine one of #&e founda#ion of #&e Covenan#

    4 /ccordin'ly, #&e Commi##ee reolved a# i# i8#& eion #o be'in in

    due coure #o conider #&e i#ua#ion concernin' #&e im$lemen#a#ion of #&e

    Covenan# in re$ec# of eac& S#a#e $ar#y %&oe re$or# are very i'nifican#ly

    overdue /# i# even#& eion i# reolved #o be'in c&edulin' conidera#ion

    of uc& re$or# a# i# fu#ure eion and #o no#ify #&e S#a#e $ar#ie

    concerned /# i# #&ir#yi8#& eion, #&e Commi##ee ado$#ed #&e follo%in'


    (a) @o revie% #&ree li# of S#a#e $ar#ie %&oe re$or# are overdueA

    (i) S#a#e $ar#ie %i#& re$or# #&a# %ere due %i#&in #&e $a# ei'


    (ii) S#a#e $ar#ie %i#& re$or# #&a# %ere due from #o !2 year a'oK

    (iii) S#a#e $ar#ie %i#& re$or# #&a# %ere due more #&an !2 year a'o

    (b) @o end reminder #o S#a#e $ar#ie a follo%A

    (i) @&efirst letter%ill be en# #o all S#a#e $ar#ie abou# #&e da#e on

    %&ic& #&eir re$or# are dueK #&oe %i#& overdue re$or# %ill be

    reminded of and reDue#ed #o ubmi# #&oe re$or# a oon a $oibleK

    (ii) / econd le##er %ill be en# #o S#a#e $ar#ie %i#& #&e mo#

    ou##andin' and overdue re$or# #&a# do no# re$ond #o #&e reminder,informin' #&em #&a# #&e Commi##ee $lan #o conider #&e overdue

    re$or#() a# a $ecific eion in #&e fu#ure, and reDue#in' #&a# #&oe

    re$or# be ubmi##ed in ufficien# #ime #o allo% a con#ruc#ive dialo'ue

    #o #a5e $laceK

    (iii) / #&ird le##er %ill be en# if no re$one i received #o #&e econd

    le##er, confirmin' #&a# #&e Commi##ee %ill $roceed #o revie% #&e

    20 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    im$lemen#a#ion of #&e Covenan# in #&e S#a#e $ar#y a# #&e eion

    communica#ed in #&e earlier le##er in li' of all available informa#ionK

    (c) +n i#ua#ion %&ere #&e S#a#e $ar#y concerned indica#e #&a# a

    re$or# %ill be $rovided #o #&e Commi##ee and u$on a reDue# from #&e S#a#e

    $ar#y, #&e C&air$eron may decide #o defer i# conidera#ion of #&e

    im$lemen#a#ion of #&e Covenan# in #&e S#a#e $ar#y for one eion

    E. Consolidation of reports

    49 /# i# ..#& mee#in', &eld on 22 November 2001 (#&ir#yeven#&

    eion), #&e Commi##ee revie%ed #&e i#ua#ion of overdue re$or#, includin'

    recen# ubmiion of everal lon' overdue re$or#, and decided a follo%A

    (a) @&e Commi##ee %ill acce$# from S#a#e $ar#ie #&a# &ave never

    ubmi##ed a re$or# under #&e Covenan#, a one#ime ubmiion of u$ #o #&ree

    re$or# conolida#ed in a in'le documen#, in order #o brin' #&em u$ #o da#e

    %i#& #&eir re$or#in' obli'a#ionK

    (b) / conolida#ed re$or# &ould con#ain a 'eneral overvie% of

    im$or#an# develo$men# in rela#ion #o #&e im$lemen#a#ion of #&e Covenan#

    over #&e en#ire $eriod covered by #&e re$or# ubmi##ed and $reen# de#ailed

    informa#ion on #&e $reen# i#ua#ion

    8. (ction )y the Committee #ith regard to information on economic,

    social and cultural rights recei'ed from sources other than the States


    1. *nformation pro'ided in connection #ith the consideration )y the

    Committee of a State party report

    .0 @&e Commi##ee alo #a5e in#o accoun# #&e informa#ion $rovided #o i#

    by ource o#&er #&an #&e S#a#e $ar#y in connec#ion %i#& i# conidera#ion of

    a S#a#e $ar#y; re$or# @&a# informa#ion, bein' an in#e'ral $ar# of #&e

    Commi##ee; con#ruc#ive dialo'ue %i#& a S#a#e $ar#y, i made available by

    7E!04!22! 21

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    #&e ecre#aria# #o #&e S#a#e $ar#y concerned in advance of #&e Commi##ee;

    conidera#ion of #&e re$or# of #&a# S#a#e $ar#y

    2. *nformation recei'ed follo#ing consideration )y the Committee of a

    State party report and adoption of concluding o)ser'ations

    .! On variou occaion in #&e $a#, #&e Commi##ee &a received

    informa#ion, mainly from non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion, af#er

    conidera#ion of #&e S#a#e $ar#y; re$or# and ado$#ion of concludin'

    oberva#ion #&ereon +n fac# #&i %a follo%u$ informa#ion on #&e

    Commi##ee; concluion and recommenda#ion No# bein' in a $oi#ion #o

    conider and ac# u$on uc& informa#ion %i#&ou# reo$enin' i# dialo'ue %i#&

    a S#a#e $ar#y (e8ce$# in cae $ecifically addreed in concludin'

    oberva#ion), #&e Commi##ee %ill conider and ac# u$on #&e informa#ion

    received from ource o#&er #&an a S#a#e $ar#y only in cae %&ere uc&

    informa#ion &a been $ecifically reDue#ed in i# concludin' oberva#ion

    .2 @&e Commi##ee conider #&a#, follo%in' i# conidera#ion of #&e S#a#e

    $ar#y re$or# and ado$#ion of concludin' oberva#ion, #&e $rimary

    re$onibili#y for #&eir im$lemen#a#ion lie %i#& #&e na#ional 7overnmen#,

    %&ic& i bound #o re$or# on meaure #a5en in #&i re$ec# #o #&e Commi##ee

    in i# ne8# $eriodic re$or# @&erefore, #&e Commi##ee recommend #&a#

    informa#ion referred #o in #&e $recedin' $ara'ra$& be ubmi##ed by au#&or

    direc#ly #o na#ional com$e#en# au#&ori#ie %i#& a vie% #o ai#in' #&em in

    im$lemen#in' #&e Commi##ee; concludin' oberva#ion

    3. *nformation pro'ided #ith respect to nonreporting States parties

    .* @&e Commi##ee &a alo been receivin' informa#ion from in#erna#ional

    and na#ional non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion on #&e #a#u of #&e

    im$lemen#a#ion of economic, ocial and cul#ural ri' byA

    (a) S#a#e $ar#ie #&a# &ave no# ubmi##ed any re$or# a# all ince

    ra#ifica#ion of #&e +n#erna#ional Covenan# on Economic, Social and Cul#ural

    Ri' and i# en#ry in#o forceK

    22 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    (b) S#a#e $ar#ie %i#& lon' overdue $eriodic re$or#

    .4 +n bo#& cae #&e S#a#e $ar#ie; failure #o com$ly %i#& #&eir

    obli'a#ion under #&e Covenan#, and in $ar#icular %i#& #&eir re$or#in'

    obli'a#ion, &ad made i# im$oible for #&e Commi##ee #o moni#or

    effec#ively #&e im$lemen#a#ion by #&oe S#a#e of #&e economic, ocial and

    cul#ural ri' e# for#& in #&e Covenan# in accordance %i#& #&e manda#e

    conferred on #&e Commi##ee by #&e Economic and Social Council

    .. /# i# #&ir#ie#& eion in 200*, #&e Commi##ee, in a $iri# of o$en and

    con#ruc#ive dialo'ue %i#& S#a#e $ar#ie, decided #&a# in bo#& cae referred

    #o above, i# may #a5e #&e follo%in' ac#ion on a caebycae baiA

    (a) @&e Commi##ee may informally brin' #o #&e a##en#ion of #&e

    S#a#e $ar#y concerned #&e informa#ion received and ur'e #&e S#a#e $ar#y #o

    ubmi# i# overdue re$or# %i#&ou# fur#&er delayK

    (b) @&e Commi##ee may formally #&rou'& a le##er from #&e

    C&air$eron brin' #o #&e a##en#ion of #&e S#a#e $ar#y concerned #&e

    informa#ion received and ur'e #&e S#a#e $ar#y #o ubmi# i# overdue re$or#

    %i#&ou# fur#&er delay @&e Commi##ee may formally reDue# #&e S#a#e $ar#y

    #o $rovide i# %i#& informa#ion addrein' iue raied in #&e ubmiion of

    non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion and #o ubmi# i# overdue re$or# %i#&ou#

    fur#&er delay @&a# le##er %ill alo be made available #o #&e non

    'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion concerned u$on reDue#

    &. -ay of general discussion

    .1 /# eac& eion, #&e Commi##ee devo#e one day, uually #&e Monday

    of #&e #&ird %ee5, #o a 'eneral dicuion of a $ar#icular ri' or of a

    $ar#icular a$ec# of #&e Covenan# @&e $ur$oe i #&reefoldA uc& a 'eneral

    dicuion ai# #&e Commi##ee in develo$in' in 'rea#er de$#& i#

    under#andin' of #&e relevan# iueK i# enable #&e Commi##ee #o encoura'e

    in$u# in#o i# %or5 from all in#ere#ed $ar#ieK and &el$ #&e Commi##ee #o

    7E!04!22! 23

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    lay #&e bai for a fu#ure 'eneral commen# @&e iue #&a# &ave been #&e

    focu of dicuion &eld #o da#e by #&e Commi##ee may be found in anne8

    ?+ #o #&e $reen# re$or#

    :. ther consultations

    . @&e Commi##ee &a ou' #o coordina#e i# %or5 %i#& #&a# of o#&er

    bodie #o #&e 'rea#e# e8#en# $oible and #o dra% a %idely a i# can on

    available e8$er#ie in #&e field of i# com$e#ence @&e Commi##ee &a alo

    ou' #o dra% on #&e e8$er#ie of #&e relevan# $eciali-ed a'encie and

    "ni#ed Na#ion bodie, bo#& in i# %or5 a a %&ole and, more $ar#icularly, in

    #&e con#e8# of i# 'eneral dicuion +# &a alo coni#en#ly invi#ed

    individual uc& a $ecial ra$$or#eur of #&e :uman Ri' Council and #&e

    Commiion on :uman Ri' and SubCommiion on #&e 3romo#ion and

    3ro#ec#ion of :uman Ri', c&air$eron of Council and Commiion

    %or5in' 'rou$ and o#&er #o addre i# and en'a'e in dicuion

    . +n addi#ion, #&e Commi##ee &a invi#ed a varie#y of e8$er# %&o &ave a

    $ar#icular in#ere# in, and 5no%led'e of, ome of #&e iue under revie% #ocon#ribu#e #o i# dicuion @&ee con#ribu#ion &ave added #o i#

    under#andin' of ome a$ec# of #&e Due#ion ariin' under #&e Covenan#

    *. 6articipation of nongo'ernmental organiations in the #or% of the


    .9 +n order #o enure #&a# #&e Commi##ee i a %ell informed a $oible,

    i# $rovide o$$or#uni#ie for non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion #o ubmi#

    relevan# informa#ion #o i#4@&ey may do o in %ri#in' a# any #ime $rior #o

    #&e conidera#ion of a 'iven S#a#e $ar#y; re$or# @&e Commi##ee; $re

    eional %or5in' 'rou$ i alo o$en #o #&e ubmiion of informa#ion in

    4 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council* #&&$*Supplement No+ # (E200!22EC!220002!), anne8 ?A INon'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion $ar#ici$a#ion in #&e ac#ivi#ie of #&e Commi##eeon Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri'J

    2 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    $eron or in %ri#in' from any non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion, $rovided #&a#

    i# rela#e #o ma##er on #&e a'enda of #&e %or5in' 'rou$ +n addi#ion, #&e

    Commi##ee e# aide $ar# of #&e fir# af#ernoon a# eac& of i# eion #o

    enable re$reen#a#ive of non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion #o $rovide oral

    informa#ion Suc& informa#ion &ouldA (a) focu $ecifically on #&e

    $roviion of #&e +n#erna#ional Covenan# on Economic, Social and Cul#ural

    Ri'K (b) be of direc# relevance #o ma##er under conidera#ion by #&e

    Commi##eeK (c) be credibleK (d) no# be abuive @&e relevan# mee#in' i o$en

    and $rovided %i#& in#er$re#a#ion and $re ervice, bu# i no# covered by

    ummary record

    10 @&e Commi##ee &a reDue#ed #&e ecre#aria# #o enure #&a# %ri##en

    informa#ion formally ubmi##ed #o i# by non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion in

    rela#ion #o #&e conidera#ion of a $ecific S#a#e $ar#y re$or# i made

    available a oon a $oible #o #&e re$reen#a#ive of #&e S#a#e $ar#y

    concerned 3rior #o a eion, #&i i normally done #&rou'& $o#in' on #&e

    %ebi#e of #&e Office of #&e :i'& Commiioner for :uman Ri', and

    direc# delivery #o #&e re$reen#a#ive of #&e concerned S#a#e $ar#y durin' #&e

    dialo'ue @&e Commi##ee #&erefore aume #&a# if any of #&i informa#ion i

    referred #o durin' #&e dialo'ue %i#& #&e S#a#e $ar#y, #&e la##er %ill already be

    a%are of #&e informa#ion

    1! +n an effor# #o ecure #&e mo# effec#ive and %ide# $oible

    $ar#ici$a#ion of non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion in i# ac#ivi#ie, #&e

    Commi##ee ado$#ed, a# i# #%en#yfour#& eion in 2000, a documen# #&a#

    e8$lain #&e modali#ie of #&eir $ar#ici$a#ion in #&e Commi##ee; %or5 and

    $rovide de#ailed 'uideline for non'overnmen#al or'ani-a#ion %i#& a

    vie% #o facili#a#in' #&eir coo$era#ion %i#& #&e Commi##ee .

    . +bid

    7E!04!22! 2

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    =. &eneral comments

    12 +n re$one #o an invi#a#ion addreed #o i# by #&e Economic and

    Social Council, #&e Commi##ee decided #o be'in, a from i# #&ird eion,

    #&e $re$ara#ion of 'eneral commen# baed on #&e variou ar#icle and

    $roviion of #&e Covenan#, in $ar#icular %i#& a vie% #o ai#in' #&e S#a#e

    $ar#ie in fulfillin' #&eir obli'a#ion under #&e Covenan# / of 20

    November 2009, #&e Commi##ee &ad ado$#ed 2! 'eneral commen# (ee

    anne8 +++ #o #&e $reen# re$or#)

    1* y #&e end of i# for#y#&ird eion (20 November 2009), #&e

    Commi##ee and #&e 'overnmen#al e8$er# eional %or5in' 'rou$, %&ic&

    e8i#ed $rior #o #&e crea#ion of #&e Commi##ee, &ad e8amined $ar#ial re$or#

    concernin' ri' covered by ar#icle 1 #o 9, !0 #o !2 or !* #o !. of #&e

    Covenan#, and com$re&enive re$or# coverin' all #&e ub#an#ive ar#icle,

    ubmi##ed by !20 of #&e !. S#a#e $ar#ie #o #&e Covenan# %&ic& &ad

    re$or# due by #&en1@&e #o#al number of S#a#e $ar#ie #o #&e Covenan#

    reac&ed !10 by #&e end of #&e for#y#&ird eion @&ey re$reen#ed all

    re'ion of #&e %orld, %i#& differen# $oli#ical, le'al, ocioeconomic andcul#ural y#em @&e re$or# ubmi##ed #o da#e &ave illu#ra#ed many of #&e

    $roblem #&a# mi' arie in im$lemen#in' #&e Covenan#

    14 @&rou'& i# 'eneral commen#, #&e Commi##ee endeavour #o ma5e #&e

    e8$erience 'ained #&rou'& #&e e8amina#ion of S#a#e; re$or# available for

    #&e benefi# of all S#a#e $ar#ie in order #o ai# and $romo#e #&eir fur#&er

    im$lemen#a#ion of #&e Covenan#K #o dra% #&e a##en#ion of #&e S#a#e $ar#ie

    #o inufficiencie dicloed by a lar'e number of re$or#K #o u''e#

    im$rovemen# in #&e re$or#in' $rocedureK and #o #imula#e #&e ac#ivi#ie of

    #&e S#a#e $ar#ie, in#erna#ional or'ani-a#ion and #&e $eciali-ed a'encie

    concerned in ac&ievin' $ro'reively and effec#ively #&e full reali-a#ion of

    #&e ri' reco'ni-ed in #&e Covenan#

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    may, in #&e li' of #&e e8$erience of S#a#e $ar#ie and of #&e concluion

    dra%n #&erefrom, revie and u$da#e i# 'eneral commen#

    1. /# i# #%en#yfir# eion, #&e Commi##ee ado$#ed #&e ou#line for

    draf#in' 'eneral commen# on $ecific ri' en&rined in #&e Covenan#

    @&e Commi##ee a'reed #&a# #&e ubGec# ma##er of a $ar#icular 'eneral

    commen# %ould influence #&e overall #ruc#ure of #&a# commen# and

    oberved #&a# #&e ou#line %a no# in#ended #o be #ric#ly ad&ered #o

    :o%ever, #&e ou#line $rovided ueful i'n$o#, a c&ec5li# of iue #o be

    conidered in #&e $roce of draf#in' a 'eneral commen# +n #&i re$ec#, #&e

    ou#line %ould ai# in enurin' coni#ency in #&e con#en#, forma# and ambi#

    of 'eneral commen# #o be ado$#ed by #&e Commi##ee @&e Commi##ee

    em$&ai-ed #&e im$or#ance of enurin' #&a# 'eneral commen# are reader

    friendly, of reaonable len'#& and readily under#andable #o a broad ran'e of

    reader, $rimarily S#a#e $ar#ie #o #&e Covenan# @&e ou#line %ill ai# in

    enurin' coni#ency and clari#y in #&e #ruc#ure of #&e 'eneral commen#,

    #&u $romo#in' #&eir acceibili#y, and #ren'#&enin' #&e au#&ori#a#ive

    in#er$re#a#ion of #&e Covenan# $rovided by #&e Commi##ee #&rou'& i#

    'eneral commen#

    >. Statements adopted )y the Committee


  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Chapter *?

    Su)mission of reports )y States parties under articles 14 and 15 of the


    1 +n accordance %i#& rule . of i# rule of $rocedure, #&e Commi##ee, a#

    i# 29#& mee#in' on 2 November 2009, conidered #&e #a#u of ubmiion

    of re$or# under ar#icle !1 and ! of #&e Covenan#

    1 +n #&a# connec#ion, #&e Commi##ee &ad before i# #&e follo%in'


    (a) No#e by #&e Secre#ary7eneral on #&e revied 'eneral 'uideline

    re'ardin' #&e form and con#en# of re$or# #o be ubmi##ed by S#a#e $ar#ie


    (b) No#e of #&e Secre#ary7eneral on #&e S#a#e $ar#ie #o #&e

    Covenan# and #&e #a#u of ubmiion of re$or# a a# 9 Se$#ember 2009


    19 @&e Secre#ary7eneral informed #&e Commi##ee #&a#, in addi#ion #o #&e

    re$or# c&eduled for conidera#ion by #&e Commi##ee a# i# for#yecond andfor#y#&ird eion (ee $ara'ra$& 0 and ! belo%), &e &ad received, from

    2* November 200 #o 20 November 2009, #&e follo%in' re$or# ubmi##ed

    under ar#icle !1 and ! of #&e Covenan# by S#a#e $ar#ieA

    @&e ini#ial re$or# of @ur5meni#an (EC!2@>M!), 3eru

    (EC!23ER!4), E#&io$ia (EC!2!4), @an-ania (EC!2@F/!4)

    and Mauri#ania (EC!2MR@!)K #&e econd $eriodic re$or# of

    Cameroon (EC!2CMR!2), Slova5ia (EC!2S?>2) and +ran(EC!2+RN2)K #&e #&ird $eriodic re$or# of E#onia (EC!2ES@*),

    +rael (EC!2+SR*), Ne% Fealand (EC!2NF*), /r'en#ina

    (EC!2/R7*), Ecuador (EC!2EC"*) and /-erbaiGan

    (EC!2/FE*)K #&e combined four#& and fif#& $eriodic re$or# of

    ul'aria (EC!27R4.)K #&e fif#& re$or# of S$ain (EC!2ES3.)

    See no#e ! above

    27 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Chapter ?

    Consideration of reports su)mitted )y States parties under articles 14

    and 15 of the Co'enant

    0 /# i# for#yecond eion, #&e Commi##ee e8amined #&e follo%in'

    re$or# ubmi##ed by five S#a#e $ar#ie under ar#icle !1 and ! of #&e


    .nitial report

    Cambodia EC!2>:M!

    Second periodic report

    ra-il EC!2R/2Fourth periodic report

    /u#ralia EC!2/"S4

    "ni#ed >in'dom EC!27R.

    Cy$ru EC!2C3.

    ! /# i# for#y#&ird eion, #&e Commi##ee e8amined #&e follo%in'

    re$or# ubmi##ed by five S#a#e $ar#ie under ar#icle !1 and ! of #&e


    .nitial report

    C&ad EC!2@C* (Combined ini#ial and

    econd and #&ird $eriodic re$or#)

    Second periodic report

    Mada'acar EC!2M72

    @&e emocra#ic Re$ublic of #&e


    EC!2CO. (Combined econd,

    #&ird,four#& and fif#& $eriodic re$or#)

    /hird periodic report

    Re$ublic of >orea EC!2RO>*

    Fifth periodic report

    3oland EC!23O.

    7E!04!22! 29

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    2 @&e Commi##ee conidered #&e ini#ial #o #&ird re$or# of C&ad, in #&e

    abence of a dele'a#ion under rule 12 (*) of #&e rule of $rocedure, a #&e

    dele'a#ion could no# a##end #&e eion a $lanned

    * /# i# ei'& eion, #&e Commi##ee &ad decided #o dicon#inue i#

    $rac#ice of includin' in i# annual re$or# ummarie of #&e conidera#ion of

    coun#ry re$or# Reference i made, in #&i re'ard, #o #&e relevan# ummary

    record of #&e mee#in' of #&e Commi##ee a# %&ic& #&e re$or# %ere

    conidered +n accordance %i#& modified rule . of #&e Commi##ee; rule of

    $rocedure, #&e annual re$or# &ould include #&e Commi##ee; concludin'

    oberva#ion rela#in' #o eac& S#a#e $ar#y; re$or# /ccordin'ly, #&e

    follo%in' $ara'ra$&, arran'ed on a coun#rybycoun#ry bai accordin' #o

    #&e eDuence follo%ed by #&e Commi##ee in i# conidera#ion of #&e re$or#,

    con#ain #&e concludin' oberva#ion ado$#ed by #&e Commi##ee %i#& re$ec#

    #o #&e S#a#e $ar#ie; re$or# conidered a# i# for#yecond and for#y#&ird

    eion +n accordance %i#& e#abli&ed Commi##ee $rac#ice, member do

    no# #a5e $ar# in ei#&er #&e dra%in' u$ or #&e ado$#ion of #&e concludin'

    oberva#ion rela#in' #o #&eir o%n coun#ry; re$or#

    Forty-second session


    4 @&e Commi##ee on Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri' conidered

    #&e four#& $eriodic re$or# of /u#ralia on #&e im$lemen#a#ion of #&e

    +n#erna#ional Covenan# on Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri'

    (EC!2/"S4) a# i# *rd, 4#& and .#& mee#in', &eld on . and 1 May 2009

    (EC!22009SR*, 4 and .), and ado$#ed, a# i# 21#& mee#in' &eld on 20

    May 2009, #&e follo%in' concludin' oberva#ion

    (. *ntroduction

    . @&e Commi##ee %elcome #&e o$en and con#ruc#ive dialo'ue %i#& #&e

    dele'a#ion of #&e S#a#e $ar#y, a %ell a i# com$re&enive %ri##en re$lie #o

    30 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    i# li# of iue (EC!2/"S4 and /dd!) :o%ever, i# re're# #&a# #&e

    forma# c&oen in $re$arin' #&e four#& $eriodic re$or# of /u#ralia did no#

    $rovide #&e Commi##ee %i#& a ub#an#ive re$or# on #&e meaure ado$#ed by

    #&e S#a#e $ar#y #o 'ive effec# #o #&e Covenan# ri' and on #&e $ro're

    made in ac&ievin' #&e obervance of #&oe ri'

    1 @&e Commi##ee %elcome #&e conul#a#ive con#ribu#ion of #&e

    /u#ralian :uman Ri' Commiion #o #&e S#a#e $ar#y re$or#in' $roce,

    a %ell a #&e $ar#ici$a#ion and frui#ful con#ribu#ion of non'overnmen#al

    or'ani-a#ion #o #&e Commi##ee; %or5

    . 6ositi'e aspects

    @&e Commi##ee %elcome #&e $arliamen#ary a$olo'y #o #&e

    indi'enou $eo$le, vic#im of #&e IS#olen 7enera#ionJ $olicie, iued on

    !* 6ebruary 200, and ac5no%led'e #&e S#a#e $ar#y; commi#men# #o build

    a u#ained and con#ruc#ive $ar#ner&i$ %i#& indi'enou $eo$le, and #o

    cloe #&e 'a$ in #&e enGoymen# of #&e Covenan# ri' be#%een indi'enou

    and nonindi'enou /u#ralian

    @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& a#ifac#ion #&a# #&e S#a#e $ar#y &a

    re$ealed le'al $roviion %&ic& dicrimina#ed a'ain# amee8 cou$le in

    rela#ion #o financial and %or5rela#ed benefi#

    9 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& a$$recia#ion #&e 6air

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    icrimina#ion a'ain#

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    @urisdictions in the 8ederation )D consider the introduction of a

    8ederal charter of rights that includes recognition and protection of

    economic, social and cultural rights, as recommended )y the (ustralian

    :uman Rights Commission cD esta)lish an effecti'e mechanism to

    ensure the compati)ility of domestic la# #ith the Co'enant and to

    guarantee effecti'e @udicial remedies for the protection of economic,

    social and cultural rights.

    . @&e Commi##ee re're# #&a# in 2002009 #&e S#a#e $ar#y &a devo#ed

    only 0*2 $er cen# of i# 'ro na#ional income (7N+) #o official

    develo$men# ai#ance (O/), %&erea #&e "ni#ed Na#ion #ar'e# for O/

    i 0 $er cen# of 73 for develo$ed coun#rie

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party increase its official

    de'elopment assistance to 0.5 per cent of its &-6, as reaffirmed at the

    8ollo#up *nternational Conference on 8inancing for -e'elopment to

    Re'ie# the *mplementation of the onterrey Consensus, held in -oha

    on 29 !o'em)erF2 -ecem)er 2007.

    1 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# #&e /u#ralian :uman Ri'Commiion &a limi#ed com$e#ency a re'ard #&e Covenan# ri' and

    lac5 adeDua#e &uman and financial reource, %&ic& affec# i# ca$aci#y #o

    fulfil i# role and func#ion

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party strengthen the

    mandate of the (ustralian :uman Rights Commission in order to co'er

    all the Co'enant rights and ensure that adeGuate human and financial

    resources are allocated to this institution, in line #ith the 6aris


    @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# #&e S#a#e $ar#y; an#i

    dicrimina#ion le'ila#ion doe no# $rovide com$re&enive $ro#ec#ion

    a'ain# all form of dicrimina#ion in all area rela#ed #o #&e Covenan# ri'

    (ar# 2, $ara 2)

    7E!04!22! 33

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party enact 8ederal

    legislation to comprehensi'ely protect the rights to eGuality and non

    discrimination on all the prohi)ited grounds.

    @&e Commi##ee remain concerned #&a# ome of #&e Nor#&ern

    @erri#ory +n#erven#ion meaure ado$#ed by #&e S#a#e $ar#y in re$one #o #&e

    2000ittle Children are Sacredre$or#, are inconi#en# %i#& #&e Covenan#

    ri', in $ar#icular %i#& #&e $rinci$le of nondicrimina#ion, and &ave a

    ne'a#ive im$ac# on #&e reali-a#ion of #&e ri' of indi'enou $eo$le @&e

    Commi##ee no#e %i#& re're# #&a# #&e Nor#&ern @erri#ory +n#erven#ion

    meaure %ere ado$#ed %i#&ou# ufficien# and adeDua#e conul#a#ion %i#&

    #&e indi'enou $eo$le concerned (ar# 2, $ara 2)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party aD address the human

    rights 'iolations identified in the 2005Little Children are sacredreport

    )earing in mind the recommendations of the 2007 report of the

    !orthern Aerritory *nter'ention Response Re'ie# )oard in this regard

    )D conduct formal consultations #ith the indigenous peoples concerned

    regarding the operation and impact of the !orthern Aerritory

    *nter'ention cD esta)lish a national indigenous representati'e )ody

    #ith adeGuate resources dD ratify *H Con'ention !o. 149 1979D

    concerning *ndigenous and Ari)al 6eoples in *ndependent Countries.

    9 @&e Commi##ee re're# #&a# inufficien# meaure &ave been #a5en by

    #&e S#a#e $ar#y #o enure an adeDua#e #andard of livin' for $eron %i#&

    diabili#ie +n $ar#icular, i# no#e %i#& concern #&a# ec#ion .2 of #&e

    iabili#y icrimina#ion /c# !992 e8em$# mi'ra#ion la%, re'ula#ion,$olicie and $rac#ice, from #&e effec# of #&e /c#, leadin' #o ne'a#ive

    immi'ra#ion deciion baed on diabili#y or &eal#& condi#ion @&e

    Commi##ee e8$ree concern a# #&e fac# #&a# #&i i#ua#ion &a &ad a

    $ar#icularly ne'a#ive im$ac# on #&e familie of aylumee5er (ar# 2,

    $ara 2K !0 and !!)

    3 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Ahe Committee encourages the State party to strengthen its efforts

    to#ards the adoption of concrete measures to ena)le persons #ith

    disa)ilities to fully en@oy the rights guaranteed )y the Co'enant. *t

    recommends that the igration (ct 197 and the -isa)ility

    -iscrimination (ct 1992 )e amended to ensure that the rights to

    eGuality and nondiscrimination apply to all aspects of migration la#,

    policy and practice.

    90 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# de$i#e #&e S#a#e $ar#y;

    effor# #o im$rove 'ender eDuali#y, a %a'e 'a$ #ill $eri# be#%een men

    and %omen in #&e %or5$lace, $ar#icularly in mana'erial $oi#ion +# i alo

    concerned a# #&e lo% $ercen#a'e of %omen in &i'&ran5in' $oi#ion in

    $oli#ical and $ublic life (ar# *)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party continue

    strengthening its effort to enhance eGuality )et#een men and #omen in

    the #or%place, in particular those initiati'es aimed at implementing the

    principle of eGual pay for #or% of eGual 'alue. Ahe State party should

    consider implementing the recommendation of the Senate Hegal and

    Constitutional (ffairs Committee in relation to amending the Se

    -iscrimination (ct 197.

    9! @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&e &i'& unem$loymen# ra#e

    amon' indi'enou $eo$le, aylumee5er, mi'ran# and $eo$le %i#&

    diabili#ie, and #&e i'nifican# difficul#ie #&ey face #o enGoy #&eir ri' #o

    %or5 eDually (ar# 2, $ara 2K and 1

    Ahe Committee recommends that special programmes and measures )e

    designed to address the significant )arriers to the en@oyment of the

    right to #or% faced )y many indigenous people, asylumsee%ers,

    migrants and people #ith disa)ilities, including measures to protect

    them from eploitation.

    7E!04!22! 3

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    92 @&e Commi##ee i concerned #&a# $roviion of #&e uildin' and

    Con#ruc#ion +ndu#ry +m$rovemen# /c# 200. eriouly affec# freedom of

    aocia#ion of buildin' and con#ruc#ion %or5er, by im$oin' i'nifican#

    $enal#ie for indu#rial ac#ion, includin' i8 mon#& of incarcera#ion @&e

    Commi##ee i alo concerned #&a# before %or5er can la%fully #a5e

    indu#rial ac#ion a# lea# .0 $er cen# of em$loyee mu# vo#e in a ecre#

    ballo# and a maGori#y mu# vo#e in favour of #a5in' #&e indu#rial ac#ion

    %&ic& unduly re#ric# #&e ri' #o #ri5e, a laid do%n in ar#icle of #&e

    Covenan# and +O Conven#ion No (!94) concernin' 6reedom of

    /ocia#ion and 3ro#ec#ion of #&e Ri' #o Or'anie (ar# )

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party continue its efforts to

    impro'e the realiation of #or%ers rights under the Co'enant. *t should

    remo'e, in la# and in practice, o)stacles and restrictions to the right to

    stri%e, #hich are inconsistent #ith the pro'isions of article 7 of the

    Co'enant and *H Con'ention !o. 75. *n particular, the Committee

    recommends that the State party a)rogate the pro'isions of the

    uilding and Construction *ndustry *mpro'ement (ct 200 that

    imposes penalties, including si months of incarceration, for industrial

    action and consider amending the 8air

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party ta%e additional

    measures, legislati'e or other#ise, to ensure uni'ersal co'erage of the

    social security system so as to include asylumsee%ers, ne#ly arri'ed

    immigrants and indigenous peoples. Ahe Committee also recommends

    that social security )enefits, including unemployment )enefits, oldage

    pensions and youth allo#ance ena)le recipients to en@oy an adeGuate

    standard of li'ing. Ahe Committee strongly recommends that the State

    party re'ie# conditionalities such as Imutual o)ligationsJ in the

    #elfare to #or% programme and the IGuarantiningJ of #elfare

    payments under the !orthern Aerritory *nter'ention that may ha'e a

    puniti'e effect on disad'antaged and marginalied families, #omen and

    children. Ahe Committee further recommends that the State party

    consider ratifying *H Con'ention !o. 102 192D concerning

    inimum Standards of Social Security.

    94 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# #&e S#a#e $ar#y &a no#

    in#roduced a $aid ma#erni#y leave c&eme ye#, in $i#e of #&e Commi##ee;

    recommenda#ion ado$#ed in 2000 (ar# !0)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party introduce a

    compulsory paid maternity and paternity lea'e scheme and consider

    ratifying *H Con'entions !o. 103 192D concerning inimum

    Standards of Social Security and !o. 173 2000D concerning the

    Re'ision of the aternity 6rotection Con'ention Re'isedD, 192.

    9. @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a#, de$i#e #&e effor# under#a5en

    by #&e S#a#e $ar#y #o addre dome#ic violence, includin' violence a'ain#%omen, #&i $rac#ice $eri# in /u#ralia, and affec# in $ar#icular

    indi'enou %omen (ar# !0)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party ta%e appropriate

    measures, including specific legislati'e measures criminaliing acts of

    domestic 'iolence. *n particular, the State party should consider

    adopting the (ustralian :uman Rights Commission;s proposals related

    7E!04!22! 35

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    to the de'elopment of the ne# 6lan of (ction to Reduce ?iolence


  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    Ahe Committee urges the State party to ta%e all necessary measures to

    com)at po'erty and social eclusion, and to de'elop a comprehensi'e

    po'erty reduction and social inclusion strategy #hich should integrate

    the economic, social and cultural rights, in line #ith the Committee;s

    statement on 6o'erty and the *nternational Co'enant on Economic,

    Social and Cultural Rights E/2002/22E.12/2001/15, anne ?**D. Ahe

    Committee recommends that the State party adopt e'aluation measures

    to assess the impact of its po'erty and social reduction strategies and

    identify its #ea%nesses, and reGuests that the State party include, in its

    net report, comparati'e data disaggregated )y gender, age, rural and

    ur)an populations, as #ell as indicators on the num)er of persons li'ing

    in etreme po'erty, and on the progress made in its efforts to com)at


    9 @&e Commi##ee i concerned a# #&e re#en#ion of #&e manda#ory

    de#en#ion $olicy for aylumee5er for unau#&ori-ed arrival and no#e #&a#

    in i# 200 +mmi'ra#ion e#en#ion Re$or#, #&e /u#ralian :uman Ri'

    Commiion e8$reed eriou concern abou# #&e immi'ra#ion de#en#ion

    facili#ie, in $ar#icular in C&ri#ma +land +# i alo concerned a# #&e fac#

    #&a# ome aylumee5er are de#ained for $rolon'ed and indefini#e $eriod

    of #ime, %&ic& reul# in a ne'a#ive im$ac# on #&eir men#al &eal#&, in $i#e of

    #&e meaure #a5en by #&e S#a#e $ar#y #o im$rove #&e $ro#ec#ion of aylum

    ee5er, includin' i# ne% Ieven valueJ $olicy (ar# 2, $ara 2K !! and


    Ahe Committee encourages the State party to implement #ithout delay

    its ne# Ise'en 'aluesJ in policy, and carry out the (ustralian :uman

    Rights Commission;s recommendations adopted in its 2007

    *mmigration -etention Report, including the repeal of the mandatory

    immigration detention system and the closure of the Christmas *sland

    -etention Centre.

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    99 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# #&e incidence of &omelene

    &a increaed in #&e S#a#e $ar#y over #&e la# decade, mainly affec#in'

    indi'enou $eo$le, in $i#e of #&e meaure under#a5en by #&e S#a#e $ar#y #o

    addre &omelene in /u#ralia, includin' i# Na#ional :ouin' S#ra#e'y,

    a %ell a i# commi#men# #o &alve &omelene by 2020 and #o im$rove

    &ouin' affordabili#y for vulnerable individual (ar# !!)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party ta%e effecti'e

    measures, in line #ith the Committee;s general comment !o. 1991D

    on the right to adeGuate housing article 11, paragraph 1, of the

    Co'enantD, to address homelessness in its territory. Ahe State party

    should implement the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on

    the Right to (deGuate :ousing contained in the report of his mission to

    (ustralia (/:RC//17/(dd.2D. Ahe Committee reGuests the State party

    to pro'ide, in its net periodic report, disaggregated data and

    information #hich #ill allo# the Committee to assess the progress

    made )y the State party in impro'ing the housing situation in its

    territory, in particular #ith respect to indigenous peoples.

    !00 @&e Commi##ee i concerned a# #&e ne'a#ive im$ac# of clima#e c&an'e

    on #&e ri' #o an adeDua#e #andard of livin', includin' on #&e ri' #o food

    and #&e ri' #o %a#er, affec#in' in $ar#icular indi'enou $eo$le, in $i#e of

    #&e S#a#e $ar#y; reco'ni#ion of #&e c&allen'e im$oed by clima#e c&an'e

    (ar# !, $ara !)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party ta%e all the necessary

    and adeGuate measures to ensure the en@oyment of the right to food andof the right to afforda)le drin%ing #ater and sanitation in particular )y

    indigenous peoples, using a human rights)ased approach, in line #ith

    the Committee;s general comments !o. 1 2002D on the right to #ater,

    !o. 1 2000D on the right to the highest attaina)le standard of health

    and !o. 12 1999D on the right to food. *t also recommends that the

    State party intensify its efforts to address issues of climate change,

    0 7E!04!22!

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    including through car)on reduction schemes. Ahe State party is

    encouraged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and to ta%e all the

    necessary and adeGuate measures to mitigate the ad'erse conseGuences

    of climate change, impacting the right to food and the right to #ater for

    indigenous peoples, and put in place effecti'e mechanisms to guarantee

    consultation of affected ()original and Aorres Strait *slander peoples,

    so to ena)le them to eercise their rights to an informed decision as #ell

    as to harness the potential of their traditional %no#ledge and culture in

    land management and conser'ationD.

    !0! +n $i#e of #&e S#a#e $ar#y; commi#men# #o Icloe #&e 'a$J in 5ey

    &eal#& indica#or be#%een indi'enou and nonindi'enou $eo$le, #&e

    Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&e con#inuin' &i'& level of ill &eal#& amon'

    indi'enou $eo$le, in $ar#icular %omen and c&ildren (ar# 2, $ara 2K and


    Ahe Committee calls on the State party to ta%e immediate steps to

    impro'e the health situation of indigenous people, in particular #omen

    and children, including )y implementing a human rights frame#or%

    that ensures access to the social determinants of health such as housing,

    safe drin%ing #ater, electricity and effecti'e sanitation systems.

    8urther, the Committee in'ites the State party to identify disaggregated

    health indicators and appropriate national )enchmar%s in relation to

    the right to health, in line #ith the Committee;s general comment !o.

    1, and to include information on the process of identifying such

    indicators and )enchmar%s in its net periodic report.

    !02 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# &eal#& ervice in $rion are

    'enerally inadeDua#e, and in $ar#icular, dru' abue and #&e &i'& ra#e of

    e8ually #ranmi##ed dieae remain a eriou $roblem (ar# !2)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party aD de'elop adeGuate

    strategies to pro'ide all detainees #ith appropriate health and medical

    care, in line #ith the Committee;s general comment !o. 1 and the

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    rele'ant "nited !ations standard minimum rules for the treatment of

    prisoners )D ensure that adeGuate health care for prisoners )e ta%en

    into account in its health programmes and policies cD encourage the

    -etention :ealth (d'ocacy &roup to adopt a human rights)ased

    approach #hen proposing reforms to the detention care system.

    !0* @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&e inufficien# u$$or# for $eron

    %i#& men#al &eal#& $roblem, a %ell a #&e difficul# acce #o men#al &eal#&

    ervice, in $ar#icular for indi'enou $eo$le, $rioner and aylumee5er

    in de#en#ion (ar# 2, $ara 2K and !2)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party ta%e effecti'emeasures to ensure the eGual en@oyment of the right to the highest

    attaina)le standard of mental health, including )y aD allocating

    adeGuate resources for mental health ser'ices and other support

    measures for persons #ith mental health pro)lems in line #ith the

    "nited !ations 6rinciples for the 6rotection of 6ersons #ith ental

    *llness and the *mpro'ement of ental :ealth Care )D implementing

    the recommendations of the (ustralian edical (ssociation;s 2007

    report on indigenous health cD reducing the high rate of incarceration

    of people #ith mental diseases dD ensuring that all prisoners recei'e an

    adeGuate and appropriate mental health treatment #hen needed.

    !04 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&e $eri#ence in #&e S#a#e $ar#y

    of di$ari#ie in acce #o #&e educa#ional y#em for indi'enou $eo$le,

    includin' #&oe livin' in remo#e area, com$ared %i#& #&e re# of #&e

    $o$ula#ion, a %ell a #&e deficien# Duali#y of educa#ion $rovided #o $eronlivin' in remo#e area, in $ar#icular indi'enou $eo$le +# re're# #&a# acce

    #o $rec&ool educa#ion i no# eDually 'uaran#eed #&rou'&ou# #&e S#a#e $ar#y

    (ar# 2, $ara 2K and !*)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party produce accurate

    national data on indigenous schoolage children in remote areas to

    assess #hether the eisting education infrastructure and ser'ices meet

    2 7E!04!22!

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    the needs of indigenous peoples li'ing in remote areas. Ahe Committee

    also recommends that #here'er the school pro'ision does not meet the

    populations; needs, the State party de'elop an adeGuate national plan

    to impro'e the educational system for indigenous peoples, including in

    remote areas.

    !0. @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a#, de$i#e #&e reform #o #&e

    na#ive #i#le y#em, #&e &i'& co#, com$le8i#y and #ric# rule of evidence

    a$$lyin' #o claim under #&e Na#ive @i#le /c#, &ave a ne'a#ive im$ac# on #&e

    reco'ni#ion and $ro#ec#ion of #&e ri' of indi'enou $eo$le #o #&eir

    ance#ral land (ar# !.)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party increase its efforts to

    impro'e the operation of the !ati'e Aitle system, in consultation #ith

    ()original and Aorres Strait *slander 6eoples, and remo'e all o)stacles

    to the realiation of the right to land of indigenous peoples.

    !01 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# accordin' #o #&e Na#ional

    +ndi'enou an'ua'e Survey, only abou# !4. of #&e ori'inal e#ima#ed 2.0

    indi'enou lan'ua'e e8i# #oday in #&e S#a#e $ar#y, and mo# of #&em arecri#ically endan'ered @&e Commi##ee i alo concerned #&a#, de$i#e #&e

    na#ional $ro'ramme, includin' #&e Na#ional /r# and Craf# +ndu#ry

    Su$$or# 3ro'ram, #&e indi'enou cul#ural and in#ellec#ual $ro$er#y are no#

    adeDua#ely $ro#ec#ed in #&e S#a#e $ar#y (ar# !.)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party aD strengthen its

    efforts to guarantee the indigenous peoples; rights under articles 1 and

    1 to en@oy their identity and culture, including through the

    preser'ation of their traditional languages )D consider impro'ing the

    aintenance of *ndigenous Hanguages and Records 6rogram cD

    preser'e and promote )ilingual education at schools dD reform the

    Copyright (ct 1974 to etend its legal protection to indigenous people

    and eD de'elop a special intellectual property regime that protects the

    collecti'e rights of indigenous peoples, including protection of their

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    scientific products, traditional %no#ledge and medicine. Ahe

    Committee also recommends that a registry of intellectual property

    rights of indigenous peoples )e opened and that the State party ensure

    that the profits deri'ed thereof )enefit them directly.

    !0 @&e Commi##ee recommend #&a# #&e S#a#e $ar#y $rovide &uman ri'

    educa#ion on economic, ocial and cul#ural ri' #o #uden# a# all level of

    educa#ion and ma5e available e8#enive &uman ri' #rainin' for member

    of all $rofeion and ec#or &avin' a direc# role in #&e $romo#ion and

    $ro#ec#ion of &uman ri', includin' Gud'e, la%yer, civil ervan#,

    #eac&er, la% enforcemen# officer, mi'ra#ion officer, #&e $olice and #&e


    !0 @&e Commi##ee recommend #&a# #&e S#a#e $ar#y conider ra#ifyin' #&e

    +n#erna#ional Conven#ion on #&e 3ro#ec#ion of #&e Ri' of /ll Mi'ran#

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution





    !!2 @&e Commi##ee on Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri' conidered

    #&e econd $eriodic re$or# of ra-il on #&e im$lemen#a#ion of #&e

    +n#erna#ional Covenan# on Economic, Social and Cul#ural Ri'

    (EC!2R/2) a# i# 1#&, #& and #& mee#in' &eld on 1 and May 2009

    (EC!22009SR1) and ado$#ed, a# i# 2*rd mee#in' &eld on !9 May, #&e

    follo%in' concludin' oberva#ion

    (. *ntroduction

    !!* @&e Commi##ee %elcome #&e ubmiion of #&e econd $eriodic

    re$or# of #&e S#a#e $ar#y and #&e o$$or#uni#y #o en'a'e in a con#ruc#ive

    dialo'ue %i#& #&e S#a#e $ar#y @&e Commi##ee alo %elcome #&e S#a#e

    $ar#y; %ri##en re$lie #o i# li# of iue, a %ell a #&e re$one $rovided

    by #&e mul#iec#oral dele'a#ion of #&e S#a#e $ar#y #o #&e Commi##ee; oral


    . 6ositi'e aspects

    !!4 @&e Commi##ee %elcome #&e le'ila#ive and o#&er meaure ado$#ed

    by #&e S#a#e $ar#y ince #&e e8amina#ion of i# ini#ial re$or#, includin' #&e


    (a) a% No !!*40 (%aria da Penha 0a1), $aed in 2001, %&ic&

    $rovide for #&e re$reion of dome#ic and family violence a'ain# %omen,

    for $ro#ec#ive meaure and for ai#ance #o vic#imK

    (b) @&e removal from #&e 3enal Code of #&e dicrimina#ory conce$#of an I&one# %omanJ, $reviouly a$$lied in cer#ain cae of e8ual

    violence a'ain# %omenK

    (c) @&e in#roduc#ion, in 200*, of #&e Na#ional ualifica#ion 3lan #o

    coordina#e $ublic $olicie on em$loymen# for diadvan#a'ed 'rou$,

    includin' indi'enou $eo$le, /frora-ilian and %omenK


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    (d) @&e Na#ional Sc&ool 6ood 3ro'ramme e#abli&ed #o $rovide

    meal free of c&ar'e for * million c&oolc&ildren in $ublic c&oolK

    (e) @&e ra-il 6ree of :omo$&obia 3ro'ramme, %&ic& aim #o

    $ro#ec# and $romo#e #&e ri' of &omoe8ual $eron, includin' #&eir ri'

    #o $eronal ecuri#y, educa#ion, &eal#& and %or5K

    (f) Com$ulory licenin' of :+?/+S an#ire#roviral dru' in order

    #o ma5e #&em affordable and enable #&e e8#enion of #rea#men# #o all


    (') @&e Na#ional :ouin' of Social +n#ere# Sy#em (SN:+S),

    %&oe main #a5 i #o urbani-e lum, build &oue, and im$rove #&e

    &ouin' condi#ion of lo%income 'rou$K

    (&) @&e Na#ional 6und for :ouin' of Social +n#ere#, #o'e#&er %i#&

    i# Mana'in' Council, dei'ned #o cen#rali-e and mana'e bud'e#ary

    reource for $ro'ramme under #&e SN:+S

    !!. @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& a#ifac#ion #&e broad conul#a#ion %i#&

    civil ocie#y or'ani-a#ion in #&e $roce of #&e $re$ara#ion of #&e S#a#e

    $ar#y; econd $eriodic re$or#

    !!1 @&e Commi##ee %elcome #&e ra#ifica#ion by #&e S#a#e $ar#y of #&e

    follo%in' in#erna#ional in#rumen#A

    (a) +O Conven#ion No !19 concernin' +ndi'enou and @ribal

    3eo$le in +nde$enden# Coun#rie (ra#ified in =uly 2002)K

    (b) @&e 3ro#ocol #o 3reven#, Su$$re and 3uni& @raffic5in' in

    3eron, E$ecially

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    C. 8actors and difficulties impeding the implementation of the Co'enant

    !! @&e Commi##ee no#e #&e abence of any i'nifican# fac#or or

    difficul#ie im$edin' #&e effec#ive im$lemen#a#ion of #&e Covenan# in #&e

    S#a#e $ar#y

    -. 6rincipal su)@ects of concern and recommendations

    !! @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# #&e Council on #&e efence of

    #&e Ri' of #&e :uman 3eron &a ye# #o com$ly %i#& #&e !99* 3rinci$le

    rela#in' #o #&e #a#u of na#ional in#i#u#ionfor #&e $romo#ion and $ro#ec#ion

    of &uman ri' (#&e I3ari 3rinci$leJ)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party adopt the necessary

    measures, legislati'e or other#ise, to ena)le the Council on the -efence

    of the Rights of the :uman 6erson to fully conform to the 6aris

    6rinciples. Ahe Committee also urges the State party to ensure that

    economic, social and cultural rights are fully co'ered )y the mandate of

    the Council on the -efence of the Rights of the :uman 6erson and that

    the necessary resources are allocated for its effecti'e functioning.

    !!9 @&e Commi##ee i dee$ly concerned abou# #&e cul#ure of violence and

    im$uni#y $revalen# in #&e S#a#e $ar#y +n #&i re'ard, #&e Commi##ee i

    concerned abou# re$or# #&a# &uman ri' defender, includin' #&oe

    ai#in' individual and communi#ie in aer#in' #&eir economic, ocial

    and cul#ural ri', are #&rea#ened, &araed and ubGec#ed #o violence,

    freDuen#ly by $riva#e mili#ia commiioned by $riva#e and $ublic ac#or

    @&e Commi##ee i alo dee$ly concerned abou# #&e re$or# of #&e failure of

    #&e ra-ilian au#&ori#ie #o enure #&e afe#y of &uman ri' defender and

    $roecu#e #&oe re$onible for commi##in' uc& ac#

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party ta%e all necessary

    measures to com)at the culture of 'iolence and impunity pre'alent in

    the State party and to ensure the protection of human rights defenders

    against any 'iolence, threats, retaliation, pressure or any ar)itrary

    7E!04!22! 5

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    action as a conseGuence of their acti'ities. Ahe Committee recommends

    that the State party impro'e its human rights training for la#

    enforcement officials, especially police officers, and ensure that all

    allegations of human rights 'iolations are promptly and thoroughly

    in'estigated )y an independent )ody capa)le of prosecuting


    !20 @&e Commi##ee i concerned a# #&e lo% $ro're in #&e land reform

    $roce no#%i#andin' #&e con#i#u#ional ri' #o $ro$er#y and elf

    de#ermina#ion, a %ell a #&e enac#men# of le'ila#ion #o facili#a#e #&e

    demarca#ion of land belon'in' #o #&e indi'enou $eo$le, #&e S#a#e $ar#y;

    ado$#ion of #&e "ni#ed Na#ion eclara#ion on #&e Ri' of +ndi'enou

    3eo$le (ado$#ed in 200) and i# ra#ifica#ion of +O Conven#ion No !19

    (ar# !, $ara !)

    Ahe Committee recalls the recommendation made in its concluding

    o)ser'ations on the State party;s initial report in this regard

    E/C.12/1/(dd.75, para. 7D and recommends that the State party

    epeditiously complete the process of demarcation and allocation of

    indigenous land in accordance #ith the Constitution and eisting la#s.

    !2! @&e Commi##ee remain concerned abou# #&e $eri#en# ineDuali#ie in

    economic condi#ion and aocia#ed ocial inGu#ice $revailin' in #&e S#a#e

    $ar#y be#%een differen# re'ion, communi#ie and individual, de$i#e #&e

    $oi#ive meaure #a5en by #&e S#a#e $ar#y in #&a# re'ard, uc& a #&e Fero

    :un'er 3ro'ramme and #&e increae in #&e minimum %a'e (ar# 2, $ara 2)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party intensify its efforts to

    reduce the persisting ineGualities and social in@ustice )et#een different

    regions, communities and indi'iduals.

    !22 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&a# #&ere remain a i'nifican#

    dicre$ancy be#%een #&e re$ec#ive life e8$ec#ancie of #&e blac5 and %&i#e

    $o$ula#ion de$i#e #&e increae in #&e avera'e life e8$ec#ancy from 1.1

    7 7E!04!22!

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    year in #&e early !990 #o !1 year in 2004 6ur#&ermore, #&e Commi##ee

    remain concerned a# #&e i'nifican# difference in #&e $over#y level of blac5

    and %&i#e $o$ula#ion 'rou$, %&ile no#in' #&a# #&e overall $over#y indica#or

    in #&e S#a#e $ar#y im$roved be#%een 200! and 2004 (ar# 2, $ara 2)

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party ta%e all appropriate

    measures to address the discrepancy )et#een the life epectancies and

    po'erty le'els of the )lac% and #hite population groups through a

    sharper focus on health and po'erty eradication programmes for the

    former. Ahe Committee reGuests updated statistical information and

    data on life epectancy and po'erty le'els in the State party,

    disaggregated )y region and ethnic group.

    !2* @&e Commi##ee no#e #&a# illi#eracy ra#e remain a $roblem in #&e

    S#a#e $ar#y and #&a# ineDuali#ie $eri# in li#eracy level be#%een #&e %&i#e

    and blac5 $o$ula#ion @&e Commi##ee i fur#&er concerned #&a# #&e avera'e

    illi#eracy ra#e i i'nifican#ly &i'&er in rural area in #&e nor#& of #&e S#a#e

    $ar#y (ar# 2, $ara 2)

    Ahe Committee urges the State party to strengthen remedial action to

    address the pro)lem of illiteracy, particularly in rural areas and in the

    (frorailian community.

    !24 @&e Commi##ee i concerned #&a# $eron %i#& diabili#ie #ill uffer

    dicrimina#ion in acce #o em$loymen# de$i#e #&e Duo#a for #&e

    em$loymen# of $eron %i#& diabili#ie in bo#& #&e $ublic and $riva#e

    ec#or (ar# 2, $ara 2)

    Ahe Committee encourages the State party to effecti'ely implement its

    measures to o'ercome the o)stacles faced )y persons #ith disa)ilities in

    accessing the la)our mar%et.

    !2. @&e Commi##ee i concerned #&a# ne'a#ive 'ender role $eri#,

    includin' #&e re$reen#a#ion of %omen a e8 obGec# and #&e #radi#ional

    #ereo#y$e of %omen in #&e family and ocie#y, and #&a# #&ee may render

    7E!04!22! 9

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    %omen more vulnerable #o dome#ic and o#&er form of violence Moreover,

    al#&ou'& %omen in 'eneral &ave a &i'&er educa#ional level #&an men, #&ey

    are #ill underre$reen#ed in elec#ed office and admini#ra#ive and

    mana'erial $o#, are concen#ra#ed in le remunera#ive andor $ar##ime

    em$loymen# and receive lo%er avera'e $ay and limi#ed ocial $ro#ec#ion

    (ar# *)

    Ahe Committee urges the State party to enforce its legislation on gender

    eGuality, and to ta%e all effecti'e measures, including through the use of

    media and education, to o'ercome the traditional stereotypes regarding

    the status of #omen in the pu)lic and pri'ate spheres and to ensure, in

    practice, eGuality )et#een men and #omen in all fields of life, as

    pro'ided for in articles 2, paragraph 2, and 3 of the Co'enant. *n this

    regard, the Committee dra#s the attention of the State party to its

    general comment !o. 14 200D on the eGual right of men and #omen to

    the en@oyment of all economic, social and cultural rights and its general

    comment !o. 19 2005D on the right to social security.

    !21 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern #&e lar'e number of ra-ilian

    em$loyed under in&uman and de'radin' condi#ion imilar #o lavery or

    ubGec#ed #o forced labour and o#&er e8$loi#a#ive labour condi#ion,

    $ar#icularly in fore# clearin', lo''in', and #&e &arve#in' of u'ar cane, and

    i concerned #&a# #&e $&enomenon of forced labour di$ro$or#iona#ely

    affec# youn' men from lo%income familie (ar# )

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State partyB

    aD Aa%e effecti'e measures to end all forms of eploitati'e


    )D Ensure that 'iolations concerning prohi)ited la)our

    practices, such as forced la)our, are stringently prosecuted

    0 7E!04!22!

  • 5/24/2018 General Assembly Resolution




    cD 6ro'ide, in its net periodic report, information on the steps

    ta%en to address eploitati'e la)our conditions, as #ell as the impact of

    such measures.

    !2 @&e Commi##ee no#e %i#& concern $eri#in' racial ineDuali#ie in

    acce #o em$loymen#, $ar#icularly affec#in' /frora-ilian and indi'enou

    $eo$le 6ur#&ermore, #&e Commi##ee i concerned a# #&e di$ari#y in

    %or5in' condi#ion baed on 'ender and race, de$i#e #&e S#a#e $ar#y;

    ini#ia#ive in #&i area @&e Commi##ee alo no#e %i#& re're# #&e abence of

    #a#i#ical da#a on #&e e8#en# #o %&ic& indi'enou $eo$le livin' ou#ide

    e##lemen# enGoy acce #o em$loymen# (ar# 2, $ara 2K and )

    Ahe Committee recommends that the State party cont
