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GENERAL INFORMATION - Benefield Elementary School 2015.2016 Handbook2.docx  · Web viewCafeteria...

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STAFF HANDBOOKTable of Contents

General Information




Code of Ethics for EducatorsMedia & Technology HandbookSafety PlanSchoolwide Discipline Plan


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1.0. ACCIDENTAL INJURYInjury to a student - Should a student suffer an injury or have an accident that requires the child to see the clinic nurse an injury/accident report must be completed and submitted to the principal the same day. The staff should promptly follow up with a phone call to the parent that same day. The Clinic Worker or Benita Goodman can get you an injury/accident form. Kim Hunter is trained as “First Responders” for accidents.

Injury to a Staff - When an accidental injury occurs at school, always notify the principal and/or secretary (Benita Goodman) immediately and complete the necessary forms. If a doctor’s visit is required as the result of an injury at work, only county authorized doctors may be used. All updated medical reports from the doctor treating you should be brought to Benita Goodman.

2.0. ANNOUNCEMENTSStudents must be in the classroom for morning announcements and afternoon bus dismissal. Closed circuit television announcements for students will be made starting at 8:45 a.m. The pledge, daily menu, Smart Moves, student creed and announcements, official time and moment of silent reflection will be done during this video program. All students and staff should stop what they are doing and remain quiet during the moment of quiet reflection (classroom, hallway and other areas) and also say the pledge (step inside the nearest room with a flag).

Staff members may submit announcements by emailing Ammee Robbins or Anthony Hossack by 12:00 PM the day before. No announcements will be made during instructional time, except in an emergency.

2.1. MOMENT OF QUIET REFLECTIONThe Moment of Quiet Reflection is required by Georgia law. “In today’s hectic society, all too few of our citizens are able to experience even a moment of quiet reflection before plunging headlong into the day’s activities. Our young citizens are particularly affected by this absence of an opportunity for a moment of quiet reflection.” Thus, the law reads, “In each public school classroom, the Staff in charge shall, at the opening of school upon every school day, conduct a brief period of quiet reflection for not more than 60 seconds with the participation of all the pupils therein assembled.”

District policy recommends that staff should not suggest or imply that students should or should not use that time for prayer. If a student asks, a Staff should advise a student that if a student desires to have a quiet prayer, he or she may do so. A moment of quiet reflection will be held every morning on the morning announcements. Everyone will need to participate.

3.0. ARRIVAL OF STUDENTSBuses will unload beginning at 8:20 a.m. Students can go to the classroom or breakfast at that time. Writing instruction begins at 8:00 a.m. with students present. The tardy bell rings at 8:45 a.m. Teachers are expected to begin the instructional day at 7:50 a.m. Teachers and staff members who have morning duty need to be at their station no later than 8:20 a.m. to greet and supervise students.

4.0. ASSEMBLIES PROTOCOLAssemblies are scheduled periodically in conjunction with the Leadership Team. Part of the learning experience of an assembly is being a good audience member, so please instruct your students before each assembly about good audience behavior:

Sit flat on floor with legs crossed Be a good listener Clap at appropriate times Respect the performer(s)

Staff Procedures for assesmeblies: Assist with the seating of your class Strategically arrange your students to optimize performance experience Assist with the supervision of all Benefield students Model exemplary audience behavior for students Dismiss students as instructed by assembly leader

5.0. ATTENDANCE “Instruction itself has the largest influence on achievement…” Schmoker (2006) p.10Quality instruction, consistently delivered to students by an effective teacher, will raise student achievement. No matter how good a substitute teacher is, he or she cannot do the job of a highly qualified and effectively trained teacher. Therefore, when teachers are absent from school, students are not getting the best instruction during the teacher’s absence.

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5.1Staff Leave/AbsenceAll teachers, media staff, and paraprofessionals will be responsible for procuring their own substitutes when they know in advance of the need – even if for only an hour. Staff must make arrangements for someone to cover his/her duty location.

As soon as you know that you will be absent from work, please call and arrange for your own substitute. All staff members will need to call the absence management system, submit a leave form via the go.gwinnett portal, notify his/her instructional leader and assigned assistant principal of your absence, confirm you have your duty covered, and update on your status. i.e. your return to work date. It is your responsibility to make sure your team knows you will be absent.

While teachers and paraprofessionals are required to secure their own substitutes, Mrs. Thomas-Lee can assist with sub coverage in cases of emergencies. The decision to activate such coverage will be determined by

Mrs. Stevens or a member of the leadership team. Stellar substitute coverage is to be requested and approved by a leadership team member.

Each employee is responsible for submitting leave prior to a prearranged absence. In the event of unexpected leave, employees have 24 hour access to the go.gwinnett portal absence reporting system. Leave must be submitted no later than 24 hours upon your return to work. Submission of leave requires approval from Mrs. Stevens. An electronic notification will be sent via email regarding the status of your leave. Mrs. Stevens must be notified 5 days in advance of the date you wish to take personal leave. Remember that sick leave is only for being sick or for medical visits. It is not to be used for personal events or vacation. See the GCPS leave policy for any needed clarification.

Please note some days on the calendar are designated “No Personal Leave” days. You will be docked if you take personal leave on these days. The exception is religious holidays and emergency events that can only be attended on that particular day. An explanation written to the principal on the reason for the “No Personal Day” absence should be attached to the leave request form. The principal will let you know if your event meets the criteria. Please do not ask for personal leave to be approved during:

Preplanning Post-planning Preceding or following a student holiday First two weeks of school Last two weeks of school Standardized testing days includes interim/benchmark testing days WOW days Check GCPS Calendar for additional “Personal Leave not allowed” days, as determined by GCPS

o Also posted in the Benefield Elementary Community

If you use sick leave on any of the days denoted as ‘no personal leave’ days, a doctor’s note will be required or the leave will be charged as personal leave with no pay.

If you are in a position that does not require a substitute you still must submit a leave form via the go.gwinnett portal, notify your instructional leader and your assigned assistant principal of your absence, confirm you have your duty covered, and update on your status, i.e. your return to work date. It is your responsibility to make sure your team knows you will be absent.

If you need to leave before dismissal or if you are late to school you will need to sign in/out in the front office. An electronic leave form must be submitted via the go.gwinnett portal. Please try to make all doctor appointments after school. Remember we have to pay substitutes for at least a half day.

Remember a leave request form must be filled out for every absence. It is your responsibility to complete an electronic leave form. See Benita Goodman, Trish Thomas-Lee, or Mrs. Stevens with any questions about absence.

Staff may not leave before the school day ends unless they secure the knowledge and permission of their grade level administrator or principal. Teachers are not to divide up their students among their grade level colleagues unless they have the knowledge and permission of the grade level administrator or principal to do so.

Please note: Full time 190 day employees accumulate 10 hours of sick leave per month August – May or 100 hours of sick leave per year. Part time employees accumulate sick leave at a prorated amount. Out of the 100 hours, GCPS allows

employees to use 24 hours per year as personal leave. If you do not use the personal leave, you do not lose it. It will roll over as sick leave for the next year. Any unused sick leave may accumulate up to 1,000 hours. Accumulated sick leave can

be used for extended illness and can also be added to days employed to give you an earlier retirement.

5.2. Student Absence

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We must strongly encourage good student attendance and must operate classrooms that are inviting and welcoming to students and parents. Please be sure to notify your grade level assistant principal and counselor if you have a concern about a student’s attendance/tardy record. Students with excessive absences will be identified, a letter will be sent to the parents, and the social worker will be notified.

Student absences are either excused or unexcused. Excused absences are those arising out of student illness, a serious illness or death in a student’s family, a court order, a religious holiday, hazardous conditions, or to vote. While these are excused absences, they are, nevertheless, absences and are to be counted as such.

Unexcused absences are any absences which do not fall into any of the above categories. Vacations and other parent-decided absences are unexcused.

Students are required to provide documentation of excused absences and teachers will need to keep a file of such documentation for the entire school year. Absences that do not have documentation of illness, death in a student’s family, a court order, a religious holiday, hazardous conditions, or voting will be marked as unexcused.

Teachers are to make every effort to contact students and parents when they are absent. If a student has three consecutive absences, please notify your grade level administrator and counselor. Marcus Knight and Patty Hugghins will be assisting with monitoring of student absences and mailing home critical absentee letters.

5.2 a. Make-up Work Students whose absences fall under the excused category have at least two days for each day absent following the day they return to submit make-up work for grades. Work for students with unexcused absences should be completed by the student so as not to fall too much farther behind. Work you intend to grade must be completed by the student at school.

5.3. Attendance ReportingAttendance needs to reported by 9:00 a.m. Students are tardy when arriving after 8:45 a.m. Precision in attendance reporting procedures is very important because the attendance of the children enrolled in school is part of the school’s Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) rating. Attendance is kept on SASI. Patty Hugghins will keep all attendance records. The principal, assistant principals, and counselors will monitor student attendance. Teachers are responsible for entering attendance each day. Students arriving late must check in at the front office before entering their classroom in order for the office staff to maintain accurate attendance registers. Students will be issued a tardy pass if they check in late. Teachers should not allow students to report to class without a tardy pass given by the receptionist in the front office. Late buses are an exception. They will be announced on the intercom.

State law requires that students be in school more than one half of the school day to be counted present. Therefore, students who arrive after 11:30 a.m. or check out of school before 11:30 a.m. are considered absent.

Please refer to the GCPS Attendance procedures on the Policies and Procedures Database. It is policy P.JBD. Patty Hugghins can answer any questions you may have on how to take attendance in the morning.

5.4. Student VacationsVacation is not an excused absence; yet, in most cases, the students have no control over the situation. Therefore, please follow Make-up Work guidelines as outlined above.

6.0. ATTIRE: Dress Guidelines for Staff and StudentsProfessional attire is expected for the 180 days that school is in session. Professional attire sets the tone for the school day and lends credibility. It says we are here to do some important things and “I am giving my best to you and I expect your best.” Professional attire extends to week-night after-hours activities like PTA meetings, Chorus Performances, and other nights where you are observed as the professional.

All staff members are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to the teaching profession. “Business casual” is a term that could be used to describe our work clothes. When choosing what would be appropriate to wear ask yourself if you would feel comfortable running into the superintendent or a board member in what you are wearing.

There will be a Benefield Spirit Day held on Friday every week. On these days you can wear your Benefield Spirit Wear with “dress jeans” (not faded or low-rider) and tennis shoes. Please wear only our Benefield Spirit Wear on these spirit days. You can wear nice Spirit Wear from previous years if you wish. It is preferred that you wear collared shirts rather than t-shirts. Other T-shirts and casual wear are not appropriate for these spirit Fridays unless there is prior approval (i.e. Special Education Week, Relay for Life, Field Day). Field trip dress should be business casual dress unless prior approval is obtained through the leadership team (i.e. trip to farm, picnic).If you have a “Jeans Pass” to use, you may wear jeans with the appropriate sticker, but you still must wear Spirit Wear. Jean passes are not allowed on special event days such as parent luncheons, early release conference days, kindergarten registration, end of the year award days, etc.

Specific points about dress:6.1a Staff is to make sure that their clothing is appropriate for young children. Professional dress should not be too casual. 6.1b Clothing that reveals too much cleavage, your back, your chest, your stomach, or your underwear is not appropriate for

school. 6.1c Spirit Fridays- Jeans may be worn only on Fridays with Benefield Spirit Wear.

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6.1d Shorts are not acceptable professional attire except on Field Day. On that day, shorts worn cannot be more than 2” above the knee.

6.1e Shoes: flip flops and athletic shoes should only be worn on designated days.

Student DressStudent dress should not cause any distraction from the instructional program. Students are encouraged to dress appropriately for the school setting, suitable to weather conditions, and in good taste. Short shorts or halter tops/crop shirts are not considered appropriate dress for school. Hats, bandanas, and sweatbands should not be worn in school. This does not include religious head coverings. Students should not wear any clothing that advertises alcoholic beverages, drugs, or violence. Students should wear shoes that allow for safe play at outside time and PE class. Parents are asked to monitor their children’s clothing in the Student/Parent brochure they receive at registration. Refer any situations with clothes to the counselors or grade level administrator. They will make parent contact if necessary.

7.0 DISCOVERY CLUSTER SCHOOLSCluster school members include all elementary and middle schools that feed into our one high school, DISCOVERY High School. We have nine schools in our cluster. Cluster member school principals meet monthly to plan activities and share ideas to promote the cluster community.

Alford Elementary Benefield Elementary Baggett Elementary Richards Middle DISCOVERY High

Daniel Seckinger is our Board of Education Representative for District II.

8.0. BOARD OF EDUCATION AND LOCAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURESAll school personnel have access to Gwinnett County Policies and Procedures through Lotus Notes workspace. Please see Tracy Heinitiz if you do not have the button to access the Board policies by the end of preplanning. It is the responsibility of each staff member to be familiar with GCPS Policies and Procedures. It is expected that you will take time to find out how to access GCPS Policies and Procedures on your computer.

Staff members will also need to sign at the beginning of the school year that they have read through and know local school guidelines as outlined in the Benefield Handbook.

9.0. BOOK CLUB ORDERSBook club orders will not be processed through the school bookkeeper. If you decide to use book clubs, you should set up your own system. Use a parent helper if you need assistance.

10.0. BREAKFAST GUIDELINESBreakfast is served from 8:20 – 8:45 a.m. Children will report directly to the serving areas. Bar codes with student identifications are affixed to the bus tags. Please affix your student bar codes to their bus tags prior to the first day of school. The classrooms on the lower level will eat in the cafe. The upper level will have at least three serving stations. All serving lines will have all items.

11.0. BULLETIN BOARDS/WALL DISPLAYSWhen a parent or a staff member walks into your room they should immediately see through your displays evidence of math and language arts and other CC/AKS learning. We are a school that focuses on teaching and learning. Your classroom should be evident of that to any visitor. The displays should showcase each student’s best work. Be sure any work displayed in the hall is fastened securely because of the school alarm system. Hot glue is NOT to be used. HOT glue has permanently damaged surfaces. Instead of hot glue, blue painters tape and/ or command strips are highly effective. Do not hang anything from the light fixtures.

12.0. BUSINESS PARTNERSThe mission of the Gwinnett Business/Education Partnership program is to create and maintain a nurturing climate in which businesses and other civic-minded organizations form partnerships with schools to build programs to help educators provide enhanced educational opportunities for children. Benefield business partners will be managed by Ms. Thomas-Lee. Businesses must be approved by the principal before any advertisement can be done.

13.0. CAFETERIA13.1. Cafeteria Procedures - General InformationCost of lunch

Students $2.25 - daily $ .40 - milk onlyReduced Student Lunch $ .40 – daily $2.00 - five daysFree lunch or breakfast $.0Staff/Adult $3.00 - daily

Cost of breakfastStudents $1.50 - dailySgs 8/22/15 5

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Reduced Student $.30 - dailyStaff/Adult $1.75 - daily

Free/Reduced MealsApplications for free (no payment) or reduced meals requests will be sent to the county each year via the online registration process (Link to the application is on our website. Forms are available in both English & Spanish). Students must pay in full until their account is approved. It is very important that applications be given to Nancy Condon, as soon as you receive any from students and/or parents. Do not hold the applications even if you think they are not filled out correctly. Applications will be made available during registration and throughout the year both online and paper copies.

Prepay OptionStudents may prepay lunches any day. Each teacher will have a prepay envelope from Mrs. Patti Velez First thing each morning please collect prepay money for lunches, and any previous charges that need to be paid. Cash and checks should be marked clearly with student names and ID number. Place this prepay money in the envelopes provided by Mrs. Condon. Send the envelopes to the drop boxes by 9:00 AM. Parents can pay on-line at www.mypaymentsplus.com.

Staff members are encouraged to establish a www.mypaymentsplus.com account. Staff members will not be allowed to charge cafeteria items. Mypaymentsplus can help eliminate the need for daily cash. Mrs. Patti Velez will establish an account for each staff member. Please see Mrs. Patti Velez for your identification number.

Charges for Lunches The cashier will tell students if lunch is charged and will remind them if prepay funds are running low. There will be no charging milk or extra food. Charge letters will go home weekly in Friday Folders. Please make sure these go home in the Friday Folder. There is a maximum charge of $5.00. There are no charges allowed after the first Friday in May.

Parent RequestsIf parents do not want their children to buy extra items at lunch they need to send in a note stating “no extra items purchase” allowed. Parents should also send a note if they do not want their children to eat breakfast. The cafeteria will then make a note on the account. If a student has an allergy to milk, parents must send a note from the doctor to the cafeteria. A juice will then be provided instead of milk.

Ice Cream SalesStudents and staff have the opportunity to purchase ice cream each day. Profits from ice cream sales benefit Benefield in many ways (i.e. student recognition). The cost is $1.00 each.

13.2. Lunchroom SupervisionDuring the first two weeks of school, all school personnel are asked to assist with students in the school café. Staff members are asked to eat with their students to teach them the café expectations and procedures. Teachers will work with a partner to supervise lunch and TDPE so that each teacher will supervise no more than 2 classes and receive a duty free lunch. Teachers will need to eat with their students in the CAFÉ during parent luncheon days and other dates designated by the leadership team.

. 13.2.1. Entering the Lunchroom

It is very important that all classes report to lunch at their scheduled time. Students should enter the lunchroom quietly. They should be lined up with students who have lunch boxes in the front of the line. Students should use only one serving line per class.

13.2.2. Leaving the Lunchroom Students will be dismissed from the lunch table at the end of their lunch time. Supervision of the students during their departure from the lunchroom is crucial. Students should through trash away and place trays in the dishwasher window. Student helpers should be assigned by the teacher before entering the cafeteria. These student helpers will be dismissed first to get the cleaning supplies.

13.2.3. Lunchroom BehaviorStudents should enter and leave the lunchroom quietly. Reasonable, conversational tones should be used when talking during lunch. Students should talk only to the people in front of them and to the side. Please reinforce this with your students. Lunch time should be an enjoyable and pleasant time for all. Rehearse and reinforce the café procedures. Students are to eat silently while the music is playing. Then, students may talk in a conversational tone. When the music returns, students are to stop talking The music is prerecorded in five minute music interval and ten minute no noise interval. Please reinforce appropriate lunch room behavior.

13.3. Visitors at lunch

Visitors should check in at the office and get a visitor sticker. They should wait for the student in the hallway by the cafeteria entrance, not the classroom. Students will meet them on the way to lunch. The parent food bar is for adults only, not children. There is a designated area in the lunchroom for parents to sit with their child. Parents should not eat with the class. No other children are allowed to join the parent and child for lunch. This is a safety precaution and should be enforced by all staff members. Fast food, glass bottles and soda cans are also discouraged. Parents who for some reason need to take a student home after lunch must have a checkout slip

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signed by the office staff before the student is released. Make sure they come to the office. Thank you in advance for reinforcing these expectations with visitors.

13.4. Staff/Class food in kitchen areaNo food from classrooms (e.g. ice cream) can be stored in the freezer/refrigerator in the café kitchen area.

13.5 Eating in the ClassroomsThe only time this should be done is when it has been designated by the school. When this occurs, custodial services and the lunches will be appropriately planned.

14.0. CALENDARA Google school master calendar will be shared via Lotus Notes or Go Gwinnett Portal. Each staff member may link their google mail account to the master calendar. Staff is required to check the calendar for any updates or changes. If you wish to request an event to be included on the school calendar such as fundraiser, field trip, student activity, etc. please complete a calendar request form from Ms. Thomas-Lee. The leadership team will review calendar request during weekly meetings, typically held on Friday of each week. Upon approval of the event, your event will be posted on the school calendar. Mrs.Trish Thomas-Lee will requisition the heating and air for all activities.

A county calendar is given to every staff member in August that shows county meetings and maps to different GCPS schools. The calendar highlights days that personal leave is not allowed.

15.0. CALL-BACK BUTTONSCall-back buttons located in each room should be used for (1) medical or critical emergencies or (2) major behavior problems (i.e. you need the assistance of the leadership team or counselor immediately).

16.0. CERTIFICATION (Staffs and Parapros)All teachers and parapros are required to be certified through the Professional Standards Commission (PSC). Each staff member is responsible for his/her own certification process. Certification renewal/upgrade forms are available in the office. The Professional Standards Commission (PSC) modified its Standard Renewal Requirements for this period (7/1/10 - 6/30/15). Certificates with an expiration date of June 30th of 2011-2015 will not require Professional Learning Units (PLU) to renew a Georgia clear renewable educator certificate or for the renewal of a paraprofessional certificate. With the suspension of the PLU requirement under HB 13007 coming to an end in 2015, educators whose certificates expire in 2016 will need to make preparations to have the necessary PLUs acquired in order to renew their certificates. Since the PSC has not yet formalized the new PLU requirement rule, educators with certificates expiring in 2016 and 2017 will use the old PLU requirement (10 PLUs or six semester hours of college course work) in order to renew their certificates. The new PLU requirement will be in place for those educators whose certificates expire in 2018.

17.0. CHARACTER VALUES (updated 2015-2016) “GCPS supports a mandate from the Georgia General Assembly requiring all schools to teach character education. The school system believes that society and culture are tied together through common threads that guide the way we live, work, and learn. These common beliefs are taught at home and reinforced by the community, schools, religious institutions, and youth service groups. These basic tenets guide the way Gwinnett County staff teach and the way the school system conducts the business of teaching and learning. Character education values are thoroughly embedded in the CC/AKS and are correlated to the CC/AKS in the grade level CC/AKS books. The state mandated law is Section 20-2-145 of the Georgia State Code as amended in 1999 by actions of the Georgia General Assembly.”

The following list of activities will be incorporated school wide: Character word Film Clips and videos will be shown monthly. The Titan (citizen) of the month will be chosen from each class monthly and highlighted on the morning announcements. The Character words will be listed under the Counseling section on the school’s website. Information will be shared quarterly, for parents, in the Counseling Corner

18.0. CLASSROOM CLEANLINESS/CAREKeeping classrooms neat and clean is important to maintaining an effective learning environment. This includes cleaning dry erase boards (specific cleaner), picking up paper, straightening furniture and keeping classroom sinks clean. Encourage students to keep the school clean and free of litter. Let’s all pick up trash when we see it to model responsible behavior.

Eating in the classroom is restricted to breakfast. Please works with students to consume juice and milk while outside the classroom/hallway area. All classroom parties need to be conducted in the cafeteria (this includes TITAN parties with food). Mr. Darrell Beverly will set up tables and snack area for you after 1:00 PM. Please notify prior to your scheduled party.

19.0. CLINIC

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The clinic worker will maintain the clinic to assist with illnesses, injuries or emergencies which cannot be adequately addressed by the staff. It is crucial that the clinic worker have sufficient emergency information for each child. Please send any information changes to the clinic immediately. Students in need of clinic services must come with a clinic pass.

Medication must be brought to school and picked up from school by an adult and must be in the original medicine container. Medications must be dispensed in the clinic. Written permission from a parent is required before medication can be administered. For students who are on daily medication that must be taken during school hours, please determine with the clinic worker a specific time and a monitoring system for assuring that the student takes the medication daily.

In the event of a serious injury, notify the clinic and the main office before attempting to move a child. The clinic worker or a first responder and will come to the location of the accident. Fill out a Risk Management form for all injuries.

20.0. COMMUNICATION WITHIN THE SCHOOLStaff mailboxes are located in the office. All messages sent to the office should be by e-mail or in writing. Please check your mailbox and e-mail three times daily: morning, lunch/planning, and before you leave in the afternoon. Office staff will make sure you receive important messages in your mailbox and/or e-mail. We also may need to call into the classroom with an important message. School district and local school information will be posted in the mailroom and/or staff lounge. Instructional leaders and other team members will share information from their meetings regularly with team members.

Student Council will facilitate communication with students. PTA Executive Board and School Council will help us with parent input. The Benefield Titan will be distributed weekly. Any information you would like included in the school newsletter should be emailed to Mrs. Stevens no later than Thursday for the upcoming week publication. Please inform the office staff whenever you are having a special event in your classroom, so we can inform parents, students, and staff.

Personal announcements are not to be communicated to all staff via email.

21.0. COMPUTER USE WHILE AT WORKLaptops and desktops are efficient and effective tools by which we communicate, plan, assess, and search for instructional enhancements. Their use can be very productive. When students are working on their work, teachers and parapros are to be monitoring that work and assessing the students. Teachers and parapros who are at their computers answering emails or searching the web while students are on their tasks are taking valuable time away from student learning. Teacher and parapro use of computers should primarily be limited to before school, planning periods, lunch time, and after school. Each staff member will need to sign an acceptable use policy form which includes the BYOD .

22.0. CONFIDENTIALITYThe right of personal, medical, and legal confidentiality extends to the children in our care. Students who are on medication, students labeled with special needs, and students whose parents are divorced or in marriage difficulties should be safe in the knowledge that their information would never be divulged by a Benefield Elementary School staff member. Phones in the office should not be used when talking to parents about children. Restrict ALL conversations with colleagues about students out of earshot of other students and/or adults who do not need to know that information. Comments to students about personal matters should be done in a quiet, unobtrusive manner. Volunteers should not have access to grades or other confidential student information. Suspected abuse of children of any kind needs to be kept confidential and shared only with counselors and/or leadership team. Each staff member will need to sign a confidentiality form located on Benefield Elementary Communties no later than August 1, 2014.

23.0. COPYING PROCEDURESRemember that the most effective learning will be hands-on, creative, talking and sharing with peers, not copying. Writing answers out encourages thinking. Teachers will be able to send electronic files directly to the copier and determine the number of copies needed. Teachers on the first floor will send the copies to the records room copier and teachers on the second floor will send their copies to the OR copier. Teachers can continue to request copies, as needed. Due to limited office support, copy request will need additional time to be processed. Entire books will not be copied for student worksheets. Please adhere to copyright laws prior to requesting orders. Copies sent to the copier electronically will be counted in your monthly allotment.

24.0. COPYRIGHT COMPLIANCEGwinnett County Board of Education policy supports compliance with the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 16, United States Code Sections 101, et Seg.). The Board prohibits employees from copying materials not specifically allowed by (1) copyright law, (2) fair use guidelines, (3) licenses or contractual agreements, or (4) other permission. Note that copyright laws concern the duplication of print and non-print materials. Questions about copyright compliance may be directed to Ammee Robbins. Copyright policies will be reviewed with the staff annually. Please note the use of videos falls under copyright laws. See the Media Tech Handbook for more information.

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25.0 COUNSELING PROGRAM (updated 2015-2016)The Professional School Counselors at Benefield Elementary School implement a data-driven, evidence-based comprehensive school counseling program. The program promotes and enhances student academic achievement, career exploration, and personal/ social competencies. The Gwinnett County Public School Office of Advisement and Counseling embraces the use of The American School Counseling Association National Model. The competencies chosen are based on the national model. A list of GCPS competencies can be found at http://www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/advcounselweb.nsf/pages/Home and a list of the ASCA competencies can be found at http://ascamodel.timberlakepublishing.com/files/SCCompetencies.pdf.

Benefield Elementary School Counselors provide classroom guidance lessons, small group sessions, and individual counseling for students and their families.

Classroom Guidance: Guidance lessons are held throughout the year in every classroom. Topics for these lessons are based on the Gwinnett County Public Schools Guidance and Counseling Standards and Competencies and the American School Counseling Association Model.Small Group Counseling: Groups meet weekly to solve or cope with concerns that may affect school performance. Staffs, administrators, parents or students may make referrals. Group participation is voluntary and parents will be notified.Individual Counseling: Individual students meet as needed with the counselor to problem-solve and discuss concerns that affect their daily life. Staffs, administrators, parents, or students may make referrals.

In addition to the above program components, the counselors work closely with parents, administrators, and staff on any issue affecting students. The information that is discussed with a counselor is Confidential. The exception to this would be if a student is being harmed, plans to harm himself or someone else. The counselors are available daily during school hours or by appointment and can also be reached by calling the school at (770)962-3771. The counseling assignments are as follows:

CAREER CLUSTER AWARENESSThe Department of Education mandates course study in career education in grade K-12. The Georgia General Assembly legislation:

2011-HB 186 mandates that the Georgia curriculum be aligned with the nation career clusters 2012-HB 713 mandates a comprehensive K-5 career development program.

Career clusters will provide students with knowledge and skills needed for future success in college work and career. The focus in the primary grade is to help students learn about different types of work, goal setting and decision making, work ethics, and the 17 Career Clusters. The College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) was developed to assist teachers and school counselors in fulfilling the grade specific career awareness activities.

The National Career Clusters are identified as groups of occupations with similar knowledge and skills. The College and Career Readiness Performance Index requires that school report the percentage of students in grades 1-5 who complete the number of grade specific career awareness lessons. The chart below lists career clusters according to each grade level.

Career Cluster/Guidance 1st GradeAgriculture, Food and Natural ResourcesTransportation, Distribution, and LogisticsLaw, Public Safety, and LogisticsCareer Cluster/ Guidance 2nd GradeArts, A/V Technology, and CommunicationsHealth ScienceEducation and TrainingCareer Cluster/Guidance 3rd GradeHospitality and TourismHuman ServicesEnergyCareer Cluster/Guidance 4th GradeSTEMManufacturingBusiness Management & AdministrationArchitecture and ConstructionCareer Cluster/Guidance 5th GradeFinanceInformation TechnologyMarketingGovernment and Public Administration


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The 5th grade portfolio provides students the opportunity to conduct research and present information about a career that interests them or a career they wish to know more about. As a result, students will learn the requirements necessary pursue a career in a chosen field. Schools have flexibility on how to structure the completion of the project to ensure that every 5 th grade student has the support and resources necessary to successfully complete the portfolio.

The portfolio consists of two components: an essay and a presentation. The presentation may include project boards with pictures and information and/or PowerPoint presentations. The 5 th grade portfolio will be aligned with literacy skills specified by the Common Core Standards and will support content-area instruction. Schools have flexibility in determining the manner in which students will present the information. Students will have the opportunity to keep their 5 th grade portfolio to help them in their future goal setting and decision making. The College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) requires that school report the percentage of 5 th grade students with a complete career portfolio by the end of grade 5.

Almedina JunuzovicCounselor PreK, K, 1, 2

Vanessa BronkemaCounselor 3, 4, 5

26.0 CUSTODIAL ASSISTANCE/MAINTAINENCEDarrell Beverly is our head custodian. All maintenance requests should be sent via e-mail to Ms. Darrell. You will also e-mail him if you need a custodian to help you. Please remember that our custodial staff is working on a schedule. Our custodians are willing to help you as much as possible and within reason.

Please empty the sharpener often so it does not dirty the carpet. To prepare for vacuuming, please have students pick up large pieces of trash. They should pick up trash at the end of the day as well. All classroom parties need to be conducted in the cafeteria after 1:00 PM. Custodians will only empty trash cans placed by classroom doors (grey and personal trash cans) by 2:30. Trash cans not placed by the doors will not be emptied until the following school day.

If anything is spilled on the carpet, please notify Darrell Beverly or the office immediately so the carpet can be spot cleaned. Do not put tape on the carpet. Tape will destroy our carpets. Do not put any sticky material on the white dry erase boards, filing cabinets, or storage cabinets. Only use magnets to secure materials.

You should only use painter’s tape on your walls. You can also use a command strips on the concrete walls. Do not ever use staples on the walls or ceilings in the trailers. Also, do not hang things from the light fixtures. HOT GLUE is no longer permissible due to the damage caused by improper use of this adhesive material. If you want to use the cafeteria for an activity after 1:00 PM, please let Darrell Beverly know in advance so he can ensure the café is ready for use.

27.0. DAILY SCHEDULE6:00 a.m. Building opens8:00 a.m. Staff arrives8:45 a.m. Instructional Day Begins8:45 a.m. Students marked tardy after 845 a.m. arrival8:45-8:55 Morning Announcements, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence3:20 p.m. Dismissal3:50 p.m. Staff may leave (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)7:30 a.m.– 8:15 a.m. Collaborative planning and faculty meetings on Tuesdays & Thursday7:00 p.m. Building locked

28.0. DISMISSAL28.1. Bus Dismissal,

Making sure that our students arrive home safely every day is a very important task. It is imperative that classroom teachers and students line up for bus parade and report to their designated area on time. Student backpacks are to be on the front of their body to allow for easy confirmation of bus tags/numbers. No student check out after 2:45 p.m.

No child may be released from the bus circle to a parent, except through contact with the office where I.D. can be checked.REMIND STUDENTS as they are walking to the buses:1. Backpacks on front of body with bus tags accessible 2. Walk quietly in an orderly fashion3. Follow directions of those in charge4. Move quickly but carefully5. Go directly to the bus

Students should be back in the classrooms at 3:15 p.m. to prepare for afternoon dismissal. Teachers will receive a homeroom bus roster during preplanning to assist with identifying the proper buses or alternate transportation for students. Teachers are to prepare a

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daily bus parade roster and check off the names of each individual student as they board the bus. Teachers can make notations on the roster to indicate absence or change of dismissal. The bus parade roster is provided at the end of the day to the front office.

YMCA & car riders will all be dismissed after the bell rings at 3:15 p.m.. Please reinforce with students the need to be quiet and attentive during afternoon dismissal. We will continue to have a silent transition to PM buses and car riders.

Parents may not check out a student directly from the classroom. They must come to the office and the student will be called over the intercom to come to the office. Last check out of the day is 2:45 p.m. Students must ride assigned bus routes and with approved drivers (car riders). Exceptions are granted when parents come into the school and provide identification to verify student pick up in the car rider lane. Teachers are responsible if a student misses the bus or does not get picked up. They should work with the office to make arrangements for pickup and supervise the child until the parent/guardian arrives.

28.2. Car RidersCar riders will be dismissed from their classrooms at 3:15. They should walk quietly (no talking) through the main hallway to the cafe. Students are to sit quietly in the cafe until their name/number is called. Children will not be released to anyone other than their parent/guardian, unless the child has a written note stating who the child is to go home with on a given date. The individual who will be picking up the child will be required to show photo identification and acquire a car rider pass from the front office. These procedures must be completed prior to 2:00 PM on the day of dismissal change. Cars will be lined up with students entering/dismissing six to seven at a time. Duty people do not open doors unless the child requires special assistance.

Parents will use the side drive by the cafe. Parents should remain in their cars, so traffic moves smoothly. During dismissal there should be no more than six to seven students standing on the sidewalk at a time. One adult will supervise students inside the cafe, allowing students to board cars as their name/number is called.

In order to get the riders organized each car/family will be assigned a number. There will be a list made with the child’s name, teacher’s name and car number at Student Registration in August. Make sure parents who will be car riders get registered.

29.0. DUTIESArrival/Dismissal duty assignments will be available in August with the master schedule. Everyone without a classroom responsibility with children during arrival and/or dismissal will be on duty.

30.0 E-MAILS30.1. E-mails are open records. Please be aware of this and do not put anything in writing that you would not want read by a

parent, a member of the leadership team, or a county official.30.2. There should be no “All Staff” e-mails sent out without administrative approval. Please see Anthony Hossack if you

need assistance on how to access specific group e-mails.Personal e-mails regarding sharing, items for sale, pictures, etc. are not appropriate for county email.

31.0. EMPLOYEES’ CHILDREN: SUPERVISION OF FACULTY MEMBERS’ CHILDRENWe are delighted for any Benefield staff member to bring their child or children to Benefield. However, before and after school, your children should be under close supervision in your room or work area. They should not be in the hallways or mailroom. This is to ensure safety and security, as well as, to maintain a professional work environment for parent-teacher conferences, meetings, or routine planning to occur. Students should go directly from your room to their classroom at 8:20a.m. Your children are welcome to work on the student workstation computer in your classroom. However, they should never be on your GCPS laptop (school or home).

Faculty children should not be present during pre/postplanning days, teacher workdays, early release days or any type of meeting (committee or faculty). Please make sure you have made prior arrangements. Remember the staff lounge/workroom and adult bathrooms are for adults only. You are certainly welcome to buy snacks for your personal children from the vending machines and take the snacks/drinks back to your room.

Faculty children will be dismissal from their classroom after the last bus has been posted.

32.0. ESOL PROGRAM (English to Speakers of Other Languages)This program offers support for LEP (Limited English Proficient) and NEP (Non-English Speaking) children learning to speak English. See our ESOL Staff, Deborah Buford, if you have any concerns with students having a language barrier.

Any requests for translations need to be made to Ivonne McNally or your leadership team, not to our staff members who speak second languages. We need to be careful and respectful of staff members’ time. Translator request forms will be available from Mrs. McNally.

It is required by law that ESOL students must be served daily. ESOL classes are not optional. Students are only allowed to miss ESOL class for the following activities: field trips, Early Release Days, class parties (2x year), cultural arts programs, and body safety lessons from the counselor.

33.0. EVALUATIONS33.1 GTES: Gwinnett Staff Effectiveness System

All educators will be evaluated utilizing GTES beginning September 2015. All teachers will have a minimum of two (2) formative observations, thirty (30) minutes in length coupled with four (4) ten minute walk throughs. All certified employees will complete RBES Sgs 8/22/15 11

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(results based evaluation system) goals directly related to our LSPI (local school plan for improvement). Documentation of performance standards will be completed and submitted electronically via the PD&E Tool. All certified employees are expected to complete the orientation video, self-assessment and preconference by August 28, 2015.

33.2. ClassifiedAll staff members who are not certified as teachers will be evaluated by the principal or the assistant principal, or teacher using the evaluation instrument for that position. Mrs. Stevens will organize the classified evaluations. This will consist of an interim evaluation by December and a final evaluation by the end of May.

34.0. FIELD TRIPSGrade levels may book one out-of-school field trip once a year. Trips need to be during the school day, unless there has been prior approval by the principal for different arrangements. Field trips should be self-supporting. Contributions for field trips should cover the cost of a trip. Grade levels should work together to keep from duplicating trips from one year to the next and trips should support grade level CC/AKS. Do not book field trips during any type of schoolwide testing (i.e. Gateway, CRCT, ITBS, CogAT) or during Benchmark testing. A field trip checklist appears below. Each grade level will be responsible for calculating the cost of a field trip. All field trips must be completed by May 6, 2015.

34.1. Field Trip ProceduresCheck desired field trip date with Ms. Thomas-Lee and submit a calendar request that includes at least two dates for consideration. Field trips must be approved by the leadership team prior to making deposits, collecting money, advertising to parents, etc. Upon receipt of your approved date/time, call to book your field trip date. If you are not able to get the dates you want, please resubmit another calendar request before you book the trip. All field trips need to be planned and approved prior to November 5, 2014.

All money must be collected through www.mypaymentplus.com or one person per grade level can collect funds after being trained by Benita Goodman. Receipts must be provided for any amount greater than $10. All money must be collected at least two weeks prior to field trip date. You must give Benita Goodman an invoice for the trip one week prior to leaving. See the Finance Procedures section for specific procedures on collecting and giving money to Joanne.

Fill out the field trip request form and turn it into the principal. Mrs. Stevens will give approved forms to Ms. Thomas-Lee to enter the request into the GCPS Field Trip Request computer system. GCPS will only approve day field trips for 9:30-1:30 because of the availability of buses and drivers. Requests must be turned in to the principal at least one month before the trip date or no later than November 5, 2014. Upon approval, you will receive a confirmation in your mailbox. Confirm the field trip date with Ms. Torres so our school calendar will be accurate.

Teachers need to notify the café of upcoming field trips at least four weeks in advance, so they can properly prepare. Lunch procedures for field trips no longer require a list of students and purchases. The café team will provide a “grab and go” style sack lunch for students to make their selection. Carts with lunch selections will be in a common area close to the grade level classrooms for the field trips. Teachers will report to their assigned cart beginning at 8:30 AM and students will make selection and assemble their own sack lunch. Teachers need to provide Patti Velez with a marked/labeled ice chest the day prior to the field trip. The café team will coordinate and prepare everything needed for a healthy lunch on your field trip. The teachers will be provided with the ice chest filled with milk and student lunch selections. Marcus Knight (K, 1st, & 5th), Altonise Henfiield (2rd & 4th ), and Heather Tack (PreK & 3 rd ) will be the contact for the leadership team and provide all forms and information.

Bus Information1. Grades K – 5 should plan for 48 students per bus. K – 3 should plan for 4 to 6 chaperones per bus, and grades 4 – 5 should

plan for 3 to 4 chaperones per bus. 2. Costs for buses: See Benita Goodman – to be determined by GCPS.3. The trip sponsor is responsible for enforcing all rules during the trip. Standard bus rules are in effect for the duration of the

trip. No eating or drinking is allowed on the bus at anytime. No pets are allowed on buses. Any adult who is not a trip chaperone or non-school age children of chaperones are not authorized to ride field trip buses.

4. You must make available to bus drivers: travel directions to your field trip destination; the name of the field trip coordinator for each bus; parking information at your destination; funds for parking fees; a list of riders on each bus; and the exact time and location for group pick-up and drop-off at your destination.

Things to be completed before you go on your field trip:1. For all field trips you will make a list of which students and adults are riding on which bus(es), along with emergency

parent phone numbers so the parent can be reached in case of an injury,2. Keep a copy of this information on your bus, give a copy to the other bus and give a copy to Mrs.Trish Thomas-Lee in

the office.3. A teacher contact on each bus must have a cell phone. Give Mrs.Trish Thomas-Lee the number. If the bus driver has a

phone, get that number as well. Otherwise get the dispatch number for the bus company and the bus numbers and give the information to Mrs.Trish Thomas-Lee. If more than one teacher has a cell phone give all the numbers to Mrs.Trish Thomas-Lee.

4. Give a copy of all of the items above to Mrs.Trish Thomas-Lee as early as possible on the morning you leave. If there were an accident, we would need to be able to effectively notify parents and get the students help if needed.

5. Notify the Clinic Worker, Kiim Hunter, at least four weeks prior to the field trip for proper preparation of any emergency information you need on children going with you on the trip.

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6. The day prior to the field trip, follow up with clinic worker to ensure medications will be ready for pick up. 7. Kim Hunter will provided you with asthma medications, epipens, diabetic supplies, daily medications for identified

students on your trip. Each bus must have the necessary medications for students on their roster. Teachers are the only individuals who should administer such medications and all medications must be kept secure during the trip.

8. You should take first aid supplies (basic supply of band aids, antiseptic cream, etc.) with you. See the Clinic Worker, Kim Hunter, for needed supplies.

9. Information packet submitted by November 6, 2014. Edits can be made prior to the day of departure to reflect any class changes or medical updates.

34.2. DisciplineStudents are expected to display appropriate behavior while on a field trip since a field trip is an extension of the classroom. -Group children and remind them that everyone will have partners or a group to tour or sit with.--All behavioral management procedures should be discussed with children prior to leaving the school and they should be reminded again of what is expected prior to arrival at the destination-If the field trip is a grade level trip, all teachers should have reached prior agreement as to the expectations for all the students (i.e. lining up; talking, etc.).

34.3. DressStudents and staff members are expected to dress appropriately for a field trip. We are representatives of Benefield Elementary School wherever we go. Attire should be appropriate to the purpose of the trip.

34.4. SecurityPlease choose chaperones with care. Chaperones must always be aware of every child in their care throughout the whole time of the field trip. Heightened security practices must be followed. These include frequent name checks, not allowing students to go to rest rooms alone, and being aware of surroundings to prevent mishaps. A cell phone is to be taken on field trips in case of emergency and held by the instructional leaders.

34.5. In-School Field TripsWhen you have an in-school field trip, as long as the students can still eat between 10:45 and 12:45, they can just go

through the line. Please notify Patti Velez of your field trip.

35.0. FINANCE PROCEDURES35.1. Supply Money and Purchase Orders using County Funds

General supplies will be purchased for the supply closet. All supply request will be directed through Benita Goodman. Prior approval is required by the principal for purchases with county fund. Do not pay by check or cash and request reimbursement from a county account. We can’t do it. We have strict guidelines for our county accounts. Schools cannot assume any fiscal responsibility for shipping costs related to previewing materials. Personnel requesting preview materials will be responsible for the shipping cost incurred.

Upon receipt of supplies, materials, furniture etc., open boxes immediately to inspect for quality and quantity ordered. If materials, furniture or supplies are damaged, bring the packing slip to bookkeeper immediately. The school only has 5 days to notify the county in writing that the items ordered were damaged during shipping. Therefore, it is essential for the bookkeeper to know within 3 days of receiving goods. Staff members should not make any purchases with their own money and request a reimbursement.

35.2. Procedures for Collecting Money: Only one Staff per grade levelParents are encouraged to make all payments via www.mypaymentsplus.com. In the event that you are unable to collect the necessary funds for events such as field trips, one representative on the grade level can collect cash and/or checks. The following procedures must be adhered to when collecting funds.

A receipt must be issued for all cash monies in excess of $10.00. A receipt is never required for monies received by personal check signed by the parent. All monies collected by a school employee must be turned in to Benita Goodman, our bookkeeper, along with a completed and signed “Monies Collected Form” no later than 3:15 p.m. on the day collected. This form must be signed, dated and returned to Benita Goodman. Money may not be held in the classroom overnight and all money must be deposited within three days of collection per county procedures.

Any money collected must be listed with student name. Cash monies that are receipted will have receipt numbers, inclusive, listed on “Monies Collected Form.” You must check out a receipt book from Joanne. Receipt books must be returned to Benita Goodman at the end of the year for audit purposes. When issuing receipts, the white copy is given to the student and the pink copy remains in the receipt book. The yellow copy is to be attached to the back of the “Monies Collected Form.”

Monies Collected Forms must be dated on a weekly basis. For example "April 1-5" should be on one form (no more days than 5 on one form). This form with the money (place in a manila envelope) should be turned into Benita Goodman each day to be placed into the safe. She will return the form to you in the manila envelope each day. You will need to tally the amount for the week on Friday and Joanne will then issue you a receipt for the week. For each week you are collecting (ie. field trips) you should do a new Monies Collected Form.

Cash or checks should never be left in your room overnight!

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36.0. FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURES The first fire drill will be announced, so that all classes have a chance to practice the procedures and adjustments can be made if necessary. One unannounced fire drill will be carried out each month beginning September.

Staffs will discuss fire drill procedures with students the first week of school and periodically through the year as new students are added to the class. Classroom teachers will teach students to know where to go if they are in the hallway or the restroom when the alarm sounds.

Post the map showing the exits for fire evacuation on the wall to the right of your classroom exit door. A copy of these procedures, current student roster, pencil, paper, and evacuation map must be prominently displayed by the first week of school to remain updated all year. Designate a buddy to remind substitutes to review this plan during your absence.

Plan an alternate route in the event of a real fire. We will have “fake fire” signs that will be used during some fire drills to see what alternate route would be used.

Adhere to the following procedures:Pick up my Manila Emergency Folder.Line my students up at the door. Turn off my light and lock my door at this time. Pull my door closed when all students have exited.Escort my students silently along the marked evacuation route and out to my assigned Zone . (Exception: if your class is at a different location when the alarm sounds, TDPE for example, but you are designated to stand in the front of the school STAY where you are but alert the checker by raising your hand so he/she can walkie-talkie the checkers in the front.)

1. When my students reach the Zone, have them form a straight line behind me and take attendance at this time.2. Hold up my folder with the appropriate colored card/folder visible:

a. FOLDER WITH NAME – All students present. No issues to report.b. RED CARD – I need attention (medical need, missing child, etc…)

3. Hold my card up until I have been checked off/assisted by a member of the safety team.4. Keep my students silent until the “All-Clear” is given and we may return to the building.

** If my students are in specials or at lunch, take my roll, paper and pencil and meet them where they should be on the map.

Lunchroom Procedures: Adults supervising the cafeteria will follow these procedures:1. Calm students and gain control of the cafeteria with the assistance of the other adults.2. Instruct all students to stand silently at their seat and leave all food on the tables.3. Beginning with classes nearest the car-rider exit doors, escort one table at a time out of the building and into ZONE 2.4. The last adult out will ensure that all students have exited.5. Instruct students to line up silently by class.6. Alert the safety team member that you are at lunch and await the arrival of your classroom teacher.7. When the classroom teacher arrives, they will follow the general procedure outlined below.8. Hold up my folder with the appropriate colored card/folder visible:

a. FOLDER WITH NAME – All students present. No issues to report.b. RED – I need attention (medical need, missing child, etc…)

9. Hold my card up until I have been checked off/assisted by a member of the safety team.10. Keep my students silent until the “All-Clear” is given and we may return to the building.

Teachers with students at lunch will go immediately to meet their students in ZONE 2. When teachers get to their class outside, they will make sure their class is in line and take attendance.

Teachers will talk with students to let them know what to do in the event that the alarm sounds while in the cafeteria: Remain calm Get quiet Leave trays, lunch boxes and food on the table Follow directions, exiting quietlyIf the alarm should sound while students are in breakfast, the same student behavior rules apply. The staff members on breakfast duty will begin exiting students out the cafeteria door closest to the car rider lane and into ZONE 2. Demetrius Howard will exit with the first students, and Andy Schlenker will follow behind the last students to make sure all students exit the cafeteria.

37.0. FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENTAny furniture brought into Benefield that is not on the Basic Equipment List (BEL) should be approved by the principal ahead of time. All furniture and equipment must be moved by the adults. Do not scoot the furniture across the floor or rug. Students must never move/push equipment or furniture either inside or outside of the classroom. Teachers and staff may not have refrigerators or microwaves in the classrooms. These items are available in the cafeteria and workroom areas for staff use.

A furniture inventory exists by classroom number for each room and must be accounted for at inventory time, including desks, chairs, cabinets, book carts, file cabinets and metal bookcases. No furniture should be swapped or moved without approval by the head Sgs 8/22/15 14

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custodian and principal. All AV and computer equipment follows this same procedure. Check with media specialist and LSTC for approval on AV and computer movement.

38.0. GIFTED REFERRALSReferrals for the FOCUS program may be made by the classroom teacher, special area teacher, parents or through mass screening on standardized tests. The process must begin with a scheduled meeting to discuss the referral. The classroom teacher or referring teacher, leadership team and FOCUS teacher look at work samples, report cards, permanent records, etc. to determine need for further evaluation. Contact the gifted education teacher, Deb Pristupa, if you have a referral or question.

To meet state criteria, students must complete evaluations in four areas: mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation. To qualify for the gifted program, there are three options. Multiple Criteria Option: Students must meet state criteria in three out of four areas. Psychometric Option: Grades K – 2, students must have a 99 percentile in mental ability and a qualifying score in achievement. Grades 3 -5, students must have a 96 percentile in mental ability and a qualifying score in achievement . Reciprocity Option: Students from another Georgia public school who were in the gifted program shall be entered in our FOCUS gifted program.

39.0 GRADING POLICIESGrading percentages and weights are provided for each grade level. This includes the range regarding the number of grades in each subject. You will also be given the items which should be “common” for each subject and in each grade level. It is your responsibility to make sure you keep current with your grades and have the correct number of grades in each area. Grades must be entered at a minimum weekly into pinpoint for timely communication with parents via the Parent Portal. Teachers are to utilize the common grading frameworks developed by the team for all assignments. If you have any questions, please speak with your assistant principal.

If a student’s grade drops at least one letter grade or changes to failing, the teacher must notify the parent prior to progress reports and/or report cards. The report card should not be the parent’s first notification of a failing grade.

40.0. HARD CANDY AND GUMStudents should not have gum or hard candy in school. Please let parents in your room know this at the beginning of the year before they start to send in treats. Staffs can use these items as rewards.

41.0. HALL BEHAVIOR (SILENT TRANSITIONS)During the day students should move from classroom to lunch, restroom break, bus parade, and other places in a silent and orderly manner. We need to work together to be sure this expectation is reinforced consistently. Classroom instruction should not be interrupted by noise in the halls. Be especially mindful of this when you are taking your class for a class restroom break. They need to be aware that instruction is taking place in nearby classrooms.

42.0. HOMEWORKHomework is one way to provide students more time and opportunity to practice. Homework assignments should be practice over skills already taught by the teacher in class.

It is expected that homework will be used in developmentally appropriate ways to support learning. Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday for 10 - 50 minutes depending on the age of the child (Kindergarten = 10 minutes, First grade = 15 minutes, Second grade = 20 minutes and so on). Homework does not include nightly expectations for reading. Grades 1-5 use a Student Agenda Book to help communicate curriculum assignments. Assignments missed during a short or long term absence or as a result of vacation will be made up upon return. Children too ill to be in school are generally too ill to work on assignments at home.

Extended learning time or after school programs are not intended for homework completion.

43.0. INSTRUCTIONAL EXPECTATIONS (CC/AKS)The Gwinnett County Academic Knowledge and Skills (CC/AKS) serve as our essential curriculum . These objectives define our accountability. Item banks, lesson plan database, MOCC, SOCC, My Students (assessment scores) and core instructional materials are just some of the tools available to help teach the CC/AKS curriculum . It is up to teachers to determine what methods are needed to help each student achieve the standard curriculum. Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies should be used daily. Teachers are expected to use media services and technology as instructional tools in achieving the CC/AKS.

43.1 The Benefield WayWorkshop EssentialsIntegrated lessons including science, social studies, and healthEQ or learning target in all subject areas postedWriting across the curriculumWeekly ExemplarsMath CalendarNumber TalksConferring with students in reading, writing, and mathBalanced Literacy & Numeracy

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43.2 Special Days or Rewards (e.g. Pajama Day, Read All Day, Game Day, etc.)Please make sure you get the approval from your assistant principal one week in advance before planning special events that involve a detour from the regular schedule or dress code. If you have programs or celebrations in your classroom, please make sure you let your assistant principal. Please email Ms. Thomas-Lee your special date to be placed in The Titan and on the school calendar.

44.0. LAMINATINGAll laminating will be done by the classroom teacher.

45.0. LAPTOP SECURITYLaptop computers, printers, power cords, and their mouse are the responsibility of the staff member to whom they are assigned. When staff members initial the form, they agree to care for these items as if they are their own. The computer should be cleaned regularly to remain free of dust, hair, and crumbs. Staff members are responsible for the security of the laptop, also. Please transport it in its proper case, do not drop it, nor immerse it in water.

Classroom teachers in the building with interior rooms and no access to rooms with windows may leave the laptop in their rooms overnight, but their classroom doors must be locked when they leave. All portable classroom teachers must keep their doors locked, even when they leave their classroom for a brief period – going to specials, lunch, etc. All laptops (with the exception of those in rooms with no windows or no access to rooms with windows) should be taken home daily or locked up in a filing cabinet.

Student laptops must be secured prior to leaving for the day. All laptops must be locked utilizing the GCPS lock system provided. Anthony Hossackwill provide you with training during preplanning week.

46.0. ARRIVING LATE/LEAVING DURING THE SCHOOL DAYLeaving during the instructional day should be on an emergency basis only, i.e. less than 30 minutes. Ms. Benita Goodman and/or Mrs. Stevens will approve all leave during the school day. You will need to sign-out indicating the time you left the buidling and who is covering your class in your absence. Students must be under the direct supervision of a teacher. Sign back in when you return. The stellar sub may not be booked to cover such absences without the prior approval of Mrs. Stevens or Ms. Schlenker. You will be charged leave for absences during the school day.

47.0. LESSON PLANS Lesson plans are flexible working documents. Plans should be available by Monday morning for the current week and kept on the teacher’s desk. Lesson plans may be checked during observations or during routine classroom walk-thrus during the year. Lesson plans should reflect careful and thorough planning.

Lesson plans should have the following components of good instruction: Clearly explained CC/AKS objective (listed in number and/or word form or in the form of an essential question) A framework for teaching key concepts including resources/materials and activity (if applicable)

Teachers should also provide: An opportunity for students to read and use higher-order thinking skills A frequent writing component Planned read-alouds

Staff performance standards on the GTES will be observed during walk thrus and formative observations.

48.0. MAILROOMStaff mailboxes are located in the front office. GCPS, local school and staff development information will be maintained on the bulletin boards by the mailboxes and/or in the lounge area. School forms can also be found in the mailroom.

49.0. MANAGEMENT OF STUDENT BEHAVIOR – Benefield Schoolwide Discipline Plan is posted at end of handbookThe goal of effective student management is to provide the best learning environment and instructional program possible for every Benefield student. A positive, warm atmosphere where students are actively engaged and learning should be the primary goal. In order to achieve this goal, we need to expect each student to demonstrate consistently appropriate behaviors. The Benefield Discipline Plan is based on the Gwinnett County Public Schools Guidelines for Student Behavior. See the Discipline Handbook for more information.

Please remember that classroom management is the responsibility of each classroom teacher. It is mandatory, however, that a definite structure be established so that each child knows what behaviors are expected of him/her. Setting classroom rules in addition to our Raised Responsibility is one way to help set this structure.

Please ask your AP to help you with any students that are proving too difficult for you to handle. They can observe and give you some great suggestions.

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Pending Update Section 50.0 7/10/1450.0. MEDIA CENTERThe media center is open daily for individual and class use. Ammee Robbins will have an orientation for students to the media center policies and procedures (see media-technology handbook). Teachers are encouraged to actively and regularly engage their students in a variety of media activities which support pleasure reading, research and instructional objectives. The Media and Technology Committee will provide input into the media program. Teachers are encouraged to submit ideas for print and non-print materials to the media specialist. A professional library will be maintained in the media center. Ammee Robbins designs the reading incentive program used for students.

50.1. APPROVAL OF MEDIA MATERIALSAmmee Robbins, media specialist, will provide training on approval process for supplemental material use in the classroom. Please refer to the media-technology handbook in the appendix for approval process. 50.2 READING CLUB At Benefield Elementary we have a variety of school wide reading incentive programs. Ammee Robbins, our media specialist, will give more details at the beginning of the school year. Please see her if you have any questions or refer to the media-technology handbook in the appendix.

51.0. MEETINGSStaff members are expected to attend designated meetings and to arrive at meetings on time. Attendance at testing

meetings is required. If you are out due to an illness, please provide a doctor’s note/excuse upon your return. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify the leadership team of their absence and arrange a time to meet with the assistant principal conducting the meeting. All meetings are posted on the Benefield Calendar and in The Titan the week prior. Emergencies causing lateness or absence should be reported to the principal as soon as possible. Certified teachers are expected to attend Curriculum Night, Title 1 Nights, PTA Meetings and at least two additional school sponsored events or performances. These dates have already been reserved so please make plans around these meetings.

52.0. NEW STUDENTSWhen new students come to your classroom, welcome them with open arms! The assistant principal is responsible for

placing new students. If you need extra furniture to accommodate the student, it will be brought as soon as possible. Give a written note to the person bringing your new student or tell the AP about your furniture need, rather than saying something in front of the student or parent.

Monitor new student’s progress carefully. In two weeks, talk to your grade level AP to discuss any student who is not progressing well. We may need to call the last school/Staff to gain more information. Phyllis Swiftwill be handling all new student enrollments.

53.0. PARAPROFESSIONALSParaprofessionals are considered vital members of our instructional staff. During the school day, when not assigned duties,

paraprofessionals are to be used to provide instructional assistance to students. Their work should be under the direction of a certified teacher, although the parapro is allowed to be alone with the class when necessary.

There will be times during the day when we have to use paraprofessionals to help the school run more efficiently. They will also be asked to serve as test monitors during group testing. Additionally, we may have to pull a parapro to cover a class when we can’t find a substitute. We will try to keep these schedule disruptions to a minimum.

54.0. PARENT AND OTHER VISITSParents have a right to ask to visit and observe in the classroom.

54.1. School VisitsWe welcome and encourage parents to volunteer; however, we ask that parents who are here as volunteers (to read, cut out

things, help with a project or event, etc.) not bring siblings/small children into the classrooms. Parents and siblings are most welcome to come to support an event such as Field Day. We only ask that the children be supervised by an adult if the parent is busy volunteering. Siblings are also welcome when a parent comes to have lunch with their child or when they are here to view a play or presentation in the classroom. Benefield loves to see family participation at PTA, Curriculum Nights, Title 1 Nights, etc. These are perfect times for the whole family to come together at school.

If a parent requests to visit the classroom, it is advisable to put a time limit on the length of a parent visit. All visitors must check in at the front office and have on a visitor’s badge. If a parent reports to your room without a badge, please ask them to return to check in at the front office. You have every right to do this as the teacher. Instruction comes first. If you need assistance with a specific individual, talk with the AP for your grade level.

If you are having a special program for parents and other guests, always let the office know in advance so special check in and check out procedures can be arranged. They should not bring siblings to class parties.

Parent volunteers should not bring preschool children to the classroom when they work. It is distracting to instruction and learning. Please let them know to leave small children at home. We will support you in this request.

54.2. Visitors from outside the schoolFrom time-to-time, we have parents and community members who do not have a student enrolled at Benefield request to

visit the school and/or classrooms. To protect instructional time, a designated administrator/counselor will always escort the visitor a school/classroom tour. We ask that visitors not bring small children with them. We request at least a two day advance notification of Sgs 8/22/15 17

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such visits to the school. Please notify a leadership team member if you are contacted from an outside parent concerning a visit to the school.

54.3 Walking students to classParents are not to escort students to class. Students may bid their parents farewell in the front lobby. Please help us

monitor this process. We ask that all visitors check into the front office and secure a visitor’s badge. If you encounter a visitor without a visitor’s badge, please assist that individual in returning to the front desk.

55.0. PARENT CONTACT/COMMUNICATION To build that important relationship between your classroom and the students’ homes, please encourage parents to come

talk with you if they have any questions concerning their child or when a child is having academic/behavioral difficulty. You may find that being proactive in calling parents to discuss a concern often goes a long way in forming good relationships. If you have a situation that troubles you about a student or the family, please see your counselor or leadership team member.

Staffs are expected to respond to parent communication within twenty-four (24) hours upon receipt. If you are not in school due to an absence, please set your “out of office” email so parents will be informed you are not available. You are not expected to communicate over weekends or holidays within twenty four hours if you receive an email, phone call, or note on the day preceeding such an event.

Please be sure to communicate positive accomplishments. Please call parents out of the blue to tell them something that their child has done that was positive, remarkable, or nice. If we begin in earnest to convey positive comments and accomplishments, the whole tenor of the home/school relationship will change (for the positive). Hand-written notes and e-mails are effective ways to communicate positives and concerns, also.

Parents often challenge teachers about grades, assignments, procedures, and decisions made about consequences for misbehavior. The secrets to beating the challenge are: keep parents informed; don’t make rash judgments; be clear in your assignment expectations; be fair in your grading; be consistent in your procedures; don’t make a decision that you would not want made if it were your child in the situation. Ask questions of your leadership team if you have a concern about how to respond to a parent or a parent’s challenge.

55.1. School Newsletter, Curriculum Letters, Assignment Books, Friday Folders, Website, Progress Reports, Midterms and Parent Conferences

Communication with parents is one of the most important things we do. It should be frequent, informative and upbeat. Progress Reports go home at the end of the 4.5 weeks and 9 weeks. Parent conferences are held twice a year with parents. Weekly reports should be sent home every Friday at each grade level. We also use school wide Friday Folders. Graded papers and assessments are included in the Friday Folder each week. Everyone will send folders home on Friday so parents will know when to look for the reports. Communication should always be positive and constructive.

Grade level and class letters need to be approved by your leadership team. If you are sending home a note to parents that you are uncertain about in any way, discuss it with a leadership team member before sending it home. It is very important to keep a file of all of your correspondence to and from parents for documentation purposes. Develop a file and drop all copies of daily correspondence in it for future reference. Be sure correspondence is dated. Telephone calls and conferences are most successful when planned carefully and executed positively. All parent communication to you by email, written notes or phone calls should be answered with 24 hours. Conferences can be scheduled at this time if necessary. These should be documented as well. Develop a file for telephone call and conference notes. The leadership team, special area, ELL, intervention, and special education team members are available to help you with conferences as needed.

56.0. PARTIESBoard policy sets a limit of two school-wide parties per year. Celebration of birthdays will be observed by allowing parents to provide an individual snack for the class during regular snack time. No birthday favors (i.e. balloons, hats, trinkets, etc.) will be allowed. Please tell the parent to bring these birthday snacks in the morning and leave them for you to fit into your daily schedule. Birthday party invitations should only be given out if every child in the class receives one.

The Winter Parties will be on the following days: K-5th: Friday, December 19, 2014 @ 2:00 – 2:30 PM 3rd Grade: Friday, December 19, 2014 @ 1:30 – 2:00 PM

The Awards Day & Class Celebrations will be: Kindergarten - Wednesday, May 13th @ 1:00 PM First – Monday, May 18 @ 9:00 AM Second – Monday, May 18 @ 1:00 PM Third – Tuesday, May 19 @ 1:00 PM Fourth – Tuesday, May 19 @ 9:00 AM Fifth – Wednesday, May 20 @ 9:00 AM

This is just a reminder that siblings should not attend the parties.

57.0. PERMANENT RECORDS – Procedures and AccessPermanent records should be filled out fully and kept accurately up to date. Permanent records that are removed from the vault must be signed out and returned by the end of the day 3:45 p.m. Staff members need to use a sign out card when taking records. Staff members will be asked to sign confidentiality form outlining guidelines for permanent records.staffwill receive information about purging records in April. Records will be checked for accuracy by the leadership team at the end of the year. Any information received by teachers on students, please send an email with updated information to Benefield Clerks for SASI input. When adding information Sgs 8/22/15 18

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to a permanent record, please be mindful that records can be requested for review and become public. All records on a student should be in either one of two files, the permanent record or the supplemental file (started by the Student Study Team). Supplemental files must also be signed out and returned as soon as possible.

Note on Confidentiality of Student Information: All staff members will sign a confidentiality form signifying that all educational records will be kept secure and private. Only those educators who work with a student in the area of teaching and learning should have access their records. This confidentiality refers not only to student records, but also any teacher gradebooks located on the shared drive.

58.0. PETSPlease do not bring any personal pets to school. Teachers may have a small pet in the classroom. However, it is expected that cages will be kept clean, odor free and the animal will be fed and cared for properly. Students should be trained in the proper care of pets. All pets should be taken home on school breaks If you are planning on having a small pet, please discuss this with your grade level AP or the Principal. Check with all the parents (through a signed permission form) to make sure no allergies exist before you bring in a classroom pet. If a student and/or neighbor colleague is allergic to the pet or has a significant fear of the pet, you need to reconsider having the classroom pet. Staff members should notify the principal immediately if a classroom pet in another classroom is a problem.

Note: Pets should not be a learning distraction. Do not keep any pet in your room that will soil the carpet. Teachers are responsible for having pets taken home or with a student over the holidays.

59.0 PRINTER/TONER POLICY FOR CLASSROOMStaff members will be provided one full printer cartridge per calendar year for classroom use. If the printer cartridge needs to be replaced before the end of one calendar year, we do not have the school funds for replacement cartridges. The new printers are equipped with a regular capacity printer cartridge that should yield approximately 6000 pages. Classroom printers are not for making copies such as class sets.

60.0. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIORBenefield Elementary staff should exhibit professional behavior at all times on campus and when involved in conversations outside of school.

61.0. PROFESSIONAL LEARNINGIt is an expectation that each staff member (certified and classified) participate in ongoing growth and learning activities. Gwinnett County requires a minimum of 20 hours of professional learning annually. These hours must be recorded in the PD&E tool staff development log (no need to print). Benefield professional learning objectives will be addressed in the Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI). An elementary/middle school standard passed by the commission of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) requires that all certified personnel regardless of age, degree and certification must take ten units of PLU or graduate credit every five years. No Child Left Behind also requires these ten units of PLU every five years for paraprofessionals. Compliance with the above 20 hour professional learning standard is a condition of employment with GCPS. However, the PLU and 20 hours for Gwinnett can overlap and PLU’s can be used for both.

You can record instructional meetings/inservices that have been held here at school during the year on your Gwinnett professional learning log. You can also record inservices and courses held outside of the school if they are related to your job description.

Please remember there is a difference between professional learning hours and PLU credits that must be earned for recertification. They are two different things. Always ask the professional learning instructor if the course awards PLU credits if you are looking for certification credit. Graduate level college courses will also count towards recertification.

61.1. Faculty Study GroupsI. Common Planning for Instruction: Tuesdays & Thursdays (7:30 a.m..-8:15 a.m.)At Benefield, instructional planning in teams is key to the academic success of students at every grade level. The purpose of this planning, held twice each week, is for teachers and instructional leaders to engage in improving instructional practices in the classroom which have a direct impact on increasing student achievement. Grade level instructional frameworks define curriculum expectations. Discussions about teaching strategies and curriculum, in addition to creating common assessments to ensure truth in grading occur during these meetings. Teachers bring common formative assessment data, student work samples, frameworks, curriculum guides, CC/AKS books/resources, and creative ideas to share with grade level team members. The meetings are also structured to present AKS/CQI lessons for the week, review mini-assessment data and review student progress across the grade level in all areas. A formal agenda and minutes guide each instructional meeting. ELL, IRR, EIP, and Instructional Coaches are involved in common planning for grade levels.

Staff members are expected to attend weekly sessions. Absences require prior approval of the leadership team. Staff members leaving early will be charged leave. The following type of activities will be conducted on Tuesdays: faculty meetings and collaborative planning sessions.

II. Common Planning for Professional LearningBenefield uses Professional Learning Communities (PLC) as our organizational structure for professional learning. Our model was created using concepts from Professional Learning Communities (DuFour, Eaker). The key components of our process allow for job-Sgs 8/22/15 19

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embedded professional learning where teachers and administrators engage in continuous improvement using the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. Norms are established at the beginning of every year that define meeting purpose and agreed upon team member conduct.

Professional Learning choices will reflect the needs indicated by the staff and available data. Book studies may be used to address needs. Additional requirements will be given to help connect the book studies with application in the classroom

Grade level teams are expected to meet twice weekly: Tuesday and Thursday collaborative sessions before school and on a grade level determined planning period.

III. HOST: Professional Learning Model The HOST model is our platform for delivering best practices and quality plus teaching strategies. The HOST model allows each educator to learn alongside each other and receive coaching support. All educators are expected to implement best practices learned through HOST and participate in coaching sessions to support our LSPI and instructional initiatives. Staff members are expected to attend weekly sessions. Absences require prior approval of the leadership team. A calendar identifying the different topics will be published. This school year, we will have two levels of HOST: 1) teachers who did not participate in HOST I last year are required to attend both HOST I & II, 2) teachers who participated in HOST I & II last year will attend HOST III. Any teacher can participate in HOST I or II. Schedule of meeting dates are posted on the school wide google calendar.

61.2. Continuous Improvement Process: I. Identified Grade Level or Special Area Critical NeedAs a part of our Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI), during the summer, teachers and instructional leaders meet to

disaggregate and analyze schoolwide and subgroup achievement data. One of the purposes of examining data is to turn data into information. Every grade level and area team looks at areas requiring additional growth. Each educator and instructional leader will incorporate at least one school wide or grade level wide instructional goal on their personal RBES.

II. CC/AKS/CQI Implementation= FLEX TIMEAll grade levels will implement a writing AKS/CQI model beginning at 8:00 AM daily for at least 60 minutes. Benefield second and third grade teachers will implement the AKS/CQI model for math. Instructional leaders and teachers meet to disaggregate and analyze grade level and individual student achievement data. This data analysis is used to create AKS/CQI objectives, daily Target Time lessons, weekly mini-assessments and weekly Team Time (enrichment and tutorial sessions).

Student grouping is fluid and based on ongoing formative assessment data. Educators are responsible for keeping running records, formative assessment data, and progress monitoring data on all students. (see appendix for CQI/AKS framework)

III. Host ClassroomEducators will participate in a professional learning model to learn about content, best practices, technology integration, and workshop components. These sessions are held during the school day during planning. Educators are expected to actively participate in these sessions. Prior approval from leadership is required if you will not be able to attend due to extenuating circumstances.

62.0. PROPERTY62.1. Care of School Property

Instruct your students in the proper care and use of school facilities and grounds. Teachers and students are expected to:a. Assist in keeping hallways and classrooms clean by placing trash in trash cans and by picking up others’ trash and

placing it in trash cans.b. Stack chairs near the wall or on desks to allow for vacuuming.c. Properly use and care for books, instructional materials, instructional equipment, and furniture.d. Pick up crayons, pencils, paper wads, staples, paper clips, books, and other small objects at the end of each school day.

The vacuum cleaners will not pick these up and metal inside will damage the vacuum heads.e. Pick up your playground trash before you come back inside.f. Benefield recycles paper, plastic, and aluminum cans (we are trying to locate a recycle company). 62.2. Teachers

Teachers are NOT to write their names in indelible marker on any piece of equipment or furniture that belongs to the Gwinnett County School System. The only identifier allowed will be the room number to which that piece of furniture is assigned. Staff members may mark any piece of personal furniture in any way.

62.3. Students Students are to be informed that they "rent" the textbooks and property of Benefield Elementary School and that they must care for the property. Students will be responsible for paying for damages they cause or for loss of school property. Notify the media clerk if the student has a lost or damaged book. Benita Goodman will handle monetary transactions. All student books will be bar-coded and assigned to students through the GCPS inventory system.

63.0. PTA MEMBERSHIP AND ATTENDANCEAttendance at PTA functions is part of our professional responsibilities. Attendance at PTA meetings is required for certified staff. If you absolutely have to miss a meeting/event please submit in writing or e-mail the reason you need to miss to the principal one week in advance. Classified staff is not required to attend PTA events/meetings. Staff families/friends are always encouraged and welcome at all PTA events.

It is encouraged that all staff members join PTA in the fall ($5 membership fee). You will be given a PTA membership form at the beginning of the school year.Sgs 8/22/15 20

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64.0. PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC RELATIONSThe best PR is being professional (in appearance and speech), knowledgeable and upbeat whenever you deal with parents and the community. We are responsible for getting the good news out about our school.

65.0. RESOURCE CLASSStudents must go through the RTI process and special education evaluation and be found eligible for services in order to qualify for resource class (extra help for behavior and learning concerns). Resource student's academic programs are governed by their Individual Education Plan (IEP) and modifications can be made in the curriculum areas identified on the IEP. It is very important that any testing modifications be noted in the IEP. Staffs coupled with the case manager will review students’ supplemental files in August as a team. IRR teachers will provide homeroom teachers and special teachers copies of modification and intervention information (found in student portal in Go.Gwinnett portal).

66.0. SAFETY AND SECURITYSafety and Security It is the right of every student and adult to feel safe at Benefield. The following guidelines ensure that safety and security are emphasized at our school:

Identification - Staff members will wear a school name badge or county ID to identify them. Volunteers and visitors should wear visitor stickers. This includes any spouses or older children coming from home or another school. Be sure they sign-in and get a visitor sticker. If you see someone in the hall that is not wearing an identifying badge, please stop them and ask them if you may direct them to the office. Please make sure they go. The office staff will ask for identification when parents check out students. Parents picking up students in the car rider line must display an assigned number.

Supervision of Students - Students must, without exception, be supervised by an adult at all times. Liability becomes an issue only when we have not been reasonable and prudent in our supervision of students. All staff should be in their assigned areas during arrival and dismissal. Student injuries are minimized when proactive indoor and outdoor supervision occurs. Student injuries should be treated in the clinic. Be sure to fill out an injury report if necessary (see Accidental Injury in this Handbook).

Building and Employee Security - Staff should not be working alone in the building. When you want to stay late, have a buddy with you. Staff members need to clear the building no later than 8:00 PM each night. Classroom call back buttons should be used in cases of emergency. When leaving the building, be sure the door closes and locks behind you. For security purposes, leaving doors propped open is not allowed.

When power goes off, emergency lights will come on in classrooms after six seconds. Follow all Fire Marshall guidelines. Fire codes prohibit the use of residential extension cords and limit uses for commercial extension cords. A power bar meeting fire marshal specifications is permissible. Heaters and candles are not permissible. There can be no personal refrigerators, microwaves, or lamps in classrooms.

Safety Drills - Practice fire, tornado, evacuation, and lock down drills will be conducted on a regular basis.RIDS Messages - RIDS (Rapid Information Dissemination System) messages are a way for the county office to get very

important information to all schools very quickly. RIDS messages will always be given to the principal first. If the principal is at a meeting one of the assistant principals will be next in line to handle the message. Our counselors will handle the message if all the leadership team is out. The same line of responsibility for decisions will be used if anyone is absent. Note: The secretary will always be able to contact the principal by cell phone if necessary.

Locking the Building Doors - All doors to the school will be locked at 4:00 p.m. each day. If you need entry beyond this time please see the principal.

Emergency Security ProceduresReview the Emergency Preparedness Plan for Evacuation/Disaster instructions. We recognize that crisis cannot be planned for, but these strategies are intended to provide a guide to follow in an emergency. The Emergency Preparedness Plan should not be released to any parents, students or community members. If evacuation is necessary our students will be moved to Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (first choice) or Phoenix High School (second choice). If these are not available, we will notify you at the time regarding an alternate location.

Note: During the year under no circumstances should rocks, wooden blocks or other materials be used to keep locked doors open to the outside.

Remember. . .The safety and security of the children is a top priority!

67.0. SCHOOL INFORMATION68.1. MASCOT The mascot at Benefield Elementary is the Titan.68.2. SCHOOL COLORSOur school colors are blue, green, and gray. 68.3. MISSIONBenefield Elementary is to ensure student mastery of academic knowledge, skills, and behaviors that foster learning.68.4 MOTTOLighting the way to learning!

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68.0. SCHOOL ACCREDITATION: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)The School Improvement Process of SACS is an approach to schools seeking continuing regional accreditation. This process is based on current research on schools. That research documents that school improvement results from involvement of the professional staff at the local school level in planning and implementing programs designed to address the needs of that school. The process recognizes that each school has the professional capacity to make the decisions which affect the quality of education provided at the local school level. The process provides each school with the flexibility to capitalize on the talent of its staff to determine how an area will be addressed and how achievement in that area will be documented. Participatory decision making is an essential component in the process. Schools involved in the School Renewal Project will focus on continuous school improvement, so that they will measurably improve in defined areas over the previous year.

69.0. SMOKINGBenefield Elementary is a no smoking environment.

70.0. SPECIALS CLASSESAt Benefield art, music, math, non-fiction writing, and physical education are all a vital part of the child’s educational program. Teachers should walk students to special area classes and wait with them until the special area teacher takes over. Teachers need to be at the specials’ doors ready to pick up their students so specials classes can stay on time. Children should always attend specials and be on time. However, there will be times when specials will be missed. Special times missed due to special performances, field trips or school parties will not be rescheduled.

71.0. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE REFERRALSSpeech and language referrals occur in four areas: articulation (sounds produced in error), voice (abnormal vocal quality for prolonged time); fluency (stuttering); language (semantics, syntax, pragmatics). Students with concerns in articulation, voice and fluency are discussed at SST meetings scheduled by and conducted between the teacher and the speech and language pathologist. Students with language concerns should be provided with interventions and progress monitoring.

72.0 STUDENT SUPPORT TEAM (SST)/ Right Thing Instructionally (RTI)The Gwinnett County Board of Education believes that RTI is an effective method of meeting the instructional and behavioral needs of students who are experiencing problems in school and assisting teachers in addressing those problems. RTI provides a detailed process by which teachers should implement and document the effectiveness of research-based interventions while working collaboratively with other teachers and support staff. Benefield RTI documents and resources are available in Benefield Elementary Communities. Please see Ms. Heather Tack and/or your grade level RTI member for additional guidance.

72.1 Benefield SST Process 2015-2016 (updated process shared during preplanning)Before submitting your SST referral, your student should be on an Academic Contract/Tier 2 Intervention Plan, and you should have documentation of parent contacts, Data Talks and progress monitoring. All documents are available in Benefield Elementary Communities.

Please include the following documentation in your SST Referral packet: SST Referral Form (do not fill in test scores) Student Assessment Profile from My Students Academic Contract (include copies of progress-monitoring graphs) ELPP

Please bring any additional documentation to the SST meeting. Examples include: Progress/grade reports Work samples Parent/Staff conference notes

Additional student data (data charts, instructional software progress reports, etc...)

73.0 STAFF BENEFITS 73.1 Medical/dental insurance forms are available on the GCPS website. Go to:www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us73.2 Human Resources – Benefits - Benefits Center – Forms73.3 Staff benefits questions should be addressed to Benita Goodman.

74.0 STAFF HOURS/SCHOOL HOURS74.1 School hours for students are 8:20 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. 74.2 Staff hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or until all students in your classroom have

loaded the bus. 74.3 Tuesday and Thursday staff hours are 7:30 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.

75.0 STAFF RECOGNITIONThe following staff recognition is in place at Benefield Elementary.

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My Shining Lights Faculty Meetings (monthly) Benefield Teacher of the Year All TOTY nominees are recognized and celebrated. Staff Appreciation Week Individual Appreciation Days (Custodial, Cafeteria, Nurse, Secretaries, Counselor) American Education Week Sunshine celebrations and expressions of sympathy Retirement Celebrations

76.0. STUDENT ACADEMIC CONTRACTA Student Academic Contract is written when a teacher recognizes a child is having difficulty mastering grade level CC/AKS . A student must have Ds, Ns or Us on the report card in at least one of the core subjects to receive an Academic Contract. The contract lists the CC/AKS needing remediation, lists home and school interventions and is signed by the teacher, parent, and administrator (student signature optional).

A regular education student must have an academic contract in order to attend summer school and/or be retained. Academic contracts are to be done as early as possible in the year. See the AP for assistance in filling out an Academic Contract.

77.0. STUDENT COUNCILStudent Council is made up of one student from each grade 4-5 classroom. Student Council minutes are reported on the morning announcements during the week following the meeting. Student Council members participate in school service projects throughout the year. Student Council officers are fifth graders elected by Student Council members. Marcus Knight will coordinate this student leadership group.

78.0. STUDENT RECOGNITIONStudents will be recognized for excellent behavior, academic achievement, good citizenship, perfect attendance, individual achievement and just for being great kids! Teachers are encouraged to develop additional ways to recognize good work and behavior in the classroom.

Honor Roll (Grade 2-5)Straight A – Principal’s Honor Roll

Student receives a certificateAny combination of A and B – Academic Excellence

Student receives a certificateEnd of Year Recognition of ExcellenceAt the end of each year an award program is held. Parents and other family members are invited to school to celebrate the

achievements of our students.Titan Award (K-5)

Staff chooses Good Citizens for the class for the week. Staff are encouraged to choose one classroom Good Citizen each week in order to provide more recognition for good behavior.

Perfect Attendance (K-5)Students receive a certificate for perfect attendance.

Discovery Recognition (K-5)Classroom level award for the group. Letters are awarded by all staff when they recognize good behavior.

Academic Pep Rally (K-5)Academic Pep Rally is held before spring testing. Students are recognized for their hard work during the year and academic achievement. Testing is considered a “celebration of knowledge” at Benefield.

Benefield Wall of Fame (K - 5) Students participate in monthly celebrations with the principal upon completion of reading logs and math calendars..

Testing Incentives (1-5)Student attendance and performance will be recognized and awarded by the leadership team.

79.0 SUBSTITUTE FOLDERS Substitute Calling Procedure for Employee AbsenceAccording to state standards, substitutes must have four hours of training before working in schools. Substitutes that were trained last year are automatically eligible to continue on our substitute list.

You should always maintain complete, detailed lesson plans, available on Mondays for the week, so that substitutes can easily continue with planned activities. Lesson plans will always be expected. There will be no exceptions to this guideline.

Teachers planning for a long extended leave should work closely in advance of their absence with their grade level, the AP and neighboring teachers for a smooth transition with a long term substitute. You should share long term plans with your AP before you leave. Your grade level will help your sub make any adjustments to the plans during your long term absence. Mrs. Stevens will secure your long term sub.

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Behavioral expectations for students when a substitute is present should be clearly communicated to your class. Additionally, make sure you have made a clearly labeled substitute folder containing the checklist. Emergency folders are due by Friday, September 4 to Mrs. Trish Thomas-Lee. A plan for dividing up your class in the event of inability to secure a substitute will need to be provided to your grade level AP and posted on the shared drive (substitute plan). Place this substitute folder with your lesson plans. Your neighbor teacher should plan to look in on your sub in the morning and check with him/her twice during the day for questions or problems. (Checklist in Benefield Elementary Communities) 80.0. SUNSHINE GUIDELINES Dues for this year are $20.00 for certified employees and $15.00 for classified employees . Checks will be made payable to Benefield Elementary and should be given to Sunshine Representative, by October 5, 2015. You may split the payment over two months with the first half, $10 for certified employees and $7.50 for classified employees, due September 3 rd and the second half of the payment due by October 5 th . Funds are used for celebration, to buy small recognition gifts and to comfort staff members in time of need. Activities

Boo Buddies - October Secret Santa - December Holiday Social - December

Hospitalization Flowers/balloons/plants for staff member Card to family members (spouse, children)

Extended illness at home: Card will be sent to a staff member and/or members of immediate family (spouse, children)

Birthdays: Grade levels/area will be responsible for the celebration of the “big day.” Sunshine will prepare a monthly slide for the BBC


Weddings: Showers sponsored by grade level/area

Babies: Showers sponsored by grade level/area

Death: Flowers/donations from Sunshine for staff members and immediate family (spouse/children/parents) A card for immediate family members of staff (mother, father, siblings.)

Departures: Retiring Staff Members – Sunshine will provide $25 towards a cake.

Special Recognition: Recognition Days:

Office Staff during Administrative Professional’s Week Clinic Nurse on National School Nurse Day Custodial Staff during Custodian Appreciation Week Counselors during National School Counseling Week Media Center Staff during National Library Week Leadership Team during National Education Bosses’ Week Cafeteria Staff during School Nutrition Employees Appreciation Week

Let us know if someone goes into the hospital or has outpatient surgery. We need you to keep us informed.

81.0. SUPERVISION OF STUDENTSAll certified staff is responsible for the supervision of their assigned students during the school day. This supervision begins in classrooms and other learning spaces and extends to the hallways, Media Center, outside walkways, cafe, restrooms, the gym, and playground. Students should never be left alone without adequate adult supervision. There are times when one staff member needs to stand in a doorway to monitor two classes, but that monitoring staff member must stay there until the other staff member returns. The above should be a rare circumstance. CELL PHONE USE is not allowed during student supervision or instructional time.

Small groups and individual students. Students who travel from classrooms to any other place in our campus must be taught to go to the other place and back without wandering or delay. This applies to all destinations -Media Center, Resource classes, and restrooms.

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Students should not return to classrooms on their own once they are at their new destination. For example, a student who leaves something in a classroom should never return alone to that classroom. A teacher, parapro, or another student should accompany that student.

Playground. Playground supervision is important. All homeroom teachers who are on duty at TDPE are expected to spread out and monitor the entire playground. Teachers who are absent must communicate this supervision duty to their substitutes. Please make sure you take a walkie talkie or your cell phone and provide the office with your number in the event of an emergency.

82.0. TAPING OF CONFERENCESIf a parent wants to tape record a conference, stop the conference until you get an assistant principal. The assistant principal will bring a tape recorder for the school or cancel the conference until other arrangements can be made.

If a parent brings a lawyer, immediately notify the principal and/or assistant principal. The school must have representation to meet. Therefore, the meeting will likely not convene unless prior notification was provided. If you encounter anything suspicious in a conference contact a member of the leadership team immediately.


Staff members or adult volunteers should be the only adults operating the copying, poster maker, paper cutter and die cut machines. Children/students are not permitted in teacher workrooms/bookrooms at any time. You are welcome to buy your own children something from the vending machine and take it back to your room. Doors to workrooms/bookrooms should remain closed at all times.

84.0. TELEPHONES/CELL PHONES/ELECTRONIC DEVICESTeachers are welcome to use any phones with the exception of those in the front office reception area. Please be aware of the amount of time on the phone, as others may also need to make a call. We appreciate you minimizing the number of personal calls coming into school.

Children may use the telephone only when absolutely necessary with the teacher’s written permission. Children should not be sent to the phone for forgotten assignments or materials.

Student cell phones are permissible, but should be used for instructional activities. Make sure the parent understands that we are not responsible if the cell phone is taken.

84.1. Personal Cell UseTeachers should not make personal phone calls or texting from their cell phone during instructional or supervision times. You are asked to have your cell phone if you are on the playground and to provide the number to the front office in the event of a checkout or emergency.

84.2. Electronic Games/DevicesPlease do not allow students to bring electronic games/devices for “rewards” or for use in the classroom. BYOD is an instructional tool, not a reward system.

85.0. TIMEThe official school time is given on the Benefield morning news show and is also available on your computer throughout the day. Be sure your classroom clock and your watch are synchronized with this time. Punctuality to lunch and specials (both arriving and departing) is particularly important.

86.0. TITLE IX NOTICE If you believe you are being mistreated by school employees on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin or handicap, please tell a counselor or member of the school leadership team in whom you have confidence that you have a complaint about the manner in which you were treated and why. Marcus Knight is the Title IX local school coordinator.

87.0. TORNADO DRILL Provided with Safety Plan information. We will conduct a minimum of two drills per year (November and February).

88.0. TRANSPORTATION Each student will be assigned to a bus. He/she will not ride another bus without a written note from parents. The note must be delivered to the front office no later than 9:00 AM so that a bus note can be issued. The front office will call for the student once the bus pass is ready for pick up, typically at the end of the school day. When a student misses a bus, the teacher is expected to assist in calling parents to make arrangements for getting the child home. They are also expected to stay with the child until the parent arrives.

89.0. TUTORINGA teacher may not offer private instruction on a fee basis to any student who is presently enrolled at Benefield Elementary. It is incumbent upon the teacher to assist students in his/her class before or after school and whenever feasible. Remember, we are not to recommend tutoring or any service that may make the school system liable for payment.

90.0. VIDEOS/YouTube viewingOnly videos that are in the media center and have been approved by the media committee or videos from the GCPS IRC may be shown in classrooms. These videos should support instruction and should not be used as “fillers.” No personal or outside videos may Sgs 8/22/15 25

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be shown in the classroom. If you are viewing a YouTube clip, you must use safeshare software (see Lara Schiefelbein). These clips must go through supplemental review process (see Ammee Robbins).

91.0. WITHDRAWAL PROCEDURES Whenever a student has moved or has not been present for at least two weeks (10 days), even if the parent has not notified

the school, the teacher should start the withdrawal process by notifying Patty Hugghins. If the parent notifies the front office first, Phyllis Swift or Patty Hugghins will notify the teacher and start the process. Patty Hugghins will initiate e-mails to all parties concerned regarding information needed to process the withdrawal.

92.0. WORKMAN’S COMPENSATIONAll employees are under this benefit. Please contact Benita Goodman and Kim Hunter immediately after an accident for

claim service. You are only covered while on the job. A written report must be filed.

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APPENDIX_______________________________ Code of EthicsThe Code of Ethics for Educators defines the professional behavior of educators in Georgia and serves as a guide to ethical conduct. The Professional Standards Commission has adopted standards that represent the conduct generally accepted by the education profession. The code defines unethical conduct justifying disciplinary sanction and provides guidance for protecting the health, safety and general welfare of students and educators, and assuring the citizens of Georgia a degree of accountability within the education profession.Standard 1: Legal ComplianceAn educator shall abide by federal, state, and local laws and statutes. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to the commission or conviction of a felony or of any crime involving moral turpitude; of any other criminal offense involving the manufacture, distribution, trafficking, sale, or possession of a controlled substance or marijuana as provided for in Chapter 13 of Title 16; or of any other sexual offense as provided for in Code Section 16-6-1 through 16-6-17, 16-6-20, 16-6-22.2, or 16-12-100; or any other laws applicable to the profession. As used herein, conviction includes a finding or verdict of guilty, or a plea of nolo contendere, regardless of whether an appeal of the conviction has been sought; a situation where first offender treatment without adjudication of guilt pursuant to the charge was granted; and a situation where an adjudication of guilt or sentence was otherwise withheld or not entered on the charge or the charge was otherwise disposed of in a similar manner in any jurisdiction. Standard 2: Conduct with StudentsAn educator shall always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom.Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. committing any act of child abuse, including physical and verbal abuse;2. committing any act of cruelty to children or any act of child endangerment;3. committing any sexual act with a student or soliciting such from a student;4. engaging in or permitting harassment of or misconduct toward a student;5. soliciting, encouraging, or consummating an inappropriate written, verbal, electronic, or physical relationship with a student; and6. furnishing tobacco, alcohol, or illegal/unauthorized drugs to any student or allowing a student under the educator’s supervision or control (including but not limited to the educator’s residence) to consume alcohol, or illegal/unauthorized drugs.Standard 3: Alcohol or DrugsAn educator should refrain from the use of alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs during the course of professional practice.Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. being on school premises or at a school-related activity while under the influence of, possessing, using, or consuming illegal or unauthorized drugs; 2. being on school premises or at a school-related activity involving students while under the influence of, possessing, or consuming alcohol. A school-related activity includes, but is not limited to, any activity sponsored by the school or school system (booster clubs, parent-Staff organizations, or any activity designed to enhance the school curriculum i.e. Foreign Language trips, etc; and3. failing to monitor and/or prevent the use of alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs by students who are under the educator’s supervision (including but not limited to at the educator’s residence or any other private setting).Standard 4: HonestyAn educator shall exemplify honesty and integrity in the course of professional practice. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to, falsifying, misrepresenting or omitting: 1. professional qualifications, criminal history, college or staff development credit and/or degrees, academic award, and employment history; 2. information submitted to federal, state, local school districts and other governmental agencies; 3. information regarding the evaluation of students and/or personnel; 4. reasons for absences or leaves; 5. information submitted in the course of an official inquiry/investigation; and 6. information submitted in the course of professional practice. Standard 5: Public Funds and PropertyAn educator entrusted with public funds and property shall honor that trust with a high level of honesty, accuracy, and responsibility.Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. misusing public or school-related funds; 2. failing to account for funds collected from students or parents; 3. submitting fraudulent requests or documentation for reimbursement of expenses or for pay (including fraudulent, or purchased degrees, documents, or coursework); 4. co-mingling public or school-related funds with personal funds or checking accounts; 5. using school property without the approval of the local board of education/governing board or authorized designee; and6. using school system property for personal gain.

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Standard 6: Remunerative ConductAn educator shall maintain integrity with students, colleagues, parents, patrons, or businesses when accepting gifts, gratuities, favors, and additional compensation.Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. soliciting students or parents of students to purchase equipment, supplies, or services from the educator or to participate in activities that financially benefit the educator unless approved by the local board of education/governing board or authorized designee; 2. accepting gifts from vendors or potential vendors for personal use or gain where there may be the appearance of a conflict of interest; 3. tutoring students assigned to the educator for remuneration unless approved by the local board of education/governing board or authorized designee; and 4. coaching, instructing, promoting athletic camps, summer leagues, etc. that involves students in an educator’s school system and from whom the educator receives remuneration unless approved by the local board of education/governing board or authorized designee. These types of activities must be in compliance with all rules and regulations of the Georgia High School Association. Standard 7: Confidential InformationAn educator shall comply with state and federal laws and state school board policies relating to the confidentiality of student and personnel records, standardized test material and other information. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. sharing of confidential information concerning student academic and disciplinary records, health and medical information, family status and/or income, and assessment/testing results unless disclosure is required or permitted by law; 2. sharing of confidential information restricted by state or federal law; 3. violation of confidentiality agreements related to standardized testing including copying or teaching identified test items, publishing or distributing test items or answers, discussing test items, violating local school system or state directions for the use of tests or test items, etc.; and 4. violation of other confidentiality agreements required by state or local policy. Standard 8: Abandonment of ContractAn educator should fulfill all of the terms and obligations detailed in the contract with the local board of education or education agency for the duration of the contract.Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. abandoning the contract for professional services without prior release from the contract by the employer, and 2. willfully refusing to perform the services required by a contract. Standard 9: Failure to Make a Required Report An educator should file reports of a breach of one or more of the standards in the Code of Ethics for Educators, child abuse (O.C.G.A. §19-7-5), or any other required report.Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. failure to report all requested information on documents required by the Commission when applying for or renewing any certificate with the Commission. 2. failure to make a required report of a violation of one or more standards of the Code of Ethics for educators of which they have personal knowledge as soon as possible but no later than ninety (90) days from the date the educator became aware of an alleged breach unless the law or local procedures require reporting sooner. 3. failure to make a required report of any violation of state or federal law soon as possible but no later than ninety (90) days from the date the educator became aware of an alleged breach unless the law or local procedures require reporting sooner. These reports include but are not limited to: murder, voluntary manslaughter, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, kidnapping, any sexual offense, any sexual exploitation of a minor, any offense involving a controlled substance and any abuse of a child if an educator has reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused. Standard 10: Professional ConductAn educator shall demonstrate conduct that follows generally recognized professional standards and preserves the dignity and integrity of the teaching profession.Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to any conduct that impairs and/or diminishes the certificate holder’s ability to function professionally in his or her employment position, or behavior or conduct that is detrimental to the health, welfare, discipline, or morals of students. Standard 11: TestingAn educator shall administer state-mandated assessments fairly and ethically. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. committing any act that breaches Test Security; and 2. compromising the integrity of the assessment.

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ReportingEducators are required to report a breach of one or more of the Standards in the Code of Ethics for Educators as soon as possible but no later than ninety (90) days from the date the educator became aware of an alleged breach unless the law or local procedures require reporting sooner. Educators should be aware of legal requirements and local policies and procedures for reporting unethical conduct. Complaints filed with the Professional Standards Commission must be in writing and must be signed by the complainant (parent, educator, personnel director, superintendent, etc.). The Commission notifies local and state officials of all disciplinary actions. In addition, suspensions and revocations are reported to national officials, including the NASDTEC Clearinghouse. Disciplinary ActionThe Professional Standards Commission is authorized to suspend, revoke, or deny certificates, to issue a reprimand or warning, or to monitor the educator’s conduct and performance after an investigation is held and notice and opportunity for a hearing are provided to the certificate holder. Any of the following grounds shall be considered cause for disciplinary action against the holder of a certificate: 1. unethical conduct as outlined in The Code of Ethics for Educators, Standards 1-11;2. disciplinary action against a certificate in another state on grounds consistent with those specified in the Code of Ethics for Educators;3. order from a court or a request from DHR that the certificate should be suspended or denied for non-payment of child support; 4. notification from the GHEAC that the educator is in default and not in satisfactory repayment status on a student loan; 5. suspension or revocation of any professional license or certificate; 6. violation of any other laws and rules applicable to the profession; and 7. any other good and sufficient cause that renders an educator unfit for employment as an educator. An individual whose certificate has been revoked, denied, or suspended may not serve as a volunteer or be employed as an educator, paraprofessional, aide, substitute Staff or in any other position during the period of his or her revocation, suspension or denial for a violation of The Code of Ethics. The superintendent and the superintendent’s designee for certification shall be responsible for assuring that an individual whose certificate has been revoked, denied, or suspended is not employed or serving in any capacity in their district. Both the superintendent and the superintendent’s designee must hold GaPSC certification.Code of Ethics |

Educator Ethics Division - Contact Information - Ethics Offices

The Educator Ethics Division mailing address is: Educator Ethics Division Georgia Professional Standards Commission Two Peachtree Street Suite 6000 Atlanta, GA 30303

Hours of Operation Ethics offices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Appointments may be made with Ethics staff by calling the numbers listed below.

Telephone: (404) 232-2700 - Metro Atlanta (800) 537-5996 - Toll Free Outside Metro Atlanta Area (404) 232-2720 - FAX Line

E-Mail Individuals may also contact the Ethics Division with questions and requests for information via the Internet at [email protected].

Required Reading by September 6, 2014 All Benefield Staff Members are to read the following policies and procedures. All staff will sign a form stating that they have

done so. On your Workspace, click on “Policies and Procedures on Pike LN03”. Scroll down to the Policy Code and double click on it. All of the following must be reviewed:

GAE Complaints and GrievancesGAEB Sexual Harassment & Discrimination GAG Staff Conflicts of StudentGAM Mandatory Reporting of Employee CrimesGAMA Drug Free WorkplaceIFBG Acceptable Use of Electronic MediaJGI Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect

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Benefield Elementary School2015-2016 Positive Behavior Intervention Plan

Our goal is to redirect behavior and reteach inappropriate behavior by replacing it with appropriate behavior. We want all students actively engaged in the learning process. We will work to ensure that the student has an opportunity to make better choices, restore the learning environment, and begin engaging in instructional activities. The following expectations, habits, and classroom management system support students andstaffin this process.

Benfield Titan Expectations

Be responsible Be respectful Be a learner “Responsibility, Respect, and Learning are our creed”.

Benefield Raised Responsibility(All teachers are required to implement)

Model Citizen (4 or Blue)o I do the right thing no matter who is watchingo I am a role model for my classmateso I go out of my way to be helpful

On the right track (3 or Green)o I am following rules and directionso I know how to behave in the hall, cafeteria, and playgroundo My Staff can rely on me to make good choices

Make better choices (2 or Yellow)o I need to think about my behavioro I need to show my Staff that I can make good choiceso I need to treat others with respect

Unacceptable behavior (1 or Red)o I need to follow rules and directionso I need to respect otherso I need to accept responsibility for my choices

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Benefield Discipline Procedures

Teachers will implement Raised Responsibility & 7 Habits of Happy Children in the classroom. When a student moves to red in the classroom, the teacher will begin to implement the outlined disciple

procedures. Once a student reaches step 2, teacher completes a Benefield Action Plan and contacts the parent. The action

plan should be sent home for the parent to sign and return. Teachers will follow the Benefield discipline procedures (listed below) and keep an accurate record of all parent


Step 1 Student is on red in the classroom plan and receives another warning (same day). Parent is contacted by the teacher.

Step 2 First Written Action Plan, time out in another teacher’s classroom, phone call made to parent by the teacher.

Step 3 Second Written Action Plan, time out in another teacher’s classroom, phone call made to parent by the teacher.*Next form will result in administrative intervention

Step 4 First time in Opportunity Room, third written action plan, phone call to parent by leadership team orOpportunity Room Clerk.

Step 5 Second time in Opportunity Room, fourth written action plan, GCPS Discipline Referral Form completed by school leadership team, parent contacted by leadership.

Step 6 Third time in Opportunity Room, fifth written action plan by student, GCPS Discipline Referral Form completed by leadership team, parent contacted by school leadership. Kid Talk or SST intervention needed.

Step 7 Leadership team will determine age appropriate consequences aligned with GCPS discipline guidelines.

Formal GCPS Discipline Referrals may be completed at any time for a minor/major offense.

Major Offenses Fighting Assault with intent to fight with another student Threatening bodily harm Derogatory notes/pictures Excessive threatening/taunting Damaging property Obscene gestures Biting/spitting Stealing Use of profanity Inappropriate touching Pulling fire alarm Drugs Weapons/facsimile of a weapon/dangerous instrument Leaving school without permission Repeated behaviors that interfere with learning

*** These are examples of major offenses. Please use your professional judgment. PLEASE call for a member of the leadership team for any MAJOR offense. ***

School safety concerns (Immediately notify a member of the leadership team) Drugs/Alcohol Weapons or use of any object as a weapon Gang activity Verbal harassment, including racial slurs, bullying and sexual language

These incidents will be fully investigated by the leadership team with follow up for notifying personnel.

Teachers are encouraged contact the leadership team when they have concerns or need support .

Benefield School Library Media Program

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Mission: Our goal is to develop the information literacy (the ability to find and use information) of our students and staff that will create a desire of life-long learning. We strive to provide the necessary materials and support to extend and enrich the curriculum.

Hours of Operation: We are open from 7:45 to 2:45 according to the school schedule. We are available for students before and after school depending upon assigned duties outside the library. Student check out will end daily at 2:35 for staff to prepare for dismissal. Students should report to their homerooms each morning and then they can utilize the media center after morning announcements.

Services to StudentsContents:

Automated CatalogBrowsing/Check-OutDisciplineDisplaysInternetOverdue, Lost, or Damaged BooksReading PromotionsResearch Assistance

Automated CatalogSecond through fifth graders can receive training to locate particular works by author, subject, or title. Students must be able to read independently to be successful at this activity. Procedures will be reviewed at the beginning of each school year. Destiny system by Follett is used for the school catalog database. Internet Explorer is our Internet provider. A GCPS media page links students to several databases for research.

Browsing/Check-OutKindergarten through First grade students may check out one book at a time for one week.

Second through Fifth, grades may check out two books at a time for two weeks.

We do not check out books to students if they have any overdue, lost, or damaged boos. We do not charge overdue fines. Renewals are permitted if the books are brought into the library.

DisciplineWe expect responsible care of the facility. We do not maintain a hush-hush atmosphere, but no student should interfere with the right of others to read, study, and work in a reasonable climate. If the behavior of a student is unacceptable, we will give one warning. If necessary, the student(s) will be sent back to class and the Staff will be emailed about the problem. Inappropriate use of the Internet will result in a ban from the media computers as explained in the school’s AUP (acceptable use policy). AUP forms are to be kept on file in the classroom for easy access by the classroom Staff.

DisplaysStudent work can be displayed in the library if requested by the classroom teacher. It generally stays up for a period of two weeks. This is especially encouraged for those in the mobile classrooms.

InternetThe media lab offers accessibility to educational and research resources. Students may not “surf” or play games. They must state their intention to use the Internet to a media staff member, so that their site selection and time spent on the Internet can be monitored.

Overdue, Lost, or Damaged BooksStudents will be notified of overdue books each week. No fines are charged. By GCPS Board of Education policy, students and their parents are responsible for the replacement of lost, damaged, or wet books. The GCPS Media Services has determined a fee of $15 for hardback titles and $5 for paperbacks. Students will not be allowed to check out additional books until overdues have been returned or the payment provided for lost or damaged books.

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Reading PromotionsThese include 6 Hour Reading Club, sponsored by Six Flags; Read Across America on Dr. Seuss’ birthday; Scholastic book fairs during early release days; National Library Week; and school wide RAD as designated by the administration. In addition, we continue with the Dog Tag monthly incentive for our school wide reading program.

Research AssistanceIf the teacher lets the media staff know in advance the date and time, we will make every effort to guide students in the use of reference tools. Media Resources are available at home through the county web page (www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us). Students will be provided with home access information upon request from the Media Staff. Students will be directed on how to locate the resources from home.

Services to Faculty

ContentsAudiovisual EquipmentAudiovisual MaterialsBroadcast StudioCheckout of Books and AVComputer LabCopyrightInstruction of Media ProductionInstruction of Media SkillsLaminatingLiteracy CollectionMaps and GlobesMedia CommitteeOrders and BudgetOrientationPlanning with Media SpecialistProfessional CollectionSchedulingSoftwareSupplemental MaterialsVideosWebsites

Audiovisual EquipmentA classroom set-up of basic and available equipment such as tape recorders, overhead projectors, head phones, projectors, and DVD/VCR’s are issued to each classroom. Additional equipment such as language masters may be requested. Digital cameras, video cameras, an opaque projector, Digital Visualizers, and FLIP cameras are available for short-term checkout for use in the school or on school field trips. Laptops for use in the classroom are available through check out on the online scheduler.

Die cuts, a laminator, a bookbinder, and a paper cutter are available in the media workroom. The video-editing system (Casablanca) is available in the media center.

Do not remove equipment from the media center without checking it out. Do not swap classroom AV equipment with other Staffs. Careful inventory records are kept and the location is necessary for the annual audit.When AV repairs are necessary, please submit a TSR to the Benefield help desk located on the go portal. I am responsible for submitting a service request to the county repair department. Your request should contain your room number, model of the item, and a description of the problem explaining what is broken.

Audiovisual MaterialsVideos, oversize (big) books, book/tape kits, compact disks are available. This material is cataloged by author, subject, and title in the Destiny Online Catalog system. Ask the media staff for assistance in locating the instructional aids if necessary.

Broadcast Studio

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This is used for morning announcements over the school closed circuit system. It may be used by classroomstaffto film student projects, etc. See also the section on videos.

Check-out of Books and AV MaterialsEvery faculty member is entered into the automated circulation system at the beginning of the school year. Books and AV items may be kept for six weeks. Faculty may check out reference books such as almanacs or encyclopedias for short-term classroom use. It is a courtesy to return books and videos ASAP so that others can find them readily. We will assist teachers in finding videos that others are using.

Media staff will send available materials to your classroom to supplement instructional units when requested. A booklist can be created in the catalog and then emailed to the Benefield Media Staff. Holds can also be placed on items in the catalog and then we will pull your requests as quickly as possible If you encounter areas of the collection with insufficient materials, please notify the staff so that additional materials may be purchased as the budget permits.

Computer LabThe media center computer lab may be scheduled by classroom teachers per instructions issued at the beginning of the school year. It’s primary purpose is for location of books and AV, research using the GCPSdatabase subscriptions to reference materials, and student productivity assigments. School wide programs are also loaded. We strive for full usage of our media lab on a schedule that is fair to all classes.

CopyrightInformation regarding copyright questions may be obtained from the media specialist. Fair use guidelines for books and multimedia used by educators have been developed and ignorance of the law is not a defense.

Instruction of Media ProductionPlan with the media specialist in advance for small groups to create audiovisual materials or to use the broadcast studio. Examples of activities include video production, posters and picture books.

Instruction of Media SkillsPlan with the media specialist in advance when and how your class can use our library and staff to cover particular skills for certain subjects. Together we will schedule your visit to utilize the media lab. Examples of lessons include using the automated catalog, exploring magazine and encyclopedia databases, learning to use a table of contents, book genres, etc. as determined by the CC/AKS. The media specialist is a support teacherwho is willing to collaborate and open to your ideas.

LaminatingThe laminator is available in the media workroom. You should ask for instruction before you use it. If you send parent volunteers to use it, they should obtain training by media staff before using laminator. Improper use will damage the machine and result in repair delays which irritate other users. It is plugged in every weekday that the school is open during the school year. If the machine has not been used recently, it automatically sets to standby and requires 15/20 minutes to preheat. It may be used at other times, but the person who uses it is responsible for unplugging it.

Literacy CollectionThis is a large group of guided reading titles packaged six to a bagby reading level. These materials are purchased by the literacy coordinator. They are housed in the media storage room and checked out through the media center circulation desk.

Maps and GlobesMaps and globes are provided to regular ed classrooms by the social studies department. They are considered instructional materials and are not optional. Media staff inventory and distribute maps and globes as directed by the county. Supplemental purchases for intervention, support and special ed classrooms are decided by our local media committee subject to our budget.

Media CommitteeA representative faculty member from each grade level, a leadership team member, and a group of parents are asked to serve each year. This committee is mandated by local and state requirements. Duties include planning, reviewing materials, communication with grade level teachers, recommending and setting priorities for purchases, responding to challenges, and assessing/revising the media center program.

Orders and Budget

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The amount of material ordered is based on the annual budget assigned by the school principal and funds raised through book fairs.

OrientationOrientation for new teachers is covered informally through questions and answers. It is covered formally through mentoring sessions. An orientation overview of Media resources, professional materials and procedures will be scheduled during a team planning meeting at the beginning of the year. It is offered to each class at the beginning of the school year as soon as the student database is built. This covers circulation procedures, available resources and locations, responsibility and care of materials, and expectations for behavior.

Planning with the Media SpecialistThe media specialist/librarian is a support teacher who will work with small groups of students or whole classes in activities that are designed in collaboration with the classroom teacher. Planning together enhances student learning. Lessons can be scheduled through the online scheduler.

Poster MakerTeachers can make their own posters using the poster maker in the media center workroom.

Professional CollectionBooks on instruction, curriculum, discipline, etc. are located in the media professional learning collection. A three-year back file of certain professional journals are maintained in the media center. Journals can be routed through grade levels upon request. GCPS media services offer an extensive back file of professional journals upon request and are available through the media catalog by selecting GCPS Professional Library when searching topics. GCPS also provides Proquest, an online periodical index which contains many full texts. Teachers are encouraged to suggest titles to be purchased for this collection. A Professional Periodicals library is also available at the ISC at the GCPS Professional Library. Hours for the Professional Library are 8:00 – 5:00.

SchedulingGwinnett school libraries operate on the open/flexible premise. We encourage you to send students at any point in the day when reading material is needed or desired. It is not necessary to schedule time through the online scheduler for small groups; however, small groups(3 -4 students) must have a “Media Pass” (bright orange slips provided by media center) to come to the media center. If you choose to bring your entire class at one time, it is a courtesy to other teachers to indicate the time of your visit through the on-line scheduler.

SoftwareGCPS provides site licenses for the software which is loaded on the Benefield network. Software provided forstaffto load at home is D’Nealian fonts. GCPS Media Services maintains a large collection of preview software and this may be ordered through the media specialist. Software, as any instructional material, is subject to approval by the local school media committee.

Supplemental Materials

In accordance with GCPS Selection Policy IFAA, supplementary materials are defined as any medium or material, print or non-print designed to supplement the core materials for a course.

In order for an item to be considered as an appropriate supplementary material, the teacher(s) making the request must ensure that all Instructional Materials Criteria are satisfied:

Materials shall support and be consistent with the system’s mission, vision and goals and the CC/AKS curriculum for specific courses.

Materials shall meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation. Materials shall be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, ability level and

social development of the students for whom the materials are selected. Materials shall have aesthetic, literary, and/or social value. Materials chosen shall be written/produced by competent and qualified members or producers. Materials shall be chosen that avoid gender, role, age, ethnic, and other stereotyping. Physical format, medium, and appearance of materials shall be suitable for their intended use. The materials selected shall be purchased and used in compliance with current copyright laws.

Benefield Elementary School’s Local Policy is established as follows:

Books, Other Print Materials, Music, Websites and AV Materials*:

o Books, other print materials, music, websites and audiovisual materials* obtained from the Benefield Elementary Media Center, another Gwinnett County Elementary School, and/or Gwinnett County

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Professional Collection are approved for classroom use through the professional judgment of each individual Staff.

o All other books, print materials, music, websites and audiovisual materials* may be used in the

classroom once the approval process is complete. You will need to submit the material along with the Supplemental Materials Approval Form to three peer reviewers and allow one week for approval.

o A copy of the approval form should be turned in to the media center. This form will be kept on file.

VideosBenefield’s collection supports the CC/AKS. It is cataloged in the Destiny system. Videos are also available from the county’s Professional collection and may be booked on-line from the Media Professional Catalog. Work with the media clerk to ensure that county videos are returned the afternoon before they are due. The courier arrives at 7:00 am and we are required to hand deliver late items if the delivery is missed.

Most locations are equipped with a projector and a VCR/DVD combo. Instructional videos may be viewed individually by a classroom. Closed circuit broadcasts within the building are viewed on channel 2,3,4, and 5. Closed circuit viewing for more than one class may be scheduled in advance through the online scheduler and then you must provide the media staff with the material for viewing labeled with date and time for viewing.All videos shown to students are to be used for instructional purposes only, not entertainment, filler, motivation, reward, etc. Supplemental videos should be approved by the building media committee because instructional materials must adhere to system selection guidelines. Videos should only be those rated G. For further clarification, ask your media specialist or assistant principal.

Web sites:Web sites that are linked to the school Intranet, listed on the CC/AKS database, from the county curriculum office, or found using the media catalog search tool, WebPath Express, are approved for classroom use through the professional judgment of each individual teacher.

Other websites may be used in the classroom after completing a Supplemental Materials Approval form and are approved by the Media Committee. You will need to submit the Supplemental Materials Approval Form and allow one week for approval.

A copy of the approval form will be turned in to the LSTC for posting of the website to the Intranet Page. This form will be kept on file.

You should not allow students to use Google or other unapproved search engines. This method for Web site searches is prohibited by Gwinnett County Public Schools. The appropriate method of searching for Web sites is to use WebPath Express through the media catalog or other search engines available through the Media Resources Page.

Do not allow students to type URL’s in the address bar. All Web sites for student use need to be approved and linked to the Benefield Intranet.

Remember, Web site content changes frequently; therefore, you should always preview the Web site prior to use with students.

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The Benefield Sunshine committee appreciates your support for the 2015-2016 school year. Please fill out this form and return it to your grade level Sunshine Representative as soon as possible. Your preferences are very important to us!

Staff Member: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Staff Member’s Birthday:____________________________________________________________________________

Spouse’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Children’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________________

Parents Names: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Please choose one choice for each of the following:

In case of a hospital stay, I would prefer (circle one):

Flowers Plant Balloons

In the event of a death in the family, please let us know which of the following you and your family would prefer (circle


Flowers Plant A book donated to A donation to:

the Media Center __________________________

Please submit this form, along with a check made out to Benefield Sunshine. No cash. Dues for this year are $20 for certified employees and $15 for classified employees. You may split the payement over two months with the first half due September 5th and the second half due October 3rd .

Early release lunches will be handled outside of Sunshine dues/committee.

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Sunshine Membership Dues 2015-2016

