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Generation X- New Edit Script

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  • 8/14/2019 Generation X- New Edit Script


    Generation X:What if there was no News?


    Peter Cialkowski

    Skye McCarthy

    My Phan

    Fatema Rajmohamed

    Hannah Rucker

    Courtney Weiss

    January 27, 2009

    CAST (in order of appearance)

    Mary Stevens..............................Fatema Rajmohamed

    Nancy Patrone.......................................My Phan

    Cynthia Johansson............................Courtney Weiss

    Jill Myers....................................Skye McCarthy

    Danny Masterson............................Peter Cialkowski

    Amy Myers.....................................Hannah Rucker






    MUSIC PLAYING: Its Still Rock n Roll to Me by Billy Joel

    (MARY is getting ready for school; she steps in front or a

    mirror. She is putting on a necklace. FREEZEFRAME on MARY

    for a few seconds; shows her name, age, and high school at

    the bottom of the screen. Video segment returns to her

    getting ready for school, and then leaving on the bus.)


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    (NANCY is walking down the hallway, pushing people out of

    her way. FREEZEFRAME on NANCY; shows her name, age, and

    high school at the bottom of the screen. The screen then

    returns to her pushing her way through the hallway.)


    (CYNTHIA is putting up gay rights signs around the school.

    FREEZEFRAME on CYNTHIA with gay rights poster in the

    background; shows name, age, and high school at the bottom

    of the screen. Video returns to her putting up posters.)


    (Screen shows JILL is getting off a bus. She puts on a

    leather jacket; FREEZEFRAME on JILL for a few seconds

    showing her name, age, and high school at the bottom of the

    screen. She resumes putting on her jacket, and then leaves

    the bus, walking towards the school.)


    (DANNY is playing the guitar on a bench outside of school;

    FREEZEFRAME on DANNY showing his name, age, and high school

    at the bottom of the screen. Video segment returns to DANNY

    leaving the bench, and walking towards the school.)


    (AMY is playing with her Rubiks Cube. NANCY enters the

    screen and knocks it out of her hands. FREEZEFRAME on AMY

    dodging for the Cube, her name, age, and high school are

    shown at the bottom of the screen. Video returns to JILL

    walking up to her, JILL and NANCY share glances and NANCY

    walks away. The bell rings.)







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  • 8/14/2019 Generation X- New Edit Script


    States in conjunction with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other

    Muslim countries supported the Mujahidin resistance.

    TEACHER: (looking aghast) Wow Danny. I must say, I am quite

    impressed. (looking around the classroom) Would anyone else

    like to elaborate?

    (AMY raises and waves her hand)

    TEACHER: Amy, would you like to say something?

    (AMY nods excitedly)

    AMY: (confidently) The Afghan government requested to the

    Soviet Union to send forces into Afghanistan to assist them

    in the fight against the Mujahidin rebels. The rebels had

    led a military coup against the government of Afghanistan.

    The Soviet Union responded to the call of aid from the

    original Afghan government by sending in tanks and crews

    into Kabul, Afghanistans capital, to secure the airfields.

    The anti-communist rebels then sought support from the

    United States. U.S. services began to aid the Mujahidin

    forces. President Carter even signed an order authorizing

    the CIA to conduct covert propaganda operations against the

    communist regime.

    TEACHER: Very good Amy. Im glad somebody pays attention to

    the details of the war.

    (Dork! is being said in the background)

    MARY: (says without raising her hand) Werent the two

    countries fighting over the Persian Gulf because the region

    contained oil reserves and natural gas reserves?

    CYNTHIA: Hella I have seen that. Didnt the Soviet dress

    up as the Afghan and used the Trojan tactic on them? It

    went something like the Soviet Union dressing up as Afghans

    and being airlifted into Afghanistan to overthrow the

    regime of the coup president, Hafizollah Amin.

    TEACHER: Yes, that is true. But for a better description of

    the war, I want all of you that didnt pay attention to the

    news over your winter break, lets watch this video.

    (Teacher puts a video in the VCR)


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    CUT TO:

    (A video segment on Afghan war)

    (video segment ends)

    CUT TO:

    (TEACHER turns of the TV and turn back to the students)

    TEACHER: (leans against the desk) I can understand, for

    most young adults your age, you are more interested in

    socializing than your future. However, please understand

    and be appreciative of the US ARMY during this time of

    crisis (pause). The conditions for the soldiers are very

    harsh. The soldiers are being infected with malaria,

    hepatitis, typhus and many other sicknesses that I am sure

    most of you have never heard of. They are risking their

    lives for peace...

    (The screen pans across the students in room while the

    TEACHER is talking, then focuses on DANNY.)

    DANNY: (curiously) What does it take to become a soldier?

    NANCY: (mockingly) No way Danny! You in the Army? As if!





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    (Students rush across the stage from behind the screen; the

    crowd disperses stage right, leaving DANNY and NANCY at

    their lockers.)

    NANCY: I cant believe people actually want to waste their

    lives for those messed-up-country. If a country cannot

    protect itself, what is the point in fighting for them?

    DANNY: I dunno, might not be so bad. Think about it Nanc, if

    we can get the Soviets out of Afghanistan, it proves

    something. We cant let the commies take over one country to

    the next. Havent you heard the about domino affect.

    NANCY: Im sorry, I prefer my history class to be my nap

    time. And as if! Were sending soldiers overseas to fight a

    battle that could be resolved through compromise.

    DANNY: And what kind of compromise is that? If we keep

    giving in to these compromises... Theyll keep asking for

    more. We want to stop them completely, not negotiate.

    NANCY: Ugh! Stop being such a bohunk! (storms off stage


    (DANNY signs, drops his head, mumbles, and mopes off stage







    (NANCY is sitting under a tree reading a book and CYNTHIA

    approaches her, the two converse)


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    CYNTHIA: Hey after finals do you want to go see that new

    movie, ah, whats it called (taps her chin)?

    NANCY: Well it could be Poltergeist, Star Track, maybe its

    E.T., Mega Force, or Blade Runner... (about to continue)

    CYNTHIA: (exites) Yeah, thats it, E.T. So how bout it? I

    heard it was about an alien who was lost, and wound up on

    Earth somehow. If its anything like those other sci-fi

    movies, I think itll be good. The last one we saw, Escape

    from New York, was so futuristic... it was insane. Didnt

    you go see that with us?

    NANCY: Ha, yeah, their plot was intense, ugh, I dont want

    the world to end up with high crime rates, and turn into a

    real life Gotham city. (thinking) Technology is suppose to

    bring us good, but I dont know if its worth all the

    trouble it could case. Even graphic novels like Watchmen

    show the dangers technology can create. Gag me with a

    spoon, I don want to live in that world.

    NANCY: (nodding) I totally agree, technologic advances

    scare me. But as for E.T., wouldnt it be insane if there

    were life on other planets? Hey wait, did you hear about

    that retired policeman seeing strange flashing lights in

    the sky last Christmas? I mean, he said it didnt look like

    any form of man-made aircraft... but what else could it be?

    Ugh, that story is so like, oh my God! Wait ... who else iscoming to the movie with us?

    (Mary walks into the screen, and sits near CYNTHIA)

    CYNTHIA: Wait, was that on the news? (looks disbelieve) I

    didnt hear anything about any sightings. (laughs) He is a

    retired old guy though, maybe his meds were messed up and

    he went loopy. Where was he anyway? Oh...and Jill and Danny

    are coming, if thats okay.

    NANCY: Ugh, I hope Jill doesnt invite her lame sister. Butthe old-bag in New York was probably off his rocker at the

    time. I mean, it was Christmas, he was probably feeling

    pretty good.

    (MARY starts to listen in on the conversation closely)


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    CYNTHIA: (laughs) That concludes our mystery. (searching

    through her bags) Well, there might be a slight chance the

    weirdo coming with us. Make me barf!

    NANCY: Schya.

    MARY: Wait, are you talking about Amy or the Aliens?

    (NANCY and CYNTHIA turn their attention to MARY)

    NANCY: (smirk) Amy now, why?

    MARY: I dont see why youre making fun of her, I mean,

    arent you B.F.F. with her sister, Jill?

    NANCY: (rolls eyes) Im only speaking the truth, shes a

    total dweeb. What club was she pictured in on the school

    newspaper...Biology Club? Come on, thats lame.

    MARY: You should really try to be more open-minded.



    (JILL is standing at her locker; CYNTHIA enters stage

    right, and catches JILL before she leaves)

    CYNTHIA: Hey, youre going to the movie tonight, right?

    (CYNTHIA runs up and taps JILL on the shoulder)

    JILL: (turns around) Yeah, why?

    CYNTHIA: Is your sister tagging along?

    JILL: Well, I did tell I was going to see E.T. with her

    sometime, so yea, I invited her, Is that a problem?


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    CYNTHIA: (shakes head) No, no, I just invited Nancy, thats

    all. I dont think those get along well.

    JILL: (rolls eyes) Ugh, really? I didnt think Nancy was

    into that sci-Fi stuff.

    CYNTHIA: I dunno, she seems to know a lot about aliens and

    UFO. Did you heard about that old guy sighting the UFO last

    Christmas? I think it was in New York...scary stuff.

    (the two slowly walks away; exiting stage right)

    JILL: Ugh...Ill just go with my sister some other time.

    (stops walking) Dude, really? It was a UFO? I didnt know

    that, I thought the old man just saw flashing lights. Where

    did you get the 411?

    CYNTHIA: From Nancy? Who would have thought, right? She

    actually paid attention to the news. (turns around) Have

    you even heard the tales about First Lady Nancy Reagan?

    JILL: Oh please, that story is so March. She was dressing

    in those ragged clothes only to be on the good side of the

    press. I mean, even though it was just a ploy to stop

    people from accusing her of spending too much. But, who

    wears second-hand clothes in public?!

    Cynthia: (laughs) Well then, you havent seen some of the

    talk shows with her as a guest. Man, that women wont stoptalking about drug abuse.

    JILL: Ive been busy. Well, every First Lady does that.

    They only focus on one topic throughout their husbands

    term. (looks at the watch) Look at the time, I gotta motor

    or the parental units are going to deck me (runs-exit stage


    CYNTHIA: (scream-runs after-exit stage right) Youre still

    coming to the movie right?

    (JILL voices Fer sure! behind the stage as the light went

    black for video transition)




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    (NANCY and DANNY are sitting on the couch. They are

    watching The Smurfs. DANNYs MOTHER walks into the room;

    she is covering the mouthpiece of a phone.)

    MOTHER: (talking to DANNY) Hey Danny boy! Turn the channel

    to 23!

    DANNY: (hesitant) Why? This is the newest episode; weve

    been waiting for this.

    MOTHER: (looks displease) Please boy! Your Aunt Donna just

    told me President Reagan is going to put lasers in space.

    DANNY: (changes channel) You havent heard this? (hands her

    the remote)

    MOTHER: You dont want to stay to watch?

    (DANNY pulls NANCY off the couch; about to leave the room)

    DANNY: No worries, we watched his speech earlier.

    (DANNY and NANCY exit)

    CUT TO:


    (NANCY is sitting on one of the couches while DANNY is

    getting drinks)

    NANCY: (complaining) Why did we leave? I kinda wanted to

    watch his speech; I didnt get to see all of it earlier.

    (DANNY returns with two cups; hands NANCY one then settle

    himself on the couch)

    DANNY: (takes a sip) Its everything you already know, hes

    just telling everyone how hes going to save the world by


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    putting lasers in space. (laughs) I cant believe theyre

    trying to pull this off, like we have the technology.

    NANCY: (intrigue) It is a little far fetched, but then

    again, we were the one who dropped the atomic bomb. I can

    see why this is being publicize. Hes just doing it to scareaway the Soviets. And its working.

    DANNY: Theyre not the only ones. What if this turns into

    World War III? I mean, we already had a Russian scare, when

    they invaded Afghanistan. Why would they need to pretend to

    put lasers in space if nothing is wrong! I mean...(quietly)

    I didnt think I would be signing up for nuclear war once I

    got out of high school.

    NANCY: (chokes) Wait, what?

    DANNY: (realizes) I mean where do you see yourself after

    high school?

    NANCY: College, (sounds unsure) that seems to be the place

    where everyone wants to go nowadays, but realistically

    (pause; lights up) I want to be an apprentice as a

    bartender; then Im going to open my own business. (starts

    to blush) Perhaps, settle down have some kids? What do you


    (NANCY turns toward DANNY looking determined)

    DANNY: (seems uninterested) Thats a good plan Nance, but

    for me, realistically, I doubt I could get in anywhere that

    can supply me with a solid college education.

    NANCY: So what youre saying is... (questioning)

    DANNY: (serious) I think Im going to join the Army.

    NANCY: Psyche, right? (laughs to herself then realizes)

    Whats a good reason for that? Dont you think joining the

    army during, (pauses) during this arms race; this nuclearconflict ... is dangerous?

    DANNY: I feel like its my job, as a citizen, plus I cant

    afford college right now, and this could be a great

    opportunity to get a good education, leadership skills and

    a chance to serve my country. For me, I think its a great



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    NANCY: (disappointed) Really? You dont see yourself

    settling down somewhere, maybe having a few kids? Living a

    good life? If we even get the chance.

    DANNY: Maybe, ugh, the way the arms race is going right

    now, I dont even know if Ill have a choice in which way I

    should go. It wont end anytime soon. If Reagan continues

    to intimidate Russia and those commies, were going to have

    quite a war soon. And Im afraid its going to be on our

    homeland this time.

    NANCY: Danny, Im afraid, but this race is not going to end

    at all. Cant you tell that no one is winning right now.

    Well, (restating) America may be at the lead with those

    shooting missiles lasers (makes hands movements), but

    Russia is very close behind. Were running an endless race


    DANNY: That doesnt give me a reason not to join to Army,

    if the world is going to end anyway, why not help America

    be the one that makes it happen?

    (NANCY shrugs it off; DANNY signs)






    (Camera focuses on AMY and MARY sitting in beanbag chairs

    playing monopoly. JILL enters the room, and walks over to

    their area looking for a jacket.)

    AMY: (looks up) Hey, are you going to that meeting tonight?

    MARY: (interested) What meeting?

    AMY: The GAY-SRAIGHT ALLIANCE meeting. Cynthia is leading

    the meeting, right? (sounds bitter)

    (JILL nods)


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    ON SCREEN: DATE SLIDE July 6, 1985 (for 5 seconds)


    (JILL, PERSON #1, and PERSON #2 enter stage right, and take

    their seats in the audience on the lower level of the

    stage. CYNTHIA enters stage right and walks up to the

    podium to speak)

    CYNTHIA: (opens a folder on the podium) Good afternoon,everyone (hand motion to all the audience in the

    auditorium). This would be the 12th meeting of this year.

    Since we are short on time, I would like to start right

    away by addressing the main concerns of today. In the past

    year, the AIDS epidemic is causing mayhem in the gay

    community. For those who are still in confusion, I was

    hoping we could have an open discussion for today topic

    (turns page on the podium). Before we start I would like to

    say that I have just received some this upsetting news. As

    you all know, one way for AIDS to be transferred is through

    blood transfusion. In most cases, people who haveHemophilia have higher chances of receiving this deadly

    disease. Ryan White (noise can be heard from audience) was

    a child diagnosed with AIDS last year and has been in the

    hospital up until this past June. When asked to be re-

    emitted to his school, the school board refused. The family

    is currently battling with the school board. I would like

    to hear your opinions on this.

    JILL: (stands up) Yes, I would like to please.

    CYNTHIA: Go right ahead.

    JILL: (gets up and angles to face the audience) I think,

    the first order we should take care of, is to educate the

    people on how AIDS is really spread. I have also heard

    about this news and I believe Ryans doctor has reassured

    the school board that the AIDS virus within the boys body

    is harmless. The parents of children in his school


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    district are creating a resisting force and not allowing

    the poor child from returning to his school. (sits down)


    NANCY: (gets up and angles to face the audience) Thousand

    of people died last year alone from this disease, and a

    large amount is contributed to gay men. I am a bit worried

    if this incident will be blamed on the gay community. How

    will people treat you? (sits down)

    DANNY: PERSON #2: (gets up and angles to face the audience)

    Plus, its unfair because not a lot people know that they

    are diagnosed with AIDS. They cant be blamed if theyre

    only trying to do a good deed by donating blood. (sits


    CYNTHIA: Yes, yes, but we know very little about this

    disease, it seems. Every time they release anything on it,

    a couple months later they put out information that combats

    the previous months. For example, it was originally statedthat there was no danger to non homosexuals from contagious

    diseases. Five months after that statement was released, it

    was clear that the disease affected other groups such as

    injecting drug users.

    JILL: (gets up and angles to face PERSON #2) But you have

    to admit that some weight has been lifted off your

    shoulders in the scientific community at least. I mean they

    did discover that a big spread of AIDS was from blood

    transfusions. I just feel sad for Ryan.

    NANCY: (gets up and angles to face JILL) Yes, but that

    doesnt make me feel safe for you. Tell the people on the

    street what the scientific community believes because as of

    now, they think that you all are walking viruses. It isnt

    pleasant, and I feel we should educate the community.

    Perhaps create a cause to support Ryan and his family.


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    CYNTHIA: (raise her voice) Thank you for all of your input.

    Another topic I would like to discuss is our preparation

    for the LIVE AIDS concert next week

    (More noises coming from the audience and the stage

    blackout to VIDEO transition of the LIVE AIDS concert for

    20 seconds)






    (Camera focuses on NANCY bartending JILL walks in)

    JILL: (taps on the counter) Hey Nancy, hows the restaurantbusiness treating you?

    NANCY:(turns around) Oh hey Jill! Its fine. Cant

    complain. (cleans off the counter top) But recently people

    are piling in here after work hours. It's like everyone is

    trying to find a place to relax.

    JILL: Ugh, this is such a nice place, you gotta admit.

    (relax) Coming here and chat up with everyone about what's

    happening around the town. It is enjoyable. (gets excite)

    Did you hear about Charlotte and Roland? They're going to

    have a baby soon! (Nancy almost drop a glass) (pauses)

    thats all the gossip I have from the town. So whats new

    with you.

    NANCY: (down hearted) Whatll you have?

    JILL: Hm? Oh... um, coke please, Im not much of a drinker

    anymore. I can't wait to see their baby. Babies are so


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    adorable, aren't they?

    NANCY: (place the glass on the counter) Here you go.

    JILL: Hey, Nancy...(noticing) is something wrong? (worrily)

    Did something happen between you and Danny?

    NANCY: Um, no. (taken aback) Nothing happened between us.

    (spirit picks up) We doing great! I just talk to him last

    weekend! In fact he's coming home soon.

    (JILL is suspicious)

    (A WAITER put an order on tray for NANCY; she mouths okay

    when the WAITER turns around to serve new customers)

    JILL: Nancy, you must be stressing these days. I told you

    to come with me and Cynth last month to the LIVE AIDS

    concert in Philadelphia. But nooooo... (waves her hands in

    the air) you were too busy. (takes a drink of her soda)

    What happened to you, Cynth and I hardly saw you then.

    NANCY: (laughs nervously while cleaning up) I know, Ive

    just had some family issues that needed to be tended to.

    How was it? The concert, it must be awesome to actually be

    there! I caught a glimpse of it on TV. (sounds astound) The

    crowd was amazing! They looked like ants.

    JILL: (aggreeing) We thought our group was there early, butwe underestimated the crowd. There were probably 100,000

    people there. It was an amazing feeling. Did you know the

    one in London was on same day as ourss. (takes sip) LIVE

    AIDS raised millions of dollar for hunger in Ethiopia.

    NANCY: (gives the drink to the WAITER) Fer sho! I heard it

    was the largest broadcast world wide.

    WAITER: (cuts in) LIVE AIDS was mad!

    JILL: (jokingly) Yea...now go back to work!

    NANCY: It was the concert of the century, I bet. Im

    regretting it now. (laugh; unconciously says) Now, more

    things to regret.

    JILL: (takes a sip; hears) More? Nanc, are you sure nothing



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    NANCY: (realizes) Duh! What can happen? (turns around;

    hands grips the sink)

    JILL: (notices; raises voice) Shut up! I've known you for

    so long. Don't you think I wouldnt be able to tell if you

    are in trouble? What is it?

    NANCY: (hesitating) Well....

    JILL: (leaning in) Yes?

    NANCY: (turns around) I...Ive just... I dunno, I think I

    made a big mistake Jill...

    (Nancy saddens)

    JILL: (bewilder) Whoa, what happened?

    NANCY: You know a couple months ago or so, when I went to

    aerobics, and barfed all over the dance floor?

    JILL: (jokingly) Hah! Yeah... hurm, I do. What about it?

    NANCY: (serious) Well, being so busy, I forgot that I

    havent had my period in a while, and connecting that with

    the aerobics incident, I took a test (pauses)... I was

    pregnant. (starts rambling)I thought it could be wrong so I

    took another one, then another...I took like 5 tests.

    JILL: (seems happy) Aw, when did this happen, did you tell

    Danny? He would have been so happy?

    NANCY: (ashamed) He wasnt home when I found out. He was on

    a training trip with the Air Force. I don't think he'd be

    happy if I told him...(nervously) ...I had an abortion.

    (sulk onto the counter) I couldnt tell him, I had to get

    it taken care of. Aw, I was so scared. And now Im

    regretting it more than ever.

    JILL: (astound) Nancy...(looks around) you actually ...

    (mouths abortion? with an unblieving look)....

    NANCY: (head is still on the counter; mumbling) I was


    CUSTOMER: UM! Excuse me! Miss?


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    NANCY: (raises head) What?! (angry tone)

    CUSTOMER: Um. An Absolutely Screwed and a Paradise for me

    and my lady friend please. (turns to the girl on the left)

    NANCY: Ill be right with you, geeze.

    (Makes drink hastely, but doesnt finish it)

    JILL: (notices) Hey, Charles. Nancy is not feeling well.

    Can you take over for the rest.

    NANCY: (protests) Im fine.

    (JILL walks over and grab NANCY)

    JILL: (determinds) Lets bounce. We have alot to talk

    about. Go get your stuff.

    (Charles walks over looking worried; NANCY walks pass him

    and pats his shoulder)

    NANCY: Thanks Charles. (went off to get her belongings)

    JILL: Say hello to your wife for me.

    (JILL waves goodbye and walks NANCY out)



    (CAMERA zooms out to see NANCY and JILL walking; then zooms

    in on NANCY)

    NANCY: Well, you see, he wouldnt of understood, he hates

    the thought of abortion. Its against his beliefs. Beside,

    he's at the point of his career now. I can't be an obstacle

    to him with the baby, it would of just weighed him down.Aw, Im ashamed to say it. I cant let him know, but I had

    to tell someone. If I had told my mother, she would of

    decked me.

    JILL: (symphathetic) Nancy, I really dont know what to say

    to you at this point, but you should have told me. Were

    B.F.F. for gods sake. Why werent you on pill or at least


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    you could of used protection.

    NANCY: (frustrated) Ugh, he was only home for the break.

    How are we suppose to know that .. thats gonna happen. And

    do you think I trust using those. They just regulate the

    dosages for those pills a couple years back. I dont know

    if thats safe yet.

    JILL: Oh em gee! Nance! You guys are in your twenties. Act

    like ones. Almost everyone women are using pills nowadays.

    NANCY: (griping her hair) Im really scare to see his

    reaction right now. (pleading) Just dont tell anyone

    please, I dont want him to hear about it from anyone else,

    Ill tell him when Im ready.

    JILL: Of course I won't tell! Just don't do anything on

    impulse any more, O.K?

    (Camera fades out on JILL and NANCY)

    CUT TO:


    (Camera fades in on JILL and AMY in their apartment; JILL

    is on the phone while AMY is reading a stack of documents)

    JILL: (on the phone) Yeah, ha! Right, I know, Ive seenthat to many times. Ok, sure, Ill let her know. Well

    thanks for calling. (pauses) Bye. (Hangs up phone looks

    over to JILL) Guess who I just got off the phone with?

    AMY: (uninterested) Who?

    (AMY continues to read)

    JILL: (Excites) Cynthia! We were talking about Danny is

    finally coming back into town. Ah, it's been half a year

    since I last saw him.

    AMY: (looks up) Where was he again?

    JILL: He was training with the Air Force. Pretty neat stuff.

    AMY: Id say. You know what else is pretty neat?


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    JILL: What exactly? (walks over to AMY and sits herself

    down on a chair)

    AMY: (taps the pen on her chin) How weird... Nancy has been

    acting strange now that Dannys return is so near.

    JILL: (opens a newpaper) Excuse me? How would you know how

    shes acting, you barely see her. (interested in the

    newspaper in hopes of changing thee topc) Whoa, did you see

    the newspaper today? French is now helping Iraq in their

    war against Iran.

    AMY: (glances over) Its only because Iraq is the main oil

    supplier for them. Its actually a pretty interesting war.

    Did you know that the war was simply faught over border

    disputes. Coupled with the history of disputes was Iraqs

    fear of Shia insurgency among Iraqs supressed Shia

    majority. Iraq invaded Iran in 1980 and the war has

    continued since. (getting back on topic)

    JILL: Wow, I never knew the history behind the war. It is

    pretty slammin.

    AMY: (determind) By the way, you never answered my

    question. Why is Nancy acting weird these days? Mary always

    stops by her work place and whenever she hears someone asks

    Nancy about Danny, she acts like she doesn't want to see

    him. The conclustion Im jumping to is that shes having an

    affair. At least, that makes sense. I mean, why else wouldshe be so nervous to see Danny?

    JILL: (upsets) Ya know, assumptions like these just make

    you look like a betty.

    AMY: (mocked) Well, excuse me, but I could see it

    happening. Hes too good for her anyway, problems shes

    having, she deserves it.

    JILL: Whoa! That was uncalled for. You have no idea what is

    happening with her, or anyone else in her life for thatmatter.

    AMY: (suspiciously eyeing JILL) Ooo, but you obviously do.


    JILL: What? (pretending to focus on the newspaper)


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    AMY: (not letting go) You saw her yesterday, I know you

    did. You looked distraught. It must have been something she

    told you. Youre her B.F.F, she must have told you

    something. If shes not cheating (eyebrow raises)... what

    is it? Danny started rooting for the other team now? Hm?

    JILL: (slams the newspaper on the table) Thats not it at

    all, stop guessing and make a scene, this is none of your

    business. Whats it to you anyway, you dont even like her.

    AMY: It doesnt matter, Im just curious. Just tell me! Im

    not going to stop bugging you.

    (AMY closes her folder)

    JILL: You cant say anything to ANYONE (emphasize).

    Seriously! This is a big deal. If this gets out to Mary,

    Cynthia... or Danny especially, Im screwed.

    AMY: (assuring) Fine, fine, just tell me so I can get on

    with my life.

    JILL: (nervously) She had an abortion.

    AMY: (mouth opens) What?! No way. Aw, does he know? No...

    he doesnt, does he?

    JILL: (shakes her head) No, he doesnt know. And no one

    should tell him, (points to AMY) other than Nancy, now keepyour trap sht and leave me alone, I warned you.

    AMY: (laughs) Thank you (smiling mischiviously).

    (A while later, AMY sneaks around the corner to the nearest

    telephone, and calls up MARY on screen when the phone

    rings, you just see MARY)

    MARY: Hello? (pauses) What?! No way. (pauses) So, youre

    saying he's coming home next week. (pauses) Aw, I know,

    this is great. (pauses) Are you really? Thats pretty cold.(pauses) Ok, do what you gotta do, just leave me out of


    CUT TO:



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    (A week later)

    (AMY is sitting at home when the phone rings)

    AMY: (answers phone) Hello?

    (SCENE of DANNY talking in a phone booth)

    DANNY: Hey, um, this is kind of a stretch, but I got home

    early, and I was wondering if you or your sister could give

    me a ride home? I want to surprise Nancy, so don't tell her


    (SCENE returns to AMY)

    AMY: Yeah, um... My sister isn't home right now. What time

    does your flight come in? Ill pick you up.

    (SCENE of DANNY talking in a phone booth)

    DANNY: (relieves) Thanks. Its supposed to come in around

    10, but Im thinking by the time I get my luggage itll be

    around (looks at he watch) 10.30, 11 oclock.

    (SCENE returns to AMY)

    AMY: Yep, thats fine. Ill see you then.

    (SCENE returns to AMY)

    DANNY: Thank you. (phone hangs up sound)

    (DANNY hangs up the phone and start walking)

    CUT TO:


    (Amy is driving with DANNY in the passenger seat)

    DANNY: Ah, almost home. (relax on to the car seat)

    AMY: (laughs) I bet! So how was your training? It must be a

    tough time, huh?

    DANNY: (closes his eyes) It was at the beginning but I got

    used to it. I learned a lot. The experiences from the


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    training was a killer! But I had a horrible problem with

    authority. Im not one to listen to people so it took me

    awhile to get over that.

    AMY:(nodding and laughs) Sounds just like you. (sobering

    down) So Im guessing you heard all about Iraq getting

    supplies from France.

    DANNY: (raises voice) Of course, Iraq is not only getting

    the supplies from Soviet but they are getting aircrafts

    from the French too. Just before I left, there was a

    transaction between them on the last batch for Mirage F-1s.

    I cannot believe this.

    AMY: What are Miragewhat did you call them?

    DANNY: Mirage F-1s are aircrafts used in wars.

    AMY: Oh, I see. (frowns a little)

    DANNY: What's wrong? You seem warped. (jokingly) I don't

    think I can trust you behind the wheel.

    AMY: There is something ... but I am not sure if I should

    tell you. Then again, you have the right to know. I just

    feel guilty keeping you in the dark. I cant decide if I

    should tell it or not.

    DANNY: Sup? Nothing happened to my parents, right?

    AMY: No, they're fine. I saw them cruising around a while

    ago. It's...

    DANNY: (jumps in; voice raises) Nancy? Something is wrong

    with her right? Please say no!

    AMY: (frustrated) Ah stop yelling! Gag me with a spoon.

    (pauses) How about we go find a place to eat. You're

    probably hungry. I'll give you the 411 there.

    (DANNY nods and mouths "alright")




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    (Open scene at a restaurant, AMY and DANNY are handing in

    their menus to the waiter)

    WAITER: (takes menus) I'll be right out with your drinks.

    DANNY: Thanks.

    AMY: Thank you.

    DANNY: I can't sit here any longer, you have to tell me.

    AMY: Calm down... (stares) promises me you totally loose

    your cool?

    WAITER: Here ya go. (places drinks on the table - then

    leaves screen)

    (DANNY takes a drink and nods)

    AMY: "Okay," (breath out) Nancy...well... had an abortion...

    DANNY: (looks dumbfounded) HA HA HA.... I believe the first

    of April was a month ago already. (laughs) Speaking of


    AMY: (raises her voice) Danny! Danny! This isnt a joke.

    Jill told me about it ...

    DANNY: (angry) So everyone knows about the abortion but me?!

    WAITER: (bringing a tray of plates over) Here are your

    orders! ....whoops!

    (DANNY stands up and bumps in the WAITER causing him to

    spill the plates onto the floor)

    (DANNY keeps on running out of the restaurant)

    AMY: Augh ... (trying to get through the mess) Danny ...



    (cut to scene with DANNY running towards NANCY'S work




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    DANNY: (flinches at the mention of crying; sighs) I still

    need to get my luggage from Amys car.

    (DANNY gets up; MARY and DANNY begin walking towards to

    parking lot of the park)



    (CAMERA zooms in on JILL and AMY in the kitchen preparing

    for dinner)

    AMY: (cutting the carrot) Theyre about to pass the Arms

    Export Control Act...

    JILL: (getting something) Does this have anything to do

    with Reagan? I have nothing against him, but with the

    conflict in the Middle East makes me a little iffy.

    AMY: (nodding) My distrust started when he approved that

    plan that allowed Israel to ship weapons to Iran.

    (Loud knocks on the door)

    JILL: (leaving the kitchen) Ill get it.

    (As soon as JILL unlocks the door, NANCY and CYNTHIA storms


    NANCY: (crying) JILL! You promised me! You said you werent

    going to tell anyone!

    JILL: (aghast) I (fidgeting)... Im sorry I made a slip to

    tell Amy. But... she was the only one, the only one I told.

    CYNTHIA: (cuts in) And she went off to tell Danny. Now its

    a mess.

    JILL: (shocks) WHAT? ...(yells) AMY!

    (AMY walking slowly from the kitchen)

    AMY: (laughs) oh... I forgot to mention about Dannys

    return. (straighten) But he had every right to know about

    the abortion.


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    NANCY: (mad) Then Im the one with the right to tell him,

    not you! Do you even consider the repercussions of your


    AMY: (yells back) How you feel? What about my feelings

    throughout high school? The only year I was relieved was

    when you (point at NANCY) graduated.

    (At this point, MARY walks in with DANNY)

    MARY: Whoa, quite a wreck here. Chilled it! Nancy. (looking

    determined) I think someone wants to talk to you. (turns

    toward DANNY)

    (NANCY nervously walks toward DANNY; the two exits the


    MARY: (join the group) Theyre going to be fine.

    (MARY walks over to AMY)

    MARY: (whispers) It should end now.

    (AMY nods; CAMERA zooms out of the door and OPEN zooms on

    DANNY and NANCY walking)






    (Screens focus on MARY sitting in her apartment watching

    television; the phone rings)

    MARY: (answers the phone) Hello? (pause) Of course! Ididnt know you two were in town. (pause) Okay, ha,

    certainly. Ill see you in a little bit (hangs up the phone)

    CUT TO:


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    MARY: I think for the Challenger, it was only the tenth,

    but oh, this is horrible. That poor teacher was on the

    flight too. I cant believe it.

    AMY: (grieving) Christa McAuliffe, right? She was selected

    from more than 11,000 applicants from the education

    profession to go into spaces. She was so young too. I

    wonder how her family, students, friends and colleagues are

    taking it. It but be harsh for them.

    (They turns off the TV, AMY covers her face. The screen

    goes black for STAGE transition)



    (CYNTHIA and NANCY are sitting on the lower level of the

    stage, holding white roses)

    CYNTHIA: This is terrible. Since last years, weve watchedclosely how this whole process was planned out.

    NANCY: (hand on CYNTHIAs shoulder) Cynth, I know, this

    NASA Teacher in Space Project gave so much hope to her to

    be able to reach out to all her students. Her husband Steve

    and two children Scott and Caroline must be so distraught.

    CYNTHIA: (lowers head) and then, there were the other 7

    crew members. I cannot accept the fact that... that many

    people died within a split of a second.

    (STAGE slowly dims to black)





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    (CYNTHIA, DANNY and NANCY are in a diner chatting.)

    CYNTHIA: Wow, I'm so stressed out during these times. I

    don't want to stay home. You guys don't mind I tag along

    and be the third wheel?

    DANNY: (looks another direction) Yes, we do...

    NANCY: (slaps DANNY on the back) It's nothing. We've just

    haven't chilled out in a while. I'm stressed out too with

    the business and everything. It's a hard time. Im getting

    such a shocked from the Stock Market crash on Monday. I

    have no idea why am I here dinning. (take a sip of water)

    This is even bad for the bar business. With the economy in

    a downturn, less people will come to the bar which means

    that I dont get paid as much as I normally do.

    DANNY: Hmm... true. Its not only the bar business though.

    Businesses all over town is starting to collapse (sigh) Im

    overwhelmed on my part too, even with the cash flow from

    the army service, I'm still struggling.

    NANCY: (argues) Well those business are at fault. They were

    betting their fortune on the stock market.

    CYNTHIA: Wow, nice. You argue like an old married couple.

    (pause) Well, you guys have been going out since high

    school; are you two going to end up tying the knot anytime


    NANCY: Well, we dont know if were even ready for marriage

    yet. But we do know that after last years incident, our

    relationship is in much better shape than ever. Weve

    developed a sense of trust between us now.

    DANNY: Anyway, with me in the service, and Nancy workinghere in DC; we really want to wait until were both settled

    to get married.

    CYNTHIA: (nodding) Its a tough time for all of us. Ive

    been so busy with organizing conferences for Gay-rights

    that it has been depleting me. (pause, looks at Danny) By

    the way, how was your time in the Air Force.


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    DANNY: (Looks up) Eh, it was ok, I went into the school for

    business and it was totally interesting. Unstable career


    NANCY: Ill be right back guys. I need to use the bathroom.

    (NANCY leaves to go to the bathroom)

    CYNTHIA: (looks up from eating) Business may be unstable

    but it is an interesting area to study.

    DANNY: (explaining) Interesting, yes. But for instance, the

    amount of foreign investors in the stock market has driven

    the prices skyward. Its insane. You never know what is

    going to happen next.

    CYNTHIA: So youre thinking about investing? I wouldnt

    worry too much. These prices can only last for so long.

    DANNY: Yea, my one professor back in the Air Force

    explained it to me. To the general public, when the market

    is good, everyone relaxes. But what happens is that after a

    period of good prices, the market goes down, which is

    exactly what happened. As of now, Im going to keep my

    money where it is, just in case. You know what they say,

    the farther you go up the harder you fall. Take Monday was

    an example, the crash affected millions. For those who know

    how to play stock (pause) they should have taken theirmoney out before. This crash made such impact, its going

    to take a year or more for it to climb back up again.

    (NANCY returns to the table)

    (CAMERA zoom out as the three continues to converse)





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    (CYNTHIA and JILL are sitting in chairs, JILL is reading

    the newspaper.)

    JILL: Oh wow, did you read this?

    CYNTHIA: The paper? No, I havent had a chance to read it


    JILL: (looking at the newspaper carefully then looks up)

    They are writing about the crash on Monday.

    CYNTHIA: AH, the market. Danny, Nancy, and I were talking

    about it? Its sad that you couldnt make it to the dinner.

    What did the article said?

    JILL: (start pointing into the newspaper) Its pretty bad,

    (pause) I mean, the Dow lost 500 billion dollars. Hong Kong

    got decked pretty hard by 45 percent. This is pulling

    everyone down across the globe.

    CYNTHIA: Damn, before, I was thinking of buying some small

    stocks, but I guess ... Im going to save that money for my

    retirement fund... in cash.

    (Walks over to JILL)

    JILL: (laughs) Youre going to need that, now that we are

    in a recession.

    CYNTHIA: (walks around) I still cant believe how it

    happened. For all I knew, the market was doing fine. Then

    boom, (making hand movements) there went Aunt Lucys summer


    JILL: (thinking) Well, according to AMY (rolls eyes), one

    of the causes of the crash was that the mass public bought

    stock. The problem was that they didnt actually own it. In

    the end, the blame lies on the computer because they traded

    through the computer system.


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    CYNTHIA: (lights up) I wonder if James Baker is involved in

    this. You know, the Secretary of Treasury? He had announced

    that after a large U.S. trade deficit, that there needed to

    be a lowering in the dollar value.

    (AMY suddenly walks in looking exhausted)

    AMY: (cuts in) Could be. (startles the two) After the fall

    in the dollar on foreign exchange markets, foreigners began

    to pull out of dollar-denominated assets. They were

    probably scared that they were going to lose a fortune

    since the value of the US dollar was lowered. It really

    caused a sharp rise in interest rates. (yawns) Hey, Jill,

    anything to eat?

    (JILL and CYNTHIA looks at AMY weirdly)






    (The screen breaks up into four sections. You see JILL,

    AMY, CYNTHIA and MARY opening up identical envelopes.Reveling wedding invitations. Camera focuses on CYNTHIA.

    The phone rings.)

    CYNTHIA: (answers phone) Hello? (pause) Yes! I just opened

    it. (pause) Of course Im going to go! I wouldnt miss it

    for the world. (pause) Ha, ok, you too. (pause) Good bye.

    CUT TO:



    (On screen you see a AMY, MARY, CYNTHIA and JILL sitting at

    a table chatting)

    MARY: Aw, I still cant believe Nancy and Danny are getting



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    CYNTHIA: (agreeing) Then again, with all the troubles

    theyve been through. I think they picked the right time.

    AMY: (cuts in) Did you see the church they picked? Its so


    JILL: Its Victorian.

    CYNTHIA: My fav.

    (NANCY taps her glass and stands up to give a speech.)

    NANCY: Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you all know

    how thankful we are to have you here. Were so excited to

    see all our friends (looks at their friends table and

    glances at AMY; smiles) and family in one place, and we

    hope you are enjoying yourselves.

    DANNY: (stands up) Wed also like to make a toast. Thank

    you for being here to celebrate this wonderful day with us.

    Thank you for being with us through all this years.

    (The screen focuses on Danny holding up his glass.)

    DANNY: Cheers!

    (The crowd follows)

    (Screen goes black.)

    CUT TO:



    (Audience sees DANNY putting on his bow tie in front of a

    mirror. You see his best man and other groomsmen chatting,

    and getting ready. GROOMSMAN #1 walks in, and turns on thetelevision in the corner of the room. He turns to a news


    GROOMSMAN #1: (yells) Hey everyone! Quiet down.

    (Everyone looks over to the man, and the TV screen. They

    all stare. On the screen you see a news anchor covering the


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    story of the Berlin Wall falling. The room is silent. There

    are pleasant smiles, of hope, and subtle joy, on the mens

    faces. GROOMSMAN #2 walks into the room.)

    GROOMSMAN #2: (yells) Hey guys, weve got to get going.

    (The room is still silent; a couple people turn around to

    look at the clueless man. DANNY smiles. He finishes

    adjusting his bowtie and grabs his coat and walks out of

    the room, with a caring grin on his face. The other men

    file out of the room as well. The TV is still on. The

    camera focuses on it.)

    CUT TO:


    (DANNY and his groomsmen are lined up at the alter. MUSIC

    PLAYING: The Wedding March. The doors of the church open,

    the maids starts walking in line with NANCY following

    behind down the aisle. As they start to walk down the

    camera focuses back to DANNY for a few seconds, and then

    cuts back to NANCY. A few seconds into her walk you cut

    back to the video of the people at the Berlin Wall,

    focusing on all the joy and celebration of making two

    things one. The camera cuts back to NANCY walking down the

    aisle, and you focus on the smile on her face, as she looks

    forward. As the maids line up, she joins DANNY at the

    alter, the pastor starts to speak, and he begins to talk

    about unity. The camera cuts back to the Berlin Wall.)

    CUT TO:


    (People are dancing. Camera pans around to people dancing.

    Camera focuses briefly on Nancy, Danny, Amy, Jill, Mary and

    Cynthia. Nancy, Danny and Amy are dancing. Mary, Jill and

    Cynthia are sitting around a table having a drink. Camera

    then focuses on an old man who is sitting at a table. He


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