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Practice Management

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Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this manual. However, neither Reckon Limited, its subsidiaries, employees and agents, are liable for any errors or omissions. This document should not be relied on as a detailed specification of the system. In addition, Reckon Limited reserves the right to issue revisions, enhancements and improvements to Reckon APS software or any other Reckon software at any time without notice. Every effort will be made to ensure that the manual is updated concurrently and that the user is not inconvenienced as a result of any change.

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Overview ................................................................................................................................. 4

Creating a new Template Specification ................................................................................ 5

Defining the criteria for the Import Template Specification ................................................... 7

Appendix A ........................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix B ........................................................................................................................... 13

Appendix C ........................................................................................................................... 14

Appendix D ........................................................................................................................... 15

Appendix E ............................................................................................................................ 16

Appendix F ............................................................................................................................ 17

Sample 1 ................................................................................................................................ 18

Sample 2 ................................................................................................................................ 20

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A pre-requisite for this application is Practice Management Version 8.5. SP3 or above.

This ‘generic’ model requires a comma delimited csv file to be available in the appropriate folder

for import into Advance. Certain mappings need to be created. That is the purpose of the property page to be prepared in conjunction with your APS consultant. The csv file contains

rows whose columns are delimited by commas.

The spec needs to be designed with joins between the third party system and Advance PM in

mind. In order to create a disbursement transaction in Advance, the very least we need is a

matter ID and an amount/quantity and rate. Please look over the samples at the end of the document.

The import will create an ACTIVE batch of disbursements, ready for review and posting in the Advance system. Any entries in the csv file that are not valid will be passed into an error log for

review. Once the import has been successful, the original csv file will be deleted. If you wish to keep a backup of these files, we suggest you create a folder structure to hold these for archive

purposes before you import them.

Having assigned the appropriate JOE rights for the application, Central will offer the Data Import/Export application.

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Creating a new Template Specification

Use your right mouse to Create New Disbursement Import Template

Give this template a name. It is possible to have different templates for different imports. For example, you may import from a Tolls Calls system, there may also be a different import spec

for a Photocopier system.

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This import spec is now visible in the Imports panel.

Double click on the Import spec name and you will be shown the following property form.

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Defining the criteria for the Import Template Specification

Review the function of each property in the table later in this section.

Give the template a better name and set the default folder. This folder will be the location of

your csv files prepared by third party systems ready to import into Advance.

Every column of a csv file that our import is to use requires a property definition. For each property name that you want to use, please enter the column number that it will be in your csv

file. For example, your client ID may be in the third column in your csv file. In that case the Value on colClient will be 3.

Property Name: colClient

Description: Client ID

Value: the column position of the code in the csv file

The unique code of the client must match a field in cdbClient. This is typically ClientID. This is

not mandatory if you have a colMatterID.

Property Name: colDate

Description: Date

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Value: the column position of the date in the csv file.

Format for the csv file is yyyy-mm-dd. When you do the actual import, you will be asked to

select a period from PM’s calendar. If the dates in your csv file are outside of this period batch, there is an option as you do the import to correct this. If you choose not to, these invalid date

records will be passed to the error log. Appendix E.

Property Name: colDisbID

Description: Disbursement ID

Value: the column position of the disbursement ID in the csv file.

This is not mandatory if you have a default Disbursement ID later in your spec.

Property Name: colFEID

Description: Fee Earner ID

Value: the column position of the fee earner ID in the csv file

The csv file may contain the ID of the fee earner for each disbursement transaction in the batch. This matches ocsPtrMgrDeptStaff, pmdObjectInstID. This is not a mandatory field.

Property Name: colGross

Description: Gross

Value: the column position of the gross amount in the csv file

The csv file could contain the amount of the disbursement to be created. The gross amount

format should be 99999.99. The only valid non-numeric character is a decimal (.). This is not a mandatory field if there are quantities and rates later in your spec.

Property Name: colMatterID

Description: Matter ID

Value: the column position of the matter ID in the csv file.

The matter ID in the csv file must match ocsMatterMaster, objInstID. Appendix C. This is not a

mandatory field if you are using a Standard Matter map in conjunction with a Client ID.

Property Name: colQty

Description: Quantity

Value: the column position of the quantity in the csv file.

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Practice Management only accepts whole numbers for quantity. This is not a mandatory field in

the csv file. However, if you use quantity make sure that you have a rate associated, either on the PM Disbursement ID or within the csv file.

Property Name: colRate

Description: Rate

Value: the column position of the rate in the csv file.

The rate to be applied if required, format 9.99, no other special characters. If there is no gross

amount and there is a quantity, this rate will be used to derive the gross. If no rate is entered but a quantity is provided, the rate of PM’s disbursement record will derive the amount. This is

not a mandatory field. However, if you use quantities, please make sure that you can resolve rate for the calculation of gross.

Property Name: defClientAttribLink

Description: Link to Client Object

Value: must be the value of aobAttribID (e.g. 702)

This value is necessary if your third party system uses a field other than a direct map to

ClientID. For example, if the Client Code is the join, find the aobAttribID of the field ‘Code’. This will supply your spec with the join criteria to retrieve the ClientID for the disbursement entry

record. In this case, 702. See Appendix D.

Property Name: defDataRowStart

Description: Starting data row

Value: The row number of real data, there may be headings in the csv file

Typically row 1 may contain column headings from an Excel spreadsheet. Therefore data starts

in row 2. The value of this property would then be 2. This is a mandatory value. The default value is 1.

Property Name: defDisbID

Description: Disbursement ID to use in this import

Value: the ID of the disbursement within PM that will apply to this entire csv


This implies that the rows do not contain individual disbursement IDs. If you do not provide a disbursement ID or a default disbursement ID, the entire batch will be rejected. Appendix A.

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Property Name: defFeeEarnerID

Description: Fee Earner to associate against disbursement

Value: the ID of the fee earner within PM that will apply to this entire csv file

This implies that the rows do not contain individual fee earner IDs. This is an optional field.

Appendix B.

Property Name: defFileName

Description: Specific Filename to Import

Value: the name of the csv file in the nominated default folder

Property Name: defheadingRow

Description: Heading Row (if exists)

Value: Indicate the row number if there is a row containing headings

Property Name: defNarration

Description: Default description for the narration field

Value: Enter text to be used as a narration. This is an optional value

Property Name: defStdMatterID

Description: Standard Matter to be used to determine matter

Value: The ID of a standard matter.

If there is no matter ID available in the csv file, there has to be a way to find a matter to attach the disbursement entry to. If you have used this standard matter more than once on a client,

the import will use the ‘first’ client matter ID for the transaction. (Client Matter ordered by the ascending Matter ID)

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Appendix A

Location of Disbursement ID

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Appendix B

Location of Fee Earner ID

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Appendix C

Location of Matter ID

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Appendix D

Location of ID for different Client map

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Appendix E

The date form when running an import

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Appendix F

Location of Standard Matter ID

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Sample 1

A matter and amount model, to use a default disbursement ID.

Column 1 = Matter ID

Column 2 = Gross

Other considerations

Use the Disbursement ID 2 for the entire batch

Date will be determined entirely by the PM period that I pick when I run the import.







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Note, if you have a direct map to a matter ID you never need a client ID.

If you never have a direct map to a matter ID, you always need a client map (could be ID or

code) and a standard matter ID. If the client does not have any matters with that standard matter ID, the record will be rejected.

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Sample 2

A client code, amount and standard matter model, to use a default disbursement ID.

Column 1 = Code

Column 2 = Gross

Other considerations

Use the Disbursement ID 2 for the entire batch Date will be determined entirely by the PM period that I pick when I run the import

Standard Matter to determine search for a matter

Client Code to determine join for client ID

Use Fee Earner ID 28 for entire batch.







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