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University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln CSE Journal Articles Computer Science and Engineering, Department of 2018 Genome-scale MicroRNA target prediction through clustering with Dirichlet process mixture model Zeynep M. Hakguder University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Jiang Shu University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Chunxiao Liao University of Nebraska-Lincoln Kaiyue Pan McGill University Juan Cui University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: hp://digitalcommons.unl.edu/csearticles is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Computer Science and Engineering, Department of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in CSE Journal Articles by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Hakguder, Zeynep M.; Shu, Jiang; Liao, Chunxiao; Pan, Kaiyue; and Cui, Juan, "Genome-scale MicroRNA target prediction through clustering with Dirichlet process mixture model" (2018). CSE Journal Articles. 187. hp://digitalcommons.unl.edu/csearticles/187

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CSE Journal Articles Computer Science and Engineering, Department of


Genome-scale MicroRNA target predictionthrough clustering with Dirichlet process mixturemodelZeynep M. HakguderUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

Jiang ShuUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

Chunxiao LiaoUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln

Kaiyue PanMcGill University

Juan CuiUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

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Hakguder, Zeynep M.; Shu, Jiang; Liao, Chunxiao; Pan, Kaiyue; and Cui, Juan, "Genome-scale MicroRNA target prediction throughclustering with Dirichlet process mixture model" (2018). CSE Journal Articles. 187.http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/csearticles/187

RESEARCH Open Access

Genome-scale MicroRNA target predictionthrough clustering with Dirichlet processmixture modelZeynep Hakguder1, Jiang Shu1, Chunxiao Liao1, Kaiyue Pan2 and Juan Cui1*

From IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2017Kansas City, MO, USA. 13-16 November 2017


Background: MicroRNA regulation is fundamentally responsible for fine-tuning the whole gene network in humanand has been implicated in most physiological and pathological conditions. Studying regulatory impact ofmicroRNA on various cellular and disease processes has resulted in numerous computational tools that investigatemicroRNA-mRNA interactions through the prediction of static binding site highly dependent on sequence pairing.However, what hindered the practical use of such target prediction is the interplay between competing andcooperative microRNA binding that complicates the whole regulatory process exceptionally.

Results: We developed a new method for improved microRNA target prediction based on Dirichlet ProcessGaussian Mixture Model (DPGMM) using a large collection of molecular features associated with microRNA, mRNA,and the interaction sites. Multiple validations based on microRNA-mRNA interactions reported in recent large-scalesequencing analyses and a screening test on the entire human transcriptome show that our model outperformedseveral state-of-the-art tools in terms of promising predictive power on binding sites specific to transcript isoformswith reduced false positive prediction. Last, we illustrated the use of predicted targets in constructing conditionalmicroRNA-mediated gene regulation networks in human cancer.

Conclusion: The probability-based binding site prediction provides not only a useful tool for differentiatingmicroRNA targets according to the estimated binding potential but also a capability highly important for exploringdynamic regulation where binding competition is involved.

Keywords: MicroRNA, MicroRNA target prediction, Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture, Machine learning, Bayesianinference, Dynamic microRNA regulation

BackgroundMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important post-transcriptionalgene regulators that silence messenger RNA (mRNA) targetsvia mRNA degradation or translational repression [1, 2].They hybridize with complementary sequences in the 3′-un-translated regions of mRNA, particularly in the “seed region”(2nd-8th bases on the 5′ end), for their binding [3]. InRNA-induced silencing complex, both miRNA and mRNA

are degraded if the miRNA nucleotide sequence has a highdegree of complementarity to the sequence in the mRNAtarget [4, 5]; otherwise, the binding of miRNA to mRNA willhalt mRNA translation without causing degradation [5, 6].The large-scale miRNA-mRNA interactions detected by se-quencing analyses has shown various interaction patterns,e.g., many interactions happen via complementary sequencesin discontinuous regions other than seed region [7], indicat-ing different regulatory mechanisms. In addition, compellingevidence reveals the dynamic nature of miRNA-mRNAinteraction that multiple miRNAs can bind to the samemRNA sequence or different copies of the same transcript --cooperative interactions [8], while multiple different mRNAs,

* Correspondence: [email protected] Biology and Biomedical Informatics (SBBI) Laboratory, Departmentof Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,Lincoln, NE 68588, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Hakguder et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 7):658https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-018-5029-7

possibly also with other types of RNA, e.g., long non-codingRNAs and circular RNAs [9], can compete for binding to thesame miRNA -- competitive interactions [10]. Furthermore,other factors, such as genetic mutations [11–14], competi-tion with RNA binding proteins [15, 16], and conditional ex-pression of miRNA and mRNA can also affect the status ofmiRNA-mRNA interactions. All listed above indicate thecomplexity underlying miRNA-mediated gene regulation.The molecular mechanisms have been partially clari-

fied by extensive studies focusing on miRNA biogenesisand function [17, 18], which also show the participationof miRNAs in virtually every aspect of cellular activitiesstarting with differentiation and development of cells.MiRNAs affect normal functioning of the cell includingmetabolism, proliferation and apoptotic cell death aswell as malfunctions such as viral infection, and tumori-genesis [19–24]. In humans, it is estimated that 2500+miRNAs can regulate over 60% of human genes [25]. Re-search interest in miRNA regulation has been dramatic-ally increasing, resulting in numerous computationaltools such as TargetScan [26], miRDB [27], miRanda[28], and mirSVR [29]. The miRNA targets predicted bythese tools can be used to indirectly infer miRNA func-tion, e.g., through pathway enrichment analysis [23].However, the complexity of miRNA-mRNA binding, es-pecially the cooperative and competitive binding modesobserved with miRNAs complicates the target predictiontask. Most methods that focus primarily on finding com-plementary sequences in the seed region fail to addressthis complexity.Despite the challenges faced in computational prediction,

novel sequencing techniques has facilitated experimental dis-covery of a large number of miRNA-mRNA interactions. Forexample, the crosslinking, ligation, and sequencing of hybrids(CLASH) analysis has identified 18,514 miRNA-mRNA in-teractions where 60% of the interactions were associatedwith seed region [7]. Further, the coding regions of mRNAswere shown to house ~ 60% of the binding sites. The existingalgorithms are designed on the assumption of 3’-UTR cen-tric binding, new algorithms will need to revise this assump-tion. Another study using covalent ligation of endogenousArgonaute–bound RNAs (CLEAR)-CLIP in human hepa-toma cells corroborated the above results: ~ 26% of the inter-actions were associated with seed region and ~ 57% arenon-3’UTR interactions [30].In this study, we designed a new computational method

for miRNA target prediction using Dirichlet ProcessGaussian Mixture Model (DPGMM) [31], with integrationof the large-scale sequencing-detected interactions. Themain aim is to infer interactions along with indicated con-fidence. Given the large number of interaction patternsmiRNAs and mRNAs can have (to-be-discovered) and theuncertainty about source of similarity, clustering is thetool of choice to group similar interactions with respect to

either the miRNA or mRNA involved. In clustering taskswhere the number of clusters are not known ahead of ob-serving the data, the non-parametric Bayesian methodDPGMM is commonly used [32–36]. DPGMM also hasadvantages in accommodating clusters with various sizesand structures, free specification of the number of clus-ters, easy computation, and interpretability [20], comparedto other multi-class learning systems, such as SVM,K-means, and GMM clustering. To accomplish, we firstconsidered a large number of molecular features relatedto miRNA-mRNA binding sites including sequencepairing [26], evolutionary conservation [37], free energy ofthe miRNA-mRNA heteroduplex [38], target site accessi-bility [39], and the flanking sequence of the target site onmRNA. A few novel features possibly associated withbinding efficacy were also considered, such as AU-rich nu-cleotide composition near the binding site, proximity tosites for co-expressed miRNAs (possibly associated withcooperative action), proximity to residues pairing atmiRNA nucleotides 13–16, positioning away from thecenter of long UTRs [2, 40]. In addition, several statisticsrelated to binding site were also assessed, e.g., the numberof complementary pairs within seed region and/or withinthe whole biding site. Based on these heterogeneous fea-tures, a feature vector will be constructed for each givenmiRNA-mRNA interaction, as input to the model.For each candidate interaction, the new system can output

an assignment score as posterior probability for each of theclusters. By assessing all interactions from the same cluster,one can explore new insights in interactive patterns reflectedby each identified cluster. In addition, based on the sequenceinformation of experimentally-detected interactions andaforementioned distinguishing features, this system willallow one to assess if one miRNA can bind to a specificsplicing transcript, a very unique feature highly useful inpractice when compared to gene-level prediction offered byexisting tools. At last, we demonstrated in a breast cancercase study the application of predicted target information toinfer conditional miRNA-gene interaction through modelingdynamic gene regulation while considering multiple othergene expression regulation mechanisms such as transcrip-tion factor and copy number variation (CNV).

MethodsData preparation and feature generationTable 1 summarizes the miRNA-mRNA interactions usedin this study. Experimentally identified interactions col-lected from public databases and interactions reported insequencing analyses constitute the training and validationdata [41]. For each interaction, an initial set of 2059 featureswere generated. Besides general structure and sequencefeatures reported in the literature [2, 40] [3, 26], we ex-plored new features such as the length of an interactionand the flanking sequence of the binding site on mRNA.

Hakguder et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 7):658 Page 68 of 102

We included the frequencies of all possible k-nucleotidecombinations (k = 1,…,4) on both miRNA and mRNA se-quence involved in an interaction. RNAFold was used tocalculate the minimum free energy, secondary structure,and open degree of each binding site [3]. A summary of allfeatures compiled in this study is given in Fig. 1A, with de-tails provided in Additional file 1.

Classification using mixture modelPositive training data for the classifier consisted of ex-perimentally identified miRNA-mRNA interactions.Negative training data was generated to representmiRNA-mRNA pairs that don’t interact. We summarizethe whole procedures as follows.

1) Negative Data Generation

Negative sample generation was done by sliding a k-merwindow (k = 22) across all known mRNA sequences. Thecommonly-used negative interaction set consisting of asmall number of randomly generated interactions is oftenbiased and not sufficient to represent the entire negativespace. To address this problem, we generated a 4-tierednegative set with each tier corresponding to a differentlevel of negative potential. Higher levels of confidence arecaptured in higher tiers (Table 2). For instance, level 1data includes randomly-generated false binding sitesamong reported miRNA and mRNA pairs, whereas level 4data represents interactions randomly synthesized fromunreported miRNAs and mRNAs. There are infinitelymany possible negative interactions between all humanmiRNAs and mRNAs; in order to keep the size of thenegative set comparable with the positive set, we selected~ 8000 interactions from each of the four categories ran-domly as representative interactions of that category.

2) Building the Classifier

In order to discover unknown binding patterns andproperties, a classifier was first trained to differentiatepositive interactions from negative. The rationale is as fol-lows. After feature generation, for a given miRNA r and aset of binding sites I related to r, the ith binding site is rep-resented with an m-dimensional feature vector xi basedon a set of m features (m = 2059 in the initial analysis).Feature vectors corresponding to all the n sites in I arerepresented by {x1,…, xi,…, xn}. Let nc be the number ofclusters observed in miRNA-mRNA interactions and zi(i

Table 1 Datasets applied in this study

Datasets Content

CLASH data [7] 17,436 interactions on Human kidney cell(HEK293), associated with Ago1

iPAR-CLIP data [8] 10,566 interactions on HEK293, humanembryonic stem cell, EBV-infectedlymphoblastoid cell lines, and primaryeffusion lymphoma cell line,associated with Ago1 and Ago2

CLEAR-CLIP data [30] 32,711 interactions on Human hepatomacell, associated with Ago

mirTarbase [20] 11,002 interactions on Human genome,predicted by miRanda;483 validated interactions by non-sequencinganalysis

RefSeq [42] 56,000 human transcripts

Fig. 1 Interaction features used in the model. (a) Breakdown of features according to categories. (b) Recursive feature elimination process. Toppanel shows the performance of the feature elimination process on the initial set of 2059 features. Bottom panel illustrates the distributions offour discriminative features in the positive and negative datasets

Hakguder et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 7):658 Page 69 of 102

= 1,…, nc) represent the cluster membership of the inter-action xi. We then apply Dirichlet Process Gaussian Mix-ture Model (DPGMM) to obtain interaction clusters. TheDirichlet Process (DP) is the prior distribution for themixture model specifying a distribution of probability dis-tributions. In this setting, these distributions specify theparameters of miRNA-mRNA interaction clusters. Theparameters of DP are a base distribution G0 and a positiveconcentration parameter α. Base distribution G0 is the ex-pected value of the process while α determines the disper-sion of the distributions around G0. A small α results indistributions that are concentrated around G0. As α in-creases, the dispersion of distributions increase.In general, in a Gaussian mixture model with K com-

ponents, the likelihood of data is:

p xjθ1;…; θKð Þ ¼XK


π jN xjμ j; S j

� �

where π denotes the mixing proportions and θj = {πj, μj, Sj}is the set of parameters; proportion, mean and precision, ofa component in the mixture. (μj, Sj) are drawn from a distri-bution G that is in turn drawn from a DP(α,G0). Fixed co-variance and a conjugate Nð0; 1Þ prior on the componentmeans were used. The optimum value for α was experi-mentally determined to be 10 (results not shown).In the clustering setting, we let zi represent the cluster

number for observation xi, 0 ≤ zi ≤ nc, the prior on clus-ter assignments is

p zi ¼ jð Þ ¼ nj

αþ n−1

for an existing cluster j and

p zi ¼ K þ 1ð Þ ¼ ααþ n−1

for a new cluster. Here, n is the total number of datapoints and nj is the number of data points in cluster j.

Cluster assignments are done using the normalized logposteriors of clusters. The log posterior is:

log nj� �þ log

exp −12

x−μð ÞTΣ−1 x−μð Þ� �

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2πΣj jp

for existing clusters and

log αð Þ þ logexp −


x−μð ÞTΣ−1 x−μð Þ� �

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2πΣj jp

for new clusters, where x is the feature vector, μ is thecluster mean vector and is the covariance matrix forthe cluster. Normalization factor is the sum of the logposteriors. A new observation is assigned to the clusterwith the highest normalized posterior probability. Tiesare broken randomly during cluster assignment.We trained the DPGMM model on the training set

consisting of positive and negative interactions until thesystem converged. 25% of the total dataset was kept outof training to be used as test data. Each interaction wasassigned to the cluster which has the highest posteriorprobability of assignment. This model provides the flexi-bility of assessing the accuracy of the clustering at differ-ent levels: 1) whether a new interaction can be correctlyassigned to a positive or negative cluster, or 2) whether anew interaction is assigned to a cluster that contains theparticipating miRNA. Several metrics have been used toevaluate the performance including the sensitivity, speci-ficity, accuracy and Matthews correlation coefficient(MCC). Optimization of the model was done by a gridsearch of parameters over a large range. The main par-ameter of the DPGMM model is the α parameter, forwhich the values 10, 30, 60, 90 and 100 were considered.The model was trained for different number of itera-tions, namely 10, 30, 60, 90 and 100. Bayesian Informa-tion Criteria (BIC) [42] were obtained for each possiblecombination of the above values of the parameters. Thecombination that resulted in the lowest BIC were usedin the final model.

3) Feature Selection

A feature elimination analysis was performed on theinitial set of 2059 features to remove unrelated and noisyfeatures and search for the minimal set of relevant fea-tures that optimize classification performance. We per-formed the first filtering step based on t-test on eachfeature between positive and negative data sets where 44non-discriminative features with p-value > 0.05 were re-moved from our initial feature list. At this eliminationstep, multiple hypothesis correction methods were not

Table 2 The positive and negative datasets

Dataset Statistics

miRNA/mRNA interaction

Pos-1: Interactions reported inCLASH data



Pos-2: Interactions reported iniPAR-CLIP data



Neg-1: Interactions generatedon reported miRNA and mRNA pairs



Neg-2: Interactions generated onreported miRNAs and unreported mRNAs



Neg-3: Interactions generated onunreported miRNAs and reported mRNAs



Neg-4: Interactions generated onunreported miRNAs and unreported mRNAs



Hakguder et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 7):658 Page 70 of 102

applied. Next, an independent logistic regression classi-fier was built for each of the remaining features. Eachfeature was associated with the Area Under the Curve(AUC) value resulting from its corresponding logistic re-gression classifier and features were ranked according totheir AUC values. Then we followed a recursive featureelimination (RFE) procedure to fruther remove featuresirrelevant or negligible to our classification goal. Theprocedure is as follows: a DPGMM classifier was builtusing the remaining features after the first eliminationstep and the 5-fold cross validation accuracy of themodel was recorded. Next, we removed the feature withthe lowest AUC value and performed DPGMM classifi-cation again. We recursively removing the least import-ant feature and performing DPGMM classification untila minimal set of features, without losing the classifica-tion performance, is obtained. The remaining featureswere used for the final model.

4) Cascade Model for MiRNA Specific Clusters

Our model offers different levels of clustering results.Each successive level is more specialized than the previ-ous level (Fig. 2). After the initial clustering, some clus-ters are expected to contain exclusively negativeinteractions, while others may contain both negative andpositive interactions. Also, the clusters contain differenttypes of mRNA or miRNAs. For those clusters that wereheterogeneous and had more than 30 examples, we con-tinued clustering the examples into sub-clusters withadditional DPGMM rounds. Stopping criteria for clus-tering were: 1) homogeneity of miRNA type, 2) homo-geneity of mRNA type and 3) size of clusters (Fig. 2). Incase of termination due to criterion 3, the sub-clusterswere excluded from the final model. We construceted a

clustering tree using this recursive procedure. The rootlevel clusters are the results of the initial clustering, andthe leaf level clusters are the result of the last clustering.`represent the results of the last DPGMM clusteringround, we expect to see specific clusters that are homo-geneous with respect to a miRNA or mRNA.The root level clusters can be used to evaluate if a new

interaction object can be correctly predicted as a realinteraction or not while the lower layers can help us toevaluate if the object can be assigned to its own cluster.A certain number of mixed clusters are expected to re-main in the model corresponding to different miRNAsthat follow similar binding patterns.

Model evaluation and genome-scale target screeningIn this study, CLASH and iPAR-CLIP data were used totrain and test the model (75% of the interactions were usedas training set and 25% as testing set). The final model wasdecided based on performance using the remaining featuresafter feature elimination. For independent evaluation, dupli-cated interactions in CLEAR-CLIP data and mirTarBasedata were removed and the remaining were used.Next, the RefSeq data [43] were used to screen the

whole human transcriptome for possible binding interac-tions with miRNAs. To determine if a position on mRNAis a candidate site for a given miRNA, we locally alignedthe sequences of the candidate site and the miRNA. Anextension of 30 nucleotides on both ends were consideredwhile computing features for a given candidate bindingsite. A candidate binding site and a miRNA pair weretested for a possible interaction by assigning to a clusterwithin the clustering tree model. Leaf level clusters wereconsidered as final cluster assignments.An interaction confidence metric (IC) was used to

rank the predicted interactions according to how reliable

Fig. 2 Cascade DPGMM model. (a) Flowchart describing training of the model. (b) Illustrative example of cascade DPGMM. Rectangles representmixed clusters (M), circles represent homogeneous clusters (H). Clustering goes on until homogeneous clusters are obtained

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they are. IC for a candidate interaction i and the domin-ant miRNA k in i’s assigned cluster is ICik = zi * ck,where zi indicates normalized assignment probabilityand ck is the proportion of miRNA k in the cluster.Last, to demonstrate the use of predicted interactions

under the context of studying dynamic gene regulation,we have performed a case study of inferring conditionalmiRNA regulation associated with cancer progression.Based on a set of genomic data on breast cancer from TheCancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) [44] including miRNA andmRNA expressions, CNVs, and DNA methylation profilesand a meta-Lasso regression model our group has beenrecently developed [45], miRNA regulation associatedwith different cancer stages were detected. Previously, theregression model evaluates the likelihood of interactionsbetween a pair of miRNA and mRNA based on a regula-tory score (RS) which is calculated through aggregation ofbinding probability and binding affinity [45]. In this study,we replace the RS score by the DPGMM-derived posteriorprobability, the highest assignment score. Along withother factors such as Transcription factor (TF)-gene regu-latory potential, Lasso regression was utilized to identifythe TFs and miRNAs that regulate a specific gene under agiven condition.

ResultsAn initial training of the model using the whole set of2059 features and 75% of the CLASH and iPAR-CLIPdata resulted in 34 positive and 38 negative clusters. Themodel was tested on the test data (the remaining 25% ofCLASH and iPAR-CLIP) which resulted in 82.0% overallaccuracy. Table 3 shows the promising validation resultson several independent datasets.Our model performs decently on the majority of data sets

where the interaction discovery was sequencing-based, withthe exception of mirTarBase. The sensitivity for mirTarBasedata is low, 61.0% for the validated interactions and 62.0%for the predicted ones from other tools, respectively. Thediscrepancy can be due to two possible explanations. First,CLASH and CLIP interactions were detected bygenome-wise sequencing where each miRNA-mRNA pairoften involves many different interactions at different sites

while the mirTarBase only reports a single binding site on agene target. Second, predicted targets in mirTarBase wereless reliable compared to the experimentally validated ones.

Selected featuresA subset of the initial 2059 features (Methods) that opti-mized the performance of the model was selected using5-fold cross validation. A minimal set of discriminativefeatures were kept that optimized the model by eliminat-ing the noisy features (Fig. 1B). Feature selection wasbased on minimum information loss which represents theloss of the predictive power. We observed a slight increasein the overall accuracy on mirTarBase data from 61 to62% to 64% accuracy after the least important featureswere eliminated recursively (with 377 remaining features).During feature elimination, we observed that sensitiv-

ity and specificity were complementary while the accur-acy and MCC were relatively consistent. The modelcontaining 377 features resulted in the highest accuracyand MCC (see Additional file 1). We used these featuresin our final model. An additional table lists the top 30selected features, ranked by AUC value that reflects thediscerning power (see Additional file 2). For example,the alignment score on the binding site, the open degreeof the mRNA sequence, and ‘T’ counts in both miRNAand mRNA sequences are highly distinguishing formiRNA-mRNA interaction (Fig. 1B).

Final classification modelThe final model was trained using the selected 377 fea-tures and the optimal parameters. The performance ofour method was evaluated in terms of classification per-formance and clustering coherence as follows.

Classification performanceTable 4 summarizes the prediction performance on train-ing, testing, and three independent test datasets. Using theroot level clusters, the prediction results in high accuraciesfor both the training set and CLEAR-CLIP test set. Theprediction performance for mirTarBase data set was notas desirable. One explanation for this discrepancy may bethe small size of miRTarBase compared to CLEAR-CLIP

Table 3 Prediction performance on the training, testing, and independent datasets

Dataset Performance

Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy MCC

Training75% of CLASH, iPAR, and negative

0.78 0.86 0.82 0.64

Testing25% of CLASH, iPAR, and negative

0.77 0.86 0.82 0.64

Validation-1 CLEAR-CLIP 0.80 – 0.80 –

Validation-2 mirTarbase (validated) 0.61 – 0.61 –

Validation-3 mirTarbase (predicted) 0.62 – 0.62 –

Hakguder et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 7):658 Page 72 of 102

which is about two times bigger. Our resulting clusteringtree had a depth of 5. As clustering depth increases, morepositive clusters than negative are obtained implyingspecialization of clusters to miRNA or mRNA types. Theproportion of positive clusters within a layer increases asthe tree grows in depth. The results of the Leaf layer (Table4) shows improvement in classification performance. High-est improvement was obtained on CLEAR-CLIP data setfrom 87% accuracy to 92%. Both sensitivities and specific-ities were improved as well as accuracy. Both the differenti-ation of positive and negative clusters and separation ofpositive interactions into different clusters according to thesequences involved is more prominent in the deeper levels.Accordingly, leaf level clusters were selected to be used forprediction.

MiRNA/mRNA specific clustersAt the leaf level, the final model had 281 clusters, 244 ofwhich were positive. We observed that 136 (56%) of thepositive leaf clusters consist of only a single type ofmiRNA. When the homogeneity level required for eachcluster (percentage of interactions associated with thesame miRNA) drops, the proportion of homogeneousclusters increases, e.g., up to 73% (178 clusters) at homo-geneity threshold at 80% and up to 167 (68%) clusters athomogeneity level 90%. We show an example hierarchy ofclusters in Fig. 3A. At the root layer, the cluster has mul-tiple miRNA types; miR-30c, miR-15b, miR-26a, andmiR-421 constitute a high proportion of this cluster. Inthe subsequent layer, miR-15b and mir-30c are separatedinto their own clusters, as well as miR-30b and miR-30d.In the deeper layers, both miR-26a and miR-421 formtheir own clusters. In addition, we observed that the per-centages of the dominant miRNA (miRNA with highestpresence) in clusters are high (Fig. 3B).

Validation studyOur method was compared with other state-of-the-artmiRNA target prediction tools including TargetScan[26], miRDB [27], microT [46], and microT-CDS [47],based on the predicted positive interactions (Additional

file 2). While our method only predicted 22,215 interac-tions among 550 miRNAs and 7529 mRNAs, othersshow significantly higher numbers that are beyond thecensus estimation. For example, TargetScan, microT andmicroT-CDS all predicted over millions of interactionsamong these miRNAs and mRNAs, which implies higherlevels of false positives. When comparing the averagetargets per miRNA and average miRNA regulators permRNA, our results are closer to reality. On the otherhand, all four exisitng tools reported greater number oftargets for one miRNA. We used the 37,539 positive ex-amples in our test data to compare the sensitivity of ourmethod with these tools. Our method achieves consider-ably higher sensitivity (see Additional file 2).

Transcriptome screeningClusters in our model specializes to miRNAs as clusterlevel becomes closer to the leaves. We leveraged this fea-ture to not only predict if a candidate pair forms a genuineinteraction but also to assess if the miRNA involved in thisinteraction is similar to the dominant miRNA, in terms ofcount, in the cluster the interaction is assigned to. Theflexibility offered by our model makes screening the tran-scriptome at different levels possible. For example, at thelowest confidence level, where we only consider interac-tions with non-zero IC’s, our model predicts at least onemiRNA regulator for each gene, and on average 145miRNA regulators per gene. Figure 4 shows the distribu-tion of number target of mRNAs per miRNA and numberof miRNA regulator per gene. Considering the functionalstudy of miRNA is largely dependent on accurate identifi-cation of its gene target, our prediction method can behighly useful as a reliable resource to facilitate down-stream studies on miRNA regulation, which is also dem-onstrated in the next case study. The list of all predictedbinding sites is available at http://sbbi-panda.unl.edu/miR-Cript/ (Additional online files unnecessary for review).

A case study of conditional miRNA regulation in CancerBased on the aforementioned predicted miRNA target in-formation, we have applied a regression model [45] with

Table 4 Performance based on the 1st and leaf layer clusters

Dataset Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy MCC

1st Leaf 1st Leaf 1st Leaf 1st Leaf

Training75% of CLASH, iPAR, negative

0.93 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.95 0.96 0.89 0.91

Testing25% of CLASH, iPAR, negative

0.93 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.94 0.96 0.89 0.91


0.87 0.92 – – 0.87 0.92 – –

Validation-2 mirTarbase (val.) 0.63 0.60 – – 0.63 0.60 – –

Validation-3 mirTarbase (pre.) 0.60 0.58 – – 0.60 0.58 – –

Hakguder et al. BMC Genomics 2018, 19(Suppl 7):658 Page 73 of 102

the DPGMM-derived assignment score representing themiRNA-mRNA regulatory likelihood. In this case, theDPGMM approach allows us to assess the binding poten-tial among different biding sites between a gene and differ-ent miRNAs, which is important to study the competingbinding among miRNAs and mRNAs. Meanwhile, it alsoprovides a unique feature compared to other binary classi-fication strategies. With integration of cancer associatedgenomic data, we were able to examine the conditionalmiRNA-gene regulation that are associated with tumorprogression. For example, Fig. 5 illustrates the dynamicmiRNA regulation pattern on gene EGFR (epidermalgrowth factor receptor), an important tyrosine kinase in-volving in cell growth and cancer development. Based onour prediction, 44 miRNAs can potentially bind to EGFRbut only a subset of miRNAs play the roles under a spe-cific condition. In the figure, we observed that differentsets of miRNAs interact with the target gene across

different cancer stages; some interactions are active allalong during the progression (those in red) while othersare stage specific (those in blue) depending on the avail-ability of the miRNAs under different conditions. Thesefindings are in agreement with our understanding of thedynamic regulation process.

DiscussionEmerging sequencing technologies has changed thelandscape of research on miRNA target identification.Availability of data pertaining to genome-scale miRNAinteractome facilitated bioinformatics research im-mensely. Particularly, use of transcript-level interactiondata combined with mRNA specific features in thisstudy allows confidence in our model for transcript-leveltarget prediction. To the best of our knowledge, splicingtranscript specific miRNA binding site prediction is anovel feature that is lacking in many existing tools.

Fig. 3 Clusters resulting from cascade DPGMM model. (a) Clustering tree shown at bottom left. A section of the tree is enlarged at the top right.Ellipses are homogeneous clusters. Numbers in parenthesis represent number of examples in the cluster. Striped boxes are mixed clusters, widthof each stripe corresponds to the percentage of a miRNA in the mixture. (b) (top) the distribution of number of examples in clusters over allclusters; (bottom) distribution of percentages of dominant miRNAs in each cluster. A dominant miRNA has highest presence in a cluster

Fig. 4 Transcriptome prediction statistics. (a) Distribution of number of mRNA transcript targets per miRNA. (b) Distribution of number of miRNAregulators per gene. y-axis shows the percentage in whole transcriptome

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Moreover, a considerable amount of miRNA-mRNA in-teractions via complementary sequences have been dis-covered in gapped regions [11]. These findings suggestthat prediction solely depending on sequence and/or con-textual features such as binding energy, seed match, andconservation is not sufficient. As such the static targetprediction tools that utilize only that information have re-ceived critical skepticism. We addressed this challenge inour model by incorporating data about various types ofmolecular features that differentiate distinct interactionpatterns. Meanwhile, high false prediction miRNA targetprediction rates are still a big concern.There are several technical challenges that we encoun-

tered during the course of this work. We have used pub-licly available sequencing data. In compiling the dataderived from different sequencing technologies, the rawsequence data needed to be reprocessed and a consoli-dated annotation had to be produced. Another challengewe faced is a common one in miRNA target prediction re-search, i.e., the negative set is huge compared to the posi-tive set 10 times more in our case. To make our negativeset more representative, we devised a new method andmaintained a comparable size with the positive set.The ambiguity around cooperative and competitive

binding mechanisms adds to the complexity andsemi-stochasticity associated with miRNA-mediatedgene regulation. Our method can be used to infer com-petitive binding, since it assigns likelihoods to the nu-merous potential binding sites of a gene to the samemiRNA which can be used to evaluate the binding po-tential. Our recent study shows that several miRNAs canaffect a given pathway by regulating the same or differ-ent genes involved in the pathway [45]. For example,miR-18a-3p, −320a, −193b-3p, and -92b-3p co-regulatethe glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and focal adhesion incancers of kidney, liver, lung, and uterus. Similar applica-tions shed light on miRNA regulatory mechanisms andnovel roles and meanwhile, the functional studies all

highlight the importance and challenges of reliablemiRNA-mRNA interaction prediction.

ConclusionsIn this study we developed a new method for predicting hu-man miRNA-mRNA interactions reliably. This statisticalapproach has improved prediction performance comparedto similar existing tools and includes several unique fea-tures. Importantly, this tool can address practical questionssuch as common binding properties across miRNAs. Also,the interactions are predicted at transcript level which givesa more detailed view of interaction than the existing toolsthat predict gene-level binding sites. In our future work, weplan to identify miRNA co-binding module by use of condi-tional mRNA and miRNA genomic data, which will takethe stochastic nature of miRNA-mRNA interaction intoconsideration. As such, we believe this study lay out thegroundwork for future research on cooperative miRNAmodule and dynamic gene regulation.

Additional files

Additional file 1: (Sheet 1) Whole set of features; (Sheet 2) Remainingfeatures after elimination. (XLSX 82 kb)

Additional file 2: (Sheet 1) Top 30 selected features; (Sheet 2)Performance comparison; (Sheet 3) Sensitivity Comparison. (XLS 45 kb)

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank all SBBI members who have been involvedin this work for providing helpful discussions and technical assistance.

FundingThis research is support by the NIH funded COBRE grant (1P20GM104320),Food for health seed grant, the Tobacco Settlement Fund and theNIH&USDA/NIFA (1 R01 DK107264/NIFA 2016–67001-25301; publication costwas funded by this grant).

Availability of data and materialsAll data analyzed during this study are publicly available. CLASH data are availablein the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository under accession numberGSE46039, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE46039. iPAR-CLIP and CLEAR-CLIP data are included in the supplementary information of [8,

Fig. 5 Network topologies of predicted regulators of EGFR gene in Stage I, II, and III breast cancer

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30], respectively. miRTarBase data are available from http://mirtarbase.mbc.nctu.e-du.tw/php/index.php. The RefSeq data are available from resources at NCBI,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.

About this supplementThis article has been published as part of BMC Genomics Volume 19 Supplement7, 2018: Selected articles from the IEEE BIBM International Conference onBioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM) 2017: genomics. The full contents of thesupplement are available online at https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/articles/supplements/volume-19-supplement-7.

Authors’ contributionsJC conceived this study. ZH and CL implemented the model and performedthe analysis. JS and KP conducted part of the validation. ZH, CL, and JCwrote the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1Systems Biology and Biomedical Informatics (SBBI) Laboratory, Departmentof Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,Lincoln, NE 68588, USA. 2Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, McGill University, Quebec, Canada.

Published: 24 September 2018

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