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  • 8/19/2019 Geographies of Diaspora-Article


    Geographies of Diaspora: A Review

    Michael Rios & Naomi Adiv

    Michael Rios is Associate Professor of Community Planning and Design, UCDavis. Naomi Adiv is a PhD candidate at the CUNY Graduate Center inNew York City. This research is supported by the USDA Cooperative StateResearch, Education and Extension Service, Hatch project # CA-D*-END-7717-H. The suggested citation is: Rios, M., & Adiv, N. (2010). Geographiesof Diaspora: A Review. Davis, CA: UC Davis Center for Regional Change.

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    Geographies of Diaspora: A Review Michael Rios & Naomi Adiv

    UC Davis


    The term ‘diaspora’ is inherently geographical, implying a scattering

    of people over space and transnational connections between

    people and places. Geography clearly lies at the heart of diaspora

    both as a concept and as lived experience, encompassing the

    contested interplay of place, home, culture and identity through

    migration and resettlement. (Blunt 2003: 282)

    In the above quote by Alison Blunt, the term ‘diaspora’ is defined through the

    words “scattering,” “transnational,” “migration” and “resettlement”. Within thefield of geography, these terms are used, alternately, to describe veryspecifically, but also generally, the various circumstances of migrating people.However, this muddle of language also points to a different phenomenon – thepractice of geographers to describe patterns of human migration as well as thesocial identities and political constructions that are created by diasporapopulations around the places they call ‘home’.

    In the following, the literature in geography is reviewed. The purpose is todescribe how geographers have employed the term ‘diaspora’ and to discuss

    primary themes emerging from this work. In this introductory section, major terms—diaspora, transnationalism, and migration—are defined given that theseterms are used frequently and often interchangeably. In the second section,major themes of this body of work are discussed, followed by a third section thatidentifies areas for further research. In the conclusion, several questions areraised that lend a geographical perspective to future studies of diaspora.


    The term ‘diaspora’ comes from the Greek translation of the bible meaning "toscatter about, disperse," from dia- "about, across", and, speirein "to scatter"(originally in Deut. xxviii.25). Safran (2005) points out that the term has its Westernbeginnings in the Jewish diaspora communities, extending to groups “such asthe Armenian, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Kurdish, Palestinian, Parsi, and Sikh, whoseexperiences of expatriation, institution building, cultural continuity, and refusal torelinquish their collective identities have demarcated them from mereimmigrants” (p. 36). The term has come to mean a group of people that wereexpelled or migrated from their historic homeland out into different parts of theworld. Further, it implies that they established new political communities in those

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    places, making contact with the people of the receiving lands for variouspurposes, but generally remaining closely together as communities of religion,culture and/or welfare.

    Descriptively, diasporas have been presented as a set of social spheres (Safran,

    1991), a mode of categorization and typology (Cohen, 1997), and a distinctsocial form, type of consciousness, and mode of cultural production (Vertovec,1999). Figure 1 provides a comparative framework in how diasporas have beenclassified as a descriptive tool among the main contributors to the topic outsideof geography. Yet, diasporas have also been defined as a condition or process(Hall, 1993; Gilroy, 1993; Clifford, 1994; Brah, 1996; Anthias, 1998) and,alternatively, as a methodological approach. Butler (2001), for example, arguesthat “rather than being viewed as an ethnicity, diaspora may be alternativelyconsidered as a framework for the study of a specific process of communityformation” (p. 194). However, for the purpose of this literature review, the focus is

    on theoretical and empirical contributions within the discipline of geography.

    Figure 1: Classifications of diaspora populations (portions adapted from Kalra, Kaur,& Hutnyk, 2005)

    Safran, 1991 Safran, 1991 Cohen, 1997 Vortovec, 1999 Butler, 20011. dispersal to two or more locations2. collective

    mythology of


    3. alienation from

    hostland4. idealization ofreturn to homeland5. ongoingrelationship withhomeland

    Triadic relationship(social spheres)1.  the dispersed

    group who havesome form ofcollectiveidentity or process of

    identification.2.  The contexts and

    nation-states inwhich thesevarious groupsreside

    3.  The nation-statesto which anaffiliation ismaintained,through a seriesof social,economic, andcultural ties

    Diaspora as a modeof categorization1.  dispersal and

    scattering2.  collective

    trauma3.  cultural flowering4.  a troubled

    relationship withthe majority

    5.  a sense ofcommunitytranscendingnational frontiers

    6.  promoting areturnmovement

    Different forms ofdiaspora1.  victim2.  labour 3.  trade4.  imperial5.  cultural

    Three meanings ofdiaspora1.  diaspora as social

    form2.  diaspora as a

    type ofconsciousness

    3.  diaspora as a

    mode of culturalproduction

    1.  After dispersal,a minimum oftwodestinations

    2.  There must besomerelationship toan actual or 


    3.  Self-awarenessof groupidentity

    4.  Existence over at least twogenerations


    The most common term associated with diaspora in the literature istransnationalism. Often described as border crossing “from below,” use of theterm originates largely from political-economic studies of migration back and

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    forth across sovereign borders (Basch, Glick Schiller, & Szanton Blanc, 1994; Smithand Guarnizo, 1998). According to Nagel (2001)

    If the international signifies relationships between states or actorsrepresenting different states, then the transnational refers to linkagesforged by social groups who exist seemingly in spite of the nation-state

    and who, through their transnational activities, undermine statesovereignty and the hegemony of national borders and ideologies. (p.248)

    The language of ‘behaviors’ or ‘practices’ is also common in transnationaldiscourse, indicating a spectrum of transnational types among diasporiccommunities. For many authors, the term is tied up with ideas about the agencyof migrating people, often described as hybrid, transgressive, or translocal.Some authors take issue with what they see as an idealization of a type, and callfor grounding notions of transnationalism in the actual experiences of migratingpeople (Mitchell, 1997a). This is exemplified by research which found that “the

    search on ‘transnationalism’ produced several very interesting academicpapers…but no sites by or for immigrants; apparently, ‘transnational’ is a wordthat academics use, but that immigrants and service providers do not”(Staeheli, et al., 2002).


    “Migration,” on its own, is a much more general term: the movement of humangroups across territory, whether for cultural, seasonal (as in the case of nomadicgroups) or political reasons. Although it is not nearly a contested term asdiaspora and transnationalism, it is worth mentioning here because it isprominent category in the literature, particularly around population geography,

    refugees, and the rural-to-urban shift (Lawson, 2000). Noting that migrationfocuses on groups is also indicative of the scale at which diasporic experiencesare often studied by migration scholars and population geographers alike. This isnot to say that individual experiences are unimportant, but that the entire set ofexperiences under the term diaspora is fundamentally related to group identity.Related, a growing field of mobilities research “includes detailed studies ofembodied, material and politicized mobilities, often through the developmentof innovative and mobile methodologies” (Blunt, 2007, pp. 684-685). Although itis relatively new, the notion that different kinds of movement, both within andacross borders, can constitute an epistemic whole might be useful in the ways

    diasporas are theorized.


    Beginning in the early 1990s, there has been increasing attention drawn to thetopic of diaspora. In addition to individual books devoted to the topic (Brah,1996; Kalra et al., 2005), there are several academic journals, such as Mobilitiesand Diasporas: A Journal of Transnational Studies, where the study of diasporas

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    are a core focus. Drawing on these and other sources, geographers havebegun to contribute to this literature, especially with regard to a criticalengagement with the ideas of space, home, territory, and identity. Much of thiswork has come from several areas within the discipline: feminist perspectives onthe concept of ‘home’; population geographers that focus on migration

    patterns; political geographers interested in territoriality and the state, andcultural geographers focusing on the real and imagined identities producedthrough diasporic processes and spatial practices. Regardless, there has been aconvergence between many of these areas given the increasingacknowledgement that diasporic processes and practices need to behistorically, politically, and culturally situated (NiLaoire, 2003). To date, therehave been several comprehensive reviews related to the topic of diapora(Blunt, 2007; Dahlman, 2004). Common themes include diaspora’s relationship tomigration and transnationality, the role of real and imagined landscapes inproducing identities and attachments, deterritorialization and reterritorialization,

    and related, a geopolitics of diaspora ‘from below’. Below, the followingthemes in the geographical literature on diasporas is discussed: home andhomeland, territory and territoriality, diasporas of empire, spaces of citizenship,transnationalism and hybridity, and difference(s) within diaspora.

    Home and homeland

    One of the central aspects of diaspora is a culture of longing for homeland,while a more specific site for place making is the actual home, dwelling, or geographical community. Avtar Brah (1996) calls attention to a “homing”tendency where, “The concept of diaspora places the discourse of ‘home’ and‘dispersion’ in creative tension, inscribing a homing desire while simultaneously

    critiquing discourses of fixed origins” (pp. 192-193). Blunt and Dowling (2006) offer a critical geography of home and suggest three areas of investigation: (1) homeas simultaneously material and imagined, (2) how home is politicized vis-à-vispower and identity, and (3) an appreciation of the multi-scalar nature of home,that is, from the actual space of dwelling and nationhood to homelands thatare produced by Empire (p. 22).

    Gowans (2003) theorizes home as “based around an organizing principle ofinclusions and exclusions” (p. 428), for populations that have not entirely settledin one place. Related, another aspect is the transnational entanglements of

    home which examines the specifics of people’s relationships with kin in their countries of origin. This includes the study of hometown associations,remittances, and the relationships that cause people from a certain ‘home’region to gravitate to a certain place ‘away.’ Mohan (2004) refers to this as“the politics of obligation,” in which citizens of a particular town are still tied tonotions of pride in giving to that place as a part of identity building in the hostcountry. Variously, these notions of home are also tied to the intimate scale ofbelonging. Explorations both of sending remittances, and cultural expressions

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    such as eating particular food or decorating a dwelling in a particular way pointto the ways in which diaspora is played out in material terms.

    Because of a geographical existence away from home, coupled with anidealized longing for return, diasporas are frequently characterized as having an

    ‘imagined’ or ‘mythical’ home (Anderson, 1983; Blunt, 2003; George, 2003;Golan, 2002; Gowans, 2003; Veronis, 2007; Yeh, 2005). Emily Yeh (2005) offers astriking example in her work on Tibetans abroad. In it, she describes “the frictionsof encounter between three groups of Tibetans who arrived in the USA aroundthe same time, but who differ in their relationships to the homeland” due to thedifferent moments in which they or their families left Tibet. Due to the existenceof an entire generation of Tibetans who have never seen or experienced the‘homeland’, “one reaction has been the emergence of an alternativeimagined geography of homeland” in which Dharamsala, the political capitalof Tibetans in exile and the seat of the Dalai Lama, has supplanted Lhasa, the

    historic geographical capital inside of Tibet as “the center of Tibetan diasporicgeography” (p. 662).

    Related to the imaginations of homeland, there has been an emphasis on placeand place making. Creating place is integral to understanding populations wholong, as a group, for a distant homeland and projecting that longing onto aphysical site where diaspora groups inhabit. For some scholars (Blunt 2005;Dodman, 2007; Marden, 1997; Pascual-de-Sans, 2004) there is a generalsentiment that sense of place and sense of self are intimately bound together.Marden (1997) boldly asserts that “a new geography may be emerging: onethat is about the reconstitution of identity and place; one that is more relevant

    to the interaction between what is global and what is local” (p. 39). Similarly,Àngels Pascual-de-Sans (2004) rejects a totalizing view of globalization; shestates, “In a world that some would like to consider globalized, the presence ofplace in people’s lives persists unyieldingly” (p. 349). Pascual-de-Sans uses thisconceptualization of place to ground geographical mobility of populations inhistorically contingent times and locations. In migration, this is played out not asa discrete movement from ‘here’ to ‘there,’ but as “social events taking place intime” (p. 350).

    Territory and territoriality

    An apparent starting point for geographers in the study of diaspora is the innatetie of diaspora to territory. While the literature of transnationalism often speaksof deterritorialized citizens, Burell (2003) points out that “the concept of animplicitly national territory has an important influence on both the constructionand maintenance of diasporic national identity and migrant transnationalconsciousness” (p. 323). The most commonly understood aspects of territory arethe basic descriptive qualities of sending and receiving regions, and

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    geographical phenomenon associated with deterritorialization andreterritorialization.

    Related to territorialization processes associated with diasporic processes andpractices is the concept of territoriality. One of the first contributors to the

    discourse of territoriality is Richard Sack, who defined territoriality as an “attemptto affect, influence, or control actions and interactions (of people, things, andrelationships) by asserting and attempting to enforce control over a geographicarea” (1983, p. 55). Sack argues that territoriality can be applied at any scale,and is not an object but a relationship (p. 56). Within the diaspora literature, anumber of studies explore the political nature of territoriality, especially having todo with political borders (Carter, 2005; Dikeç, 2005; Hyndman, 1997; Mitchell,1997b). These scholars remind us that migration still occurs across sovereignboundaries, and that human flows are still, in great part, up to the discretion ofnation states. Sean Carter, writing on the geopolitics of diaspora (2004) states:

    There is a tendency within diaspora studies…to utilize…spatialmetaphors, whilst simultaneously denying the significance ofgeography. In many of these accounts, borders are traversed,boundaries are dissolved and space is something that is overcome.Space is invoked, but often left un-interrogated. In particular, thediaspora literature tends to discount the re-territorializing elementsof diasporic practices, a shortcoming that I argue is largely due tothe lack of interconnectedness between the theoretical literatureon diaspora and empirical research on ‘actual’ diasporas and their specific geographies. (p. 55)

    By this account, geographers have a significant amount to contribute to

    the topic of diaspora, especially as discussed in other disciplines and fieldssuch as sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, and internationalmigration.

    Diasporas of Empire

    Territorialization is also a process to describe how nation-states producegeographies of power. A great source of contemporary migration has been thecolonial and post-colonial experience. Returning to the Jewish diaspora, it isimportant to note that this group’s experience was the result of conquest inempire, first Babylonian and then Roman, leading to expulsion in the year 70 AD.

    As a result, Jews settled largely (though not exclusively) within other parts of theRoman empire. This points to a political situation in which the Roman empirewas not so much interested in destroying the individual Jewish people asundermining their national unity and political strength inasmuch as it was tied toa unified territory.

    Historically, the experience of colonization has tied nation-states together acrossthe globe long after independence was gained through language, law (as in

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    the case of the English commonwealth nations) and, for some segments of thepopulation, potent mythmaking that displaced home onto the ‘motherland.’Postcolonial studies, therefore, offers insight into understanding these migrationsthrough the populations it seeks to empirically study and through analyzingdiscourses of power. In theorizing how space is tied to group power, a number 

    of scholars address diasporas in colonial and postcolonial geographies (Bailey,2001; Basu, 2005; Blunt, 2003; Carney & Voeks, 2003; Connell, 2003; George,2003; Golan; 2002; Gowans, 2003; Hyndman, 1997; Jackson, 1992; Jazeel, 2006;Lin, 2002; Samers, 1997).

    The discussion of migration between countries related through colonization andpostcolonial encounters easily brings up the question that other themesmentioned here do not: what causes people to migrate? Samers (1997)suggests that, “there is presently far too much focus on analyzing immigrants asimmigrants and not emigrants” (p. 33). Put differently, the systems and

    circumstances that cause people to leave their homelands is underspecified.Samers points this out in order to emphasize that the “push” and “pull” factors ofmigration are a unitary phenomenon “produced and regulated by the unevendialectics of international capitalism, colonialism, and ‘neocolonialism’” (p. 34).

    Although writing from the humanities, Rosemary George (2003) shows howcultural products – arts and literature in this case – are emblematic of, as well asmobilized to articulate, the specific place qualities of the imaginary homeland.She offers insight on the construction of nations and nationality in an era ofrecently gained independence, stating that “national subject/citizens who arein the process of formulating or reformulating a new national identity for 

    themselves and for fellow citizens culturally create and recreate home asvigorously as do diasporic peoples” (p. 561). Like Samers’ unification of ‘push’and ‘pull’ forces that drive migration, George utilizes a postcolonialunderstanding of the singularity of the nation-building project to transcend thedichotomy of ‘here’ and ‘there,’ in which one is more culturally credible thanthe other, their places shifting over time.

    Turning to the study of postcolonial diasporas, one focus is specificity ineveryday practice, with an eye to the larger political, economic and racialcircumstances that is forced upon populations. As Bailey (2001) notes,

    postcolonial approaches which privilege the empirical knowledge of howpeople have actually functioned under the circumstances of dispersion “canshed light on how identity, hybridity and transnational communities areinfluenced by transnational relations across space” (p. 423).

    Finally, although many authors describe the imagined space ofhomeland, the map – that staple of geographical study – is often missing.In his work on Polynesia, however, Connell (2003) explores very thoroughly

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    how “processes of exploring, mapping, settling, administering andconverting are implicated in a wider imperial politics of place” (p. 555)which gain a tremendous amount of cultural currency when coupled withnotions of the exotic. And, as illustrated in his article, indigenouspopulations often internalize these qualities. Although this example does

    not specifically address the diaspora experience, when taken in the larger context of postcolonial studies, it stands as a reminder about theimportance of studying those with institutional political power, as theyprovide the structural context for the political and everyday experiencesof diaspora populations.

    Spaces of citizenship

    Also having to do with the political, a related set of inquires focus on issues ofcitizenship, governance, and the electoral politics in both sending and receivingregions (Blunt 2007; Dickinson & Bailey, 2007; Mavroudi, 2008; Mitchell, 1997b;

    Painter & Philo, 1995; Staeheli & Nagel, 2005). Some scholars have identified‘cosmopolitan’ and ‘transnational’ forms of citizenship that transcend theboundaries of nation-states and dualities inherent in global/local discourses(Archibugi & Held, 1995; Beck & Sznaider, 2006; Held & Guibernau, 2001). Oneclaim is that citizenship is a multi-layered process due to transnational migrationand social movements that challenges state governments (Laguerre, 2005;Smith & Guarnizo, 1998; Smith, 2001; Yuval-Davis, 1999). However, countering theclaims of borderless states and “globalization from below”, some geographerscaution against the premature nature of such claims contending that tribalismcan be a prime motivator for collective action vis-à-vis the state (Marden, 1997).

    In other conceptualizations of diaspora vis-à-vis the nation-state, citizenshipinvolves economic rights and mobility privileges, and locating the state on thebodies and assets of its citizens outside of territorial boundaries. For example,Staeheli and Nagel (2005) examine citizenship explicitly in substantive and legalterms and the “implications of (transnational) ties for a sense of hereness andcitizenship in the receiving society” (p. 1600). Here, the authors tie together thepolitical and legal constructions of citizenship with the personal realities ofcalling one or another site ‘home’. A related line of inquiry is Dickinson andBailey’s (2007) work on the dual citizenship legislation in India in 2003, in which amore flexible notion of citizenship, handed down in this case by the nation-state,

    has maintained rather than corroded migrants’ ties to homeland.

    Thinking about how geographers ought to think about citizenship is yet another debate within the discipline. Early contributors argued making a break betweenthe political understanding of citizenship, i.e., who has the power to makedecisions, and the political geography of citizenship which is sometimesreduced to “where lines have been and could be drawn on maps” (Painter &

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    Philo, 1995, p. 108). Painter and Philo call, instead, for a geography of citizenship“that examines how citizenship becomes inscribed in the intersections betweenpolitical and social-cultural ‘spaces’” (p. 109). However, others have called intoquestion the utility of citizenship claims, even when diaspora groups collectivelyidentify with a particular political community, when such associations do not

    always translate into political mobilization and action (Mavroudi, 2008).Researchers acknowledge the ambivalent quality of political identity amongmany diaspora groups. For example, in research specific diaspora groups,Mavroudi readily admits that, “respondents often appear to feel bothempowered and disillusioned by the diasporic political spaces they are involvedin …” (p. 70).

    Transnationalism and hybridity

    Transnationalism, as stated in the introduction, is the ‘human-side’ response tothe discourse on inter nationalism, which can be thought of as political dialogue

    between nation-states. Much of the transnationalism discourse aims to disruptthe ‘bipolar’ conception of emigration, in which one breaks with the homecountry and arrives at the host country (Bailey, 2001; Burrell, 2003; Dosi,Rushubirwa, & Myers, 2007; Staeheli and Nagel 2006). Drawing largely onethnography (Christou, 2006; Veronis, 2007; Walsh, 2006) to support their theories,some geographers describe transnational ‘behaviors’ and ‘practices’ thatchallenge the attachment of a population’s relation to a single nationality thatdoes not allow for the in-between-ness that many migrants experience.

    In some of the transnationalism discourse in geography, these practices and thepeople that produce such practices are constituted by hybrid understandings

    and identities (Mavroudi, 2000). In fact, transnationalism and hybridity oftenseem to be a necessary pairing in this literature, particularly when it draws fromthe cultural studies literature such as Avtar Brah’s often-cited Cartographies of Diaspora (1996). This is not to suggest that there is no space for ‘space’.Jackson, Crang, and Dwyer (2005) posit that “Geographies of transnationalspace must clearly recognize the continuing power of nation-states in definingthe framework and setting the terms within which transnational social relationstake place” (p. 5). Indeed, critiques of these positions are many, citing aromanticized notion of hybrid people and spaces as somehow liberated in theliterature, but under theorized on the ground (Bailey, 2001; Carter, 2005; Mitchell,

    1997b; Peach, 2002; Samers, 1997; White 2003). “The fashion for postmodernismin human geography,” writes Peach (2002), “is that cultural geography, with itsemphases on hybridity, in-betweenness and flexibility, has claimed the epithet of‘new’ while social geography, with its engagement in the ‘real’ world, withnumbers and census categories, seems to have become, by default, ‘the old’”(p. 252). Bailey (2001) echoes this sentiment, noting that in the rush to theorizethe hybrid, “space-time relationships play no explicit role in, for example,

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    shaping identity or meaning, as space is assumed to be a neutral canvas uponwhich traits are embossed” (p. 222).

    For some, it is the very uneven development of economies across politicalborders (Samers, 1997) that instigates the border-crossing that leads to the rise of

    hybridity; these cannot be dealt with as separate phenomena. Challengingwhat she calls “the hype of hybridity”, Katherine Mitchell (1997b) tells us that, onthe one hand:

    Theories privileging the liminal and the hybrid have effectivelydestabilized many prior assumptions of purity, authenticity and localand fixed subjectivities. They have also raised important questionsrelating to the homogenizing and western-based provenance ofboth historical structural and neoclassical accounts of globalizationprocesses. (p. 108)

    On the other:

    It is also imperative to maintain a knowledge of the structuralprinciples undergirding a system that infects and is infected byevery other system in an unequal exchange. Without this, thepower relations evident in every facet of transnational contact – between states, institutions and people – become lost. (p. 109)

    Carter (2005) goes further, arguing that not only does a privileged hybrid spaceignore “the geographical specificities of particular diasporas,” but further, thatthey often reproduce “essentialist modes of being… within diasporic discourse”(p. 54).

    Further theorizing the relationships between transnationalism and diaspora will

    help to clarify analytical distinctions and contingencies, as well as invite novelcross-disciplinary investigations, tying together work from sociology, politicalscience, anthropology, and cultural studies (see for example, Jackson et al.,2004). Ostensibly, geography stands to fill the ‘spatial’ gaps in both of thesediscourses, but more specificity with regard to theorizations and methods areneeded.

    Difference(s) within diaspora(s)

    An important, but often overlooked, focus in diaspora studies is “how thediaspora experience is embedded in the complexities of class, race, gender,

    generation and other social divisions” (Jazeel, 2006). That is, there is a tendencyto essentialize diasporic identities, especially upon arrival in host countries.Indeed, it is this outwardly unified representation of identity that can establishand/or maintain a diaspora community’s political power when interfacing withthe majority local population. The problem inside of this turn, however, is thecontestations over what is considered the ‘pure’ form of culture or languageamong a people that are often divided along class, ethnic or language lines intheir country of origin(s). Within groups this may be expressed as a struggle for 

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    ‘authenticity’, while factors such as race and class distinctions are imposed fromthe outside by the majority culture (Blunt 2003; Ghosh & Wang, 2003; Jazeel,2006; White, 2003; Yeh, 2005).

    Paul White (2003) and Emily Yeh (2005) in their work on Japanese and Tibetan

    diasporas, respectively, delve into the nature of authenticity and “ideal types”imposed from within diasporic communities. In the Japanese case “the‘homeland’ perspective on the nature of its diaspora populations hadgenerated an idealised image of a ‘true’ Japanese overseas community” (2003,p. 319) while in the Tibetan case, conversely, those from families exiled in 1959reinvented an authentic culture from outside, which they imposed upon later arrivals. Both of these ‘authentic’ modes involved a homogenized version of thenational language, once replete with regional dialects. Another element is theclaims of authenticity from different parts of the diaspora that have hadmarkedly different experiences in host countries: Peru or Brazil in the Japanese

    case, and India or the United States in the Tibetan case. Particularly salient in theJapanese case is the problem of return, namely that the foreign-born Nikkeididn’t live up to the standard of Japanese-ness that had been established in thehomeland, leading to difficulties over reintegrating back into Japanese society.

    The discourse of difference within the diaspora literature tends to beanthropological in its approach, working from individual identity as it isexperienced in everyday encounters. For example, Ghosh and Wang (2003)perform an exercise in transnational auto-ethnography, comparing their ownbiographies as foreign students in Toronto. In a seemingly simple exercise of self-reflexivity, they uncover similar tendencies in the ways that they perform their 

    identities at home and abroad. At one point, Wang describes the situation ofbeing at a party of international students where she was expected to come in‘traditional’ ethnic dress, and when she couldn’t decide what that meant, shestood in a room full of friends in costume and “began to feel incomplete as aChinese” (p. 272). Conversely, Ghosh found herself in an airport bathroom inLondon, “just one of the many homebound women of Indian origin busytransforming from a mem to a desi” (p. 274). Although these two, as individualinternational students, don’t constitute ‘diaspora,’ the dance of culturalnegotiations in which they felt compelled to participate is illustrative of thedesire to hold tightly to two contrasting, and sometimes conflicting, parts of

    identity housed in a single person’s body.

    All of the themes and theoretical constructs offered here, to some extent, takeplace where people actually inhabit. One example is Leonard’s exploration ofIrish identity as actually performed through music and dance in a communityliving in England (2005). “In this sense music and dance performance was aphysical demonstration or embodiment of identity, operating as a public signalof identification as Irish. The body was being put to work in articulating a

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    connection with an imagined ‘home’” (p. 519). As this analysis is specificallyrelated to the body, it draws attention to an anthropological focus in the studyof diaspora. The opening for geographers here is to trace how these practicesshift and change over time-space (Massey, 1999), combining with or resistinglocal cultural influences. The studies mentioned point to the performativity of

    diasporic identities, especially when concerning issues of group acceptance,authenticity, and power. The experience of members of a diaspora communityis multiple, responding to a host of signifiers from ‘home’ and abroad. Thesedifferences, which are reduced into performances of purity and authenticitythat are influenced both from inside and outside of diasporic communities,leave a great deal of room for ethnographic exploration when consideringspace and time in the production of (different) identities.

    While plenty of writers stress the contingency of different diasporic experiencesin different moments, that is not the only aspect of how temporality affects

    diaspora. There is also the time span over which a group scatters, and theencounter between these ‘waves’ of migration across generations (Yeh, 2004;Yeh & Lama, 2006). Additionally, different moments in the “migration career” ofan individual express different aspects of power and longing that are a part ofthe diaspora experience (Stodolska & Santos, 2006). Further, a topic which hasnot been addressed in this work until now, is the way that assimilation or resistance to assimilation among diaspora populations plays out over time andover several generations—a distinguishing characteristic of diasporas ascompared to transnational practices. Boyle (2001) points out, there is also ateleology built into representations of diaspora communities upon arrival in‘host’ countries and thereafter. He points to an “assimilation thesis” in which:

    …an initial heightening of nationalism progressively gives way, firstto socio-economic integration, second to cultural assimilation, andfinally to spatial invisibility. Eventually, once absorbed into hostsocieties, nationalism diminishes to only a trace, and then ultimatelypeters into extinction. (p. 439)

    For Boyle, this thesis relies too much upon time and too little upon space, andcalls for a reconceptualization of the diaspora as a place where a variety ofstories are available through different spatial practices.

    AREAS FOR FURTHER RESEARCHAlthough geographers have analyzed many aspects of diaspora, there is muchterrain to be covered—both in further theorizing the spatial in diaspora as well assubstantive areas that warrant empirical investigation. One area includesstudying patterns of settlement within diaspora including, but not limited to,spatial concentration, movement and dissolution over time, and spatialrelationships between different diaspora communities. There is not a significantamount of empirical research in how particular diaspora group settle, or larger 

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    patterns of migration across groups and across time (with the notable exceptionof Pascual-de-Sans, 2004). Given that diaspora studies are often tied to thediscourse of transnationalism, space is under-theorized given the dominance ofsociological and cultural studies perspectives. This is not to suggest thatgeographers do not address migration in spatial terms, but rather these

    contributions focus on macro scales of analysis, i.e. global and nation-stateconfigurations at the expense of meso and micro geographies.

    Related, a second area in need of further research concerns migration withindiaspora as well as between different regions and sites over time. This relates tothe continued migration of whole diasporic groups, out-migration from thegroup, and factors related to expansion and contraction of group size causedby factors such as assimilation, changing political economies, etc. This part ofthe literature would contribute by providing historical and area studies thatillustrate changing patters of migration over time, and would further clarify the

    distinctions between diaspora and other concepts. Related, another line ofinquiry could historically examine the moments when different populations of anethnic diaspora have come into contact or combine. Yeh’s (2004) work onTibetan encounters across diaspora is a good starting point. Cartographies thattrace movement of different groups within a single diaspora would be useful inunderstanding these patterns of mobility.

    A third area warranting further study is the geography of return, or attempts atreturn. Although some authors here have discussed the challenges of re-settlement by individuals (Blunt, 2003; White, 2003), there is a need to examineattempts at group re-settlement. As the idea of return is a large part of the

    cultural imagination of diaspora, studies of diasporic populations returning totheir home countries are warranted. With the exception of Anastasia Christou’s(2006) study of Greek-Americans attempting to move back to their ancestralhomeland, this work is notably absent from the literature. This experience maybe well documented by anthropologists, but further use of ethnographicmethods in geography could be fruitful in introducing this phenomenon.Because different groups leave their home countries for different reasons, andbecause those conditions change over time, this would be a venue for empirical studies of diasporic migration. Moreover, what sets these diasporicstudies apart from the transnational variety is that diaspora communities are

    regarded as being ‘away’ for at least two generations (Butler, 2001).


    This review of diaspora in the geography literature began with clarifying specificcharacteristics inherent in diaspora, and it will end similarly. Through definingterms, and pulling out major themes, clusters in the literature, and theoreticalconstructs, different approaches to diaspora in the literature were examined.

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    Concepts that help to define the distinct contours of diaspora from ageographical perspective include such concepts as homeland, geographies ofEmpire and its effect on (post)colonial migration, the real and imaginedterritorializing of places and identities, new spaces of citizenship as an outgrowthof population migration, and how hybridity and difference are characteristics

    that define people and processes associated with diaspora. In highlightingthese themes, the purpose was to tease out how each has been presented ingeographical criticism and analysis. More significantly, it is evident that theliterature in geography is deep in conversation with other disciplines.

    Another aim of this review was to distinguish diaspora from related conceptssuch as migration and transnationalism. While this was the goal, it is obvious thatsuch distinctions can suggest a false separation given the overlapping discoursebetween these analytical terms. Suffice is to say that diaspora is “oftenpredicated on transnational social relations” but as Carl Dahlman (2004)

    clarifies, “transnationalism is not a sufficient condition for diasporas, whichadditionally imply a common sense of territorial identity among its members” (p.486). More theoretical and empirical work is needed to further demarcate thedistinctions between diaspora and transnationalism to temper the tendency toconflate theses terms with each other. However, in delineating thecharacteristics of diaspora some important areas of inquiry are worth noting thatcould guide future geographical research. Analyzing spatial patterns ofdiaspora settlement, migration within diaspora communities as well as betweendifferent regions and sites over time, and mapping out geographies of return, or attempts at return, are some areas to consider. To do so would help tease outdistinctive qualities of diaspora vis-à-vis space and time. For example, what can

    longitudinal studies of diaspora tell us about the temporal aspects of migrationmore broadly? Would these insights challenge the primacy of transnationalsocial relations that are not sustained over time? Related, further research onreal and imagined home(lands) and the attachments to specific territories andregions might help to better explain the multi-faceted nature of diasporicprocesses and practices. By contrast, how is space theorized in transnationalismdiscourse beyond the use of space in metaphorical terms or as something toovercome? Deterritorialization, reterritorialization, and other territorializationprocesses bring to the fore the geographical imperative in teasing out theanswers to these and other questions.

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