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Geology artefacts buildings; that do not make sense - … - artefects - buildings... · Geology –...

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Geology – artefacts – buildings; that do not make sense If we are to assume an advanced civilisation pre-flood, which there most certainly was, then we must try to make sense of what we know about it. If however we attempt to set this earlier civilisation into a current historical paradigm nothing makes sense. For example: 01. Pyramids: There are pyramids all around the world. Mostly we do not know when they were built, how they were built or what they were for. 02. Gobekli Tepe: What was Gobekli Tepe all about, how was it built, why was it built – and then why was it deliberately buried?

Geology – artefacts – buildings; that do not make sense

If we are to assume an advanced civilisation pre-flood, which there most certainly was, then

we must try to make sense of what we know about it. If however we attempt to set this earlier

civilisation into a current historical paradigm nothing makes sense. For example:

01. Pyramids:

There are pyramids all around the world. Mostly we do not know when they were built, how

they were built or what they were for.

02. Gobekli Tepe:

What was Gobekli Tepe all about, how was it built, why was it built – and then why was it

deliberately buried?

03. Chocolate Mountains:

There are 1268 of these near perfect cone shaped hills called the Chocolate Mountains, in

Bohol, Philippines. They are made from marine limes stone that sits on top of harden clay.

Given the number of hills it has not been suggested that they are man-made. Yet nowhere

else are there mounds of this type and the geological formations are unexplained.

04. Stone Spheres in Costa Rica:

There are 300 of these Stone Spheres located on the Diquís Delta and on Isla del Caño, Costa

Rica, They range in size from a few centimetres to over 2 metres in diameter, and weigh up to

15 tons. They are thought to date from 300-800AD and their origin and significance is


05. The London Artefact:

The London Artefact is a steel hammer found in 1936 near London, Texas, United States. It

is encased in rock that is thought to be 400 million years old. It is claimed that the inside of

the wooden handle has undergone the process of carbonization.

06. Mount Shoria:

Mount Shoria is located in the Kemerov region of southern Siberia, Russia. The region has a

number of non-natural stone structures with some individual stones weighing 3,000 ton. The

stones appear to have been precisely cut and shaped and to have been carefully aligned.

07. Sunken City, Cuba:

There is a Sunken City in 600 meters of water off the coast of Cuba. This city could not have

been above water during the last ice age. And, if it fell 600 meters in some catastrophic

geological earth movement, it could not have retained its regular form.

08. Metal objects found in 300 million year old coal deposits:

These finds, among others, include a zinc-incrusted vase found in 1851 in a Massachusetts

coal mine, an iron pot found in Oklahoma, and more recently, a metal object found in coal

deposits in Vladivostok, Russia; see image above.

09. Saksaywaman - Cusco, Peru:

The stone blocks are cut with such precision that it is not possible to fit a piece of paper

between the joins. The terraces are up to 6 meters high with the larges stones weighing 200

ton. Who built them, how were they built and what was it for?

10. Table Mountain – California:

In the 1850’s gold miners in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, found hundreds of

stone artifacts and human fossils. At Table Mountain, where most of the artifacts were found,

the finds were taken from an undisturbed auriferous gravel bed laid down during the tertiary

period; (i.e. 35 million years ago).

11. Calaveras Skull – Bald Hill, California:

This human skull was found by a Californian gold miner in 1866. When discovered the skull

was embedded 130 feet below the surface underneath several distinct layers of volcanic

material. JD Whitney, Californian State Geologist and Professor of Geology at Harvard

University, examined the skull and confirmed it was found in million year old Pliocene strata.

12. Nazca Lines – Peru:

These geoglyphs are found on an arid plateau 80 km in length, located 300 km south of Lima,

Peru. The plateau has 800 straight lines, 300 geometric figures and 70 animal and plant

designs. Given the area receives less than one inch of rain annually it is hard to know why,

and for what purpose, the geoglyphs were carved.

13. Easter Island:

Moai statues on Easter Island, a Chilean island in southeast Pacific.

14. Pumapunku:

Ancient ruins with straight groves and round holes near Tiawanaku, Bolivia.

15. Nam Madol:

Ancient ruins on Pohnpei Island, Micronesia in the western Pacific Ocean.

16. Gunung Padang:

located in Karyamukti village, West Java Province of Indonesia.

17. Derinkuyu:

Map of ancient multi-level underground city in Nevşehir Province, Turkey.

18. Cappadocia:

Fairy chimneys of the Anatolia region, Turkey.

19. Bosnian pyramids:

25,000 year old pyramid at height of 220m, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

20. Baalbek:

Trilithon Baalbek – some stones in this complex weigh over 1,000 ton, Lebanon.

21. Unfinished obelisk:

1,200 ton unfinished obelisk carved from granite in Aswan quarries, Egypt.

22. Clapham Junction:

Prehistoric cart ruts carved into the solid rock near the Dingli Cliffs, Malta.

23. Eski-Kerman:

Cave city, or ‘Old Fortress’ located near Bakhchisarai, Crimea.

24. New Grange:

A rebuilt version of a prehistoric monument in County Meath, Ireland.

25. Ellora cave:

Cave city and temples, Maharashtra, India.

26. Canary Islands:

A six step pyramid on Tenerife, Canary Islands.

27. Rockwall:

A rectangular wall encompassing 20 square miles of land, Rockwall, Texas.

28. Carnac Stones:

There are more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones, Brittany, France.

29. Lascaux cave paintings:

Quality paleolithic cave paintings near Montignac, France.

30. Klerksdorp spheres:

Disc-spheres found in 3 billion year old pyrophyllite, South Africa.

31. Angkor Wat:

The largest religious monument in the world (1,626,000 sq meters), Cambodia.

32. Hittites:

Pre-iron age civilisation in north-central Anatolia that existed around 1600 BC, Turkey.

33. Kariong hieroglyphs:

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs found in Kariong, NSW, Australia.

34. Banaue Rice Terraces:

2,000 year old rice terraces in the Philippines.

35. Dolmens:

Dolmens are thought to date to Neolithic and are found on most continents.

36. Mounds:

Hundreds of thousands of mounds were constructed by ancient civilisations throughout the

world. While many are burial mounds their purpose has never been fully understood.

Can such anomalies be explained by spiritual alchemy?

Spiritual alchemy – article by Michael Seabrook

Spiritual alchemy can be expressed in Pagan, Toist, Hindu, Egyptian, Muslim, Sufi and

Christian terms. The symbolic languages of these beliefs might be different but the

fundamental beliefs in the living soul and in the possibility of the self transformation remain

the same. The belief in the living essence in our planet gains concrete and powerful

expression when specific landscape features are interpreted as forming part of the body of a

great supernatural being. The correlation between the buildings and the body is especially

strong in some of the religions based on a key mythical personage.

The Australian Aborigines tell of their ancestors who when in the dream time began to walk

the earth. On their wanderings the ancestors found shapeless heaps lying around. They

fashioned knives from stones and with these knives they carved heads, faces, arms, hands,

legs and feet, they made fully formed human beings.

From the bible, the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it and

fashioned it in his likeness. The Hebrew name for man and ground are very similar.

In the Rig Veda the primordial man Purusha had his vast body pinned down by the gods, they

cut him into many pieces which the entire universe was created from including the sky from

his head and earth from his feet.

In Chinese mythology Pan Ku a giant when he died a miracle happened. His feet and hands

became the four quarters, his head turned into the mountains that rise up from the earth and

his eyes became the sun and the moon. A thousand different plants and trees grew from his

skin and hair. His breath was transformed into the wind and clouds and his voice into rolling

thunder from the heavens. His teeth, bones and marrow became the metals, rocks and

precious stones within the earth. His sweat turned into flowing rivers. Last of all the fleas and

lice that leaped and crept over his hairy body became human beings.

The Mesopotamian epic of creation Enuma Elish tells how the deity Marduk killed Tiamat he

sliced her in two forced one half up into an arc to form the roof of the sky he heaped the

lower half to form the mountains.

In Norse mythology Bor and his wife Best la created three more gods Odin, Vili an Ve who

slew the frost giant Ymir. From his Ymir's flesh the gods made the Earth. His bones became

the mountains, his skull became the heavens, his blood became the dark seas and his brains

created the clouds.

In Egyptian mythology Set hacked Osiris body into pieces and scattered them all over Egypt.

Every year Set's burning hatred scorches the land, Isis weeps for her dead husband causing

the Nile to swell and flood to quench the parched earth then Osiris comes to life again.

The most influential group of Muslims who are steeped in Hermeticism where known as the

Ikhwan Al-Sufa meaning the brethren of purity. They produce a widely influential

encyclopaedia of philosophy and science called Rasai'l. The brethren believe the universal

soul is the spirit of the world the four elements and a matter which serve as the supports. The

spheres and the stars are like its organs and the minerals, plants and animals are objects

which make it move.

Chandela kings had temples built that are intended to link Earth with heaven and to remind

the worshiper that there is a continuum between the world of humans and that of the gods.

Each temple maybe compared to the human body. The inner shrine with its deity is the

equivalent of the soul. The base represents the legs, the mid portion the waist and the spire

the head.

The Polynesian island of Naura have a creation myth the spider and the clam shell.

Descending on a thread the old spider discovered a huge clam shell and was greatly amazed.

The spider's curiosity was fully aroused and used every ounce of her magic to part the two

halves of the shell just enough that she could squeeze inside. Inside the shell where two snails

she picked the first one up and put it on the roof of the shell as the moon. Now that she had a

little light to see the spider noticed a large worm coiled in the bottom of the shell. The spider

asked the worm could she make the shell a little wider so we can stand up. The worm pushed

the two halves and unhinged the sockets of the shell and opened them wide apart. The upper

half became the realms of the heavens and the lower half the realm of the Earth. The labour

of the worm caused sweat to pour from his body which settled in the bottom of the shell and

became the salty sea.

Boshongo (Bantu tribe of Central Africa) In the beginning there was only darkness, water,

and the great god Bumba. One day Bumba, in pain from a stomach-ache, vomited up the sun.

The sun dried up some of the water, leaving land. Still in pain, Bumba vomited up the moon,

the stars, and then some animals: the leopard, the crocodile, the turtle, and, finally, some men,

one of whom, Yoko Lima was white like Bumba.

The Peublo Indians believed that the god awonanwilome existing in primordial darkness.

thought into existence fogs, life bearing germs and from his flesh was made the earth and sky.

The Algonkians tell of a sophisticated creation myth reminiscent of Osiris. Gluskap said he

made the world from the bones of his mother.

The green man with foliage sprouting from his mouth, is found in over a hundred cathedrals

and churches in Britain. Current theories connect him with the Greek Dionysis, who was

pictured with branches protruding from his head or with Osiris whose portrait in the tomb of

Nefetari was painted in green. From south-west Yorkshire to Plumpton park in Cumbria there

are reports of Robin or Jack in the green and is also known in Russia as green George.

There is an underlying belief of either gods creating the earth or being created from it. The

similarities from different religions and faiths around our planet belonging to these different

peoples are to numerous to push aside.

Chakras (spinning centres/ disks) are made up of 7 key points located within the human body,

each point having unique properties linked to internal energies (chi). These points begin at

the base of the spine and continue upwards to the top of the head. The Crown.

1 The root chakra. 2 The spleen chakra. 3 The solar plexus chakra. 4 The heart chakra. 5 The

throat chakra. 6 The brow chakra. 7 The crown chakra.

By meditating on these points in turn, beginning at the root chakra, it is believed one can

attain inner peace and ultimately enlightenment. There are also external influences associated

with the chakra centres such as colours. As most people are aware colours can have a

profound influence on moods. The colours linked to the chakra centres are. 1 red. 2 Orange. 3

Yellow. 4 Green. 5 Blue. 6 Indigo. 7 Violet (ultra violet).

Each chakra centre is also assigned a planetary equivalent underlining the links between the

celestial bodies in the heavens and the energy centres with in the body. 1 Moon. 2 Mercury. 3

Venus. 4 Sun. 5 Mars. 6 Jupiter. 7 Saturn.

Could the Egyptian chakra points leading up to the Orion configuration (Giza pyramids)

represent the spine of Osiris and the points leading to the Chinese pyramids be the spine of

Pan Ku. This in turn could mean that stone circles i.e., chakra points across Europe, the

Mediterranean and the rest of the world represent the back bones of the creator gods.

There are also trails that are located around the planet and are incorporated in almost (if not

all) religions. From the song paths of the Aborigines to the pilgrim trails of Europe. These

main chakra points on Earth represent different planets. Each trail giving a map of the solar

system and each trail running along a ley line. The whole idea of these chakra trail is a path

of enlightenment.

Article by Michael Seabrook


Posted to Graham Hancock forum (http://grahamhancock.com/phorum/read.php?1,1036565)

on 6th

Jan 2016

UFO’s, crop circles and the Big Foot

We have UFO’s, crop circles and regular sightings of giant ape like creatures; (i.e. Big Foot,

Sasquatch, Yeti, Yowie, etc.).

Let’s for a moment discuss the Big Foot. There have been countless recorded sightings

dating back centuries and continue into the present day. None of these remarkable creatures

have been captured. So without the opportunity to see them close up and study them in detail

many people still doubt their existence.

It is noted by those who research this phenomenon that these creatures appear to

disappear at will. It is said they ‘travel between dimensions’, they ‘live at the edge of reality’,

they can ‘hide in plain sight’ and will ‘vanish in a flash of light’ when shot at. Some have

made the link between Sasquatch, Yowie and Yeti sightings and UFO’s. The claim is

commonly made that these creatures are extra-terrestrial.

Modern day quantum physics has revealed a hitherto unknown relationship between human

consciousness and matter. It is known that human observation can affect the physical forms

matter can take. Quantum physicists speak of other dimensions of space and time – that space

and time are relative. They claim we can only observe 4% of what exists with 96% of the

universe existing in the form of Dark energy and dark matter.

Do we have a past that conforms to the basic laws of space and time as they currently

exist? Can we expect that all mysteries associated with ancient buildings and lost civilisations

will one day be explained? Or are we locked into a dimension of reality that is a tiny part of a

greater universe – a universe with different physical laws and one totally incomprehensible to

the human mind?

It seems our human consciousness confines us to only one of many universal dimensions.

This thesis claims our past, our origins, exist in different physical dimensions of space and

time and can never be fully comprehended. The dimension we are in appears to have

commenced at the time of the flood and to have continued until the present day. Maybe we

can think of our collective human memory as being born into a prison, held indefinitely in

solitary confinement, and having a consciousness that can never know the greater universe in

which we exist - or the mind of the beings who created us. And while locked into this single

dimension of space and time we will never understand the pyramids, stone megaliths, sunken

cities, the ancient art, pre-flood artefacts or the myriad of mysterious places that exist around

the world.

If there were advanced human species, living in the same dimension of space and time as us,

they would have followed a similar developmental process; (i.e. copper age, iron age,

agriculture, industrialisation etc.). And yes; there would be evidence of a catastrophe. But

after the flood animal and plant species bounced back - what about our species?

It is inconceivable that so many advanced civilisations existed around the world pre-

flood and all were wiped out without trace. Yet it seems all was lost. We cannot find their

homes, their factories, their means of transport, their books, evidence of the technology they

must have had or the tools they used to build the magnificent structures they left behind.

There seems to be a disconnect between that advanced pre-flood species and our human

species. There has been a total loss of memory, the collapse of a civilisation, and an

impenetrable barrier placed between them and us.

The only biological equivalent is the division of germ-line cells in gender-based reproductive


Gender: Normal body cells have both maternal and paternal copies of the species

genome but when germ-line cells divide they only have a single copy. Each new germ-

line cell (gamete) will therefore have either a maternal or paternal copy of the species

genome – and like us be either male or female.

Barriers: Germ-line cells divide to produce reproductive cells (gametes) that cannot

code for building body parts and could be said to exist in a different dimension of reality

from normal body cells. Gametes are said to be separated from the body’s genotype by a

barrier (the Weismann Barrier). It is thought that gametes cannot know the body that

produces them for they need to find new and novel ways to evolve our species. It is also

likely that if humans could comprehend their God, and knew their fate, then their strength

of character and their resolve to do good, would never be tested.

Dark matter, dark energy and silent DNA: We noted earlier that 96% of the

universe consists of dark matter and dark energy. There is dark matter all around us – we

just cannot see it. And 98% of our DNA is silent. Silent DNA is copied out in every one

of our body cells but does not code for building body parts. There is also a parallel with

what the God Gametes theory claims is our consciousness (our human soul). We claim

our creator God exists in the 96% of the universe we cannot see or measure?

Jumping genes: Mysterious ancient buildings seem to have popped into existence

from nowhere. Likewise genes can jump from one place on the chromosome to another,

can pass from one animal to another and even cross the species barrier. Our theory claims

all of earth is a living entity. Thus we hold it is possible for ancient buildings to cross

from the other side of a cosmic Weismann Barrier to this side of the barrier.

Cycles: It is likely that earthly catastrophes were the result of being impacted by large

objects from outer space. Are these catastrophes merely part of our creator beings

reproductive cycle – as with the female cycle? And was the flood the equivalent of the

cyclical washing of the female reproductive tract with menstrual blood? Some will say

relating the female reproductive system to cosmic activity is ridiculous. We note however

that both the female menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle are 28 days.

Blood-brain barrier: Is our human consciousness one of their gametes as is claimed

by the God Gametes theory? And is there a barrier preventing our consciousness, our

soul, from connecting with the physical system of which it is part? Well, blood is

prevented from flowing into our brains by a blood-brain barrier!

Blood-testis barrier: So if blood is prevented from flowing into our consciousness (a

God Gamete) by a blood-brain barrier – what about our own male gametes? Well yes;

blood is also prevented from flowing into the male testis by a blood-testis barrier.

We should not be surprised to learn it is all about reproduction.

South Australia

The Female Reproductive Tract

So what do you think?

Robert Jameson
