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GeoPower Europe Brochure - 2011

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GeoPower Europe 2011The official annual conference of the European Geothermal Energy Council
Popular Tags:
GeoPower Europe Driving evolution and growth in European geothermal energy 6-7 December 2011, NH Milanofiori Congress Centre, Milan, Italy You cannot afford to miss GeoPower Europe: Organised by: Book Now – Call +44 207 099 0600 or Online at: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011 The Third Annual Official Meeting of the European Geothermal Energy Council Reduced Rates for EGEC Members See Booking Form for Details Silver Sponsors: Supporting Sponsor: PLUS Post-Conference Training Course: 8 December 2011 An Introduction to Geothermal Economics A Comprehensive 1-day Briefing on Geothermal Economics: Costs, Risks, Power Markets and Business Case factors PLUS Pre-Conference Training Course: 5 December 2011 An Introduction to Geothermal Plants & Operations A Comprehensive 1-day Briefing on Geothermal Technology: Resources, Power Conversions and Operations. PLUS Pre-Conference Workshop and District Heating Site Visit: 5 December 2011 Economically viable direct heating development; revealing the most successful technology and strategy for low enthalpy resources 1. 20% attendees are from geothermal majors 2. The agenda has been designed to allow 8 hours of networking over the course of 2 days 3. The conference is streamed to facilitate detailed analysis of critical topics 4. As part of Day Two's focus on global opportunities African and Indonesian projects will be the subject of debate 5. Following feedback from the industry the speakers will discuss how best to optimise the public perception of geothermal energy Jointly Produced By: SERIES Part Of: Endorsement Partner: Matthias Holenstein, Risk Dialogue Foundation Susan Petty, President and Chief Technology Officer, AltaRock Energy David Brethaut, Geothermal Geologist, Fugro Robertson Adele Manzella, Vigor Project, CNR-IGG Oliver Krischer, MP, Bundestag, Germany Francesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer, Enel Green Power Lucien Bronicki, Chief Executive Officer, Ormat Bret Mattes, Chief Executive Officer, Star Energy Thor Erik Musæus, Managing Director, Rock Energy Jose Manuel Soffia, Chief Executive Officer, Energia Andina John Carson, Chief Executive Officer, Alterra Power Corp Ramin Lakani, Operations Manager, Baker Hughes Ross Beaty, Executive Chairman, Alterra Power Corp The speaker faculty includes:
Page 1: GeoPower Europe Brochure - 2011

GeoPower EuropeDriving evolution and growth in European geothermal energy

6-7 December 2011, NH Milanofiori Congress Centre, Milan, Italy

You cannot afford to miss GeoPower Europe:

Organised by:

Book Now – Call +44 207 099 0600 or Online at: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011

The Third Annual Official Meeting of the European Geothermal Energy Council


Rates for



See Booking Form for Details

Silver Sponsors:

Supporting Sponsor:

PLUS Post-Conference Training Course: 8 December 2011

An Introduction to Geothermal EconomicsA Comprehensive 1-day Briefing on Geothermal Economics: Costs, Risks, Power Markets and Business Case factors

PLUS Pre-Conference Training Course: 5 December 2011

An Introduction to Geothermal Plants & OperationsA Comprehensive 1-day Briefing on Geothermal Technology:Resources, Power Conversions and Operations.

PLUS Pre-Conference Workshop and District Heating Site Visit: 5 December 2011

Economically viable direct heating development; revealing themost successful technology and strategy for low enthalpy resources

1. 20% attendees are from geothermal majors

2. The agenda has been designed to allow 8 hours ofnetworking over the course of 2 days

3. The conference is streamed to facilitate detailed analysis of critical topics

4. As part of Day Two's focus on global opportunities Africanand Indonesian projects will be the subject of debate

5. Following feedback from the industry the speakers willdiscuss how best to optimise the public perception ofgeothermal energy

Jointly Produced By:


Part Of: Endorsement Partner:

Matthias Holenstein,Risk Dialogue Foundation

Susan Petty, President andChief Technology Officer,AltaRock Energy

David Brethaut,Geothermal Geologist, Fugro Robertson

Adele Manzella,Vigor Project, CNR-IGG

Oliver Krischer, MP, Bundestag, Germany

Francesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer,Enel Green Power

Lucien Bronicki,Chief Executive Officer,Ormat

Bret Mattes,Chief Executive Officer, Star Energy

Thor Erik Musæus, ManagingDirector,Rock Energy

Jose Manuel Soffia,Chief Executive Officer, Energia Andina

John Carson,Chief Executive Officer,Alterra Power Corp

Ramin Lakani, Operations Manager, Baker Hughes

Ross Beaty,Executive Chairman,Alterra Power Corp

The speaker faculty includes:

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Book Now – Call +44 207 099 0600 or Online at: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011

Dear Members, Associates and Friends,

I would like to invite you to join us and participate in the third annual GeoPower Europe Conference and Exhibitionin Milan, Italy.

Challenged by climate changes and the need to secure sustainable economic growth and social cohesion, Europe mustachieve a genuine energy revolution to reverse unsustainable trends and realise ambitious policy expectations. Arational, consistent and far sighted approach to electricity supply is critical to ensure such transformation.

Geothermal is the only source of renewable energy capable of driving such consistent and reliable electricity generation 24h per day, 365 days peryear and the resource represents 25 billion times the world annual energy consumption; an almost unlimited and renewable source of energy. Thisheat flux from the earth to the atmosphere if not harvested is otherwise lost.

As geothermal energy is available everywhere, local geothermal electricity production also reduces reliance on imports from unreliable suppliers.

EGEC would like to emphasise the fact that geothermal will be key for an optimal energy mix. The geothermal sector calls on nationalgovernments and European Institutions to:

• Invest in R&D to deploy EGS and bring down the cost of EGS plants

• Adopt a Feed-in-Tariff suitable for EGS development

• Create a European Risk Insurance Scheme; to mitigate the geological risk

These topics and many more will be discussed and debated in detail at the conference in Milan with particular focus on the commerciality crucialto securing the investment that will fund the next phase of geothermal R&D. In addition, as Africa, Asia and South America develop their ownresources we’ll hear from the individuals leading those markets to share their expertise and debate global implications.

We look forward to meeting you at GeoPower Europe 2011 as we work together to drive geothermal energy from fledgling market to establishedindustry with the capacity to help meet Europe’s energy needs.

With an outstanding line-up of world leading speakers and exhibitors, the 2011 congress will be more important than ever in setting the agenda forthe future of our industry.

Your Sincerely

Philippe DUMAS, Manager, European Geothermal Energy Council

About your trainerDr John Massey is Green Power Academy's founder, Training Director, in-house renewables expert and lead train er.

Combining a strong academic science background with over fifteen years commercial experience of industryresearch, analysis and training across a variety of “new technology “ industries (including conventional andrenewable energy, telecoms and IT), Dr Massey is expert in demystifying the terminology and workings of newtechnologies, and presenting their commercial and business context. He delivers training globally, to seniorexecutives from a range of organisations from project development to finance and has also developededucational material for both live and distance learning courses.

He holds a 1st Class Honours degree in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, a PhD in EarthSciences and a Diploma in Economics, Innovation and Sustainability.

Workshop and Milan District Heating Site Visit: Monday 5th December 2011

Economically viable direct heating development:Revealing the most successful technology andstrategy for low enthalpy resources

Attend the intensive morning briefing to gain a completeunderstanding of direct heat applications and how thereturn on investment at your site can be maximisedthrough careful resource assessment, effective heatstorage and comprehensive understanding of thepotential challenges. With combined heat and power acritical component in geothermal energy’s commercialfuture, this is a unique opportunity to gather businesscritical information that will inform your future strategyand help you build economically viable facilities.

8.30 Networking breakfast

8.50 Low risk exploration and resource assessment usingexisting oil and gas data

9.30 Optimising economic performance of geothermal wellsusing high temperature heat storage in shallow aquifers

10.00 Dissolved methane in geothermal brine: nuisance orasset?

10.30 Example project: geothermal heating for 4000 housesin the city of The Hague

11.00 Networking refreshment break

11.30 Direct heat in different markets: houses, industrialprocesses, existing district heating grids and greenhouses

12.15 Working direct heat into an electricity generationplant; efficient combined heat and power

13.00 Lessons learned from previous projects, recurringchallenges and their potential solutions

13.45 Networking lunch break

Site Visit:

Afternoon Site visit to the Milan Canavese DistrictHeating FacilityAn exclusive opportunity to take a close look at the highlysuccessful Milan direct heat geothermal plant. There are amaximum of 25 places on the site visit which will be allocatedon a first come first served basis.

14.45 Bus leaves for site

15.00 Commencement of guided tour including shortpresentation by head of site

17.00 Bus back to hotel

Workshop leaders: Bas de Zwart, Senior ConsultantNoortje Heijnen, GeologistGuus Willemsen, Founder, Director Business Development,

Team Leader Deep Subsurface

This workshop is written and delivered by IF Technology.

Pre Conference Training: Thursday 5th December 2011

A comprehensive 1-day briefing on GeothermalTechnology: Resources, Power Conversions and Operations.

Course objectivesDesigned to be accessible to non-experts and the commercially-minded, this course describes: • The varied natures of geothermal resources and the challenges in exploring and characterising them• Geothermal power plant technologies and energy conversion cycles• Ongoing operational issues and challenges, including production stainability

AudienceYou should expect to meet business people from: investors, insurers, policymakers, projectdevelopers, power utilities, technology providers and other interested parties.

Level & StyleAlthough the course includes scientific and technical information and terminology, we assume no priortechnical knowledge – indeed a key aim is to demystify the terminology and language you willencounter within the geothermal industry.

The course runs in a friendly, informal manner, encouraging discussions and questions to ensure thatparticipants get the most out of their time. In order to better understand and illustrate the varioustopics, some simple calculations and other explanatory exercises may be incorporated.

Approximate Timings (including lunch plus morning and afternoon refreshment breaks)Course begins: 09.00 - Course ends: 17.00

Post Conference Training: Thursday 8th December 2011

A comprehensive 1-day briefing on Geothermal Economics: Costs, Risks, Power Markets and Business Case Factors.

Course objectivesDesigned to be accessible to non-experts and the commercially-minded, this course describes: • The key cost and risk factors facing geothermal developers• How geothermal power competes and integrates into existing power systems and markets,• The fundamentals of geothermal cash flow and audience levelised cost calculations

Level & StyleWe assume no prior financial expertise for this course, which seeks to provide clarity to whatcan be a complex and interconnected series of economic influences.

The course runs in a friendly, informal manner, encouraging discussions and questions to ensurethat participants get the most out of their time. In order to better understand and illustrate thevarious topics, some simple calculations and other explanatory exercises may be incorporated.

Approximate Timings (including lunch plus morning and afternoon refreshment breaks)Course begins: 09.00 - Course ends: 17.00

GeoPower Europe

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Book Now – Call +44 207 099 0600 or Online at: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011

Meet Our Experts

Adele Manzella, Vigor Project, CNR-IGGAdele Manzella worked in seismology, numerical modeling for seismicand electromagnetism. Since 1990 she has been working mainly ingeothermal activities as a geophysicist, conducting magnetotelluric fieldand theoretical investigation of geothermal systems in Italy and abroad.Coordinator of the national and international main geothermalexploration projects of CNR.

Dr. Silas M. Simiyu, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer,Geothermal Development Company Limited Dr. Silas Masinde Simiyu has more than 20 years’ experience in the developmentof geothermal resources having worked with the Kenya Power and LightingCompany (KPLC) and Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen).

He was involved in the development of a business model for establishing a specialpurpose vehicle to spearhead geothermal development in Kenya. He consequentlyestablished the Geothermal Development Company (GDC) and formulated itsbusiness plan and strategy for developing 5000 MWe by 2030.

Dr. Simiyu has carried out consultancy services in East and Central Africa and theComoros. Jointly with Orkurstofnun, he established the United Nations UniversityGeothermal Training Program for African Rift which trains 30 students annually.

Francesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer, Enel Green PowerFrancesco Starace, born in Rome in 1955, has been President of Enel Green Powersince the company’s inception in 2008, and subsequently appointed as ChiefExecutive Officer in September 2010.

Mr Starace joined Enel in the Fall of 2000, coming from Baden, Switzerland wherehe was Head of ABB and subsequently Alstom’s Worldwide Gas Turbines SalesOrganization.

In Enel he headed the Business Power within the Generation & EnergyManagement Division, then he was named Director of the Market Division and,since 2008, President of Enel Green Power.

John Carson, Chief Executive Officer, Alterra Power CorpMr. Carson is a highly experienced renewable energy business leaderwith a core expertise in structuring and leading financial transactions.His financing experience over the last ten years includes senior positionsheld with GE Energy Financial Services, Terra-Gen Power and NobleEnvironmental Power, and he has closed well over US$2 billion oftransactions, primarily in the renewable energy space.

Ross Beaty, Executive Chairman, Alterra Power CorpRoss J. Beaty is a geologist and resource company entrepreneur withover 38 years of experience in the international minerals industry. Inearly 2008, Mr. Beaty founded Magma Energy Corp. to focus oninternational geothermal energy development. Magma currently ownsthree geothermal power plants, one in Nevada and two in Iceland, aswell as an extensive portfolio of geothermal properties worldwide atvarious stages of development.

Sarah Mulder, Co-Founder, Epoch PRSince establishing Epoch PR in 2004, Sarah has worked with a range ofcorporate clients, advising on media strategy, corporate positioning,reputation management and audience connection. Sarah runs a range ofhigh profile campaigns across the clean tech, corporate and publicsectors for clients including Geothermal Engineering, HaloIPT and Arup aswell as advising start-up companies on launch and go to market strategy.

Susan Petty, President and Chief Technology Officer, AltaRock EnergySusan Petty has over 30 years experience in the geothermal industry in electricaland direct use project economics, optimizing of power plants to meet resourceconditions, reservoir evaluation, reservoir modeling, well, plant and wellfieldperformance data analysis, well testing and test data analysis. She has alsoassisted in negotiation of geothermal lease agreements, power sales agreements,geothermal project financing agreements and geothermal property sales andpurchases, and policy studies for state and federal agencies. Ms Petty has workedon geothermal projects overseas in Indonesia, the Philippines and CentralAmerica. For a number of years, Ms. Petty assisted the Department of Energy inperforming policy studies for geothermal energy research including economicmodeling of geothermal pricing and the impact of technology improvement onthe cost of geothermal power.

Jose Manuel Soffia, Chief Executive Officer, Energia AndinaJosé Manuel Soffia, Geologist, graduated from the University of Chile and MBAfrom the University del Desarrollo of Chile with 25 years of experience inexploration projects in the mining, oil & gas and geothermal Industries. He hasheld several management positions in Geoscience Exploration, E&P BusinessDevelopment and also as Geothermal Board of Director. Currently, Mr. Soffia isthe CEO of Energia Andina, a Chilean geothermal company integrated byAntofagasta Minerals (60%) and Origin Energy (40%), which is running 15geothermal exploration licenses in Chile.

Oliver Krischer, MP, Bundestag, GermanyOliver Krischer is a member of the German Bundestag. As a delegate ofthe Green Party (Alliance '90/The Greens), Krischer was elected to theBundestag in the last general elections in Germany in 2009 andrepresents the district of Düren, Northrhine-Westfalia.

In the current parliamentary term, Mr. Krischer is the speaker for theparliamentary group in the fields of energy and resource efficiency. Heis a member of the Committee for Environment, Conservation andReactor Safety and a deputy member of the Committee for Economyand Technology.

Matthias Holenstein, Master of Science ETH, MAS PsychosocialManagement & Member of the Executive Board of the RiskDia-logue FoundationMatthias Holenstein has been involved in the field of risk managementsince 1998. In 2005 he joined the Risk Dialogue Foundation. His focus ison infrastructures, energy and networks as well as methodologicalissues regarding risk evaluation and perception. These topics are alsopart of his lecture at the University of Lucerne (MAS Risk Man-agement).He is an officer in the Swiss Army (National Emergency OperationCenter) responsible for the information of the public in cases of nationalcatastrophes.

He was and is involved in several geothermal projects (Basel, St. Gallen,Gross-Gerau etc.). His foci are participation processes with allstakeholders including the general public but also other riskmanagement aspects (risk frameworks, crisis management, socialperception and concerns, risk communication).

Dr. Thomas Reif, Gaßner, Groth, Siederer & CollSince 2009 Dr. Thomas Reif has been partner of the Lawyer´s Office Gaßner,Groth, Siederer & Coll. Experts in the law of energy, planning, building andenvironment and an integrated business consulting practice.

Since 2004 Dr. Thomas Reif has been involved in the evaluation and developmentof numerous geothermal energy projects on a national level (e.g. Pullach,Unterföhring, Aschheim / Feldkirchen / Kirchheim, Holzkirchen, Geretsried,Taufkirchen, Munster et al.).

He also has provided geothermal experts’ advice to large utility companies (e.g.RWE AG, MVV Energie AG, AXPO AG) as well to international clients and projects(Worldbank, KfW, Geothermal Energy Ltd. / Dublin, Estonian Green Party).

Oliver Krischer, MP, Bundestag, Germany

Pál Kovács, Assistant Secretary of State,Ministry of National Development, Hungary

Annarita Bramerini, Regional Minister of theEnvironment, Tuscany Region

Francesco Starace, Chief Execu tive Officer, Enel Green Power

Lucien Bronicki, Chief Executive Officer, Ormat

Bret Mattes, Chief Executive Officer,

Star Energy

Ross Beaty, Executive Chairman,Alterra Power Corp

Sarah Mulder, Co-Founder, Epoch PR

Thomas Reif,

Gaßner, Groth, Siederer & Coll

Susan Petty, President and Chief Technology Officer,AltaRock Energy

Ramin Lakani, Operations Manager,

Baker Hughes

Thomas Mathews, Fugro Robertson

Thor Erik Musæus, Managing Director,Rock Energy

Adele Manzella, Vigor Project,CNR-IGG

Jose Manuel Soffia, Chief Executive Officer,Energia Andina

John Carson, Chief Executive Officer,Alterra Power Corp

Carlo Minini, Sales Manager,Turboden

Luca Xodo, Business Development Manager, Exergy

François Le Scraigne, Business Development –Clean Energy Business Unit, Cryostar

Alexander Richter, Director, CanGEA & Managing

Partner, ThinkGeoEnergy

Dr Silas M. Simiyu, Managing Director & ChiefExecutive Officer, Geothermal Development Company

Matthias Holenstein, Risk Dialogue Foundation

Larus Holm, Managing Director, Mannvit, Hungary

Jan Diederik Va Wees, Senior Researcher,TNO

We bring together the top players in the geothermal industry to debate, discussand share their experiences with our attendees. Our speaker faculty features:

Page 4: GeoPower Europe Brochure - 2011

Book Now – Call +44 207 099 0600 or Online at: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011

Marketing Opportunities at GeoPower Europe 2011GeoPower Europe has doubled in size in the last two years, and the third annual event promises to be the biggest yet.

Over 50% CxO Level Attendance









Exhibition sold out in 2009 and 2010

1 2


9 10

11 1219 20



6 7 21

To the conference


To Lunch









2010ExhibitionSold Out!

2011ExhibitionOver 50%


2009ExhibitionSold Out!

Our business development team will work withyou to create a tailored package perfectlysuited to your marketing aims and budget.

To discuss all available options please contact:

Paul Shearer, Geothermal Business Development Manager: Tel: +44 (0)203 355 4211, Email: [email protected]

Last year’s event was a sell-out, so this year wehave expanded the size of the exhibition hall toallow for more exhibitors and greaternetworking. We have also added bolt-ons toour sponsorship packages to enable our clientsto get the most out of this crucial Europeanindustry event.

Some of the marketing options available include:

• Platinum, gold and silver sponsorship packages

• Exhibition standThe following can be bolted-on toan existing sponsorship, orsponsored as a standalone option:

• Breakfast (on day one of theevent)

• Networking cocktail reception(at the end of day one)

• Networking dinner (at the endof day one)

• Lanyards• Delegate bags• Delegate stationery• Off-site visit to a local

District Heating Site

Page 5: GeoPower Europe Brochure - 2011

Book Now – Call +44 207 099 0600 or Online at: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011

Silver Sponsors:

Baker Hughes has been a technology leader inthe oil and gas industry for over 100 years andcontinues to partner with operators to findsolutions for complex technical challenges. A

leading global oilfield service company with operations in over 90countries, Baker Hughes provides reservoir consulting, drilling,pressure pumping, formation evaluation, completion and productionproducts and services to the worldwide oil and gas industry.

Exergy, belonging to SECI Energia -Maccaferri Industrial Group,designs and supplies complete

systems utilizing the Organic Rankine Cycle.Exergy has the expertise to complete the entire project, fromthe design of the innovative ORC turbine to complete systemtesting and commissioning, providing a turnkey solution withboth standardized products and tailor made machines of any sizefrom 100 kW on.Exergy ORC machines are suitable for a wide range ofapplications: biomass, geothermal, CSP and heat recovery.

Fugro provides globally, through offices in 50countries, geothermal exploration and exploitationsolutions (consulting and project management, siteinvestigation and data acquisition) for the wholerange of geothermal resources and uses, designed

to minimise and mitigate risks, manage development processesand optimise returns on investment.

Our clients benefit from our vast global expertise, experienceand knowledge of 50 years of services to the Petroleum andEngineering and over a decade to the Geothermal industry.

Mannvit is an international consulting firmoffering comprehensive engineering,consulting, management, operational andEPCM services that can take a project fromstart to finish. Since the early seventies,

Mannvit has been active in the area of renewable energy and hasbeen involved in the development of most power plants inIceland, both hydroelectric and geothermal. The companyemploys some 400 dedicated, experienced engineers andtechnicians, who have successfully completed projects on almostevery continent.

Ormat Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: ORA) is aworldwide renowned geothermal powercompany Ormat has over four decades of

experience in the development of state-of-the-art,environmentally sound geothermal power solutions, primarily ingeothermal energy and recovered energy generation. In additionto designing, developing, building, owning and operatinggeothermal and recovered energy-based power plants; Ormatalso manufactures and sells power units and other powergenerating equipment for geothermal and recoveredenergy-based electricity generation.

Ormat is today's only vertically-integrated geothermal powercompany. The in-depth knowledge gained from these operationsgives Ormat a competitive edge by enabling efficient maintenanceand timely response to operational issues.

Ormat was founded and is still managed by pioneers in thegeothermal power generation field. Today, Ormat employs over1000 people worldwide. At cutting-edge research andmanufacturing facilities, our engineers research powergeneration technologies and build and test power plants beforedeployment.

Turboden is a Pratt & Whitney PowerSystems company with over 30 yearsexperience designing, manufacturing,supplying and servicing Organic Rankine

Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators for the generation of heat andelectrical power from renewable sources, including geothermal,biomass, solar and waste heat. With more than 130 ORC units inoperation and about 70 under construction, Turboden isestablished himself as a specialist in ORC technology.

TÜV SÜD is recognized worldwide as a leading supplierof technical services. We offer integrated consultingservices and support regarding complex tasks,irrespective of the location and type of geothermalpower station you intend to build or operate.

We provide consultancy and testing for appropriatelyincorporating technical requirements on exploration of sourceand corr. plant design.

1. Project´s risk evaluation by integrated technical due diligence, 2. Testing and quality inspections in plant´s construction phase,3. Current technical inspections targeting plant´s safety and

high operability




Coffee Area











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Book Now – Call +44 207 099 0600 or Online at: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011

08.30 Registration & coffee

09.00 Opening Remarks from the Chair Burkhard Sanner, President,

European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC)

Policy to Support Growth

09.15 The Role of Geothermal in the Future ofthe European Energy Mix• Assessing the EC's stance on geothermal potential,

opportunity and risk and how they plan to support it• Has the attitude towards geothermal energy altered

following the damage to the reputation of nuclear energy?• How can the regulatory process be streamlined in order to

facilitate faster deployment of planned geothermal plants?• Creating a prosperous and stable geothermal market that

encourages developers and secures Europe’s base-loadrenewable future

Speakers to be announced

09.40 Laying the Foundations of a EuropeanGeothermal Industry• Political uncertainty and its effect on the ability of

geothermal projects to secure finance, investment and buyers

• Establishing the basis of a European model of geothermalpower plants in harmony with the environment

• Expand the EGS concept in the different regions andgeological conditions of Europe

• Looking back at 2011: what has altered the landscape forthe industry?

• The challenges for 2012 and how those companiesleading geothermal will tackle them

• Is Combined Heat and Power the future of commercially viablegeothermal energy production?

Lucien Bronicki, Chief Executive Officer, OrmatRoss Beaty, Executive Chairman, Alterra Power CorpFrancesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer, Enel Green Power

10.40 Networking refreshment break

11.10 Creating a Positive Policy Context for theGeothermal Sector• Infrastructure • Smart Cities and Communities Initiative • Employment (localised job creation, not outside Europe) • Discussion of the IEA geothermal roadmap 2011Oliver Krischer, MP, Bundestag, GermanyPál Kovács, Assistant Secretary of State,Ministry of National Development, HungaryAnnarita Bramerini, Regional Minister of the Environment,Tuscany Region

12.10 Case Studies of Recent ProjectsTwo case studies of recently completed geothermaldevelopments in Europe.

If you are a developer who would like to give a detailedaccount of the successes and challenges that took place atyour new plant this year, please send your proposal [email protected]

13.00 Networking lunch break

Finance, Investment and Commercialisation

14.30 Finance and Investment: Building theCrucial Partnerships Needed to FundDevelopment• The effect of Europe-wide and national tariffs and regulatory

frameworks on the bankability of geothermal energy • NER 300• National and public support schemes, and public/private

partnerships• How have funding models evolved during the past year and

how might 2012 look for geothermal investment andfinance deal structures?

• Seeking equity, project and debt finance and the impacteach has on your financials

• Does the financial community have an accurate impressionof the actual risks associated with geothermal? Ensuringaccurate risk perception

• Due diligence, bankability, risk assessment and developingcredible cost and revenue benchmarks

Speakers to be announced

15.30 Networking refreshment break

15.50 Progress in the Commercialisation ofEnhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS)• The ongoing focus on induced seismicity and sustainability,

its effect on the reputation and bankability of EGS andwhat can be done to mitigate the effects

• NER300 and its potential impact on EGS funding• The latest in EGS technology and the implications for cost,

safety and economic viability• Securing finance for EGS projects; is it getting easier?• Projections for the future of the technology both in terms

of bankability and R&D Jan Diederik Van Wees, Senior Researcher, TNO

Susan Petty, President and Chief Technology Officer,

AltaRock Energy

Public Perception

17.00 Maximising Outreach for thePromotion of Geothermal• A positive public image is crucial to the success of all

renewable technologies; how does geothermal measure up?• Analyses of recent European examples of both positive and

negative community perception• How can we take ownership of our industry’s reputation

and ensure that the public’s perception of geothermalenergy production is accurate?

• Helping the public understand topics such as inducedseismicity, carbon dioxide production, and cooling of theearth’s thermal resources

• Ensuring that a negative public perception does notmigrate to affect the financial and political community’sattitude towards geothermal

Sarah Mulder, Managing Director, Epoch PRThomas Reif, GGSCMatthias Holenstein, Chairman and Director,Risk Dialogue FoundationAlexander Richter, Director, CanGEA, Managing Partner,ThinkGeoEnergy

18.00 Closing Remarks from the Chair

18.10 End of Day One and Networking Evening

Day 1: 6 December 2011Politi

cal K


“Excellent - I feel like all of the major players of thegeothermal industry were in attendance, and thatthe caliber of speakers was very high” National Oilwell Varco

Please join us at the evening reception for drinks and canapes. An opportunity to establish

new contacts and reconnect with old ones.

Page 7: GeoPower Europe Brochure - 2011

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Conference Room One

13.45 Regional Focus: Emerging Geographies in Europe• What potential is there and which resources represent the

best opportunities?• How has the national political environment slowed or

encouraged geothermal development?• Which are the most promising pilots or completed

projects in the region?• Specific risks associated with developments in

each marketAdele Manzella, Vigor Project, CNR-IGG

Thor Erik Musæus, Managing Director, Rock Energy

14.30 Chile and South America• Opportunities and challenges operating beyond European

resources• Common experiences of dealing with export markets• Developing projects outside of Europe to leverage

industry capabilities in terms of exploration, projectmanagement, financing capability

• The next big thing: which regions are exhibiting thepotential for future exploration?

• With ambitious targets for geothermal growth; is Chile’sperformance about to catch up to its potential?

Jose Manuel Soffia, Chief Executive Officer,

Energia Andina

John Carson, Chief Executive Officer,

Alterra Power Corp

15.00 Export Opportunities: Indonesia• The latest evolutions in the Indonesian marketBret Mattes, Chief Executive Officer, Star Energy

16.00 Development Opportunities in Africa• Update on the latest developments in Africa and what is

required to ensure potential is realised• Creating crucial international partnerships to support the

burgeoning industry• Project management and financing capability in emerging

African marketsSilas Masinde Simiyu, Chief Executive Officer,

Geothermal Development Company

17.00 Closing Remarks from the Chair

17.40 End of Day Two

Conference Room Two

13.45 R&D Forum: Completion and OperationTechnology – Running a Successful Plant Once the Hole is Dug• Effective and efficient completion technology for the

production bore hole• Low low/high enthalpy operation • Double flash power units; cost versus performance• Binary cycle research update and assessment of the

implications for the next generation of power plants• Down Hole heat exchangers• A closer look at the latest turbine advances in technology

specifically designed for low temperature resources Carlo Minini, Sales Manager, TurbodenLuca Xodo, Business Development Manager, ExergyFrançois Le Scraigne, Business Development – Clean EnergyBusiness Unit, Cryostar

14.30 Innovative Technologies• Offshore geothermal projects• Co-production with minerals (gold, zinc etc)• Turbines: high efficiencySpeakers to be announced

15.00 Geothermal Heating & Cooling from aResource to Revenue – GeothermalHeating Plants in Europe• Development experience and implications from Hungary’s

geothermal market• Using existing data from hydrocarbon wells when targeting

geothermal reservoirs to improve success rate• Integrated interpretation of well, seismic, AMT/MT and

gravity data Seismic studies to reduce risk• Geothermal drilling experience in the Pannonian basin• The area’s geothermal market developmentLarus Holm, Managing Director, Mannvit, Hungary

16.00 Improving the Success Rate ofExploration Drilling and Reducing its Cost• Reduction in geological risk through use of more

sophisticated simulation technology• Cost-effective drilling techniques and technologies• Looking to the next essential steps in bringing down the

risk of geothermal exploratory drillingSpeakers to be announced

17.00 Closing Remarks from the Chair

17.40 End of Day Two

Plenary Session

08.50 Opening Remarks from the Chair

09.00 Spotlight: Oil and Gas Technology Crossover• Using geothermal’s ruthlessly cost-focused technology

to tempt O&G into partnerships• The particular relevance to tar sands technologies of

highly energy-efficient geothermal techniques• Shale Gas applications• Parasitic energy as the ideal route towards geothermal

partnership; using waste water to make money• HP/HT tools and the potential cross over between O&G

and geothermal• Cost-efficient fracking, why it’s important for O&G and

how geothermal expertise is relevant• What are O&G waiting for? Careful analysis of exactly

which factors will stimulate investment

• Offshore oil technology • Assessing the proven success of using extinct oil wells

to produce geothermal, and how much furtherdevelopment we can expect in the future

David Brethaut, Geothermal Geologist,Fugro RobertsonRamin Lakani, Operations Manager, Baker Hughes

10.30 Case Studies of Recent Projects

11.00 Networking refreshment break

11.30 Achieving Competitiveness: Costs of Geothermal• The factors affecting the costs of geothermal• How have recent cost-reductions been achieved?• Cost-effective drilling techniques and technologies• External costs: grid infrastructures, storage, waste etc

12.30 Networking lunch break

Day 2: 7 December 2011

Page 8: GeoPower Europe Brochure - 2011

8-9 December, Paris, France

Delegate Details

Company Details

Payment Details


CONFIRMATION: You will receive confirmation of your booking by email.If you do not receive anything within 48 hours, please contact [email protected] ensure we have received your booking.

CANCELLATIONS: Non-payment or non-attendance will be taken as a cancellation and will incur a100% cancellation fee. If you cancel at least 10 full working days before the event date you willonly be charged a 15% cancellation fee. Cancellations which are the result of a Force MajeureEvent will also be chargeable on the above guidelines. Substitutions are welcome at any time. Allother amendments to your booking may incur a 5% charge.

CONTENT: It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter thecontent and timing of the agenda or the identity of the speakers.

FORCE MAJEURE: If for any reason arising from or attributable to acts, events, omissions oraccidents beyond Green Power Conferences’ reasonable control it is necessary to makeamendments to the original planning of an event or it becomes impossible to run an event, GreenPower Conferences is relieved of all obligations and does not take any responsibility forcompensation, reimbursement of any additional expenses, inconvenience or loss of business thatmay be experienced by attendees. Further to this, Green Power Conferences reserves the right toretain delegate fees as a contribution to all venue and administrative costs incurred.

DATA PROTECTION: The personal information provided by you on this brochure will be held on adatabase. Sometimes your details may be made available to partner companies for marketingpurposes. If you do not wish your details to be used for this purpose, please tick here □.

For full terms and conditions please seehttp://www.greenpowerconferences.com/general/booking_terms.html

Venue:NH Milanofiori, Congress CentreStrada 2a, Milanofiori - Loc. Assago.20090, Milan, ItalyTel: +39 02 82221, Fax: +39 02 89200946www.nh-hotels.com/nh/en/hotels/italy/milan/nh-milanofiori.html

Accommodation:Registered delegates will be sent hotel optionsand booking forms.

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Please Register Me For Standard Rates□ 4 day package (5-8 December 2011)

2 day conference, either Pre-conference Training Course or Workshop/District Heating Site Visit and Post-conference Training Course

□ An Introduction to Geothermal Plants & Operations (5/11) □ Workshop & District Heating Site Visit (5/11) □ An Introduction to Geothermal Economics (8/11) 3197 EUR

□ 3 day package2 day conference and one Training Course or Workshop/District Heating Site Visit (please select your option below)

□ An Introduction to Geothermal Plants & Operations □ An Introduction to Geothermal Economics□ Workshop & District Heating Site Visit

2398 EUR

□ 2 Day Conference Only (6-7 December 2011) 1599 EUR

□ Non-Profit Organisation Rate (20% discount)These reduced rates are available for registered NGOs, government representatives and non-profit organisations only. Reduced rates are at the discretion of Green Power Conferences and proof of status may be requested.

□ EGEC member rate 999 EUR

□ Special Group Offer: Register 3 delegates, only pay for 2

Early Booking Rates: Save an additional 10% if you book before 25 October 2011

Tel: +44 (0)20 7099 0600

Fax: +44 (0)20 7900 1853

E-mail: [email protected]

Online: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011

Early Booking

10% off

before 25 October 20116-7 December 2011: NH Milanofiori

Congress Centre, Milan, Italy

There are a limited number of free passes available for Government and European Union representatives, subject to approval by Green Power Conferences. To apply please contact [email protected]

GeoPower Europe

Fax your completed registration to: +44 (0)20 7900 1853 or Register Online at: www.greenpowerconferences.com/geopowereurope2011
