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Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 37, No. 03 1958

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A publication of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association.
Page 1: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 37, No. 03 1958

yk NOVEMBER 1958

GEORGIA yikmud




The Art That

oecame A Science


Page 2: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 37, No. 03 1958

A FOR YEARS NOW, we have been fas­cinated with the number of special days that seem to keep piling up in each week not to mention th^ number of special weeks and months. It seems that every day is trying to get into the act.

The printing firm that puts this maga­zine on paper (and does an excellent job of it, we might add) sends us a monthly newsletter which lists all of these special days and weeks in the current month. Along with this information is printed an advertising idea for every day of the month.

For instance, November, as everyone knows, is Thanksgiving Month. But we'll bet you didn't know that it is also Con­tact Lens Month, Religion in American Life Month, Raisin Bread Sales Month, Jewish Book Month and Bible Reading Month. This sort of information is in­valuable in a promotional age.

* * * A AND THE WEEKS are even more varied and colorful. The first week in Novem­ber is Children's Book V/eek as well as Cat Week. The second is American Edu­cation Week, World Fellowship Week and Youth Appreciation Week. The third comes out as Save a Wife Week (a rather worthy one, we'd say), Long Underwear Week, Diabetes Week and Christmas Seal Sale Week. And the final one masquerades as Cage Bird Week, Latin American Week and Know Your America Week.

On top of this, November has special days such as Armistice (Veterans) Day, Thanksgiving Day, World Community Day, Equal Opportunity Day, Holiday Eggnog Day (a bit early for this, it seems to us) and many other occasions for celebration.

We often wonder who selects these special titles for the days, weeks and months. Is it done through an austere committee working for the government —a group that sits around a table and just dreams up these quaint titles? Or is all this the effort of one lonely soul with a wonderful sense of humor? You'll have to admit that it's something to think about. Not much, but something.

=je * afc


thinking about is that Auburn game. Never in the history of Georgia Tech has a group of athletes distinguished them­

selves any more than did the 1958 team on October 18.

It was the type of an effort that keeps you recalling the game for days after­ward. Walking down from the press box after the game, we were still in a bit of a fog, and our mind wandered back to the Tech performance against this same team two years ago, the year that the great Gator Bowl team whipped the War Eagles, 28-7.

We got to thinking about how Johnny Menger had personally run the Plains­men out of the stadium and the memory was a sweet one. While in this stupor we ran into Jimmy Thompson and Ken Owen—two old friends who had a great deal to do with the greatness of that 1956 team.

For some reason, we have always felt that Owen and Thompson were the most underrated members of that fine squad.

Thompson was a little man and for that reason was often passed over by sports writers as "a good little man, but . . . " The truth of the matter is that Jimmy Thompson was a doggone good football player. No less an authority than Tonto Coleman calls him "the most un­derrated football player I ever coached."

And Owen was the comic of the team, a man never mentioned for any All-anything honors. Yet, we suspect that if Bobby Dodd were cornered, he'd say that the funny man from Salisbury was the most valuable member of that team. And we know he'd love to have a full­back like him the rest of his coaching days at Tech.

* * $ A THOMPSON AND OWEN, along with everyone else in the crowd at Grant Field on October 18, were properly impressed with the way the Jackets bounced back from what looked like a disaster to tic the Number 2 team in the country. This team found out on this particular Sat­urday afternoon that desire and good coaching can go a long way toward mak­ing up for a great difference in material. They also found out that there is no sub­stitute for a thinking football team, and that the Tennessee system, though not the most spectacular in the world, is the most practical when faced with over­whelming odds.

T&&. HJcJU<ut,Jf.

Tech Alumnus 2

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November, 1958 3

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t7fe NOVEMBER, 1958

/llmfuti VOLUME 37 • NUMBER 3


2. RAMBLIN'—the editor discusses special dates as well as a pleasant Auburn memory.

5. PRESIDENT ON THE SPOT—Dr. Harrison faces the Georgia Tech student body.

8. TWO QUEENS, ONE HOMECOMING—some­thing new has been added to Homecoming.

10. THE ART THAT BECAME A SCIENCE—a close look at research and ceramics.

12. MOMENT OF TRUTH—kickoff time.

14. A WIN, A LOSS, A TIE—football reports of Duke, SMU, and Auburn.

16. NEWS BY CLASSES—an alumni gazette. 23. YOUNG ALUMNUS—a profile of the winner of

the newest Tech award.

Officers of the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association

Charles Simons, '37, Pres. I. M. Sheffield, '20, V-P Charles Thwaite, '33, V-P Walt Crawford, '49, Treas. W. Roane Beard, '40, Executive Secretary

Staff Bob Wallace, Jr., '49, Editor Bill Diehl, Jr., Chief Photographer

Bob Eskew, '49, Advertising Mary Peeks, Assistant

THE COVER The young man on the cover, posed with models of the hu­man ear, is Dr. Edward E. David, Jr., winner of the first George W. McCarty—ANAK Award as the "Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year." He is presently the director of Audio and Visual Research for the Bell Telephone Research Laboratories. For more about him please turn to page 23.

Cover by Jane D. Wallace

Published eight times a year — February, March, May, July, September, October, November and December — by the Georgia Tech National Alumni Association, Georgia Institute of Technology; 225 North Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Subscription price (35c per copy) included in the membership dues. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office. Atlanta, Georgia under the Act of March 5, 1879.


university measures. It has been but a short 73 years since the General Assembly of Georgia chartered the institution that has become one of the worlds leading technological universities.

And it has only been during the past score of years that Georgia Tech alumni have demonstrated (through their increasing Roll Call contributions) a tremendous upsurge in interest in their school and alumni associa­tion. But your Roll Contributions are not the only way in which you have helped Tech in this climb to promi­nence. Your influence in aiding with the job placement of both the seniors and alumni has been a great help to Tech. And your aid in securing special grants, con­tracts and equipment have all been factors in its growth.

After all, it has only been in the past dozen years that a substantial number of Tech's alumni have achieved prominence on a national scale in business and industry. Think of how the school will grow during the next dozen years with this wonderful backlog of alumni interest and enthusiasm making itself felt on a much larger scale.

One of the great, unsung beauties of these Roll Calls is that when an alumnus gives money to his Alma Mater, he immediately becomes much more interested in its welfare.

A personal note

My term as Association president closes out at Homecoming, November 15. This year has been one of the most memorable ones of my life. Every person that I have called upon for help with the Association affairs has responded with enthusiasm. Your officers and trustees, and Tech men throughout the country have all been more than willing to do their part. Thanks to each of you for helping me fulfill the responsibilities of this office.

I am confident that our new Association president, John Staton, will receive the support of all of you in guiding us to what will be our most productive and fruitful year.

(_^JS\&AJ^JL <3J**~*^^-~~

Tech Alumnus 4

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While the temperamental microphone is get­ting adjusted, President Harrison gets ready to face the student body for the first time.


In an unprecedented meeting

in the modern history of

Georgia Tech, the students

get a high-level airing

of their many problems

BACKGROUND—for years now Georgia Tech's student lead­ers have been advocating a meeting at least once a year between the student body and key administration leaders. This year, student president Bill VanLandingham and the Student Council finally took matters in their own hands and approached President Harrison about the possibility of such a meeting. The President okayed the suggestion, and the first airing of students' problems and gripes was set for 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 14. Despite the fact that classes were cancelled for this hour, only 1,300 of Tech's 5,500 students were on hand when VanLandingham kicked off the meeting. Here is a play by play of the President's first meeting with the students. Continued

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The President Briefs the Students VanLandingham's brief introduction of President Harri­

son came ten minutes late after the usual difficulty with the public address system. The President received an excep­tionally strong ovation. For five or six minutes, the Presi­dent outlined Georgia Tech's present building program, its alumni support and its faculty.

"We are presently involved in a $17,000,000 building program," President Harrison said. "$2,000,000 of this amount is for projects at Southern Tech, the remainder is for our own campus. The buildings now being erected are the result of a long-range program, and I have had little to do with insuring that Tech secured these new facilities.

"The Southern Regional Education Board building, which adjoins O'Keefe High School, will someday belong to Tech—the project will house office space.

"The $500,000 Radioisotopes Laboratory now going up at 6th and Plum Streets will aid in both our academic pro­gram and in research.

"A 800-man dormitory system is to be started in this academic year. It is to be financed through a Government loan. The 2.25 million dollar classroom building now under construction next to the Library will provide Tech with long-needed classrooms and offices.

"Construction will soon be started on a new infirmary. This facility will be a great improvement over our present infirmary. But I guess most of you think anything would be.

"A 3.7 million dollar Electrical Engineering Building will be started before the end of this academic year. It will be located on the hill back of the Textile Engineering Building.

"Dr. Walter Zinn is completing the final design for the 4.5 million dollar nuclear reactor. We hope construction work on the reactor will start in the near future.

"Complete funds for all of these projects, with the ex­ception of the reactor, have been secured. And the Board of Regents has promised us that a new chemical-ceramic engineering building will be the next project for the Univer­sity System.

"Our alumni are the most generous in the United States of those who graduated from a state-supported school," the President indicated. "Both percentagewise and amount wise, our alumni have set contribution records for state-supported colleges in this country.

"These funds are primarily used to supplement faculty salaries. This year, $127,000 is being used for this salary supplementation."

The President then talked about three minutes about a letter he received from a "irate mother," which plastered Tech's administration for being "cruel and hard-hearted" in school requirements, and accused the school of dropping 1,800 students in the first two quarters of last year. "When you return home for the Christmas holidays," the Presi­dent continued, "please attempt to present a better picture of the school than this student did.

"The truth is that only 364 students were dropped from Tech during the entire 1957-58 school year."

Students Ask and the President Answers After completing his short talk the President opened the

floor for questions. Q: Why was the library parking lot taken away from the

students and given to the faculty, with no mention to students?

A: We swapped the perimeter of the drill field to the stu­dents so that the faculty could use the library lot facili­ties. The result was a net gain of 30 parking places for students, a saving of one attendant, and the inconven­ience caused architecture faculty members by not being able to park adjoining the building. We're not out to gig you, honest we're not. We are trying to serve you and the school to the best of our ability.

Q: Why was the parking fee levied this year without ap­proval of students or even mentioned to them?

A: First of all, the fiscal operation of the school does not require student approval. Secondly, this particular idea actually came from the Student Council and was publicized in the Technique. The fee was inaugurated to raise additional money for parking areas. The 25-cents-per-day system of last year was obviously a flop. Cost of a new parking space for just one car is $1,000. Through the quarter-a-day system we got enough money to provide 1% new spaces.

Q: Why doesn't the State pay for parking lots? A: The State is investing $17,000,000 in Georgia Tech

and Southern Tech right now in buildings. We con­sider this much more important.

Editor's note: The three questions above were written questions handed to the President by VanLandingham. The first two questions from the floor were rather bitter queries about the final exams and why Tech started having them. The President answered them with the obvious. The reac­tion from the rest of the students indicated that they felt that the questions were pretty stupid. There was a great deal of hissing and groaning. Apparently, the students feel that some of the things that are fair game for their own general griping sessions just shouldn't be taken seri­ously to the President.

Q: Don't you think finals put too many eggs in one basket? I was ill during finals last year, and as a result, believe my grades were hurt considerably.

A: You should have talked to the professors and explained the situation. If you would have done this, I don't be­lieve you would have been seriously penalized for be­ing sick.

Q: Why do we have finals? A: There is no qualified educational institution in the

United States that does not have finals. They serve to correlate a whole quarter's work and aid in the work that follows. This is particularly true where many courses are preceded by prerequisites.

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Q: Is academic honesty becoming a major problem on the campus?

A: My feeling is that it is a major problem right now. Any dishonesty is always a major problem. For in­stance, the Library is suffering every quarter from stolen and torn books . . . this is willful vandalism and I deplore it. We all like a little fun. But when property damage results, my enthusiasm for such activity ceases. This policing must come from you. We need your help.

Q: It seems that too many freshmen are allowed to sign up for the EE major when there aren't adequate facili­ties. When they find this out, they have to change their majors causing troubles for everybody. Is anything be­ing done about this?

A: 3.7 million dollars is being done about it. But there will still be many freshmen who come here with only a shallow interest in the glamour of EE. I believe that at least part of their enthusiasm for changing majors is engendered by the math requirements of the EE curriculum. And I think this is the only fair way to make the selection.

Q: What do you think about T-cuts? A: I went to the Naval Academy, a school where there

was much hazing. I said yes sir to everybody and everything. I ate square meals sitting on 4 inches of my chair. But hazing that does physical harm can be bad. My concern about T-cuts is because of the fracas that is liable to accompany them, and the chances of a busted head. My personal opinion is that it would be better left undone.

Editor's note: Reaction at this point was just as mixed

as one might expect to a common-sense attack on a tradi­tion—some hissing, some applause. Q: You said you were proud of the faculty. But there are

a number of professors here who are just incompetent teachers. Why put so much into buildings when what we need is teaching talent?

A: Several years from now I think you'll feel differently about this. You'll realize that lucid, master teachers who lay everything clearly before you are rare indeed. If you will excuse another personal example—at the Naval Academy we didn't have any teachers, just proc­tors of a sort. We had to dig it out of the books our­selves. The really great teachers wouldn't come here anyway unless we offered them far more than we can afford at the present time. I think perhaps you might be looking for the wrong thing in teachers.

Q: If Tech goes to a five-year curriculum, would we get more liberal courses?

A: That has been the usual reason for such a change. But if you look up those schools that have made this transition, you will find that it has not been the usual result. That's all we have time for, but if some of you want to ask more questions, I'll stay around here for a few more minutes.

Editor's note: After very strong applause and cheering, most of the students left the gymnasium, but about 20 of them gathered around the President on the floor of the gym. They talked another 30 minutes on football tickets, parking, tuition, federal scholarships, honor system, book store prices, and cutting classes. Here are some of these bull session exchanges.

The Ultimate "Bull Session" Q: What about a tuition raise? A: The Regents were studying a plan last year to raise

tuition 25% by 1^59, but more recent studies have indicated that this may not be necessary.

Q: A lot of other schools allow underclassmen to have date tickets. Why not Tech?

A: Those are the schools that don't fill the stadium. Studies have shown that we have the best arrangements in the SEC for student seating at football games. And let me ask you this, did you see that there was a vacant section last Saturday? There was! In the student sec­tion. That vacant area has caused us a lot trouble, too, with alumni who see it and want to know why they couldn't get tickets for their friends when the stadium isn't even filled. That vacant area has really been a public relations' headache.

Q: What about this federal scholarship deal? A: Yes, we'll get some of it, but it won't be much. It has

to be paid back to the government by the student anyway, except in the case of those who go on to teach. It will be of some value to graduate students who teach.

Q: What about those Pinkerton men? They were pretty tough about parking last week. Some of them were even rude to Computer Center customers who tried to drive onto the campus.

A: Yes, these people aren't too good at public relations, of course. And I'm going to say something to the Physi­cal Plant department about it. A man who had an ap­pointment with me got hooked too. I waited a while for him, and when I finally left I found him at the gate arguing with the guard. "But I've got an appoint­ment with the President!" The answer was, "you don't get in here without a sticker."

Editor's comment: In spite of the fact that such a meet­ing is always an opportunity for the airing of gripes rather than a sincere attempt to become informed, the general at­mosphere was one of mutual respect. In fact, most of the students felt that the President made an exceptionally good impression. The students who spoke up were not always complimentary. But the crowd laughed a lot at the Presi­dent's friendly manner; and could not help but be im­pressed with clear answers.

The students interviewed felt that the reason for the low attendance was simply lack of interest coupled with a weak promotional job.

November, 1958 7

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The judges of the Queen contest discuss the issue: L to R, PR Director Fred W. Ajax; Technique Editor, Dave McNeill; President Edwin D. Harrison; Blue Print Editor Sonny Howard; Atlanta Journal Editor Jack Spald­ing and Alumni Pres. Charles R. Simons.

Two of the judges for the Mrs. Homecom­ing contest, students Chip Gaver and Rich­ard Higginbotham (R), puzzle over their cards as they get ready for the final voting.

The 1958 Homecoming Queen. Miss Betty Lindstrom of Birming­ham, Ala., can't believe the judges when she is told that she has won.

The Queen and her court pose for their first picture: L to R, Miss Dee Rivers, Queen Betty Lind­strom, and Miss Judy Martin.

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TWO QUEENS, ONE HOMECOMING Photographed by Bill Diehl, Jr. and Grey Hodges

The addition of a Mrs. Homecoming makes the celebration doubly beautiful

And the newest of Tech's queens, Mrs. Linda Johnson, presents her smile as the 1st Mrs. Homecoming.

FOR THE FIRST TIME in its 70-year history, Georgia Tech came up with two beautiful girls to reign over its Homecoming festivities. They are Miss Betty Lindstrom of Birmingham (the Homecoming Queen) and Mrs. Linda Johnson of Atlanta (Tech's first Mrs. Homecoming, a new title set up to give Tech's 1,200 married students a queen of their own).

Miss Lindstrom—a freshman at Brenau College in Gaines­ville—is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindstrom, CE '35. She is the second Tech Homecoming Queen in a row to be a daugh­ter of an alumnus.

Mrs. Johnson, the wife of Tech senior Billups Johnson, was selected from a group of 22 wives of Tech students in a contest sponsored by the Dames Club, the official and very active campus organization of Tech wives. The two girls along with the official homecoming court—Miss Dee Rivers of Adel and Miss Judy Martin of Atlanta—had a busy and exhausting day on Nov. 15.

The finalists in the Mrs. Homecoming con­test show the beauty of the students' wives.

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One of the most amazing stories of our time is the] rapidly-changing character of the ceramics industry—here is how Tech research is aiding this transition


a science. Still denned in most dictionaries as "the art of making articles (like pottery) from baked clay," the ancient art is now more properly known as the science and tech­nology of fabricating useful materials from nonmetallic in­gredients at high temperatures (generally considered above 1,000° F.) .

Today, ceramics products are generally classified into seven broad groups: (1) refractories—for the manufacture, pouring, and casting of steel, iron and other metals; (2) glass—for TV tubes, optical and electrical uses; (3) por­celain enamel—for decorative purposes, corrosion protec­tion of steel against chemical attack and the protection of metals from oxidation at high temperatures; (4) Portland cement—for construction of buildings, bridges and high­ways; (5) structural clay products such as bricks, structural tile and sewer pipe—for the building industry; (6) white-wares—for electrical insulators, electronics components and china; and (7) abrasives.

Even this cursory list of today's uses of ceramic materials indicates the positive effect that this art turned science has on our way of living. But it is in the world of tomorrow that ceramics will really come into its own. Today in re­search laboratories across the nation, ceramic materials are being developed for use in the* future.

One of the nation's most progressive research groups in this field is operating at Georgia Tech's Engineering Experi­ment Station. This ceramics research group has grown by leaps and bounds during the past three years under the direction of young (33-year-old) J. D. Walton, a product of Tech's fast-growing School of Ceramic Engineering.

Today, Walton heads a group of six full-time and 20 part-time researchers. All of the full-time researchers are graduates of Tech while the part-time workers are either

graduate or undergraduate students in the Ceramic Engi­neering School, headed since 1941 by Dr. Lane Mitchell.

The ceramics research group started out working in the basement of the main research building on the campus, moved last year to research area 2 (on Atlantic Drive five blocks from the heart of the Tech campus) when crowded conditions got the best of them. In their new location, the ceramics boys are already overcrowded as their volume of research continues to grow. Recently, the Board of Regents okayed another Butler Building for this research group in order to accommodate their expanding activities.

During the past year, this group worked on research projects for industry and government in many diverse areas ranging from basic studies of Georgia kaolins to ceramic brake friction materials for high-speed aircraft. But it was in the development of a new fused silica material that Tech's ceramics' researchers suddenly attracted interna­tional attention.

The material shows great promise in helping to solve man's perplexing outer space re-entry problem. The U. S. Army Missile Agency at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, thought enough of the material's promise to sponsor a modest project at Tech a year ago.

Tech's engineers ran through scaled-down tests using miniature nose cones, rocket nozzles and midget rocket engine that they built themselves. "Results of these tests together with the scaled-up tests at Redstone indicate that this material may be the key to the re-entry problem." said Walton last month in Atlanta. "Tech is looking for large-scale tests of the material in the near future."

Oddly enough, when Tech's young researchers started on the project to develop this material a few years ago they had no idea that it might ultimately wind up on trips into outer space. They were looking instead for a solution to

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Tech's Ceramics Branch Head J. D. Walton, left, discusses the design for a rocket nose cone with his top assistant, Nick Poulos.

one of man's really ancient problems: finding an economi­cal material that could be used for molds in which to cast metal.

Man is still using the sand-casting method for most of his big casting jobs. An Atlanta foundry mold company, headed by Tech Alumnus John North, felt that the time had come for the development of a new molding concept. The company asked the Tech ceramics group to work on the concept. Out of this project came the material (a form of fused silica) which can withstand temperatures up to 5,000° F. yet may be easily fabricated into desired shapes by either dry pressing or slip casting, two standard ceramic forming methods.

As the research group experimented further with the new material they became intrigued with the possibilities of employing it as the protective covering for the nose of missiles, the area in which the all-important instruments are located.

"We found that our material held together without crack­ing at even the highest temperatures," said Walton, "Oh, it became sticky at around 5,000° F, but it protected the material under the surface, and that's all it has to do."

The re-entry problem has long been the No. 1 drag on our missile program. In seeking ways to bring the missiles back safely into the atmosphere, the missile scientists have been using blunt noses to slow the missiles enough to cut down the killing friction. This solved the heat problem, but set up another one just as bad: the missiles come down so slowly that they present excellent targets for counter-missile defenses.

Another attempt at solving this problem has been through the use of ablative nose cones which allow portions of the cones to melt and drop off, thus dissipating some of the heat. This answer brings with it the obvious added prob­lem of too much unnecessary weight for the missile to carry in its upward course.

Tech's new material may now be the answer to building the classic pointed-nose missile that we need to get into and out of the atmosphere at the maximum speeds without burning up. The new material's main ingredient is fused silica, plain old beach sand. The exact formula is a secret.

The excellent properties of fused silica are nothing new to scientists. But it has always been too expensive for consideration for this type of use. The Tech group has found the secret to inexpensive manufacture of this ma­terial.

The material has several other possible uses. It may be just what the doctor ordered for the lining of engine nozzles on supersonic jet planes. It also may turn out to be valuable for use as heat shielding in nuclear reactors. The ceramic will not stop radiation, but it can contain the awesome heat generated by a reactor. Today, Tech scien­tists are checking these possibilities in special projects.

In another project, the ceramics group is testing the silica compound to find out how it holds up as a coating for steel where the emphasis is on toughness and durability. The U. S. Navy is sponsoring this one and the emphasis now is on the coating of submarine snorkel tubes.

And in still other projects, they are experimenting with the material for use in brake linings for the hot planes— those that land at 200 miles an hour—and as insulation on wires subjected to extremely high temperatures.

In a basic research project, the material has already withstood temperatures up to 7,200° F. To get these high temperatures, Tech engineers, headed by Dr. Willis Moody of the Ceramic Engineering School, took a huge army searchlight (60-inch parabolic lens) and converted it into their own solar furnace.

Rays from the sun hit the curved lens and are concen­trated on an area about a half-inch in diameter. The temp­erature in that area soon reaches 7,200° F., high enough to burn aluminum so fast it explodes. But the new material just stays there glowing and getting sticky and tacky. There has been no sign of vaporization in any of the trial runs.

Today, the classic definition of ceramics—the bit about the pottery—amounts to only four per cent of the entire industry. Ceramics has come of age.

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THE MOMENT OF TRUTH On a beautiful Saturday in October, 44,626 football fans stood up to witness the kickoff of the Auburn-Tech game at Grant Field. Here, in a photograph by Bill Diehl, is how it looked. For the game story of the 7-7 tie, turn the page.

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FOOTBALL: A WIN, A LOSS AND A TIE IN ONE OF THE MOST DRAMATIC BATTLES in its history, Georgia Tech came from behind to tie Auburn, 7-7, on October 18. The tie snapped the proud War Eagles' win­ning streak at 17 games and bounced them from the top spot in the gridiron polls.

The War Eagles scored first on a fast six-play, 61-yard drive that ended with fullback Dyas going over from the Tech two on the first play of the second quarter. In the second half, Tech got hot and finally scored on a 39-yard drive following a Braselton pass interception. Braselton scored himself in three dives from the one after a great Rudolph catch of a tipped pass put the Jackets that close. Sophomore Tommy Wells calmly tied it up with over 13 minutes left on the last-quarter clock.

The final Tech chance came on another pass interception. But time got the Jackets, and they missed the field goal from the Auburn 31 on the last play.

The following week, Tech looked fairly good against

SMU in Dallas, but the Mustangs' passes were hitting and the Jackets absorbed a 20-0 beating.

Tech threatened all through the first quarter but couldn't break through. Then SMU started hitting the long passes and scored once in each of the last three periods. Tech was whipped at their own game in this one.

At Durham it was a different story. The Jackets made no mistakes and the Blue Devils made too many. Tech scored on a short 17-yard drive after Duke punter Dutrow fumbled a fourth-down snap. Fullback Marvin Tibbetts going over from the one. Wells added the point and then spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get the field goal Coach Dodd wanted for the insurance. The sophomore attempted four from all over the field before he hit one in the last quarter from the Duke eight. The Blue Devils then scored on a long drive to make it close. They threatened once again but a pass interception in the closing seconds by end Gerald Burch shut the door on them.


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Against SMU, Floyd Faucette (above) was the running star, get­ting a beautiful 68-yard gallop. Against Auburn, it was Cal James.

Yardage, even for the Auburn fullbacks, was mighty hard to get in the October 18 classic. Here Tech stops fullback Reynolds.

Photographs by Bill Diehl, Jr.


Page 16: Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 37, No. 03 1958

'f lQ George W. Barnwell, EE, died of a U 3 heart attack May 26 after suffering

a heart attack in March. Mr. Barnwell was head of the ME School, Stevens Inst, of Technology in Hoboken, N. J. While at Tech he was in ANAK, played varsity foot­ball and managed the baseball team. He is survived by his wife, who lives at Taunton Lakes, Marlton, N. J.

' I f l Hugh A. Warner, Jr., EE, retired I U electrical engineer, died August 29

in St. Petersburgh, Fla.

M l McQueen Auld, Arch, died in Octo-11 ber of a heart attack. He had been

with Robert & Co. as an architect since graduating from Tech and served as con­sultant on many construction projects throughout the southeast. His widow lives at 2793 Peachtree Rd., N.E., Atlanta.

M P / . L. Looney, ME, died August 27. ID He was associated with Rath &

Strong, Inc., industrial consultants in Bos­ton, at the time of his death.

I1Q B. Clifford Boswell, Sr., of 1145 1 0 Briarcliff PL, N.E., Atlanta, died

April 6. He is survived by sons, B. Clifford, Jr., '43 of Kingsport, Tenn., and E. Blount Boswell, '52 of Atlanta.

MQ Eugene G. Zachrias, CE, died in 1 3 August after several months illness.

He was a retired president of the old Thomas Jefferson Ins. Co. in Atlanta. His widow lives at 1105 Briarcliff Rd., N.E., Atlanta.

' O O Joe T. Dupree died in New Orleans LL in September. He was district sales

engineer for General Electric at the time of his death. Mr. Dupree was a member of the famous Yellow Jacket Quartet.

»OQ Francis M. Henley, of Chattanooga, ^ 0 Tenn., died February 15, 1958. He

was with TVA at the time of his death. W. O. Lanford died April 23 of lung

cancer. He was assistant supervisor of the General Electric Warehouse in Atlanta,, at the time of his death.

William Russell Philips, ME, died in July at his home, 164 Lamont Dr., Deca­tur, Ga. He was district engineer for the Lumberman's Mutual Casualty Co. in At­lanta.

Charles H. Pittman, Com., CPA, died August 13 at his home, 466 Eastland Dr., Decatur, Ga. His widow lives at the above address.

Hamilton A. Tidwell, ME, Atlanta con­tractor and engineer, died August 18 after

a year's illness. He was founder and presi­dent of Mechanical Contractors & Engi­neers, Inc., which was founded in 1945. His widow lives at 1577 Glenwood Ave., S.E., Atlanta.

>OJ Clarence L. Jolly, 712 So. Main St., Lr\ Reidsville, N. C , died of cancer in

August. He had been associated with Edna Mills. He is survived by his wife and two sons.

'25 Louis E. Gates, Ch.E., has been named chief chemist for the Caro­

lina Div. of the Champion Paper & Fiber Co. in Canton, N. C.

'26 Ross H. Howard, ME, Atlanta and Marietta architect, died in September. He designed many churches and commercial buildings in the Atlanta area. His widow lives at 2 Bells Ferry Rd., Kennesaw, Ga.

l O I Col. Lawrence E. Brooks, USAF, LI ret., CE, died last March 21. His

widow's address is P. O. Box 297, Jupiter, Fla.

Willie Oliver Byrd, CE, died July 6, 1958. No further information was available at this writing.

»OQ J. H. Dugger, GE, has been ap-fcw pointed Division Sales Manager,

Railway Sales, with the Texas Co. in At­lanta.

Joe West brook, Com., has been named new president of the Georgia Automobile Dealers Assoc. He is president of West-brook Motors in East Point, Ga.

»01 Ma]. Thomas P. Cooke, USA, CE, 3 I retired August 31 after 20 years of

service. During his service career he was stationed throughout the U.S., in Austria, Panama and Italy. Maj. Cooke is now re­siding in St. Petersburg, Fla. and is at­tending the University of Fla.

'Qyl Carl M. Cartledge, Chem., is an en-3 4 gineer with the University of Cali­

fornia's Los Alamos Scientific Lab in the GMX Division.

»On Ralph B. Cole, Jr., Ch.E., has been 3 0 appointed manager of the Disburse­

ments Division of the Treasury Dept. at DuPont in Wilmington, Del. He has been with the company since graduating from Tech and has served as foreman, super­visor, engineer and in managerial positions.

' Q 7 Married: James Robert Fitzpatrick 0 / to Miss Jo Conly, Sept. 13. Mr.

Fitzpatrick is with National Manufacturers & Stores Corp. in Atlanta.

P. W. Purdom, CE, has been electe.l president of the Pennsylvania Public Hejlih Association. His business address is D;pt. of Public Health, City Hall Annex, Phila­delphia 7, Pa.

'QQ Major Surles O. Gillespie, Jr.. 3 0 USAF, was among 7 killed in the

crash of a B-52 jet near St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 16. He served aboard the jet as a radar observer. Maj. Gillespie is survived by his wife, 2 children and mother.

» 4 1 W. P. Ballard, Ch.E., is a co-patentee ** of a patent assigned to the Texas Co.

covering improvements in desorption of straight chain hydrocarbons from selective absorbents. He worked on this project with B. F . Smith, Ch.E. '48, and S. P. Dickens. Mr. Ballard is assistant supervisor of Fuels Research at Port Arthur, Texas.

Charles A. Naegeli, Jr., AE, is now chief engineer of the Missile Products Div. of Beckman & Whitley, Inc. His business ad­dress is 985 East San Carlos Ave., San Carlos, Calif.

' A 9 Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur D. •*• Fulton, EE, a daughter, Mary Louise.

June 10. Their home address is 3959 Stand-ish Ave., Cincinnati 13, Ohio.

Frank H. Neely, '04, has received a national award for excellence in management. The noted Atlanta business and civic leader received the Taylor Key Award for 1958 from the Society for Advancement of Management in New York on October 30. The Taylor Key is made for outstand­ing contributions to the art and science of man­agement. It is named in honor of Frederick W. Taylor, who founded the society. The citation noted that Mr. Neely had applied the Taylor principles "to every area of management."

75 Tech Alumnus

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John Lawrin Martin, EE '47, died of a heart attack in March. At the time of his death he was in charge of all research in well-logging for the Atlantic Refining Company in Dallas, Texas. An outstanding student at Tech, Mr. Martin had also received his Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. He is survived by his wife, the former Janet Glass and children, Virginia, Claire and Johnny. They now reside at 1508 Irving Drive, Irving, Texas.

Louis Griffin, Jr., CE, has been appointed Louisiana Traffic Supervisor for Southern Bell T. & T. in New Orleans, La. He has been with the company since 1947.

./. Carlton Lewis, IM, has been made principal of the West Point, Ga. High School. He also serves at football coach.

'43 E. V. Heath, former assistant traffic manager, Long Lines Dept. of Amer­

ican T & T in Memphis, has been pro­moted to Equipment Project Engineer and transferred to the Long Lines Area Hdqrs in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Frank Riley, GE, has been appointed to Chicago Headquarters Executive Staff of Spencer Stuart and Associates, Inc., indus­trial management consulting firm.

'4R The ReV' Robert H- Wr'Sht, HI, CE, • " vicar of St. Matthias Church in Toc-

coa, Ga., was ordained to the priesthood March 9. He was graduated from Sewanee in June, 1957. During World War II, Mr. Wright served with the Seabees and saw service in the Aleutians, Atlantic & Asiatic theatres.

' A 7 Married: Donald J. Crawley, ME, to ^ ' Miss Mildred Statham, Oct. 5. Mr.

Crawley is with Crawley-Gorbandt Co. in Atlanta.

Married: Harold W. Nance, IE, to Miss Constance Laffin, Sept. 27. Mr. Nance is chief engineer of the Serge A. Birn Corp. of Louisville, Ky.

M f l Born to : Mr. and Mrs. Ramon • 0 Echols, a daughter, Lisa Diane, Aug.

17. They live at the Roswell Court Apart­ments in Atlanta.

Emmett Hunter, IE, asphalt salesman for Shell Oil, has been promoted to asphalt manager, covering East Tenn., Ga., S. C. and Fla. His business address is Shell Oil Co.. 2000 Fulton National Bank Bldg., At­lanta.

Richard C. Kidd, IM, partner in the CPA firm of Warren & Kidd, has relocated his office. The firm is now located in the Ful­ton National Bank Bldg. in Atlanta. After graduating from Tech, Mr. Kidd received his MS from the Univ. of Southern Calif.

George W. Mathews, Jr., IM, has been made vice president and general manager of the Southeastern Merchandise Mart, Inc., with present headquarters at 680 West

Peachtree St., N.W., Atlanta. The Mer­chandise Mart will be built near Atlanta in Gwinnett County at an approximate cost of $15 million.

B. F. Smith, Ch.E., is a co-patentee of a patent assigned to the Texas Co. covering improvement in desorption of straight chain hydrocarbons from selective absorbents. He worked on this project with W. P. Ballard, Ch.E. '41, and S. P. Dickens. Mr. Smith is a senior project engineer in the Economics & Special Studies Dept. at Port Arthur, Texas.

Robert H. Smith, IM, has been named sales manager in charge of commercial sales for Foote & Davies in Atlanta. He has been with the company since 1949.

' A Q ^oe C- Lane, Jr., EE, has been pro-" 3 moted to administrative assistant to

the Marketing Manager at Westinghouse Electric, Elmira, N . Y. He will be re­sponsible for the administration of all sales policies in his new position. Mr. Lane's home is 354 Glen Ave., Elmira.

S. Paine Lenoir, EE, is on a nine month leave of absence from Tech's Computer Center to study new computer develop­ments at the University of Chicago, where the construction of an advanced computer started in Sept.

E. G. "Bert" Warren, Jr., EE, has been promoted to senior electrical engineer in the Technical Div. at Humble Oil & Refin­ing Co., Baytown, Texas.

Leroy T. Williamson, Phys, recently re­ceived his DDS from the University of Tenn. College of Dentistry. He is now on the staff of the Bryce Hospital in Tus­caloosa, Ala. His home address is 1604 Third Ave., Tuscaloosa, Ala.

'50 Cecil Durwood Brown, ME, died of cancer October 4. His mother, Mrs.

J. A. Brown, lives at Rotan, Texas. Married: W. T. Burton, Jr., AE, to Miss

Ferral Garrison, Nov. 1. Mr. Burton is on a management training program with Sears-Roebuck in Atlanta.

William C. Crutcher, ME, has been named patent attorney for General Elec-tric's Turbine Div. in Schenectady. He re­ceived his law degree from the University of Louisville. Mr. Crutcher lives at 4 Vernon Blvd., Scotia, N. Y.

Born to: Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gold-berger, Ch.E., a son, Adam Goldberger,

November, 1958 17

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August 14. Their home address is 117 8th Ave., Brooklyn 15, N. Y.

Born to : Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gossett, TE, a son, Michael Scott, May 6. Their home address is 221 Memorial Dr., N.W., Decatur, Alabama.

Marian Romer, TE, is research and de­velopment manager for Aldon Rug Mills, Inc. at Lenni Mills, Pa.

Engaged: Robert Harris Taylor, ME, to Miss Sue Haverstick. Mr. Taylor is cur­rently serving with the Marine Corps.

' C I Married: Lt. Charles R. Eckerman, J I IM, to Miss Jane Gillespie. The wed­

ding took place in December. Lt. Ecker­man is attending the Air Force Institute of Technology in Dayton, Ohio.

Olin M. Fuller, Jr., Ch.E., has been awarded a graduate research fellowship by the Ethyl Corp. He is working toward his Ph.D. in Ch.E. at Tech.

Peter Harrower, IM, has returned to At­lanta after 3 years in Rome, Italy under a Fulbright Scholarship. While there he met and married another Fulbright scholar, the former Miss Irene Callaway. Both ful­filled concert engagements while in Rome and were featured soloists at the opening concert of the Bach Society in Rome last year. The couple live at 645 Wilson Rd., N.W., Atlanta.

Frank A. Perkins, Jr., ME, has been named chief engineer of Missileonics, Inc. at Melbourne, Fla.

Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pat­terson, Jr., Arch, a son, Robert III, July 4. Mr. Patterson recently received his BA in Real Estate from Ga. State College and has opened a real estate office under his name. His business address is 931 W. Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta.

Thomas H. Willings, TE, has been pro­moted to account sales manager at Cum­mins Engine Co., Columbus, Indiana.

' C O Born to : Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. vL Hartman, Ch.E., a daughter, Eliza­

beth Anne, last February. Their home ad­dress is 8124 York Ave. So., Minneapolis 20, Minn.

Born to : Lt. and Mrs. James E. Williams, Ch.E., a son, Kraig Eugene, March 16. Lt. Williams address is CL. Z Assoc., FA Btry, Officers Course, Student Officer Bat­tery, USAAMS, Ft. Sill, Lawton, Okla.

' C Q Born to: Mr. and Mrs. William E. J w Barlow, IM., a daughter, Kelly

Louise, Sept. 22. Their home address is 8588 Gardenia Drive, Largo, Fla.

Donald C. Bogue, Ch.E., has been awarded a graduate research fellowship by the Ethyl Corp. He is working toward his Ph.D. in Ch.E. at the University of Dela-

'Ryl Marion A. Jones, CE, has joined *JT" American Air Filter Co., Inc. as a

member of its technical training program. After training at the Louisville, Ky. office he will be assigned to one of the sales. engineering, manufacturing or administra tive offices.

Born to : Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ribe.s, ME, a daughter, Diane Lynn, April 9. Mr. Ribes is an assistant bearing design super­visor with Timken Roller Bearing Co. Their home address is 1535 Isler Rd., N.W., Canton, Ohio.

' E C Married: Robert C. Carden, III. EE, w o to Mary Eleanor Clapp, August 15.

They reside in Atlanta and Mr. Carden is attending Graduate School at Georgia Tech.

Married: Thomas W. Donaldson, IM. to Miss Cherry Calletto, July 26. Their home address is 53 Maple Ave., Suffern, N . Y. Mr. Donaldson is an industrial engineer with the Lederle Labs Div. of American Cyanamid.

Engaged: Alton Lawrence Dowd, Jr., CE. to Miss Suzanne McGregor. The wedding will take place Nov. 22. Mr. Dowd is a Jr. Highway Engr. with the Ga. State Hwy. Dept. in Atlanta.

Married: Lt. Philip G. Rector, ME, to Miss Winnie Lee Fellers, July 12. Lt. Rector is stationed at Forbes AFB in Topeka, Kans. Their home address is 529 E. 56th St., Topeka.

18 Tech Alumnus

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Two classmates from the Class of 1939 held a private re­union over an F4D "Skyray" jet at the Marine Corps Air Station at Cherry Point, N. C , recently. Marine Colonel William G. Thrash (in cockpit) got the latest word on the F4D from Colonel H. G. Hutchinson, Jr., commanding officer of the Second Marine Aircraft Group-24 based at Cherry Point. Colonel Thrash and his family were guests of the Hutchinsons when they visited the air station enroute to the National War College in Washington, D. C.

Armando Rosende, Jr., ME, is a flight test engineer with Lockheed Aircraft. His home address is 2238 Bolton Dr., N.W., Apt. 1, Atlanta, Ga.

1/Lt. James Gordon Stephenson, IE, was killed in a plane crash in Toul, France October 13 where he was stationed as a jet pilot with the 81st Fighter Bomber Sqdn. He had been in Europe since August 57. His wife joined him in Toul last Christ­mas. They have a 21 mo. old son. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stephenson, live at 529 Collier Rd., N.W., Atlanta.

Monte E. Thome, IE, has been appointed salesman-in-training with Shell Oil Co. in Miami, Fla.

Robert M. Thornton, EE, has completed a one year course at the Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology, sponsored by Lock­heed Aircraft. He is now with Lockheed's Dawsonville, Ga. factory as a nuclear en­gineer.

Lt. William L. Wight, IE, was married to Miss Drane Hart July 20.

' E C Allen B. Benson, EE, has been pro-J U moted to associate engineer in the

Date Communications Development Dept. at IBM's New York City office. He is en­gaged in transistor circuit design.

Married: W. Drexel Daniels, IE, to Miss Norma Jean Stanley, Sept. 13. Mr. Daniels

is a production area engineer with DuPont. Their home address is 301 Gilmour Ct., Apt. 201, Richmond 21, Va.

Born to : Lt. and Mrs. Charles F. Eaton, Ch.E., a son, Charles F., Jr., Sept. 12. Their address is 3901 McKay Ave., Tampa, Fla.

Earl W. Hall, IM, has been transferred by Western Electric from it's Lincoln Lab­oratories to Ft. Lee, Va. to assist in the testing of the initial SAGE system. He lives with his wife and 3 daughters at 718 Mea-dowview Ave., Colonial Heights, Va.

Charles A. Navia, IM, is sales engineer and district manager of the Armco Inter­national Corporation's Dominican Office. His business address is Apartado 174, Cin-dad Trujello, D. N., Dominican Republic.

Born to : Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Rich, Jr., IM, a son, Roger L. Rich, III, June 12. Their home address is 7476 Wellington Rd., Norfolk, Va.

Married: Lt. Donald A. Roberts, IE, to Miss Mary Elaine Huggins, Oct. 25. Lt. Roberts is stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga.

Lt. Jerry L. Terrell, USN, IM, has re­ceived his wings at the NAS, Pensacola, Fla. He is now undergoing helicopter train­ing at Ellyson Field near Pensacola.

Married: William Kenneth Vickery, ME, to Miss Marilyn J. Downey, Sept. 21. Mr. Vickery is stationed at Natick, Mass.

Lt. Donald H. Wilson, IE, is stationed at

McCoy AFB with the 76th Fighter Intercep­tor Sqd. His mailing address is 935 So. Mills, Orlando, Fla.

'57 Lt. Robert D. Adams, IE, was re­cently married to Miss Aileen Marie

Schriefer. He is currently stationed at Oro. Calif.

Married: Robert Anthony Bridges. IK. to Miss Helen Margaret Bayse, Sept. 21. Mr. Bridges is with Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, Ala.

Married: Lt. John Mario Cervetti, IM. to Miss Carole E. Rogers, Oct. 11, Lt. Cer­vetti is stationed at Sewart AFB, Tenn.

Lt. Gary M. Clark, IM, has completed the officer basic course at The Infantry School, Ft. Benning, Ga.

Born to: Lt. and Mrs. Joe L. Davidson. TE, a daughter, Andrea Marie, Oct. 13. Their address is 3386 Haragu Dr., Tarawa Terrace, N. C.

Carol Freedenthal, Ch.E, recently com­pleted a tour of duty with the Army Chemi­cal Corps and is now with Monsanto Chem­ical Co. at St. Louis, Mo. His home address is 7203 Dartmouth Ave., St. Louis 24. Mo.

Philip W. Frick, Math, is in the Mathe­matical Analysis Dept. at Lockheed Aircraft in Marietta. He is also attending Graduate School at Georgia Tech. Mr. Frick lives at

Continued on pane 22

20 Tech Alumnus

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1958-1959 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Mon. Dec. 1 Georgia Teachers . Atlanta Thur. Dec. 4 Baylor Atlanta Sat. Dec. 6 Louisville . . . . Louisville Thur. Dec. 11 Georgia Atlanta Sat. Dec. 13 Furman . . . . Greenville Sat. Dec. 20 South Carolina . . Atlanta Mon. Dec. 22 Wyoming Atlanta Sat. Dec. 27 St. Louis St. Louis Tues. Dec. 30 Alabama . . . Tuscaloosa Sat. Jan. 3 *Kentucky . . . . Lexington Wed. Jan. 7 Georgia Athens Sat. Jan. 10 *Miss. State . . . Starkville Mon. Jan. 12 *Mississippi Oxford Sat. Jan. 17 *Vanderbilt Atlanta

Wed. Jan. 21 Auburn Auburn Sat. Jan. 24 *Tennessee . . . . Knoxville Mon. Jan. 26 '"Kentucky Atlanta Sat. Jan. 31 * Alabama Atlanta Tues. Feb. 3 * Auburn Atlanta Sat. Feb. 7 *Tulane . . . New Orleans Mon. Feb. 9 *La. State . . Baton Rouge Sat. Feb. 14 Oklahoma City . . Atlanta Tues. Feb. 17 "Tennessee Atlanta Sat. Feb. 21 -Georgia Atlanta Mon. Feb. 23 "Florida Atlanta Sat. Feb. 28 *Vanderbilt . . . Nashville

^Counts Toward SEC Crown


35 Lombardy Way, N.E., Apt. 405, Atlanta. Tom F. Hayes has been named construc­

tion and maintenance supervisor for Shell Oil Co. in Columbia, S. C.

Born to: Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hearn, Jr., EE, a daughter, Cynthia Eileen, August 5. Mr. Hearn is on the General Electric Tech­nical Marketing Program in the Specialty Control Dept. at Waynesboro, Va. His home address is 1600 Mulberry St., Apt. 2, Waynesboro, Va.

Lt. William E. Holland, ME, has com­pleted the armament maintenance officer course at the Army School, Aberdeen Prov­ing Ground, Md.

Lt. Barnwell W. Hughes, Jr., CE, has completed the antiaircraft artillery and guided missile officer basic course at the Army Air Defense School, Ft. Bliss, Texas.

Engaged: Jerry S. Johnson, EE, to Miss Elaine Gresebaum. Mr. Johnson is with the Commercial Sales Engineering Div. of Ga. Power Co. in Athens, Ga.

Lt. Jack P. Lasater, III, IE, has com­pleted the supply officer course at the Army Ordnance School, A b e r d e e n Proving Ground, Md.

Pvt. Charles T. Mansfield, IM, has com­pleted the communications and message center procedures course at the Army SE Signal School at Ft. Gordon, Ga.

John M. Rittelmeyer, IM, has joined American Air Filter Co., Inc. in Louisville, Ky. as a member of its technical training

program. After training, he will be assigned to one of their sales, mfg. or administrative cffices.

Born to : Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Rowe, Arch, a son, Robert Allen, II, Sept. 7. Their address is 3811 San Juan Ave., Macon, Ga.

Born to: Mr. and Mrs. William F. Tal­ley, Jr., IE, a son, William F., I l l , August 26. Their address is 917 Edgewood St., S.W., Decatur, Ala.

Lt. Thomas G. Whatley, IE, recently com­pleted the Air Force Meteorology training at Fla. State Univ. and is now stationed at Kirtland AFB. He and his wife live at 5607-B Bell Ave., S.E., Albuquerque, N. M.

' C Q Ensign Leon C. Askew, USN, IE, is J O serving aboard the attack carrier

USS Essex in the Mediterranean. Baden C. Duggins, EE, has joined the

staff of the instrumentation and controls division of the Oak Ridge National Lab. His home address is 136 No. Beverly Circle, Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Lt. Jack D. Edwards, IM, recently grad­uated from the Infantry School at Ft. Benn-ing. He ranked number one in a class of 121.

Robert B. "Bobby" Finley, IM, is sales representative in the Home Office Group Dept. of the Life Ins. Co. of North America.

Engaged: Sinclair Alfred Frederick, Jr., EE, to Miss Ethel Blandford. The wedding will take place December 6. Mr. Frederick is employed by the Identification and Rec­

ognition Div. of Melpar, Inc. in Alexan­dria, Virginia.

Roger Gilbertson, IE, is working toward his MS in IM at Purdue Univ. His address is Box 362, Men's Residence Hall, H I . Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Ind.

Lt. William K. Hall, Jr., ME, has com­pleted the supply officer course at the Army Ordnance School at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.

William L. LeConte, CE, has joined the staff of the Texas Company's Engineering Dept. at Port Arthur, Texas. His home ad­dress is 4340 Forest Dr., Port Arthur, Texas.

Born to: Mr. and Mrs. Albert McCowen. Jr., IM, a son, Albert III, August 28. Mr. McCowen is with the First National Bank and Trust Co. Their home address is 865 North Ave., Macon, Ga.

Henry P. Morrell, Ch.E., is an associate engineer with Martin-Orlando. He and hi,s wife live at 3701 Mockingbird Lane, Or­lando, Fla.

Married: William B. Patterson, IM. to Miss Virginia Drew Blankner Aug. 9. He is with Allegany Ballistic Labs in Cumber­land, Md. Their home address is 646 Wash­ington St., Cumberland, Md.

Married: Kirby M. Platter, IE, to Miss Jo Ann Paterna June 14. Their home ad­dress is 220 Somerville Rd., S.E., Decatur. Ala. Mr. Platter is an industrial engineer with Wolverine Tube.

Lt. John B. Reeves, TE, has completed the officer basic course at the Army En­gineer School, Ft. Belvoir, Va.

Married: Thomas V. Schill, ME, to Miss Joyce Ann Venable. Mr. Schill is a cadet field engineer for the Atlantic Refining Co. in Port Arthur, Texas. Their home address is 2608 11th St., Port Arthur.

Married: Harry A. Sledge, Jr., IM. to Miss Marian Alexander, Sept. 6. Their home address is Harding Ct., Apt. B-7-C, Nash­ville 5, Tenn.

Dave Teed, ME, is working toward his MS in IM at Purdue University. His ad­dress is Box 370, Men's Residence Hall. H- l , Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind.

' C Q Connell Roughton, IE, is a trainee J w in the Engineering Div. at Cummins

Engine Co., Inc., Columbus, Ind.

22 Tech Alumnus

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George W. McCarty-ANAK Award

as Outstanding Young Alumnus

is Presented at Homecoming to

Dr. Edward E. David, EE '45

1 HE MAN who received the first annual George W. McCarty Award as "Young Alumnus of the Year" at Homecoming is a slight, 33-year-old research director at the famed Bell Telephone Research Laboratories in Sum­mit. N. J. His name is Edward E. David, Jr., and he graduated from Tech in 1945 with a B. S. in Electrical Engineering.

From the time he first entered grammar school in At­lanta, Ed David seemed destined to become a scientist. At a very early age, he concluded one of his chemistry experiments by blowing out one of the family's garage windows and badly burning his hand.

A teacher who knew him during his high school period once remarked that Ed David came as close to a genius as any man it had been his pleasure to know.

At Tech he compiled one of the outstanding records in the school's history. He received the senior scholarship cup. was elected the outstanding electrical engineering senior, was elected president of Eta Kappa Nu, vice presi­dent of Tau Beta Pi, vice president of AIEE and a mem­ber of the Student Council. He was a member of ANAK and managing editor of the Blue Print, as well as president of his social fraternity and a letterman in wrestling.

He went on to MIT for graduate work where he earned his M.S. and ScD. His work there centered around the problem of synchronizing microwave oscillators and re­sulted in eight important reports all of which were pub­lished. His findings were of such scope that they provided thesis material for three other graduate students. He as­sisted in supervising their work and co-authored several reports on it. A resume of this work appeared in the book, "Advances in Electronics" for 1952.

In June, 1950, he was appointed a member of the Hart-well Committee, a group of 25 top scientists who met in Lexington, Mass., to examine certain national defense problems. In the fall of 1950, Ed David joined Bell Tele­phone Laboratories where he played an important part in a highly classified Navy research project. As a result of

this and his subsequent work at Bell Labs, he was selected for honorable mention for the Eta Kappa Nu recognition as "The Most Outstanding Young Engineer" for 1954.

In 1955 he was named engineer in charge of Acoustics Research for the Bell Laboratories, and early this year he assumed the duties of assistant director of Visual and Acoustics Research. Recently he was promoted to director of this same group of 40 scientists, engineers and tech­nicians.

The work involves electronic circuitry, mathematical analysis and psychological testing and is aimed towards efficient communication and automatic recognition stimu­lating the human auditory and visual senses. In addition to authoring several technical reports, he has presented oral papers to technical societies in this country and abroad.

He is also the author of a textbook concerning char­acteristics of signals and signal transmission for the Bell Laboratory's Communications Development Training Pro­gram for Engineers. Jointly with Dr. J. R. Pierce, Ed has recently completed a book entitled "Man's World of Sound." It relates how sound, speech, and hearing form the basis of our civilization, and how physics and physiology have combined to produce new and revolutionary develop­ments in human communication and understanding of sen­sory and mental processes. The book is scheduled for publication by Hanover House of Doubleday and Com­pany this month.

No old-school scientist, Ed David is as interested in cultural activities as he is in technical achievements. His hobbies include music, photography, geology, tennis, ski­ing and badminton. He has acted for years as an in­structor in the Junior Clinic at the Summit, N. J., Tennis Club. He helped organize and promote a community music activity, the Colonial Little Symphony System which pre­sents concerts in Madison, N. J.

Honorable mentions for the award went to Dr. E. Calvin Johnson, Jr., EE '47 of Detroit, Michigan and Robert T. Davis, Jr., EE '47 of Columbus, Georgia.

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