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Georgia Vocabulary 7 th Grade. Café Vocabulary for Quiz #1 Apartheid – Aquifer – Arable –...

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Georgia Vocabulary 7 th Grade

Georgia Vocabulary

7th Grade

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #1

• Apartheid –

• Aquifer –

• Arable –

• Arid –

Monday, Quiz #1

• Apartheid: a policy of racial separation used in South Africa from 1948 to 1990.

• Fast Fact: it separated South Africa into whites and non-whites. It was created to give whites control over the black majority.

• Think About It: What are some reasons for racial discrimination like apartheid? THINK-PAIR-SHARE

Tuesday, Quiz #1

• Aquifer: an underground layer of rock and sand that contains water.

• Fast fact: it is an important source of water ina region. In the Middle East, water shortages, sharing problems, and pollution decrease the amount of water available for drinking and farming.

• Think About It: What are ways we can keep our aquifers clean for drinking and irrigation? QUICK WRITE

Wednesday, Quiz #1

• Arable: describes land that is suitable for planting crops.

• Fast Fact: arable land in a region is a rich natural resource. States with arable land use the land for agricultural purposes.

• Think About It: Arable soil is most like what ____________ FILL IT IN

Thursday, Quiz #1

• Arid: a climate that is dry with very little rainfall is known as an arid climate.

• Fast Fact: deserts are arid regions. Very little vegetation can grow there because it rains so seldom. Sometimes desert don’t see rain for several years.

• Think About It: What characteristics describe an arid climate? THINK-PAIR-SHARE

FRIDAY – Our 1st Quiz Day!!

• Quiz Day – Quiz #1• Please complete the following Quiz #1 and

keep it at your desk when you finish. We will go over this and you will insert your grade on your CAFÉ sheet.

• I will be going around the room completing and checking CAFÉ sheets.

• Good Luck!

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #2

• Autocracy:____________________________• Capital resources: ____________________• Communism:_________________________• Confederation:________________________• Quiz #2


• Autocracy: a government system where one leader holds complete power.

• Fast Fact: the leader in an autocracy is called a dictator. Citizens don’t participate in government decisions.

• Think About It: What are some other types of government systems that you know?


• Capital resources: are man-made things we use to help us work, like factories, machines, and technologies

• Fast Fact: a country makes more money when it has capital resources. Companies that have tools like computers, can make many products quickly.

• Think About It: Name some capital resources that help us work.


• Communism: a political theory that all goods and property should be owned by a whole society rather than by individual people.

• Fast Fact: The US fought against communism in Vietnam, the Cold War, and the Korean War.

• Think-About-It: How are democracy and communism different? Make a chart.


• Confederation: a loose alliance of countries, states, and other political units.

• Fast Fact: during the Civil War, the south created the Conf. States of America. They elected their own president, Jefferson Davis.

• Think-About-It: What are some characteristics of a confederation?

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #3

• Conservation:__________________________________

• Contaminated:_________________________________

• Corrupt:___________________________• Culture:_________________________• Quiz #3


• Conservation: to take care of or protect something

• Fast Fact: conservation is important for the environment. You can practice conservation by reusing things instead of throwing them away.

• How can conservation benefit the environment?


• Contaminated: something that is impure or unclean

• Fast Fact: many countries in the world cannot even drink their own water because it is contaminated with harmful chemicals, diseases, or waste.

• Think-About-It: What things can become contaminated?


• Corrupt: lacking integrity, being dishonest or immoral

• Fast Fact: Politicians can create corruption in an entire country by making dishonest decisions.

• Think About It: What are the negative effects of a corrupt politicians?


• Culture is a set of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors among a group of people.

• Fast Fact: There are many different types of cultures from around the world. You can learn about people (past and present). Traditions are unique.

• Think About It: What are the characteristics of your classroom culture?

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #4

• Currency –

• Deforestation – • Democracy –

• Desalination –

• Quiz #4


• Currency: used to buy goods and services• Fast Fact: countries create their own currency

for use as money. • Think About It: What are the characteristics of

American currency? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8GMhg



• Deforestation: the loss of forest from cutting down too many trees.

• Fast Fact: Many of the rainforests in the world have been affected by deforestation. Farmers cut down trees to make money from wood and room for farmland. This is a serious problem.

• Think About It: What are some reasons for deforestation in the US?


• Democracy: a type of government where the people in the country hold the supreme power

• Fast Fact: The US is a democracy. Everyone (those 18 and older) can vote for which officials they want to represent them.

• Think About It: How can people participate in a democracy?


• Desalination: the removal of salt, especially from sea water

• Fast Fact: About 97% of the Earth’s water is salt water, desalination could provide water to many people.

• Why use desalination?• http://www.wikihow.com/Desalinate-Water

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #5

• desertification –

• dictator –

• diversity –

• drought –

• Quiz #5


• Desertification – process by which the desert spreads and soil loses its ability to hold water

• Fast Fact: Desertification causes many problems. Land that turns into desert cannot be farmed or lived on. Countries that have desertification are slowly losing places to live, farm, and work.

• Think about: Causes - *overgrazing, * poor farming practices, *land clearing, *draining water from home use


• Dictator – a ruler with absolute power and authority

• Fast Fact: dictators are rulers of dictatorships; citizens are not allowed to vote or run for political office. The dictator makes rules for the country and what he or she says is final.

• Think about it: Hitler – Germany; Stalin – Russia; Castro – Cuba; Zedong - China


• Diversity – being different• Fast Fact: America is sometimes called a

“melting pot” because people from so many diverse backgrounds live together in one place. Diversity is good for America because we can learn from many different cultures.

• Think About It: Ways we can see diversity - *celebrations, *foods, *traditions, * clothing


• Drought – long time with little or no rain• Fast Fact: drought is a natural disaster just like

floods, hurricanes, or tornadoes, but is unique because it happens over a long period of time and does not have a definite beginning or end. Droughts can be devastating for people, animals and the environment.

• Think About It: Negative affect - *crops die, *animals may not survive, *wildfires!

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #6

• Embargo –

• Entrepreneur –

• Ethnic –

• Famine –

• Quiz #6


• Embargo – an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country

• Fast Fact: After September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S., the United Nations placed an arms embargo on Afghanistan.

• Think about it: Trade Barriers! * tariffs, *quotas


• Entrepreneur – someone who has an idea for a good or service and takes the risks to produce it.

• Fast Fact: The rapid pace of growth and the huge population in Asian countries offer excellent opportunities for entrepreneurship.

• Think about it: What resources are involved if a country promotes entrepreneurship? *human capital, *natural resources, *capital


• Ethnic – a group of people who have the same language, culture, and/or religion.

• Fast Fact: People in countries throughout the world have many ethnic origins, meaning they come from different places.

• Think about it: What are some of the different ethnic origins of the U.S., Georgia, your classroom? *language, * unique customs, *religion


• Famine – an extreme scarcity of food in a region.

• Fast Fact: More than 25 million Africans needed emergency food aid at the beginning of 2008, and approximately 200 million Africans suffer from chronic hunger.

• Think about it: Causes of famine - *drought, *civil war, *government corruption, * epidemics such as aids, Ebola virus

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #7

• Federal –

• GDP –

• Government –

• Guerrilla –

• Quiz #7


• Federal – type of government where a group of states (or other small political units) give certain power and authority to a central government.

• Fast Fact: In the U.S., the federal government has power on issues of national defense, immigration, air travel, and national parks.

• Think about it: Examples of issues handle by our federal gov’t - *international trade, *peace treaties. Examples for states - *affordable housing for elderly, * maintaining state highways.


• GDP – the Gross Domestic Product of a country is the total market value of the goods and services produced by that country in a specific year.

• Fast Fact – Economists use GDP numbers to determine the strength of countries’ economies and to compare them.

• Think about it: What are some economic enterprises that are used to determine GDP? *agriculture, *construction, *manufacturing


• Government – the person or group of people who make rules and laws, enforce rules and laws, and decide if rules and laws have been broken.

• Fast Fact: Governments are necessary because they develop the laws and protect the rights and property of individuals.

• Think about it: What are the three levels of government? *federal, *state, *local


• Guerrilla – a member of a small group of soldiers that attacks suddenly and disappears into hiding.

• Fast Fact: Guerilla tactics were used in the Revolutionary War, as well as in more modern war times. Guerrillas are often armed civilians fighting against a powerful army.

• Think about it: Why might guerrilla groups form? *fight against “big” gov’t, *change gov’t policy, *put in new leader(s)

Café Vocabulary for #8

• Holocaust –

• Human characteristics –

• Human resources –

• Humanitarian –

• Quiz #8


• Holocaust – an act of mass destruction and loss of life

• Fast Fact: The most well-known use of the word “holocaust” refers to the mass murder of more than six million Jews in Europe between 1933 and 1945. That period of history is known a “The Holocaust.”

• Think about it: How did these issues lead to the Holocaust? *abuse of poser, *prejudice


• Human Characteristics – in terms of social studies, it is changes to the land that were made by people. (human-environment interaction)

• Fast Fact: Physical characteristics are natural features of land. Human characteristics are man-made features of land.

• Think about it: What are some examples of human characteristics of land? *dams, *bridges, *canals


• Human Resources – people working to produce goods & services

• Fast Fact: Postal clerks working together to deliver the mail and chefs working to make a dinner are examples of human resources.

• Think about it: Resources are used to make goods & SERVICES. What is the difference between human resources, natural resources, & capital resources? *factory workers (human), *trees (natural), *lumber (capital)


• Humanitarian – someone devoted to being kind to others and helping them when they are suffering.

• Fast Fact: Humanitarians work for the human rights of others. Throughout history, humanitarians have made important changes in how people are treated around the world.

• Think about it: What things would a humanitarian do? * provide food, *provide medical care, *build homes

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #9

• Immigration –

• Industrialization –

• Infrastructure –

• Interdependent –

• Quiz #9


• Immigration – people moving from one country to make a home in another country

• Fast Fact: People from all over the world have immigrated to the U.S. from other countries. The U.S. gives immigrants a home where they are free to celebrate the customs of their country and still be an American.

• Think about it: What are some reasons for immigration? *war, *natural disasters, political unrest, *better quality of life


• Industrialization – adopting industrial methods of manufacturing and production.

• Fast Fact: During the early 1900s, American industries developed new technologies and cities started to become industrialized. People moved from farms to cities to get jobs in industries.

• Think about it: What are positives and negatives of industrialization? *Positives – more jobs; better incomes; new technology advances in society. *Negative – crowded cities; child labor; low wages; unsafe conditions.


• Infrastructure – the foundation of any system or organization. Also, refers to countries.

• Fast Fact: A community needs to have a strong infrastructure to be successful. When a community’s infrastructure is damaged or incomplete, citizens of the community cannot accomplish everyday tasks.

• Think about it: What are elements of c community infrastructure? *roads & highways, *sewage lines, *power plants & power lines, *schools, healthcare, jobs, *police, fire, ambulances


• Interdependent – when two or more things rely or depend on each other for survival.

• Fast Fact: The people in a community are interdependent. They rely on each other to make goods and services, buy goods and services, and provide goods and services.

• Think about it: Where do you see interdependence in your community? *households depend on businesses and government; *businesses depend on households and government; *governments depend on households and businesses.

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #10

• invest –

• irrigation –

• literacy –

• location –

• Quiz # 10


• Invest – commit money or capital to gain financial return.

• Fast Fact: You have choices about what you can do with your money – you can spend it, save, or invest. If you invest money into things like stocks, bonds, and real estate, they gain profits over time, so you can sit back and watch your savings grow!

• Think about it:


• Irrigation – supplying water to farmland• Fast Fact: You have choices about what you can do

with your money – you spend, save or invest it. If you invest money into things like stocks, bonds, and real estate, they gain profits over time, so you can sit back and watch your money grow.

• Think about it: How should you invest your money? *Are you willing to take risks? How much Money will you invest? *What will you do with any money you earn from the investment?


• Literacy – the ability to read and write• Fast Fact: The literacy rate of a country affects

how successful it is. Poorer countries have low literacy rates while rich countries have high literacy rates.

• Think about it: What are ways we practice literacy? *communication, *writing papers, *reading, (directions, books, articles) *jobs. *assignments


• Location – where something is• Fast Fact: The location of a state determines

its weather, industries, geography, and culture.• Think about it: How would your life differ in

the following locations? *Antarctica, *South Africa, Africa, *London, England, *Mexico City, Mexico

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #11

• Monarchy –

• Nationalism –

• Natural Resources –

• Oligarchy –

• Quiz # 11


• Monarchy – a government headed by a king or queen

• Fast Fact: In a constitutional monarchy, the country has a constitution and the monarch is a ceremonial position with little power.

• Think about it: What are some of the monarchies and constitutional monarchies of the world? *Japan, *Saudi Arabia, * Canada, *Britain


• Nationalism – loyalty and devotion to one’s country

• Fast Fact: Nationalism often leads one country to fight for its independence when it is controlled by another country.

• Think about it: What are some elements of nationalism? *patriotism, *shared goals or beliefs


• Natural Resources – materials that come directly from nature

• Fast Fact: Examples of natural resources are water, soil, wood, and coal. These resources are taken from nature and used to help people work, travel, and learn.

• Think about it: What are some natural resources in your state or region? *waterways for transportation, *fertile soil for agriculture, *minerals or metals for manufacturing


• Oligarchy – a political system where control rests with a small group of people with wealth or power.

• Fast Fact: An example of an oligarchy is the apartheid in South Africa, where a small group of whites held power over the black majority for almost 50 years.

• Think about it: How does an oligarchy compare to other government systems? *autocracy – one leader holds the power, *democracy – the people hold the power, *monarchy – a king holds the power

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #12

• Pandemic –

• Parliamentary Government –

• Petroleum –

• Physical Characteristics –

• Quiz # 12


• Pandemic – an outbreak of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, such as a continent or throughout the world

• Fast Fact – The 2009 outbreak of H1N1 flu virus, also known as the “swine flu,” was a pandemic because it spread throughout the world.

• Think about it: What are some things that can help stop the spread of a pandemic? *vaccination programs, *limiting travel, *good hygiene, *staying home from work or school if you are sick


• Parliamentary government – a democratic form of gov’t where the legislature (Parliament) controls the power

• Fast Fact: The head of a parliamentary gov’t is the prime minister and he/she is chosen by the legislature.

• Think about it: Compare a parliamentary democracy with the US’s republic form of democracy. *How is the head chosen? (PD: legislature; RD: people elect) *How is power distributed? (PD: legislature has control; RD: branches of gov’t provide checks & balances)


• Petroleum – thick, dark oil found under the earth’s surface

• Fast Fact: Petroleum is also known a “crude oil.” It is very valuable because it is used to make gasoline.

• Think about it: What are some uses for petroleum? *gasoline, * propane, *products like tires, clothing [nylon, polyester (Ms. Lanier’s ‘70’s wedding dress,)] or plastics


• Physical characteristics – describes the type of land in an area, (geographic features)

• Fast Fact: Physical characteristics influence how people in an area make a living, what they eat, and what kind of homes they live in.

• Think about it: What are some physical characteristics of land? *terrain: flat, hilly, mountainous, etc. *soil: fertile or not *located near a body of water

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #13

• Population density –

• Quota –

• Rainforest –

• Republic –

• Quiz #13


• Population Density – number of people living in a specific area

• Fast Fact: Higher population density in cities and lower population density in rural areas is an example of population distribution.

• Think about it: What influences population density? *availability of jobs, *climate, *terrain, *natural resources


• Quota - a type of trade barrier that sets a limit on the number of a good that can be imported

• Fast Fact: quotas can lead to shortages of a good, which leads to higher prices

• Think about it: How might no quotas on imports affect trade? *too many of same product will come in, *prices will drop, *American companies won’t be able to compete


• Rainforest – home to the largest variety of plant & animal species on the planet, (& are known as the “lungs of the earth” because they convert carbon dioxide into valuable oxygen)

• Fast Fact: many countries depend on the rainforests for food & shelter.

• Think about it: What is diminishing the rainforests? *roads & new settlements, *cutting down trees for farmland (slash & burn), *cattle ranching, logging, & mining


• Republic – a system of government where decisions are made by elected officials who represent the people

• Fast Fact: The Constitution of the United States was significant to the foundation of the American people.

• Think about it: What are some countries around the world that are republics? *Brazil, *Mexico, *Haiti, *Germany

Café Vocabulary for Quiz #14

• Revenue –

• Specialization –

• Subsistence –

• Tariff –

• Quiz #14


• Revenue – income a business makes from the sale of goods & services

• Fast Fact: Many US states generate revenue through a sales tax. The US gov’t collects tax revenue from citizens uses it to run the gov’t.

• Think about it: What are some ways the gov’t might use tax revenue? *highways & road, *schools, *pay teachers, *police, *public buildings


• Specialization – being very good at making one or more things

• Fast Fact: When states specialize in a certain industry, they can become trade partners with other states.

• Think about it: How might specialization be used in trade in the following: *fishing, *agriculture, *logging, *computers


• Subsistence – having just the basic resources for survival

• Fast Fact: Subsistence farming is farming that provides for the basic needs of the farmer’s family and little or nothing left over to sell. It is a standard way of life in many African countries.

• Think about it: What factors might influence what a subsistence farmer might grow? *fertility of soil, *climate conditions, *available tools


• Tariff – a tax on imported and exported goods• Fast Fact: tariffs make imported products

more expensive, so local companies can compete more evenly.

• Think about it: What would happen to the price of local products in the following situations? *tariffs on imports were increased; *tariffs on imports are decreased; * tariffs on imports were banned

Café Vocabulary for Quiz # 15

• Theocracy –

• Trade –

• Unitary –

• Volunteer –


• Theocracy – a government controlled by religious leaders

• Fast Fact: Rulers in a theocratic gov’t typically make their decisions based on their religious beliefs.

• Think about it: What are some examples of a theocracy? *Israel (ancient times) *Iran (modern times)


• Trade – Buying and selling items• Fast Fact: Regions need to trade with each

other because they cannot produce everything they need.

• Think about it: Your desert country produces oil but has little farmland or factories. Trade is important for you to meet what needs? *food, *manufactured goods like cars, computers, clothing, etc.


• Unitary – a gov’t system that gives all its power to a central gov’t

• Fast Fact: Unitary central gov’ts may transfer some duties to smaller units like cities but keep final authority over all decisions.

• Think about: What are some examples of unitary gov’ts? *France, *Italy, *Japan, *South Korea


• Volunteer – a person who offers to do something by his or her own choice

• Fast Fact: A volunteer does not get paid for doing something. He/she volunteers because they want to help get something accomplished.

• Think about it: What are examples of volunteers in your life? *Grandma Judy! *a soccer or baseball coach, *Sunday school teacher
