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Georgia14 Tbilisi A walking tour8

Date post: 07-Jan-2017
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Rustaveli Palace Hotel Glicina, Visteria

Rustaveli Avenue is a mix of modern and 20th-century architecture, the central avenue in Tbilisi named after the medieval Georgian poet, Shota Rustaveli (monument by sculptor K. Merabishvili)

Rustaveli Avenue Georgian of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia (architects K. Chkheidze and M. Chkhikvadze, 1953)

 On the steps of the academy artists and craftsmen sell their works

Rustaveli AvenueGeorgian traditional vessel for drinking (as well as for decoration) made from cow's horns called "Khantsi".

A Pair of Georgian Traditional Wine Drinking-horns on wooden stand called "Khantsi". It is usually used for special toasts. Stand material - walnut tree



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Wine lovers have a lot to thank Georgia for. It is widely believed that this is where wine production first began, over 7000 years ago

The former Institute of

Marxism and Leninism

designed by Aleksey

Shchusev in the 1930s

Rustaveli Avenue

They are putting up a Kempinski

Hotel in this building. The

interior has been completely gutted out and they are

keeping the façade

Rustaveli Avenue, the former Institute of Marxism and LeninismKempinski Hotel

Rustaveli Avenue, Monument to Merab Mamardashvili (Georgian philosopher of the 20 th century) by Ernst Neizvestni

Merab Mamardashvili

(1930-1990) by Ernst


Small bronze statues of old Georgian characters line both sides of the Rustaveli avenue for much of its length

 Interior for the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Baroque-Persian style

The Tbilisi State Academy of Arts is located in the former “House of Arshakuni”, since 1922 (architect G. Ivanov. 1856). The interiors were designed by Iranian masters (in Qajar art style) who were working in Tbilisi

 The Tbilisi State Academy of Arts is one of the oldest universities in Georgia and Caucasus. It is located in Tbilisi city near the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre on Rustaveli avenue

 Interior for the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Baroque-Persian style2nd floor

Monument to the great Georgian composer, Zakaria Paliashvili (sculptor M. Berdzenishvili, bronze, 1971) Rustaveli Avenue

Zakaria Paliashvili

(sculptor M. Berdzenishvili),

Rustaveli Avenue

The Kashveti Church of St. George Rustaveli Avenue

The Kashveti Church of St. George located across from the Parliament building on Rustaveli Avenue was constructed between 1904 and 1910 by the architect Leopold Bilfeldt

The Kashveti Church of St. George Rustaveli Avenue

Kashveti’s frescoe painted in 1947 by the influential Georgian painter, Lado Gudiashvili (1896-1980)

Lado Gudiashvili (1896-1980)

 Borjomi – mineral water of volcanic origin and by natural criteria counts more than 1500 years

Cheese pie (khachapuri) national dish of Georgia

Khinkaliis a very popular

Georgian dumpling made of twisted knobs of dough,

stuffed with meat and spices

Khinkali are a specialty of the Caucasus nation of Georgia. They are most often enjoyed at special restaurants where the tasty, meat-filled dumplings are served simply with a generous sprinkling of crushed black pepper. While ground beef and lamb are the most common fillings, you can also make khinkali stuffed with chopped mushrooms or cheese

Churchkhela is a traditional sausage-shaped candy originating from the Caucasus region. It is a very popular food

Tklapi is a traditional Georgian puréed fruit roll-up leather.  It can be sour or sweet. 

Berbuk Towers Thermal Spa is a new concept in the luxury hotel and serviced apartment 

Tbilisi Historical Museum - exquisite gold jewellery from the 3rd millennium BC

Tbilisi Historical Museum - exquisite gold jewellery from the 3rd millennium BC

Tbilisi concert hall

Merab Berdzenishvili The Muze 1972 Tbilisi concert hall

Text: InternetPictures: Internet Sanda FoişoreanuCopyright: All the images belong to their authors.

Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanuhttps://plus.google.com/+SandaMichaela

Sound: Ananuri - Georgian folklore ensemble - Ananuridan; Khevsuruli Gigini
