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Geovia Gems Brochure

Date post: 14-Apr-2018
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    3     d      s  .      c      o     m      /      G     E      o     V     I      A  | GEMS BEnEfIts Collaborative geology and mine planning supporting Cross-funCtional teams Centr aldat abase manag esdat a,ena blingd atase curity andaud itabil ity,wh ile eliminatingdataredundancyandincreasingdataintegrityandaccuracy. Streamline ddataows,centr aldataacc essandincre asedcompati bility improveco llaboration,pr ovidinginformati onwhenneededtospee d decision-making. Systemease-of -usedialogboxesguid eusersthroughr obustworkows. Industry-standar dMicrosoftte chnologiesintegr atewithexisting IT infrastructur eandensuresyst emscalability. PlotMakerfe atureallowsuse rstoannotatepl otswithtextblocks, images, Excelspr eadsheets,Worddocumentsandotherobjects.
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• Use long-term planning tools to setmining targets and test scenariosto determine the best way to mineover multiple working periods.

• Reconcile performance bycomparing planned mining activitiesto actual performance and progress.

• Control daily production with

always up-to-date survey andgrade control data.

• Use GEMS Go Simulator to ensurethat your plan is practical to mineby simulating mining withequipment eets.

• Run volumetrics to determine andreport reserve depletion.

• Depend on the Drillhole ExcavationWarning System to help youidentify potential hazards.

o e p t• Interface seamlessly with GEOVIA


to optimise pit designs andpushbacks.

• Specify blast pattern layouts andcontrol drilling depth by settingpre-de ned surfaces, then placehole collars onto existing surfacesfor elevation control.

u e t• Automate the tunnel design process

by turning centre lines you de neinto complete tunnels with safetybays and lleted intersections.

• Create comprehensive stope designsand determine volumes, dilutionand mineable reserves.

“GEMS plays an important part at Nordkalk – from oreexploration to drillhole planning to product delivery. GEMS is

so integrated into our entire mining structure that we couldnot successfully handle quality control or do mine planning

without it.”

— Gerhard Hakkarainen, Geologist, Nordkalk Corporation

• Ensure your designs are accurateand up-to-date by using a blast ringdesign tool integrated with stopedesign and 3D solids modelling.

MinE productionWhether you operate an undergroundor open pit mine, GEMS lets youcontrol essential mining processes.

With all data stored in a centraldatabase, all decisions are made usingthe most up-to-date information,which is available on-demand whereand when it is needed.

• Add production schedulingcapabilities to produce Gantt chartsand schedules.

• Download measurements directlyfrom total stations and GPSrecorders, then merge pickup data,update excavation status, reportvolumetric progress, and lay out diglimits and blast patterns.

• Improve ore control by enablinggrade control engineers to useassay data and polygons to managethe daily operational grade controlrequirements.


Survey Application in GEMS.

Sectional view of a surface showing drapedmineralised zones, with 3D shear structure andcoloured drillhole traces within an open pit design.

Triangulated modules of underground workings(from survey data and CMS laser survey systems).

Open pit design.

GEMS showing complex geological solid and block modelling based on drillhole and topographic mapping.

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Dassau t Systèmes, the 3D ExpEriEncE c m a y, v des a Bus ess p atf m em se, e, the ud, we ed by 10 s ftwa e a at s that e m ts s a

a d dust a ab at .

Dassau t Systèmes, the 3DExpEriEncE c m a y, v des bus ess a d e ewith irtual uni rs s to imagin sustaina l inno ations. Its world-l adings ut s t a sf m the way du ts a e des g ed, du ed, a d su ted.Dassau t Systèmes’ ab at ve s ut s f ste s a vat , e a d gpossi iliti s for th irtual world to impro th r al world. Th group ringsva ue t ve 150,000 ust me s f a s zes, a dust es, m e tha 140countri s.

CATIA, S oliDWorkS, SiMUliA, DElMiA, EnoViA, GEoViA, ExAlEAD, n eTvIbeS,3DSWYM a d 3DViA a e eg ste ed t adema s f Dassau t Systèmes tssubs d a es the US a d/ the u t es.

F m e f mat , v s t www.3ds.com/GEOVIA

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The mining solutions you expect. From the people you trust.

With a GEMS collaborative solutionrunning on Microsoft SQL Server,work ows are optimised and miningprofessionals freed from managingdata, allowing more time to be spenton running the operation.

thE BEnEFits

• Business process improvement

approach to implementation.

• Optimised work ows enable

faster and better decision making.

A Single Source of Trusted Information

Multiple Sources of Questionable Information

The Problem The GEMS Solution






Ore Control

Drill & Blast


Survey Mine

Planning GradeControl



Ore Control

Drill & Blast



• Role-based access to data.

• The right data is always available.

• Data is secured and managed.

• Redundancy of data is eliminated.

• Auditable information trails.

gems Collaborative solution

f @3 .c www.3 .c /geovia/gems.
