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GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) · The right home remedies for acid reflux work very quickly...

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The right home remedies for acid reflux work very quickly and very effectively. So here's a complete list of the best home remedies for GERD and heartburn, along with the reasons why they work so amazingly well... Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is now one of the most common health complaints doctors and pharmacists are asked to deal with (especially in pregnant women). In fact, close to half of all Americans are affected by acid reflux at some point, many of them severely. The worst symptom and side effect of GERD is heartburn. This condition produces a painful burning sensation behind the breast bone that can be mistakenly interpreted as a heart attack. If you’ve ever had a severe case of acid reflux and heartburn, you’ll know just how painful it can be. Usually it will attack while you’re sleeping (or trying to sleep) and can have you reaching for virtually anything you can get your hands on that might help to alleviate the terrible symptoms! Heartburn also increases your risk of developing esophageal cancer quite significantly, so if you regularly suffer from this condition then you definitely need to fix this problem A.S.A.P. When you eat your food (and swallow it) it goes down through a long tube called your esophagus and ends up in your stomach. A small valve called the lower esophageal sphincter closes (no this is not where the nickname for your bum came from!), which then stops any food or acid from being able to move back up the esophagus. The problem is, when this valve doesn’t relax and close properly it allows stomach acid to flow (reflux) back up your swallow pipe. When you get “heartburn” this is simply the stomach acid eating away at the ling of your esophagus! Contrary to what the medical profession believe (and try to tell you), acid reflux is not caused by excessive acid production in your stomach. In fact, it’s usually caused from not having enough stomach acid and an unpleasant little bug called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Barry Marshall from Australia, was able to conclusively prove that Helicobacter pylori causes stomach ulcers and is a major cause of GERD. You can also have severe acid reflux and heartburn if you're suffering from a hiatal hernia (you can read more about hiatal hernia's here).

The right home remedies for acid reflux work very

quickly and very effectively. So here's a complete list

of the best home remedies for GERD and heartburn,

along with the reasons why they work so amazingly


Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

is now one of the most common health complaints

doctors and pharmacists are asked to deal with

(especially in pregnant women). In fact, close to half

of all Americans are affected by acid reflux at some

point, many of them severely. The worst symptom and

side effect of GERD is heartburn. This condition produces a painful burning sensation behind

the breast bone that can be mistakenly interpreted as a heart attack.

If you’ve ever had a severe case of acid reflux and heartburn, you’ll know just how painful it

can be. Usually it will attack while you’re sleeping (or trying to sleep) and can have you

reaching for virtually anything you can get your hands on that might help to alleviate the

terrible symptoms! Heartburn also increases your risk of developing esophageal cancer

quite significantly, so if you regularly suffer from this condition then you definitely need to

fix this problem A.S.A.P.

When you eat your food (and swallow it) it goes down through a long tube called your

esophagus and ends up in your stomach. A small valve called the lower esophageal

sphincter closes (no this is not where the nickname for your bum came from!), which then

stops any food or acid from being able to move back up the esophagus. The problem is,

when this valve doesn’t relax and close properly it allows stomach acid to flow (reflux) back

up your swallow pipe. When you get “heartburn” this is simply the stomach acid eating

away at the ling of your esophagus!

Contrary to what the medical profession believe (and try to tell you), acid reflux is not

caused by excessive acid production in your stomach. In fact, it’s usually caused from not

having enough stomach acid and an unpleasant little bug called Helicobacter pylori (H.

pylori). Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Barry Marshall from Australia, was able to conclusively prove

that Helicobacter pylori causes stomach ulcers and is a major cause of GERD. You can also

have severe acid reflux and heartburn if you're suffering from a hiatal hernia (you can read

more about hiatal hernia's here).

The most common drugs used by the medical profession to treat GERD are proton pump

inhibitors (PPI’s). And yes, these pharmaceuticals do help to stop acid production in the

stomach and relieve the symptoms of acid reflux. But the problem is if you want to fix your

acid reflux for good you actually need more stomach acid not less! The other problem is

without enough stomach acid your body cannot digest the food and nutrients it needs so

you end up with more brutal and dangerous health problems such as chronic fatigue

syndrome, leaky gut syndrome and severe viral infections. The side effects of these drugs

are not pretty either… pneumonia, bone loss, hip fractures, and the high chance of infection

from a harmful intestinal bacteria called Clostridium difficile. So although using these

medications can help in the short term, long term they will turn out to be an absolute


Using natural and home remedies for acid reflux and GERD really do work spectacularly well.

And the biggest benefit is they don’t just treat the symptoms and give you a bit of

temporary relief like pharmaceuticals do, they also treat the underlying cause. So this

means you will not only get immediate and sustained relief, you will also become

completely cured of your acid reflux within a few short months (as long as you continue to

follow the recommendations below). These natural remedies are also safe for pregnant

women and children (including toddlers) as well.

This might sound a bit outlandish to you at the moment, but we promise that if you follow

our directions to the letter, GERD and heartburn will definitely be a thing of the past for you.

You will also find yourself with more energy than you’ve had in a long time and you will be a

lot healthier than you’ve been in long time as well. The reason for this is your digestive

system will be working properly and at its peak, and this will allow your body to be able to

easily absorb the nutrients it so desperately needs right now. It will also allow your immune

system to rebuild and recharge itself back to the maximum level.

So get ready to enjoy these positive health benefits as well!

There are basically 3 types of home remedies for acid reflux… One’s that give fast (instant)

relief from your GERD symptoms, ones that give long and permanent relief (cure) your acid

reflux and heartburn, and ones that do a combination of both. We will be listing all of these,

beginning with the natural remedies that will give you long and

permanent relief, followed by the home remedies you can use

for quick relief from acid reflux and heartburn if you’re having

an attack right now. We will also let you know which remedies

do a combination of both so you can make sure you integrate

them in your daily routine first.

There is no way in the world you can effectively treat and cure GERD and heartburn

permanently without probiotics. These beneficial bacteria are absolutely crucial to the

health and correct functioning of your entire digestive system, from your gut all the way

down to your waste disposal. When you have enough “friendly” bacteria in your stomach

and colon, the bad bacteria (and there can be lots of them) are unable to take up residence

and wreak havoc on your insides. This also allows food and nutrients to be digested

correctly and efficiently, and the main cause of acid reflux and heartburn (the Helicobacter

pylori bacteria) will be sent packing by the beneficial bacteria!

If you aren’t taking a high quality probiotic supplement every day and regularly eating

fermented foods then you will definitely be deficient in good bacteria (of course, acid reflux

in the stomach and throat is a sure sign of this). The other problem is if you’re taking any

type(s) of medication, this will also have a negative impact on the beneficial bacteria as

many pharmaceuticals harm the good bacteria in your gut.

Consuming sugar and fried foods also kill off the good bacteria and allow the bad bacteria to

grow and thrive, but we’ll talk more about this problem in a minute. It's also important to

note that probiotics are extremely safe, and in fact, absolutely essential, for all pregnant and

lactating women as well as infants, toddlers and teenagers!

Natural Remedies for GERD – Best Ways to Get Your Probiotics…

So the first thing you need to do to treat and cure your acid reflux and heartburn is to take a

good quality probiotic supplement every day. You can easily purchase them online or from

any reputable health food store. Remember to always keep them in a cool place, and for

dosages, follow the directions on the bottle or container.

The second thing you need to do is either start fermenting your own foods or go out and

buy pre-made fermented foods and products. Of course, it’s much cheaper (and much more

fun) to ferment your own foods. And the great thing is, it’s not that hard to do and they

taste really delicious! We’re a big fan of “Cultures for Health” and they have some terrific

articles and give you all the information you need on how to ferment foods for a healthy

gut. Make sure you take the time to check out their website here… culturesforhealth.com.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is one of our favourite “cure all” remedies. And as an effective

natural remedy for acid reflux, it works like magic! The beauty of using ACV to treat

heartburn and GERD is it not only gives you quick relief, it also gives long term (permanent)

relief and is also safe to use if you're pregnant or breast feeding. What apple cider vinegar

does is improve and build up the acid content in your gut by stimulating stomach acid

production (this is a good thing, by the way).

ACV also helps to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria (lactobacillus), which you now

know is crucial for treating and curing GERD and heartburn. It contains the essential

vitamins, minerals and amino acids our bodies need every day, especially one of the most

important minerals we need for overall good health... potassium. In addition, apple cider

vinegar boosts the immune system and helps protect us from viral infections.

So as the saying goes… An apple a day really does keep the doctor away!

Home Remedies for GERD – How to Get the Most Out of Your ACV…

The most effective way to take apple cider vinegar is by using a combination of the liquid

and the capsules. With the liquid, mix two tablespoons of filtered water with one teaspoon

of ACV and drink 5-10 minutes before each meal. Before swallowing though, hold and swash

the mixture in your mouth for five to ten seconds first to promote saliva production. This

helps to digest food in the mouth when you eat and also promotes stomach acid

production. It also kicks the gastric juices into gear so they start flowing faster and more

efficiently, resulting in improved digestion and assimilation of your food and nutrients.

With the capsules, take 1-2 tablets either with your meal or straight after. This will also help

to stimulate stomach acid production and improve digestion. In fact, most people who

suffer from acid reflux and heartburn are gob-smacked when they first start taking the ACV

tablets and find their symptoms disappear almost immediately. The other thing is many

people actually find the capsules much easier to take than the liquid (the smell of ACV can

be quite off-putting for some) so this is an extra plus for anyone who doesn’t like the taste

of apple cider vinegar. We should note however that you do get use to the taste and

actually start to like it once you’ve been having the ACV for a while (yes it’s true).

Now when you purchase your apple cider vinegar, it’s absolutely crucial that you buy the

correct type. There are plenty of commercial brands of vinegar and apple cider vinegar on

the market now and most are complete rubbish! The only type of ACV you should buy is the

organic raw, unfiltered type that still contains the “mother” apple (very important). Most of

the capsule supplements on the market are safe, but the liquid versions are definitely not,

so be sure to check them beforehand.

Wheat grass, barley grass, chlorella and spirulina are all very powerful home remedies for

heartburn and GERD. And unlike pharmaceuticals, they come with no side effects or adverse

reactions. They are also 100% safe for pregnant women and children to have.

These amazing green foods all contain live digestive enzymes, which are vital for stomach

acid production and the assimilation of food and nutrients. The other big benefit of these

foods as a natural remedy for heartburn and acid reflux is they make a perfect food source

for the beneficial bacteria to feed off (prebiotic). So having one of these green foods with

your probiotic supplement every day is an excellent way to enhance the effectiveness of the

probiotics and multiply their benefits a thousand fold!

Wheat grass, barley grass, chlorella and spirulina also contain some very potent antioxidants

and chlorophyll (the green pigment in plants). Chlorophyll contains many important

nutrients and is a strong gut soother and mucosal lining healer. Severe acid reflux and

heartburn can damage the wall and lining of the stomach and esophagus (and cause cancer

and other very serious health problems) so supplementing with these “live” foods is crucial

for the protection and healing of these vital organs.

Home Remedies for GERD – Where Do You Find These Foods?

You only need to take one of these green foods daily so we recommend you go with the one

that’s most affordable for you and easiest to take. Once again, you can purchase any of

them online or from any good health food outlet in either capsule or powdered form. For

acid reflux and heartburn sufferers, they are best taken with food or immediately after

eating. Also try and go for the dehydrated varieties over the juiced varieties if you can as

these contain more natural plant fibers (which are good for your digestive system). For

dosages, follow the directions on the bottle.

Calcium is a popular natural remedy for heartburn and GERD

in the throat and stomach. In fact, it’s the active ingredient

in most over-the-counter antacids. Your body needs calcium

to maintain its correct acid/alkaline balance (pH) and

without it your digestive system doesn’t work properly so

end up with poor digestion and the subsequent problems

that accompany this, namely, acid reflux and heartburn.

Magnesium, boron and vitamin D are all needed for the

proper absorption of calcium.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, vitamin D is especially

significant because it helps with the production of antimicrobial peptides. So this means

when your vitamin D levels are at their peak any unwanted infections and viruses are quickly

eliminated from the body. This is extra important for people who suffer with GERD and

heartburn as infections can be rife in these people. Boron is also critically important for

killing off the bad bacteria in the gut and allowing the good bacteria to thrive. We strongly

suggest you take the time to read this astonishing article on the incredible health benefits of

boron… The Borax Conspiracy Revealed.

Calcium supplements. These foods supply a highly absorbable amount of calcium and

magnesium at the perfect ratio of 50:1. However, you will still need to take extra

magnesium to get the required amount. You can do this by either using a transdermal

magnesium spray or taking a terrific product called NaturalCalm with added calcium. For

vitamin D, get out in the sun every day for 30-40 minutes and make sure your face (and

eyes) and the back of your hands get plenty of sun exposure. If you are unable to get

enough sun exposure every day then you will need to take vitamin D3 supplements (you

need a minimum of 3000 IU a day). For boron, don’t do anything until you read "The Borax

Conspiracy" article first, then be sure to follow the advice on Borax or Boric Acid to the

letter for maximum benefit.

(link to coconut uses and benefits) Coconut oil is a very powerful bacterial and fungicide killer. But the biggest benefit for

heartburn and GERD sufferers is the fact that it fills you up, so you naturally eat less. One of

the most common problems of people who suffer from acid reflux and heartburn is they just

eat way too much food! And the bigger your meals are the more chance you have of

improper digestion (indigestion) because your stomach acid simply can’t break down all of

the food you’ve eaten quickly enough. The result of this “indigestion” is of course acid reflux

in the throat and heartburn. But coconut oil fills you up faster and having it with your meals

has been proven in studies to make you eat less. This is another reason why it’s so good for

weight loss. Coconut oil also contains MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides) which are easily

digestible and provide lots of health benefits, the most noticeable being a considerable

increase in energy.

So be sure to go out and buy some raw organic, extra cold pressed coconut oil and have a

tablespoon with your meal or mixed in a smoothie (half the amount for children). And make

sure you use it in your cooking as much as you possibly can as well!

Hydrochloric acid is naturally produced by the cells of the stomach and is one of the

substances that helps to break food down. Most acid reflux and heartburn sufferers have

low hydrochloric acid production so taking a betaine hydrochloric acid supplement is a good

idea. The other benefit of taking betaine is it also helps to kill the H. pylori bacteria in the

gut. You can buy betaine hydrochloric acid supplements from most health food stores or

online. For dosages, just follow the directions on the bottle.

A recent study showed that astaxanthin was far more effective at alleviating the symptoms

of GERD and heartburn than a placebo. And it was found to be especially beneficial for those

with advanced helicobacter pylori infection!

You can also purchase this powerful antioxidant from most health food stores or online.

According to study organizers, the best daily dose of astaxanthin is around 40 mg’s (which is

quite high) but many people report great results from as little as 8-10 mg’s a day.



What you eat has a definite impact on how bad you get an acid reflux and heartburn attack,

or whether you even get one at all. This one is really simple… any food that comes from

nature is going to help and any food that has been contaminated by man is going to make

your GERD much worse. If you go out and eat spicy Mexican or KFC for dinner then don’t be

surprized if a few hours later your stomach and chest feel like you’ve just drank ten litres of

sulphuric acid! It’s not rocket science really.

So all refined and processed foods, especially all fried foods, fatty foods and takeaway foods

must be eliminated from your diet, at least until you get your acid reflux and heartburn

completely under control. Once you do then the occasional “splurge” every now and then is

okay (we still have to live right?).

As for the foods that will help to ease and stop acid reflux and heartburn… fruits (except

citrus fruits) and veggies should be your number one choice. For instance, eating an apple

when you get a GERD attack is an excellent way to quickly treat the problem. Raw almonds

are also a great home remedy for acid reflux and should be eaten as much as possible. And

of course, eating plenty of fermented foods including fermented vegetables, chutney’s, and

cultured dairy such as natural yoghurt, kefir and sour cream will all help to replenish the

good bacteria in your digestive system. It’s also a good idea to splash an extra tablespoon of

apple cider vinegar on your salads as well for additional benefit (along with drinking the


Some of the other “home remedies for acid reflux” do’s and don'ts you might like to

consider include…

“Home Remedies for Acid Reflux” Do… Make sure You Consume Lots of Pink Rock


Himalayan pink rock salt contains over 80 essential trace minerals our bodies need every

day for optimum health and longevity. It’s also rich in chloride, which the body uses to make

stomach acid. So you can literally go nuts with this one and use it in your cooking as much as

you want and to salt your food to taste (and no it doesn’t raise your blood pressure. Read

our “salt and high blood pressure” article for more information on this).

“Home Remedies for Acid Reflux” Don’t… GERD Triggers Need to be Avoided:

Consuming alcohol, especially red wine, along with carbonated drinks and caffeine will

definitely make your GERD and heartburn worse. I know it sounds boring but good old

fashioned water is a much better alternative. Smoking is also known to exacerbate acid

reflux so this practice is best kept to a minimum (or preferably eliminated altogether).

“Home Remedies for GERD” Do… Drink Lots of Ginger and Lemongrass Tea:

Ginger has been used and valued since ancient times for its powerful healing effect on

gastric disorders. It’s known to help destroy the H.

pylori bacteria and calm stomach acid. Lemongrass

also helps the body to balance out its acid levels.

Make up a ginger and lemongrass tea by adding 2-3

slices of ginger root and a teaspoon of finely chopped

lemongrass or lemongrass tea leaves to 2 cups of

boiled water. Leave for 30 minutes before straining

and slowly sipping. Drink one cup of this delicious tea

20-30 minutes before each meal, particularly prior to

breakfast. This remedy is especially good if you're

pregnant and suffering from acid reflux and


“Home Remedies for Acid Reflux” Do… Drink Aloe Vera Juice Everyday:

Aloe vera juice helps to relieve inflammation. Because the stomach and esophagus can

become inflamed from severe acid reflux and heartburn, aloe vera juice can help to soothe

and relieve the symptoms. Half a cup of the juice before or during meals is recommended.

For pregnant women with acid reflux, aloe vera is a God send!

“Home Remedies for GERD” Do… Try to Lose Any Extra Weight and Do Some Light,

Moderate Exercise:

Studies have shown that losing just 10% of your body fat can improve your digestion and

make a big difference to your acid reflux symptoms. And light, moderate exercise helps to

improve digestion and boost your immune system so your body can fight off infection and

disease. Exercise also makes you feel better and less stressed because your brain releases

powerful mood stimulating chemicals called endorphins while you're training. So make sure

you find 30 minutes a day!

“Home Remedies for Acid Reflux” Don’t… Complex Carbs Can Fuel Acid Reflux and

Heartburn So Avoid These to Begin With:

Two studies have been done so far where they limited the amount of complex

carbohydrates from GERD and heartburn sufferer’s diets to see if this made any measurable

difference. In both studies, the difference was striking. All participants reported substantial

relief from their acid reflux symptoms by doing nothing more than limiting the amount of

complex carbohydrates (disaccharides and polysacharides) from their diet. The theory is

that these carbs feed the bad bacteria in the stomach (including H. pylori) so by eliminating

them you allow the good bacteria to grow and thrive and take over. Grains, legumes and

starchy vegetables are the ones to avoid while fruits and non-starchy vegetables are okay to

be eaten (these are monosacharides). You eliminate these complex carbs from your diet

only until your GERD and heartburn are under control then you slowly introduce them back.

Following a low carb diet for an extended period of time is not considered healthy, nor is it


“Home Remedies for Acid Reflux” Do… Eat smaller meals and Eat More Slooowly:

It’s much easier on your body and digestive system if you eat 5-6 small meals a day rather

than 3 large meals. Smaller meals are easily digested and don’t give you GERD and

heartburn whereas larger meals do the exact opposite. Also try and eat your food slowly

and chew it completely before swallowing instead of shovelling it down!

So now you have everything you need to know on how to prevent and treat your GERD and

heartburn for good. But if you are suffering from a painful attack right now, then you need

some fast relief right now! So apart from the apple cider vinegar remedy, here’s some more

natural remedies for acid reflux that work quickly to relieve

the symptoms…

“Quick Fix” Number One – Baking Soda… Baking soda neutralizes stomach acid almost immediately. It

also spikes your body’s pH level and helps with digestion.

Mix a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of filtered

water and drink straight down for rapid relief from your

GERD and heartburn. We also recommend taking this concoction 3 times per week (i.e.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for a month on month off cycle to keep your pH level elevated

and keep your acid reflux and heartburn away!

“Quick Fix” Number Two – Pickle Juice… Pickle juice works a treat as a quick home remedy for heartburn and GERD (pregnant

women usually find this treatment especially effective). It acts in a similar way to apple cider

vinegar and baking soda by calming stomach acid. So if you have some pickle juice in your

fridge, get it into you right now!

“Quick Fix” Number Three – Yellow Mustard and Black Strap Molasses

or Peanut Butter and Manuka Honey…

Usually with these home remedies for GERD, one will work for one person but not the other

or vice versa. So you will need to try out all four if you decide to give them a go. A teaspoon

(or more) straight on the tongue of each and washed down with a little water will usually do

the trick.

“Quick Fix” Number Four – Oatmeal…

Eating oatmeal for breakfast or as a snack is actually recommended in The Reflux Diet and is

especially great for kids. It helps to fill you up and also absorbs acid. Have a bowl with some

sliced banana (banana is also excellent for GERD and heartburn) with almond milk for a

powerhouse preventative and quick treatment for your acid reflux and heartburn!

“Quick Fix” Number Five – Raw Milk…

Processed milk is toxic gunk that should definitely not be drunk by any human being (or

animal for that matter). It sticks to the lining of the gut and causes all sorts of health

problems. However, milk straight from a cow is actually good for you and will relieve GERD

and heartburn symptoms very quickly. If you have access to raw milk then by all means

drink it. Some health food outlets actually sell raw milk and advertise it as “bath milk” for

bathing in (they have to do this by law) but most people buy it to drink (and its common

knowledge that you buy it to drink and not to actually “bathe in”). So a glass of raw milk

every day or whenever you get a GERD or heartburn attack is an excellent home remedy for

acid reflux. Of course, this one is completely safe for pregnant and lactating women, along

with children and even toddlers.

“Quick Fix” Number Six – Lay on Your Left Side and Elevate Your Head

While Sleeping… These home remedies for acid reflux and heartburn definitely give relief. By lying on your

left side, acid is not able to travel back up your esophagus. And elevating the head of your

bed also helps to stop gastric acid from travelling back up the esophagus. So try both of

these remedies if you have a really bad GERD attack during the night. You’ll be pleasantly

surprized by the relief you get.

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux “Quick Fix” Number Seven - Sauerkraut Juice…

Sauerkraut and Sauerkraut juice was first made famous by the Joanna Budwig Diet. She

recommends you drink a glass every morning for overall good health. And she’s right!

Sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice are also fantastic home remedies for acid reflux and

heartburn, not just for quick relief but for long term relief as well. You can easily buy

sauerkraut juice or make your own and drink a glass

every morning when you first awake, along with

keeping some close on hand in case of a GERD attack.

You can read more on how to make sauerkraut juice

here… Budwig Diet Protocol.

“Quick Fix” Number Eight – Licorice Root… Licorice root is a simple and healthy natural remedy for

heartburn and GERD that works extremely well. You can

either buy licorice tablets or licorice tea. Both will give

relief within about 30 minutes but the tablets do seem to work better and are much easier

to take.

“Quick Fix” Number Nine – Pepto-Bismol…

Pepto-Bismol contains the trace mineral bismuth. It’s an effective treatment for upset

stomach, diarrhea, indigestion, GERD and heartburn. Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Joel Wallach,

spoke about bismuth’s ability to kill the helicobacter pylori bacteria (when combined with

the tetracycline antibiotic) on his hugely successful “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” cassette tape

back in the early nineties. So we suggest you always keep some Pepto-Bismol handy and

take it if and when required. It can also be taken by children as long as you follow the

directions on the bottle or packet.

“Quick Fix” Number Ten – Chew Gum… Chewing gum activates saliva and gets the gastric juices flowing. However, this is not a

normal digestive process and is not healthy. Therefore, only use this natural remedy as a last

resort and always go for the peppermint or sugarless gums.9

Acid Reflux” Final Note… Well that ends this article on home remedies for GERD and heartburn. You really do have

everything here you possibly need to prevent, treat and cure your acid reflux for good. We

do strongly recommend that you put in the necessary effort to incorporate as many of the

recommendations we’ve listed for short and long term relief, rather than just use one or

two of the quick solutions and not bother with the rest. If you do just opt for the quick

solutions, you will simply find your acid reflux and heartburn symptoms returning again and

again and in much worse intensity levels. Remember this… acid reflux and heartburn are not

normal bodily functions. If you allow these problems to continue you will eventually end up

with severe (and even life threatening) health conditions further down the track. That’s why

you must nip this problem in the bud now and nip it permanently!

It’s also important to note here that you must not quit any GERD or heartburn medication

you may currently be on “cold turkey”. This would be an extremely unwise and dangerous

thing to do. Your body has now become accustomed to this medication so you will need to

slowly wean yourself from it.

But you can definitely do it!

Work in conjunction with a naturopathic physician and give yourself 2-3 months of slow

weaning to be completely free of your pharmaceuticals.

So we suggest you jump on the "health band wagon" right now and get rid of that awful acid

reflux and heartburn for good. We guarantee that once you do, you will never want to go

back to your old unhealthy self again!

See more at: http://www.life-saving-naturalcures-and-naturalremedies.com/home-


Many sufferers try to get relief from the problem by using antacids; however, what most

people don’t know is that long term use of these can lead to a range of health problems

such as malabsorbtion of nutrients (this means that if the person is taking other drugs or

even vitamin supplements, they are less-likely to be absorbed by the body and their effects

are diminished); constipation or diarrhoea; headaches, increased risk of food allergies,[iii]

nausea[iv], and according to the FDA, they are even linked to bone fractures![v]

In particular, antacids are linked to a health problem called pernicious anaemia. This

condition can lead to severe fatigue and muscle and nerve problems, leaving sufferers

crippled and lacking control of their bowels, bladders and sense of balance in many cases.

The reason for this condition is simple—a lack of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential for

producing red blood cells and maintaining a healthy nervous system, and a lack of it can

lead to this autoimmune condition, which causes the body to attack the cells in the stomach

needed for absorbing this vitamin.

What have antacids got to do with vitamin B12 deficiency? Well one of the most common

causes of a vitamin B12 deficiency is taking acid reflux drugs. In fact, a recent Austrian

study demonstrated that after only 4 or 5 months of taking such drugs, the levels of this

vitamin began to drop in otherwise healthy men.[vi]

Like any drug, antacids merely mask the problem, rather than getting to the root of its

cause. Instead of preventing reflux from happening, the body’s hydrochloric acid production

is merely neutralised, reduced or blocked. Therefore, sufferers continue to experience

reflux, but are just no longer able to feel it.

Like everything in our body, hydrochloric acid is there for a reason, and blocking its

production to stop the problem of heartburn can cause a greater problem to begin, as they

eliminate the acidic environment that is needed for successful digestion of food.

In many cases, ironically, it is actually too little hydrochloric acid that is the cause of

heartburn, rather than too much. Factors such as diet, a badly-functioning thyroid, lifestyle

or stress can supress its production, and as we age, our bodies also naturally produce less of

it. With this in mind, using antacids can actually exacerbate the issue greatly.[vii]

It is the presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach that sends a message to the lower

oesophageal sphincter that it needs to tighten and close off—without enough hydrochloric

acid, it assumes there is little or no food in the stomach to block off, and it relaxes. When it

gets this wrong, and your stomach actually is full of food, heartburn is the result. When you

think about it, without hydrochloric acid, our food just sits around in our stomach, rotting

away without being digested.

Some people use bicarbonate of soda as a heartburn remedy, thinking that it is better for

their health than commercial antacids. Though while in many ways it is, when it comes

down to it, this remedy still has the effect of lowering the body’s levels of hydrochloric acid,

which is just another bandaid solution that can have flow-on effects to your health.

Preventing hydrochloric acid can lead to a plethora of health problems, and disturb the all-

important balance of flora in the stomach. Changing the alkalinity of the stomach

environment by taking antacids kills good bacteria and creates the perfect environment for

bad bacteria, moulds and yeasts to take over. I’m sure you can imagine how this can create

a situation in which the patient’s health suffers so much that heartburn would seem tame

by comparison!

Since one of the functions of hydrochloric acid is to kill pathogens in our food, eliminating it

makes us more susceptible to food poisoning—and since another of its functions is to

release the nutrients from our food, if we do not have adequate amounts, this could

ultimately lead us to experience malnutrition!

In addition, many big-name antacid brands contain aluminium hydroxide. We should be

striving to avoid this at all costs, since the link between aluminium and neurological diseases

such as Alzheimer’s is widely recognised.

As you can see, although antacids are readily available from the chemist or supermarkets

without the need for a prescription, the hazards that they present to your health are one of

the pharmaceutical company’s best kept secrets, and one that gains them big bucks at the

expense of your wellbeing.

This information alone isn’t very helpful if you are one of the millions who suffers from

heartburn, though, as often it can be so painful and embarrassing that sufferers will do

ANYTHING to gain some relief! Well the good news is, there are ways of treating this

condition completely NATURALLY—ways that get to the root of the problem, rather than

simply masking the symptoms.

Most natural practitioners, and even many mainstream physicians, are in agreement that

diet is the first step when it comes to natural treatment of heartburn and acid reflux.

Not only is it your choice of food important—and we’ll get back to that later—but just as

important is how you eat it. You should chew your food slowly and thoroughly. In some

cases heartburn can be caused by the stomach containing too much food, which then

creates pressure and causes some of it to rise up, pushing past the lower oesophageal

sphincter. By chewing slowly, you give your food a better opportunity to digest and prevent

this happening. It also means that the food is more broken-down when it arrives at the

stomach, so that digestion can take place with less hydrochloric acid.

Ensuring that you don’t over-indulge is also important—it is better to eat smaller meals

more-regularly than fewer big meals, throughout the day. In fact, it is recommended that

when you feel 80% full, you stop eating in order to prevent heartburn.[viii] Since it takes a

while—some estimate around 20 minutes[ix]—for the stomach to send a message to the

brain to tell it that it is full, this is yet another reason to ensure you are eating slowly.

While we all like to have a drink with our food to aid digestion, this actually dilutes our

hydrochloric acid, making it less-effective and increasing the likelihood of us experiencing

heartburn. For this reason, avoid drinking too much liquid for 45 minutes either side of

your meal.

Lastly, avoid eating 3-4 hours before bed, as lying down on a full stomach increases the

chances of food and hydrochloric acid rising up above the lower oesophageal sphincter,

simply due to gravity.

Foods that contain gluten, along with dairy products, are commonly thought to trigger

heartburn. It is recommended that you try removing these food types from your diet for

around 6 weeks to see whether you experience any relief. These are examples of foods that

are difficult for our stomachs to break down, so in order to deal with them, the stomach

produces more hydrochloric acid, and the liver releases more bile.

This means that in many cases, after a large meal of these food types, our stomachs contain

a large amount of hydrochloric acid, along with parts of undigested food. Not only can this

contribute to heartburn, but also conditions such as gastritis, as our stomach lining becomes

irritated, and can ultimately cause damage to the colon too.

Likewise, avoiding genetically-modified foods, which we should do in any case, and trying to

eat organically can help put an end to heartburn in a matter of weeks for many people.

Eating a diet dense in plant matter, and cutting out heavy and fatty foods such as red meats

can also assist in easing heartburn symptoms.

As well as watching what foods set off your heartburn, keep in mind that certain drinks such

as alcohol and coffee can trigger it.

In order to increase the levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, mix equal parts of honey

and raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Take 2 tablespoons of this in a glass of water 3

times a day, 45 minutes before eating.

When it comes to finding a solution to heartburn, spicy foods may be the last thing that

comes to mind—just ask any pregnant woman! However, the fact is that many people have

actually used cayenne to put an end to their heartburn, since, like apple cider vinegar and

honey, it actually helps the body to increase its production of hydrochloric acid. Cayenne

can be taken in a range of forms—tincture, capsules, powder form or fresh. It can be taken

with water, or added to meals. If taking cayenne just with water, though, ensure you

consume some food beforehand, to provide a buffer between it and your stomach and to

minimise the burning sensation felt. If you are not used to taking it, begin with small

amounts and work your way up.

Avoiding stress where possible is important, since one of the body’s many responses to

stress hormones is to lower the amount of hydrochloric acid secreted. Avoid eating on the

run or when upset. Take a deep breath before your meal, and calm yourself. Taking herbs

such as valerian or ginseng[x][xi], to calm yourself and lower stress levels is another way of

helping in this regard.

Herbs such as peppermint, cinnamon, ginger, aloe, liquorice, lavender or marshmallow also

calm, promote digestion and help to relieve pain. These can be used as an alternative to

antacids, and are an effective way of aiding digestion. They can be taken as a tea, tincture,

in a capsule, or fresh.

Ginger, peppermint and fennel are a match made in digestion heaven. All of these herbs

contain essential oils which, even according to mainstream medicine, are effective

calmatives. They perform the function of stimulating digestion and relaxing the stomach,

which simultaneously encourages the digestion of food and relieves gas. This Eureka

Wellness digestion tincture can be used for a range of digestion-related issues, from putting

an end to embarrassing indigestion and gas, to eliminating travel sickness and even

freshening breath!

What’s more, unlike antacids, this tincture is all natural, and works with your body, rather

than against it. It gets to the root of the problem, rather than merely masking the side-

effects, which can make the problem worse in the long term. This combination of herbs

DOES NOT reduce your hydrochloric acid production, which can lead to a plethora of other

health problems, but instead encourages the body to create a calming environment in your


Keep a bottle by your bedside for those times you wake in the middle of the night with all

sorts of digestion issues and heartburn. Keep some in your purse for when you eat out and

can feel that heavy meal just sitting there in your stomach. With the alcohol removed, this

formula is even wonderful for relieving colic symptoms in babies!

This formula stops bloating, gas and heartburn almost instantly. Taking 3 droppers will

offer quick relief of symptoms. It can be taken alone or in some water. It is effective when

taken both before and after a meal, and before bedtime.

stimulate digestion

relax the stomach

relieve gas

end indigestion

ease travel sickness symptoms

freshen breath

get to the root of the problem

Doing a 5-day colon detox a few times a year is always a good idea. If you are suffering from

digestive issues, however, it is even more important. This 5-day colon detox will clean out

your entire gastrointestinal tract. While you may not think heartburn can be caused by

issues of the colon, it most certainly can. After all, the colon is part of the digestive system.

If you are suffering from digestion issues or heartburn, it is also a good idea to follow the 5-

day colon detox with the 5-day liver detox. This program flushes out and cleans the liver and

gallbladder, which is also an important component of the digestive system.

Slippery elm, particularly in the form of slippery elm gruel, is another herb that soothes the

stomach and oesophageal lining. To make slippery elm gruel, place 1 tablespoon of slippery

elm bark in a bowl, and slowly add in ½ to ¾ cup of boiling water, stirring to form a paste.

Add a little more water as needed to thin out the mixture so it is a similar consistency to

porridge. Adding herbs such as cinnamon, ginger, liquorice or nutmeg or even a little honey

for flavour can help make this digestive aid even tastier and more effective! This mixture is

highly nutritious and is perfect for those recovering from illness, who are unable to keep

other foods down.

Establishing a good balance of the stomach flora is also important when it comes to

digestive health and eliminating heartburn naturally. We want to minimise the bad bacteria,

moulds and yeasts finding a home in your stomach, and replace them with good bacteria.

Commercial probiotics are overpriced and many only contain only a few strains of good

bacteria compared to naturally-occurring probiotics that you can make yourself or buy

cheaply. There are many different sources of probiotics, including kefir, kimchi, kombucha,

sauerkraut, miso or tempeh (ensuring the soy used for this is not GM) that can help to

restore the gut balance. As well as helping your heartburn to disappear, adding these to

your diet can aid your overall health.

Enzymes help to digest the foods you have consumed. If using a commercial enzyme

supplement, ensure that it is all-natural and plant-based. Papaya is one of the best sources,

and is included in many commercially-available enzyme tablets. This can be eaten fresh, or

can be made into a tea and drunk after a meal to help break down your food.

As you can see, there are many natural alternatives to antacids that are highly effective at

preventing heartburn. While taking an antacid may be quicker and more convenient in many

ways, your health will thank you for it in the long-run if you take the time to seek natural

solutions to this all-too-common problem.

Symptoms and consequences of acid reflux are not to be taken lightly. Once your lower

esophagus sphincter inappropriately relaxes, stomach acids begin to move upward and can

cause severe pain. In the long-run, this can cause abrasions along the delicate linings of your

esophagus which, unlike your stomach, will not be able to tolerate high levels of acidity. This

then results to scarring of the tissues and trigger serious problems in breathing and

swallowing. Consequently, chronic acid reflux has been associated to an increased risk in

esophageal cancer. [1]

Acid reflux medications like antacids can only benefit to a certain extent. You may

eventually become resistant to them. The body may even slowly learn to compensate for

the rapid decline in gastric acid by producing more acid and thus, worsening your

symptoms. And of course like any other drugs, long term use of antacids may affect vital

organs like your liver.

It's comforting to learn that antacids are not your sole option to experience acid reflux

relief. Herbal remedies are not only more natural, safer, and cheaper options to alleviate

symptoms of acid reflux, they also target the source of acid reflux to prevent similar

occurrences. After all, acid reflux is more often than not caused by natural factors like poor

diet and eating habits or stress [1] so it may be a good idea take advantage of natural

strategies to relieve yourself of it.

Although research on herbal alternatives for acid reflux has been relatively modest, [2] some

herbs have been studied in this regard by scientists and shown promise in relieving

stomach, digestive, and esophageal related issues with lesser adverse effects.

Researchers have found that it is the physical attributes of fenugreek seeds that make it

uniqueófenugreek works like sponge that absorbs excess gastric acid. [3] It is also for this

reason why a 2002 study in India found both aqueous extracts and gel fractions of

fenugreek seeds to have significant protective effects on gastric ulcer and can even lower

mucosal injury better than Omeprazole. [4] And unlike other herbs which have to be brewed,

fenugreek seeds can just easily be sprinkled over your meals to gain their benefits. [3]

This herb makes up part of a popular herbal product formulation called Iberogast which has

been extensively studied and shown to reduce acid reflux, stomach pain, cramping and

nausea. [2] Because chamomile is also known as a relaxant herb, German Chamomile is best

for stress-related acid reflux. [5] Moreover, chamomile is considered one of the gentlest

botanical remedies so it is generally safe with minimal side effects, if any. [3]

The roots of ginger have been shown to possess medicinal properties in absorbing stomach

acid while also producing a calming effect. Medical herbalists recommend regularly taking

one ginger capsule after dinner [1] to help irritated gastrointestinal tract and promote better

sleep at night. [5]

Like German Chamomile, licorice is also part of the mix of herbs that comprise Iberogast. [2]

One study has investigated the effects of administering gastro-protective treatment

including preparations of licorice on 80 patients with erosive gastritis and gastroduodenitis

partly caused by gastric reflux. After 3 weeks, results exhibited improvements in erosive

alterations among 75% of patients, [6] suggesting evidence of both preventive and

therapeutic properties of licorice on acid-reflux related symptoms and effects.

Experts believe agrimony is beneficial to relieve stomach distress and restore proper GI

functioning. [5] Aside from severe chest pain or burning sensation, acid reflux may also be

accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting and nausea and this is where agrimony can be most

useful. [3]

Usually made into tea, fennel proves to be one of the most effective ways of combating acid

reflux. When ingested, this herb works by improving digestion process, thereby preventing

acid reflux. Fennel actually contains a powerful anethole substance that is beneficial in

calming or suppressing spasms of the digestive tract. [7]

Noted for its remarkable effects on improving digestion, papaya is a wonderful herb that

can help suppress acid reflux. This fruit is an excellent source of nutrients like lutein,

zeaxanthin, lycopene, choline, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, pentatonic acid, Vitamins A, C, K,

and E, copper, selenium, iron, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

More than its beneficial ingredients, papaya also makes an excellent treatment for acid

reflux. It contains powerful proteolytic enzyme that help in breaking down proteins into

amino acids. Its papaine content is useful in the digestion of carbohydrates and fats. The

proper digestion of these nutrients helps in improving digestion which in turn results

prevention of acid reflux and indigestion. [8] Furthermore, it potassium content provides

healthy bacteria into the intestine. This eases the digestion process and prevents the

stomach from working very hard. [9]

This potent herb really makes an excellent herb for acid reflux and indigestion. The inner

bark of this tree contains mucilage that coats the irritated and inflamed mucous membranes

of the stomach lining and esophagus. This results to the neutralization of the stomach acids. [10]

Furthermore, this herb increases the production of mucus by stimulating the nerve endings

of the gastrointestinal tract. Improved mucous production helps in soothing and protecting

irritated and inflamed issues. [11]

Also known as purple betony, wood betony is an amazing herb that is found to be useful in

treating acid reflux. This herb is reported to work by eliminating unnecessary acids from the

stomach as well as in improving the digestion process. [12]

Known for the wide ranges of health benefits it brings about, turmeric is an amazing herb

that may help with acid reflux. What is believed to make turmeric effective in treating acid

reflux is its curcumin content. Curcumin may be able to assist with inflammation which may

result to improved digestion and relief from digestive symptoms like bloating and gas.

Curcumin is also known for its toxin-eliminating, disease-fighting and antioxidant properties

See more at: http://www.herbs-info.com/herbs-for-acid-reflux.html#sthash.QHpHaCUP.dpuf
