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german 1000 - 1250

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german 1000 - 1250
learn german in 1500 words translated to english 1-250 | 251-500 | 501-750 | 751-1000 | 1001-1250 | 1251-1500 1001 Joe Joe 1002 Bring Bring 1003 Informationen Information noun: information, news, intelligence 1004 neu new adjective: new, novel, recent, fresh, clean, nouveau, incoming, young, new-found, green, unworn, newly-look, raw adverb: newly 1005 glaubt believes 1006 Seid Silk 1007 hörte heard 1008 rum Rum noun: rum 1009 Lage About the site 1500 words in Czech German English Spanish French Hungarian Italian Dutch Translated to Czech English Spanish French Hungarian Italian Dutch Swedish Haine turcesti en- gros haineromania.ro Haine turcesti de calitate en-gros incepand de la 2.2 Ron bucata! Page 1 of 28 Learn german in 1500 words 7/8/2014 file:///C:/Users/Alpha/Desktop/1500/Learn%20german%20in%201500%20words%2010...
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learn german

in 1500 wordstranslated to english

1-250 | 251-500 | 501-750 | 751-1000 | 1001-1250 | 1251-1500

1001 JoeJoe

1002 BringBring

1003 InformationenInformation

noun: information, news, intelligence

1004 neunew

adjective: new, novel, recent, fresh, clean, nouveau, incoming, young, new-found,

green, unworn, newly-look, raw

adverb: newly

1005 glaubtbelieves

1006 SeidSilk

1007 hörteheard

1008 rumRum

noun: rum

1009 Lage

About the site

1500 words in









Translated to









Haine turcesti en-



Haine turcesti de calitate

en-gros incepand de la

2.2 Ron bucata!

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Locationnoun: situation, position, location, layer, circumstances, lay, lie, presentation, pitch,

thickness, round, register

1010 sowiesoanyway

adverb: anyway, anyhow, in any case

1011 bekommtgets

1012 RufReputation

noun: reputation, call, cry, name, repute, renown, shout, hoot, telephone number,


1013 dagegenhowever,

adjective: opposed

adverb: on the other hand, against that, in comparison, about that, for that,

compared with that

conjunction: however

1014 RichtungDirection

noun: direction, way, tendency, trend, movement, departure, drift, tack, quarter,

school of thought

1015 nötignecessary

adjective: necessary, required, needful

1016 JohnnyJohnny

1017 MinuteMinute

noun: minute, moment

abbreviation: min.

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1018 lesenRead

noun: reading

verb: read, see, peruse, pick, glean, lecture, harvest

1019 behaltenkeep

noun: retention

verb: keep, retain, remember, keep on, be left with

1020 selberhimself

1021 verkaufenSell

noun: selling, prostitution

verb: sell, market, sell off, vend, peddle, hawk, prostitute, redeem, purvey, part with

1022 geschriebenwritten

adjective: written

1023 lhrerlhrer

1024 EntscheidungDecision

noun: decision, ruling, judgment, verdict, settlement, adjudication, recent decision,

pronouncement, call

1025 unterwegsgo

adverb: en route, on the way, away, under way

1026 InselIsland

noun: island, isle

1027 Hotel

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Hotelnoun: hotel

1028 HarryHarry

1029 vollerfull

adjective: full, full of, complete, whole, solid, rich, thorough, plenary, fraught, thick,

ripe, brimful, plump, undivided, plastered, unqualified, mellow, plentiful, rotund,

undiluted, bombed-out, chubby, slewed, canned

adverb: fully, completely, bang

1030 BobBob

noun: bob

1031 frageask

noun: question, issue, matter, problem, query, demand

1032 MonatMonth

noun: month

1033 rufecall

1034 verdientdeserves

adjective: well-deserved, rightful, of outstanding merit

1035 RachelRachel

1036 gearbeitetworked

1037 James

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1038 wenigstensat least

adverb: at least, leastways

1039 wünschtewish

1040 schönebeautiful

noun: beautiful, beauty, belle

1041 SelbstSelf

adverb: even, alone

pronoun: itself, self, themselves, himself, yourself, myself, herself, ourselves,

oneself, yourselves, thyself

1042 SeeleSoul

noun: soul, psyche, ghost, life and soul

1043 standwas

noun: stand, state, level, status, booth, position, balance, class, score, stall, station,

rank, estate, footing, standing position, profession, quality, place to stand

1044 GeistSpirit

noun: spirit, mind, ghost, intellect, wit, psyche, wraith, mettle

1045 GefahrRisk

noun: risk, danger, hazard, threat, peril, jeopardy, pitfall

1046 unmöglichimpossible

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adjective: impossible, unlikely, ridiculous, outrageous, hopeless

adverb: not possibly, impossibly, outrageously

1047 gelesenread

1048 glaubthink

1049 bezahltpaid

adjective: paid

1050 SchicksalFate

noun: fate, destiny, fortune, doom, misfortune, portion

1051 verstehstunderstand

1052 leiderunfortunately

adverb: unfortunately, regrettably, unhappily

1053 MonatenMonths

1054 WeileWhile

noun: while, spell

conjunction: because, since, inasmuch as

1055 verheiratetmarried

adjective: married

1056 musstenhad

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1057 AgentAgent

noun: agent, operative

1058 rufencall

verb: call, cry, shout, call out, send for, hail, scream out, hoot, sound

1059 jemandemsomeone

pronoun: someone, anyone, somebody, anybody

1060 BeispielExample

noun: example, instance, sample, illustration, lead, pattern

1061 kaltcold

adjective: cold, frigid, unloving, stony, perishing

adverb: bleakly

1062 sitztsits

1063 AnrufCall

noun: call, challenge, buzz

1064 SekundeSecond

noun: second, tick

abbreviation: sec

1065 schnellerfaster

adjective: fast, quick, rapid, swift, speedy, prompt, hasty, expeditious, smart, flying,


adverb: quickly, rapidly, soon, swiftly, speedily, apace, smartly

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1066 verdammtedamn

adjective: damn, damned, fucking, bloody, darn, accursed, confounded, blasted,

reprobate, deuced, bleeding, pesky, flaming, ruddy, blinking, perishing

adverb: confoundedly

interjection: fuck, damn it, blast it

1067 PeterPeter

noun: Peter

1068 holehole

1069 SarahSarah

1070 DenkstDo

1071 BauerBauer

noun: farmer, peasant, pawn, rustic, cage, boor, husbandman, tiller, churl, bumpkin,


1072 KarteMap

noun: card, map, ticket, chart, coupon

1073 allerall

pronoun: all

1074 du'sdu's

1075 BefehlCommand

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noun: command, order, instruction, ordinance, fiat, mission, dictation, captaincy

1076 darfstallowed to

1077 bekanntknown

adjective: known, famous, familiar, well-known, acquainted, noted

1078 OpferVictims

noun: victim, sacrifice, offering, prey, casualty, oblation, price

1079 unglaublichunbelievable

adjective: incredible, unbelievable, outrageous, phenomenal, indescribable,


adverb: incredibly, unbelievably, indescribably

interjection: What a revelation

1080 stecktinfected

1081 ErnstErnst

noun: seriousness, gravity, earnestness, severity, solemnity, sternness, severeness,


adjective: serious, grave, earnest, severe, solemn, sincere, stern, sober, unsmiling,

heavy, pensive, astringent

adverb: seriously, gravely, earnestly, solemnly, sternly, firmly

1082 unbedingtnecessarily

adjective: unconditional, absolute, unconditioned, implicit, unreserved, scrupulous

adverb: necessarily, absolutely, really, implicitly, needs

1083 WenWho

pronoun: who

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1084 ZugTrain

noun: train, move, tension, pull, procession, feature, draft, trait, course, platoon,

strain, stroke, expedition, slide, drag, puff, characteristic, touch, migration, tug,

streak, gulp, campaign, stop, breath, catch, flight, flock, section, haul, swig, whiff,

groove, shoal, team, mouthful, up-draft, transmigration, truck and trailer, draw string

1085 perfektperfect

noun: perfect tense

adjective: perfect, complete, ultimate, thorough, settled

adverb: perfectly

1086 witzigfunny

adjective: funny, witty, humorous, ironic, jocular, pert

adverb: humorously, pertly

1087 AmerikaAmerica

noun: America

1088 KeinerNone

pronoun: no, none, not a, no one, nobody, neither, no man, not any, less than

1089 KameraCamera

noun: camera

1090 führtleads

1091 passtfits

1092 schlagenbeat

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noun: pounding, flap, lap, rattle

verb: beat, hit, strike, defeat, knock, smite, take, slap, break, bang, punch, kill,

capture, whip, pound, kick, bat, lash, whisk, chime, smack, fell, sing, slash, spank,

best, throb, thump, blast, swat, flog, whip up, mint, wash, clout, knock about, clang,

coin, wallop, belt, biff, bury, hack out, knock around, outride, thwack, batter about,


1093 kriegtget

1094 GlaubenFaith

noun: faith, belief

verb: believe, think, trust, suppose, expect, fancy, credit, hold, guess, accept, figure,

reckon, hear

1095 siehsee

1096 HomerHomer

1097 nenntcalls

1098 bin'sam's

1099 GefühleFeelings

1100 ständigconstantly

adjective: constant, permanent, continuous, steady, continual, continuing, regular,

full, persistent, perpetual, standing, established, incessant, chronic, resident

adverb: constantly, continuously, always, continually, permanently, steadily,

consistently, perpetually, forever, incessantly, invariably, habitually, perennially

1101 verändertchanged

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1102 tollegreat

noun: quiff, cowlick

adjective: great, mad, fantastic, crazy, super, wild, stunning, groovy, madcap, fancy,

raving, yummy, rabid, magic, fantastical

interjection: beautiful, goody

1103 GottesGod

1104 heißhot

adjective: hot, heated, burning, horny, fierce, passionate, fervent, thermal, torrid,

impassioned, randy

adverb: hotly, ardently

1105 PartnerPartners

noun: partner, associate, companion, copartner, co-star

1106 MörderMurderer

noun: murderer, killer, assassin, slayer, homicide

1107 folgenfollow

noun: aftereffects

verb: follow, succeed, obey, follow on, ensue, trace, go along with, agree with, trail

1108 MichAbout Me

pronoun: me, myself, us

1109 ComputerComputer

noun: computer

1110 dahinthen

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adjective: gone, over

adverb: then, there, here

1111 ansehenSee

noun: reputation, prestige, standing, renown, repute, respectability, kudos

verb: watch, view, look at, regard, look upon, look on, esteem, count, eye, tell by


1112 AußerdemIn addition,

adverb: also, furthermore, moreover, in addition, as well, besides, anyway, then

1113 WovonWhich

adverb: from what

conjunction: from which

1114 kleinsmall

adjective: small, little, low, petty, short, mini, lower case, slight, thin, modest,

miniature, humble, diminutive, lesser, puny, lowly, quick, exiguous, ordinary, dinky

1115 zerstörtdestroyed

adjective: destroyed, ruined, demolished, shattered, wrecked

1116 suchesearch

noun: search, quest, hunt, hunting, scouting, scout

1117 II

interjection: yuk

1118 nämlichnamely

adverb: namely, viz, to wit

phrase: you see

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1119 VersuchAttempt

noun: attempt, test, experiment, trial, try, effort, essay, bid, shot, go, stab,


1120 schlimmerworse

adjective: worse, bad, serious, terrible, severe, ill, evil, awful, sad, ugly, wicked,

nasty, naughty, grievous, parlous

adverb: badly, nastily, foully

1121 SheriffSheriff

noun: sheriff

1122 UnfallAccident

noun: accident, crash, smash

1123 müsstewould

: should

1124 VorsichtCaution

noun: caution, care, prudence, precaution, circumspection, cautiousness, wariness,

carefulness, guardedness, chariness, look-out, caginess

interjection: Caution, Watch out, Look out, Watch your step

1125 NaseNose

noun: nose, scent, flair, headland, handle, promontory, overhang, horn, naze

1126 sowassomething

1127 schießenshoot

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noun: shooting

verb: shoot, fire, score, gun, hit, send, sprout, spurt, shoot away, jet, punt, pot

1128 alterold

noun: age, old age, seniority, hoar

1129 GeburtstagBirthday

noun: birthday, date of birth

1130 beschützenprotect

verb: protect, guard, shelter, shield

1131 müdetired

adjective: tired, weary, worn, sleepy, languid, limp

adverb: tiredly, sleepily

1132 BeziehungRelationship

noun: relationship, relation, respect, connection, correlation, rapport, contact,

connexion, affinity, footing

1133 gestohlenstolen

adjective: stolen

1134 stirbtdies

1135 GeheimnisSecret

noun: secret, mystery, recipe

1136 süßsweet

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adjective: sweet, cute

1137 offenopen

adjective: open, outstanding, frank, clear, candid, overt, undecided, outspoken,

straight, loose, forthright, outright, unsettled, straightforward, active, sincere, vacant,

upfront, undone, unfilled, undetermined, unsealed, unconcealed, fair, open-hearted,

ingenuous, naked, unrestrained, low, raw, pitched, direct

adverb: openly, frankly, overtly, candidly, plainly, blatantly, sincerely, unreservedly,


1138 IhremYour

1139 GeschenkGift

noun: gift, present, presentation, steal

1140 PunktPoint

noun: point, item, dot, spot, period, mark, full stop, pinpoint

abbreviation: p.t.

1141 ÜberAbout

adverb: upward of

preposition: about, over, via, above, concerning, by, for, across, beyond, upon, past,

up above

1142 hilfthelp

1143 DameDame

noun: lady, woman, queen, checkers, drafts, king, gentlewoman, lady friend,


1144 bewegenmove

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verb: move, move around, persuade, induce, move about, exercise, shift, stir, affect,

prompt, budge, incline, concern

1145 solangeas long as

adverb: as long as, so long as

conjunction: while

1146 sauersour

adjective: sour, acid, acidic, mad, tart, soured, pickled, cross, sore, off, acrid, sharp,

shirty, uptight, sickly

1147 TascheBag

noun: pocket, bag, case, pouch, purse

1148 SchrittStep

noun: step, move, pace, crotch, stride, walk, tread, footstep, gait, footfall, degree,


1149 ClaireClaire

1150 Sie'sIt's

1151 SetzSetting

1152 ArmArm

noun: arm, branch, bracket, beam, ray of starfish

adjective: poor, lacking, sparse, penurious

adverb: poorly, penuriously

1153 meintesaid

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1154 müsstmust

1155 erwischtcaught

1156 gehabthad

1157 BartBart

noun: beard, whiskers, barb

1158 vertrauentrust

noun: confidence, faith, reliance, dependence

verb: trust, confide

1159 erreichenreach

verb: reach, achieve, attain, get, contact, accomplish, get to, arrive at, gain, make,

catch, win, touch, get at

1160 wärwould

1161 AlexAlex

1162 GebäudeBuilding

noun: building, structure, edifice, place, erection

1163 ÄhmUm

1164 versprochenpromised

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1165 OO

interjection: o

1166 fortcontinued

noun: fort

adjective: gone

adverb: away, on

interjection: begone

1167 erledigtdone

adjective: done, finished, done in, vacant, ruined, shattered, washed-out

1168 ArmeeArmy

noun: army, legion

1169 nahmtook

1170 nähercloser

noun: sewer

adjective: closer, nearer, further, sooner

1171 weiteremore

adjective: far, wide, long, broad, extensive, great, vast, loose, big, open, dilated,

roomy, elastic, capacious, loose-fitting

adverb: far, widely, away, a long way, by far

1172 RückenBack

noun: back, spine, ridge, saddle, crest, mount

verb: move, move up, move over, move on

1173 Chef

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Chefnoun: chief, head, boss, leader, principal, commander, gaffer, guv

1174 PaulPaul

1175 RegierungGovernment

noun: government, authorities, administration, reign, rule, leadership

1176 PreisPrice

noun: price, prize, award, cost, rate, fee, charge, fare, praise, reward, trophy, figure

1177 HmHm

interjection: hm, um, ahem

1178 WunderMiracle

noun: miracle, wonder, marvel, prodigy, phenomenon, portent

adjective: sore, raw

1179 VerbindungLogo

noun: connection, compound, link, conjunction, combination, liaison, contact,

communication, association, relationship, relation, coupling, interconnection, touch,

junction, line, union, marriage, connexion, tie, affiliation, splice, juncture, transfer,

link-up, incorporation, wedding, society

1180 BescheidDecision

noun: decision, notice, notification, information

1181 BootBoat

noun: boat, sail

1182 lst

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1183 DanDan

noun: Dan

1184 SituationSituation

noun: situation, position

1185 normalnormal

adjective: normal, usual, regular, standard, ordinary, sane, straight

adverb: normally, ordinarily

1186 erledigendo

verb: handle, carry out, take care of, settle, deal with, attend, process, finish off,

dispatch, do in, despatch, ruin, knock out, wear out, shatter, get through with, crank


1187 mußtmust

1188 EhreHonor

noun: honor, glory, credit, kudos

1189 PlanetenPlanet

1190 fürsfor

1191 darinis

adverb: therein, herein, in that, in there, in that respect

1192 kriegst

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1193 ich'sI's

1194 drehenturn

verb: turn, rotate, spin, twist, shoot, revolve, wheel, roll, film, swivel, twirl, wind,

pull, shift, take, change, slew, fix, grind, twiddle, center on, work, throw, pull off, be

about, concern

1195 DenkThinking

1196 PrinzessinPrincess

noun: princess

1197 BenBen

1198 DrogenDrugs

1199 ReiseTravel

noun: travel, trip, journey, tour, traveling, voyage, cruise, passage, vacation trip,


1200 MordMurder

noun: murder, assassination, homicide, slaying, hit, bloodshed

1201 TollToll

adjective: great, mad, fantastic, crazy, super, wild, stunning, groovy, madcap, fancy,

raving, yummy, rabid, magic, fantastical

interjection: beautiful, goody

1202 schwöre

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1203 ZeitenTimes

1204 SchlampeBitch

noun: slut, sloven, trollop, slattern, slag, sloppy person, scruff

1205 RegelnRules

verb: regulate, control, settle, fix, manage, resolve, sort out, administer, put in order,

fix up, see to

1206 aussehenlook

noun: appearance, looks, aspect, figure

verb: look, look like

1207 verliebtlove

adjective: amorous, amatory

adverb: amorously

1208 PositionPosition

noun: position, location, standing, angle, fix, footing, seniority, lie

1209 redetspeaks

1210 ScheisseShit

noun: shit, crap, cobblers

interjection: shit, fuck

1211 MöglichkeitPossibility

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noun: possibility, opportunity, option, chance, means, feasibility, potentiality,

likelihood, eventuality, occasion, opening, contingency

1212 SonneSun

noun: sun, Sun, sunlight, Sol

1213 holhol

1214 letzterLast

1215 KontaktContact

noun: contact, touch

1216 andand

1217 DamenWomen

phrase: Ladies

1218 deswegenso

adverb: therefore, because of that

1219 ähmuh

1220 gekauftBought

1221 SchwertSword

noun: sword, centerboard

1222 Hunger

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Hungernoun: hunger, starvation, famine, appetite, yearning

1223 FriedenPeace

noun: peace, tranquility, peace treaty, quietude


1225 TonyTony

1226 persönlichpersonally

adjective: personal, private, friendly

adverb: personally, privately

1227 BlickView

noun: view, look, glance, sight, gaze, eyes, glimpse, outlook, vista, stare, squint

1228 NachrichtenNews

noun: news, tidings

1229 MaulFoot

noun: mouth, jaws, muzzle, maw, gob

1230 verratenbetray

verb: betray, reveal, give away, sell, bespeak, let out, blow

1231 HoffnungHope

noun: hope, promise, trust

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1232 geborenBorn

adjective: born

1233 UntertitelSubtitles

noun: subtitle, caption, subheading

1234 kaputtbroken

adjective: broken, ruined, kaput, bust, shattered, whacked, knackered, broken-

down, done in, crook

1235 SoldatenSoldiers

noun: soldiery

1236 eigeneown

1237 ansto the

1238 übrigleft

adjective: left, remaining, spare, over, extra, leftover, rest of, odd

adverb: over

1239 hältstthink

1240 aufhaltenstop

verb: stop, halt, keep, delay, detain, arrest, hold up, stem, hinder, retard, check,

obstruct, interrupt, keep back, keep open

1241 ZeichenCharacters

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noun: character, sign, mark, symbol, signal, indication, token, reference, marker,

omen, identification, notation, bookmark, portent, punctuation mark

1242 SofortBuy

adverb: immediately, instantly, at once, right away, promptly, straight, directly,

straight away, forthwith, outright, right off, in a jiff, in a jiffy

1243 dauerttakes

1244 versteckthidden

adjective: hidden, concealed, disguised, covert, secret, veiled, latent, oblique, sly,

furtive, larval, ulterior

adverb: covertly

1245 tatsächlichactually

adjective: actual, real, effective, true, practical, positive

adverb: actually, indeed, in fact, really, objectively, as a matter of fact

1246 SchweinPig

noun: pig, pork, swine, hog, bastard, heel, yahoo

1247 BandVolume

noun: band, tape, belt, volume, ribbon, line, bond, group, ligament, tie, conveyor

belt, assembly line, string, track, stripe, hoop, frequency band, lace, wavelength,


1248 LaßLet

1249 HaareHair

noun: hair

1250 wütend

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angryadjective: angry, furious, enraged, infuriated, raging, irate, livid, fuming, incensed,

wild, berserk, rabid, grim

adverb: angrily

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