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German Grammar

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German Grammar
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VERBS Verbs are conjugated (conjugation) . Depending on the subject, (person, number), different endings are added to the verb stem (infinitive without –en or –e). Some verbs will have further changes, especially the irregular verbs. When conjugated, verbs also form a tense (verb tense). There are six tenses in German: Präsens (the present tense), Präteritum (the preterit(e) tense), Perfekt (the perfect tense), Plusquamperfekt (the plusperfect tense), Futur I (the future tense) and Futur II (the future perfect tense). Regular verbs: Active Present Tense indicative Normal Further Changes (infinitive) frag-en arbeit-en hab-en ich frage arbeite habe du fragst arbeitest hast er/sie/es fragt arbeitet hat wir fragen arbeiten haben ihr fragt arbeitet habt sie (Sie) fragen arbeiten haben Irregular Verbs: Active Present Tense Indicative Normal Further Changes (Infinitive) komm-en sprech-en heiß-en sei-n ich Komme spreche heiße bin du kommst sprichst heißt bist er/sie/es kommt spricht heißt ist wir kommen sprechen heißen sind

VERBSVerbs are conjugated (conjugation) . Depending on the subject, (person,number), diferent endings are added to the verb stem (infnitive without en or e). Some verbs will have further changes, especiall the irregular verbs.!hen conjugated, verbs also form a tense (verb tense"# $here are si% tenses in &erman' Prsens (the present tense), Prteritum (the preterit(e) tense), Perfekt (the perfect tense), Plusquamperfekt (the plusperfect tense), Futur(the future tense) and Futur(the future perfect tense).!egular verbs" #ctive Present $ense indicative(ormal )urther *hanges(infnitive) frag+en arbeit+en hab+enich frage arbeite habedu fragst arbeitest haster%sie%es fragt arbeitet hat&ir fragen arbeiten habenihr fragt arbeitet habtsie ('ie) fragen arbeiten habenrregular (erbs" #ctive Present $ense ndicative(ormal )urther *hanges(nfnitive) ,omm+en sprech+en hei-+en sei)nich .omme spreche hei-e bindu,ommst sprichst hei-t bister%sie%es ,ommt spricht hei-t ist&ir ,ommen sprechen hei-en sindihr ,ommt sprecht hei-t seidsie ('ie) ,ommen sprechen hei-en sind/ften, when common irregular verbs are conjugated, the 0nd and 1rd person singular stem vowel changes in the present tense (vo&el change), e#g#'e 2 i' helfen' ich helfe, du hilfst, er3sie3es hilft, wir helfen, ihr helft, sie helfena 2 4' tragen' ich trage, du trgst, er3sie3es trgt, wir tragen, ihr tragt, sie tragenau 2 4u' laufen' ich laufe, du lufst, er3sie3es luft, wir laufen, ihr lauft, sie laufen#ctive Preterite $ense ndicative$he preterit of regular verbs is formed b inserting the su5% t- between thestem and the personal ending# 6n e is added to the preterit t- when the verb stem ends in a d or t. $he preterit of irregular verb is formed without the su5% t- and the stem vowel changes# $he 7st and 1rd person singular donot have a personal ending# Some verbs are conjugated using a combination(regular and irregular"# $hese verbs from the preterit with the su5% t- and achange to the stem vowel# Some verbs have additional changes in the stem,e#g#'gehen > ich ging,bringen > ich brachteregular verbs 8rregular verbs(infnitive) sagen arbeiten sehen gehen findenich sagte arbeitete sah ging fanddusagtest arbeitetest sahst gingstfandester%sie%es sagte arbeitete sah ging fand&ir sagten arbeiteten sahen gingenfandenihr sagtet arbeitetet saht gingtfandetsie ('ie) sagten arbeiteten sahen gingenfanden*ombined *onjugation Verbs(infnitive) ,ennen bringenich,annte brachtedu,anntest brachtester%sie%es ,annte brachte&ir ,annten brachtenihr ,anntet brachtetsie('ie) ,annten brachten!ith the e%ception of the verbs haben and sein and the modal verbs, whose preterit tense is also used in oral speech, the preterit tense is most commonl used in written narratives and reports# $he preterit forms of the verbs haben and sein are irregular#(in9nitive" :aben Seinichhatte wardu hattest warster3sie3es hatte warwir hatten warenihr hattet wartsie (Sie" hatten warenPast Participle (Part*ip )$he past participle of regular verbs without pre9%es is formed with the (grammatical" pre9% ge-, the verb stem, and the (grammatical" su5% -(e)t, e#g#')ragen 2gefragt retten2 gerettet$he past participle of regular verbs ending in the su5% ieren is formed using onl the su5% t:$elefonieren 2 telefoniert reparieren2 repariert$he past participle of regular verbs without a pre9% is formed with the pre9%ge-, the verb stem (often with a changed stem vowel", and the su5% en:;aufen 2 gelaufen uentl# )or e%ample' (selten) ,ch werde (morgen) ins -ino gehen. (meistens) ,ch gehe morgen ins -ino. $he future tense often e%presses a speculation (B a modal meaning", also incombination with wohl, wahrscheinlich, etc# )or e%ample' .r wird jet!t (wohl/wahrscheinlich) !u "ause sein. 6s the predicate of the sentence multiple (composite" verb forms li,e the present perfect, pluperfect and the future tenses, ma,e a CSatD,lammerE (sentence brac,et" around other elements or phrases (see also C!ord /rderE ", e#g#' +, ,ch habe ,hn gestern gesehen.,ch hatte ,hn vorherschon einmalgetrofen.,chwerde,hn bald besuchen.8n addition to e%pressing person, number and tense, a conjugated verb formalso e%presses a mood (/odus"# $he indicative, imperative and subjunctive are moods# $he indicative mood is e%pressed in the tense# 8t does not ta,e on special forms, e#g#'ich frage A present tense F indicativedu schriebst A imperfect F indicativesie ist ge0ommen A present perfect F indicative$he subjunctive ta,es on special forms that are derived from the indicative form# Past 'ubjunctive ('ubjunctive , sometimes called mperfect 'ubjunctive) $he past subjunctive is formed based on the indicative preterite form of the verb# (sein"(haben" ich(war G"w4r(e"(hatte G"h4tte du(warst G" w4r(e"st (hattest G" h4ttest er%sie%es(war G" w4r(e"(hatte G" h4tte &ir(waren G" w4ren(hatten G" h4ttenihr(wart G" w4r(e"t(hattet G" h4ttetsie ('ie)(waren G" w4ren(hatten G" h4tten $he stem vowel is often transformed into an umlaut' a > 1, o > 2, u > 3# Some personal endings also ta,e an -e# $his is often dropped in spo,en language# $he past subjunctive is often replaced b the form of w3rde F in9nitive, e#g#'&enn er mich fragte, dann 4 G&enn er mich fragen wrde, dann H&enn du mir hlfest/hlfest, dann 4G&enn du mir helfen wrdest, dann H!hen as,ing polite >uestions, ma,ing re>uests (favors, advice", e%pressing wishes or setting conditions (in comple% sentences", the past subjunctive, aswell as the w3rde F in9nitive form, are often used# 8t mar,s a process as not(et" real, e#g#' facultative'-tten Sie noch einen !unschI (in addition to' "aben 5ie 46"facultative'.rst du daran interessiertI (in addition to' 7ist du 46"facultative'.ren Sie so freundlich, mir die $Jr Du KfnenI (in addition to' 5ind 5ie 46"obligator'Wrden 5ie mir bitte die 83r fnen6obligator',ch an deiner 5telle wrde das anders machen.obligator',ch htte gern eine %us0unft. (not' ,ch habe 4"obligator'&enn ich mehr 9eld htte, dann knnte ich eine :eise machen. mperative $he imperative form (for re>uests and instructions" can be made from practicall ever verb' informal, familiar (du, ihr"Singular verb stem F ending -e (the -e is often not pronounced in spo,en language", e#g#'fragen ; frag(e), 0ommen ; 0omm(e), gehen ; geh , sein ; sei verbs with a vowel change from e to i also re>uire a vowel change in the imperative formL the imperative is formed from e toi in these cases, e#g#'geben ; gib , nehmen ; nimm , sehen ; sieh @luralverb stem F ending -t, e#g#'fragen ; fragt, gehen ; geht, geben ; gebt, sehen ; seht but' sein ; seid formal, polite, distanced (5ie"Sing#3@lur#' 1rd person plural present < 5ie, e#g#'fragen ; fragen 5ie, gehen ; gehen 5ie, geben ; geben 5ie, sehen ; sehen 5ie aber' sein ; seien 5ie (not' sind 5ie) $he imperative form is re>uired in request or command sentences# Diferent ,inds of re>uests and commands can be e%pressed with the imperative# /ther words + and in spo,en &erman the wa something is said +pla an important role, e#g#' 6dvice3Recommendation'=ersuch(e) das doch mal. (8ry this.)Re>uest' "elft mir bitte. ("el> me >lease.)/rder3*ommand' -ommen 5ie sofort in mein 73ro. (?ome into my o@ce right nowA) 8n addition to e%pressing person, number, tense and mood, a conjugated verb form also e%presses the genus verbi (,ind of verb"# $he active and passive are forms of genus verbi# $he active form is e%pressed naturall using the tense+mood forms illustrated above# $here is no special form, e#g#' ich frage A @resent $ense F 8ndicative F 6ctive du schriebst A @reterite F 8ndicative F 6ctivesie ist ge0ommen A @resent @erfect F 8ndicative F 6ctive $he passive (dnamic passive" voice has special forms# 8t is produced using a form of werden and the past participle of the verb, e#g#'@resent $ense' ich werde gefragt, du wirst gefragt 4@reterite $ense'ich wurde gefragt, du wurdest gefragt 4@resent @erfect' ich bin gefragt worden, du bist gefragt worden 4@luperfect'ich war gefragt worden, du warst gefragt worden 4)uture 8'ich werde gefragt werden, du wirst gefragt werden 46ctive and passive (dnamic passive" allow ou to present circumstances from diferent perspectives, e#g#' 6ctive' +ie Bournalistin fragt einen "undebesit!er. (B 6,,usativobje,t"# @assive' .in "undebesit!er (B Subje,t" wird (von der Bournalistin) gefragt. Passive 'ubstitutes $he passive form (dnamic passive" can be substituted with lassen F sich F in9nitive when tring to e%press the modal meaning MmKglich= (possible" (,Knnen", e#g#' +as 0ann gemacht werden. G +as lsst sich machen. and with sein F adjective (derived from the verb" with the su5% -bar, e#g#' +as 0ann gemacht werden. G +as ist machbar. !egimen Verbs ma re>uire an accusative object (a completion, supplemental information" e#g#' fragen G ,ch frage den Lehrer ihn!. besuchen G ,ch besuche meine "chwester sie!. 2*nen G 5ie 2*net ein #enster es!. beantworten G &ir beantworten eure #ragen sie!. Verbs ma re>uire a dative object (a completion, supplemental information" e#g#' !uh2ren G ,ch h2re dem Lehrer ihm! !u. glauben G ,ch glaube meiner "chwester ihr!. helfen G .r hilft einem $dchen ihm/ihr!. antworten G &ir antworten euren %ltern ihnen!# Verbs ma re>uire an object (a completion, supplemental information" with a speci9c preposition (prepositional object", e#g#' warten auf ; ,ch warte auf den &us. sich freuen auf ; 5ie freut sich auf unsern &esuch. sich freuen 3ber ; reust du dich ber das 'eschenk6 8t is possible for the accusative object or the dative object to refer to one and the same person as the subject with some verbs A so it refers bac, to the subject# 8f so, this is called a re/e0ive verb# $he accusative object or the dative object is e%pressed via a reuire use of the accusative, dative and genitive# $he negation of the indefnite article ein$eine$ein is the negative article0ein$0eine$0ein# 8t ta,es on the same form as ein, e#g#'(ominative Singular' +as ist eine$0eine "ose.6,,usative Singular' 5ie tr1gt einen$0einen :oc0.$he nominative and accusative plural is 0eine, e#g#' +ort sind keine %utos. ,ch sehe keine %utos.4ountr5 ;ames and #rticles &erman nouns have a grammatical gender# $he are S masculine (der 8ag", S feminine (die &oche", or S neuter (das Bahr"# $he article can ta,e on diferent forms in &erman because &erman has a case sstem#S +er, den, dem or des can come before masculine nounsL S die or der can come before feminine nounsL and S das, dem, or des can come before neuter nouns#Tou will learn everthing about grammatical gender and cases in the course of this program#8n some cases, der can refer to a feminine noun, e#g# S when a preposition is in front of the noun (in der 5chwei!" or S when two nouns are combined with the meaning CofE (die "au>tstadt der 5chwei!"# ?ost countr names are neuter and are used without articles (+eutschland, Hsterreich, ran0reich"# Some are feminine (die 5chwei!, die 83r0ei", masculine (der ,ran" or plural (die )5%"# $hese countr names are used with a de9nite article#6rticle !ordsPronouns can come before a noun when the are used as a de9nite or inde9nite article, e#g# the possessive pronoun# @ossessivarti,el !hen the possessive pronoun is used li,e an article in front of a noun, it can also be called a possessive article. $he possessive article is declined just li,e the negative article 0ein, e#g#' mein 7ruder, meine 5chwester# ?asculine )eminine (euter;ominative mein Vaterdeine ?uttersein3ihr ;and #ccusative meinen Vaterdeine ?uttersein3ihr ;and 7ative meinem Vaterdeiner ?utter seinem3ihrem ;andual, coordinated"# $he main clauses can be connected to one another in various was# $his will afect the sentence wordorder, e#g# in a statement as a second verb phrase' without a connector (conjunction, connecting adverb"' 7st0nd .r war bei uns, er hat von seiner :eise er!1hlt. with a conjunction (e#g#' und, oder, aber"' 7st0nd1rd.r war bei uns, und er hatvon seiner :eise er!1hlt.(also often shortened' .r war bei uns und hat von seiner :eise er!1hlt#" with a connecting adverb (e# g#' !uerst, dann, danach, schlieFlich, deshalb, darum"' 7st0nd1rd&ir haben -a*ee getrun0en, dann hat ervon seiner :eise er!1hlt.with a conjunction and a connecting adverb' X 7st0nd1rd&ir haben -a*ee getrun0enunddannhatervon seiner :eise er!1hlt.6 conjunction does not ta,e a sentence position, whereas a connecting adverb does# *omple% Sentence 6 comple% sentence is made up of a main clause and (atleast" one subordinate clause# 6 subordinate clause is grammaticall dependent on the main clause# 8n this case, the conjugated verb form ta,es the 9nal position# 8f a second (unconjugated" verb aside from the conjugatedverb also appears in the subordinate clause, e#g# an in9nitive or a participle, it is found in front of 3preceding the conjugated verb in the position before the 9nal position# Subjunctional *lause Subordinate clauses can be initiated b subjunctions3subjunctors, e#g# through the subjunctions dass or ob# 7st0ndX 7st0nd1rdlast,chweiF, dass ermorgen kommt,chho*e,dass ermorgen kommen kann5ieer!1hlt,dass siegestern gekommen ist.rfragt, obwirabends kommen werden$he conjugated verb form is found in the 9rst position of the main clause when the subordinate clause precedes the main clause# 7st +ass er morgen 0ommt,wei3 ich # 8nstead of the dass +subordinate clause, an in9nitive group (in9nitive sentence" with !u can be formed, but onl after certain words (verb, noun, adjective, adverb"# $his is possible, predominantl, when the subject of the main clause and the subject of the dass +subordinate clause are the same (e#g# referring to the same person", e#g#' Ich vers>reche dir, dass ich dich morgen besuche. ; ,ch vers>reche dir, dich morgen ,u besuchen.$he in9nitive group is more concise and often stlisticall superior# 6 commacomes before the in9nitive group# 6 relationship of cause and efect e%ists between the main clause and the weil subordinate clause (causal relationship"# $he efect is found in the main clause, and the cause is found in the weil subordinate clause# &arum6, &eshalb6, and %us welchem 9rund6 are used to as, about the cause or weil subordinate clause# ?ain *lause' Result3Efect Subordinate *lause' *ause5ie blieb !u "ause, weil sie 0ran0 war.6 relationship of conditions and possible conse>uences e%ists between the main clause and the wenn subordinate clause (conditional relationship"# $he possible conse>uence is named in the main clause and the condition in the subordinate clause#)nter welcher 7edingung6 ,n welchem all6 are used to as, about the cause or wenn subordinate clause# ?ain *lause' @ossible *onse>uence Subordinate *lause' *ondition5ie bleibt !u "ause, wenn sie 0ran0 wird. 6 relationship of action and goal, objective or intent e%ists between the main clause and the damit +subordinate clause (9nal relationship"# $he action is mentioned in the main clause, the goal3objective3intent in the subordinate clause# &o!u6 /it welchem Kiel6 /it welchem Kwec06 /it welcher %bsicht6 (coll# also' &arum6" are used to as, about the damit +subordinate clause# ?ain *lause' 6ctionSubordinate *lause' &oal3/bjective38ntent,ch muss recht!eitig !um 7ahnhof gehen, damit ich den Kug nicht ver>asse.8nstead of using the subjunction damit F subordinate clause, it is possible touse the subjunction um H (!u) F in9nitive (in9nitive group, in9nitive sentence" with the same ultimate meaning# $his is onl possible when the >uasi+subject of the in9nitive group (not e%pressed" is identical to the subject of the main clause, e#g#' Wir fahren ans /eer, damit wir uns erholen. Wir fahren ans /eer, um uns ,u erholen. $he in9nitive group with the subjunction um 4 (!u) is, in this case, stlisticall superior# 8f the subjunction obwohl introduces the subordinate clause, a relationship of non+efective condition (reason" and an une%pected result e%ists between the subordinate and the main clause (concessive relationship"# Tou can as, the >uestions 8rot! welcher =orausset!ung6 8rot! welches )mstands6 of the obwohl +subordinate clause' Subordinate *lause' (on+Efective *ondition?ain *lause' Pne%pected Result5bwohl es regnet,gehen wir s>a!ieren.($his relationship can also be e%pressed in a second main clause (of a sentence connection, i#e# a conjunction" with the conjunction aber or the connecting adverb trot!dem, e#g#' .s regnet, aber wir gehen s>a!ieren. .s regnet, trot,dem gehen wir s>a!ieren.) !hen the subordinate clause is introduced with the subjunction wie or als, a relationship of comparison can be intended between the main clause and the wie$als subordinate clause (modal3comparative relationship"# $he main clause describes a characteristic, the subordinate an object or action of comparison# &ie6 ,m =ergleich womit$wo!u6 are used to as, about the subordinate clause# ?ain *lause' *haracteristicSubordinate *lause' /bject36ction of *omparison+er ilm war (nicht) so gut, wie ich gedacht hatte.+er ilm war besser, als er in der Keitung beurteilt wurde$he subjunctions seit and seitdem introduce a temporal subordinate clause# $his describes an event in the past that is either relevant in the present or continues into the present, e#g#' ?ain *lause' 6ction Subordinate *lause' 6ction (@ast G @resent",ch 0omme viel schneller ins ,nternet, seitdem/seit ich einen +5L-%nschluss habe. Relative *lause $he relative clause is a(n" (introduced" subordinate clause in a comple% sentence# 8t is introduced b a relative pronoun or a relative adverb# $he relative pronoun or adverb refers to a noun or pronoun in the main clause (reference word or antecedent"# 6 relative clause divulges characteristics of the reference word# 8t is alwas an attribute of the reference word (attribute sentence"# &ie heiFt der $ann. der gestern hier war6+eutsch ist eine "+rache. die ich sehr mag.(as 4uto. das in der 9arage steht, ist 0a>utt.+as ist ein /hema, f3r das ich mich sehr interessiere.+ort steht sie, mit der ich gestern ges>rochen habe.,ch habe das, was du gesagt hast, nicht verstanden."ier ist das *aus. wo (D in dem) ich wohne. Uuestion !ord Sentences (w+word sentences" 6 subordinate clause can also be introduced with a >uestion word (w+word", e#g#' +er 9ast er!1hlt uns, was er berufich macht.+er /ann fragt, wie lange die :eise dauert. Pn+introduced Subordinate *lauses Subordinate clauses without an introductor word position the conjugated verb formin the 0nd position following verbs referring to spea,ing, thin,ing, and feeling (second verb phrase", e#g#' 7st0nd1rd (,ch weiF, dass du das scha*st.) M ,ch weiF,duschafst das. in the 7st position (9rst verb phrase" of a conditional subordinate clause, e#g#' (&enn 5ie mehr ,nformationen brauchen, ( dann) 0lic0en 5ie auf NObungshilfeP.) M 7st0nd1rd&rauchen5ie mehr ,nformationen, (dann) 0lic0en 5ie auf NObungshilfeP.!ord )ormation(ew words can be made in &erman with the help of e%isting words and other elements#*omposition6 compound &ord (a composition" is made b combining two (rarel more" e%isting words to ma,e a new word'/utter < 5>rache ; /utters>rache , drei < !ehn ; drei!ehn, schwar! < rot< gold(en) ; schwar!rotgold(en), auf < schreiben ; aufschreiben$he tpe of the second word determines the part of speech that the compound word will be, e#g#'das "aus (noun" F hoch (adjective" G haushoch (adjective"hoch (adjective" F das "aus (noun" G das "ochhaus (noun"$he gender of compound nouns that are made up of two (or more" nouns isdetermined b the second (or last" noun in the composition, e#g#'der :egen F die &ol0e G die :egenwol0eder :egen F das &etter G das :egenwetter Derivation 6 derivation is formed when a pre9% or su5% is added to a word (word stem", e#g#'fragen ; befragen (pre9%, inseperable" fragen ; nachfragen (pre9%, seperable" frag(en) ; die rage, fraglich (Su5%e" 4omposition of ;ouns $o facilitate pronunciation, a sound3letter is sometimes inserted in the composition of nouns, e#g#'der 7und < 6es6 < der -an!ler ; der 7undes0an!ler die ,nformation < 6s6 < die =eranstaltung ; die ,nformationsveranstaltung die 5tunde < 6n6 < der Ilan ; der 5tunden>lan (ouns are often the result of the composition of several words# $o understand what the mean, ou will need to dissect the word properl, e#g#' die 5emesterabschluss>r3fung das 5emester < der %bschluss < die Ir3fungD die Ir3fung !um 5emesterabschluss Derivation ?an nouns are made up of other words (verbs, adjectives, or nouns" with the help of su5%es (e#g# -ung, -0eit, -heit, -schaft", e#g#' einladen ; die .inladung, >3n0tlich ; die I3n0tlichkeit, das -ind ; die -indheit, das Land ; die Landschaft.(ouns ending in the su5ces (-ung, -0eit, -heit, -schaft) alwas have a feminine gender# $he stem before the su5% will usuall help ou understand the meaning of the word#B attaching the su5% -(e)r to the word stem of a verb, a masculine noun is formed that describes a male person# 6dding the su5% -erin will form a feminine noun that describes a female person, e#g#' lehr-en ; der Lehrer, die Lehrerinles-en ; der Leser, die LeserinSome nouns have a diminutive form (afectionate form"# $his is often formedb adding the su5% -chen (less often with the su5% -lein"# $he stem vowel becomes an umlaut, e#g#' a ; 1, o ; 2, u ; 3, au ; 1u, e#g#' die "and ; das "ndchen, der -o>f ; das ->fchen, der uF ; das Fchen, der 7auch ; das 7uchlein.$he grammatical gender of the diminutive form of a noun is alwas neuter# 4omposition of (erbs Derivation Uuite often, when a compound verb is formed, it becomes a separable verb# $he 9rst part (also called pre9%" of these verbs is stressed (e#g# aufschreiben"# $he 9rst part of the verb (e#g# auf$schreiben) is separated from the second and placed behind it in conjugated forms of the present and preterite tenses'ich schreibe (es) auf , sie schrieb (etwas) auf Separable pre9%es include the following'ab- (abholen ich hole 4 ab)an- (anfangen ich fange 4 an) auf- (aufstehen ich stehe 4 auf) aus- (ausgehen ich gehe 4 aus) ein- (ein0aufen ich 0aufe 4 ein) mit- (mit0ommen ich 0omme 4 mit) 7or- (vorlesen ich lese 4 vor) ,u- (!uh2ren ich h2re 4 !u) Regarding the present and preterite tenses, the separated and adjusted 9rst part can be pushed bac, to the 9nal part of the sentence ('at*klammer or sentence bracket) A when additional sentence parts are present',ch schreibe deine %dresse sofort auf.!ith regard to the past participle (e#g# in the perfect tense or pluperfect", the pref0 ge- is placed between the 9rst and second part'(ich habe) aufgeschrieben, (sie hatte) aufgeschrieben$here are also derived verbs with inseparable pref0es# $hese pre9%es cannot be separated from the second part# Some inseparable pre9%es are as follows'be- (be0ommen ich be0omme)er- (er!1hlen ich er!1hle)7er- (ver0aufen ich ver0aufe)Verbs with the su5% -ier(en) can be derived from foreign word nouns, e#g#'das 8elefon ; telefonieren, die Q>eration ; o>erieren, die :e>aratur ; re>arieren.ord Formation of #djectives Derivation 8n order to form adjectives, add the su5%es -ig, -lich, -isch, -bar, -sam to nouns and verbs, e#g#' der &ind ; windig, der reund ; freundlich, der ran!ose ; fran!2sisch, be!ahlen (02nnen) ; be!ahlbar, sich m3hen ; m3hsam$he su5% -los is added to nouns ma,ing them adjectives# 8t means Owithout somethingO# (die) 9ren!e < -los B gren!enlos (ohne &renDe3n"(die) 5orge < -los B sorglos (ohne Sorge3n"6djectives based on foreign words or internationalisms often have special su5%es, e#g#' international, >rin!i>iell, interessant, intelligent, negati7.ord Formation" 'everal .ord $5pes Derivation $he pre9% un- negates or e%presses the opposite# 8t can be added to diferent tpes of words, e#g#adjective' un- < sicher D unsicher (nicht sicher)noun')n- F (das) 9l3c0 B das 8ngl3c0 (das @ech, das schlimme Ereignis"$he pre9% un- is usuall stressed# *onversion Verbs and adjectives can be nominaliDed, that is transformed into nouns# $he are then capitaliDed# (ominaliDed verbs are alwas neuter# $hese nouns can be recogniDed b an article (facultative" or b the connection to a preposition, e#g#' abwaschen ; das 4bwaschen((as) 4bwaschen dauert nicht lange. -um 4bwaschen braucht man heiFes &asser. &eim 4bwaschen h2re ich gern :adio.$he grammatical gender of substantiviDed adjectives varies# (der 9roFe, die -leine dort, das 5ch2ne $ (etwas) 5ch2nes"# $he can be used with or without an article (article word"# $he are declined based on the declension categor OadjectiveO (as with other words that come before a noun", e#g#' neu G das ;eue A ;eues A et&as ;eues A manches ;eue/ich interessiert alles 9eue von dir. ,ch habe mich mit 9euem besch1ftigt#6djectives$he adjective can be used in a sentence predicativel5 A as part of the predicate# 8n this case, it is not declined, e#g#+er 7rief0asten ist gelb#6lmost all adjectives can be declined# 6djectives are declined when the come as an attribute before a noun, e#g#' der neue ilm, auf einer grnen &iese, mit kaltem 7ier$here are three tpes of declination'7# after a de9nite article word (der neue ilm, die gr3ne &iese, das 0alte 7ier" ?asculine )eminine (euter;ominativeder neue )ilmdie grJne !iesedas ,alte Bier #ccusativeden neuen )ilmdie grJne !iesedas ,alte Bier 7ativedem neuen )ilmder grJnen !iese dem ,alten Bier uivalent sentence phrases and sentence parts (please see sentence structure, compound sentences, comple% sentences, etc#", e#g#' meine .ltern und ich .r war bei uns und (er) hat von seiner :eise er!1hlt. )urther conjunctions are, e#g#' oder, aber, denn# Subjunction3Subjunctor 6 subjunction (subjunctor" is a tpe of word that connects a main and a subordinate clause in comple% sentences b introducing the subordinate clause, e#g#' ?ain *lause Subordinate *lause dass: ,ch weiF,dass er morgen 0ommt.weil: 5ie blieb !u "ause,weil sie 0ran0 war.wenn: /an lebt gesund,wenn man 5>ort treibt.)urther subjunctions are, e#g#' damit, wie, ob, seit(dem), obwohl#$he subjunction um H(!u" introduces an in9nitive group (an in9nitive sentence", e#g#' &ir fahren ans /eer, um uns ,u erholen. 6dverb$he adverb is a tpe of word that cannot be declined# 6dverbs can projectvarious meanings, e#g# localit (oben, dort", temporalit (gestern, danach", mood (gern, so", causalit (deshalb, darum", concessivit (trot!dem" and other meanings# 6n interrogative adverb (>uestion adverb" as,s about adverbs or adverbial connectors, e#g#' wo6 dort, hinter dem "aus, wann6 dann, in einer 5tunde wie6 so, auf diese &eise warum6 deshalb, wegen des schlechten &etters 6 relative adverb introduces a relative clause, e#g# wo, when the antecedent in the main clause is a localit reference, or wie, when the antecedent refers to the mood (manner", e#g#' In der Wohnung. wo (D in der) wir jet!t wohnen, ist !u wenig Ilat! f3r uns.(ie 4rt. wie (D in der) er schreibt, gef1llt mir. 6 relative adverb can be replaced b a preposition F relative pronoun# 6 connecting adverb connects two main clauses and e%presses the relationship between the two clauses in its meaning# $he connecting adverb ta,es, unli,e a conjunction, a sentence position (7st, 1rd, etc#", e#g#' ,ch habe einen +5L-%nschluss. "eitdem 0omme ich viel schneller ins ,nternet. ,ch habe einen +5L-%nschluss. ,ch 0omme seitdem viel schneller ins ,nternet. )urther connecting adverbs are as follows' 6ddition' auFerdem $ime' da, dann, danach, !uerst, schlieFlich @lace' da, dort, dahin Reason' deshalb, darum, n1mlich (n1mlich never ta,es the 7st positionZ" 8nsu5cient grounds' trot!dem *omparison3limitation' allerdings8mpossible e%pected or opposite results' sonst
