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GESS Quarterly Progress Report 10 - 2016

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Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS) Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) 10 – Q1-2016 April 2016 Government of South Sudan / Department for International Development (DFID) Implementing partners:
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Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS)

Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) 10 – Q1-2016

April 2016

Government of South Sudan / Department for International Development (DFID)

Implementing partners:

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Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS) – Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) 10 – Q1-2016

Issue and revision record

Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description 1.

21.04.2016 Emma van der Meulen/Fiona Bailey

Akuja de Garang Patricia Schwerzel First draft

2. 30.04.2016 Emma van der Meulen

Akuja de Garang Patricia Schwerzel Final draft

This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above-captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose.

We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties

This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it.

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Girls’ Education South Sudan (GESS) – Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) 10 – Q1-2016



Chapter Title Page

List of Abbreviations v

1. Executive Summary of Progress on Logframe Indicators 7

2. Financial Summary 11

3. GESS Programme Coordination 12

3.1 Governance ______________________________________________________________ 123.2 Staffing changes ___________________________________________________________ 123.3 Consultancies _____________________________________________________________ 123.4 GESS communications ______________________________________________________ 123.5 State Anchor Management ___________________________________________________ 133.5.1 Training and workshops _____________________________________________________ 133.5.2 Asset Management and Duty of Care __________________________________________ 143.5.3 Performance challenges _____________________________________________________ 143.5.4 Handling of supplementary readers ____________________________________________ 153.5.5 Overview of field visits this quarter: ____________________________________________ 153.6 Coordination with other development actors _____________________________________ 15

4. Challenges and Achievements per Output 16

4.1 Output 1 –-‘Our School’ Radio and Community Mobilisation _________________________ 164.1.1 Achievements _____________________________________________________________ 164.1.2 Challenges _______________________________________________________________ 204.1.3 Plans for the next quarter ____________________________________________________ 214.2 Output 2.1 – Cash Transfers _________________________________________________ 234.2.1 Achievements _____________________________________________________________ 234.2.2 Challenges _______________________________________________________________ 234.2.3 Plans for the next quarter ____________________________________________________ 234.3 Output 2b – Capitation Grants ________________________________________________ 244.3.1 Achievements _____________________________________________________________ 244.3.2 Challenges _______________________________________________________________ 244.3.3 Plans for the next quarter ____________________________________________________ 244.4 Output 2.3 – Quality Education ________________________________________________ 254.4.1 Achievements _____________________________________________________________ 254.4.2 Challenges _______________________________________________________________ 264.4.3 Plans for the next quarter ____________________________________________________ 274.5 Output 3a – Knowledge, Evidence and Research _________________________________ 274.5.1 Achievements _____________________________________________________________ 274.5.2 Challenges _______________________________________________________________ 27

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4.5.3 Plans for the next quarter ____________________________________________________ 274.6 Output 3b - South Sudan Attendance Monitoring System (SSSAMS) __________________ 274.6.1 Achievements _____________________________________________________________ 274.6.2 Challenges _______________________________________________________________ 284.6.3 Plans for the next quarter ____________________________________________________ 28 Annexes Annex 1. Logical Framework 29

Annex 2. Quarterly Risk Monitoring Report by State 39

Annex 3. State-by-State Progress Update on Activities per Output 47

Annex 4. Terms of Reference for Gender Focus Review of GESS 49

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List of Abbreviations

AET African Education Trust ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency ACROSS Association of Christian Resource Organisations Serving AY Academic Year BBC MA British Broadcasting Cooperation Media Action BCC Behaviour Change Communication BoG Board of Governors BOSS Bank of South Sudan BMB MM BMB Mott MacDonald BRAC Building Resources Across Communities BSI Budget Strengthening Initiative CARITAS CH CARITAS Switzerland CBoSS Central Bank of South Sudan CED County Education Department CEO County Education Officer/Advisor CGA Charlie Goldsmith Associates CHF Common Humanitarian Fund CM Community Mobilisation CY Calendar Year DAR Daily Attendance Register DFID Department for International Development DG Director General ECS Episcopal Church Sudan EfC Education for Change EiE Education in Emergency EMIS Education Management Information System EU European Union ES Education Specialist FHSS Food for the Hungry South Sudan FY Financial Year GBP Great Britain Pound GEE Gender Equity Through Education GESP General Education Strategic Plan GESS Girls’ Education South Sudan GPE(P) Global Partnership for Education (Programme) GRSS Government of the Republic South Sudan GRS Government of the Republic of Sudan GUN Greater Upper Nile HARD Hope Agency for Relief and Development HE His Excellency IDP Internally Displaced Person IDI In-depth Interview IMED Improved Management of Education Delivery ISCED International Standards for the Classification of Education JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KER Knowledge Evidence & Research

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LG Listening group LSS AI Local Services Support Aid Instrument MNO Mobile (phone) Network Organization MoEST Ministry of Education, Science and Technology MoFCEP Ministry of Finance, Commerce and Economic Planning MoFCIEP Ministry of Finance, Commerce, Investment and Economic

Planning MoLPSHRD Ministry of Labour, Public Service & Human Resource

Development MoTPS Ministry of Telecommunications and Postal Services NEF National Education Forum NNGO National Non-Governmental Organisation ODI Overseas Development Institute PAR Pupils Attendance Register PES Payam Education Supervisor PFM Public Finance Management PoC Protection of Civilians PTA Parent Teacher Association QPR Quarterly Progress Report RDF Resource Development Foundation for Africa RSS Republic of South Sudan RS Republic of Sudan SA(s) State Anchor NGO(s) SALF Standard Action Liaison Focus SDP School Development Plan SGB School Governing Body SMC School Management Committee SMoE State Ministry of Education SMoF State Ministry of Finance SSNLA South Sudan National Legislative Assembly SSSAMS South Sudan School Attendance Monitoring System SSEPS South Sudan Electronic Payroll System SSP South Sudanese Pounds TA Technical Assistance TNA Teacher Needs Assessment ToT Trainer of Trainers TTI Teacher Training Institute TWG Technical Working Group UMCOR United Methodist Committee On Relief UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund U/S Undersecretary USAID United States Agency for International Development VfM Value for Money VSO Volunteer Service Overseas VSM Visual Storytelling Materials WB World Bank WFP World Food Programme WI Winrock International

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1. Executive Summary of Progress on Logframe Indicators

Logframe Indicator Milestone target 30 September 2016

Current level of progress against milestone target at end of quarter reported on 31 March 2016

Progress Indicator1

Impact 1: Gender parity index for primary and secondary schools

Primary GPI = 0.72 Secondary GPI = 0.54

Primary GPI: 0.72 Secondary GPI: 0.50 http://sssams.org/ams/indicators.php accessed 21/4/16 (469805 pupils)

Impact 2: Girls pass rate at Primary Leaving Examinations and South Sudan Certificate of Secondary Education

PLE = 65% SSCSE = 65%

PLE 2014: 61% SSCSE Sudan Curriculum (April-May 2015): 73% SSCSE South Sudan Curriculum (Jan-Feb 2015): 41%] Primary exam results for AY2015 are being collated. Secondary Exam results for academic year 2015 are not yet available. New SSSAMS exams module development has occurred during Q1 2016, and will be populated for end AY2015 Exams in Q2.

Impact 3: Average scores on learning achievements in Maths and English

Maths: +0.1 SD English +0.1 SD

Literacy 2014 baseline: P5 - F:51.4%, M: 56.9% P8 - F: 61.5%, M: 61.9% S2 - F: 52.8%, M: 53.6% Numeracy 2014 baseline: P5 - F: 40.1%, M: 43.1% P8 - F: 40.2%, M: 40.2% S2 - F: 30.1%, M: 30.8%

Midline planned for 2016 will show progress

Outcome 1: Weighted average promotion rate for upper primary and secondary (P5-S4)

M: 80.8%

F: 81.7%

T: 81.2%

As at 21/4/16, enrolment is 469,805, compared to over 1.1m in 2015, but increasing fast. Weighted average would therefore not be meaningful at this point. Analysis presented to April ETMCs on which schools have submitted PARs so far, and enrolment in school suggests that overall national enrolment is likely to be 15% down from 2015 levels in 2016, on account of the economic crisis and reduced value of teacher remuneration. A third factor is the closure of schools due to insecurity in parts of the country not affected by conflict in Q1 2015 (eg. parts of WES).

Outcome 2: Number of girls enrolled in upper primary and secondary (P5-S4)

P5-P8 = 130,000 S1-S4 = 36,000

2016: P5-P8: 55,473 S1-S4: 6173 (15/4/16 enrolment)

Enrolment is ongoing – see above re projections of reduction in enrolment from 2015.

2015 (final figures) Total Enrolment P5-S4

Education Female Male Total

Primary 174,216 241,546 415,764 Secondary 6406 11,375 17,781

Total 180,622 252,941 433,543 https://www.sssams.org/ams/indicators.php http://sssams.org/ams/reports.php

1 Green = on track; orange = slightly behind track; red = behind track

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Logframe Indicator Milestone target 30 September 2016

Current level of progress against milestone target at end of quarter reported on 31 March 2016

Progress Indicator1

Outcome 3: Average girls’ attendance rates at upper primary and secondary (P5-S4)

Milestone TBD once baseline established.

A note on rationale for baseline and indicators will be submitted to DFID separately.

Outcome 4: Percentage of adults in the sample study who place importance on sending girls to school

Baseline +5% To be measured at midline in 2016

Output 1.1: Number of adults reached with girls’ education radio outputs

1.4m by 30 Sep 2016

946,000 (as per the previous quarter)

Output 1.2: Number of school communities reached with the community mobilisation activities

845 782 School Communities Reached

Output 1.3: Percentage of people in the sample study who demonstrate awareness and understanding of elements of the school system that support girls’ education

+5% from baseline

To be measured at midline in 2016

Output 2.1: Cumulative number of unique, individual girls receiving one cash transfer

Total = 105,000 GESS = 105,000 GRSS = 0

Cumulatively, 121,887 unique girls have received Cash Transfers over the course of the project.

This total is made up of:

AY2014 received (paid paysheets returned) – 54,868. A sample verification of payment vouchers is planned for Q2-2016.

P5 AY2015 received – 36,023

P6-S4 received AY2015 in schools that did not receive in 2014 -- 30,996


This figure is a conservative estimate: a methodology for estimating the number of P6-S4 girls receiving in 2015 who were new recipients (eg returning to school in 2015, after not being in school in 2014, as many did) at schools where CTs were received in 2014 is being developed.

This figure will increase significantly for Q2, as o/s AY2015 CTs payment will be complete by early May, and then AY2016 CTs payment begin in June.

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Logframe Indicator Milestone target 30 September 2016

Current level of progress against milestone target at end of quarter reported on 31 March 2016

Progress Indicator1

Output 2.2: Cumulative number of schools receiving one capitation grant

GRSS = 2,965 GESS = 235

Current best figures for cumulative unique primary and secondary schools that have received CGs to date are

• 234 pre-schools • 2804 primary schools (GRSS) • 224 Secondary schools (GESS)

See: http://sssams.org/ams/output2.php and http://sssams.org/sbrt/uniqueschools_received.php (list of unique schools).

Schools counted as having received for these purposes are the number of school Capitation Grants paid out by MoFEP, less those reported to have been held by a State Ministry of Finance and/or State Ministry of Education.

The figures for primaries have gone down from those reported previously as more SAs have reported lists of individual schools that did not receive CGs sent in 2015 – but the confirmation of receipt and accountability of CGs paid in 2015 is ongoing.

No CGs have been paid in 2016 to date, because of GRSS’ shortage of funds. GESS is exploring possibilities of paying primary as well as secondary school CGs in AY2016.Discussions about rate for payment and costings are expected to be concluded in April.

Output 2.3.i: Cumulative number of schools receiving full package of community-based school improvement programme

(i) Effective school governance = 1500

1540 School Management Committees trained on school governance and management of school activities and school finance. 3225 and 2595 schools (12106 school representatives) were briefed on how to write School Development Plan and School Budget in Q4 of 2014 and Q4 of 2015 respectively, additional training planned for Q4 of 2016.

Output 2.3.ii: Cumulative number of schools receiving full package of community-based school improvement programme

(ii) Supportive School Supervision = 1500

2595 schools supported by the Payam Education Supervisor in the process of writing School Development Plan and School Budget for 2016. Additional 1540 SMCs receive regular support from PES during the SMC training.

Output 2.3.iii: Cumulative number of schools receiving full package of community-based school improvement programme

(iii) Teacher Professional Development Programme = 200

208 schools reached with regular Head Teacher Training. 157 schools reached with regular Teacher Training. 1718 teachers from 157 schools took part in training on interactive teaching methods; 1325 teachers from 136 schools took part in training on making our classrooms more inclusive; and 1138 teachers from 134 schools took part in training on preparing scheme of work. The reach of schools as well as training content will be further widened in Q2 of 2016.

Output 2.3.iv: Cumulative number of schools receiving full package of community-based school improvement programme

(iv) School-based mentoring for girls = 200

Mentors from 247 schools trained on mentoring programme. Currently validation of schools in which mentoring is included in the school timetable is in the process. Further 94 secondary schools were included in the mentoring programme in Q1 of 2016. Selection of mentors in the secondary schools as well as training of mentors in secondary schools will be finalised in Q2 of 2016.

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Logframe Indicator Milestone target 30 September 2016

Current level of progress against milestone target at end of quarter reported on 31 March 2016

Progress Indicator1

Output 2.3.v: Cumulative number of schools receiving full package of community-based school improvement programme

(v) Low cost teaching and learning materials = 200

765 teachers from 90 schools took part in training on how to make good use of teaching and learning materials available in schools to aid lessons. The training included activities allowing teachers to use available textbooks in more interactive and inclusive ways. The reach of schools and training content will be widened in Q2 of 2016.

Output 3.1: Cumulative number of relevant research and evaluation studies conducted and disseminated to policy makers

6 studies Four baseline surveys (School Survey, Household Survey, County/Payam Survey, subnational PFM Survey) were completed in 2014.The midline for these four surveys will be completed in 2016, The first round of the Longitudinal Qualitative Survey (LQS) has been completed in Q1 2016, with in-depth qualitative data collected from 20 schools across the ten State structure. Dissemination workshop with MoEST on KER to take place in Q2, with the second round of LQS to start from June 2016. The School Sample Survey questionnaires were adapted in Q4 for series roll-out (250 schools) in Q1 2016. SSS series roll-out was deferred into Q1 2016 from Q4 2015 because schools were closing earlier than expected. More than 100 schools’ survey results have been received and the balance is imminent. Report by May 2016.

Output 3.2: Maths and English Learning Assessment administered to representative sample of schools

2 Baseline learning assessment conducted 2014. Learning Assessments will be repeated as midline in 2016.

Output 3.3: Percentage of primary and secondary schools with SSSAMS reporting attendance of pupils and teachers regularly (at least 6 times per academic year; defined pro rata as 5 times by 31 December 2015)

70% Attendance can only be reported once a school is open and has reported enrolment. Many schools opened late, or not at all, for AY 2016. PAR returns ran slower than previous years in March (have now reached 1373 21/4/16): http://www.sssams.org/rpt_school.php. As at 15/4/16, the following figures applied:

• 12% (151/1249) of schools that have enrolment data

have reported at least once in 2016. • 7% of schools made at least three reports. • 6% of schools made at least 5 reports. • 5% of schools made at least 6 reports • 2194 schools have reported at least once

throughout the course of the project

As schools continue to provide enrolment data and SAs continue to upload it to SSSAMS, these figures are expected to increase significantly.

For details, see: https://www.sssams.org/rpt_school.php?tab=tab1

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2. Financial Summary

Financial Overview Spending GBP

Approved spending (managed funds and BMB TA & PM) 1 Apr 2013 –30 Sep 2018


Actual spend in previous quarter (1 Jan 2016 – 31 Mar 2016)


Proposed spending in next quarter (1 Apr 2016 – 30 Jun 2016)


Cumulative spend to date 31 Mar 2016 £29,184,588

Cumulative balance to date 31 Mar 2016 £30,874,837 Financial overview split per sub-output

Overall the spend in the previous quarter was 3.9% less than the forecast. The main reason for this was that the final outstanding payment of cash transfers for 11,000 girls still due from the 2015 academic year was delayed given the late opening of schools in 2016 resulting to a large extent from the economic crisis. This payment will now be reflected in the next quarter. Forecasts for the next quarter are uncertain given the various scenarios for the project to take on differing levels of capitation grant responsibilities.

GBP BMB TA Output 1 Output 2a Output 2b Output 2c Output 3 Total

Approved spending 2013-2018

£9,709,425 £7,080,000 £14,500,000 £12,800,000 £9,270,000 £6,700,000 £60,059,426

Projected spend in previous quarter (01 Jan – 31 Mar 2016)

£470,000 £456,624 £589,471 £394,439 £531,282 £265,923 £2,707,739

Actual spend in previous quarter (01 Jan – 31 Mar 2016)

£585,575 £424,244 £344,133 £378,877 £526,935 £343,283 £2,603,046

Proposed spending in next quarter (01 Apr – 30 Jun 2016)

£590,000 £438,068 £536,424 £785,272 £799,495 £339,521 £3,488,780

Cumulative spend to date

£5,589,961 £3,595,861 £6,928,352 £4,890,917 £3,084,778 £5,094,719 £29,184,588

Cumulative balance to date

£4,119,464 £3,484,139 £7,571,648 £7,909,083 £6,185,222 £1,605,281 £30,874,837

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3. GESS Programme Coordination

3.1 Governance Monthly Education Transfers Monitoring Committee meetings occurred on the 14th of January, 12th of February and 10th March. Discussion centred around the impact of the 28 states Decree and the impact of the economic crisis on the education sector.

3.2 Staffing changes Emma van der Meulen, who worked as the Deputy Team Leader in the GESS Secretariat since April 2014, has taken up a new role in the programme from January 2016 onwards. She focuses on Monitoring and Evaluation, both remotely from the Netherlands office as well as in South Sudan through frequent missions. While the programme is contracting her replacement, Tina McLellan was contracted as Interim Deputy Team Leader from March until May 2015, to support in particular the roll-out and monitoring of Quality Education activities. Wim Groenendijk was the Monitoring and Capacity Building Adviser in the GESS Secretariat. He has taken up the position of Deputy Team Leader with a focus on State Anchor Management from January 2016 onwards.

3.3 Consultancies Janet Raynor, an independent gender expert, undertook a Gender review of GESS taking forward a key recommendation from both March 2015 and November 2015 Annual Reviews on how the programme can better address gender sensitivity across all the outputs. The consultant took the opportunity to build the capacity of key programme implementers on how to mainstream gender in their work (see TORs in Annex 4). The report will be shared with DFID when complete.

3.4 GESS communications Over the course of the reporting period the GESS communications unit worked to build upon the increased media exposure of the programme. Highlights of some of that work: In January, GESS was notified the Programme was shortlisted for a prestigious British Expertise International Award in the category of Outstanding International Development Project in a Fragile State (Non-Infrastructure). January also saw the beginning of the search to find a developer for the new website, the work order went out to three companies (one in Uganda, another in Nairobi and one in Juba). Juba-based Dynamic Consult was ultimately selected as the firm that would build the website. The State Anchor and Gender Awareness Workshops at the end of January were featured on GESS Facebook and Twitter pages with many interactions and ‘likes’.

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Radio coverage Contact was made with Radio 1, a new private FM radio station in Juba about a daily one hour news show.to discuss the GESS programme to be featured in their education segment from time to time.

GESS secured an invitation on Radio Miraya’s Humanitarian Perspective Show for Team Leader Akuja de Garang and Ms Esther Akumu, DG for Development Partners Coordination at MoEST, to discuss developments with GESS in 2016 (pictured left). Yolanda Ille and BBC MA producer Chol Khor participated in the same show on International Women’s Day. GESS assisted DFID South Sudan and the FCO with a week-long effort to promote the UK National Education Week, including an appearance on Radio Miraya of GESS Quality Education leads Agnieszka Mikulska and Yolanda Ille.

High level visits GESS facilitated a visit of James Duddridge MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to Juba Technical School, to see the GESS programme there (pictured). Provided photographic coverage and reported the visit on GESS Social Media. In February, GESS also arranged a school visit for the Director General, Policy and Global Programmes, Mr Nick Dyer to New Generation IDP School and covered the visits for DFID and GESS reporting. GESS arranged and delivered books to the IDP school as requested by DG Dyer after his visit there. GESS Senior Communication Adviser, Paul Black, joined a monitoring visit to Ganyiel, Unity State to report on GESS activities being carried out by State implementing partner Windle Trust. The team met with the local government and school officials and visited two schools. GESS also assisted DFID’s London office for Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in drawing up a case study of GESS, as they have identified the programme as a particularly good example of work on preventing VAWG.

3.5 State Anchor Management

3.5.1 Training and workshops

On 18th and 19th Jan., Team Leaders and Deputy Team Leaders of State Anchors (in total 19 participants) attended a 2-day training on gender-aspects (definitions, principles of inclusiveness, gender-sensitive practice in education and project management), together with ± 20 key staff of the GESS secretariat and partners. As an outcome basic awareness of gender sensitivity (e.g. in the context of the ToRs that managers work with) was achieved. From 20th – 22nd Jan., the bi-annual State Anchor workshop was held, attended by ± 30 key staff of State Anchors (TLs, deputy TLs, finance and programme managers, Country Rep’s in concluding sessions), with ± 20 GESS secretariat staff and Output lead key staff. The workplans for GESS 2016 were presented and reviewed during the first two days, while in the last day financial and resource management issues and procedures were discussed, as well as the Duty of Care principles, and the visibility (or branding) of the GESS programme in the field. During “surgery sessions” the SA management staff had the opportunity to meet with GESS staff, to review important performance- and management challenges. The workshop realised its objective to inform State Anchors on workplans and on GESS operational procedures. It was realised (evaluated) that more time should be devoted to interaction between State Anchor management and GESS staff, than in the ‘surgery sessions’ during this workshop.

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The next State Anchor workshop is planned for June 2016. The objective of this workshop will be to develop the State Anchor budgets for Year 4. Financial analysis of the remaining fund balances for all State Anchors is currently ongoing. At present, some State Anchors are close to exhausting the 1.4m GBP budget they had been allocated at the start of GESS and will need additional funding to continue to implement in the years ahead at the same scale. Funding extensions will be decided based upon funds available and performance strengths to date.

3.5.2 Asset Management and Duty of Care The GESS secretariat pays attention to the responsible and safe custodianship of assets procured with UKAid funds, through GESS, by State Anchors, to enable carry out all work (vehicles, motorcycles, computers, mobile smart phones etc.). The SAs received guidance on the registration of assets, with quarterly reporting requirements, and on the branding aspects of GESS-procured or supported assets in the field. The GESS secretariat is in the process of updating and improving its Duty of Care policies and practice, both internally as well as in relation to its 3 Consortium Partners and 8 State Anchor organisations in the field. The ongoing insecurity in South Sudan, both in Juba as well as in the ‘field’, requires contractually clear mechanisms of responsibility and liability between all partners in the GESS programme. GESS contracts Warrior Co. to carry out a security risk assessment (audit) of the relevant Standard Operating Procedures, and of the main compounds in Juba and the field, of its partners and itself. GESS Secretariat closely monitors the security situation in all locations it works in. Mott MacDonald contracts Warrior Security Co. (partner in the Control Risks group) to provide daily and ad-hoc security advice to GESS (-and other Mott MacDonald programmes), vets locations for field travel advise etc. All GESS secretariat staff are required to attend a two-day ‘Hostile Environment Training’, facilitated by Control Risks, which has been on track this period and will be concluded in the first week of April 2016. Several State Anchor organisations faced specific insecurity challenges this period. This included harassment and physical mistreatment of staff during work-related travel (e.g. the Education Specialist in Warrap). Caritas Switzerland in Eastern Equatoria State (EES) faced a setback in its GESS programming, due to internal organisational problems, causing insecurity of some staff. The Education Specialist for EES, was absent of duty most of the time this quarter, due to this problem. GESS followed the organisational capacity of Caritas Switzerland as SA closely.

3.5.3 Performance challenges Specific performance problems in State Anchors / States had the attention of the GESS secretariat;

1. The FHSS GESS work in Upper Nile and Jonglei has lagged behind up till this quarter, in terms of number of schools or pupils benefiting from the programme. This is, to a large extent caused and justified by difficult access to locations, and the prevailing displacement and schools-closure in many counties. The GESS staffing in both States (CLOAs, CEOs etc.) was rationalized this quarter, with a concentration on Counties with a critical mass of functioning schools. At the same time, monitoring by GESS has been stepped up, with several visits to both States. At the end of the quarter, a much increased number of school girls had received Cash Transfers, while Capitation Grants utilization by schools much improved, and some good quality education work has been shown in both States. In tandem with some locally improving security conditions in the Greater Upper Nile States, GESS plans to further intensify the work there in the next quarter.

2. There were some concerns with the implementation in Lakes State, by BRAC as State Anchor. While a very adequate number of schools and of students has been benefiting from the GESS Outputs there, GESS has been concerned about inadequate resource allocation by BRAC to the GESS supported staff in the field, leading to lack of motivation and, ultimately,

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performance. Through close interaction, conditions of staff have been approved, while the appointment of a deputy Team Leader will further improve programme performance in future.

3.5.4 Handling of supplementary readers GESS took custody of a large amount (± 18,500 kgs) of supplementary readers on behalf of, and by agreement with, DFID to distribute these to schools in the 3 GUN states. GESS finished pre-packing these readers for 300 Primary Schools and 30 Secondary schools at the beginning of the year, while the State Anchors meticulously identified and listed schools that are functioning and can assure responsible custody of the readers, this Quarter. Preparations were made for the transporting and distribution of the readers by the end of March.

3.5.5 Overview of field visits this quarter: Name Dates State Counties visited Daniel Gesaka 17 – 19 Jan. CES Kajo Keji (follow up visit on CGs

system, with MoEST officials) Wim Groenendijk, Paul Black

3 – 5 Feb. Unity Panyijar; Ganyiel

Tim Monybuny 8 – 11 Feb NBeG Aweil C, Aweil E., Aweil S. Tim Monybuny, Wim Groenendijk

12 – 16 Feb. Lakes Rumbek C., Wulu

Tim Monybuny 14 – 18 March Lakes Awerial, Yirol E., Yirol W. Tim Monybuny 21 – 24 March JGL Bor, Twic East Wim Groenendijk 21 – 23 March Upper Nile Malakal (Makal County)

3.6 Coordination with other development actors - The EU Delegation announced that the EU-funded IMED programme will close down by 15th April

2016. As GESS has a number of vacancies, notably for a Deputy Team Leader, GESS is looking into possibilities of contracting some of the IMED staff members on GESS. They are already familiar with the GESS programme and have a strong working relationship with the MoEST as well as a good understanding of the sector.

- The Room to Learn programme will be closed later in 2016. We have engaged in discussions around shared production of the School Governance toolkit, whereby Room to Learn may be able to cover some of the printing costs.

- Frequent liaison has taken place this quarter between the GESS Quality Education team and Save the Children, who are the implementers of the School Leadership Programme for GPE. The GESS PES training and associated materials will be developed in strong coordination with the School Leadership Programme.

- The Team Leader has met with Education Cluster Coordinators to explore opportunities to support schools in conflict-affected areas such Mingkaman to transition and access regular support from GESS/GRSS. Further consultations including field trips are being planned in Q2.

Students at New Generation IDP Primary School in Juba were the first to receive a set of supplementary readers

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4. Challenges and Achievements per Output

4.1 Output 1 –-‘Our School’ Radio and Community Mobilisation

4.1.1 Achievements

Increase in broadcast partnerships In this quarter, broadcast of the Our School programme commenced on ten new broadcast partner stations after multiple negotiations. These stations are Radio Rumbek, Maridi FM, Radio Raja, City FM, Radio One, the four Internews Radio Community stations (Mingkaman FM, Nile FM, Mayardit FM, Nhomlaau FM) and Eye Radio. Some of these partnerships were negotiated for a below market rate broadcast support fee, or no fee at all with the nature of the partnership focused on capacity strengthening in return for airtime. Broadcast partnerships currently stand at 29 radio stations and a partnership with South Sudan Radio is currently being brokered. Our School in a humanitarian context After ongoing efforts to increase access to Our School in the UN Protection of Civilian Sites (POCs), BBC Media Action signed an agreement with Internews in March to distribute SD cards loaded with the Our School Nuer programmes to 1000 recipients of a large scale Internews solar-powered radio distribution across all four Nuer populated POCs in UN House, Bor, Malakal and Bentiu. The rollout of the SD cards will take place from April and the radios will be used in both Internews led listening groups and community groups led by humanitarian partners in the POCs. The distribution plan for the SD cards is as follows

1. Bor POC (population 2,000): 20 2. UN House POC (population 27,983): 150 3. Malakal POC (population 40,000): 230 4. Bentiu (population 121,000): 600

Similarly, the GESS Output 1 Project Director and National Community Mobilisation Coordinator (NCMC) delivered presentations to the UN Education Cluster group to improve understanding and action around two areas; firstly to increase awareness and understanding of what Output 1 is doing, and trying to achieve as part of GESS. Second, how BBC Media Action GESS outputs can complement the outcomes of the education initiatives run by humanitarian actors, thereby extending the reach of the Our School programmes and CM work at low or no cost, and supporting broader education in emergency outcomes. On the back of such meetings BBC Media Action has met with Save the Children, NRC and World Vision to discuss how Output 1 materials might support mutually beneficial outcomes in the existing education activities. In addition, the Output 1 Project Director has met the Education Cluster Coordinator (UNICEF) to discuss how to engage cluster partners on the role of media and communication for education in emergencies and a changing humanitarian context. Our School Editor and Producer training In March, editorial and production training for the Our School team was conducted in Juba by Ben Williams, a trainer with several years of experience as a BBC programme maker and Editor, and as a BBC Media Action trainer. Using previous training reports, the Project Director and Trainer had several preparatory discussions about Producer training needs, followed by the Trainer conducting an in-depth review of the radio programmes. Overarching feedback was that the programmes should do more to dig deeper into issues they are exploring. With the uptake of such a recommendation relying on the Producer’s

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skills, how they are being guided by the Juba editorial team and the format itself, this analysis helped to establish the focal areas for the training. Also underpinning the training was a consensus among the Editors and GESS Project Director of the need to refresh the Our School format to improve depth, and in doing so enhance the entertainment and engagement the programme has with listeners. The training was divided into two components; during the first week, efforts focused on the Our School Senior Editor and Deputy Editor; the Trainer worked with them to develop the training workshop for the Producers. In doing so, Editors were able to contribute extensively to the refresh of the format, and steering how the production system would be adjusted accordingly, while also ensuring the core ‘DNA’ of Our School is retained and that the programme is practical to produce in the South Sudan context. As part of this process, the Senior Editor and Deputy Editor were encouraged to consider their editorial leadership roles, particularly how to create a system weighted in favour of providing Producers with more strategic editorial guidance in advance of a programme being produced, rather than heavy script editing after production. The Producer workshop itself focused on three themes; curiosity, creativity and ownership. Within these overall themes, training sessions focused on various areas; making the Our School programme leaner; on increasing Producer ownership of their programmes by having to plan and pitch their programme plans to the Editors rather than delivering to prescriptive briefs; to improve Producers’ ability to produce a range of programme formats, and critically for Producers to sharpen their interviewing skills and to embrace their natural curiosity. A key change is that each Our School programme now focuses on answering a ‘big question’ which is much more specific and conducive for deeper exploration than an overarching topic. Community Mobilisation (CM) Monitoring and Evaluation The team also worked on monitoring the community mobilisation mobile data. In total, 115 school communities were reached in the quarter January – March 2016. Some counties did not report reaching any school communities including Kapoeta North, Pochalla and Wau County, reasons for which are explained later in the report. The mobile data reports continue to provide useful information on actions participants are committing to and are reporting to have taken as seen in a table of examples from around the country in Annex 6. CM monitoring and evaluation in 2015 focused on states outside Central Equatoria. So in this quarter, monitoring trips conducted by the Output 1 National Community Mobilisation Coordinator (NCMC) targeted Yei and Morobo. As well as monitoring the progress of Community Mobilisers, one of whom is a relatively new recruit, the NCMC conducted exit interviews with Listening Club participants. Observations during the monitoring activities yielded examples of how the activities were having positive effects towards girls’ education among participants:

Alongside BBC Media Action’s CM M&E, State Anchors (SAs) were also reminded about the importance of their own monitoring. They were requested to submit detailed plans for monitoring in 2016, with a considerable number of them conducting monitoring activities this quarter using BBC Media Action’s CM monitoring tool. As part of GESS Output 1’s engagement with MoEST and to build the Gender and Social Inclusion’s Directorate’s understanding of the value of Output 1’s work on GESS, the Output 1 team organised a CM monitoring visit in Juba for three representatives including Mr Ben Luo. Feedback was positive and a marked shift from previous months where they were struggling to understand the role of radio and CM

“We need to change our community through this kind of meeting and we should also go and tell the other community members that there is a new program telling us ways to support our children in school.” (Mr Denis-Yei Listening club)

“We have accepted to go and support our children at home with domestic work. Both parents should share work with children especially the girls so that they will have time to revise their school work at home.” (Mr Mandela-Yei Listening club)

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Progress was also made this quarter to craft an effectiveness indicator, in coordination with the GESS Value for Money Consultant. BBC Media Action has proposed an indicator and this is being deliberated. Furthermore the Output 1 NCMC met with CGA SSSAMS staff to plan how CM reporting data from mobile phone reporting can be drawn down onto SSSAMS automatically. While initial conversations indicated that this is feasible, the technical elements of such a mechanism are being overseen and developed by CGA. Examples of mobile data reports on ‘actions agreed’ and ‘actions taken’ after participation in Community Mobilisation (CM) activities, as reported by Community Mobilisers. Location Action agreed Action taken Aweil West They have agreed to pass information to

the entire community.

Some parents have provided bicycle to girls for the transport to reach school in time. They have set the rules for the pupils not to attend drums.

Tonj North Parents agreed to repair hand pump using their own money to make their children continues with lessons instead of delay from the ministry of rural development to repair hand pump

Girls enrolment have improved due to the active participation of women in the program of education

Tonj North They promise to keep their daughters in school

Some participants who are women joined adults schools

Twic Parents had accepted to ensure pupils focus in their studies, No dodging of school working days.

They have made a decision to form a group in their community during the weekends so that pupils will sit together and discuss subjects that they have challenges e.g maths and science.

Yambio They said since most of the parents are dormant, they suggested that the CM activities massage can be passed to the community through the churches.

One of the parents said she had been sick in her mind of not knowing who to report her issues to concerning her kids but now her mind is open because of the CM activities and is aware of where to report.

Yirol west Yes, they have agreed to take domestic work at home to give girls time read.

Yes, they had enrolled more girls in schools compared to last year.

Community Mobilisation sustainability As part of the Community Mobilisation Strategy, BBC Media Action has been discussing approaches to sustainability with the SAs since the middle of 2015. Identifying volunteers or ‘GESS Champions’ from the community who have participated in CM, believe in its benefit and have the will to sustain the work after the six month CM cycle ends became a key task, emphasised again at the GESS State Anchor workshop in January 2016. While some SAs began identifying ‘champions towards the end of 2015, by the end of March 2016 all SAs had identified at least five champions in their state, some identifying many more. Some of the champions, in Western Bahr El-Ghazal for example, have already been equipped with radios and have started delivering CM activities in their various locations where the Community Mobilisers have already moved on.

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Research In the last quarter the Research & Learning team organised the midline survey. This involved adapting the survey instrument and circulating it for review among consortium partners; training the research agency that is conducting the fieldwork, piloting and refining the instrument. Fieldwork and reporting for the survey will conclude in the April – August period. The team continues to collect feedback from audiences of the Our School programme. In the last quarter, episodes focusing on community support to schools and school fees prompted many comments from listeners relating to what they were doing in their household or area to help support children’s education. However, as has been noted previously, the majority of the comments received are from male callers and the stations should continue to encourage women listeners to call in and participate in the discussion. “Am a Parent and the way we support our local schools here is by contributing money for the construction of buildings.” (Male caller –Marol –Jonglie) “In my residential area we help our schools by going there as parents and clear the grasses around the schools in order to open good environment to our children.” (Male caller –Payueny Jonglei) The Research team also reviewed and commented on the report by Gender Consultant Janet Raynor and has been working with other consortium members on what and how to best present GESS at the Women Deliver conference in May. Furthermore, as outlined below, user testing of early Our School logo iterations was also conducted by the Research team. GESS partner collaboration Output 1 continued to work collaboratively with other GESS consortium partners this quarter to establish additional linkages and to enhance complementarity between the components. Firstly, Output 2c included relevant Our School programmes in the training for Education Specialists and in doing so, Education Specialists were equipped by Output 1 with solar-wind up radios and the appropriate languages of Our School for the training they are delivering in schools across the country. Similarly, the mentoring component of Our School is keen to use a range of Our School programmes as an entry point for discussion on key issues with girls’ mentoring groups across 200 secondary schools. BBC Media Action coordinated with Winrock in this process, meeting with a Consultant tasked with producing the GESS mentoring lesson guides, and discussing how the Our School programmes could be leveraged appropriately. As well as supporting a joined up approach on GESS, this support to Education Specialists and the mentoring component will enhance Output 1 goals by extending the reach of Our School. This will range from school administrations, SMCs, PTAs and pupils who may not yet have heard the Our School programme, particularly in areas where people have no radio access. In addition, BBC Media Action has been discussing with CGA the possibility of utilising the GESS mobile platform to inform teachers about the Our School radio programme. Output 1 publicity strategy Considerable effort has gone into executing the publicity strategy that was drafted by BBC Media Action for Output 1 activities in the latter part of 2015. The strategy included the development of a logo to give Our School (pictured here) and the CM work a visual identity, production of GESS Public Service Announcements (PSAs), publicity activities delivered by State Anchors on the ground( focusing largely on targeted loud speaker announcements and cost effective publicity events), limited production of T-shirts with the Output 1 logo to be worn by GESS personnel, dissemination of the refreshed Our School schedule through the GESS network, newspaper adverts with the Our School schedule and mobile ‘push’ messaging on mobile networks.

The new logo for Our School

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As part of the development process with the design agency, the Research & Learning team completed user testing for the Our School logo. This involved presenting the shortlisted logos to a range of participants (both sexes and a variety of different ages) and asking them what they thought about the logos – both what they liked, didn’t like and what they thought the logos represented. The feedback from this testing was provided to the project team who adapted the logo design accordingly. By the end of the quarter the logo had been completed, a refreshed Our School schedule had been passed down through the GESS network to Payam level, most State Anchors had produced a detailed publicity budget and planned their activities, and the Public Service announcements had been recorded. Preparation had also begun for newspaper adverts, t-shirt production and mobile ‘push’ messaging. Public Service Announcements (PSAs) To reinforce key learning points around important themes in the Our School programme with ‘calls to action’, a batch of PSAs were produced. In this batch the Output 1 team decided to focus on ‘Benefits of Education’, ‘Cash Transfers’, ‘Capitation Grants’ and ‘Boys Behaviour’. The PSA development process was led by the Our School Deputy Editor and was supported in the development phase – from conceptualisation to scripting – by Brian Jenkins, a Consultant with decades of PSA production experience in the UK. In the previous quarter, Brian began providing remote consultation to develop the PSAs. During this quarter he was guiding the Juba team but letting them drive the process to ensure they were contextually appropriate. For example, for the Benefits of Education PSA, the storyline was initially going to focus solely on cattle, but after the Deputy Editor highlighted that it would be important to write a similar script for non-cattle keeping communities, a similar PSA focused on crops was produced. During this quarter, script outlines developed at the end of the last quarter were fully scripted, with characters fleshed out and consideration given to the kinds of voices needed. GESS partners were consulted on points of technical accuracy, after which actors were cast and PSAs recorded. The PSAs were recorded in four languages: Dinka, Nuer, Bari and Simple Arabic. BBC Media Action global governance workshop In January, the GESS Output 1 Project Director and NCMC attended BBC Media Action’s global governance workshop in London. This was an important opportunity to share learning from GESS Output1 activities internally at BBC Media Action, but to also draw on and apply relevant insights and learning from other colleagues and projects globally to the Output 1 work. In particular, ideas related to the how radio programmes and community mobilisation can support girls and communities to understand their rights, and to hold schools and local education authorities to account was a key take away from the workshop. The workshop was a useful learning opportunity for the NCMC who was able to enhance his thinking about how media and communication can play a more effective role to support accountability and access to rights on GESS, but also how media can support governance, rights and peace outcomes more generally in South Sudan.

4.1.2 Challenges

Research As anticipated, there have been delays with the quantitative midline survey. (Reporting is still on schedule – see below plans for next quarter). These delays are due to the time for translating the survey instruments taking longer than was proposed. As BBC Media Action carried out quality checks on the translated instruments, discussions with Forcier over issues relating to translated instruments – specifically how the written translations of the survey instrument provided could potentially be misunderstood by enumerators and participants who speak a different dialect of the language the instrument was in. After consultation, it was recommended that the survey be in English with translations happening locally in the different areas in which the survey is conducted. This process will be quality assured by both Forcier and BBC Media Action. Insecurity affecting Community Mobilisation. Community mobilisation activities in different parts of the country have been affected by insecurity including parts of Western Equatoria, Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei/GPAA. CM Activities in Wau County in

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Western Bahr el Ghazal were also affected by tensions and conflict, but the State Anchor was able to react in an agile manner by moving the CMO to support the larger number of school communities in Jur River. Personnel To a lesser extent, CM activities have also been affected by the resignation or termination of individual staff. For example, in Kapoeta, Eastern Equatoria and Tonj North, Warrap the Community Mobilisers resigned. While efforts were made by both to replace the CMO, this was delayed in Warrap until March when the Mobiliser was deployed and activities were established. Unfortunately recruitment of a new CM has not yet been successful due to specific challenges faced by the State Anchor between January and March 2016, including logistical and communication constraints. BBC Media Action’s Our School Warrap Dinka Producer also resigned to pursue a different career opportunity. While this did immediately pose a challenge, swift contingency discussions resulted in a decision to broadcast the Lakes Dinka Producer’s programmes in Warrap once the Warrap Dinka programmes have finished their initial broadcast run. At the same time, plans are being made for the Lakes Dinka Producer to travel between Lakes and Warrap to ensure local stories are being gathered from both States. A decision will be made on whether a Warrap Dinka Producer needs to be recruited. This also suits the working needs of the Lakes Producer who cannot currently operate in Rumbek because of risk to his personal safety (he has been operating from Mingkaman since the end of 2015). The Zande Producer who was also experiencing risk to his safety in relation to the conflict in Western Equatoria had been relocated to Juba since the end of 2015. Following an assessment of the general security environment in Western Equatoria and some more specific risks to his personal safety at the end of the quarter, it was deemed safe enough for him to be relocated back to Yambio to resume production there. He will travel back in April 2016. Challenges during call-in radio discussion programmes It has been noted that many callers to the radio discussion call-back programmes following the broadcast of Our School are men. There is a therefore a need to actively encourage women to call the radio stations. BBC Media Action is talking to radio stations to ask their presenters to ensure they are encouraging women to call in during discussion programmes. A reduction in the number of callers during discussion programmes has also been noted by some stations. While there could be a number of reasons for this, this decline has coincided with a significant increase in mobile phone call charge rates.

4.1.3 Plans for the next quarter

Research The primary activity for the next quarter will be the analysis and reporting of the GESS Output 1 Midline Survey data. This is still on schedule to be available for review in August. The team will also be fielding the next wave of the qualitative longitudinal study. This study aims to explore what changes occur in levels of knowledge, attitudes, efficacy and practices relating to girls’ education, what influences those changes and how Our School and the community mobilisation activities contribute (if at all) to those changes. In line with the recommendations from Janet Raynor any and all reporting will continue to be disaggregated by sex (for the quantitative components) and analyses will continue to focus on gender both quantitatively and qualitatively. Training and mentoring Community Mobilisation training will take place in the next quarter as well as another Producer training towards the end of June. As has happened for previous refresher training, these will incorporate gender sensitivity related activities, including the relevant recommendations from the 2016 GESS gender review that have been considered and accepted by BBC Media Action. The GESS Producer training will also focus on reviewing Producer progress with the refreshed format and trouble-shooting any challenges Producers are having with different styles of interview. The Our School Senior Editor will be travelling to Eastern Equatoria to mentor the Toposa Producer, who is still building her skills. Community Mobilisation

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training will also take place with a view to refreshing old and imparting new skills, including guidance to train other community members to run CM activities. Another series of capacity strengthening and mentoring activities for partner radio stations will also commence in this quarter focused on supporting the stations to produce their local language programming. While this is a cross-cutting BBC Media Action activity geared towards a fundamental sustainability approach, efforts will be made to support stations to produce some education related content. Community Mobilisation In this quarter more focus will be given to activating GESS champions in areas where CM cycles have finished and activating a cohort of volunteers in counties where CM has not yet been delivered. Additional monitoring trips will also be conducted, with a focus on areas in Greater Upper Nile. The second batch of Visual Storytelling Materials will also go into production and be rolled out to Community Mobilisers during the training. In advance of CM training, BBC Media Action will be developing guidance and tools for Community Mobilisers to use participatory drama techniques in their community mobilisation activities. This will hone the optional music, dance and drama element of CM activities, ensuring they are geared towards behaviour change, and are linked to the Our School radio programmes and visual materials. The aim is to develop another interesting and engaging way for communities to explore barriers obstructing girls’ education in their communities, potential solutions as well as motivators and other drivers of those positive solutions. A Consultant with experience in participatory/interactive theatre will lead the process of researching and developing locally appropriate approaches to participatory drama and associated tools. Alongside the Output 1 NCMC and Project Director the Consultant will also develop and deliver training to CMOs to facilitate such activities. Radio programmes Our School will focus on consolidating and supporting the Producers to adapt to the refreshed approach to the programme, and the development of a bank of ‘big questions’. Current ideas for programmes include looking at the effects of conflict on how children engage with each other in school, on dropout in upper primary and on accountability around inappropriate relationships between teachers and students. In addition, the recorded PSAs will be edited, mixed and broadcast while publicity for Our School is happening. The Our School theme music will be mixed with the PSAs, linking the outputs in the minds of the audience. Partnerships Work will continue to build on the momentum from Education Cluster meetings and to explore collaboration opportunities with partners running education initiatives with community discussion, or similar groups. New International staff appointment In April, Stephen Rusk will begin as the new Senior Projects Manager in the BBC Media Action South Sudan office. Stephen comes to the team with significant international development and humanitarian management experience. As part of a restructuring process within BBC Media Action South Sudan, which has already been discussed with the GESS Project Director at Mott Macdonald, Stephen will eventually take over the overall grant management of all BBC Media Action South Sudan projects (including GESS), with an Executive Editor eventually being appointed to oversee the creation and quality of all BBC Media Action South Sudan content.

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4.2 Output 2.1 – Cash Transfers

4.2.1 Achievements

State Anchors have been given a 2016 Cash Transfers (CTs) timetable laying out clear milestones in order that payments can begin in June as scheduled. Arrangements within GESS and discussions with State Anchors and Cooperative Bank were concluded paving way for the 11,000 girls to receive their CTs that were not paid in 2015, within the month of April 2016. ETMC made a decision to pay SSP 600 per girl for AY2016 CTs, as response to the current reduced effective value of the SSP, but having regard to relative value of CTs and teachers’ wages (and so not simply translating hard currency amount of £28: this may release funds for school capitation grants). Before the harmonization of the exchange rates the girls were paid SSP 320. The team worked closely with State Anchors to close out 2014 CTs and 1000 more documents have been received which will take the number to 55,900 (but these not yet uploaded on website, so not claimed in Logframe table above). Improved live reports on: http://www.sssams.org/ct/profile.php.

4.2.2 Challenges Delay in receiving information from State Anchors. Lateness in schools opening in 2016 meant that the CTs unpaid in 2015 could not be paid in February 2016 as had been envisaged. This has resulted in the payment cycle shifting to the second quarter. Pupil Admission registers have been submitted late in 2016 and this is likely to put pressure on the 2016 Cash Transfer validation and payment timetable. Pattern of PARs received to date suggests that more schools are either not open or opening late in 2016 than in 2015: on current projections, total primary and secondary enrolment is expected to be 15% lower than 2015. Instability and insecurity throughout the country continues to create risk and uncertainty with regard to cash transactions. Volatility of exchange rate to hard currency makes planning and communications challenging. Mobile Money regulations were approved by CBoSS, but an intervention made by Ministry of Telecommunications (unilaterally giving a clearing house role to a hitherto unknown company) is currently stalling progress by MNOs to implement, and thus reducing the likelihood of M-Money being a viable payment execution method for 2016.

4.2.3 Plans for the next quarter

Start the validation process in preparation for 2016 CTs, which are scheduled to start in June. Determine payment execution provider(s) for 2016 CT payments in consultation with GESS and ETMC. Determine the amount to be paid to girls in 2016, in context of nationwide inflation, in consultation with GESS and ETMC. Close out 2014 and 2015 CTs documentation.

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4.3 Output 2b – Capitation Grants

4.3.1 Achievements

To respond to the effects of inflation in the country, ETMC approved doubling of the Fixed and Variable amounts for both Primary and secondary schools. But the doubling by no means fully offsets the negative effects of the five times reduction in effective value. 858 Primary and 49 secondary have met all requirements for approval of Capitation Grants and were approved for payment by the ETMC during Q1. In the same period last year, only 122 primary schools and 27 secondary qualified for Capitation Grants. However, progress slowed in April. Provision of letters and Bank statements have been approved for use as acceptable accountability documents where funds have been held by the State Ministry of Finance. Of 841 GRSS schools whose funds were held by SMoF in 2015, 372 (the Greater Upper Nile states) have provided Bank statements or letters from Director Generals of Education while the rest are being followed up. DFID has agreed that GESS should consider supporting primary school capitation grants as an interim measure for 2016 Academic Year. Discussions about affordability are being finalised.

4.3.2 Challenges No Capitation Grants were paid between January and March 2016. This is likely to have demotivated schools, particularly those that submitted their budgets early in the year. Lack of funds in schools also makes it more likely that fees (or increased fees) will be demanded, with enrolment and retention consequences. Delay in payment also increases the likelihood in slow uptake of Tranche 2s in 2016. Implementation of Capitation Grants in the 28 States is problematic because many of the new States do not have structures or bank accounts in place. The formation of the 28 states has hampered implementation of CGs; the issue of the ‘straight-through’ method (payment directly to schools, rather than via States) can only be given a hearing in the Council of Ministers after the TGONU is formed. The exchange rate keeps on fluctuating even based on rumours and this affects the purchasing power in the market. Schools’ progress on qualifying and accounting for capitation grants remains limited in the Greater Upper Nile states due to the ongoing conflict which continues to force some schools to close, while others are occupied by displaced people or combatants. The erosion of the effective value of the SSP by rapid price inflation continues to present a serious challenge, in that the effective value of GRSS-funded CGs, and teachers’ salaries, is greatly reduced. The expansion of the conflict across the country continues to pose a clear threat to achievement of results, and the viability of the project’s collaboration with GRSS – despite the excellent relations with MoEST and at all working levels.

4.3.3 Plans for the next quarter Continue to compile qualifying schools to be approved for Tranche 1 payments through ETMC. Pay Capitation Grants through GESS to primary schools, as well as secondaries. Additional accountability measures commensurate with the additional burdens being taken on by GESS. Assess the economic position of GRSS with a view to forecasting when it is likely to be possible to transit back to GRSS-led payment of primary school CGs.

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Implement joint accountability strategy plans including participation in SMT transfer monitoring visit of ETMC to Jonglei State. Establish the mode of operation, moving forward, with regard to the context of the 28 states. Continue to liaise with MoFEP regarding the development of the Transfers website. Continue to provide technical support to the ETMC. Develop further linkages with the EU TAPP programme to the extent it continues.

4.4 Output 2.3 – Quality Education

4.4.1 Achievements

Effective School Governance – the key achievement in Q1 of 2016 was the roll-out of the SMC training to an additional 351 SMCs and 23 BoGs (circa 4800 SMC and BoG members). On top of that another 496 SMCs and 18 BoGs (circa 6000 SMC and BoG members) received a repeated training. The repeated training is organised for these SMCs whose achievements in the past Academic Year was judged by the State Anchors and the Payam Education Supervisors as needing improvement. These SMCs and BoGs will be included in the full cycle of the 2016 training for SMCs/BoGs and their training will be finalised in Q4 of 2016. New, technology based (Enketo) monitoring tools were developed for monitoring training roll-out to the SMC/BoG and training effectiveness. Data collection through these newly developed monitoring tools will commence in Q2 of 2016. Supportive School Supervision – the key achievement in Q1 of 2016, in addition to mobilising 139 Payam Education Supervisors to take an active part in the training for SMCs and BoGs, was establishment of closer links with the Primary School Leadership Programme (Save the Children) and joint planning for the implementation of training courses to the Payam Education Supervisors. As part of that cooperation, the GESS team committed to develop a handbook for the Payam Education Supervisors to guide their work. The handbook will be finalised in Q2 of 2016 and the training content for the Payam Education Supervisors will also be agreed between the programmes in Q2 of 2016. Teacher Professional Development Programme – the key achievement in Q1 of 2016 was designing and completing two week training for the GESS Education Specialists implementing the training courses in the Pilot schools, and returning with training to schools after the end of Academic Year holidays and preparing drafts of two documents capturing progress of the GESS Pilot TPD Programme: Lessons Learnt Report and an Evidence Paper from the implementation of The GESS Pilot TPD Programme. On top of that, support visits to Education Specialists in Lakes and Central Equatoria were conducted, and the pilot programme started in a new location – Maban in Upper Nile. Additionally SA budgets were reviewed to enable provision of catering during the GESS Pilot TPD training courses for teachers. The GESS Pilot TPD Programme consists of 3 activities: 1) Training for Head Teachers; 2) Training for Teachers; 3) Organisation of Staff Meetings focused at staff development. In Q1 of 2016 the following training activities took place:

• Head Teachers: participated in a new course: How to create effective learning environment - 113 Head Teachers trained. Progress to date on the so far conducted training courses for HTs: 1) How to manage school activities - 202 Head Teachers trained; 2) How to observe teachers' classroom performance and provide them with feedback – 206 Head Teachers trained; 3) How to use classroom observation data - 208 Head Teachers trained; 4) How to include Teachers’ Professional Development activities in the School Development Plan - 191 Head Teachers trained;

• Teachers: participated in a new course: How to plan and prepare our lessons – teachers in 108 schools trained (881 teachers). Progress to date in implementation of other courses: 1) How to make

Teacher Training class at Ganyiel Mixed Primary School, Unity State

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our lessons interactive - 1718 teachers trained from 157 schools; 2) How to make our lessons inclusive - 1325 teachers trained from 136 schools; and 3) How to prepare scheme of work - 1138 teachers trained from 134 schools;

• Staff meetings: roll out of two staff meetings was ongoing in Q1: 1) How to keep school clean and hygienic (Progress to date: 71 schools); 2) How to set up and manage school resource centre (Progress to date: 7 schools);

School-based Mentoring for Girls – Much was achieved this quarter in preparation for the roll-out of mentoring activities. The mentoring programme was reviewed by an external consultant and a revised mentoring strategy was drafted through a collaborative process. Under the revised strategy, primary schools where mentoring programme was implemented in 2014 and 2015 will be validated and strengthened by additional training for mentors. Additional secondary schools will be added to the mentoring programme. In the secondary schools teacher mentors and peer mentors will be conducting mentoring sessions (a mentoring session conducted by a teacher mentor will be followed by a mentoring session by a peer girl mentor). The same training manual for teacher mentors will be used as in the primary schools. A training manual for peer mentors will be a new addition to the programme. A first draft of the peer manual was prepared in Q1. An important development is that the peer mentoring sessions will make use of the Our School radio programmes developed under the Output 1 of the GESS programme. Additionally, the selection of 94 secondary schools for mentoring programme was finalised. Mentors and peer mentors in these schools will be chosen in Q2 of 2016. Low-cost teaching and learning materials – in Q1 of 2016 eleven Education Specialists were trained for the implementation of training courses to teachers in the GESS Pilot TPD schools on: How to prepare teaching and learning resources from locally available materials. Progress to date: 1) How to use and prepare teaching and learning aids (765 teachers from 90 schools trained).

4.4.2 Challenges Effective School Governance – schools opened with a delay and the National Academic Calendar was not adhered to which had an impact on the roll-out of the SMC/BoG training. Insecurity incidents also hampered the training roll-out and travel to schools. Supportive School Supervision – eagerness of Payam Education Supervisors to fulfil their job descriptions remains a challenge. Teacher Professional Development Programme – the biggest challenge by far is the security situation. In Q1 three out of 11 GESS Pilot TPD locations were affected by the security situation: 1) Warrap (Tonj North); 2) WBG (Wau); 3) WE (Yambio). Implementation of training activities in Wau was also seriously affected by the armed conflicts in Wau. Implementation of training courses was seriously affected in Wau. In Yambio, despite the security constrains, implementation of training courses was possible, however was delayed. Additionally to that, some management issues (issues under review by GESS management team) in SA office in Eastern Equatoria resulted in delays of the work of the Education Specialist. No training activity was conducted in Q1 of 2016 in EE. It is also evident that demotivating level of teachers’ salaries has impact on the training courses as well. The Education Specialists report that teachers at times are difficult at the start of the training and demand sitting allowances for participating in the training.

"I became a teacher because I want to help my children, I want to help the community. They say being a teacher, you will be poor. But I am rich in other ways because whatever I teach to the children, all the community will know it the same day. This is my community. I’m South Sudanese and I want to help my community,” Head Teacher John Majong Magok, Ganyiel Mixed Primary School

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Additionally, the GESS Pilot TPD schools in Unity State (Mayom) report constraining and acute lack of the most basic teaching materials such as chalk and paper. Teachers reported that they are unable to prepare schemes of work as they lack paper.

4.4.3 Plans for the next quarter Effective School Governance: 1) Organise 3 training sessions for SMCs/BoGs in all 2016 focus schools; 2) Work closely with Room to Learn and MoEST to combine School Governance Toolkit and PTA Manual into one joint volume to reach all schools; Supportive School Supervision: 1) Design and align training content for PES with GPE; 2) Finalise handbook for PES; 3) Initiate training roll-out for PES; Teacher Professional Development Programme: 1) Widen the reach of HTs and teachers with the training courses; 2) Roll-out new training content for HTs and teachers; 3) Revise the strategy for rolling-out staff meeting to make it feasible for implementation (currently staff meetings are behind initially planned schedule due to time constraint); 4) Initiate scripting lessons for English and Maths in the GESS Pilot TPD schools; School-based Mentoring for Girls – 1) Select mentors in secondary schools; 2) Finalise training manual for mentors; 3) Train trainers of mentors; 4) Initiate training of mentors in secondary schools. Low-cost teaching and learning materials – 1) Widen the reach of HTs and teachers with the training courses; 2) Design materials development reward programme for GESS Pilot TPD schools for achieving school development results in which the reward will be the provision of low-cost teaching and learning aids.

4.5 Output 3a – Knowledge, Evidence and Research

4.5.1 Achievements Draft tools for the four midline surveys have been prepared. They need to be reviewed by the KER Sub-Committee of the Technical Committee, and will then go to field in Q2, with reports to be ready in good time before end Q3. Tools for the Learning Assessments already exist. Following the successful pilot of the School Sample Survey the questionnaires were revised to take into account the lessons learned, but could not be executed in Q4 2015 as planned, because schools closed early. Now that AY2016 has begun (albeit late), more than 100 schools have now been surveyed, and report to follow in May.

4.5.2 Challenges Accessibility, particularly, but now not only in the GUN States, remains an obstacle, and a cost to survey coverage – but we have succeeded accessing all three GUN States for LQS and SSS work.

4.5.3 Plans for the next quarter Four midline surveys go to field in Q2.

4.6 Output 3b - South Sudan Attendance Monitoring System (SSSAMS)

4.6.1 Achievements

Collection and distribution of Pupils Admission Registers to all State Anchors (SAs) was completed before January 30 2016, which enabled SAs to deliver PARs and DARs to CEDs and then to schools in a timely

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manner. Unfortunately, some schools delayed their opening date and so enrolment and uploading of PAR data is still ongoing. By the 30th of March 2016, a total of 1,056 schools in 2016 had their dummy forms created by the SA Data Entry team in SSSAMS, with the enrolment of 376,091 pupils on SSSAMS. 151 schools had made attendance reports in the first quarter; 71 schools have made > = 3 reports (6%), while 2194 schools have made an attendance report throughout the course of the project. 2193 unique schools have reported on SSSAMS at least once – this includes some that reported but have been closed due to conflict in the area. A total of 56 out of 159 schools whose 2014 CG were held by SMoF and SMoE for tranche 1 and 2, and a total of 403 out of 951 schools whose 2015 CG were held by SMoF and SMoE were waived using latest bank statements received from the SA to enable them qualify for ETMC CG approval in 2016.

4.6.2 Challenges

Insecurity in WES, WBGs, Unity and Greater Upper Nile States interrupted school operation and affected daily attendance reporting for both teachers and pupils on SSSAMs during the months of; February, March, and April Late payment of teachers’ salaries and reduced value continues to demotivate teachers and has likely prevented a number of schools from reopening on schedule nationwide. This is likely a contributing factor to the slow pace of PAR return and low attendance reporting rates. Severe food insecurity in NBG and the worsening economic crisis has forced many teachers and families to seek refuge in neighbouring Sudan, creating further mass displacement and affecting school operations in the state. No CGs were approved by MoFEP for primary schools this quarter, which has demotivated schools. SAs have been slow in providing the latest round of school bank statements to CGA, which are used to expedite the accountability waiver of schools whose CGs were held by SMoF. The completion and return of PARs was delayed due to schools reopening late. Widespread reshuffles in school administration resulted in the recruitment of some head teachers who are unfamiliar with SSSAMS processes, resulting in a knowledge gap which has also delayed PARs. Changes in administrative boundaries and resulting confusion have created disputes in whether (former) payams and PES should submit PARs to (former) CEDs, contesting in some areas whether they are now “equals,” rather than reporting to, CEDs. This has already caused delays in returning PARs to SAs, and has further worsened by the lack of monthly salaries: January salaries were sent in February to 10-State SMoFs, and nothing has been sent since.

4.6.3 Plans for the next quarter CGA will ensure that SAs, CED and PES inform schools (whose dummy forms have been created) to start reporting attendance, while data entry teams continue uploading data to SSSAMS. Continue supporting the SA data entry teams in filing and uploading student and teachers’ data onto the system.
