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Get Online Week newsletter

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GCE is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State. DYD is a program of the US Embassy in Kyrgyzstan >> Get Online Week: Kyrgyzstan February 28 March 5, 2011 << Global Connections & Exchange | Digital Youth Dialogue
Page 1: Get Online Week newsletter

GCE is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State. DYD is a program of the US Embassy in Kyrgyzstan

>> Get Online Week: Kyrgyzstan February 28 — March 5, 2011 <<

Global Connections & Exchange | Digital Youth Dialogue

Page 2: Get Online Week newsletter

Recently, the Global Connections & Ex-

change (GCE) and Digital Youth Dia-

logue (DYD) programs participated in

“Get Online Week,” held between Feb-

ruary 28th and March 5th. “Get Online

Week” is a campaign organized by

Telecentre Europe to get new computer

users online. This year, 112,074 people

were involved in the campaign and the

GCE and DYD programs contributed to

this figure by brining 182 citizens

online. Three libraries and 19 schools

throughout Kyrgyzstan took part in

“Get Online Week” and organized

computer training sessions for parents,

grandparents and unemployed youth.

Students from Jalal-Abad region’s Bok-onbaev School lead training sessions for

their parents and grandparents

Six students at Naryn’s School No. 8 help 30 parents get online and learn

about key computer programs

Batken’s Uch-Korgon School hosts train-ing series for eight parents on internet

skills and finding news online

Osh’s Parpiev School invites five par-ents to computer training led by the IT

teacher and two students

Tech Age Girl Feruza Kasymova and student Azamat Begaliev train five par-

ents in Batken

A TAG alum leads students at Tok-togul’s Bokonbaev school in training six

adults on internet and computer basics

Two Nanaev school students in Talas conduct computer and internet training

for four parents

Six unemployed Alay residents take part in computer trainings offered at

Alay Central Library

Nine unemployed youth receive computer training at Jalal-Abad’s

public library to help them compete

Kyzyl-Kiya Library holds a four-day computer training for nine unemployed

and three disabled youth


Youth in Kyrgyzstan Bring 182 Offline Citizens Online During “Get Online Week”


Page 3: Get Online Week newsletter

Students from Jalal-Abad region’s Bokonbaev

School led trainings for their parents and grand-

parents during which trainees learned about

email and opened their own email accounts.

Sabira Turdalieva, a retired trainee, emailed

her son who currently works in Dubai. Her son

Nurkalyi immediately responded to her email

and was very surprised to see an email from his


On March 3, ten trainees observed a Skype

video call between Bokonbaev School and Alai

School located in Osh region. The trainees were

really impressed and excited to see how tech-

nology can be used the ways it can overcome

geographic barriers. Kalicha Toktosunova, a

trainee whose daughter is studying in the

United States said: “This is such a great oppor-

tunity! Next time I want to open my own Skype

account and I want to talk to my daughter.”

After this experience, the students decided not

to continue providing trainings to older genera-

tion and pass their knowledge to them.

Thirty parents and grandparents from Naryn’s

School No. 8 learned how to use internet, MS

Word, MS Excel, Picasa and email with the help

of six students. Trainees learned how to search

for information on the internet and discovered

news sites such as: www.akipress.kg and


“Because of today’s training, I was able to find

good recipes for salads using Google and was

able to write e-mail to my grandchildren who

work in Russia. Now I am interested in using

the internet,” remarked grandparent Cholpon

Nurseitova. Another trainee and a pensioner

Kenje Andakulova said, “Because of this train-

ing I decided to buy computer for my grandson.

Now, I can understand why [young people] like

technology. It will be a good chance to improve

his knowledge.”

Batken region’s Uch-Korgon School hosted train-

ing series for eight parents during which train-


Jalal-Abad students training community parents and grandparents in opening email accounts and connecting to the internet

Naryn School No. 8 Bokonbaev School, Jalal-Abad

Youth in Naryn assisted 30 adults of all ages connect to the internet for the first time during “Get Online Week”

Uch-Korgon School, Batken


Page 4: Get Online Week newsletter

ees learned how to use the internet, read news

from various sites such as www.azattyk.kg and

www.24.kg, and some learned how to work in

Microsoft Word and Paint programs.

One parent, Rasul Murzaliev, owns a garden of

cherry trees and he used his new skills to search

for the tips on taking care of cherry trees as

they are the main source of income for many

residents of Uch Korgon village. Similarly, Mu-

kaddam Davlatova has a business raising chicken

at home and selling their eggs. She used inter-

net to find out more information and best prac-

tices in developing her business as well as tips

on taking care of chickens and illness preven-

tion. Hoshim Ergashev was very glad that he

learned how to find and read international and

national news on the internet as his only source

of news had been TV. He found it interesting to

read analytical articles about political develop-

ments in Kyrgyzstan.

Parpiev School No. 84, located in Osh, invited

five parents to attend free computer trainings

offered during “Get Online Week” by teacher

Rovshan Abakulov and two of his students. Par-

ents attending trainings for seven hours during

that week learned about computer and internet

basics as well as key boarding programs to help

them improve their typing speed. Trainees were

surprised how much they were able to learn in

such a short period and shared their desire to

come back to the school’s computer lab in or-

der to gain additional knowledge.

“I’ve learned so many things, like creating

documents in MS Word…. The most impressive

thing is that now I know how to search for in-

teresting facts or information in the internet…

It would be good if you organized [more] IT

trainings [in the future,]” remarked trainee

Umida Unusova.


Students in Batken trained adults on accessing news from the internet, and oper-

ating Microsoft Office Suite

Parpiev School, Osh

Parents of students at Par-piev School in Shark Village attend a “Get Online Week”



Page 5: Get Online Week newsletter

Tech Age Girl alumna Feruza Kasymova and 8th

grade student Azamat Begaliev trained five par-

ents at the Gagarin School in Batken. The stu-

dents organized the training based on what par-

ticipants wanted to learn.

Tamara Amirakulova and Jannatai Maripova

wanted to learn how to work with and edit text

in Microsoft Word; Nargiza Halmatova, Sayakat

Kadyrova, and Koisunai Sharipova already knew

some basic computer programs and they were

able to open their own email accounts. All of

the trainees learned about news websites avail-

able in Kyrgyzstan and how to look for informa-

tion on the internet.

“I am happy that I participated in this training

as I know how important it is to learn modern

technology now… I plan to improve my com-

puter skills,” said trainee Nargiza Halmatova.

Tech Age Girls project alumna Nurjan Turduma-

tova and 11th grade student Aitbbubu Zakirova

conducted internet and computer basics train-

ing for the six parents and grandparents of stu-

dents at Bokonbaev School. The training was

offered based on the needs of participants.

Turat Kochkorov a 40 year old parent and Taalai

Saipbaev a 45 year old parent, both unem-

ployed, learned how to open email accounts.

Both had resumes, but they were not on a com-

puter. During the training they learned how to

create an electronic version of the resumes and

were then able to submit them in response to a

vacancy at the Megacom Cell Phone Company.

Aitkan Atakulova, a pensioner who is interested

in gardening and agriculture, learned how to

use search engines to find information on grow-

ing indoor and outdoor plants, and instructions

for the care of cucumbers and potatoes.


Gagarin School, Batken

At Gagarin school in Batken, students held a training for parents on internet news, Microsoft Word, Excel,

and other productivity applications

Bokonbaev School, Toktogul

Talgat Subanaliev teaches his mother internet skills at Bokonbaev School, in Toktogul


Page 6: Get Online Week newsletter

“I heard a lot about the internet but I didn’t

realize its enormous benefits until I used it for

the first time myself today. I am happy that my

daughter studies at Bokonbaev School, because

it has free internet access. I am proud of our

children teaching us what we couldn’t learn

when we were in school…” remarked Aitkan


TAG alumna Symbat Asan kyzy and 10th grade

student Adash Kurmanbek kyzy conducted com-

puter and internet training for four parents at

the Nanaev School, Aral village, Talas region.

For all four women, this was their first time us-

ing the internet.

The participants were happy to discover

www.akipress.kg, a Kyrgyzstan-based news site,

and spent some time increasing their awareness

of their country’s political and social life. In

addition to internet basics, they learned how to

create Power Point Presentations and use Micro-

soft word.

Julduz Sydykova, one of the trainees remarked;

“The most important thing that you can learn

at any age is how to use a computer…. Now we

know how useful computers are.”

Following the training, Asan kyzy and Kurman-

bek kyzy created short videos about this event.

One of the videos can be seen at


Six unemployed Alay residents took part in com-

puter trainings offered at Alay Central Library.

Gulmeyiz Masabirova hasn’t been able to find a

job since graduating from university. During

trainings at her local library she learned com-

puter basics and more importantly about web-

sites like www.rabota.kg and www.zarplata.kg,

where jobs are advertised.

In addition, trainees were introduced to Skype,

and since all of them had relatives working out-

side of Kyrgyzstan, they were glad to learn that

they now have the opportunity to communicate

with them via emails and Skype.


Nanaev School, Talas Alay Central Library

Adash Kurmanbek kyzy trains Talas parent Gulaium Samturova on Power Point, Microsoft Word, Picasa,

Excel, Movie Maker and internet resources

Alay librarian Uulkan Kaldibaeva is trains unem-ployed attendees to use Microsoft Word


Page 7: Get Online Week newsletter

Nine unemployed youth were able to receive

instrumental skills that would make them more

valuable in the job market at the Jalal-Abad


Aiperi Mirzalieva never had an email account,

but thanks to the training she now has one and

knows how to use it. Guljamal Moltoeva is an

unemployed but recent graduate with econom-

ics degree who realized that without computer

knowledge it is even harder to find a job. The

training offered at the library helped her learn

about websites where most of the jobs in Kyr-

gyzstan are advertised.

She even called one of the employers that had

posted a vacancy on www.rabota.kg, a job site

in Kyrgyzstan, and was able to get detailed in-

formation about the position. As a result of the

training, participants learned how to create a

resume and prepared electronic versions of

their resumes.

“I took computer courses while studying at the

university but had few opportunities to prac-

tice. The training this week gave me real tools

which I will improve further on, and I believe I

can find a job after discovering job-seeking

websites,” shared trainee Aichurek Karataeva.

Kyzyl-Kiya’s Library conducted a four-day train-

ing on computing for nine unemployed and

three handicapped youth. In During the training

they learned how to open e-mail accounts, and

registered on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and

Skype to stay in touch.

One of the trainees, Nazira Mamadjanova, an

unemployed accountant learned about online

job postings in Kyrgyzstan, and Dilbar Rahman-

berdieva learned how to create an electronic

resume, and now plans to apply for jobs online.

Umid Halbaev is a graduate from Kyzyl-Kiya

Pedagogical Institute with a degree of Social

Worker was interested in learning about various

social networks such as Facebook to make

friends and connections online.


Kyzyl-Kiya Library

Attendees learned computing basics and how to apply for jobs online

Jalal-Abad Library

At the Jalal-Abad Library, 15 unemployed youth learned how to hunt for jobs online and how to create

electronic resumes

