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Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack

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Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack
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Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack

Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack

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Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack 2

Presented by

Rob ReynoldsSr. Software Engineer, creator of


Alanna BrownSr. Product Marketing Manager

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How Puppet Enterprise Works

Overview of the Windows Module Pack


Puppet Windows Support


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Our platform automates the delivery and operation of the software that powers everything around us.

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Puppet Deployment

Windows Server

Ubuntu Server

Cisco Switch


Puppet Master

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How Puppet Enterprise Works

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Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack 7

Windows Module Pack

The best Windows modules available on the Puppet Forge, all in one download.

Download the Windows Module Pack here: https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/windows

Install with one command:

puppet module install puppetlabs-windows

• puppetlabs/acl

• puppetlabs/dsc

• puppetlabs/powershell

• puppetlabs/reboot

• puppetlabs/registry

• puppetlabs/wsus_client

• badgerious/windows_env

• chocolatey/chocolatey

• puppet/download_file

• puppet/iis

• puppet/windowsfeature

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acl {'c:/temp': permissions => [ { identity => 'Administrators', rights => ['full'] } ], purge => true, inherit_parent_permissions => false,}

ACLUse Puppet to manage Windows Access Control Lists.

Example: Lock down a directory or file to just admins.

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dsc_xFirewall {'inbound-2222': dsc_ensure => 'present', dsc_name => 'inbound2222', dsc_displayname => 'Inbound DSC 2222', dsc_displaygroup => 'A Puppet + DSC Test', dsc_action => 'Allow', dsc_enabled => 'false', dsc_direction => 'Inbound',}

DSCManage Windows PowerShell DSC resources.

Example: Disable a Firewall port

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PowerShellExecute PowerShell commands with Puppet.

Example: Manage services like backups, user profiles, IIS, etc.

# Normally you would use service resource to manage resourcesexec { 'BITS service on': command => 'Start-Service BITS', unless => "if (\$(Get-Service BITS).Status -eq 'Running') { exit 0 } else { exit 1 }", provider => powershell, logoutput => true,}

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RebootAutomates the manual task of rebooting Windows after

you install a package or when a reboot is pending.

reboot {'reboot_pending': when => pending, timeout => 15,}

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RegistryCreate and manage registry keys and values.

Example: Disable automatic logon on a machine.

registry_value {'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon': ensure => present, type => dword, data => 0,}

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WSUS ClientManage Windows updates with your own servers instead of

Microsoft’s Windows Update servers and schedule updates.

class {'wsus_client': server_url => 'https://internal_server:8530', auto_update_option => "Scheduled", scheduled_install_day => "Tuesday", scheduled_install_hour => 2,}

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ChocolateyThe package manager for Windows.

Install, configure and use Chocolatey as a package provider.

include chocolatey

package {'git': ensure => latest,}

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Download FileDownload a file over HTTP(S).

Example: Download .NET Framework from download.microsoft.com

download_file { '.NET Framework 4.0': url => 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/A/95A9616B-7A37-4AF6-BC36-D6EA96C8DAAE/dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe', destination_directory => 'c:\temp',}

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iis::manage_app_pool {'somepool': enable_32_bit => true, managed_runtime_version => 'v4.0',} ->

iis::manage_site {'TheServer': site_path => 'c:\sites\server', port => '8080', ip_address => '*', app_pool => 'somepool',}


Create sites, application pools and virtual appliances for IIS7 and above.

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Windows EnvironmentManage Windows environment variables.

Example: Ensure a value is included in PATH

windows_env {'ValueOnPath': ensure => present, variable => 'PATH', value => 'c:\tools\bin', mergemode => insert,}

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Windows FeatureTurn Windows features on or off for Windows Server 2008 and above.

Example: Ensure IIS and ASP.NET are installed (Windows Server 2012)

windowsfeature {'Web-WebServer': installmanagementtools => true,} ->windowsfeature {'Web-Asp-Net45':}

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Demo Time

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Puppet Windows Support

Broad platform support (Windows

2008, 2012, 7, 8, 10) for 32- and 64-bit


Bare metal provisioning with


Supported and approved modules

Azure support

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Puppet Supported Modules

SQL Server – Installs & manages MS SQL Server 2012 & 2014 on Windows systems

DSC – Manages PowerShell DSC resources

Azure – Provision and manage Azure VMs

ACL – manage permissions with Windows ACLs

Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack

WSUS Client – Configure clients to point to update servers; schedule updates

Registry – manage Registry keys and values

PowerShell – execute PowerShell commands with Puppet

Reboot – Automatically reboot after install

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Puppet Approved Modules

IIS – install and manage IIS

Chocolatey – package manager

windows_env – manage Windows environment variables

Windows Java – Install and manage Oracle Java on Windows

pget – PowerShell alternative to wget or curl

Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack

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Getting Up and Running with the Windows Module Pack

PuppetConf 2015 VideosChocolatey and Puppet - Rob ReynoldsAzure for the Non-Microsoft Person - Rob Reynolds & Scott Hanselman, MSFTBetter Together: Managing Windows with Puppet and DSC - Ethan Brown & Bruce Payette, MSFTBeyond the Registry - Matthew Stone, T-MobileThe Wild World of Windows: Developing for Puppet on Windows - Travis Fields, Nike

BlogChocolatey blog seriesPowerShell DSC blog series

DocsManaging Windows Configurations

EducationLearning VMPuppet Essentials for WindowsPuppet Fundamentals

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