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GfNA-II-C-Annex IV-Erasmus+ HEleaming Agreement far ...

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GfNA-II-C-Annex IV-Erasmus+ HE leaming Agreement far studtess-2015 Erasmus+ Higher Education Learning Agreement for Studies Student's name Academic Year2016/2017 Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityl Sex[M/FI Study cycle z Field of education 3 Student Bachelor Salis Beatrice 11.04.1995 Italia n F (EQF leve I 6) 1014 Faculty/Departmen Erasmus code" Name t (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name 5 ; email; phone Via San Sending UNIVERSITA' Settore Mobilità Giorgio n. 12 Institution DEGLISTUDI DI studentesca ICAGLlAR01 -09124 Anna Maria Aloi- Head of Ismoka- CAGLIARI (ISMOKA) Cagliari ITALV er .it: +390706756533 Faculty/ Erasmus code Name Oepartment (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone Academyof ul. Kazimierza Receiving Physical Gérskiego 1 Institution education and Gdansk Mrs Agnieszka Theus; [email protected]: sport Physical Education PlGDANSK06 Poland (+48) 585547480 Before the mobility Study Programme at the Receiving Institution Planned periad of the mobility: from February 2017 to July 2017 TableA compcnent'' Component title at the Receiving Institution Semester Number of ECTScredits (or equivalent)8 Beforethe code (as indicated in the course catalogue/) [e.g. autumn/spring; to be awarded by the Receiving mobility (ifany) term] Institution upon successful completion SISMOl Jezvk obcy (foreign language: english) spring 3 WFISTiMLA Teoria i metodyka lekkiej atletyki (Theory and methodology of athletics) spring 2 SIiSMOll Lekkoatletyka (Athletics) spring 2 WFISTiMP Teoria i metodyka ptywania (Theory and methodology of swimming) spring 2 TR-L-39 Ptywanie (Swimming) spring 1 WFISTiMG Teoria i metodyka gimnastyki (Theory and methodology of gimnastics) spring 2 WFllSTiMG Teoria i metodyka gimnastyki (Theory and methodology of gimnastics) spring 1 WFISTiMZG Teoria i metodyka zespotowych gier S sportowych (Theory and methodology of spring team sports) 2 TR-L-42 PDW: Gry sportowe - koszyk6wka (Sport games-Basketball) spring 1 TR-L-42 PDW: Gry sportowe pitka nozna (Sport games: football) spring 1 1

GfNA-II-C-Annex IV-Erasmus+ HE leaming Agreement far studtess-2015

• Erasmus+Higher Education

Learning Agreement for StudiesStudent's name

Academic Year 2016/2017

Last name(s) First name(s) Date of birth Nationalityl Sex[M/FI Study cyclez Field of education 3

Student BachelorSalis Beatrice 11.04.1995 Italia n F (EQF leve I 6) 1014

Faculty/Departmen Erasmus code"Name t (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name5; email; phone

Via SanSending UNIVERSITA' Settore Mobilità Giorgio n. 12

Institution DEGLISTUDI DI studentesca ICAGLlAR01 -09124 Anna Maria Aloi- Head of Ismoka-CAGLIARI (ISMOKA) Cagliari ITALV er .it: +390706756533

Faculty/ Erasmus codeName Oepartment (if applicable) Address Country Contact person name; email; phone

Academyof ul. KazimierzaReceiving Physical Gérskiego 1Institution education and Gdansk Mrs Agnieszka Theus; [email protected]:

sport Physical Education PlGDANSK06 Poland (+48) 585547480

Before the mobility

Study Programme at the Receiving Institution

Planned periad of the mobility: from February 2017 to July 2017

TableA compcnent'' Component title at the Receiving InstitutionSemester Number of ECTScredits (or equivalent)8

Beforethe code (as indicated in the course catalogue/)[e.g. autumn/spring; to be awarded by the Receiving

mobility (ifany) term] Institution upon successful completion

SISMOl Jezvk obcy (foreign language: english)spring


WFISTiMLATeoria i metodyka lekkiej atletyki (Theory

and methodology of athletics) spring

2SIiSMOll Lekkoatletyka (Athletics)


WFISTiMPTeoria i metodyka ptywania (Theory and

methodology of swimming) spring

2TR-L-39 Ptywanie (Swimming)


WFISTiMGTeoria i metodyka gimnastyki (Theory and

methodology of gimnastics) spring


WFllSTiMGTeoria i metodyka gimnastyki (Theory and

methodology of gimnastics) spring


WFISTiMZGTeoria i metodyka zespotowych gier

Ssportowych (Theory and methodology of

springteam sports)


TR-L-42PDW: Gry sportowe - koszyk6wka (Sport

games-Basketball) spring


TR-L-42PDW: Gry sportowe pitka nozna

(Sport games: football) spring



•..-------,....----------------~-----------------------------~---_.~.~~~-~~.GfNA-II-C-Annex IV-Er.3Ismus+ HEleaming Agreement for studi~ss-2015

• Erasmus+Higher Education

Learning Agreement for StudiesStudent's name

Academic Year 20.•./20 ...

lespotowe gry sportowe

511,5M012 (do wyboru trzy) (Team sports, three to springchoose)

2TR-M-35 Joga spring


Propedeutyka dyscypliny sportu

515MB (Propaedeutics of sport disciplines) spring


SISMT7 Sport do wyboru (Sports) spring2

FISNkflS/Voga / Spinning

FISNkf16 spring


FISNkf09/ Body Ball /FISNkfl0 Aqua aerobik spring


TR-M-22 Fitness spring 1

WFISSpor Sporty (Sports) spring 2

tot: 31

Web link to the e at the ReceivingInstitution describing the learning outcomes: [web link to the relevant information)

The level of language competence? in English[indicate here the main language of instruction] that the student already has or agrees to acquire by the start ofthestudy period is:Al D A2 D 81 X 82 D Cl D C2 D Native speaker D

Recognition ot the Sending Institution

TableB Component Component title at the Sending Institution Semester Number of ECTScredits (or equivalent)Beforethe code (as indicated in the course catalogue) [e.g. autumn/spring; to be recognised by the Sendingmobility (ifany) term] Institution

language skills (Abilità linguistiche) 3Technics and didactics of team sports (Tecniche edidattica degli sport di squadra) 6Technics and didactics of individuai sports moduleathletics (Tecniche e didattica degli sport individualimodulo atletica, teoria e pratica) 4Technics and didactics of individuai sports moduleswimming (Tecniche e didattica degli sport individualimodulo nuoto teoria e pratica) 4

Technics and didactics of individuai sports:module artistic gymnastics (Tecniche e didatticadegli sport individuali modulo ginnastica artistica) 4Free ECTS(CFUa scelta libera)


Total: 31

Provisionsapplying if the student does not complete successfully some educational components: [web link to the relevant information]


GfNA-II-C-Annex IV-Erasmus. HE leaming Agreemenl fur studiess-2015

• Erasmus+Higher Education

learning Agreement for StudiesStudent's name

Academic Year 20.•./20 •.•

CommitmentBysigning this document, the student, the Sending Institution and the ReceivingInstitution confirm that they approve the learning Agreement and that they willcomply with ali the

arrangements agreed by ali parties. 5ending and ReceivingInstitutions undertake to apply ali the principles of the Erasmus Charter for HigherEducation relating to mobi!ityfor studies (or theprinciples agreed in the Inter-Institutional Agreement for institutions loeated in Partner Countries). The Sending Institution and the student should also commit to what is set out in the

Erasmus+grant agreement. The ReeeivingInstitution confirms that the educational eomponents listed in Table Aare in line with its eourse eatalogue and should be available to the student.The Sending Institution eommits to reeognise ali the eredits gained at the ReeeivingInstitution for the suecessfully completed edueational eomponents and to eount them towards thestudent's degree as described in Table B.Anyexeeptions to this rule are documented in an annex ofthis LearningAgreement and agreed by ali parties. The student and the Reeeiving

Institution willcommunicate to the Sending Institution any problems or changes regarding the study programme, responsible persons and/or study period.Commitment Name Email Position Date Signature

Student Salis [email protected]

Student 22/06/2016 &lL..v?dJjResponsible person'? at

Raffaella Isola [email protected]

22/06/2016 (UJ "n lh ~the Sending Institution representativeResponsible person at the

Receiving Institution"

During the MobilityExceptional changes to Table A

(to be approved by e-mai! or signature bVthe student, the responsible person in the Sending Institution and the responsible person in the ReeeivingInstitution)

TableA2 Component Component title at the Receiving Deleted Added NumberofDuringthe code Institution component component Reason far change12 ECTS creditsmobility (ifany) (as indicated in the course catalogue) [tick if applicable] [tick if applicable] (or equivalent)

181 D Choose an item.D 181 Choose an item.

Exceptional changes to Table B (if applicable)(to be approved by e-mail or signature by the student and the responsible person in the Sending Institution)

Table 82 ComponentComponent title at the Sending Institution Deleted Added

Duringthe code(as indicated in the course catalogue)

component componentNumber of ECTScredits (or equivalent)

mobility (ifany) [tick if applicable] [tick if applicable]



Commitment Name Email Position Date Signature

Student Student

Responsible person'" atthe Sending Institution

Responsible person at theReceiving lnstltution-t

After the MobilityTranscript 0/ Records ot the Receiving Institution

Start and end dates of the study period: from [day/month/year] .......•........ to [day/month/year] •......•.•.•....

Table C ComponentComponent title at the Receiving Institution Was the component Number of ECTS Grades received

Afterthe code(as indicated in the course catalogue)

successfully completed credits at the Receivingmobility (ifany) by the student? [Ves/No] (or equivalent) Institution

Total: ...

Transcript 0/ Records and Recognition at the Sending InstitutionStart and end dates of the study period: from [day/month/year] ................ to [day/month/year] •..............•

Table D ComponentTitle of recognised component at the Sending Institution

Number of ECTScredits Grades registered at theAfter the code

(as indicated in the course catalogue)(or equivalent) Sending Institution

mobility (ifany) recognised (if applicable)


GfNA-II-C-Annex IV-Erasmus+ HE Leaming Agreement for studtess-2015

• Erasmus+Higher Education

Learning Agreement for StudiesStudent's name

Academic Year 20.../20 ...

Total: ...

Commitment Name Email Position Date Signature

Student Student

Responsibleperson" atthe SendingInstitution

Responsiblepersonat theReceivingInstitution16

l Nationality: countrv to which the person belongs adrnlnistrativelv and that issuesthe ID card and/or passport.

2 Study cycle: Short cvcle (EQFleve/ 5) / Bachelor or equivalent first cyele (EQFlevel 6) / Master or equivalent second cyele (EQFleve/ 7) / Doctorate orequivalent third cvcle (EQFleveIB).

3 Field of education: The /SCED-F2013 search tool available at http://ec.europa.eu/education/tools/isced-f en.htm should be used to find the ISCED2013 detailed field of education and training that is elosest to the subject of the degree to be awarded to the student by the Sending Institution.

4 Erasmus code: a unique identifier that every higher education institution that has been awarded with the ErasmusCharter for Higher Education (ECHE)receives. It is only applicable to higher education institutions located in Programme Countries.

5 Contact person: person who provides a link for administrative information and who, depending on the structure of the higher education institution,may be the departmental coordinator or works at the international relations office or equivalent body within the institution.

6 An "educational component" is a self-contained and formai structured learning experience that features learning outcomes, credits and forms ofassessment. Examples of educational components are: a course, modu/e, seminar, laboratory work, practical work, preparation/research for a thesis,mobility window or free electives.

7 Course catalogue: detailed, user-friendly and up-to-date information on the institution's learning environment that should be available to studentsbefore the mobility period and throughout their studies to enable them to make the right choices and use their time most efficiently. The informationconcerns, for example, the qualifications offered, the learning, teaching and assessment procedures, the level of programmes, the individuai educationalcomponents and the learning resources. The Course Catalogue should inelude the names of people to contact, with information about how, when andwhere to contact them.

8 ECTScredits (or equivalent): in countries where the "ECTS"system is not in piace, in particular for institutions located in Partner Countries notparticipating in the Bologna process, "ECTS"needs to be replaced in the relevant tables by the name of the equivalent system that is used, and a web/ink to an explanation to the system should be added.

Level of language competence: a description of the Europeanhttps://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/eu ropean-language-Ievels-cefr

lO Responsible person at the Sending Institution: an academic who has the authority to approve the Learning Agreement, to exceptionally amend itwhen it is needed, as well as to guarantee full recognition of such programme on behalf of the responsible academic body. The name and email of theResponsible person must be filled in only in case it differs from that of the Contact person mentioned at the top of the documento

Language Levels (CEFR) is available at:

11 Responsible person at the Receiving Institution: the name and email of the Responsible person must be filled in only in case it differs from that of theContact person mentioned at the top of the documento

12 Reasonsfor exceptional changes to study programme abroad (choose an item number from the table below):

Reasons for deleting a component Reason for adding a component1. Previously selected educational component is not available at the Receiving Institution 5. Substituting a deleted component2. Component is in a different language than previously specified in the course catalogue 6. Extending the mobility period3. Timetable conflict 7. Other (piease specify)4. Other (please specify)

13 Responsible person at the Sending Institution: an academic who has the authority to approve the Learning Agreement, to exceptionally amend itwhen it is needed, as well as to guarantee full recognition of such programme on behalf of the responsible academic body. The name and ernail of theResponsible person must be filled in only in case it differs from that of the Contact person mentioned at the top of the documento


• Erasmus+Higher Education

Learning Agreement for StudiesStudent's name

Academic Year 20..•/20 ..•

14 Responsible person at the Receiving Institution: the name and email of the Responsible person must be filled in only in case it differs from that of theContact person me~tioned at the top of the documento

15 Responsible person at the Sending Institution: an academic who has the authority to approve the Learning Agreement, to exceptionally amend itwhen it is needed, as well as to guarantee full recognition of such programme on behalf of the responsible academic body. The name and email of theResponsible person must be filled in only in case it differs from that of the Contact person mentioned at the top of the documento

16 Responsible person at the Receiving Institution: the name and emai! of the Responsible person must be filled in only in case it differs from that of theContact person mentioned at the top of the documento

