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  • 8/14/2019 GGEHadesandHerakles


    Hades and Hercules

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    Son of the Titans Cronus and RheaThree Older Sisters: Hestia, Demeter, Hera

    Two Younger Brothers: Poseidon, Zeus

    The only mortals who visited the Underworld:

    Hercules, Odysseus, Aeneas, Orpheus, andTheseus.

    Hades, while King of the Underworld, was not Death

    The embodiment of Death was Thanatos

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    Details of Hades

    Hades carried a two-pronged fork that would shatter all.

    Greeks would bang their fists on the ground so Hades would hear.

    Helmet made by the Cyclopes (given to Perseus to kill Medusa).

    Hades sat on an black throne.

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    Greek Herakles

    Most famous and beloved of ancient


    Parentage: Zeus + mortal Alcmene

    Husband: Amphitryon (King of


    Herakles glorious gift of Hera

    Hera decided to pay Zeus back for his

    infidelity by making the rest of Hercules'

    life as miserable as she could

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    Early Life

    Hera sends two snakes to kill


    Hercules, in his crib, strangles

    one in each hand.

    Chariot driving: Amphitryon, king of

    Thebes, son of Alcaeus, and grandson of

    Perseus (Medusa killer).

    Wrestling: Autolycus, son of Mercury Heavy Fighting: Castor, another son of


    Singing and Playing the Lyre: Linus, a

    son of Apollo

    Hercules Teachers

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    2nd Century Mosaic Antakya, Turkey

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    In a fit of rage Hercules

    kills Linus.

    Amphitryon banishes him

    to become a herdsman.

    While in the country, hekills a marauding lion and

    forever wears the skin a

    his clothes.

    He also carries a huge

    club he carved from atree.

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    Returns &

    12 Labors

    He returns to Thebes and helps his father defend the city; Amphitryon

    dies; Hercules marries princess Megara.

    They have two children.

    Hera sends him into a fit of madness and he murders Megara and his


    Athena puts him to sleep to wear off the madness.

    Hercules goes to the Delphic oracle, and Apollo tells him he has 12 labors

    to perform before he finds peace.

    Apollo promises to make Hercules a god if all 12 labors are completed.

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    Hercules 12 Labors

    1 Kill a lion with his bare hands. 2 Kill the Hydra (snake w/nine headscut one head off, two come


    Burns eight heads, buries the ninth under a rock; makes poison arrows

    3 Capture a stag.

    4 Kill a boar.

    5 Clean stables: 3,000 oxen; stables cleaned 30 years ago.

    6 Kill deadly birds (w/Athena help & poisonous arrows)

    7 Capture the Cretan bull (same bull from Minos tale)

    8 Capture man-eating horses.

    9 Capture the girdle of Hippolyte, queen of the Amazons.

    10 Capture the oxen of Geryon (3-headed monster) 11 Capture the golden apples of the Hesperides (Atlas daughters)

    12 Bring Cerberus from the Underworld (Athena & Mercury help, Hadesagrees)

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    Hercules End

    While finishing his lastlabor, he meets hissecond wife, Deianira.

    She gives Hercules acloak she made and

    smears oil on the inside(given by a centaur whosaid itd make him loveher forever).

    It burns his body, hetries to pull it off, it burnsdeeper.

    Hercules asks for afuneral pyre to be made(better than pain).

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    Hercules the god

    As the fire starts (Philoctetes

    lights it), Zeus takes pity on his


    Hera agrees.

    Athena brings Hercules fromthe pyre to Mt. Olympus

    Other stories about Hercules:

    2. Rescued damsels, including

    Hesione, a princess of Troy

    3. Fought with Apollo

    4. Helped the gods in a battle against

    the Giants who tried to take over Mt.

    Olympus right after his death.