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??ggisaaQ?a K.- Mirmm liP! lilt Iffin · 2015-05-30 · 'completeresume of Honolulu and Island...

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7 . V J ??ggisaaQ?a t " 9 K.- ? Mirmm 's Vr 58 4 A4r .?s. lilt If fin liP! rprrwuri in - mil Mimniiiwi urn Vol. XrV. No. 23X0. HONOLULU, II. J., SATURDAY EVI4NTINCr, AUGUST ,'U, J389. flUOSORIPTION BO 0ENT8 PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed and published at tho office, Qucon Street, Ilonolulu, H. every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, - - 50 conts pet Month. Address nil Communications Daily CotitirtTiw. Advertisements, tc enmro inset Mon, ihoitld bo haudod ' before one o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Eallotin Stoam Printing Office, ifowspapur, Book and Job Printing ol all kluda done on the most fuvorablu terms. Bell Telcphono No. 250 Mu tual Telephone No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 columns of leading matter on local topics, anil a 'complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in the Kingdom to Bend to fi lends abroad. Hulmcrlptlon: Island : : : $1 Of) year Foreign : : : C 00 " Commission Sloiouanta. lXA.Uili,Zluk .N& Jo., u. General Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MACFABLANE & Co. lilPOKTEKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street. Honolulu. H. I. 1018 GONSALVI3S & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. C BREWER (Limited) & COMPANY, Gbnkhal Miskcantile and COMMISSION AOKNTd LIST OF OFVICSUS: P. O. Jones, Jr. ..President & Manager i. U. OAltTKU . ..Treasurer J5 Secretary DIHKCTOH3 : Hon. (J. U. liisuor. S. C. Allen, H. Vatbbuoubb. addly JOHN T. WATBRHODBE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Cistlc.-- J. 0. Athorton-- G. P. Castle CASTLE & OOOKB, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Doalers in General Merchandise, No. 60 King at., Ilonolulu. 1 CUni SprecJceli. Wd, G. Irwin. WQ. IRWIN & COMPANY, Factors and Commission cnts, Honolulu. 1 "ILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber. Paints. Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 . Lowers, F. J, Lowrcy O. M. Cooko. L EWERS & OOOKB, (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu I H. G. CEABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite the Old Station House. Mutual Tolcphono No. t. 07 tt VETEIUNAUY. An. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel ritahleS) corner Hotel and Richard streets. Boieullllc treatment lu all di. eases of domestic animals. Orders tor plantation and ranch block promptly ullended to. Mutual Telephone 'Ml, P. O Uox320. mlt.18 89 O LUSO HAWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to communi with tho Poiturmesc, either for busiuesa, or for procuring woikmen, servants or any other helps, will Unit it tho most profitable way to advertise in the Luso Havaiiatio, tho now prgan ol tho Portuguese oopuy, whioh Is pub, lishcd on tiotel streoi, and only charges raimnnnblo rites for wlvrtrMiwiwiiw BEST PAPER to subscribe THE is the "Daily .Bulletin." CO aata per month. V1' t T Professionals. T M. MONSARRAT, w Attorney at Law & Notary Public 140 Mrrcliant Street, Honolulu. tf J ALFRED MAQOON, Attorney at Law & Notary t'ubllo 17U 12 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will practice in the lower rourts of the Ivingilom as attorney, attend to eolket lug in all its branches, renting of houses and any other bucinesv cntrutt.d to him Olilcu 01 King Si led Upstairs. FobCSU EioNi3E!ra STEAM CANDY FACTORY F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- easr Telephone 74. IVlrs. L, G. Pray, Genuine Massage Roman Baths 150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard, dee 7 8 HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo- -t Street, : AVilliam's Block, JIG Honolulu, H. I. U. K. IJKNEON. o. vr. SMITn. BENSON. SMITH & CO., ilrlanufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rickecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, 12y WENNER & CO. Jlauulacturln Jewellers, NO. 03 JTOitX1 fcJ,AlJi3JE,X,. Constantly on hanJ large assortmen of every descriptionof Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 053 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Spscialty. Kitic Street, Slouolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-wa- y Company's ODlce. CPU" Particular attention paid to all kind of repairs jan.lO-rt- Husiace & Robertson, DKAYMKN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at-t- tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices OQlco, next door to Jas. F. Morgan's auction room. 082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Richard Cayford, VETERINARY 71) Jt 81 Kiuc Htreet. Horaoa and Cattle Treated foi all Diseases. Residence No. 31 Alakea Street. X. O. BOX dO. BellTelCpl.onoa,B-- BCwoiij Sang-- , Manufacturer of Ladles' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes, No. i!U Xuuanu Ht., All work guaranteed. Loneit prices. The very bot leather kept on hand. 2.18 ihn A. H. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank book Manufacturer, No. Merchant street. Up stairs. oct4.88-l- y U 1 .1 II I V n I nrtrsw I -- r'?ip- v 'hia:' Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffeo at 111 Houra The Finest Brand of Giprs, 45fs !?: Touscgd Ahvnj'H on llaml. s&b. THIS tvfr el irv fSeiropoiitanJMI Meat Company 81 KIKG'bTUEET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Detail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTOIiS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton ! Beef, Pork, XTimli, VesreUUiloM, .See., &. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Successors to Wm. McCandleys), Xo. C lticcn ht., : : i'lsh 3nrket, Honolulu, II. I. CSTFamily and Shipj ing Oulcrscarc- - fully attended to. Live block furnislic-i- l to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TINKER, IIUTUSIHU. Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausages ! Fresh Every Day. tSpHis noted S.iubages aro made by the every beat machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivored with promptness and dispatch, and his prices are as low as anywhere in the city. Z3T Tij his Bologna Sausages.TBJ oct-- 83 Anderson &Lundy, !Oentists. Artificial Teeth from one to an entire set inserted on gold, alluminum nnd rubber bases. Crown and Bridge Work a specially. To persons weiring rubber plates which arc n constant source of initatioH to the mouth anil throat, wu would recommend our Pro. phybictic Metil Plate. All operations performed in accordance wlili the hileM improvements in dental science. Teeth Extracted without pain by the uwi of Nitrous Oxide Gns. tSTUfflce at Old Tregloan Rcsidenco Hotel street. Feb-20-8- 9 wrightTroK", THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, XJttij. ..3KL W. W. WRIGHT, Mos. 79 and 01 King Street. Carriage Builders, Ship's Blackstniihlnn, Drays, Carts & Wagog Building as specially. Every dcsciiption of work In tho nbovo lines performed in a flrKt-cliu- a manner and executed at shoit notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. C?; Oidors from tho oiliqr islands solicited, Will bo pleated to bcc all our old customers us well as new onca. Mutual Telephone No fi75. n Pioneer Shin Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma L The undersigns! lioirs to inform the public of liieso lslaiids that he is making BUirtH ly Monnuremcut ! Directions forMilf.mcasurrmeut will ho given ou application. White Shirts, Ovcrshlrts & Night Gowns A fit guarantee by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telophono 410 601y A. SI. SfELLIK. EMBROIDERIES and . LACES LAROE IMPORTATION DIRECT FROM EUEOPE NOW OPEN AT THE POPULAR MILLINERY - - HOUSE, 104 Fort Hived, Ilonolulu. TV. . .OO;, - - Proprietor. ASSORTMEHT'! " ! Call and wenmine. Sviss If &' In every widlli'niul nil qualitiob; Skirt Exquibite pnttoiti at vory low ligttres; Ail-ov- er Latest patterns!, in Swiss &. Nainsook ; In Siss &. Naiii'-ook- ; Laces & Lace An immense assortment ; Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length, In White & Dcop Ecru, at exceptionally low piiccs; oo Full Pknt Length & Edgings to mutch. g)S The nbovo Goods uro direct from Emopo nnd direct from the manufacturers, and will theiefoio bo ofl'i-ie- at prices lower than hitlior-tofoi- o. 8.?1; -- OFFER AT BED o California Hay, Oats, Bran, Oil Cako Meal, Linscod Meal, Barley, Rolled Barley, Middling: Ground Barley, T f f Wheat and Corn Flour. JCOrAlta, Golden Gate & Salinas"a FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Boll Telophono, GO -- n fiQT O ASTQK1SHIIG PRIGES ainsook Hamburg Edgings, Embroidery Length FSoisnces, IE3nxlx'oiloriets, Children's Embroidery Flounces, Flounces, "Vjfclosioiojisie llonnoes, Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Hour Fort Street. 0 -- Have on hand and For Salo a Full Assortment of- - j HOCK PKICES- - Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sta. iutual Telophoue, 1 AT LOWEST RATES by FRANK BROWN, Manayoi. All Brands of American Whiskies, BOURBON, EYE and MONONGAHELA, In Bulk or Case; SCOTCH and XlMSSIi WHISKY, In'TGlns9 nnd Slono Jnra; Very Fine & Vory Cheap Qualities, as aro wanted ; GINS; in Large & Small Bottles; (White or Black), also, STONE JUGS; Oltl Tom Gin, IStiHt rji-tm- d in tho Mnrlcot; EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT ! In Bulk and C:uo. All Brands of American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc., In 1'tnta and QuaiU; Finest Brands of Champagnes, In Tints ami Quarts. Bitters, Liquors Absinthe, Anollinnrl Water, Kummels, Very Superior CALIFORNIA WINES, as roM.ovd: Zinfaudcl, Malaga, Toltay, Madeira, Tort, Shorry, Riesling, Hocks, Etc., Elo, jpfT All ol wnioh will be sold 2170 37" 'NTERPRIS PLAHINQ MILL. Alakon, near Qnccn i$U I Telephone SB. WALKEK & EEDWAED, ContniotorH Kz TtulUlci's. Ilrlck. Stone and Wooden Buildings; given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. lu King sulci. Bull Tolc- phono N' 2. 1. O. Box, li!3. ap y n.EOKGB LUCAS, .J J Contractor ,'V.iySH aud Bullder,-- - llonolulu Steam Waning Mills, hspla uatlc, Ilonolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Bracket?, Window Frames, Blinds, Saihes, Doors, and all Lindb of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawim;. All kinds of Sawing and i'lun-tn- g, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly aUtmded to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other ls solicited 'VrfVLEONOL,Ulja lRON WOHKH, iriSfeSsjSteam engines, sugur mills, boil, era, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. i 8 Merchant St.. Ilonolnlu, U.I. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ACCOUNTANTS, Conveyancers & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Sole Agents for the Burlington RouU Aeioss America, and to the Azores. Solo Aiients for Pitt & Scott's Foreign Paicels Expicss ifc General Shipping Agency. Sole Agents for Sunny South Aerated Waters. Solo Agents for Masefleld Bros.' New Zealand Mullet aud Canned Goods. Special Agents lor Leading New Zea lanu and Aus rallun Meicamlle Flrimj- - Special Agents for the California Land AssociHtion. Special Agents for the Ilonolulu Bus! noss D, rectory. AIho, Other Special Agendo, S&- - Customs' Entries Passed. Pro pullet Managed. Assignees and Audi tors Work tlone promptly. House1 Leased and P.ents CollLoicd. Mew Business Solicited Bell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360. Dcc-- 6 Post Offico Box 4G9. 88-l-y l. O. Ilox 351. -- ffW lloll TelB. 74. Hawaiian Business Agency Comer Foit & Merchant Streets, Ilonolulu, II. I. GENERAL AGENTS, AccounuuitH Sl Collectors -- KOll TnE Hawaiian BdII Telephone So. Manager of Advertising Department rou THE "ftSupepaJCuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will rcrnlvc special alton. lion and returns promptly made. Ileal Cstato bought, told and hascd; Texos Palil aud properly safely innrcd Houses, Cottages, nooms and Cltlcet, Uaed nnd rumd, and rents oollicted. Flro and Llto Insurance fffeetul in first class Iiiciiiance Cnm)nnles. Conveyancing a Specialty Recoids suaichi'il and correct Abstracts of Title furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn usd hand somcly en crowd Copying and Translating in all languages in eineral mo in thU Kingdom, Cutlom House Dusineis transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Leans negotiated at favorable rnlrs, Gold, Silver and Ccttlflcates hougia ami sol I Mverllscmor.ts and Subscriptions soil cited lor publlth'iri. Skilled and Unskilled Labor ftiruUhed, Any Article purchaHid or s'lht Intct -- Island Orders "ill rttolvu jarti. cular lUiriitliiii. To Let. Furnished ard Unfurnished Cot- tages In desirable localities at reasonable rentals, - Sovcral Valuablo Properties In nnd around tho city no for sale aud loao ou easy terms. JsJTAll business intrusted to our care will receive prompt and faithful aiten. Hon at moderate charges KeM 8 1 NEW YORK Life Insurance OOMPANY. Assets, $95,000,00.00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." . At .every ago, on every premium -- table, and in overy year, the AC- TUAL BESULTS of Tontine Policies of the New York Life Insurance Co. have- been LARGER than those OF AXY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. S&F" For particulars apply to C. O. IIKKUKU, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands- - 28.rl tf y FIHE, LIFE, AKD MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Asset?, $5,288,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and JIarlne) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 8outh British Fire and Marino Ina. Co Capital, $10,000,000, New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $95,000,000 ao.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Uaw'n Islands. 1C53 ly The Best Company! THJE MUTUAX Life Insurance Co. OJF NEW YORK. Richard A. HcCnrdy, President. The Largest Company in the World.. The Oldest Company In the U. S.'s It Gives tho Most Liberal Polioiea -- ASt Paye tho Largest Dividends. Claims paid to policy holders In the Hawaiian Islands, during the past ten years, Over : JB 1 OO.OOO OO. tQf For rates, apply to S. B. KOMK.. General Agent, Ilonolulu, Hawaiian,, IsImikir. oouu 8H--1 y CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agents. aoemts ron The New Knslaad MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y of Boston. Tho JEtna Fire Insurance Co of Hartford, Conn. The Union Itrr nnd Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Como'v; ESTABLISHED 1848, '' CPI 0,000.000 Rilchsmarks THE undersigned, having been ap. accnt of the above Compwii for tho Hawaiian Islands, is preparedta, accept risk, against Fire! on Bulldtafti? '' Furniture, Merchandise, Prwluse.flui? sr Mills etc., ou the most Favorable Tcrtosu . Louss Promptly Adjusted ant) Psythls . , Honolulu. i i , Jly-8- 7 Jy t Wilder Co', jk. -- ;X.. --as. -- "W Mllitfi.'lu sil "3
Page 1: ??ggisaaQ?a K.- Mirmm liP! lilt Iffin · 2015-05-30 · 'completeresume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in the Kingdom to Bend to fi lends abroad. Hulmcrlptlon:





t " 9K.-


Mirmm's Vr 58

4 A4r.?s. lilt If finliP!rprrwuri in - mil Mimniiiwi urn



Is printed and published at tho office,

Qucon Street, Ilonolulu, H. every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, - - 50 conts pet Month.

Address nil Communications DailyCotitirtTiw.

Advertisements, tc enmro inset Mon,ihoitld bo haudod ' before one o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Eallotin Stoam Printing Office,

ifowspapur, Book and Job Printing olall kluda done on the most fuvorabluterms.Bell Telcphono No. 250Mu tual Telephone No. 250


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 33 columns ofleading matter on local topics, anil a'complete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the best paper publishedin the Kingdom to Bend to fi lendsabroad.

Hulmcrlptlon:Island : : : $1 Of) yearForeign : : : C 00 "

Commission Sloiouanta.

lXA.Uili,Zluk .N& Jo.,u.General Commission Agents.




Queen street. Honolulu. H. I.1018


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

C BREWER(Limited)


Gbnkhal Miskcantile andCOMMISSION AOKNTd


P. O. Jones, Jr. ..President & Manageri. U. OAltTKU . ..Treasurer J5 Secretary


Hon. (J. U. liisuor. S. C. Allen,H. Vatbbuoubb.


JOHN T. WATBRHODBE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen it., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Cistlc.-- J. 0. Athorton-- G. P. Castle

CASTLE & OOOKB,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Doalers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 60 King at.,Ilonolulu. 1

CUni SprecJceli. Wd, G. Irwin.

WQ. IRWIN & COMPANY,Factors and Commission

cnts, Honolulu. 1

"ILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber. Paints.

Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

. Lowers, F. J, Lowrcy O. M. Cooko.

LEWERS & OOOKB,(successors to Lowers & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu I



81 King Street, opposite the Old StationHouse.

Mutual Tolcphono No. t.07 tt


An. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel ritahleS) corner Hotel and Richardstreets. Boieullllc treatment lu all di.eases of domestic animals. Orders torplantation and ranch block promptlyullended to. Mutual Telephone 'Ml,P. O Uox320. mlt.18 89


ALL persons who want to communiwith tho Poiturmesc, either

for busiuesa, or for procuring woikmen,servants or any other helps, will Unit ittho most profitable way to advertise inthe Luso Havaiiatio, tho now prgan oltho Portuguese oopuy, whioh Is pub,lishcd on tiotel streoi, and only chargesraimnnnblo rites for wlvrtrMiwiwiiw

BEST PAPER to subscribeTHE is the "Daily .Bulletin." CO

aata per month.

V1' tT


T M. MONSARRAT,w Attorney at Law & Notary Public140 Mrrcliant Street, Honolulu. tf

J ALFRED MAQOON,Attorney at Law & Notary t'ubllo

17U 12 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill practice in the lower rourts of theIvingilom as attorney, attend to eolketlug in all its branches, renting of housesand any other bucinesv cntrutt.d to him

Olilcu 01 King Si led Upstairs.FobCSU


F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

71 Hotel St. --easr Telephone 74.

IVlrs. L, G. Pray,

Genuine Massage Roman Baths

150 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard,dee 7 8


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo- -t Street, : AVilliam's Block,JIG Honolulu, H. I.

U. K. IJKNEON. o. vr. SMITn.


ilrlanufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericke & Scechlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rickecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, 12y

WENNER & CO.Jlauulacturln Jewellers,

NO. 03 JTOitX1 fcJ,AlJi3JE,X,.Constantly on hanJ large assortmen

of every descriptionof Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

053 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Spscialty.

Kitic Street, Slouolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram-wa- y

Company's ODlce.

CPU" Particular attention paid to allkind of repairs jan.lO-rt-

Husiace & Robertson,

DKAYMKN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at-t-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices

OQlco, next door to Jas. F. Morgan'sauction room.082 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

71) Jt 81 Kiuc Htreet.

Horaoa and Cattle Treated foiall Diseases.

Residence No. 31 Alakea Street.X. O. BOX dO.


BCwoiij Sang-- ,

Manufacturer of

Ladles' & Gentlemen's Boots & Shoes,

No. i!U Xuuanu Ht.,All work guaranteed. Loneit prices.The very bot leather kept on hand.

2.18 ihn

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank

book Manufacturer,

No. Merchant street. Up stairs.oct4.88-l- y

U 1 .1 II I V n Inrtrsw I-- r'?ip- v'hia:'

Tho Bost Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffeo at 111 Houra

The Finest Brand of

Giprs, 45fs!?:


Ahvnj'H on llaml.

s&b. THIS tvfr

elirv fSeiropoiitanJMI

Meat Company81 KIKG'bTUEET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Detail Butchers



Choicest Mutton !

Beef, Pork,XTimli, VesreUUiloM, .See., &.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Successors to Wm. McCandleys),

Xo. C lticcn ht., : : i'lsh 3nrket,Honolulu, II. I.

CSTFamily and Shipj ing Oulcrscarc--fully attended to. Live block furnislic-i- l

to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8


Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pork Sausages !

Fresh Every Day.

tSpHis noted S.iubages aro made bythe every beat machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo delivoredwith promptness and dispatch, and hisprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

Z3T Tij his Bologna Sausages.TBJoct-- 83

Anderson &Lundy,!Oentists.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset inserted on gold, alluminumnnd rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specially. To persons weiringrubber plates which arc n constantsource of initatioH to the mouth anilthroat, wu would recommend our Pro.phybictic Metil Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance wlili the hileMimprovements in dental science. TeethExtracted without pain by the uwi ofNitrous Oxide Gns.

tSTUfflce at Old Tregloan RcsidencoHotel street. Feb-20-8- 9

wrightTroK",THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

XJttij. ..3KL

W. W. WRIGHT,Mos. 79 and 01 King Street.

Carriage Builders,Ship's Blackstniihlnn, Drays, Carts &

Wagog Building as specially.

Every dcsciiption of work In thonbovo lines performed in a flrKt-cliu- a

manner and executed at shoit notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.C?; Oidors from tho oiliqr islands

solicited, Will bo pleated to bcc allour old customers us well as new onca.Mutual Telephone No fi75.


Pioneer Shin FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma L

The undersigns! lioirs to inform thepublic of liieso lslaiids that he is makingBUirtH ly Monnuremcut !

Directions forMilf.mcasurrmeut willho given ou application.

White Shirts, Ovcrshlrts & Night Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a sampleShirt to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Telophono 410

601y A. SI. SfELLIK.




POPULAR MILLINERY- - HOUSE,104 Fort Hived, Ilonolulu.

TV. . .OO;, - - Proprietor.



Call and wenmine.

Sviss If &'In every widlli'niul nil qualitiob;

SkirtExquibite pnttoiti at vory low ligttres;

Ail-ov- er

Latest patterns!, in Swiss &. Nainsook ;

In Siss &. Naiii'-ook- ;

Laces & LaceAn immense assortment ;

Oriental Lace Flounces Skirt Length,In White & Dcop Ecru, at exceptionally low piiccs;


Full Pknt Length & Edgings to mutch.g)S The nbovo Goods uro direct from Emopo nnd direct from the

manufacturers, and will theiefoio bo ofl'i-ie- at prices lower than hitlior-tofoi- o.




California Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cako Meal, Linscod Meal,

Barley, Rolled Barley,Middling: Ground Barley,

T f f Wheat and Corn Flour.JCOrAlta, Golden Gate & Salinas"a FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

Boll Telophono, GO -- n fiQT



ainsook Hamburg Edgings,

Embroidery Length FSoisnces,


Children's Embroidery Flounces,


"Vjfclosioiojisie llonnoes,

Ho. 24 Merchant Street, Hour Fort Street.


--Have on hand and For Salo a Full Assortment of--


Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sta.

iutual Telophoue, 1



All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, EYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;

SCOTCH and XlMSSIi WHISKY,In'TGlns9 nnd Slono Jnra;

Very Fine & Vory Cheap Qualities, as aro wanted ;

GINS; in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS;

Oltl Tom Gin, IStiHt rji-tm- d in tho Mnrlcot;EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT !

In Bulk and C:uo. All Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc.,

In 1'tnta and QuaiU;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Tints ami Quarts.

Bitters, Liquors Absinthe,Anollinnrl Water, Kummels,

Very Superior CALIFORNIA WINES,as roM.ovd:

Zinfaudcl, Malaga, Toltay, Madeira,Tort, Shorry, Riesling, Hocks, Etc., Elo,

jpfT All ol wnioh will be sold




Alakon, near Qnccn i$UI Telephone SB.


ContniotorH Kz TtulUlci's.Ilrlck. Stone and Wooden Buildings;

given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. lu King sulci. Bull Tolc-phono N' 2. 1. O. Box, li!3. ap y

n.EOKGB LUCAS, .JJ Contractor ,'V.iySHaud Bullder,-- -

llonolulu Steam Waning Mills, hsplauatlc, Ilonolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Bracket?, Window Frames, Blinds,

Saihes, Doors, and all Lindb of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawim;. All kinds of Sawing and i'lun-tn- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly aUtmded to and work

guaranteed. Orders from the other ls


'VrfVLEONOL,Ulja lRON WOHKH,iriSfeSsjSteam engines, sugur mills, boil,era, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. i

8 Merchant St.. Ilonolnlu, U.I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for the Burlington RouUAeioss America, and to the Azores.

Solo Aiients for Pitt & Scott's ForeignPaicels Expicss ifc General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Solo Agents for Masefleld Bros.' NewZealand Mullet aud Canned Goods.

Special Agents lor Leading New Zealanu and Aus rallun Meicamlle Flrimj- -

Special Agents for the California LandAssociHtion.

Special Agents for the Ilonolulu Bus!noss D, rectory.

AIho, Other Special Agendo,

S&- - Customs' Entries Passed. Propullet Managed. Assignees and Auditors Work tlone promptly. House1Leased and P.ents CollLoicd.

Mew Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele. No. 360.Dcc-- 6 Post Offico Box 4G9. 88-l-y

l. O. Ilox 351. --ffW lloll TelB. 74.

Hawaiian Business Agency

Comer Foit & Merchant Streets,Ilonolulu, II. I.

GENERAL AGENTS,AccounuuitH Sl Collectors

-- KOll TnE

Hawaiian BdII Telephone So.

Manager of Advertising Departmentrou THE


Collections will rcrnlvc special alton.lion and returns promptly made.

Ileal Cstato bought, told and hascd;Texos Palil aud properly safely innrcdHouses, Cottages, nooms and Cltlcet,

Uaed nnd rumd, and rents oollicted.Flro and Llto Insurance fffeetul in first

class Iiiciiiance Cnm)nnles.Conveyancing a Specialty Recoids

suaichi'il and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn usd handsomcly en crowd

Copying and Translating in all languagesin eineral mo in thU Kingdom,

Cutlom House Dusineis transacted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Leans negotiated at favorable rnlrs,Gold, Silver and Ccttlflcates hougia ami

sol I

Mverllscmor.ts and Subscriptions soilcited lor publlth'iri.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor ftiruUhed,Any Article purchaHid or s'lhtIntct -- Island Orders "ill rttolvu jarti.

cular lUiriitliiii.To Let. Furnished ard Unfurnished Cot-

tages In desirable localities at reasonablerentals, -

Sovcral Valuablo Properties In nndaround tho city no for sale aud loaoou easy terms.

JsJTAll business intrusted to our carewill receive prompt and faithful aiten.Hon at moderate charges KeM 8 1


Life InsuranceOOMPANY.

Assets, $95,000,00.00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

. At .every ago, on every premium --

table, and in overy year, the AC-TUAL BESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.have- been LARGER than those OFAXY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

S&F" For particulars apply to

C. O. IIKKUKU,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands- -

28.rl tfy


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Asset?, $5,288,000Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and JIarlne)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assuranco Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,0008outh British Fire and Marino Ina. Co

Capital, $10,000,000,New York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $95,000,000


General Agent, Uaw'n Islands.

1C53 ly

The Best Company!


Life Insurance Co.OJF NEW YORK.

Richard A. HcCnrdy, President.

The Largest Company in the World..The Oldest Company In the U. S.'s

It Gives tho Most Liberal Polioiea-- ASt

Paye tho Largest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders In theHawaiian Islands, during the

past ten years,

Over : JB 1 OO.OOO OO.tQf For rates, apply to

S. B. KOMK..General Agent, Ilonolulu, Hawaiian,,

IsImikir. oouu 8H--1 y

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agents.

aoemts ronThe New Knslaad


Tho JEtna Fire Insurance Coof Hartford, Conn.

The Union Itrr nndMarine Insurance Co.,

of San Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Como'v;

ESTABLISHED 1848, ''CPI 0,000.000 Rilchsmarks

THE undersigned, having been ap.accnt of the above Compwii

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is preparedta,accept risk, against Fire! on Bulldtafti? ''Furniture, Merchandise, Prwluse.flui? srMills etc., ou the most Favorable Tcrtosu .

Louss Promptly Adjusted ant) Psythls . ,

Honolulu. i i ,

Jly-8- 7 Jy t Wilder Co',

jk. -- ;X..--as. -- "W Mllitfi.'lu


Page 2: ??ggisaaQ?a K.- Mirmm liP! lilt Iffin · 2015-05-30 · 'completeresume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in the Kingdom to Bend to fi lends abroad. Hulmcrlptlon:

ilit ft"

Wh !?




1 r ii d nntwinntf iFmm me&m&kx!&w&wtcHh&iiiM


aiTji KuTTfinPledged to neither Sect nor Parly,But established for the benefit of till.



Ily Unlllco II.Those who roiled nl the Kwa. Hail'

nay enterprise can now see llio rniUbeing laid. It is a pity thai all thep'ptty. Insular prejudice of the coun-

try cannot be laid with the rails.

It will not do to force issues uponthe people. They must not bemade to face the alternative of anyparticular Cabinet or a condition ofanarchy. This would be contraryto the spirit of the Constitution.The Executive and the Legislativeshould bo preserved distinct as wellin the public mind as in the writtenlaw. Some people may think thatthe administration is open to criti-cism for faults or failures. Othermay harbor the suggestion that pos-

sibly the nation ma' desire or bethe better for a change or lecon-structio- n

of the Cabinet. There isa class whose members boil overwith wrath at any such display ofdoubt toward their cherished doc-- t

lines of the infallibility and impec-

cability of the men they find it fortheir interest to follow. These peo-

ple should stand on the top of Tan-

talus a while and let the trade-win- d

ool their heated prejudices. Aftera moderate degree of cxposuro theymay be ready to confess that thepolitical skepticism referred to doesnot necessarily involve antagonismto Reform. The' may even com-

prehend that the present Ministrydid not make Reform, but that con-

trariwise Reform made the presentMinistry. Reform, as enshrined in

t'e hearts of those who have upheldit hitherto, must therefore judgethe creatures of its handiwork, andnot allow these to set up a goldencalf to represent their maker andcommand all the people to bowdown and worship it. Should theidea endeavored to be conveyed in

the foregoing lines of this paragraphbe pondered over for a week, it mayfurnish sufllcient mental excitationfor the electoral mind upon thepoint involved during that briefperiod.

Whatever purblind politicians, w ithmonkey minds that get all theirideas through imitation, may thinkof the foregoing sentiments, theyarc not indited in antagonism to thepersonnel of the Minisliy. Theyarc simply a plea for liberty of opin-

ion to the people and of action tothe Legislature. If the Ministersare true Reformers, as I doubt notthey have meant to be, they willnot want to hold ollicc unless theyHatisfj' an independent Legislatureelected on a platform of reformatoryand progressive policy. Only one-ha- lf

of the original Reform Cabinetnow remains in ofllee after a lapseof two years. Yet there has beenno convulsion in either nature orsocial order trateable to the Minis-

terial changes. How ridiculous,then, is it to place eternal principlesof good government in the false po-

sition of being bound up with thepolitical fortunes of nny four men.

Some who shriek charges of infl-delit- y

to Reform against any whoventure to discuss affairs withoutquailing in apprehension of theparty lash are recommended to looknearer home for objects of theirfrantic wrath. Let them get afterthose who, having gained seat in

the Legislature under a solemnpledge to support the original Re-

form Ministry, almost from theopening hour of the flr.t session be-

wail an irritating and f.ictioua op-


Spare some virtuous in-

dignation directed at persons whosellltlu lingers have done mere for re-

sponsible government than theiraccusers' whole bodies, to contem-

plate the dastardly course of aclique that, showing the whitefeather when clouds were in the sky,appeared in the arena when thestorm seemed to have passed, in

triguing to oust from the places ofhonor those who had maintained thecause of'Rcfonn through thick andthin. Bestow also at least a littleof an inquiring spirit upon the in-

nermost camp Itself, wlteie perhapsome deplorable lapses from mutual

fidelity might be discovered.'ll.l.U .i...

"Trust not the world," siid St.Augustine. It begins to look as ifAug. must have had pretty hardwork, in his time, making colle-ction,



Em-tor- t UuuxTis! Allow mc toglance at some of the items contain-ed in Mr. Kinney's crcnt letter,"The Problem of the Hour." Itappears to me that some of the pre-mises assumed by Mr. Kinney rustmeasurably on a sandy foundation.However,if Ids declata ions are solidfacts, which he undoubtedly believes,his aigtiments aie well put. If, onthe other hand, they are not facts,his arguments fail, not being lb inlyfounded. His declarations shouldbe critically enquired into and un-disputed proof demanded before soserious a matter should be under-taken as calling tho Legislature to-gether for the purpose of making nchange in our Constitution.

The spirit and substance of theletter, as I understand it, is: "Theplantations have brought into thincountry a coolie class of cheaplaborers, many of whom have spreadover the country and crowded bothkanaka and white laborers out ofemployment, 'taking bread out oftheir mouths,' and in consequencemany of the kanakas are idle andsuffeiiug and white people nredriven from the country, and If theplantations don't consent for theirown good to have a Chinese restric-tion clause placed in our Couslitlilion, such as these white citizensand kanakas demand, tlicy will takepart against the planters at the nextelection and oust both them andtheir friends from any say in theaffairs of the Government, and sochange the Constitution as to entire-ly prevent any. further influx ofcheap laborers from coming hereuntil the plantations do comply withtheir wishes," or, to simmer down alittle, "The plantations arc respon-sible for every bankrupt and everyunsuccessful trader, every id'ckanaka and white man in the coun-try, because they have brought herecheap coolie laborers to work on theplantations, and if they don't forcethem to stoj) on the plantations orsend them out of the country therewill be another 'revolution.' "

We think no ono will deny thatthe above summary is the substanceof Mr. Kinney's letter. Hut frommy standpoint neither white mennor kanakas have been rooted out ofemployment or had to labor forlower wages on account of the Chi-nese being here. I have beeu toldby old plantation manager andMr. Kinney must be conversant withthat laci that before the Chinesecame to these islands they hired ka-nakas to woik on their plantationsfor si- - dollars per month and board.Now, kanakas' wnge-- s are threelimes that sum. Kukaiau paysevery kanaka that labors on theplantation tweuti'-ii- x dollars permonth and board, and 1 verily be-lieve that every able-bodie- d kanakacan ft nd employment if ho will onlygo where the labor is wanted. Ihave frequently heard plantationmanagers say that they preferredkanaka Iaboiersto any other nation-ality on their plantations. Doesthis look as though the natives havebeen rooted out of employment orcompelled to accept starvation wagesbecause cheap laboicrs have beenbrought in as '.'hewers of wood anddiawcrs of water." We know manyof the natives are not laboring, butit is their own fault. They wou'tdo it.

We believe the reverse of whatMr. Kinney claims is the real truth.that is, instead of kanakas andv hite people being rooted out bythis cheap labor, more kauakas andmore white people aie required tf,pei form the better paid class oflabor teamsters, lunas, superin-tendents, etc., now, than would haveyet been wanted had this low-clas- s

of labor never been broughtin. The mre low class that can beused, the more and higher pi icedwhite and kanaka laborers will bewanted, the more wealth will bepioduced, the country generally bemade more prosperous, and lesscomplaint heard of "hard times."

As early as the building of Wab-ash canal in America labor was tooscarce to suit the fancy of its pro-jectors and they imported someIrishmen to work on the canal.Then commenced a bloody opposi-tion against the Irishmen by the na-

tives, they using the same identicalarguments as are used here j'

against the Chinamen, and theytheir arguments with physi-

cal weapons. The natives werethen getting eight dollars per month,and they thought tho canal work wasall the labor them was or would beso far as they eould bee, and if theIrishmen were allowed to do that,the natives would have to suffer.Hut the Irish and other low classlabor continued to come from Ku-lo-

in increased numbers; the na-tives began to climb, nnd suppliedthe brains and other essentials furthis low labor class. Now thinsame class gets twice eight dollarsper month for their labor; food,clothing and luxuries have cheapen-ed and the native no longer relishestint drudgery work he once foughtfor. He puts his brain to work,gets up his machine and does thewoik of a dozen men. Ho has in-

creased his wages, his wealth, hisimportance, and made his countryfamous, And no doubt America isat least fifty years ahead y inmnterial development to what shewould have been lnul this low classlabor been kept out of tho country,and if more of this low class labor iswanted here it is a good sign of ma-terial prosperity.

I will ask Mr. Kinney who flllodthose 2000 or 4000 better paid post-lion- s

that he speaks of before the

Daily BitLLiaiut uojHOJiUi.t', a; i, Au&tmx4 Hi, to,Chinamen" got Into litem ) Wbitt kindpf positions are they? Would kana-kas fill those places if abandoned bythe Chinamen? Above all, arc theyqualified to fill tliein?

This question of rooting out ofemployment kanakas and white la-

borers appears to bo theonlv "boneof contention" and danger as repre-sented by Mr. Kinney, and ns thereappears to be two sid'es to tho ques-tion, would it not be well for theleaders oT the two factions if theycan be found to get together nullappoint a committee of five ablemen, two from each paity and thosefour select the fifth, and let this com-mittee thoroughly InvcstimUp thewhole question and repot t ifjon itby the first of November next, sothat the public could understandthe question ; and I feel quite sur6there is patriotism sulllcicnl incither part to recede fiom a wrongposition if it is once shown to them,and so when election comes we willall be on one side the side of goodgovernment and If it Is shown Hinttho Chinese are eating tho rice andpork that knnnkn3 and white menshould earn and eat, nil must jointo enforce some measure of iclicf.

Forcing the coolie to work onlyon the plantations and the socialand anti-civilizi- effects of his pre-sence here, are different questionsand deserve serious consideration,and I believe the planter can be re-

lied upon to do his share of any-thing he believes for the publicgood. Mr. Kinney is a little toohard on the planters when'he inti-mates that they have done or aredoing wrong, or will do wrong,hence the necessity of an amendment to our Constitution to prevent'hem. J. M. IIounuk.

AMENDMENT f(f A SERMON.Kumm Rri.i.inijc: The political

speech delivered as a sermon en hutSunday evening by the ReveiendMr. Beckwith was somewhat of asurpiiscto me, for I did not thinkit the light sort of spiritual pabu-lum to administer to his flock.

In making his application of tholesson taught by the late insurrec-tion where Uic .says, "let us listento this summons and by a new 1 tiwith perpetual peace within our bor-ders, etc." he should havo added,"restore to the poor natives theirfull right of franchise, which istheirs by every right under heaven,and protect them from the hordesof unman led Asiatic pagans whohave enriched a goodly number ofmy lambs and caused them to swellwith their unseemly pride and

A sermon of this soit would havebeen more appropriate under thecircumstances, and 1 trust that thereverend gentleman's next politicaldiscourse will be an improvement onins last. Justice.

Auction Sales by Levis J. Levey.

Assignee's Sale

BY orderinnf .luHM II. PATV,

Batkruptcy of Merzirs Dicksrj,I will sell it I'ublie Auction, nt mySalt norm;, coriiir ami Queentticct1., on


Of the Capital Stock of the

KawasoaRanch Co,

LEWIS J. LEVEY,30 0t Auctioneer.

Corporation Notice.

AT a Hireling of the projectors of thePacific Cable C uupnrjy, held inHonolulu, on the 7tii jiiid viiihofAu.

C.ust, 1H8, iho Cliaiter of focoriorutiotiof the company was accepted, the com.ptuy organized, nnd the followingnamed (JUlcers nad Directors wereelided, namely:

A. S Hiutwell "President,Cicil IJ own Vao.PrcHidenl,

. O.Sniiih Secretary,P. O. Jom Ticastuur,C. It. IJislior. Auditor,II. I'. Glade ninctiir,I". A. richaefcr j),ri clor.

Who lOf.'uihr Jo;m ilea fio-u- of Dl.rertnr.s ,f the Company, and all ofwhom r utile in Uon"liifTV.

W. O. SMITH,Miremrv.

Honolulu, Auj, 21. ISM'. 318 3l

waBookflSlatioDeTy-- S'i'OKK-

l.n ".VI MTItA 1,1.1."


Sheet Music, New Song Folios,

Now Instriiraonta' I'alios.mjm, j.i.ni: ok

TNow NovcIk,A A3kortmr.nl,

Jhfintfl Unto Tlnnnvt I-

For :) OrnlH,

The cheapen thing n the market.

t. g. Tiiituar,)3l)lw Proprietor.

rPHE WEEKLY BULLETINl 2a columns, purely locul mutterMulled tj foreign countries, $5 vuannum,

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan,


ISO fEfTaJWO rrt f? R iTZqtf tirti & tL? a

On Saturday Evening, Aug, 81,

AT 7 O'CI.OOU.At my "nl'sroom, Qiinen t vil

full a' PiiImc! Auc ii u, .i I .i;;oUK'DlllIII'll' (l

Fino Ciofxi't Just, Kt'ei'ivtMi,(.'o in prist nj;


.j.irlois nnd MniN of

Lace Mains, Muslins, Lawns,

Silks & satins,Fancy Floral Dress Gods,

Hlk I)n'b I'attcir,aif.1,

Bilk Handkerchiefs,Silk Slunvls,

Ladies Underwear,UOl'T.S,

A Ior.,'e vm luly nf

Sideboard Covers, Table Clotlis,

N.pkiris, Towels. Etc.Also, ii Ii uido:i)D nniimcnt of

VELVET RUGS IA'l fsi'ui nnd rmttiius.

Eof Sj'er'nl idi. niinn is rolled f tliisSn ;, . lilt li.ind' mil (dl new mid melli- - tlip-- t r incnt cvtr otleicd :ilauction.

03" Ro.erved Sozls for Ladies. 'SBU

JAS. i' .YKHIGAX,;137 It Auctioneer.


On Tussd-iy- , Sept. 3rd,a r la o'CMJcti .'oos.

l tin- - Puiiklwm Piptnutnij School I're--liii (!. c n.cr of tl( lenniu rtud

Iticli'inl 1.--, r will tell inI'uMii: .Miction,


OLD LOB It' 5? 4

lu lu'c to suit.

Ti:ims " taix.

JAS. I'. MHGtYN,fSiO 2 c O'er.


BY ii Ludy nf iiiiu.ille huc, nas Euimitiifc:, OI 10 lis.iM in lumen.

Ke pinp, or in il c oire of nn invalid.Additss -- U," iii tin- - miles--. !WJ i


MX First f'l"- - Annlvto 51ns. A. M. MKI.LIS,

337 l n. 17 Cm in i sirce'.

WANTEDCook who U willing to do

linusbwurk. Imiuirc at th HcuMi' i.v Oilier-- . 237 at

Seeled Proposals.

SE.VLF.I) Propoirtin will be receivedI!J c.Vloc): nnon, September

Cud, nt Hie (.filcu of tlic ('omjniiv onon Merchant ttrcct, this city, for" theerection of n Terminal Dcpr.t for llinO.ilni Itiiilw-i- & I,rii)d Co Plans nndRptrificiitlnns may bo pern, nnd all

i ifninvitiou obtained litoffice. 1 he liuhl to ri juct rcburvul.

ft!3 id

Owners of Billiard Tables!

liiidaprncticnl experience,thu undersigned niTurn bis srr.

V.R.ui 1o ovuer of Milliard ThIiU-- toHf.cuBhlon. Koclo'h imd otherwise Hepair roid Innovate.

Tnble" b'cl Up. I'nmovd nnd Storedmilium; Cms Weighted, I'olibhcd and

Rctipped.millnid Dills Cleaned, Turned nnd

Itf!.enlori'd to order.Milliard Cjntlis on hii.d.B3)?AfMrcFg "W. HOWE,

337 1 At 0 J. MrfJirlliy's.

The Crandall

Change of Typo in 5 Seconds !

Wilting n Plaiu Sight !

Simple and Durable !

Cull uud k-- tftiinplu machine utthe

HAWAIIAN MEWS CO.,Ocneral Audits for Hawaiian Itlands.


SI tlliL

ijX&.ijzrt cyyjyiHaS


Is tlm Oiit AgIIvg Li Iiisoraics Company Ii 1Mb liM States ai flu Largest

ii tiic Woria !

Its itsseta .Tun. 1st, 1889, mummied lo SI2d,4!M,710. Its insurance in force was and tho com-pulc- dIlesrrve Ktind which with fultiro premiums nnd interest is required for paying the same, at the mnttirity

of the policies or tho death of the iissuted, was SI 17,007,078, thus leaving n clour surplus for future dividends topolicy holders of S7,887,03l).

This Company hns no capital stock. It is purely ilutunl. All the neeiitmtlations to its members,nnd alt the profits go to its policy holders who have received since 18G8, tho sum of 873,878,470.82 in dividendsearned their policies. In the same period it has also paid in death claims; 21.069,00-1.4- inmatutcil endowments nnd S;)!M,C-S.2- lu niinuitics to living members; and besides SG8,r)J!),139.GG have been al-lowed for the viiluo of discontinued policies purchased by the Company. In nil since 18G0, S,Gl,!ii22,7ii2.7'!'luivt' bi'cn returned to policy IioWUm s.

This amount is Twice as LiU'o as the returns made by nny other life insurance company in tho worldduring the period named.

An investment Returning 6 Per Cent. Compound interest.To illustrate point pertaining to tho investment of funds and the return to the policy holder, the follow-in- g

illustration given:This is stntement of single premium life policy issued this conlpuny in 1803:


Fnee of Policy.Additions CreditedAdditions .Surrendered

DtJanco of Addition?.

Present Vidua, of Policy nsPremiumCii$h Dividends Withdrawn

Xct Amount Paid by Insured.

Value ns a Claim in Excess of Amount Pi

The existing additions amount to 200 per cent, of the net amount paid by the insured, and tho in-r-

has ruini'if (i cr nut. coiiiixmud intercut on bis investment.suith conditions quite as faoiable

this result.lOR if



Iiy order of Mil. ,IOtIN i! IMD, Mnnnei-- r

ot the btar Mill Co., I uil! sell at, Pub-li- e

Auction,At Kapaan, Kjihnhi,

On FRIDAY and SATURDAY,. August 30th and t,

AT 1 O'CLOCK V. 33..

87 GaLMBles aaflHarnesses15 Horses and SlaTes,Cano Wagons, Cane Land,

Houses, House Lots,Blacksmith's & Carpenter's Tools,

Lumber,And a complete assortment of

ApicDltinl iMiloiiiits !

'I he Machinery of ilie above Millis tirst-el.-K- , oflV-- forwhich are loii-lte- and consists of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,1 Pair Boilers, C.2r;I Don hie Bircr, n and 7 feet Pant.1 Vucuum l'au G II. w ith Blake Pi mp

3 Yeston Centrifugals & EngineTogether with the usual


Ciariflars, Cleaning Pans, Coolers, &c.

And other Mnchinery founda Mill.further parliculurs apply to

Win. J. BHODIE,323 17t d U0 St-- Auctioneer.

Carriage Fov Sale Cheap.NKW Cntundcr Car.

SiSiiZt undhandtoiiielv tiimmcd1 n first rlus 6lvle: must be immediate! vsold to an e.'Hnnrnent. Annlv to


Furnished Cotiajrc To Lot.

bJWkG A N13'VT Cuttage of fouriwSy-- - roomf- - nicely papered

nnd jmlnied, thoroughly 0

proof nnd pniiinlly furnithed, inperfect order, wlili kiiclien. Convent,enlly located, to rem at per monthto ii ten irit


Cottage To Let.one Ftorv CottiiproANEW pm t'of LlllRa

street, eoiiiaiiiiui; C loomsnicely papered and painted, bath rooiin,klte en, nice lawn, sluido tiees, etc.Will he rented reasonable to a jjuod ten-ant.



''pil E best remedy for1 wuiiiid-i- , ulcers.


ttfl calls, pi uud llesh and

CLsSaU oi es of every de..crii- -

- nun m jiuibuii ur uiii- -mul. Adopted by leading horso nffl-rou- d.

club nnd livery ete.. Inthe United States mid vUm hero. Wenre propiued to prove this statement bytestimonial!) mid refeienees to ilaiitmsand liverymen In thU Klugdoiii.Apply to


Island VieAVH.

A LARGE assortment of Photographsmid Kturcofccnnlu Views of thu

inot-- t at 1 active Hcenery, liiillilingo, d0 (in these islands, fur sale at re.iboiiahlol"

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Corner Fort and .Meichuut Mreots.

3308 tf

Oaj WJE-V--


Policy 28,342.Single Premium Life.

$10,000. Age 1803.Picmium $4,077.00.





them Mutual,

Executive Special


3 R "3 & R H P5i OS m S3



a a by


in-- For

olo-- o





a ",


to as to the no one of


Automatic Adding Attachment I

is the only CASH T5EGISTE11 that has a Self-addin- g Attachmentwhich shows the total amount of snleb at nny moment.

Everybody needs and a fiord to without

330 lm









Laces &c EJinferoideries,IN GREAT VARIETY at

oDrossmaking Department





laiuijiHONOLULU, H. I

These Schools open for the Hew' Year

September I), 1881).

Tho faculty of Ouhu Colle0 will bethu Hiino as lat year. Thu Friendfays: "We think that there 1ms neverla-e- an abler facility at Ouhu College,or better adapted to Impait a higheluhilcnl and Milentlllc education. '

Tho Boaiding Deimrtineiit cmbut few more than wcio lu

attendance last year, and nil who deolreto enter should maUe an eaily applica-tion

Tim Preparatory School continuesunder thu PrliicipalshlpofMiss Carrie A. Oilman taKuu JlihsChaiiiberlain's position, tho hitter liuv-lu- g

to rcinovo to the UnitedStates.

Thu Trustees are happy to announcethat, through the generous Intel of af i lend, they aie electing a Unci nowbuilding and remodeling thu presentono, mi ibid this school will occupy newand eoimiiodlous (piinieis In Se'pteiu-he- r.

When thus equipped wo believetho Preparatoiy School ill offer oppor-tunities (.cuoud to iiouo in thu itigdnm.

tS2rAddivhs all letters of Inqiiiiy orapplication to

REV. W. O. MERRl'lT,air lm Pre.ldent.

$10,000 00 . - -

. .yr,7iG 57 , . v-- .'

. 1,518 57

0,108 00 '

$1G,1GS 0014,077 00

3,137 00

13,030 31


?" one nobody enn be


its would-b- e rivals has ever equaledA n ,ninMAu"yJ,Agent the Mutu.il Life Ins. Co.

ono. gff

C. O. BERGER,Pole Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.



under tho mnnngemont of MISS

Kaiiieliainclia Preparatory


next term of the Knmelifiracha,,,Prep.,iiatory School will openJIONDAY, September 2nd. Applies.Uouh lor ndniipslon Bhould bo made atonce to the Principal.32 "1 Miss C. A. REAMER.

Kamehameha School

The next term or KnmnVnmcua Schorlwill ojen

MONDAY, Sept. 2d.Three gentlemen, having per-iM- l nor --

I iilcaiimwns teachers of manual trainingliuve been ungiged lor me coming year.'Twoofihebo uro hichly recornmendtdby I)r omlward of i)0 CelebnudManual Training School of WunhingtonUniveisiiy, being graduates of Unit lr.tllutioii. The other as Principl ofHolioken Academy luis had valuablecxpeiiinco ns nil instiuctor in severalhranchu-- of miinuiil training.

Applications for admission should bescut irnmedialely to the Principal, asrooms will bu in order ofapplication.rf-- For further Information apply to

nil tf Principal,

Burmese Cheroots & Indian Tea

A CONSIGNMENT of BnrnicRo Che-root- s,

direct from Rangoon, also afew boxes Indian Ten. fur sale ut

J. E. BROWN & CO.,B35 Iw 8 Merchant Mreet.






f '


Page 3: ??ggisaaQ?a K.- Mirmm liP! lilt Iffin · 2015-05-30 · 'completeresume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in the Kingdom to Bend to fi lends abroad. Hulmcrlptlon:








&S&Sg8S&582a2SSSA' 1 J 3.0

DaiTti $uttfiSATURDAY AUG. 31, 1889.


Btl V G Irwin 13 day from Snnrrnn- -elioo

Sohr Ev.i from Humboldt


Bark Finest Queen for San FranciscoStiurLchua for llamnkun


Stmv Mokoltl for Molokal at 0 p mSttnr Ltkcllko for Maui nt 5 p mSchr 0 II Tapper for Victoria U 0


From Sun Francisco per brig W G Ir-win, Aug 31 Miss Helen N orcimon,Miss Helen lloppiu, .Mis Peter High,Arthur Cn tic.

For San Francisco, per bk ForestQueen, Aug .11 h W Holdswtitth imdwife, Col b Norrls, W McCubhlu.

SKIi'l'MC KOUS.The Likcllkc is duo Sunday and the

Kilauca llou Tuesday.The b Ig W G IrwiinCaptMcCulloch.

nrrivi'U this morning llftecn d iyt fromSnn Francisco with u cargo of generalmerchandise ami llat, one box nd 25eciIoii hand ears for the Oabu Hallway:uid Land Company. apt McCulloc'lireports ewlng -- un Francisco the sameday as the s caniship Xustralla, and ex-perienced t weather diuhm thetrip. The Irwin is in the sticam amiwill dock at the Oceanic wharf on Mon-day.

The Moko'li came lii'o port late la-s- t

evening mid then left again to completeher usual route.

1IAXSWANN In this city, Aug. 30,18S9, of paralysis, Mi s. L., wife ofUlias. Q. Hausiiianu. aged 31 ycais5 months and 20 days.


"All Hawaii is greatly elated,"said Samuel Parker, Sergeant onKing Kalakaua's staff, yesterday toa reporter, "because of the greatsugar ci op. It is bigger this yearthan has ever before been known.It was estimated before I left thatthe crop would reach 127,000 tons.It is worth 8 cents a pound, too, soyou see how much money will bereceived from it. It ought to make

"times very easy there. Sugar fromthe Sandwich Islands is worth inSan Francisco only half a cent apound less than Cuban sugar is inNew Yort. It has been a good yeardown there, and every planter inthe islands almost has a large acre-age of it. It will make money very

. plenty."The report that I am here as'the

financial agent of the King to raise''money for him, so he can go to the

Pans imposition, is incorrect, lhereis nobody here for that purpose. Iam on the King's stuff, and I thinkI would know. I think it wan onlytalk anyway, that he intended goingto Paris. How can he go? Hisproperty is all mortgaged, and hehas nothing to give as security for aloan. King Kalakaua, though, con-

trary to all leports, ought to be outof debt in a couple of years. Hissalary is $25,000 a year and he getsbetween $35,000 and $40,000 moreas rents from the crown lands."

Sergeant Parker is a native Ha-

waiian. He and his uncle, J. P.Parker, are the largest cattle andranch owners in the kingdom. Hisdaughters, Misses Eva and HelenParker, and Miss Mary Dowsett.arenow en route to Europe to completetheir education. J. P. Parker andbis wife accompany them, while Mr.and Mrs. Samuel Parker will onlygo East as far as Chicago. S. F.Examiner July 31.

It has been found that a nickel-plate- d

bullet will go plump througha man, where one without will stopshort, and England will hereafternickel-plat- e all her bullets.

There is a giant rose tree in Roos-toc- n,

Holland, which has held 6,000roses at the same time. The owner,Mine. Rcgnen, considers it one ofthe great wonders of the world.

The Canadian Anthracite CoalCompany's laud has been Bold to aBritish syndicate. The lands soldconsist of 7,000 aores in the vicinityof Anthracite and ConilF, B. C. Thepurchase prico is $1,450,000.

Lord Salisbury says itis impossi-ble tp fix a limit to the English oc-

cupation of Egypt. What Englandgets hold of she keeps. It will bevery easy to stir up the tribes of theSoudan whenever Egypt seems quietanough to withdraw the lliilishtroops. She is now actively engagedin acquiring Pacific islands. Wemay take a hint from the Egyptianexperience and scrutinize Britishloans to Hawaii, or investments incable or other enterprises in thatgroup. Sun Francisco Bulletin.


T)AYMENT of the following Draftshas been btopped

J. Hind on T. 11. Oavles & Co No.101 Older W. U. Holmes, 334.50.

W. H. Hlokaril 011 F. A. bchnefer &Co., Io 107 order Y. II. Holmes,S7C.17.

W. II. Itloknrd on F. A. Schnefcr &Co., No. 1030 order II. Holme?,$40.7.'i.

W, II. nirltard on F. A. Hcluiefer &Co., No. 156 order W. 11. Holmes,

510.(0.W. II. nickard on F. A. Belmcfer &

Co., No. 1031 order V. II. Holmes,S50.00.

A. Mnore on V, G. Irwin & Co., No.SH44 order W. 11. UolmcK. 28.in.838 St H. HAOKFELD & CO,




STUljiKjrn to Icntu telcmpliy niewanted..

A NOTicn legarding tlio Wniinalurice plantation appears lsewhcro.

Engism: Company No. 1 pennant. i

flying Uhal menus bonie-thin- g.

TitKun was quite u bright Hie inthe hills evening last back of the In-sane Asylum.

Mn. Chns. J. Fishel has had atremendous liui on his boy's clothingdepartment the past week.

Tun Owl is out sparkling all overwith hilt, u Inrge pioporlion of (humrelating (o the Kite unpleasantness.


Miss Fanning'akindiugnilen schoolopens at No. 182, King stieet, cmMonday morning with seventeenpupils.

Tkespafsinu on the landsot Yni-man- o

and lloaeae lunches, Ewa, andWnhiuwa, Wuiunno uka, is stiictlyforbidden.

A list of goods just received byMessrs. T. II. Davies fc Co. will befound in a column advertisement inanother part of this paper.

On Wednesday, Sept. 11th, Mr. L.J. Levey will sell 250 shares of thecapital stock of the lCawuiloa KanchCompany of tho par value of $100Well.

Mi:. J. F. Morgan will sell a quan-tity of old lumber in lols to suit attho Punahou Prepai.itory Schoolgrounds on Tuesday, September 3d,at noon.

Tin: Hawaiian Quintetlo Clubgives notice in another column thatit is pieparcd to furnish vocal and

miibic for dancing parties,ltiiuis, etc.

Miss Helen Soienson, who hasbeen attending Normal tchool inCalifornia the past eighteen months,returned thib morning on the brigW. G. Irwin.

Arrnn sonic minor business hadbeen transacted at the special meet-ing of Engine Co. No. 1 hibt evening,the members adjourned to 5 o'clockthis evening.

. p

Mb. P. C. Jonos will slait a newbookkeeping-clas- s at the Y. M. C. A.parlors at 7 o'clock Monday evening.Young men intending to join shouldbe present at that hour.

The members of (he Hawaiianband report for duty on Monday mi-il- rr

the direction of Sergeant DavidNaone. It will play at the Palaceand Mrs. Dominia' Pal.ima residencein the moiniug, and Emma Squarein the evening.

Tun Kev. Alex. Mackintosh returnsfrom a three weeks' vacation on Kau-ai He will take chargeof the Ferviccs of the second congre-gation of St. Audiew'a Cathedralduring tho absence of Rev. GeorgeWallace.

Deputy Marh.il Hopkins armedwith a warrant made a laid on anopen den on Niui.inu street, betweenKing and Hotel sheets, hibt nightabout eleven o'clock, captuiing tenChinamen, tonic opium and a laigcquantity of biuoking paraphernalia.

Mn. J. II. Maby, manager of theVolcano House, is in town. HcTe-port- s

the D.ma lake very active, andchanging moio or less all the time.Ho thinks that befoic long there willbe one large lake. Much smoke isissuing from around Halemaumauand the Dana Lake.

Tin: Mokolii returned from Molo-ka- ilast evening without having com-

pleted her route. This was owing tothe fact that bhc came with all hastewith Mrs. Chas. G. Hansmann onboard who was very sick of paralysis.Unfortunately the lady died beforethe vcrsel had time to dock. Thofuneral takes place thin afternoon atthree o'clock from the family resi-

dence, 88 Beretania street.


Auction sale at the store of Mr.J. F. Morgan at 7 o'clock, whenwill be offered an endless variety offancy dress goods, silks and satins,underwear, silk umbrellas, parasols,gents' underwear, infants' wear,silknnd tapestry rugs. Special ac-

commodations will be piovided forthe ladies.


Manowai, Joe Foga and Geo.Ilarrigan had each to pay SO fordrunkenness.

Manuel Jose charged with larcenyof 8100, the properly of AYf Powell,was remanded to .Sept. 0.

Ten Chinese charged with baringopium unlawfully in possession wereremanded to the 3d of Sept.

Love is blind, which may accountfor tho spectacles young Uvurs some-times make of themselves.

It is the sins of other people thatreformers make tho

most fuss about.When a public man has lost his

grip, lie will not do much handshak-ing witli constituents.

At least five hundred Americanpanigrapheri have risen up and re-

marked with one voice that Hou-laug- er

is in the bouillon.She What does a Chinaman call

his sweetheart, I wonder. HeDovey, I suppose. You know theyspeak pigeon English.

Klhtliiida (to her dearest friend)Oh, Amanda, darling I 1 can't

but spare a minute! I ouly justran iu to settle how old wo had bet-ter be this summer,

"Tj ' ' ' , xv 7"WV T" . v Jt,

,. kkixit avi-iKvm- i ttufsuujjU) sJ,.i ,t., AUausi hi, IBS).-


A tJntrnOlit AiMUioii tn the HdiliolArcllllecliifo of Honolulu.

The next term of the PuliationPreparatory ydiool will open onMonday, September 0th. Since theclo9ing of the school at the, end ofthe last term tho building has under-gone a transformation, and is nowone of the most convenient andcommodious school structures in theKingdom. Yesterday afternoon aUui.i.r.riN lcprcscntalivc went overthe new building in company withthe Rev. W. C. Mcrritt, Presidentof Oalm College, and Mr. Hcdwurd,one of the contractors. The oldbuilding known as the Armstronghouse was two-stor- y divided intofour rooms, two on the first Uoorand two on the second. By lower-ing the second Uoor four feet, it hasgiven one line hall 38x43 feet with aUf teen-fo- ot ceiling. The entianceto this is from the front facing Ueie-Un- ia

street and approached by abroad flight of steps. There is awide veranda, the roof of which issupported by strong pillars. Largedouble dours swinging out admityou to this due assembly room whichwill be used by the piincipal, MissMalonc. Over the doors is a plateglass transom on which will be"Punahuu Preparatory School."There are ten windows in this room,and it is fitted all aiound with black-bomd"-

The ceiling is secured bytwo heavy trusses which arc coveredby it. It is a line room in everyrespect. At the rear on cither sidearc doois leading into a hail 51 feetlong, 10 feet wide, with a 12-fo- ot

ceiling. This introduces to the new-additio-n.

There arc entrances bysliding doors up a four foot stairwayfrom either side. There i3 a win-

dow at either end of the hall, and acloset in the middle for books andstationery.

From the hall in the centre is afive foot substantial stairway withrailings on either side leading to thesecond story. It is an easy matterto traverse this stairway owing to itsconstruction. At the head of thestairs are drinkiim facilities. Oncither side arc two large bchool-room- s

feci, with nn abund-ance of light and fresh air. Thedoois leading into these roomsswing both ways so that a jam can-

not occur. They are fitted up withlarge closets and blackboards, andpainted a light drab with darkertrimmings tho effect is very nice.There arc transoms over all thedoors, the matter of ventilationhaving been given much considera-tion in the.construction of the newbuilding.

On the first floor ou either side of thestairway are doors leading into twoschoolrooms 24x30 feet with 12-fo- ot

ceilintr. Thev arc litted up in thesame manner as the rooms upstairswith the exception of the one on theleft side, which it is hoped maypossibly be used in the near futurefor kindeigarten work. The lullwith be fitted up with hat racks.The old building, which has beenturned into one loom, is built ofcoral with a slate roof. The outsidewalls have been thoroughly reno-vated. The new addition is of woodwith iron roof. The rooms are allbuilt of beaded tongue and groove.

The contiact for the woik wasawarded to Messrs. Walker & Red-war- d

for G,437, but as numerouschanges and additions have beenmade the total cost will foot up tonearly $7,000. Work was com-

menced on July 8lh and has beenrapidly pushed forward since then,and it is all completed but a littlepainting. The contractors have ex-

ecuted their work in the most faith-ful and creditable manner. Everydetail has been attended to withthorough workmanlike skill. Presi-

dent Merritt is very much pleasedwith the school as it now stands,and is loud in his praise of thespeedy and elllcicnt work of thecontracts. The time given to com-

plete the work was August 28th, sothat with the extras and additionsMessrs. Walker & Red ward arc de-

cidedly on time.Outside of the building on either

side'is n tap with aitesian water fordrinking. This is thu gift of Dr.J. S. McGrew. The grounds willbe thoroughly cleaned, the frontfence painted and everything readyfor tho opening on ScpU-mbe- r 0th.The staff will be the same as lastterm with the exception that MihBCarrie A. Oilman takes Miss Cham-berlain's place.


STUDENTS lo luun Telegrnphy, maleFor uilicular apply

ut the Hawaiian News Company's hioro340 hr

ALL peraons are strictly forhi ldenfrom Hhoothii; 'or trep$i-i- on

the lsJinls nf Miiiimuo ami H'niraeIlanohvi, Kwa, anil Waliiun. WnUttttis.liku A. J. CAMl'BBLL,!i!0 lw Muii.i;cr.

O EG AUDI NO the lice nlantHtion atIt Waimulu, K.wa, O&lm. mil ice isciven tint Ho Ou aid Miner Wu havesold out their interest to the reniulninirpnrtuer II o Yce, who will piy all dobuof thu cnmpuny, ilia lva retiringpartucrd lining loji'onaiblu for their nuudebts. HO YEE.

1S9 lw

Ilinviiiiun Quintette Club.

niIIE above club will furnldi VooilX anil Instiunienlal Musio for par,

tics. Iiiuiik, diiieei', isle,, at flioit nniicr.Onlerj left with Mra Ailtu, at J. JWllllnini.' btore, Fort street, will bo at.tended to, IHO lw

. nwa,,.,g-M- '"H1

iimai-a- ptorifiTho lime for the little unlive ser-

vice wis 10:30; liells began theirsummons, but 1 delayed, thinkingthat, as I could not understand thelanguage, it would ho best to goonly for the last part of tho service.So I set out about 1 1. When I g,itto church I was tho only persontheie so leisurely and late aic theHawaiians. By and by came insome tall, giggling sdiool girls, thenthree women with a baby, then (lucemen and the minister. At last wowere nineteen, and the service pro-

ceeded. The women look justpleasant, good-nature- d creations,handsome, large, fat, with a readjsmile; they have beautiful curvingmouths, but cheap, unfinished eyes.They lolled freely, and did not feignmore ntteution to the service thanthey felt. (This was, a3 it weie,only a small country out station.In "Honolulu I found a large attend-ance of natives at church and a keeninterest and devout behavior.) Themanners of both men and --womenarc simple and dignified. Theytake no thought for andvery little for y. "V by shouldwe bother? What (Iocs it matter?"Mr. Sproull told me that an Hawai-ian did not much mind oven havingsomething deducted fiom his paywhen he shirked his woik, for theman felt no poorer when threatenedwith the deduction, and when payday came he gota good hit of mon-

ey anyhow and felt rich. What a

native does dislike is to belaughed at. Their ways arc veryunlike ours. For instance, a whiteman wants to buy a horse, but thenative entirely refuses lo sell it tilla day comes when he wants somemoney, pciliaps for hit child's birth-day feast. Then he accepts theprice offered, and it is agreed thathe is to bring the horso in a weekand be paid. But in two days hecomes back and says he cannot sellit after all, because his mother-in-la-

cried and did not want it to go.At a later stage he again agreesto sell, but the white man doesnot get the horse, for when theseller reaches homo another bujercomes in and offers half the pi icethat had been promised, und, themoney is paid down and the horscgone away with its new owner.Nearly nil the natives makespeeches, but with little tnattcrinthem and full of negatives. "Wliatdo I say of Queen Victoria? Thatshe is a tall woman, with red hairand lu&ks? No. Do I say that shulias only one lg? No." And soon indefinitely. The NineteenthCentury.


MOSQUITO l'.w ).t Vtm. in f.moydie icuno'iiicil bum-ini- ;

of the (!i 11'iiri I'u'uuli Iu'eetI'o derail u been iceeu'il by I5N M)ii,Smith fc ( 0, :j!7 lw


MEETING of die Pint DivisionA of tin: i.iliiiokuljni E'iuculomil!ocietv will 1) Iielil ut WashingtonPlioe, MONDAY, heptenber 'J:,il, fit !

o'clock P M. liiS'.l 21


DURING my aba Mire from theV O ami h, On. . v, ill act

lor me umlcr pouci of inoini'v.1. M. LTD GATE.

Honolulu, Aig.!)9, lbi. :U')2t

LOSTlicfveen the Marine Hail,TUESDAY, the I!. O. Cemetery, a

(o'd Pin with throe corals in 11 irrnpcleaf. FiniliT plinse riturn to tliis "lilcnttnil accept toward. 317 !!t


LTR. ANTON VOGEL U not in ourJL rniplnv nn ill re ffier thi date.

E. HOFFSCIILAEGBIl & CO.Honolulu, Aug. 21, 18S9. '.:jr, lm


brother Gutnv Schuman will netMY for mo tlutini' my absence iromthii Kingdom. (S

EMU G. SUIIUMAN.Honolulu, Aug. ,'1, I81II. u'M 3t


ALEXANDER J, Curlwrighl, Esq.,10 net for inu under

full power of iitioincy ilurin my ab.aencu from the Kinmlniii.

GEOItOB O. BECKLEY.Honolulu, Aug. at I8'!i. lw

NOTJC1J.I.f A FAN A, of Piinnlun, Kooli'i, in

to ltavo for China onllui tlvumcr of r'epteiiihir inth. (lexlC'illiitt all hills auin.--t him ho preamiltdor, or befoio Sepiu'inlicr intli. SnuTluWin;.' w' 1 collect nil accounts iluu thetiiitl C. Apiimi. 'X)i lw


AQUAUTEULY ineiiinrj- -f the Uoirdof thy tliiuu'j Hut-liltt- il

will huhtld on SATUUHAY, thu7ili rjepleinlier, 18"9, at 111 o'clook a v,at the Hooniif of ilio ChunUcr of Coin-uicrc-

f liiipurtiiuce Aiuuml-mu- nt

of tlie Uy.l.itws, lVi or for.F. A. tiCHAEFKll,

8201m fticici.iry.


TBMIE iimiunl meeting of the (.teclt.X liolderd of tho Mutual TelephoneCo. will lm held n '.VEON'ICSDAY,feoptcmbcr thu llih, ul 11 o'clouU . m.,

t the Couipjiiy's Imllilliit'.O. O. BEKGKH,

U8U til fiecrctnry Mmual Ttlu Co.

MEltllY-UO-ltOlTM- )! ,

rpHE MeirygorouaJ at WalLiki willX iuii tonight. US0 It

'hA '; -- - h J'S. s t . y &: ' r '

4flfe aim. .iim!K.i

The EquitableOK


Uuiileil !


A.Vl- l--- 4

All 0 I

5STew York Goes

'Jfls3LzL tlifs5t-v-


tho Year




byNo example of the estimation in which this great Company is held, can be given, than by a com-

parative statement of the business done by itself an 1 its chief competitors in their common homo, the city ofNew York. In Now York man can git his inform.Uiu.i direct from the Olllcc of the largest companies,and has more c oppoitunitics of judging their respective merits than nnywhero else. As result in theCity of Now York during the year ltftfd thu GauUflblO wrote a larger amount of new business than waswritten by its Two Lai'ictt Compti;oiii Coiliniiiod. in tho Stats of New York thewrote Si,fS0d, 131 more Insurance than the aggregate of its Tvo Largest Competitors TakenIt did the Ijai'pest HusineSu in tlm "United otatcs, as well as in thu "World at n time when all Companieswere straining every nerve to pass it.

The reason why this universal verdict gucs with the is on account of the Popularity of itsPlants and the JPronrptucss ;md Fairness of its I5usines3 Methods. As the Pioneer in reforms itsPolicies have been and arc being ccieiis'vely imitated by others, a most graceful tribute to their merit.

The primary object of Life Insurance h to provide ready money against death. No Company can approachHie Equitable" record for promptness in this regard. The TTow Policy of the just out is(liko a bank draft) a simple promise to pay and is without conditions on its back.

CSJ-F- or full particulars call on

J. CAKTWRIGHT,3110 lin" General Aaent Equitable Life Assurance Society for the Hawaiian Islands.

Wm. II. TAYLOIJ, President.

PifPPll a PJfPl

li'Ss3- -

5 Gor.M.mufncluier3 of nil

Kinds of V.

iPFlliclilswHiigincb it lloilers,

Bhct't IronAMI

fcji.ee! "Witter


tAM) W

QiiBflrapIe Ett !

Juice Heater'--,

Cooler Wagons fc Tnnku,'


inter 1

Rnilrosd GarsAND- -

Raiiroad AlatcrinlHeine l'.iltnt Safety IJoiler,

Diffusion Hiucliincry,EST Capacity anil t csuls tftta- -


2 P.oll & 3 Roll Mill,

Davidson Steam Pumps.TO Ti



( 5tSJ









if'' J






Equitf.bio Majority.







MlfroMc UfflDlfCiLHyyiiipi i we ifunnai

! z

Specification cf Boiler and Fixtures:1 IJoiler, 1 Steam 5)rtim,. 1 Jirccching, 1 Smokeslack, l!00 feet Galvanized Strand for tiuyn, 1 C.I. Front, complete;1 Foundation l'l.ite fur front, 1 sit Grate llnr-- , for co.il or wood j 1 Hack Hiir Ho.iier, 1 Ash CleaningFiame, 1 ll.ick Aicb Fl.ilo, 1 tet Binder Unices Units for biiekwork, 1 Stand for h.ick cud of Boiler, 1 SteamGauge for Syphon, 1 Glut.s Water Gauge, complete, with Column and I! Gauge Cocks; 1 S.ifclv Yahc, 1 Fccd'Valvo,-- "

1 Blow-oi- l' Valve, 1 Cheek Valve.

Boiloro arc to 150 pounds hydrostatic pressure, 'and are intended for aworking pressure of 100 pounds.

Boiler.? of tho following bics in Two Sheets keep constantly on hand leady for hipment:

GO incites (lisunctor :c 1(48 iucht.'.s aiumclor x 1 (

&S3 For paiticulars, apply

8157 4t-d-1- 03 tfl-- w


.x&x, IUItNIsHEO Booms to let.tiari01 - somliwest corner of

Zt!33SC; J'linrlihiiwl ami Jierct.mhibtnst'ia, vfoiild be voiy fornEliiull family UoZ Cm

Notice Of 0iii!O in 3Iiin- -


Dvv S'G tlienl ijijncfl nf Mr. O. Yiekeon?, our iimiigiiigiMrttur, iipm

the Kingdom, M . y. lliu sing j1l neta Maungiim 1'irmnr f.ir our linn, auilwill liiiv, iIihb mepoer,i mid author,ity M C. Y'ek l.""nir.

KWONO. 11 1 LUSO CO.Ditoil Auf.'. '.'.', IsfO.

HJJ lw


N Al Vessel will hu iluiptiloliul forXX Hfiiolntit i leave Nuw York inall Novciubtr ' For futihur lulimuiorinpjily to ihu Aguuts,

Mutffw. W. H. CHQISMAN i"fc DUO ,77 A ?J Dro.tii mi , Ke York City.

OrCAbTLE&rOOKK,327 lm Honolulu, II. I.


VMS- -







ivi-vE- ir mi


int.' '


W OitT.

K. S.



da & C.


may r.u,CI.AHA I.OUIBi;

s- -

,i- -

$t&" Va, wiito


Funds on


Sts.,Steam Users, Attention




These tested




The ingr.iving represents,our standard lloilets. TheseBoilers aus iniiile of steel, andthe shell, as shown, being intwo pieces, the advantage ofthis will be readily appre-ciated bv ste.im ii'-er-

There arc no beams in tholire to leak, nor looso riets-t-

contend with, canted bythe continual pant-io- and

of tho plate ouaccount of the unequal dis- -

tributiou of the beat underthe boiler, the bottom

a smooth, even surfacewhich can be eihily cleaned.Wo place a manhole at theback end nbovu thu tulen,and one in the fiont end'under tho tubes.

The front manhole givefree access to tho .huet overtho lire the vital part ofevery boiler. TJiis point -- ioften overlooked by purcha-sers, and boilers 111 e boughtwith a small hand hole, andthe lcmaiuing space tilledwith tubes, which allowd nbso- -

lutely no access for cleaning,and in a short time tubes andsediment arc one solid mass;and instead of gain iu effi-ciency by a few feet of tubesurface, tiic result is a posi-tive loss.


Ivan E. Mokowabki,AlIO, liUFI'MAK,

Adoi.f, G1.O8,And Maky OriiKBS.

foot ln:i. . fi-- J incites tliamotor x 1( feot lonff.fooL long. J a jiujlios (liumstor x 1(5 feet long.

JOHN "OTTlEJa, ,too,,&.'riIf.,",ork,

WestermayBr's Celebrated Uprights !










Oilier PIANOS of Well-know- u American Factories on the Way.'"FOll SALE AT JlANl'FACTl'IlEH'S PRICES BY

rid. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co..!52.ri lin King nnd Iletliul Streets. '

k?-- tflSOUKR PIANOS --stn

tenowned for Tone and Durability !

80,000 In Usei "UA,tASSiF0" Established 1840





HAWAIIANor fur I'rttn'oguc,



lIJ'.PAXML,IIi:NfX1' -- a


Hole Aj;entb for the Hawaiian Islaiidti.321 lm

,, -- ..i mm fetpi

Page 4: ??ggisaaQ?a K.- Mirmm liP! lilt Iffin · 2015-05-30 · 'completeresume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the best paper published in the Kingdom to Bend to fi lends abroad. Hulmcrlptlon:

ft A









Groceries, Provisions and Feed,CORNEH

ti. ?CTr,.900(B "covcd by cery Packet from tho Eastern States and EuropeCalifornia Produce by every Steamer. All orders faith fully attended tounu uoous ucuvcrcu 10 any part or uie

cited. Satisfaction Biiaranlccd. I'nstOfflro

'1 clephone $40,- -


2D7-- 30E3T

LEWIS & CO,, 111 Fort Street,HONOU.-LI)-

,IT 1 ,


6r oiv ice aBy each steamer of the O. S. Co. from California

Fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,3TJSI1, Game, VeeretuMcH, idle., lQte.

A complete Hue ol Crosse & Blackwell's J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled GoodsAlways on hand. Also, jus' received a frcbh

VixUx & rotted Mont & Bottled VrcRcrvctl Fruit,Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat I'Ukes & Cream Wheat FlakesBioily Lemons & Gala, Riverside Orungu. '

Oiegoa Burh&uk rotator, Etc., Etc.,ap-1- 6 gatigfq,otiot giaaortMiteed. 87



HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish,Bacon, Boxes Smoked Hening,



mini wu. uneesc, Atmores fliince meat, Uieen Tuitlc Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Cunants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereolinc JRlakes,

OAJPJE COD CKANBEKR1HSS,1 Ketchup, Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue. Potatoes, Ruta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Otiious, Crackers,all kinds; Choice Teas. Fresh Annies. I'ilni. nmlUread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Pudding, etc., etc.,

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

j Leave your orders, ring up 119. -- i 86

JOHN" Dlniond JBlooK-,- " rs'oR.



Will be Issued

32 Columns of Nowa

-(ik j- -i

Will stand at seivice al

ItKCOKD 3:22J, Sacramento, Sept. lf,1887.

PKDionEKi Slarin was tired byQu Inn's Patchen, by Geo. M. Patcben, Jr.; MarinV dam by Kmiprant, lieby Billy leCrackenj Billyby Black Utmk, 7fi7, (imsire of Dooley, of the dam ifOverman, 2:ll)i), McCrackenM Jtli.ukHawk, 707, bv Vermont Black Hawk, 5;2nd dam by Marshall's Rlnck Haw k,by EaBton'B Black Tho darn ofQuinn's Patchen by Uhief,he by Vermont Ulank Hum 1(, n

R. T. Carroll or Sun Prarrbro theformer owner of Mnrln, miiicIiuk, thatout of thirty-si- x ninrcn by thisborBB during his Inst in 'Oall-fornl-

thlrty.flvo proved, witli foul.



city free of Inland orders poll.Gov 145. No. fi3 nfiv.4 8'i

--P. O. 1$03




line of

Cured IIaws


ouiato Cases

Submit Mi:.mPlum etc.

mh-9- J or




Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Tins Salt Herring,

. ...... ..wv uiblllllltt

0" &5 OT' ICiiir-- Slreet.3;rr3,Cv .j.



Granite, Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPEKeeping Goods,


The "flail" Bulletin

Tfae Tlioi'oiigircd Stallion












Weekly Summary

on September 3rd.

Tho Best Paper to Send Abroad.


3 CO! TAG K8 and Premiseson Finum btreet. ut a rei.

sonahlp flciire. Anolv toJ. M. JIONSARRAT,

Cattwright's Block. Mcichnnt St,204 tf

FOR SALE or LEASELTOL'SE and PietnUpi at

I wild, Honolulu HouseoosiiuSm three I iruu and two

iniull lOMUn iiiKlliall and n large attic.Cottage with three ronmn on the pro.mii'iB; conk and batb.liouno. Stablewith Ihno stills and carriage bouse;shade and fiuit lrec rm the prntntrcs.Applv to ,f. r. MONSABUAT,

G.trtwrlghlV llloiil?, Merchant t:t.21)1 tf


r. Iiesldencu ofLAT Mr. Relmemchneldor.Kmma street.

Kesldcnco ofLATH Mr. Frank Brown,Kupioluni Park.

RESIDKXCK ofMr. James Love,

King streetLATE Uc!il euro of

Mr. M. Orocn,210 Krt street.

QTOB?', Ktc, iio- - occupied byO Mr. Wolf,), Gtmj r,

King btreet.aer Apply i ,

A. J. OAHTWIilGHT,800 tf Merchant street

iii Ar r isMmiiWiii--a ,.!'


bAItA. JJUUJBtottr! HOHOLUUf, Hv I., AuUtOT 31, km



vsau.- -

Forest Qucon







"Golden Gate""Crown" FLllUn"Drifted Snow"








Theo. H. Davies

..iii'iinwin'uiwm' ;'';Slotice to Sportsmen I



PorpoiHc JU;rjc 53ot;oes &: Slioefji,Quarnntced Walcipioof. New uddltious cnnsfnntly being made

to our Lurgo Stock of

Ladies and Gents Fine Goods.

e Manufacturers' Shoe Co., SB Hotel

Pacific llardwerVOKT s,X,lil!JIfl'X

cra ;jtHi IS B JT


tr .1 UOJUtrjBLT &S UUmJ?UUlL7& 111 1


I JHL I1 KiLoii Casliincrc Bouquet Toilet Soap. 1n HP.ia' niiat 1

1 lr;.tav.PRE rnolimnrA "It mi mipf PAfiiinn. I

- ifc i



, i T m







& Co.

"s. -




1 Ksiiij - SI

I IHlg'jjl Violet Toilet Water. 11

I LiiLlllJJS Rince Bouche, (Dentifrice.) II

General Depot, Wholesale and Eetail.




sfin 5



UNLIKE many kinds of catharticdo not make you

feci iror&o before you feel better.Their operation i3 gentle, but thor-ough, and unattended with disagree-able effects, such as nausea, gripingpains, &c.

Seig'l-'- s Operating Pillsate the best family physio that hasever been discovered. The' cleansethe bowels fiom all irritating sub.stances, and leave tliein in a healthycondition.

The best remedy- - extant for theI bane of our lives constipation and

sluggish liver.These Pills prevent fevers and all

kinds of sickness, by, lemoving allpoisonous matter fiom the bowels.They operate brisk!', yet mildlywithout any pain.

If you take a severe cold, and arethreatened with a fover, with painsin the head, back, and limbs, one ortwo doses of Seigel's Operat-ing IMlls will bieak up the coldand prevent the fever.

A coated tongue, with a brackishtasto, is caused by foul matterin tho stomach. A few doses ofSeigel's Operating Pills willcleanse tho stomach, remove the badtaste, and restoie the appetite, andwith It bung good health.

Oftentimes diseased, or pat Malty

decayed food, causes sickness,nausea and diarrhtea. If the bowelsare cleansed from this impurity witha do-,- ot Heigcl's OperatingPiJlB, these disagreeable effectswill vanish, and good health willresult.

Soiglo'H Operating Pillsprevent from excess ineating or di inking. A good tloso atbedtime renders' a person lit forbusiness in the morning.

Thc-- Pills, bejpg tfugar-coate- d,

aj-- pli!:i3iiut to lake. Tbedisagiee-abl- e

taste, common to most pills isObviated,






PAINTS, OIL, YARIIS18,Turpsntin. "Eta, Ktc.


Revere Robber Co, Boston,


Call and esamino our NewGootK Anp-- 3 88


Sicam Works, Sunny South,

Talc: Bell 1C6

Depot, 2G Merchant Street.

Tele: Bell 172, Mutual 3C0


.lloilcrn lllachlucry.



birKssgrTIV v";ilJ;-- x- -

?to-i- iIV VtfcXif. .. RVsm&nk v ..

',.)?.(: &&X. ,&rV,


Patent JlnB Vnlve ItottlcH


The only nppnr.itus using Purified Cur.bonlc Arid Oft', making

high cIreb

Tahiti Lemonade,

Apollinaris Water, IPCroam Soda,

Ginger Ale,

Hop Ale,

Grenadine, Eto, 1rfl

reSLA "tan SSfeffirJIu

And Pure, Strong Effervescinc


Norn. Kmplv KottU's to bn Tclurnelnrior to nev orders bring exicuicil.

BOrdoi8 dclivrrcd In nnv pirl ofthe city, hlnml orders I'llluiled, SS tf

iVntMyuia' ur.minWni Uvf ili J. VijJ'ft.fibJi.t

ucsaiic Mm Com'?.


Arrivo at Honolulu:

Mnriposa August 31Australia September 20Zciiknditi September 28Australia October 18Ahuncda October 20Australia November 15

Leave Honolulu:

Australia August 80Alomoda September 21Australia September 27Mariposa October 10Australia October 2CZeahtndia November 10Australia November 22Alameda December Id

U18 tf

New Zealand Jams 1

T UST rcorlvrd a consignment of Newtt Zuiilntid Jinn, ifsQitid cuses. Forside nl low pliers

.1 Jfi. UROWN & CO..27 tf 28 Murcbntit street.


AKBW Wi'cox & White Parloiwith tight stop. 9iiltulil(

for Eclioul oi church A line instriimeat. Apply al 07 I'unchbowl btrcct,opposite N. P. Mission Institute. 273 tf

LADIES' NU1JSE.MONKOi:, lndle!,, nurc. has

Xtjl removed to .No a, Kukui laneFeb-14-8- 9


AT ITalekou, Eaucmhn, Ifroluupolco,h5l! acres ot gdO'l picture land, all

enclosed p'enty ol wnter. App'y toCharles I. Hiram, nl the Kind's Sinbles,Honolulu. r nt Haleknu. fibL'8 8i)ly


HAS the best and cheapest Rlncklock, Coral, Sand and Soil for

salr in any riminti v. Apply nt the lawniilcoonviiru.iii (J. Acbi, So. :'( Mcic'inut street, Honolulu, 11. I. ;'01 .".ni


rIHK undiiBlgned have this dayX. formeil i ci .pu tut whip under the

firm nunc an 1 M)lu of Lewis & White,for tlie c Hiving on of a General Bu-- iuess Agcncj. D. II. LKW1S,

C. M. AVIU'IE.Honolulu, Aug 19, 18&1). 330 lw

European Billiard Parlors.

THE Handsomest Billiard Parlors incity, ard fitted up in tho mot

approved sty lo Pour tables v. ith all thelatest improvomenK

J. P. 130WEJT & CO.,270 tf I'mprietors.

D. ir. jj;wj. C. M. WHITE.

New Busings-:- - -:- - Agency

Kelt Tele. 45C P. O. Uox VO.


No, 10 Kaahumanu Street,

For the TraiiKac'ion of GeneralBusiness, embracing:

Adjusting and Exporting Moots.Keeping Accounts and Making Out

BillsGeneral Collrctinnf.Houses Let and Hcnts Collected.Koal Estate Bought and Sold.Searching Hecords.Al strnctH of Title Furnished.Diawingof Deeds, Leases, Contracts,

Agreements, jtc.unpylni g ana Jingrossing of nil dcs.

Cli)tOU3.Custom House Entries niado and

Goods Cleared, Etc., Etc.

The varied business experienco of themembers of the dim is a sufficient gun-rant- y

of capability on their part for thedischarge of all mutters entrusted tothem. By faithful and prompt nttenfirm to tho prune find by reasonablerhnrge3 for all services, they hope tomerit general patronage.327 tf JLKWlff & WHITE,


PA.VU1IAU PlANrATION, )Hawaii, March 9, 16S8. J

ItlNdon Iron & I.ocoinodva Works,Man I'niiiclHro.

Gr.NTi.F.Mi:.s: We have used two ofyour Filter Pressos thisseason. Tiey nto convenient, ea?!lyhandled and tiro win king cnthelv to oursatisfaction. I cm rccommctid no

on themYeiyieHpecfully yotitu,

A. MOOUE,Manager i'aaubau Plantation.

These Pi esses in o made exlra hravyfor high piessiiies, occupy a floorspace 1 feet by ( f et. and present aflltei lug htirf jeo of 240 rqiiaro leet.

A limited number In stock in Hono-lulu and ate sold ut very low prices.

Eisflon Iron & looi. Works,San Finnclsco. .

Kjf For pait'eitlius enqulro ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Room No. a Block.

tf W. G Irwin & Co., Aerent.

rgHE ONLY LIVE PAPER ofX Honolulu 'Tho Dully Bulletin."

GO cents per month.

Mill Mail ilrHGI

Viilt SAN FKAKISCO,Tho now and fine Al Btecl stennuhip

"Alameda,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be duo at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

September 21, 1889.Anil will lcavo for the above port withmulls and passengers on or ahntit thai

I lie.


W35I. G. I7Jjr & CO., Ascnt'.

For Sydney and Auckland

Tho nev and lino Al Etcel steMahlp

"R$ariposa9"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, willbo due at Honolulu from San

FrancUco c.u or about

August 31, 8 889.And Mill have prompt withmaili and p ivf cngera for thu U nve ports.

I or freight liavinir t5Urati OH ACCi lAlitOl Lpplj,

W W3t Q. IltWIN & CO., Asenti,

THEO. P. BIWUIH,Photographer ,

PICTURES IN ANY STYLES !Printing Done lor Amntcura,

CaMnets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.EST Entrance on Toit Street, -- a

122 tf

74 King St. 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos &, FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

COEHIGE POLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Specinilty.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr-1-0 8s

Tho Beautiful Seaside Resort at Wai- -kiki (formerly the residence of Col.

G. W. Macfarlune), known as


Park Beach Hotel

mfez&rn. a R!KT1 UJMJ-7i-

Tho Premiserbonsibt ot

A Mmn Bull ling,Conlaiuiag a- -

Lanal 40x40, 'Dining Room, Pantry,Kitchen & 5 Bedrooms,All partially furnished.

One 33uildiMg',Containing

Bowling Alley, Billiard Room and


One Cottage,With

2 Largo Bedrooms & Dressing Rooms.

One Building on beach,Containing

Bath Houses, Wash Rooms, Etc.

Largo and Commodious

Stables with Carriage House.

Upper Flcor fltted with Largo AiryRooms, suitable) for servants,

etc., etc There are

Large & WelMaid-ou- t Grounds,

Connected with tho Premises on which! ' Crc?tcd ,roltaK for visitorsFhould the pbico bo converted into a

ThJ ?imi V,i0Ur 'M? lln'l'-'l- adapted,fncilitio, equal the btstalong the line of beach.

--Tlieso Premises will be IcaEcd foryear8, t0. sponsible parties.For further particulars apply to

w. g. inwm & co.B&" A Sprinpfleld Oaa Marhina ison the PreidlwAntl tho plp loadall the abovo Building. apraw?

s T&il


i -



