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GHA Annual Report 2009_10

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  • 8/3/2019 GHA Annual Report 2009_10


    Our Story

    Better homes, better lives

    Glasgow Housing Associationwww.gha.org.uk

    Glasgow Housing Associationwww.gha.org.uk

    Annual Report and Accounts 2009/10

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    ContentsOur story 03 Chairs Report04 Chie Eecutives Report

    05 Operating Review

    11 Better homes

    17 Better lives

    23 Better Glasgow

    28 Financial Review

    The last year has been the most importantin the history o Glasgow Housing Association.

    A new GHA has emerged during this landmarkyear: a GHA that is closer to its tenants and

    actored homeowners, closer to its communitiesand closer to key stakeholders, such as GlasgowCity Council and the Scottish Government.

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    Chie Executives ReportChairs Report

    What a year! To describe 2009/10 as an importantand exciting year in t he history o Glasgow HousingAssociation is not to do it ull justice.

    It was a year in which a new GHA emerged: a GHA thatset out on a journey to become even closer to its tenantsand actored homeowners - and to key stakeholders.Very importantly, it was the year in which our uturedirection was agreed with tenants and key stakeholders,including Glasgow City Council and the ScottishGovernment.

    In highlighting the many changes that have taken place,I would like to pay tribute to the Board and Executive teammembers who let GHA. In particular, I would like to thankormer vice-chair Fred Shedden and ormer chie executiveTaroub Zahran or their outstanding commitment,dedication and contributions.

    GHA is not and never has been about simply bricks andmortar. The real GHA is the 2000 housing ocers and closecleaners, clerical assistants and concierges, managers anddirectors, customer-service advisors and neighbourhoodocers - and all o their colleagues - who care passionatelyabout what they do, every day, to improve the lives opeople in Glasgow.

    The real GHA is also the LHO committee members andtheir chairs, who give up hours and days o their owntime without nancial reward - to make sure GHA livesup to its promises to create better homes, better lives.It is also the GHA Board who also give unstinting, unpaidcommitment in setting our strategic direction.

    The past year has proven that tenants are at the hearto everything we do. As our new service and governancestructures have been put in place, the infuence o tenantsand actored homeowners has become even strongerand more deeply embedded. There were great turnouts

    at every chairs and committee members conerenceas we debated and decided on what kind o GHA wasneeded going orward.

    Four new Area Committees, based on Glasgows StrategicPlanning boundaries, will be put in place through our newgovernance arrangements. We have also expanded andempowered rontline services and slimmed down headoce in overhauling our organisational structure.We also signed up to the new LHO/GHA Tenants Charter,a new ormal agreement between GHA and LHOs thatputs tenants at the very heart o decision-making.

    What has emerged is a GHA that not only puts our tenantsand actored homeowners rst, but also one that is gearedto delivering excellent housing and community servicesin 2010 and beyond. This is in addition to completing all othe promises made to tenants at the time o stock transer.

    Our rst priority will continue to be to provide warm, dry,sae and comortable homes to the people o Glasgow.But there is so much more we can do. For instance, the

    new GHA can make a real dierence to peoples lives bycreating, with our partners, jobs and training opportunities.In the last year, we helped 702 people into employment -325 o them through our investment and revenue contracts- and another 347 through other projects, as well as30 through our new modern-apprenticeship scheme.

    We also completed 259 new homes in the north oGlasgow and began work on another 414 on nine sites.Thousands more tenants beneted rom our massiveinvestment programme, one o the biggest o its kindin Europe with a total spend o 1.2 billion, as wecontinued to upgrade and modernise homes and improveneighbourhoods across the city.

    Much has been achieved over the year. The new GHA thathas emerged is going orward with renewed condenceand the support o its sta and stakeholders. An evenmore exciting year lies ahead as our new organisationalstructure and new governance arrangements are beddeddown and our tenants and actored homeowners

    experience the many benets they will bring.

    Sandra Forsythe MBEChair

    It has certainly been a landmark year. For the frsttime in our short history we have established, with theagreement and support o tenants, homeowners andstakeholders, a new purpose and direction that enablesus to move orward as a credible, substantial andlong-term landlord and regeneration partner.

    This has given us the impetus and condence to builda new GHA: one ocused rmly on becoming closerto its tenants and actored homeowners and closerto its partners and stakeholders.

    The transormation o the organisation is now wellunderway. We have set out with a clear set o principles,including completing the investment promises to tenantsand delivering excellent housing services to tenants andactored homeowners.

    At the same time, our ocus was rmly set on delivering

    value or money to our customers and a commitmentto work more eectively with our partners on the widerregeneration o Glasgow. Equally important is ourdetermination to ensure tenants and homeowners haveeven more o a say in everything we do.

    Another huge development in 2009-10 was the decisionto carry out, in consultation with sta and customers,a major stang restructure. Not only is this putting 20%more housing ocers into communities, it also gives theseocers new power and responsibility to resolve, quicklyand eciently, issues raised by our 55,000 tenants and27,000 actored homeowners.

    Another priority was to reduce layers o managementat GHA and to streamline head-oce unctions. This hasresulted in a whole range o services being devolved awayrom Granite House, the number o managers more thanhalving and decision-making speeding up.

    Four new Area Teams North, South, East and West

    have been created, broadly in line with the citys StrategicPlanning boundaries.

    This will ensure GHA works more closely with such as the City Council and police, re and rhealth services, to provide better joined-up sGlasgows communities.

    Tenants will continue to be at the heart o thGHA and will help us to set and supervise locthrough their Local Housing Organisation Comand new Area Committees. These Area Commcomprise tenants and other community repreincluding city councillors, and will have the polocal decisions and have control over agreed

    GHAs Second Stage Transer (SST) programmpace throughout the year. The new timetable should tenants vote or them could see uphomes transer to community-based housingthrough 2010-11. Our commitment to this p

    remains rm and will not change the act thacontinue to be, in UK terms, a substantial andperorming social landlord that is creating bbetter lives or the people o Glasgow.

    The nancial year past also saw GHA achievebreaking results in key perormance areas. Fothe number o tenancies in arrears ell to its level ever, while more than 70 per cent o holet within our weeks. Results like these are thon which the new GHA can urther improve pand customer service in the year ahead.

    Much was achieved in 2009-10 and, as alwayremains to be done. However, we can look owith condence and optimism as long as wto engage and involve our tenants and homeretain the passion o our sta to provide exceand secure the ongoing support o our stake

    Martin ArmstrongChie Executive

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    Operating Review

    In good shape to go orward

    The new GHA emerged rom an independent review o theorganisations purpose and direction, the terms o whichwere agreed with the Scottish Government, the ScottishHousing Regulator and Glasgow City Council, as strategichousing authority. Carried out by the respected FinancialInormation Company, it involved consultation with tenantrepresentatives and stakeholders and established a wayorward based on eight principles:

    1. Fullling the commitments made to tenantsat stock transer

    2. Making tenant empowerment central to bothgovernance and service delivery

    3. Delivering a signicant and credible programmeo Second Stage Transers

    4. Remaining a substantial and long-term landlordin Glasgow, so long as that is what tenants want

    5. Striving or service ecellence or the beneto customers and Glasgows wider socialhousing market

    6. Working with partners and stakeholdersin strategic planning and operations

    7. Continuing our role, alongside partners,in the wider regeneration o Glasgow

    8. Yielding the nancial benets o scale or tenantsand the wider community through our distinctivecontribution to social housing in Glasgow.

    An organisational review was undertaken to ensure thenew GHAs structure was able to deliver these principles.The end result is:

    a a slimmed-down and decentralised head ocea strengthened and epanded rontline housing services

    a our new Area Committees and sta teams, basedon Glasgows Strategic Planning boundaries.

    Closer to communities

    One o the most important aspects o the neis our Area Committees (North, South, East aComprising LHO committee members and otcommunity representatives, including city cothey put communities even more at the heargovernance structure. This means more tenamore infuence in deciding local priorities ancontrol over the services provided in theirneighbourhoods.

    Looking to the uture

    The new GHA has been endorsed by key stakincluding the Scottish Government and GlasgCouncil, as a substantial, long-term social lan

    and as a key partner in the regeneration o GOn both counts, the ollowing ve strategic awill help drive orward the business:

    1. Empower tenants to enable us to deliver lo

    2. Deliver service ecellence

    3. Maimise our assets and services to regenGlasgow

    4. Empower and motivate sta to make a podierence to peoples lives

    5. Create value through innovation.

    Size does matter

    The ongoing Second Stage Transer program16,500 tenants in 29 communities across theopportunity over 2010-11 to vote on whetheto transer ownership o their homes to comhousing organisations. Ater this programmeGHA will continue to be one o the UKs largeo Scotlands best-perorming social-housing

    While the new Area Committees will provide and local empowerment, GHAs size and scaleto be important in terms o strategic planninthe delivery o major city-wide initiatives, suc1.2 billion I nvestment Programme.

    The past year has been transormational or GHA.In many ways it was a milestone 12 monthsin which a new GHA emerged: one thatis closer to its customers and communities

    and its stakeholders and partners. This saw:a best-ever results across key areas

    o business perormance

    a renewed momentum and progresson Second Stage Transer (SST)

    a continued service improvementsor tenants and actored homeowners

    a a host o national awards or theorganisation and its sta

    a an agreed package o principles whichensure GHA has a long-term uture.

    It was also a year in which rents wererozen or all tenants at their 2009/10 pricesuntil March, 2011.

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    Tenant George Fraser who lives iDundasvale and is Chair o QueeCross (Dundasvale) LHO Committhinks the changes at GHA will breal benets to tenants.

    George said: GHA is reaching out to tenants. They are listeninand hearing what were saying. It is much more responsive and t

    have even more o a role to p lay now. That is so important, beca

    tenants are at the core o everything GHA does.

    His Story

    Sta are morevisible and aremore accessible.

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    Values that matter

    Sta across the city have helped us to develop a newset o values passionate, inspirational and ambitious -that capture what the new GHA is about.

    In being passionate about what they do, sta workevery day to deliver high-quality services to tenantsand homeowners that improve their homes, l ives andcommunities. They also want to create and be part oan organisation that is inspiring, eective and constantlyimproving. GHA sta are also ambitious or the utureo Glasgow, and are determined to play a ull and activepart in the regeneration o the city.

    Better perormance

    The perormance o Registered Social Landlords (RSLs)

    in Scotland is measured annually on criteria such astenancy sustainment, rent arrears, letting homes withinour weeks and the average number o days it takesto rent a home. GHA continued to improve perormancein 2009-10 across most areas, despite the ongoingrecession and in the midst o an organisational review.

    Tenancy sustainment was up 1.34 per cent to 87.88,while best-ever results were achieved in both rent arrears -3.56 per cent o gross debit against a target o 3.79 percent and the number o tenants in arrears, which ellrom 17,927 to 16,747. This reduced the percentage otenants in arrears to 28.57 per cent, well within the30 per cent target.

    The 70.15 percentage o homes let within our weeks wasmarginally over the 70 per cent target, while the averagenumber o days to l et a property was 25.69 days againsta target o 25 days, and was the best perormanceachieved in GHAs history.

    Eternal recognition

    The highly-prestigious Customer Service Ecellence award,the UK national standard or public-sector organisations -which is overseen by the Cabinet Oce - was receivedin June, 2009. GHA was recognised or showing bestpractice in several areas, including the involvement oall sta in actively promoting a customer-ocused culture,the new complaints procedure and the 24-hour conciergeservice at multi-storey fats.

    In September 2009 GHAs Housing Support Service, whichruns 34 sheltered-housing complees, received a glowingreport rom The Care Commission. Inspectors ound thisservice to be either ecellent or very good in every areaassessed. The care watchdog reported GHA showed thekind o quality that every care service should aspire to.In November, GHA was awarded the maimum ve-star

    health-and-saety rating by the British Saety Council (BSC),or the second year running. In the BSCs audito operations, GHA scored 97.7 per cent.

    In the 2009 Sustainable Housing Awards, organised byInside Housing magazine and ocusing on the best greensocial-housing projects in the UK, GHA and its partner,Glasgow City Council, won the Transormation Award ora makeover project at Townhead. Improvements includeda new games court, landscaped public areas and strikinglarge-scale art works designed by local school pupils.

    In the CIHs Housing Heroes awards, GHA Board memberKate Willis, o Castlemilk Tenants Housing AssociationLHO, was named Board Member o th e Year, while GHAsBusiness Improvement Leaders team was recognised inthe Customer Service Team o the Year category.The Evening Times Community Champions Awardsrecognised the commitment and dedication o LinkwoodConcierge Service in Drumchapel, which won the PublicService Award.

    Tenant satisaction

    Awards are great to receive, but our customers viewsare what matter most. We know there is always more workto do, but we are pleased the 2009 tenants survey showeda strong perception that GHA is an ecient landlord,providing good value or money. The survey showed:

    a 80 per cent o tenants were satised with GHAas their landlord, compared with 72 per cent in 2006

    a almost three quarters o tenants were satised withthe way GHA deals with day-to-day repairs andmaintenance, up rom 64 per cent in 2006

    a overall, 80 per cent o tenants were satisedwith their home

    a 79 per cent o tenants agreed GHA was an ecientlandlord - an increase o 16 percentage points rom

    the previous survey.

    Feedback rom more than 1000 personal interviews withactored homeowners also revealed a substantial increasein the number o people satised with services. Seventyper cent o customers believed GHAs actoring subsidiaryGHA(M) since renamed YourPlace Property Management -was good at keeping them inormed, an increase o23 percentage points on 2007, while 55 per cent agreedGHA(M) was an ecient property manager, up rom35 per cent. Overall satisaction with the actoring servicewas up 9 percentage points to 55 per cent.

    CIH partnership

    A strategic partnership, the rst o its kind in Scotland,was signed with the Chartered Institute o Housing,providing sta with a range o training and development

    opportunities and the opportunity to gain a recognisedqualication in housing. A record 250 GHA sta completedthe Level 2 Certicate in Housing in the rst year othe partnership.

    Solid progress or GHA subsidiary

    Improved services and eternal recognition wthe hallmarks o another year o progress or(Management) Ltd, the subsidiary that providactoring services to 27,000 homeowners.

    Homeowners, who share common areas withtenants, continued to benet rom the citys Investment Programme. Additional assistancor their share o the cost o new roos and ovwas made available, with the launch o an erepayment scheme in December, 2009.On a case-by-case basis, homeowners can noor more time to pay their share o the invest

    Itemised billing was introduced at the beginno the nancial year, which resulted in the nuo customers calling with a query over the co

    a repair alling by more than a third. Paymenwere also improved by enabling customers tobills by direct debit, a acility that will be etethe year ahead. Investors in People (IiP) accrwas regained in March 2010, with assessors GHA(M)s 40 sta or their commitment to decustomer satisaction. Other milestones in thyear included:

    a the epansion o GHA(M)s customer base or the rst time, new customers outwith tto Buy sector

    a and working with the Scottish Governmena voluntary accreditation scheme or propmanagers in a bid to raise standards throuthe actoring sector.

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    Three-year investment plan

    The net three years will see the nal phase o thisambitious investment programme being completed.In 2009-10, a urther 2342 heating systems were replacedand 3899 properties, both low rise and multi-storey fats,were overclad. This means that since 2003, GHAhas installed:

    a 40,618 central-heating systems

    a 11,057 new windows

    a 36,434 new kitchens

    a 36,264 new bathrooms

    a 47,741 new Secured by Design doors

    a overclad 28,006 homes

    a re-rooed 25,684 houses

    a and re-wired another 33,994 homes.

    Also, an important clause in all investment andrevenue contracts means contractors deliver trainingand employment opportunities or hundreds o peoplein Glasgow. Between April 2009 and March 2010, 325new jobs were created, including 144 apprenticeships.A total 1473 people have now been recruited, including425 apprentices, and 322 training places have beencreated or people who were previously unemployed.

    Building a bright uture

    GHAs new-build programme is providing attractive,energy-ecient homes, with the aim o creating andmaintaining sae and vibrant neighbourhoods, witha mi o house types that give people in Glasgow

    maimum choice.The rst phase, eaturing 239 high-quality homesin Barmulloch, Mansel Street and Avonspark Streetin the north o the city was completed ahead o schedulein June, 2009. A urther 20 have been built in ScotsburnRoad ater 2009. Most o the new tenants were re-housedrom properties earmarked or demolition in the northo Glasgow, many rom multistorey fats.

    Their new homes are a mi o terraced housedetached, cottage fats, town houses and thrtenement fats.

    The new homes have achieved Secured by Deaccreditation, a police initiative that helps cuimproving home security. Studies show SBD dwindows reduce housebreaking by 26 per cehomes are also environmentally-riendly, witgrading under the Ecohomes assessment sch

    Work started on the second phase o the newprogramme in October, last year. A total o 4homes at nine sites across the city are being in partnership with Scottish house builder CruThe huge investment will see:

    a 26 homes built at Airgold Drive and Ledmoin Drumchapel

    a 13 at Shaton Road in Knightswood

    a 22 at Halley Place in Yorker

    a 16 at Kempsthorn Crescent and 70 atBrockburn Road in Pollok

    a 80 at Holmauldhead Drive in Linthouse

    a 93 at Riverord Road in Pollokshaws

    a 47 at Summertown Road in Govan

    a and 47 at Duke Street/High Street.

    The new properties have between one and oand include terraced homes, cottage fats, fasemi-detached homes. Eighteen have wheelcTenants o these new homes, which have SBDand an Ecohomes rating o very good, comin our clearance programme.

    Better homes

    In ullling its promises to tenants at stocktranser, GHA undertook to complete oneo the largest modernisation programmeso its kind ever seen in Europe.

    That programme has delivered, over sevenyears to date, over 950 million worth oimprovements and reurbishments to housingin Glasgow ... with another 250 million wortho investment planned over the net three

    years. O course, good housing is about muchmore than bricks and mortar, but the scaleand eciency o the investment programmecontinues to ensure Glasgows tenants and

    actored homeowners benet rom havingwarmer, drier and more environmentally-riendly and energy-ecient homes.

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    Elizabeth Bashir, rom Cardonaldis one o tens o thousands otenants who has had her homeupgraded in GHAs 1.2billioninvestment programme.

    Elizabeth said: I got my new kitchen, bathroom and rewiring I really elt the benet o the overcladding during the winter too,

    uel bills are lower.

    I get such a sense o pride when I see the fats rom outside. T

    stunning, especially when they are lit up at night. It used to be th

    could always tell the bought homes rom the council homes beca

    they looked a lot better, but now its the opposite.

    Her Story

    When I travel on the bus

    I hear people rom Renrew

    and Paisley saying how nice

    the houses in Glasgow are,

    and I have a wee smirk tomysel.

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    The demolition o multi-storey fats continued throughthe year, including:

    a two blocks in Shawbridge, as part o the areasredevelopment plans

    a two nearby blocks at Riverord Road and RiverbankStreet, with a new-build programme or the areaalready underway

    a and si 19-storey blocks in Sighthill to make wayor new homes which will be built in phases.

    Around 95 per cent o the rubble generated by ourdemolitions can be used or recycling.


    Tenants and homeowners in Carntyne have seen thestart o work to save and upgrade 900 homes previouslydeclared structurally deective. The Winget properties,built in the late 1920s using a reinorced concrete design,were rst designated structurally deective more than20 years ago.

    GHA commissioned a pilot study in April 2007 whichdetermined the properties could be saved by carryingout structural repairs. Work on the homes beganin January 2010 and will continue over the net veand a hal years, at a cost o 38 million. Every GHAWinget home will also be upgraded, with new kitchens,bathrooms and central heating.

    The Glasgow House

    Construction began o our prototype energy-ecienthomes. Aimed at driving down heating and hot watercosts, the Glasgow House is a collaboration betweenGHA, architects PRP and City Building.

    The prototypes, which are also environmentally riendlyas well as tackling uel poverty, are being built at CityBuildings Skills Academy in Laurieston by l ocal workersand apprentices. One is built using hollow clay bricksand the other is timber-ramed, with eatures suchas high insulation levels, simple orms o constructionto minimise heat loss and energy use, windows androoms that capture the suns energy and solar thermalpanels on the roo.

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    Better lives

    GHA strives each year to review and improvethe range o services it provides to tenants andactored homeowners and, at all times, to provideecellent value or money. As well as having

    modern, bright and attractive homes, our aimis increasingly to ensure our customers alsolive in cleaner, greener and saer neighbourhoodsand communities. Several initiatives andimprovements were introduced during the

    year to progress this priority.

    Communities count

    The Neighbourhood Renewal Team worked in 2009/10with a range o partners across more than 150 citywideand local projects to support tenants and homeownersto make communities saer and more attractive.

    A total o 347 people were helped into employmentthrough projects like Community Janitors, a joint initiativebetween GHA and Glasgows Local Regeneration Agency(LRA) network. The programme provides paid placementsor si months. Trainees, who were previously unemployed,carry out environmental tasks in GHA neighbourhoods,such as cutting grass and trimming hedges.

    Since the start o the programme in 2006, 801 trainingplaces have been created, with 653 being lled by GHAtenants. On completion o their training, 434 traineesmoved into employment.

    Our Neighbourhood Renewal Team also:

    a supported environmental improvements, such as localclean-up campaigns and 22 garden competitions

    a built, in partnership with Glasgow City Council, ninenew play areas, bringing the total to 52 since 2005

    a launched a uel-advice service in October, last year

    a helped almost 2500 tenants over 60 with small jobsaround the home through the Handyperson Service

    a provided 81 dierent eercise and arts classes at 23sheltered-housing complees or 1850 older peoplethrough the Silver Deal Active Programme, supportedby Glasgow Lie

    a introduced the Birthday Bags project, which hasdelivered over 2800 birthday bags - ull o useul items,including a pedometer, torch key ring and anti-slip

    bathmat to tenants on their 60th birthday

    a distributed Welcome Bags containing practical itemssuch as washing-up liquid, toilet rolls, coee and tea,a cook book, energy-ecient light bulbs and an oralhealth pack to ormer homeless people when theybegin a tenancy.

    Lighting up the sky

    GHA lit up the Glasgow skyline with severallighting projects that have become local land

    The Castlemilk Lighting Project, launched withCollective Architecture, Northern Light and GlaCouncil, uses coloured LED lights in the stairwDougrie Place high rises, which also orecast wconditions.

    The lighting system at Springburn eatures a sforal pattern o lights climbing the aade o Welleld multi-storey fats, while work on highin Cranhill and Blairdardie was also complemeby new lighting systems.

    All these projects, part unded by GHA and GlaCity Council, have become landmarks in their

    Backcourt maintenance

    In April 2010, responsibility or the maintenao backcourts was transerred to GHA rom GlaCouncil. Backcourt squads cut grass, weed, triand sweep and clear l eaves and rubbish. Impto the service include the etension o gardenthrough winter, more thorough clean-ups atecutting, the introduction o new mowers and inspection regime. Tenants now sign o visitsthey are satised.

    Close cleaning

    Si squads o close cleaners, covering the wesmoved into a new oce and maintenance bain October, last year. The premises also househeavy-duty Green Machine street sweeper.

    Close cleaners now contact the GHA CustomeCentre to report minor repairs and leave a sticrelevant area to tell residents we are on the cTenants and homeowners also have a weeklyto ensure they are satised with work carried

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    Kate Willis, helped bring an innolighting project to the Dougrie Plhigh-rise blocks in Castlemilk.

    Kate said: We want neighbourhoods that are attractive, well-

    and good places to live and the Castlemilk Lighting Project helps

    achieve that.

    We can see the temperature orecast, the predicted wind direc

    the net days weather outlook during the hours o darkness. No

    this has ever been done beore, and its created a real eel-good

    Their Story

    The high rises look

    antastic and are visibleright across the city.

    They have become a real

    landmark or Castlemilk.

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    Disabled adaptations

    Tenants who need small alterations in their home, suchas the tting o a handrail or a lever tap, can now simplycall their local oce or the Customer Service Centre tohave the work done. Previously, requests or adaptationsneeded an assessment rom an occupational therapist.Occupational therapists continue to carry out assessmentsor bigger adaptations, such as ramps.


    A new choice-based letting system was piloted in thewest o the city in place o the old points-based systemo allocating homes. Homechoice allows tenantsto register their interest in available properties, whichare advertised on the GHA website and in the EveningTimes newspaper. An independent review carried outlast year by Heriot-Watt University concluded applicantsound the system air, understandable and preerableto the points-based approach and that it helpedto prevent properties lying empty or long periods.

    One-stop shop

    Plans were unveiled or a new one-stop shop at 173Trongate oering all housing services under one roo.The ground-foor premises are customer-riendly,with easy access or elderly and disabled. Speciallytrained sta are on hand to collect payments andoer advice to tenants and homeowners.

    Rent First campaign

    Launched in the run-up to Christmas when parent sometimes becomes a lesser priority, theeatured newspaper, radio, billboard and phoadverts combined with sta being available ttenants on how to manage their rent, includinew repayment arrangements and benets. Rell by almost 800,000 compared with the salast year, with GHAs approach being praised Scotland and the Scottish Government.

    Rent reeze

    Rents and service charges or urnished lets, lgarages and very-sheltered housing were rozMarch, 2011. Ater a major consultation with and stakeholders, and ater assessing eedbaor a major rent restructure were postponed udetermined how the issue o larger increasespercentage o tenants should be handled.

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    Helping people into work

    In the past year GHA helped over 700 people to get a job,including:

    a 325 people who were recruited as a result o a clausein investment and revenues contracts that stipulatescontractors must oer training and employmentopportunities

    a 347 unemployed people, who got a job through projectslike the Environmental Employability Programme,popularly known as the Community Janitors

    a 30 school leavers who joined GHAs dedicated housingapprenticeship programme as part o the City CouncilsCommonwealth Apprenticeship Initiative.

    A new scheme, Connecting People to Opportunities,

    was also launched to help people nd work. This involvestenants receiving advice, inormation, training andwork placements ater being reerred by GHA housingocers through Glasgow Works and the citys ve LocalRegeneration Agencies.

    Healthy diversions

    No ewer than 26 youth diversionary projects, covering92 per cent o GHA houses and engaging more than2500 young people, were supported by GHA. Activitiesrange rom music, drama and IT to volunteering, sportand art.

    The projects divert youngsters away rom anti-socialbehaviour, increasing condence and helping themto prepare or the world o work. Some o the programmeshave been so successul Strathclyde Police have reporteda reduction in anti-social behaviour and minor crime

    in many communities. Several, including OperationReclaim in the north o Glasgow, the West End YouthDiversionary Project and the Dumbarton Road CorridorPeer Education Programme, won Evening TimesCommunity Champion awards.

    Tackling anti-social behaviour

    The award-winning Neighbour Relations Teamresolved 514 cases o anti-social behaviour inaround GHA properties. GHA is the only socialin the UK with a specialist drugs ocer. Aterwith Strathclyde Police, 28 drug dealers were GHA properties between April 2009 and Marchand another 30 convicted dealers gave up theunder threat o legal action. The gure is morthe number o dealers evicted in 2008.

    Cutting the citys carbon ootprint

    As the largest social housing provider in the cis committed to combating climate change. Care required to minimise waste and recycle anand sustainable materials wherever possible.

    as transorming the city skyline, the GHA demprogramme plays its part. Tens o thousands oo rubble created by our demolitions are recycrushed, graded and used in the oundationsand buildings.

    The 1.2 billion investment programme, involvinstallation o ecient heating systems and dwindows, and the overcladding o low-rise anfats with eternal wall insulation, provides tehomeowners with more comortable homes aheating bills. This has also had a big impact oGHAs carbon ootprint, generating reductiontonnes o carbon emissions and 78,000 giga jo energy used.

    From September 2009, tenants began being vhomes by two uel advisors, helping them to mand most energy-ecient use o their heating

    A Better Glasgow

    GHA is a substantial, long-term social landlord but one that is driving orward, with its partners,the wider regeneration o Glasgow.

    The shared vision and ambition is to create

    a more vibrant Glasgow that oers moreemployment opportunities or its skilled workorcesand neighbourhoods and communities that arecleaner, greener and saer.

    GHA is working more closely than ever withGlasgow City Council, the Scottish Government,Strathclyde Police, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue,NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and otheragencies to tackle the citys deep-rooted problems.

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    Anthony Taggart 17, let EastbanAcademy in Shettleston and secan apprenticeship at GHA as parGlasgow City Councils CommonwApprenticeship Initiative.

    Anthony said: Im currently on placement in the IT departmewhich I really enjoy. It has been a lie changing eperience beca

    I didnt think I could get a job in IT ater I let school at 4th year.

    I think that the knowledge I have gained has been great and I

    learned a lot o things. I have settled in and made lots o new ri

    The job is really demanding but I think it suits me as I work bette

    under pressure.

    His Story

    It has been a liechanging eperiencebecause I didnt thinkI could get a job in ITater I let school at4th year.

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    Partnership working

    A specialist registrar in public health medicine romNHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde was seconded to GHAin September, 2009, or si months. Focusing on tenancysustainment and the prevention o homelessness, theregistrar has helped to improve allocations procedures andto meet the needs o tenants with alcohol and addictionissues by improving reerral procedures to other services.

    The secondment o a Strathclyde Police inspectorto the NRT boosted eorts to tackle anti-social behaviour.GHA also unded 25 bikes and 53 sets o equipmentor police ocers across Glasgow.

    Regenerating communities

    The drive to transorm Glasgows most disadvantagedareas was stepped up. A j oint strategic group,also involving the Scottish Government and Glasgow CityCouncil, was set up to progress eight TransormationalRegeneration Areas (TRAs) and build hundreds oaordable new homes to rent and buy. The TRAs are:East Govan / Ibro, Gallowgate, Laurieston, Maryhill,North Toryglen, Red Road, Sighthill and Shawbridge.

    Glasgow Housing Association Annual Report and Accounts 2009/10

    Financial Review

    In dicult economic conditions GHA continueto meet nancial targets set by the businessplan and budget. GHA restructured the grantand unding arrangements to meet uturerequirements. There has also been a restructurand cost reduction programme that will yieldmore eective services at the rontline while aldelivering signicant cost savings in the uture

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    29 Glasgow Housing Association Annual Report and Accounts 2009/10


    GHAs group turnover or 2009/10 (ecluding loss on sale o

    ed assets and interest received) was 251.2m (249.6m,

    2008/09). The main source o income was rental income o

    192.6m (197.7m, 2008/09). The remainder o income came

    primarily rom homeowners payments or improvements made

    to their homes, 24.4m (22.6m, 2008/09) and rental income

    rom commercial properties.

    In addition, GHA received Scottish Government grants totalling

    67.3m (70.3m, 2008/09). Sales under Right-to-Buy legislation

    totalled 6.7m (14.5m, 2008/09) less 2.5m (5.5m, 2008/09)

    payable to Glasgow City Council and 4.2m (9.0m, 2008/09)

    retained by GHA.


    Total Revenue Ependiture was 216.9m (211.7m, 2008/09)comprising the ollowing main items:

    a Letting activity management and maintenanceadministration costs were 96.6m (90.9m, 2008/09)

    a Included in management and maintenance administrationcosts are employee costs (ecluding capitalised employee

    costs) totalling 63.5m (57.6m, 2008/09)

    a Repairs to GHA properties totalled 32.8m (37.7m,2008/09) and planned maintenance to improve housing

    totalled 22.1m (26.2m, 2008/09).

    At the end o the year, GHA had rent arrears o 12.0m (12.0m,

    2008/09) and bad debt provisions o 7.3m (6.5m, 2008/09)

    mainly rom tenant arrears balances.

    Balance Sheet

    Our investment during the year in tenants homes totalled

    146.9m (156.6m, 2008/09). The value o housing stock

    is 452.8m (331.7m, 2008/09).

    GHA participates in the Strathclyde Pension Fund. The decit

    o 56.0m (3.5m decit, 2008/09) will be addressed through

    changes in employers contributions. At the year end, GHA group

    had a net asset position o 165.1m (171.0m, 2008/09).

    Cash Flows

    GHAs group cash fows are shown on page 43. Net cash infow

    rom operating activities was 44.9m (50.8m, 2008/09). The

    increase in net cash o 7.6m (21.7m increase, 2008/09) was

    ater grants o 55.2m (59.8m, 2008/09) and loan receipts o

    84.9m (83.0m, 2008/09). The principal cash outfows were

    operating costs and investment in assets, particularly housing

    stock o 162.1m (175.9m, 2008/09).


    GHAs short-term liquidity has improved in the year to show

    net current liabilities o 12.2m (37.3m, 2008/09). Creditors

    alling due ater more than one year, has increased to 254.0m

    rom 154.5m in 2008/09, the main movement being additional

    bank loans.

    Capital Structure and Treasury Policy

    GHAs activities are unded on the basis o a Business Plan which is

    updated annually. The main elements o GHAs long-term unding

    are a 30-year loan acility with a syndicate o banks and capital

    grants and loan provided by the Scottish Government.

    The syndicated loan acility, originally arranged in 2003, was

    restructured in May 2010. It allows GHA to borrow up to 700m

    and has been etended or a new period o 30 years. Previously

    the borrowing acility was 725m repayable in 2032/33. In broad

    terms, our current Business Plan assumes that we will increase

    our borrowings each year until we reach a maimum o 692m

    in 2018/19, refecting the signicant i nvestment programme in

    the rst ten years o the Plan. The debt is progressively paid o

    in subsequent years and is projected to be ully paid o by 2040.

    The Business Plan assumes total capital grants and loan rom

    the Scottish Government o 469m rom the date o transer.

    These grants and loans are repayable in 2040. However, i

    GHA is successul in achieving certain targets in respect o

    its perormance and second stage transers then the grantrepayments are signicantly reduced. The Business Plan also

    includes Scottish Government unding or specic elements o

    our investment programme in respect o demolition and new

    build works.

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Social Housing

    Demolition Grant


    Surpluson SaleoFiedAssets



    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 78% 201.2m

    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 81% 197.4m

    A A A A A 5% 13.5m

    A A A A A A A 7% 16.3m

    A A A A a a a a a a A 11% 27.7m

    A A A A A A a a a a a a A 13% 30.6m

    A A A 3% 7.3m

    A A A 3% 7.4m

    A 1% 1.8m0% 0.1m

    A A 2% 6.2m-4% (8.8m)AAAA


    At the time o the stock transer GHA managed its interest rate

    risk by entering into hedging arrangements, which have the

    eect o ing the interest rate on a proportion o the projected

    debt levels each year. The interest rate on the remainder o the

    debt will vary in accordance with market interest rates. As GHA

    evolves, its projected debt levels change, thereore in March 2010

    GHA approved a new hedging strategy or implementation in

    2010/11, which achieves closer alignment o the ed rate

    prole to the latest projected debt prole. We regularly review

    our arrangements with respect to the hedge on our loans.

    The Board receives updates each quarter which detail the

    debt, cash and interest received and paid. Changes to banking

    arrangements and bank signatories are approved by the Board.

    The GHA Group Treasury Management Policy sets down the

    ramework or investing and managing o cash, raising loans,

    interest rate management and the use o nancial derivatives

    o the Group. A key objective o the Policy is to ensure that the

    Groups loan portolio represents the optimum balance o risk

    in interest rate, loan maturity and ed rate eposure. In turn,

    it ensures that Group ocers have the authority to take the

    necessary action as and when required in response to changes

    in the nancial markets. The overriding objective o this Policy

    is to be risk averse, whilst at the same time maimising return

    on unds invested within laid down agreed parameters.

    Longer-Term Business Planning

    Each year GHA produces a 30-year Business Plan which details

    and costs long-term plans. This document, which is eamined

    by the Board and by eternal advisors, demonstrates our longer-

    term viability and regeneration plans. A copy is on the GHA

    website and available on request rom GHAs oces.

    The GHA 30-year Business Plan or 2010/11 highlights the

    ollowing ve big aims or the organisation:

    1. Empowering tenants to enable us to deliver local priorities

    2. Delivering service ecellence

    3. Maimising assets and services to regenerate Glasgow

    4. Empowering and motivating sta to make a positive

    dierence to peoples lives

    5. Creating value through innovation.

    The Business Plan is made operational through GH

    Plan with outcomes cascaded throughout the orga

    Key Outputs

    The key outputs or 2009/10 were:

    a Capital ependiture on our tenant investment ptotalled 146.9m (156.6m, 2008/09)

    a A urther 16.5m (21.4m, 2008/09) o works wout on behal o owners

    a A total o 2,408 units (2,676 units, 2008/09) werdemolished during the year

    a Phase 1 o the new build programme is conrmein the year under review, has delivered the nal

    o the 239 units. A urther 20 units were comple

    through Phase 1a in the year

    a A total o 153,369 (194,256 2008/09) repairs weThe investment programme and an increased o

    / planned maintenance have also had a direct im

    responsive repairs and the volumes in this area

    a Lettable void rates are below our 1.61% target ao total stock, a signicant improvement on 1.68

    rom 2008/09

    a Sitting tenant arrears at the year end were 3.6%2008/09) better than our operational target o 3

    a Our Neighbour Relations Team assisted a total opeople (2,796 people, 2008/09) who were subjec

    anti-social behaviour and responded to all reerr

    within agreed target times.

    Non Adjusting Post Balance Sheet Event

    In June 2010 a urther 5 second stage transers to

    with the detailed Business Plan. These disposals re

    0% 10% 20% 3 0% 40% 50% 60%

    Management& MaintenanceAdministration Costs

    Reactive Maintenance Costs

    PlannedMaintenance Costs


    Service Costs


    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 54% 90.9m

    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 57% 96.7

    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 22% 37.7m

    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 19% 32.8m

    A A A 3% 4.7m

    A A A A 4% 7.4m

    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 15% 26.2m

    A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 13% 22.1m

    A A A A 4% 7m

    A A A A 4% 6.6m

    A A 2% 3m

    A A 2% 2.8m

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    GHA Board, Committee structure and related matters GHA Board, Committee structure and related matters continued

    GHAs Rules currently allow or the appointment

    o up to 15 Board members as ollows:

    a Up to si tenant Board members

    a Up to si independent Board members

    a Up to two council Board members

    a The option to appoint the Chie Eecutiveas a co-optee to the Board

    At 31 March 2010 there were 13 members o the GHA Board:

    si tenant members, ve independents and two council

    Board members.

    Each member o the Board holds one ully paid 1 share

    that is cancelled on cessation o membership. During 2009/10

    ve shares were issued and ve memberships cancelled.

    The members o the Board during the year are listed below:

    Name First Joined Board Re-elected/re-appointed Let Board

    Alastair Dempster 3 May 2002 9 September 2009

    Fred Shedden 3 May 2002 17 October 2008 16 August 2009

    Margaret Ward 30 September 2003 29 September 2006 28 May 2009 (deceased)

    Sandra Forsythe 17 December 2004 17 September 2008

    Wilma Masterton 6 September 2006 9 September 2009

    Keith Kintrea 6 September 2006 9 September 2009

    Councillor Pat Chalmers 27 November 2007 3 September 2009

    John Grant 17 September 2008

    Councillor Kenny McLean 9 October 2008 3 September 2009

    Ian Wall 27 October 2008 9 September 2009

    Gordon Sloan 23 March 2009 9 September 2009

    Councillor Ruth Black 25 March 2009 3 September 2009

    Kate Willis 9 September 2009

    Robert McCormick 27 April 2009 9 September 2009

    Alastair MacNish 17 August 2009

    Elizabeth Walord 17 August 2009

    Councillor James Dornan 3 September 2009

    Councillor Philip Braat 3 September 2009

    GHA Board

    The Board is responsible or the overall strategic direction and

    objectives o GHA. Key responsibilities are:

    a Approval o the Business Plan, budget, and any variationsand amendments to them, together with other matters

    which all within the strategic role o the Board

    a Establishing strategic plans and policies to achievethese objectives

    a Approval o any amendments to the SST programmeand approval o Second Stage Transers

    a Approval o the creation or dissolution o a subsidiary

    a Dening and ensuring compliance with our valuesand objectives as a registered social landlord

    a Approving each years nancial statements

    a Establishing an appropriate ramework o delegationand systems o internal control

    a Taking key decisions on matters that will, or might,create signicant risk including approving any signicant

    contractual arrangements

    In order that it can deliver its role eectively GHAs Board

    operates a committee structure with delegated responsibility

    to the ollowing 6 committees:

    Appointments and Appraisals Committee

    Responsible or:

    a The process or recruitment and selection o Board members

    a Ensuring Board Members have necessary skills andeperience to ull their roles

    a The appointment and remuneration o the Chie Eecutive

    a Considering and approving where appropriate, relevantoers o employment and promotion as required by the

    provisions o Schedule 7 o the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001.

    Audit Committee

    Responsible or monitoring the nancial integrity o the nancial

    systems o the association. Specically, this committee:

    a Reviews GHAs system o internal control and riskmanagement system including that within the LHOs

    a Provides an overview o the internal and eternalaudit unctions

    a Scrutinises the nancial statements

    a Monitors the implementation o internal auditrecommendations and eternal audit reports

    and management letters

    a Reviews the internal audit plan and scope o work

    a Reviews the eectiveness o the overall risk strategy.

    Regeneration Committee

    Responsible or directing GHA in relation to:

    a Strategic oversight o the transormationalregeneration projects

    a Other strategies or creating and sustaining succneighbourhoods

    a The new build programme

    a The uture o properties with an uncertain uture

    Operations Committee

    Responsible or:

    a Approving the capital programme investment st

    a Monitoring compliance with Remodelled ManagAgreements

    a Monitoring compliance with and perormance ooverall housing and property services, investme

    demolition programme

    a Approving and monitoring implementation o thdevelopment strategy including approval and am

    or transers o engagements between LHOs

    a Approving and monitoring implementation o poincluding service delivery, investment, housing m

    and Local Shared Services

    a Receiving reports rom the Regeneration Commio properties to be demolished in the transorm

    regeneration areas, or inclusion in the associat

    demolition programme.

    Business Transormation Committee

    Responsible or:

    a Overseeing and monitoring issues relating to theOwnership process and consideration o busines

    units as well as the devolution o activities throu

    Shared Services arrangements

    a Monitoring implementation o the SST process inthe pilot programme and COI process

    a Approving and monitoring implementation o thpolicies relating to Community Ownership, Seco

    Transers and business service units.

    Finance Committee

    Responsible or:

    a Overseeing the long term strategic planningo the Associations nances

    a Monitor and review the Associations current anprojected perormance against Budget

    a Ensuring that the Association has an eective ror nancial management

    a Overseeing treasury management, procuremenand nancial risk

    a Approval o the Scheme o Financial Delegation

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    Governance Review Summary

    Refecting the various reports, GHA undertook an ehaustive

    review o its governance arrangements through November

    June 2010. The aim was enhanced scrutiny o decisions, a clear

    strategic ocus o the Board and a new committee structure

    to refect our new strategic direction and building in our new

    empowered Area Committees.

    Employee Policies

    GHA recognises that delivering ecellent service is dependent

    on all o our employees. Accordingly, GHA is committed to the

    promotion o lielong learning. During the year, we provided

    nancial support to und over 30 employees through higher

    education. GHA introduced eternally accredited concierge

    and manager development programmes. GHA, GHA

    (Management) Ltd and 16 LHOs h ave Investors in People

    accreditation. GHA has organised wellbeing days or sta,

    promoting a work/lie balance, as well as a programme

    o medical screening which has proved popular with sta.

    GHA recognises two trade unions, Unison and GMB, and

    engages in collective bargaining with these organisations.

    GHA remains committed to the principle o equal opportunity

    and to ensuring that no applicant or employee receives less

    avourable treatment on the grounds o gender, race, age,

    colour, nationality, religion, HIV status, disability or seuality.

    GHA has a policy to support any member o sta who becomes

    disabled whilst employed by GHA through modication o duties

    or retraining and support.

    Tenant ParticipationGHA sees tenant participation as a key strength o our

    organisation. Tenants make up the largest single grouping

    on our Board. Throughout the LHO network, there are

    approimately 600 tenant LHO committee members who

    make key decisions on delivery o services and investment

    in their area. We also carry out regular tenant consultation

    through surveys, questionnaires and publications. GHA consults

    with LHOs, registered tenant organisations throughout the

    city and other key stakeholders. Even greater engagement

    o our tenants will be secured via our new governance

    structure, due to come into orce at the AGM.

    Health and Saety

    The health and saety o tenants and sta is a key concern or

    the Board which receives regular reports on accidents at work

    and health and saety incidents. We have a health and saety

    team to give advice on policy and to carry out inspections and

    investigations when required. We also have access to specialist

    advice i this is necessary. In addition to our Scottish Health

    at Work (SHAW) accreditation we received a 5 star rating rom

    the British Saety Council ollowing their audit o our procedures

    and operations.


    We have published a sustainability policy or GHA and are

    implementing new initiatives on recycling, energy eciency

    and reclamation o materials rom demolished properties.

    All recent multi-storey fat demolitions have carried out

    all recycling o rubble and waste on site.

    Political and Charitable Donations

    There were no political or charitable donations made

    by GHA within the year.

    Creditor Payment Policy

    GHA agrees payment terms with its suppliers when it enters

    into contracts. The average creditor payment period or the

    year was within 30 days.

    Disclosure o Inormation to Auditors

    The Board members who held oce at the date o approval

    o this Board report conrm that, so ar as they are each aware,

    there is no relevant audit inormation o which the Associations

    auditors are unaware; and each Board member has taken

    all the steps that he/she ought to have taken as a Board member

    to make himsel/hersel aware o any relevant audit inormation

    and to establish that the Associations auditors are aware

    o that inormation.

    The Board o GHA is responsible or ensuring that an eective

    system o internal nancial control is maintained within

    the organisation. This system o internal control can provide

    reasonable but not absolute assurance against material

    misstatement or loss.

    The mechanisms by which the Chie Eecutive obtains assurance

    that the system o i nternal control is working eectively are the

    same as those that the Board uses to assure itsel, although there

    are separate and additional responsibilities o the Chie Eecutive

    in respect o the organisational management and operational

    systems and procedures.

    Framework o Internal Control

    The internal control ramework is supported by organisational

    control measures including nancial and business planning,

    risk management, perormance monitoring and reporting,

    project management and communication systems and by ormal

    governance measures including a structure o corporate policies

    and authorities and responsibilities delegated rom the Board

    to the Eecutive Management team.

    The key methods by which the Board establishes the ramework

    or providing eective internal nancial control are as ollows:

    Management Structure

    The organisation or which the Board has overall responsibility

    is governed by a set o Standing Orders, which reserves specic

    powers to the Board and delegates unctions and powers to its

    Committees. The Board has delegated the responsibility to the

    Chie Eecutive or maintaining sound systems o internal control

    that supports the achievement o the organisations objectives.

    Audit Committee

    As at 31 March 2010 the Audit Committee consisted o ve Board

    members. Meetings are held quarterly and are attended by the

    Chie Eecutive, the Director o Finance and Business Services,

    the Company Secretary, the Head o Internal Audit and Risk and

    the Eternal Auditors. The Board has delegated powers to the

    Audit Committee to approve the annual internal and eternal

    audit plans, reports and ollow up reviews. In addition the Audit

    Committee reviews the risk management arrangements including

    the corporate risk register. The Audit Committee makes annual

    reports to the Board covering these issues.

    Finance Committee

    The Finance Committee was created and convened or the rst

    time at GHA in December 2009. As at 31 December 2009 the

    Finance Committee consisted o ve Board Members. The specic

    responsibilities o the Committee are to set out and oversee the

    annual budget process; set budget and business plan parameters;

    provide assurance to the Board that budget, business plan, and,cash fows are aligned, and, to review GHAs Business Plan and

    provide assurance to the Board that the nancial inormation

    therein is sound.

    Internal Audit

    The Head o Internal Audit and Risk reports to the Chie Eecutive,

    with direct access to the Director o Finance and Business Services

    and the Chair o the Audit Committee.

    During the year the Audit Committee determined t

    audit unction required to deliver a comprehensive

    c.1000 days. The bulk o the resource or Internal A

    under a co-sourced contract by Deloitte LLP. This is

    by a Head o Internal Audit a GHA retained role. T

    arrangement strengthens the management o the

    The systems o internal control reviewed by interna

    in 2009/10 included core nancial and non-nanci

    Internal audit has carried out its programme o wo

    as approved by the Audit Committee. The reports p

    date noted a number o weaknesses in the system

    control, all o which are being resolved. In additionhas been taken to improve the control ramework,

    monitoring the closure o internal audit recommen

    and ollow-up internal audit reviews.

    Systems o Internal Control

    The key elements o the system o internal control

    a Regular meetings o the Board which has a schewhich are specically reserved or its approval a

    the subject o regular standard reports as requir

    a Arrangements under terms o reerence or an Ao the Board to meet regularly and receive repor

    management and internal and eternal auditors

    o internal control, and to provide reasonable as

    control procedures are in place and are being o

    a Arrangements under terms o reerence or a FinCommittee o the Board to meet regularly and r

    rom Finance Management on the soundness o

    management, and to provide reasonable assurapractices are in place and being ollowed

    a An organisational structure to support businessand with clear lines o responsibility

    a An Internal Audit unction with an annual internplan and producing an annual internal audit rep

    a Adoption o a risk-based approach to in ternal coevaluating the likelihood and signicance o i de

    corporate risks, vesting responsibility or risk man

    and internal control with designated owners, an

    an ongoing process o monitoring and reporting

    against the companys key risks established thro

    corporate risk management unction

    a A Business Plan and Budget supporting strategicoperational plans, nancial targets, regularly rev

    a comparison o actual with budget and with o

    a quarterly basis, operating cash fow and varian

    and key perormance indicators, all o which are

    by the Board

    a Measurement o nancial and other perormancthe Delivery Plan objectives and key perormanc

    and targets

    a Monitoring by the Eciencies Group o Value orobjectives stated in the Chie Eecutives Ecien

    The Eciencies Group is chaired by the Director

    & Business Services.

    Internal nancial controlGHA Board, Committee structure and related matters continued

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    Management o Business Risk

    The Board is responsible or ensuring that business risk

    is managed jointly, with the Eecutive Management team,

    or identiying the major business risks aced by the organisation

    and or determining the appropriate course o action to manage

    those risks. The nancial implications o major business risks

    are controlled by means o delegated authorities, which reserve

    signicant matters to the Board or decision. Segregation

    o duties, levels o project approval and physical controls

    over access to assets and inormation are the responsibility

    o the Eecutive Management team.

    Corporate Risk

    The Board has continued to develop its risk management

    strategy and review the corporate risk register. A risk workshop

    was held in June 2009 to prepare the corporate risk register

    or the orthcoming year. This was used to inorm the Internal

    Audit Plan or 2009/10. In February 2010 the Audit Committee

    approved the Annual Audit Plan covering the period to

    31 March 2011 (note, in the year the audit plan was made

    synchronous with the nancial year). The Internal Audit plan

    was supplemented with reviews o key nancial systems and

    special eercises.

    Throughout the year ended 31 March 2010 GHA has maintained

    a system o internal control, which includes an on-going risk

    management process or cascading the corporate risk register

    into the operational business and identiying, evaluating and

    managing the signicant risks aced by the organisation.

    This process has been improved during the year.

    Management Inormation Systems

    Management Inormation Systems have been developed to

    provide inormation on the key areas outlined in the Business

    Plan and Delivery Plan. Business perormance is reported monthly

    against key nancial and non-nancial targets. Management

    accounts comparing actual results against budget are presented

    to the Board monthly and to the Finance Committee quarterly.

    The organisation continues to broaden and develop the depth

    and detail o data required to assist management at all levels.

    Investment Appraisal

    Capital ependiture is specied in the Business Plan and regulated

    by a budgetary process and Scheme o Financial Delegation.

    For ependiture beyond specied levels or out with budget

    and plans, approval is required by Committee or the Board

    as appropriate.

    Quality and Integrity o Personnel

    The integrity and competence o personnel is ensured and

    maintained through ormal recruitment processes and subsequent

    training and development initiatives. High quality personnel are

    an essential part o the control environment and the conduct

    and ethical standards epected are embodied within the

    organisations stated aims and objectives.

    On behal o the Board

    Sandra Forsythe, Chair

    27 August 2010

    The Board is responsible or preparing the Boards Report

    and the nancial statements in accordance with applicable

    law and regulations.

    Industrial and Provident Society law requires the Board

    to prepare nancial statements or each nancial year.

    Under those regulations the Board have elected to prepare

    the nancial statements in accordance with UK Accounting


    The group and parent nancial statements are required

    by law to give a true and air view o the state o aairs

    o the group and the parent association and o the groupsand the parent associations surplus or decit or that period.

    In preparing these nancial statements, the Board is required to:

    a Select suitable accounting policies and then applythem consistently

    a Make judgments and estimates that are reasonableand prudent

    a State whether applicable UK Accounting Standards andthe Statement o Recommended Practice have been

    ollowed, subject to any material departures disclosed

    and eplained in the nancial statements

    a Prepare the nancial statements on the going concernbasis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the group

    and parent association will continue in business.

    The Board is responsible or keeping proper accoun

    that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time

    position o the group and the parent association a

    them to ensure that its nancial statements comp

    the Industrial & Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 2

    Industrial and Provident Societies (Group Accounts

    1969, the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 and the Reg

    Landlords Accounting Requirements (Scotland) Ord

    The Board has general responsibility or taking suc

    as are reasonably open to it to saeguard the asset

    o the association and to prevent and detect raud

    other irregularities.The Board is responsible or the maintenance and

    o the corporate and nancial inormation include

    associations website. Legislation in the UK govern

    the preparation and dissemination o nancial stat

    may dier rom legislation in other jurisdictions.

    Statement o Boards responsibilities in respect o the Boards reportand the nancial statements

    Internal nancial control continued

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    The Boards nancial statements

    We have audited the nancial statements o The Glasgow

    Housing Association Limited or the year ended 31 March

    2010 which comprise the Group and Association Income and

    Ependiture Account, the Group and Association Balance Sheets,

    the Group Cash Flow Statement, the Group and Association

    Statement o Total Recognised Surpluses and Decits, and the

    related notes. These nancial statements have been prepared

    under the accounting policies set out therein.

    Respective Responsibilities o The Board and Auditors

    The Boards responsibilities or preparing the nancial

    statements in accordance with applicable law and UnitedKingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally

    Accepted Accounting Practice) are set out in the Statement

    o Boards Responsibilities.

    Our responsibility is to audit the nancial statements

    in accordance with applicable law and regulatory requirements

    and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland).

    Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices

    Boards Ethical Standards or Auditors. This report, including

    the opinion, has been prepared or and only or the group

    and Associations members as a body in accordance with

    Section 9 (1) o the Friendly and Industrial and Provident

    Societies Act 1968 and or no other purpose. We do not,

    in giving this opinion, accept or assume responsibility or

    any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report

    is shown or into whose hands it may come save where epressly

    agreed by our prior consent in writing.

    We report to you our opinion as to whether the nancial

    statements give a true and air view and are properly prepared

    in accordance with the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts1965 to 2002, the Industrial and Provident Societies (Group

    Accounts) Regulations 1969, the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

    and the Registered Social Landlords Accounting Requirements

    (Scotland) Order 2007.

    In addition we report to you i, in our opinion, a satisactory

    system o control over transactions has not been maintained,

    i the group and Association have not kept proper accounting

    records, i we have not received all the inormation and

    eplanations we require or our audit, or i inormation specied

    by law regarding directors remuneration and other transactions

    is not disclosed.

    We read the Board Report and other inormation within the

    nancial statements. We are not required to consider whether

    the Boards statement on internal control airly represents the

    groups and Associations system o internal control, or to orm

    an opinion on the eectiveness o the groups and Associations

    system o internal control. We consider the implications or our

    report i we become aware o any apparent misstatements

    or material inconsistencies with the nancial statements.

    Basis o Opinion

    We conducted our audit in accordance with International

    Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing

    Practices Board. An audit includes eamination, on a test basis,

    o evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the

    nancial statements. It also includes an assessment o the

    signicant estimates and judgements made by the Board

    in the preparation o the nancial statements, and o whether

    the accounting policies are appropriate to the groups and

    Associations circumstances, consistently applied and

    adequately disclosed.

    We planned and perormed our audit so as to obtain all the

    inormation and eplanations which we considered necessary

    in order to provide us with sucient evidence to give reasonable

    assurance that the nancial statements are ree rom material

    misstatement, whether caused by raud or other irregularity

    or error. In orming our opinion we also evaluated the overall

    adequacy o the presentation o inormation in the nancial



    In our opinion the nancial statements:

    a Give a true and air view o the state o the groupsand Associations aairs as at 31 March 2010 and

    o its surplus and cash fows or the year then ended

    a Have been properly prepared in accordance with UnitedKingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice

    a Have been properly prepared in accordance with theIndustrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 2002,

    the Industrial and Provident Societies (Group Accounts)

    Regulations 1969, the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 and

    the Registered Social Landlords Accounting Requirements

    (Scotland) Order 2007.

    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

    Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors


    13 September 2010

    Independent auditors report to the members oThe Glasgow Housing Association Limited

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    2010 '000








    Turnover 3 251,232 249,620 - 249,620

    Operating costs 3 (216,886) (219,759) 8,035 (211,724)

    Operating surplus / (decit) 3 34,346 29,861 8,035 37,896

    (Loss)/surplus on sale o xed assets housing properties 9 (8,803) 6,157 - 6,157

    Interest receivable and similar income 10 84 1,800 - 1,800

    Interest payable and similar charges 11 (8,596) (3,585) - (3,585)

    Surplus / (decit) on ordinary activities beore taxation 17,031 34,233 8,035 42,268

    Taxation on surplus / (decit) or the year 12 (21) 129 - 129

    Surplus / (decit) or the year 22 17,010 34,362 8,035 42,397


    2010 '000

    2009 000

    Surplus or the year 22 17,010 42,397

    Unrealised gain on revaluation o xed assets 22 29,558 19,407

    Actuarial loss on pension assets and liabilities 24 (52,448) (16,015)

    Total recognised surpluses and decits or the year (5,880) 45,789

    2010 '000

    2009 000

    Reported surplus or the year 17,010 42,397

    The notes on pages 44 to 64 orm part o these nancial statements.

    Group Income and Ependiture Accountor the year ended 31 March 2010

    Group Statement o Total Recognised Surpluses and Decitsor the year ended 31 March 2010

    Note o Historical Cost Income and Ependitureor the year ended 31 March 2010


    2010 '000






    Turnover 3 244,527 243,473

    Operating costs 3 (210,283) (213,140) 8,035

    Operating surplus / (decit) 3 34,244 30,333 8,035

    (Loss)/surplus on sale o xed assets housing properties 9 (8,803) 6,157

    Interest receivable and similar income 10 80 1,748

    Interest payable and similar charges11

    (8,567) (3,585)

    Surplus / (decit) on ordinary activities beore taxation 16,954 34,653 8,035

    Taxation on surplus / (decit) or the year 12 - -

    Surplus / (decit) or the year 23 16,954 34,653 8,035


    2010 '000

    Surplus or the year 23 16,954

    Unrealised gain on revaluation o xed assets 23 29,558

    Actuarial loss on pension assets and liabilities 24 (52,448

    Total recognised surpluses and decits or the year (5,936

    2010 '000

    Reported surplus or the year 16,954

    The notes on pages 44 to 64 orm part o these nancial statements.

    Association Income and Ependiture Accountor the year ended 31 March 2010

    Association Statement o Total Recognised Surpluses and Decitsor the year ended 31 March 2010

    Note o Historical Cost Income and Ependitureor the year ended 31 March 2010

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    2010 '000

    2009 '000

    Tangible xed assets

    Housing properties 15 452,769 331,721

    Other tangible xed assets 16 29,810 29,824

    482,579 361,545

    Debtors due ater more than one year 17 514,852 669,797

    Current assets

    Debtors due within one year 17 45,688 37,868

    Cash at bank and in hand 28,330 20,190

    74,018 58,058

    Creditors: amounts alling due within one year 18 (86,202) (95,351)

    Net current liabilities (12,184) (37,293)

    Total assets less current liabilities 985,247 994,049

    Creditors: amounts alling due ater more than one year 19 (254,000) (154,500)

    731,247 839,549

    Provisions or liabilities and charges 20 (509,080) (663,926)

    Government grant 15 (1,080) (1,104)

    Net assets excluding pension liability 221,087 174,519

    Pension liability 24 (55,959) (3,511)

    Net assets including pension liability 165,128 171,008

    Capital and reserves

    Share capital 21 - -

    Revenue reserve excluding pension reserve 22 161,478 144,468

    Pension reserve 22 (55,959) (3,511)

    Revenue reserve including pension reserve 22 105,519 140,957

    Revaluation reserve 22 59,609 30,051

    Consolidated unds 165,128 171,008

    These nancial statements were approved by the Board on 27 August 2010 and were signed on its behal by:

    Sandra Forsythe, Chair Wilma Masterton, Board Member Gordon Moir, Secretary

    The notes on pages 44 to 64 orm part o these nancial statements.

    Group Balance Sheetat 31 March 2010


    2010 '000

    Tangible xed assets

    Housing properties 15 452,769

    Other tangible xed assets 16 29,810


    Debtors due ater more than one year 17 514,852

    Current assets

    Debtors due within one year 17 44,369

    Cash at bank and in hand 27,323


    Creditors: amounts alling due within one year 18 (84,422)

    Net current liabilities (12,730)

    Total assets less current liabilities 984,701

    Creditors: amounts alling due ater more than one year 19 (254,000)


    Provisions or liabilities and charges 20 (509,080)

    Government grant 15 (1,080)

    Net assets excluding pension liability 220,541

    Pension liability 24 (55,959)

    Net assets including pension liability 164,582

    Capital and reserves

    Share capital 21 -

    Revenue reserve excluding pension reserve 23 160,932

    Pension reserve 23 (55,959)

    Revenue reserve including pension reserve 23 104,973

    Revaluation reserve 23 59,609

    Associations unds 164,582

    These nancial statements were approved by the Board on 27 August 2010 and were signed on its behal by:

    Sandra Forsythe, Chair Wilma Masterton, Board Member Gordon Moir, Secretary

    The notes on pages 44 to 64 orm part o these nancial statements.

    Association Balance Sheetat 31 March 2010

    g gg g

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    Group Cash Flow Statementor the year ended 31 March 2010


    2010 '000

    2009 '000

    Net cash infow rom operating activities 27 44,859 50,809

    Returns on investment and servicing o nance

    Right to buy and Second stage transer proceeds 9 9,350 18,339

    Payment to Glasgow City Council or their share o right to buy proceeds and payments

    to Second Stage transer Organisations9 (13,055) (5,202)

    Interest received 10 84 746

    Interest paid 11 (7,999) (3,585)

    (11,620) 10,298

    Capital expenditure and nancial investment

    Improvement o properties 15 (162,146) (175,922)

    Purchase o other xed assets 16 (3,579) (6,374)

    Grants received 25 55,216 59,765

    (110,509) (122,531)

    Management o liquid resources

    Cash withdrawn rom money market deposits 27 - 102


    Loan drawn down 72,350 70,500

    Scottish Government Loan received 19 12,500 12,500

    84,850 83,000

    Increase / (reduction) in net cash 27 7,580 21,678

    The notes on pages 44 to 64 orm part o these nancial statements.

    Notes to the Financial Statementsor the year ended 31 March 2010

    1. Legal Status

    The Glasgow Housing Association Limited (GHA or the

    Association) is registered under the Industrial and Provident

    Societies Act 1965 and is a housing association registered with

    the Scottish Government under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001.

    The Association and its subsidiaries are reerred to as the Group.

    2. Accounting Policies

    The ollowing accounting policies have been applied consistently

    in dealing with items which are considered material in relation

    to the nancial statements.

    Basis o Accounting

    The nancial statements o the Group and the Association are

    prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards

    and in accordance with the accounting requirements included

    with the Registered Social Landlords Accounting Requirements

    (Scotland) Order 2007, and under the historical cost accounting

    rules, modied to include the revaluation o properties held or

    letting and commercial properties. The nancial statements

    have also been prepared in accordance with the Statement

    o Recommended Practice, Accounting by Registered Social

    Landlords Update 2008, issued by the National Housing


    Whilst the Group and Association Balance Sheets show net

    current liabilities, the Group has in place a loan acility as

    eplained in note 19 which allows the Group and Association

    to borrow sucient unds to meet its current liabilities as they

    all due. Accordingly the nancial statements have been

    prepared on a going concern basis.

    On 7 March 2003 the Association acquired, as part o a largescale voluntary transer, the housing stock and a number o

    other related assets o Glasgow City Council. The acquisition was

    structured such that the Association paid a notional consideration

    o 25 million or the assets (this consideration was not based

    on a valuation o the assets being acquired) and received grant

    unding rom the Scottish Eecutive o 368 million, payable in

    instalments over the net 10 years. The net eect o the transer

    was thereore the acquisition o the assets, at their current value,

    and a remaining 343 million o grant income.

    The ecess o the purchase price over the air value o the net

    assets acquired was 7 million. Under the recommendations o

    the SORP or business combinations and the requirements o FRS

    10 Goodwill and intangible assets, this amount would have been

    classied as a ed asset on the balance sheet and amortised

    over its estimated useul economic lie. The Board, however,

    did not believe that this treatment presented a true and air

    view o the nature o the large scale voluntary transer as a whole,

    since they believed that the amount paid to the Council should be

    considered in substance as an adjustment to the grant receivable

    o 368 million. Consequently, the assets were included in thenancial statements at their air value and the grant receivable

    rom the Scottish Eecutive was reduced to 361 million.

    Basis o Consolidation

    The Group nancial statements consolidate those o the

    Association and its subsidiary undertakings drawn up to

    31 March 2010.

    Prots or losses on intra-group transactions are eli

    in accordance with FRS 2 - Accounting or subsidia


    Turnover, which is stated net o value added ta, re

    income receivable rom lettings and service charge

    ees receivable, revenue grants and other income.

    o the group income and ependiture account, turn

    includes actoring income.

    Grant Income

    Grant income received is matched with the ependit relates. Where grant is paid as a contribution tow

    ependiture, it is included in turnover. Where grant

    rom government and other bodies as a contributi

    the capital cost o housing schemes, it is deducted

    o housing properties on the ace o the balance sh

    reporting standards require tangible ed assets to

    at purchase price, or valuation, less any provision

    or diminution in value. However, this requirement c

    the generally accepted accounting principles or Re

    Landlords (RSLs) set out in the Statement o Recom

    Practice: Accounting by Registered Social Landlord

    The purpose o these capital grants is to subsidise

    o social housing, and the income rom properties

    o net cost. Accordingly the Board considers it nece

    the accounting treatment set out in the SORP to giv

    air view.

    Bad and Doubtul Debts

    Provision is made against rent arrears o current an

    tenants as well as other miscellaneous debts to ththey are considered potentially irrecoverable.

    Supported Housing

    Ependiture on housing accommodation and supp

    is allocated on the basis o the number o units or

    accommodation, ecept or stang and running co

    the level o ependiture is directly attributable.

    Deposits and Liquid Resources

    Cash, or the purpose o the cash fow statement, c

    cash in hand and deposits repayable on demand, l

    repayable on demand. Liquid resources are current

    investments that are disposable without curtailing

    the business and are readily convertible into know

    o cash at or close to their carrying values.

    Pensions Accounting Policy

    GHA participates in the Strathclyde Pension Fund (

    The Fund is administered by Glasgow City Council i

    with the Local Government Pension Scheme (ScotlaRegulations 1998 as amended. All eisting and new

    have the option o joining the Fund. The Fund is a d

    one, providing benets based on nal pensionable

    contracted out o the State Second Pension. Assets

    o the Fund are h eld separately rom those o the A

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    Notes to the Financial Statementsor the year ended 31 March 2010 (continued)

    The Association accounts or its participation in the Fund

    in accordance with FRS 17 Retirement benets. The amendment

    to FRS 17 Retirement benets has been adopted in these
