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GHG Report Template for CSA Standards GHG CleanProjects® Registry Version 1.0 September 2009 GHG Report Template for CSA Standards GHG CleanProjects® Registry Carlos Lleras Restrepo Hydroelectric Power Plant Report Version 3.0, February 2020 1.1. Relevance ................................................................................................................. 2 1.2. Completeness ........................................................................................................... 2 1.3. Consistency .............................................................................................................. 2 1.4. Accuracy .................................................................................................................. 2 1.5. Transparency ............................................................................................................ 3 1.6. Conservativeness ..................................................................................................... 3 2. Project description ........................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Project title ............................................................................................................... 3 2.2. The project´s purpose(s) and objective(s) are .......................................................... 3 2.3. Expected lifetime of the project ............................................................................... 3 2.4. Type of greenhouse gas emission reduction or removal Project ............................. 3 2.5. Legal land description of the project or the unique latitude and longitude ............. 4 2.6. Conditions prior to project initiation ....................................................................... 4 2.7. Description of how the project will achieve GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements...................................................................................................................... 5 2.8. Project technologies, products, services and the expected level of activity ............ 6 2.9. Total GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements, stated in tonnes of CO2 e, likely to occur from the GHG project (GHG Assertion) ................................................ 8 2.10. Identification of risks ............................................................................................. 10 2.11. Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 10 2.12. Any information relevant for the eligibility of the GHG project under a GHG program and quantification of emission reductions ......................................................... 10 2.13. Summary environmental impact assessment ......................................................... 15 2.14. Relevant outcomes from stakeholder consultations and mechanisms for on-going communications ................................................................................................................ 16 2.15. Detailed chronological plan ................................................................................... 17 3. Selection and Justification of the Baseline Scenario..................................................... 19
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GHG Report Template for CSA Standards GHG CleanProjects® Registry

Version 1.0 – September 2009

GHG Report Template for

CSA Standards GHG CleanProjects® Registry

Carlos Lleras Restrepo Hydroelectric Power Plant

Report Version 3.0, February 2020

1.1. Relevance ................................................................................................................. 2

1.2. Completeness ........................................................................................................... 2

1.3. Consistency .............................................................................................................. 2

1.4. Accuracy .................................................................................................................. 2

1.5. Transparency ............................................................................................................ 3

1.6. Conservativeness ..................................................................................................... 3

2. Project description ........................................................................................................... 3

2.1. Project title ............................................................................................................... 3

2.2. The project´s purpose(s) and objective(s) are .......................................................... 3

2.3. Expected lifetime of the project ............................................................................... 3

2.4. Type of greenhouse gas emission reduction or removal Project ............................. 3

2.5. Legal land description of the project or the unique latitude and longitude ............. 4

2.6. Conditions prior to project initiation ....................................................................... 4

2.7. Description of how the project will achieve GHG emission reductions or removal

enhancements...................................................................................................................... 5

2.8. Project technologies, products, services and the expected level of activity ............ 6

2.9. Total GHG emission reductions and removal enhancements, stated in tonnes of CO2

e, likely to occur from the GHG project (GHG Assertion) ................................................ 8

2.10. Identification of risks ............................................................................................. 10

2.11. Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 10

2.12. Any information relevant for the eligibility of the GHG project under a GHG

program and quantification of emission reductions ......................................................... 10

2.13. Summary environmental impact assessment ......................................................... 15

2.14. Relevant outcomes from stakeholder consultations and mechanisms for on-going

communications ................................................................................................................ 16

2.15. Detailed chronological plan ................................................................................... 17

3. Selection and Justification of the Baseline Scenario ..................................................... 19

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

4. Inventory of sources, sinks and Reservoirs (SSRs) for the project and baseline .......... 22

5. Quantification and calculation of GHG emissions/removals ........................................ 24

6. Monitoring the Data information management system and data controls .................... 27

7. Reporting and verification details ................................................................................. 32

1 . 1 . R e l e v a n c e

The sources selected for this project are the CO2 emissions associated with the generation of

electricity in the National Interconnected System (SIN) of Colombia, for the electric power

that is instead provided by the Carlos Lleras Restrepo Hydroelectric Power Plant. For more

details, refer to the section 4 Inventory of sources, sinks and Reservoirs (SSRs) for the project

and baseline.

The methodology selected was the ACM0002- Grid-connected electricity generation from

renewable sources, version 19.0, of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),

complemented with CDM TOOL07 – Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity

system, version 07.0 and TOOL05 – Baseline, Project and/or leakage emissions from

electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation, version 03.0.

These were selected because they fit the project type and are in accordance with the

requirements of Colombian regulations. (See 2.12 Any information relevant for the eligibility

of the GHG project under a GHG program and quantification of emission reductions). As for

the applicability of the methodology and the tool, please see Table 8, Table 9 and Table 10

for the justification. No deviations to the methodology and tools were presented.

1 . 2 . C o m p l e t e n e s s

The project considers all the energy dispatch to the national grid, measured at the final point

where the commercial frontier of the project is located. All sources of emissions identified

by the methodology were considered and no other relevant sources were identified. For more

details, refer to section 4 Inventory of sources, sinks and Reservoirs (SSRs) for the project

and baseline.

1 . 3 . C o n s i s t e n c y

The calculations are in line with the CDM methodology for projects for renewable energy.

Emission factors for the alternate sources of energy were taken from the Colombian

governmental entity Mining-Energy Planning Unit (UPME) for the National Interconnected

System (SIN). It is shown that the level of service is equivalent between the baseline and

project scenarios in section 3.1 Same type and level of service. Also, the consistency of the

baseline definition with the baseline requirements stated in the Resolution 1447 of 2018 is


1 . 4 . A c c u r a c y

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

The measurement methods used to obtain and manage the information related to electricity

generation are reliable, which reduces the propagation of uncertainty in the calculation. The

use of the emission factor for the SIN published by the corresponding official entity ensures

the reliability of the calculation.

1 . 5 . T r a n s p a r e n c y

An example calculation is provided (see section 5.5) with the sources of the emission factors,

the data of the operation of the project and the formulas used, and greater detail of the

calculations is reported in the file CarlosLlerasRestrepo_2019 Rev.xlsx

1 . 6 . C o n s e r v a t i v e n e s s

In the face of uncertainty, conservative assumptions will be applied regarding the emission


2 . P r o j e c t d e s c r i p t i o n 2 . 1 . P r o j e c t t i t l e

Carlos Lleras Restrepo Hydroelectric Power Plant

2 . 2 . T h e p r o j e c t ´ s p u r p o s e ( s ) a n d o b j e c t i v e ( s ) a r e

The purpose of the project is the implementation and operation of a run-of-river hydroelectric

power plant connected to the Colombian national grid.

The Carlos Lleras Restrepo Hydroelectric Power Plant (hereafter “the Project”) is an electric

power generation project, but it also contributes to decrease the national emissions of carbon

dioxide through the substitution of polluting fuels as a source of electric power generation.

With its multiple benefits, it contributes to the conservation and protection of the Aburrá

River basin. With respect to the environmental effects, the Project has a minimum

environmental impact thanks to its characteristics of being a run-of-river intake project with

no dam.

The project owner Hidroelectrica del Alto Porce S.A.S. E.S.P. (Hidralpor) seeks to verify the

emission reductions of this project to use part of them to access the exemption from taxes on

imported equipment and machinery, applicable to exporters of certified carbon emission

reductions, according to the law 788 of 2002. The rest of the credits will be used in the

Colombian carbon market created after the implementation of the national carbon tax. Any

such verified emission reduction will not be used in any other context as GHG emission

compensation and will be cancelled or retired in the originating carbon standard.

2 . 3 . E x p e c t e d l i f e t i m e o f t h e p r o j e c t

The lifetime of the hydroelectric power plant is 50 years.

The lifetime of the emission reduction project is 10 years, from 22 November 2015 to 21

November 2025.

2 . 4 . Ty p e o f g r e e n h o u s e g a s e m i s s i o n r e d u c t i o n o r r e m o v a l P r o j e c t

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

CDM Sectoral scope 01 – energy Industries (renewable / non-renewable sources)

2 . 5 . L e g a l l a n d d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e p r o j e c t o r t h e u n i q u e l a t i t u d e a n d

l o n g i t u d e

The Project is located on the right margin of the Aburrá River, which is also called the

Medellín River upstream and the Porce River downstream, in the municipalities of Girardota,

Barbosa and Santo Domingo; department of Antioquia, Colombia.

Intake: 6 28 40.09 N, 75 16 38.96 W

Turbine house and discharge: 6 31 13.46 N, 71 15 06.84 W

Girardota Substation: 6 22 58.28 N, 75 27 18.31 W

The owner of the Carlos Lleras Restrepo Hydroelectric power plant is Hidralpor S.A.S. E.S.P.

2 . 6 . C o n d i t i o n s p r i o r t o p r o j e c t i n i t i a t i o n

Prior the project, there was no hydroelectric power plant where the Project is located. There

were several discharge points to the river upstream and downstream, two of them from local

water systems, and two of them from two existing run-of-river power plants that take water

from other rivers. Also a dam is located downstream for hydrogeneration. The following

illustration shows the relative location of the previously existing discharges and dam to the


Figure 1 Other uses and discharges near the project location

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

Table 1 Aburrá river neighboring hydroelectric plants characteristics



Capacity Beginning of


Company Source of


La Tasajera 306 MW 1993 EPM EPM website1

Montañitas 19.9 MW 2000 Celsia Celsia website2

Porce II 405 MW 2001 EPM XM website3

2 . 7 . D e s c r i p t i o n o f h o w t h e p r o j e c t w i l l a c h i e v e G H G e m i s s i o n r e d u c t i o n s

o r r e m o v a l e n h a n c e m e n t s

Most of Colombia’s electricity comes from hydroelectric plants, especially those that use

dams. At the time this project was implemented, authorities in Colombia were promoting the

incorporation of thermal generation plants as a backup for the scenarios where extreme

weather conditions lead to low levels in dams or rivers. In fact, in Colombia, there is a

relevant concept that can be understand as “firm energy”; this was defined in the CREG

Resolution 071 of 2006 as the effective capacity of power generation plants to provide energy

to the national system continuously and independently of the weather or system conditions

throughout the year. This definition was made to enhance the reliability of the system. “Firm

energy” requirements give priority to large hydroelectric power plants with reservoirs and

thermal power plants, which are less vulnerable to weather variations that have caused

shortages in the Colombian grid under drought conditions on various occasions.

In the absence of the project, some more GHG- intensive generation plants were likely to

supply the electricity, for example a mixture of thermal plants and other hydroelectric plants.

In fact, thermal net effective generation capacity has increased about 11% between 2015 and

2019 (see Figure 2).

1 https://www.epm.com.co/site/home/institucional/nuestras-plantas/energia/centrales-hidroelectricas#undefined

2 https://www.celsia.com/es/centrales-hidroelectricas

3 http://paratec.xm.com.co/paratec/SitePages/generacion.aspx?q=capacidad

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

Figure 2 Thermal effective generation capacity. 2015-2019. Prepared by the authors, data source: XM.

The GHG reductions achieved by the Carlos Lleras Restrepo hydroelectric plant result from:

- Reductions in the use of fossil fuels that would be used in the case thermal plants supply

the electricity;

-Although it is not accounted for, the absence of a dam may prevent methane emissions

because of the degradation of organic matter in the repressed water in case a dam-based

hydroelectric plant supplies the electricity.

2 . 8 . P r o j e c t t e c h n o l o g i e s , p r o d u c t s , s e r v i c e s a n d t h e e x p e c t e d l e v e l o f

a c t i v i t y

The project consists of a run-of-river hydroelectric power station with an effective capacity

of 78.2 MW, flow design of 75 m3/s and a power house with two Francis turbines. Carlos

Lleras Restrepo hydroelectric power plant has a gross head of 130.3 m, a lateral intake

structure, and sand traps designed to remove particles larger than 0.3 mm in order to protect

the turbines. From the intake structure, the water flows by tunnel to the powerhouse.

The project has a surface powerhouse located on the right margin of the Aburrá River. The

turbined waters are discharged directly into the Aburrá River through two independent

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

suction tubes, reaching a tank controlled by a weir, which guarantees the submergence of the


Table 2 Technical specifications of the project

Element Unit Value/Description

1. General specifications

Effective Capacity MW 78.2

Design flow m3/seg 75

Gross head meters 130.3

2. Diversion Works (L-W-H)

Flood Spillway meters 42x20x5.4

Download Fund meters 20x5x5

Intake Structure meters H=4.8 y W=5.7

Sand traps meters 34x8x3.6

Cargo Tank 57x10x13

Canal gate and Ecological Flow 1x1 /H-Wl

3. Power House (L-W-H)

Dimensions meters 55.35x17.1x12.5

4. Electro-mechanical equipment

Francis turbines (2), nominal capacity kW 40.43

Crane bridge T 100

Transformers kV 13.8

Sub-station Type External encapsulated

The project includes the connection to the National Interconnected System (SIN). The

connection is via a 33.4 km long 110 kV transmission line whose gateway is located at the

power house and who end point is the Girardota substation, property of Empresas Públicas

de Medellín (EPM).

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

Figure 3 Carlos Lleras Restrepo Hydroelectric Power Plant diagram

The expected level of activity is based on the information of the generation of previous years,

maintenance plans, and operational conditions of La Tasajera Hydroelectric Plant (see Figure


Table 3 Expected level of activity



2020 453,740

2021 453,740

2022 453,740

2023 453,740

2024 453,740

2025 453,740

The Project received the National Engineering Prize in 2016 for its high quality, run-of-river

design and implementation. Co-benefits of the Project include the cleaning and oxygenation

of the Aburrá River that has resulted in recovery of the river ecosystem downstream of the

project. This is evidenced by an increase in the presence of fauna including fish and reptiles,

documented in the biannual reports of environmental monitoring.

2 . 9 . To t a l G H G e m i s s i o n r e d u c t i o n s a n d r e m o v a l e n h a n c e m e n t s , s t a t e d i n

t o n n e s o f C O 2 e , l i k e l y t o o c c u r f r o m t h e G H G p r o j e c t ( G H G A s s e r t i o n )

Table 4 Emission reductions of the project

Year Estimated GHG emission reductions or

removals (tCO2)

22 November 2015 – 31 December 2015 12,619

1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016 139,991

1 January 2017 – 31 December 2017 167,979

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1 January 2018 – 31 December 2018 163,958

1 January 2019 – 31 December 2019 162,629

1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020 173,631

1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021 173,631

1 January 2022 – 31 December 2022 173,631

1 January 2023 – 31 December 2023 173,631

1 January 2024 – 31 December 2024 173,631

1 January 2025 – 21 November 2025 155,078

Total 1,677,365

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

2 . 1 0 . I d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f r i s k s

Table 5 Project risks and mitigation strategies

Risk Mitigation strategy

High wear of components in contact

with water

Preventive maintenance and hard coating

Damage, break downs or collapse of

an electric tower or line

Preventive maintenance every 6 months, corrective

maintenance and frequent visual inspections

Accumulation of sediments in the


Two of the eight are cleaned daily to evacuate


Lightning bolt in the electric line Pole to ground tests, lightning rods installed in the

beginning and end points

Non-compliance with the


Periodical review of regulations in force and

evaluation of compliance.

Non-compliance with the “firm”

energy commitment

Maintenance plans, buy third party electricity to

supply the obligations contracted.

2 . 1 1 . R o l e s a n d R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s

Organization name Hidroeléctrica de Alto Porce S.A.S. E.S.P - Hidralpor S.A.S.


Role in the project Project proponent.

Contact person Luis Miguel Isaza Upegui

Title Manager

Address Calle 11 #98-07 Of. 201A, Bogotá, Colombia

Telephone +57 1 328 9770

Email [email protected]

2 . 1 2 . A n y i n f o r m a t i o n r e l e v a n t f o r t h e e l i g i b i l i t y o f t h e G H G p r o j e c t

u n d e r a G H G p r o g r a m a n d q u a n t i f i c a t i o n o f e m i s s i o n r e d u c t i o n s

2.12.1. Compliance with the requirements of the GHG CleanProjects Registry

The project complies with the requirements of the GHG CleanProjects Registry and

demonstrates compliance with ISO 14064-2, as described in sections 1.1 to 1.6 and

throughout this report. The verification report that accompanies the current report will

demonstrate further the conformity of the project with the requirements of the GHG

CleanProjects registry.

2.12.2. Context of the mitigation project

The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Colombia, presented in 2015, envisages

a unilateral and unconditional goal of mitigation of 20% of GHG emissions from the

business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in 2030. The goal was defined against the BAU scenario

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

that was projected based on the national GHG Inventory of 2010, applying economic and

other assumptions. In this way, the year 2010 was defined as the "baseline year" of the

country, therefore, any activity that was implemented in previous years and reduced

emissions, is already embodied in the baseline and cannot be considered as "mitigation"

action for verification.

This situation is confirmed in decree 926 of 2017, Chapter 2, article, paragraph 1,

"Only reductions of GHG emissions and removals generated from 1 January 2010 may be

submitted." This project was implemented in 2015 and represents an activity different from

the BAU of the National Interconnected System (SIN).

Resolution 1447 of 2018 of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

(MADS) also defines the additionality criteria for sectoral GHG mitigation projects in article

37. Particularly:

Table 6 Compliance Analysis: Requirements of resolution 1447 of 2018

Criteria of 2018 resolution 1447 article 37 Project Compliance

GHG emissions reductions or removals are

considered additional when the head of the

sectoral mitigation project demonstrates that

they would not have occurred in the absence

of the GHG Mitigation initiative and which

generate a net benefit to the atmosphere with

respect to their baseline.

As presented in section 3, the choice and

justification of baseline is demonstrated,

which is different from the activity of the

initiative, and section 5 evidences the net

benefit to the atmosphere generated

compared to the baseline.

Likewise, GHG removals are considered to

be additional when they result from the

implementation of forestry GHG removal

activities, which are developed in areas other

than natural forest and that demonstrate the

positive net change of carbon deposits in the

area of development of the activity and other

criteria of additionality defined by the

Ministry of Environment and Sustainable


Not applicable

Reductions in emissions or removals of GHG

resulting from compensation activities of the

biotic component resulting from the impacts

of projects, works or activities within the

framework of environmental licenses,

concessions, applications for single-use

permits of forest resources for land use

change, and the application for definitive

extractions of national and regional forest

reserves, are not considered additional.

Not applicable

Emissions reductions or GHG removals are

not considered to be additional when they are

Not applicable

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the product of preservation and restoration

activities in strategic areas and ecosystems

that access payments for environmental

services of GHG reduction and capture

according to what is established in chapter 8

of title 9 of Part 2 of Book 2 of Decree 1076

of 2015.

The reductions or removals of GHG

generated from the date of completion of the

legal terms of the compensations referred to

in this article, or the termination of payments

for environmental services of GHG reduction

and capture, shall be deemed to be additional.

Not applicable

The owners of sectoral GHG mitigation

projects must apply in all their actions and

procedures the additionality criteria set out in

this article, in complement to the

additionality criteria established by the GHG

certification program or carbon standard to

which it is subscribed.

The GHG CleanProjects Registry

certification program establishes the use

of the analysis of alternatives and

barriers to justify the selection of the

baseline scenario. In section 3, we

present the identification and selection

of baseline, meeting the criteria

established by the GHG certification


Article 221 of Law 1819 of 2016 established the national carbon tax which began validity

from 1 January 2017. According to its regulation in Sole Statutory Tax Decree 1625 of 2016,

the tax is charged to the purchaser of fuel in proportion to its equivalence in tonnes of CO2e

generated from combustion. The rate is fixed per tonne of CO2e according to the carbon

content of the fossil fuel.

Since the dispatch of Decree 926 of 2017, a non-causation procedure for the national carbon

tax exists. It is possible to avoid the payment of the tax by means of the neutralization of the

GHG emissions associated with the use of the fuel, by verified GHG emissions reductions.

To avoid the payment of the tax, the purchaser of the fuel must inter alia show the declaration

of verification of the emissions reductions, issued by a verification body accredited under the

standard ISO 14065, equivalent to the quantity of fuel in question.

The requirements described by the decree for the characteristics of the emission reductions

that are valid for the non-causation of the tax, include:

Table 7 Compliance Analysis: Requirements of decree 926 of 2017

Requirement of decree 926 of 2017 Project Compliance

The mitigation initiative must be

developed in the national territory.

The project takes place in the national

territory (near the municipalities of

Girardota, Barbosa and Santo Domingo,


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Version 1.0 – September 2009

The initiative must be formulated and

implemented through a certification

program or carbon standard that has a

public registration platform.

The project is formulated through the GHG

CleanProjects Registry certification

program, which has a public registry.

Have been implemented following a

methodology, either from a certification

program or carbon standard, or from the

clean development mechanism.

The project is implemented from a clean

development mechanism methodology

(details below).

Do not come from activities that are

developed by the mandate of an

environmental authority.

The project is a voluntary activity.

Be certified by the certification program or

carbon standard and duly cancelled within


The project will request certification by

GHG CleanProjects Registry and cancel

any reduction unit prior to use for non-

causation of the national carbon tax.

2.12.3. Applicability of the selected methodology and tool

As for the methodology and tool selected, the following table of applicability is presented

Table 8 Applicability analysis of the methodology: ACM0002 Version 19.0


This methodology is applicable to grid-connected

renewable energy power generation project activities


(a) Install a Greenfield power plant;

Achieved, the project

consists of the installation of

a Greenfield power plant,

option (a)

The methodology is applicable under the following


(a) The project activity may include renewable energy

power plant/unit of one of the following types: hydro

power plant/unit with or without reservoir, wind power

plant/unit, geothermal power plant/unit, solar power

plant/unit, wave power plant/unit or tidal power


Achieved, condition (a) is

fulfilled because the project

is a hydro power plant

without reservoir.

In case of hydro power plants, one of the following

conditions shall apply:

(a) The project activity is implemented in existing single

or multiple reservoirs, with no change in the volume of

any of the reservoirs; or

(a) The project consists of a

run-of-the river plant, so it

does not use a reservoir for

generation, thus, there is no

change in the volume of any


In the case of integrated hydro power projects, project

proponent shall:

(a) Demonstrate that water flow from upstream power

plants/units spill directly to the downstream reservoir and

Not applicable, the project

consists of a single power

plant, not an integrated hydro

power project.

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Version 1.0 – September 2009

that collectively constitute to the generation capacity of

the integrated hydro power project; or

The methodology is not applicable to:

(a) Project activities that involve switching from fossil

fuels to renewable energy sources at the site of the project

activity, since in this case the baseline may be the

continued use of fossil fuels at the site;

(b) Biomass fired power plants/units.

Not applicable

In the case of retrofits, rehabilitations, replacements, or

capacity additions, this methodology is only applicable if

the most plausible baseline scenario, as a result of the

identification of baseline scenario, is “the continuation of

the current situation, that is to use the power generation

equipment that was already in use prior to the

implementation of the project activity and undertaking

business as usual maintenance”.

Not applicable, the project

consists of a Greenfield

power plant

Table 9 Applicability analysis of the methodological TOOL07 Version 07.0


This tool may be applied to estimate the OM, BM and/or

CM when calculating baseline emissions for a project

activity that substitutes grid electricity that is where a

project activity supplies electricity to a grid or a project

activity that results in savings of electricity that would

have been provided by the grid (e.g. demand-side energy

efficiency projects).

Achieved, the project

activity supplies electricity

to the national grid.

Under this tool, the emission factor for the project

electricity system can be calculated either for grid power

plants only or, as an option, can include off-grid power

plants. In the latter case, …

Emission factor is calculated

for grid- connected power

plants only.

In case of CDM projects the tool is not applicable if the

project electricity system is located partially or totally in

an Annex I country.

Not applicable, the project

electricity system is located

in Colombia, a non-Annex I


Under this tool, the value applied to the CO2 emission

factor of biofuels is zero.

UPME calculates the

emission factor for biofuels

following the tool.

Table 10 Applicability analysis of the methodological TOOL05 Version 03.0


If emissions are calculated for electricity consumption,

the tool is only applicable if one out of the following

Not applicable, the tool isn’t

used for electricity


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three scenarios applies to the sources of electricity


(a) Scenario A: Electricity consumption from the grid.

The electricity is purchased from the grid only, and either

no captive power plant(s) is/are installed at the site of

electricity consumption or, if any captive power plant

exists on site, it is either not operating or it is not

physically able to provide electricity to the electricity


(b) Scenario B: Electricity consumption from (an) off-

grid fossil fuel fired captive power plant(s). One or more

fossil fuel fired captive power plants are installed at the

site of the electricity consumer and supply the consumer

with electricity. The captive power plant(s) is/are not

connected to the electricity grid; or

( c) Scenario C: Electricity consumption from the grid

and (a) fossil fuel fired captive power plant(s). One or

more fossil fuel fired captive power plants operate at the

site of the electricity consumer. The captive power

plant(s) can provide electricity to the electricity

consumer. The captive power plant(s) is/are also

connected to the electricity grid. Hence, the electricity

consumer can be provided with electricity from the

captive power plant(s) and the grid.

This tool can be referred to in methodologies to provide

procedures to monitor amount of electricity generated in

the project scenario, only if one out of the following three

project scenarios applies to the recipient of the electricity


(a) Scenario I: Electricity is supplied to the grid;

(b)Scenario II: Electricity is supplied to

consumers/electricity consuming facilities; or

(c) Scenario III: Electricity is supplied to the grid and

consumers/electricity consuming facilities.

Achieved, the project

scenario consists of

electricity supplied to the

grid, (a) Scenario I.

This tool is not applicable in cases where captive

renewable power generation technologies are installed to

provide electricity in the project activity, in the baseline

scenario or to sources of leakage. The tool only accounts

for CO2 emissions.

Not applicable, the tool is

used for monitoring

procedures not for

accounting CO2 emissions.

2 . 1 3 . S u m m a r y e n v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a c t a s s e s s m e n t

In line with the environmental legislation in Colombia, the project received the following

environmental license:

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- Resolution 130AN-1108-12109 of 2 August 2011, in which the environmental license is

conferred to MINCIVIL S.A. by CORANTIOQUIA (Autonomous Regional Corporation

of the center of Antioquia)

- Resolution 130AN-1111-12821 of 22 November 2011 in which the environmental

license is transferred to HIDRALPOR S.A.S. E.S.P.

- Resolution 1206-13256 of 22 July 2012, in which the environmental license is modified

in 4 subsections related to:

o Increase of the flow concession

o Measures for conservation of native plants

o Responsibilities for deficiencies in water supply to the surrounding community

o Allowance of activities like fuel and lubricants supply if specific requirements

and procedures are followed.

The table below describes the principal environmental impacts relevant during the operation

of the project, according to the Resolution N° 0355 of 18 February 2010.

Impact Description

Erosive process Will occur in the Medellín river, in the zones of the intake,

tunnels, turbine house and access roads.

Increase sediment in the


In the Medellín river

Physical and chemical

changes in water quality

In the Medellín River

Flow reduction In the Medellín river due to exploitation for energy


Changes in hydrobiological


In the Medellín River

Loss of plant coverage 16.5 m3 in Barbosa and 20.5 m3 in Santo Domingo, for

the intake, tunnels, pipelines, access roads and turbine


Habitat disturbance Due to loss of plant coverage

2 . 1 4 . R e l e v a n t o u t c o m e s f r o m s t a k e h o l d e r c o n s u l t a t i o n s a n d

m e c h a n i s m s f o r o n - g o i n g c o m m u n i c a t i o n s

When the initial community consultation took place on 23 October 2010 and later the

community meeting on 19 and 20 May 2012 to start the civil works, the principal concerns

about the project were:

Table 11 Concerns and responses to the community related to the project

Community concern Hidralpor Response

Quantity of the water sources Previous geotechnical and geological

studies were made to prevent that situation.

The tunnel cladding prevents infiltrations.

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Use of local work force Explained the characteristics of quantity of

the labor force needed, especially for the

construction phase and also the type of

documents required.

Wear of the existing road infrastructure due

to transportation of machinery

Existing infrastructure was evaluated and no

problems were identified.

Petition to receive support from

HIDRALPOR to develop some community


Although most of those projects were the

responsibility of the state, Hidralpor was

willing to support projects in articulation

with local institutions.

Effects on tourism The brook Aguas Claras, the principal

touristic place, will not be affected by the


Also, Hidralpor established Community Attention Offices to attend community inquiries

during the construction phase:

- Zona Molino Viejo at the point PR12+000 of the road number 6205 at the left margin of

the brook Quebrada Aguas Claras

- Zone of adequation and construction of civil works for water collection in Vereda


- School Las Beatrices

Furthermore, before the project started, it received two verifications related with special


- Verification of the existence of ethnic groups: The Resolution 000000099 of the Ministry

of the Interior confirmed on 19/10/2011 that there is no presence of ethnic groups in the

areas influenced by the project.

- Verification of the existence of indigenous communities: INCODER (Colombian

institute for rural development) in a communication on 13/12/2011 (Oficio No.

20111126897) declared that the areas influenced by the project does not interfere with

indigenous territories.

In the operation phase, the mechanisms for on-going communication are as follows:

- Point of attention in person at the power house.

- Telephone hotlines: phone numbers are available at community schools and the town hall

of Barbosa.

- Meetings are held with Communal Action Boards upon request.

No complaints related to the operation of the project have been received.

2 . 1 5 . D e t a i l e d c h r o n o l o g i c a l p l a n

Table 12 Detailed chronological plan

Activity Date Evidence

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Initial communities

stakeholder consultation

23/10/2010 Socialización comunidad

Etapa EIA.pdf

Environmental license 02/08/2011 Res. 130AN-1108-12109

de Ago 02_11 (Licencia

Ambiental CLLR).pdf

Stakeholder consultation 19/10/2011 Mininterior Resolucion 19

octubre 2011 No existencia


13/12/2011 Certificacion INCODER-


Request for letter of no-

objection from DNA of

Colombia for emission

reductions projects that opt for

the CDM

30/01/2012 Solicitud Carta de No


Reception of the response to

the request for letter of no-

objection from DNA of


23/02/2012 Respuesta de MMA a

solicitud de No Objecion 23


Start of construction 18/05/2012 Acta de Liquidación Carlos


Meeting with communities

when the construction started

19-20/05/2012 Socialización comunidad

Etapa EIA.pdf

Request for letter of national

approval from DNA of

Colombia for the CDM

10/07/2012 comunicacion MDL


Hiring of the CDM validation

entity (DNV-CUK)

06/09/2012 Contrato DNV firmado 6-


Reception of the first response

to the request for letter of

national approval from DNA

of Colombia

12/09/2012 Minambiente carta

aprobacion Nacional 11 sep


Response to the request for the

letter of approval from DNA

of Colombia

18/09/2012 Recurso de Reposicion al

MinAmbiente Ver Final

Sep 17_12.docx

Reception of the second

response to the request for

letter of national approval

from DNA of Colombia

29/10/2012 Carta Minambiente sobre

MDL 22-10-2012.pdf

CDM PDD posted for

international stakeholder


30/10/2012– 28/11/2012 CDM website

CDM prior consideration


06/12/2012 Prior consideration Carlos


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Request for National approval


19/02/2013 Minambiente feb19-


End of the contract with DNV-


21/06/2013 Comunicacion Jun 19-13

Rpta Arias JUNIO 21-


Response to requirements in

the process of receiving the

national approval letter

08/07/2013 Comunicacion Respuesta


Minambiente Jul 8-13.docx

First temporary Import

Declaration for components

eligible for VAT exclusion of

imported equipment for being

a carbon credit exporter

30/01/2014 3. Declaracion de

importacion Embarque No


End of construction 28/05/2015 Acta de Liquidación Carlos


Start of test operation 28/08/2015 RE 201544011821-1 -

Aplazamiento del Programa

de Pruebas.pdf

Start of commercial operation

(Start date)

22/11/2015 Declaración de Operación

Comercial Central CLLR


Signing of ERPA 13/11/2018 Disponible en oficinas de


Application for VAT

exclusion of imported

equipment for being a carbon

credit exporter

10/12/2018 26. HIDRALPOR Res

00953 IVA.pdf

Expiry of first temporary

Import Declaration for

components eligible for VAT

exclusion of imported

equipment for being a carbon

credit exporter

29/01/2019 Five years after date of

temporary import


Signing of addendum to


29/03/2019 Disponible en oficinas de


Approval of VAT exclusion of

imported equipment for being

a carbon credit exporter

31/05/2019 26. HIDRALPOR Res

00953 IVA.pdf

3 . S e l e c t i o n a n d J u s t i f i c a t i o n o f t h e B a s e l i n e S c e n a r i o According to ACM0002 version 19.0, the baseline scenario for a Greenfield power plant is:

electricity delivered to the grid by the project activity would have otherwise been generated

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by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of new generation

sources, as reflected in the combined margin calculations.

At the time the project was conceived, Colombia had adopted an increased reliance on

thermal-based generation capacity. After severe droughts registered during the 1990s (i.e.

1992, 1997) that caused power shortages with associated forced rationing, the national

system encouraged the development of more thermal generation capacity, specifically with

the intention of increasing the share of “firm” capacity and enhancing the system’s reliability.

Colombia’s important fuel reserves and the need to guarantee electricity supply through a

more balanced mix between thermal and hydroelectric generation supported the trend

towards increased thermal power capacity.

A barrier assessment table is made to clearly define that the delivery of electricity by grid-

connected power plants is the most possible scenario in the absence of the project activity.

Table 13 Description of project alternatives and barrier identification

Alternative Description of the measure Identified barrier

Grid - connected

power plants

(existing and new


Hidralpor does not install the

Project power plant and other

plants would supply power to

the grid


Thermal power


Hidralpor installs a thermal

power plant instead of the

project. This type of plant is

based on the combustion of

fossil fuels.

Environmental impact, cost and

company know-how


plant with


Hidralpor installs a hydropower

plant with a reservoir to store

water and have a more stable


Cost and some climate




plant (Project)

Install and operate a run-of-river

hydropower plant without any


Cost, maintenance and

operational, and significant

climate vulnerability

Table 14 Barrier analysis

Alternative Economic



nance and










Grid -














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and new





Low Significant Not







r plant with


Significant Not




Significant Significant






Significant Significant Not


Low Very


While economical barriers apply both to thermal and hydropower plants, run-of-river

facilities have more economic risks due to its higher climate vulnerability. These can be

overcome by applying the national and international incentives associated with GHG

mitigation projects, namely the VAT exclusion of imported equipment for being a carbon

credit exporter and the carbon credit sales revenues.

Furthermore, run-of-river hydroelectric plants face operational and maintenance barriers due

to the flow of sediments and particulate material that degrade the generation equipment and

cause turbulence, affecting generation capacity. The Carlos Lleras Restrepo plant is the first

run-of-river hydroelectric power plant developed by Hidralpor S.A.S. E.S.P. and has faced

such barriers in its design and operation. To address and mitigate these barriers once the

Project began operation, Hidralpor has undertaken scientific investigation projects with

support of Colciencias, a national government entity that promotes scientific, technological

and innovation development in the country.

3.1. Same type and level of service

The same type and level of service from the SIN is available prior to and after operation of

the Project plant. The UPME (Mining and Energy Planning Unit) published official data of

the maximum demand and net effective capacity for the years 2014 and 2015. The net

effective capacity is on average 1.6 times the electricity demand. The following figure shows

that a significant increase in the net effective capacity occurred in October 2014 of 832 MW,

which is more than 10 times the installed capacity of the project that started operation in

November 2015. As such, the level of service of the SIN was the same with and without the

installation and operation of the hydropower plant Carlos Lleras Restrepo, which was not

essential for compliance with the electricity demand of the country from the national grid.

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Figure 4 Maximum demand vs Net Effective Capacity of electricity system in Colombia. Source: UPME

3.2. Compliance with Resolution 1447 of 2018, article 35.

Article 35 of the resolution states that the baseline must be established according to the

reference scenario published by the MADS or approved by the Intersectoral Commission of

Climate Change. However, no such relevant reference scenario has been established. The

next option is to define the baseline pursuant to the methods of the national GHG inventory

in case there is information available at the higher methodological level according to IPCC

guidelines. For the inventory category regarding this project emission sources, 1A1a, the Tier

2 methodologies for CO2 were applied and the source of information is the FECOC, a

database elaborated by the UPME and MADS. However, Tier 3 methods are not applied.

Therefore, the baseline is determined according to the SIN emission factors published by the

UPME, which are calculated using the same emission factors used to elaborate the national

GHG inventory and site specific fuel consumption and electricity generation data to which

UPME has access.

3.3. Compliance with ISO 14064 requirements

There is excellent data availability to define the baseline scenario, also the sources of

information are reliable and no limitations on data were identified.

4 . I n v e n t o r y o f s o u r c e s , s i n k s a n d R e s e r v o i r s ( S S R s ) f o r t h e

p r o j e c t a n d b a s e l i n e 4.1. Project boundary

The spatial extent of the project boundary includes the project power plant/units and all

power plants/units connected physically to the electricity system that the Project power plant

is connected to.

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The greenhouse gases and emission sources included in or excluded from the project

boundary are identified in line with the CDM methodology ACM0002 and are shown as


Table 15 Emission sources included in of excluded from the project boundary

Source Gas Included Justification/Explanation




CO2 emissions from

electricity generation in

fossil fuel fired power plants

that are displaced due to the

project activity

CO2 Yes Main emission source

CH4 No Main emission source

N2O No Main emission source

Other No There aren´t other GHG

associated with this source



N/A CO2 No

There are not any GHG

associated with the operation of

the project activity

The methodology covers the following project emissions that do not apply to the Carlos

Lleras Restrepo hydroelectric power plant:

- For dry or flash steam geothermal power plants, emissions of CH4 and CO2 from non-

condensable gases contained in geothermal steam

- For binary geothermal power plants, fugitive emissions of CH4 and CO2 from non-

condensable gases contained in geothermal steam

- For binary geothermal power plants, fugitive emissions of hydrocarbons such as n-butane

and isopentane (working fluid) contained in the heat exchangers

- CO2 emissions from combustion of fossil fuels for electricity generation in solar thermal

power plants and geothermal power plants

- For hydro power plants, emissions of CH4 from the reservoir

Table 16 Controlled, affected and related sources of the project

Source Gas

How the GHG SSR change from the

baseline scenario to the project?

Controlled Not relevant N/A There is no related emissions source

relevant to the project activities


Emissions avoided from

power plants that are more

intensive in GHG emissions


The operation of the project prevents the

energy supply by plants that are

connected to the national grid that are

fossil fuel-based

Related Not relevant N/A There is no related emissions source

relevant to the project activities

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4.2. Process flow diagrams

Figure 5 Baseline flow diagram

Figure 6 Project flow diagram

5 . Q u a n t i f i c a t i o n a n d c a l c u l a t i o n o f G H G e m i s s i o n s / r e m o v a l s 5.1. Estimation of baseline emissions

Baseline emissions are calculated according to equation 11 of the ACM0002

𝐵𝐸𝑦 = 𝐸𝐺𝑃𝐽,𝑦 × 𝐸𝐹𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑,𝐶𝑀,𝑦


𝐵𝐸𝑦 = Baseline emissions in year y (t CO2/yr)

𝐸𝐺𝑃𝐽,𝑦 = Quantity of net electricity generation that is produced and fed into

the grid as a result of the implementation of the CDM project activity

in year y (MWh/yr)

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𝐸𝐹𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑,𝐶𝑀,𝑦 = Combined margin CO2 emission factor for grid connected power

generation in year y calculated using the “TOOL07: Tool to calculate

the emission factor for an electricity system” (t CO2/MWh)

For a Greenfield power plant like Carlos Lleras Restrepo hydropower plant, the quantity of

net electricity produced and fed into the grid corresponds to the electricity produced by the

new facility.

𝐸𝐺𝑃𝐽,𝑦 = 𝐸𝐺𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑦


𝐸𝐺𝑃𝐽,𝑦 = Quantity of net electricity generation that is produced and fed into

the grid as a result of the implementation of the CDM project activity

in year y (MWh/yr)

𝐸𝐺𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑦 = Quantity of net electricity generation supplied by the project

plant/unit to the grid in year y (MWh/yr)

According to the methodology ACM0002 version 19.0, section 5.2.1 paragraph 22, the

baseline emissions factor is calculated according to the latest version of the TOOL07, and

this report uses the corresponding official national data. For the combined margin CO2

emission factor, official national figures calculated by the UPME are applied.

5.2. Estimation of project emissions

Project emissions are calculated according to equation (1) of ACM0002 version 19, as


𝑃𝐸𝑦 = 𝑃𝐸𝐹𝐹,𝑦 + 𝑃𝐸𝐺𝑃,𝑦 + 𝑃𝐸𝐻𝑃,𝑦


𝑃𝐸𝑦 = Project emissions in year y (t CO2e/yr)

𝑃𝐸𝐹𝐹,𝑦 = Project emissions from fossil fuel consumption in year y (t CO2/yr)

𝑃𝐸𝐺𝑃,𝑦 = Project emissions from the operation of dry, flash steam or binary

geothermal power plants in year y (t CO2e/yr)

𝑃𝐸𝐻𝑃,𝑦 = Project emissions from water reservoirs of hydro power plants in year

y (t CO2e/yr)

For Carlos Lleras Restrepo hydropower project 𝑃𝐸𝐹𝐹,𝑦, 𝑃𝐸𝐹𝐹,𝑦, and 𝑃𝐸𝐺𝑃,𝑦 are zero, because

the project doesn’t involve fossil fuel consumption, operation of geothermal power plants or

a water reservoir.

Furthermore, ACM0002 version 19.0, section 5.4.1 paragraph 36 states that for all renewable

energy power generation project activities, emissions due to the use of fossil fuels for the

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backup generator can be neglected. The Project has two backup generators, located at the

intake site and at the powerhouse.

One other use of fossil fuel was identified associated with the Project: a dump truck is used

for transporting solid waste recovered by the filters at the intake area to the landfill at a

distance of 5 km. The emissions from the dump truck are not accounted for since they are


Also, at the intake as well as at the powerhouse, there are meters for electricity consumption

by the offices, and this consumption is billed to Hidralpor as an end user. The associated

emissions are not accounted for since they are minuscule.

5.3. Leakage

No leakage emissions are considered. The emissions potentially arising due to activities such

as power plant construction and upstream emissions from fossil fuel use (e.g. extraction,

processing, transport etc.) are neglected.

5.4. Calculation of net emission reductions

The project emission reductions are calculated according to ACM0002 equation (17), as


𝐸𝑅𝑦 = 𝐵𝐸𝑦 + 𝑃𝐸𝑦


𝐸𝑅𝑦 = Emission reductions in year y (t CO2e/yr)

𝐵𝐸𝑦 = Baseline emissions in year y (t CO2e/yr)

𝑃𝐸𝑦 = Project emissions in year y (t CO2e/yr)

5.5. Example calculation

Baseline emissions

Description Parameter Unit 2016

Quantity of net electricity generation

supplied by the project EGfacility,y MWh 349,107

Combined margin CO2 emission factor for

grid EFgrid,CM,y tCO2/MWh 0.401

Baseline emissions BEy tCO2 139,991.9

𝐵𝐸2016 = 349,107 𝑀𝑊ℎ ∗ 0.401𝑡𝐶𝑂2

𝑀𝑊ℎ= 139,991 𝑡𝐶𝑂2

Project emissions

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Description Parameter Unit 2016

Emissions from fossil fuel consumption PEFF,y MWh -

Emissions from the operation of dry, flash

steam or binary geothermal power plants PEGP,y tCO2/MWh -

Emissions from water reservoirs of hydro

power plants PEHP,y MWh -

Project emissions PEy tCO2/MWh -

𝐸𝑅2016 = 139,991 𝑡𝐶𝑂2 − 0 𝑡𝐶𝑂2 = 139,991 𝑡𝐶𝑂2

6 . M o n i t o r i n g t h e D a t a i n f o r m a t i o n m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m a n d

d a t a c o n t r o l s 6.1. Monitored parameters

The methodological TOOL05 “Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity

consumption and monitoring of electricity generation”, version 03.0 is used to determine the

monitoring plan.

Table 17

Data / Parameter: 𝐸𝐹𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑,𝐶𝑀,𝑦

Data unit: tCO2/MWh

Description: Combined margin emission factor for the grid in year y

Source of data National emission factor published in Resolutions by the UPME, related

to the calculation of the combined margin emission factor, using the

procedures in the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity


Values applied: Year EF - tCO2/MWh

2015 0.388

2016 0.401

2017 0.367

2018 0.380

2019 0.381

2020-2025 0.383


methods and


The UPME page is reviewed annually to determine whether the official

value has been updated




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The value applied is compared against the value of the previous year and

in case of notable differences, investigate the presence of errors/justify the

observed change

Purpose of data Baseline emission calculation

Any comment: For the year y of the project, the national emission factor of the year y-1

is applied, because usually the official value of the year y is published the

last month of the year y+1.

Table 18

Data / Parameter: 𝐸𝐺𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑦

Data unit: MWh

Description: Quantity of electricity generated and supplied by the project power plant

to the grid in year y

Source of data Measurements archived by Hidralpor

Values applied: Year MWh

22/11/2015 - 31/12/2015 32,525

2016 349,107

2017 457,710

2018 431,470

2019 426,847

2020-2024 (yearly) 453,740

1/1/2025-21/11/2025 405,258


methods and


Use of a bidirectional electricity meter at the point where energy is

dispatched to the national grid.



Hourly, aggregated annually



According to Resolution of the CREG 038 of 2014:

There must be a backup meter of the same specifications of the

principal meter

The measuring system must have a maximum total percentage

error of 0.1%

A third party entity (Telmetergy) is responsible for the measurement and

is certified to assesses the energy production by remote measurements.

Purpose of data Baseline emission calculation

Any comment: -

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6.2. Monitoring Plan

I. Methods

The following figure presents the general process for monitoring and reporting data relevant

for the operation of the Project. The principal actors described in the figure are:

- CGM: Measurement Management Center (in Spanish Centro de Gestión de Medidas).

For this project, the CGM is the company Telmetergy

- ASIC: Manager of the System of Commercial Interchanges (In Spanish, Administrador

del Sistema de Intercambios Comerciales). For this project the ASIC is the company XM.

- Boundary agent: The company responsible for the energy generation. In this project, the

company Hidralpor S.A.S. E.S.P.

Figure 7 Monitoring scheme.

The point of measurement is located at the Girardota substation, where the electricity is

dispatched to the national grid. There is a principal and a backup meter. Both are bidirectional

and measure both supply to and consumption from the grid.

The reading and recording of the meter data are done via 3G mobile communication by the

CGM, who collects the information and reports it via web service to the ASIC. Every day,

the CGM makes a generation report. The report must have the measurements of the principal

and backup meters of the real energy generation and consumption.

Then, the ASIC publishes the following information in the web service:

- Boundary code

- Boundary agent

- Net readings reported by the principal and backup meter

- Results of the validations of format and coherence of the measurements

- Number of days of failure

- Type of failure

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Furthermore, every measuring system of a power plant that is dispatching energy to the

national grid must have an Equipment Record, where the information related to the generator,

technical characteristics of the measuring system, communication interface, maintenance and

calibration procedures are described.

II. Roles and Responsibilities

Table 19 Roles and responsibilities in the monitoring plan

Role Responsibilities Competences Responsible

Boundary Agent Define the responsible

party for measuring.

Define for XM who may

access the meter.

Information storage.

Expertise in


generation and


Owner of the

power plant:

Hidralpor S.A.S.


Reading and

reporting the

primary data

Meter readings.

Reports to the XM

commercial demand


Keep documented


QA/QC assurance.

Expertise in the


procedures of

electrical energy.

Expertise in

electricity dispatch



GCM: Telmetergy

Supervision of

the electricity

generation of the

power plant

Receive the generation


Publish electricity

generated in its

informational platform.

Collection and payment

of the energy services

Expertise in the



processes of

electrical energy.

Expertise in

electricity dispatch



Management of

generation of

electricity data.


Calibration and


Maintenance and

calibration of the

measuring system.

Expertise in


measurement and



electrical engineer

III. Supervision and accountability

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According to CREG Resolution 038 of 2014

- Meters must allow local download of measurement data.

- Measuring systems must include the infrastructure for safe remote readings.

- The responsible party for the generation must keep data for at least two years.

- Local supervision, remote measurement and configuration of meter parameters must

have at least two levels of access and passwords for each user. Hidralpor determines

who may access to the meter and notifies the list of users to XM. XM defines

passwords and level of access given.

- Telmetergy has access to read the measurement, set parameters, and restoration of


- The Grid Operator verifies the technical requirements of the measuring system.

- The CGM sends annually a report to the ASIC.

- When the principal meter fails, the data is taken from the readings of the backup


IV. Procedures for quality control and assurance and internal auditing

Data collected as part of the monitoring system will be archived in digital form and stored

for at least two years after the end of the emission reduction crediting period.

According to CREG Resolution 038 of 2014

- All elements of the measuring system must have a compliance certificate issued by a

national accredited entity.

- Meters must be calibrated by accredited laboratories before commissioning.

- Meters must be re- calibrated after any repair or intervention and every two years.

The periodic calibration must be certified by the ASIC.

- There must be detailed and documented procedures for data protection.

- The ASIC publishes the data received for verification and validation purposes in the

web application.

- Maintenance of measuring systems is done every two years, applying specific

procedures defined by the boundary agent.

- The ASIC web application verifies the coherence of the measurements when received

from the CGM.

- The ASIC must contract a five-year verification of the commercial boundaries.

- The CGM makes a daily analysis, evaluating coherence by comparing to typical or

historical values, tendency, seasonality and backup measurements.

Hidralpor receives a report from Telmetergy related to the power plant generation and each

month makes a cross check between this information and the information published by XM.

Telmetergy has the following procedures:

- Telemetering procedure

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- Procedure for validation and review of readings

- Procedure for validation by readings from the software Primeread

- Control procedure for database access

V. Correction procedures in non-conformity events

In case there is inconsistency between the information of the reports of Telmetergy and the

information published by XM, an agent of Hidralpor (Eudora) makes the corresponding claim

and follow-up to the ASIC.

When a failure is reported, there is a lapse of 15 calendar days to repair or replace the

equipment of the measuring system.

The CGM keeps contingency plans for reestablishment of the information systems and data


VI. Sampling methods

The monitoring plan does not apply sampling methods.

7 . R e p o r t i n g a n d v e r i f i c a t i o n d e t a i l s This report was prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 and the requirements of GHG

CleanProjects®. According to decree 926 of 2017, an accredited Verifier entity under the ISO

14065 standard was selected. The verification entity is an independent third party.

7.1. Monitoring period

For this document, emission reductions are reported from 01 January 2019 to 31 December

2019. A reduction of 162,629 tCO2 is claimed during this period.

7.2. Description of the implementation status of the project

The operation of the power plant has remained in continuous operation since the project

started its commercial phase. The events that affected generation temporarily during the

operation are described in the file “Eventos de geneación CLLR 2019”.

The monitoring system is presented in the following diagram.

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Figure 8 Carlos Lleras Restrepo hydroelectric generation – Monitoring period 2015-2018

7.3. Methodology deviations

Baseline emissions as well as project emissions are calculated according to the methodology.

7.4. Project description deviations

For this period, the parties involved, the project borders, the technologies employed, the

monitoring methods and the design of the mitigation project in general remain in accordance

with the description in the project report.

On 24 July 2018 the principal meter was tested in situ. On 25 July, the backup meter was

tested in situ. On these dates, the electricity generation data were taken from the readings of

the meter that was in normal service.

For calibration frequency of the electricity meter, CREG Resolution 038 establishes a

periodicity of two years. However, calibrations were done prior to entering into service in

May 2015 and the next one on July 2018. This did not affect the measurements, though,

because the July 2018 calibrations found both meters to be in satisfactory working order.

The total time out of service of each of the two units of the generation plant is taken into

account in the measurements of electricity generation, and therefore is accounted for

accurately in the emission reduction calculations.

7.5. Monitored parameters

Table 20

Data / Parameter: 𝐸𝐹𝑔𝑟𝑖𝑑,𝐶𝑀,𝑦

Data unit: tCO2/MWh

Description: Combined margin emission factor for the grid in year y


calculated/ default:

Calculated, annually, by the UPME

Source of data National emission factor published in Resolutions by the UPME, related

to the calculation of the combined margin emission factor, using the

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procedures in the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity


Values of



Year EF - tCO2/MWh

2015 0.388

2016 0.401

2017 0.367

2018 0.380

2019 0.381



Not applicable


Reading/ recording


Measuring: Not applicable

Reading: Annually

Recording: Annually


method (if


“Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system”.



The value applied was compared against the value of the previous year

and no notable differences were observed.

Purpose of data: Baseline emission calculation

Any comment: For the year y of the project, the national emission factor of the year y-1

is applied, because usually the official value of the year y is published the

last month of the year y+1.

Table 21

Data / Parameter: 𝐸𝐺𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦,𝑦

Data unit: MWh

Description: Quantity of electricity generated and supplied by the project power plant

to the grid in year y


calculated/ default:


Source of data: Measurements of the electricity meter archived by Hidralpor.

This information is also publicly available from the following website:

www.xm.com.co >Portal BI > Oferta > Histórico de oferta

Where daily generation data for each year is available for each generator.

Values of



Year MWh

22/11/2015 - 31/12/2015 32,525

2016 349,107

2017 457,710

2018 431,470

2019 426.847

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Principal Meter

- Type: Bidirectional energy and power quality meter

- Model: ION 8650A

- Accuracy: According to meter type 0.2S

- Serial: MW-1407A572-01

- Calibration frequency: According to Resolution CREG 038 of

2014, every two years.

- Date of last calibration:

o 26/07/2018 – Laboratory of calibration and test of gas and

energy meters - Empresas Públicas de Medellín E.S.P.

o 25/05/2015 – Laboratory of calibration of gas and energy

meters – Empresas Públicas de Medellín E.S.P.

Backup Meter

- Type: Bidirectional energy and power quality meter

- Model: ION 8650A

- Accuracy: According to meter type 0.2S

- Serial: MW-1407A570-01

- Calibration frequency: According to Resolution CREG 038 of

2014, every two years.

- Date of last calibration:

o 26/07/2018 – Laboratory of calibration and test of gas and

energy meters - Empresas Públicas de Medellín E.S.P.

o 25/05/2015 – Laboratory of calibration of gas and energy

meters – Empresas Públicas de Medellín E.S.P.


Reading/ recording


Measuring: Every 15 minutes

Reading: Every 60 minutes

Recording: Download information at least daily.

Reporting: Every morning Telmetergy sent a report to Hidralpor S.A.S.

E.S.P. with the generation of the previous day.


method (if


Convert data in kWh to MWh.




- Applied their procedure for validation and review of the readings,

which is a verification of data before it is reported to XM.

- Applied their procedure for validation by readings primeread

software, which consist on the comparison of data from (i) in situ

downloaded data, (ii) database information and (iii) downloaded

data from XM.

- Daily they sent a report directly to Hidralpor S.A.S E.S.P. with the

energy generated the day before.

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o The reports analyzed generation data, commercial activity

and climate conditions important for the power generation



- Monthly checked for consistency the data reported by Telmetergy

against the commercial data reported by XM.


- Received the report of the energy generated, and verified

coherence of the readings of the principal and backup meters

Purpose of data Baseline emission calculation

Any comment: -

7.6. Emission reduction calculation

For more detail information see the file CarlosLlerasRestrepo_2015-2018_v1.xlsx

Baseline Emissions

Description Parameter Unit Year

22/11/2015 -

31/12/2015 2016 2017 2018


Quantity of net



supplied by the


EGfacility,y MWh 32,525 349,107 457,710 431,470


Combined margin

CO2 emission

factor for grid

EFgrid,CM,y tCO2

/MWh 0.388 0.401 0.367 0.38


Baseline emissions BEy tCO2 12,619 139,991 167,979 163,958 162,629

Project Emissions

Description Parameter Unit Year

22/11/2015 -

31/12/2015 2016 2017 2018


Emissions from fossil fuel

consumption PEFF,y tCO2 - - - -

Emissions from the operation of

dry, flash steam or binary

geothermal power plants PEGP,y tCO2 - - - -

Emissions from water reservoirs

of hydro power plants PEHP,y tCO2 - - - -

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Project emissions PEy tCO2 - - - -

Emission reductions

Description Parameter Unit Year

22/11/2015 -

31/12/2015 2016 2017 2018



reductions EGfacility,y tCO2 12,619 139,991 167,979 163,958


7.7. GHG Assertion




emissions or

removals (tCO2e)

Estimated project

emissions or

removals (tCO2e)





Estimated net GHG

emission reductions

or removals (tCO2e)

22/11/2015 -



- -


2016 139,991 - - 139,991

2017 167,979 - - 167,979

2018 163,958 - - 163,958

2019 162,629 162,629

Total 647,176 - - 647,176

7.8. Verification process

This report was prepared in accordance with ISO 14064-2 and the requirements of GHG

CleanProjects®. According to decree 926 of 2017, an accredited Verifier entity under the

ISO 14065 standard was selected. Ruby Canyon Engineering, Inc., hereafter RCE, who is

an independent third party, conducted the verification process from January 25 to March 23,


The verification included the development of a COI form to identify any potential conflict of

interest. RCE developed a risk-based verification plan that included a strategic review, risk

assessment and sampling plan. The sampling plan included assessment of project boundaries,

the GHG management systems, information control systems, quality assurance (QA)

procedures, application of emissions factors, and GHG emission reductions calculations. All

verification activities were directed through the desktop review. Upon review of the

documentation, RCE submitted on round of findings. Hidralpor´s team attended all

clarification and documentation requests. RCE’s independent peer reviewer conducted a

review of the GHG Report and Assertion, verification procedures, sampling plan, findings,

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Verification Report and Verification Statement. The Verification Report was issued March

23 after the exit meeting was held.
