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Gillard digs in as Liberals push for police ... - SCHS EnglishAnal…  · Web viewDr Philip...

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Analysing Media Photos Choose ten of the below photographs from media opinion pieces and answer the following questions. 1. List the features of this photograph that immediately position the viewer. 2. What emotions is the photograph appealing to? 3. What do you think the contention of the photograph is? 4. How might the photograph aid the contention of the opinion piece.

Analysing Media Photos

Choose ten of the below photographs from media opinion pieces and answer the following questions.

1. List the features of this photograph that immediately position the viewer.2. What emotions is the photograph appealing to? 3. What do you think the contention of the photograph is?4. How might the photograph aid the contention of the opinion piece.

Times are a'changing, and so must political thinking April 7, 2012


Digital image: Judy Green.

THE new season of the TV drama Mad Men, which started screening in America last week, has moved closer to the psychedelic era and is set in 1966. A new generation of executives and copywriters is challenging the established order of the ad agency that is central to the story. Women are asserting themselves. An African-American woman has been hired as a secretary. For the agency's old hands, it's a disconcerting time. In the episode that aired last Sunday night, the show's most amusing character, the louche glad-hander Roger Sterling asks colleague Don Draper in frustration: ''When is everything going to get back to normal?''

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/times-are-achanging-and-so-must-political-thinking-20120406-1wh3y.html#ixzz1s3e089ZK

Ruddless Labor caught adrift in troubled waters March 31, 2012


Digital image: Judy Green

JULIA Gillard and her tight band of senior ministerial supporters now reign over a government of their design. The despised Kevin Rudd is no longer anywhere near the levers of power. Having been vilified by Gillard, her deputy Wayne Swan and other senior ministers as an out-of-control kook, Rudd has apparently been shamed by his 71-31 caucus defeat almost five weeks ago. Humbled, he has been banished to the government's outer reaches.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/ruddless-labor-caught-adrift-in-troubled-waters-20120330-1w3qk.html#ixzz1s3eB4ynG

Political play overshadows the pursuit of bright ideas March 24, 2012


Digital image: Judy Green

AS HE concluded yet another futile attempt to argue for a suspension of standing orders in Federal Parliament on Thursday, Tony Abbott declared that today's Queensland election, which Labor will lose in a landslide, would be a referendum on the Gillard government. Hansard records him thus: ''This is why standing orders must be suspended. We do not have a federal election but we have a Queensland one and the voters of Queensland will not miss. This Prime Minister and this - (Time expired).''

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/political-play-overshadows-the-pursuit-of-bright-ideas-20120323-1vphi.html#ixzz1s3eIGk5Y

Lonely Labor dodges the flak from unfriendly fire March 17, 2012


Digital Image: Judy Green.

Has there ever been a federal government with so few friends as the Gillard government? If you look at the events of just the past few days, you see members of the defence establishment trying to fatally injure the reputation of Defence Minister Stephen Smith, and some leading figures from the investment and financial community setting out to deride the government as incompetent over its appointment of David Gonski to head the Future Fund.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/lonely-labor-dodges-the-flak-from-unfriendly-fire-20120316-1vaor.html#ixzz1s3ePEude

Labor's air of defeat shows its obsession with Abbott March 10, 2012


'Originally dismissive of Abbott, the government is now obsessed with him.'

TONY Abbott issued one of the most remarkable, perhaps even shocking, statements of his time as Opposition Leader yesterday. Given that Abbott advised the public in early 2010 to treat his written pronouncements more seriously than his off-the-cuff responses in interviews, this was particularly noteworthy because it arrived in the form of a press release.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/labors-air-of-defeat-shows-its-obsession-with-abbott-20120309-1upx8.html#ixzz1s3eYGGbm

A tough road ahead for Gillard as the dust settles March 3, 2012


The battle for the Labor leadership - although fought in the open like a public ballot - was in fact an internal contest. Photo: Digital Image: Judy Green

JULIA Gillard has a natural and seemingly implacable resistance to sharing information about her life away from politics, such as her cultural preferences and the things that entertain her. But surely if she were to select a pop song to play on high rotation on the sound system at The Lodge right now it would be Lenny Kravitz's It Ain't Over 'til It's Over.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/a-tough-road-ahead-for-gillard-as-the-dust-settles-20120302-1u8ia.html#ixzz1s3ehWhH1

Bank-bashing archbishop mining an unprofitable vein April 11, 2012


Comments 86

"A sense of mutual obligation" ... Dr Philip Freier. Photo: Craig Abraham

Dr Philip Freier's response: Fair distribution of wealth will enrich Australian society

There is a pattern to the media cycle that is as predictable as the seasons. Before Anzac Day the press will be looking for stories of sacrifice by those who have served in the defence forces. During Melbourne Cup week, the jockey - largely ignored for most of the year - finds he is king of the airwaves. And during the quiet news periods of Christmas and Easter, church leaders have the opportunity to make headlines with their sermons and pronouncements.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/bankbashing-archbishop-mining-an-unprofitable-vein-20120410-1wn2n.html#ixzz1s3fdnSlU

Milne's pack heavy in political wilds April 15, 2012


Challenging times ahead ... Christine Milne. Photo: Andrew Meares

EVERY now and then, a resignation completely astonishes political watchers.

It's happened twice this year - and we're only in April.

On the day Julia Gillard trounced Kevin Rudd, Labor powerbroker Mark Arbib, a man who looked as if he would walk on broken glass to get ahead, suddenly declared he was quitting politics. Friday's announcement by Bob Brown was less mysterious, but still unexpected and, despite Brown being 67, somewhat counter-intuitive.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/milnes-pack-heavy-in-political-wilds-20120414-1wzy0.html#ixzz1s3fzkr8n

Gloss off as Greens lose electoral gold April 14, 2012

Bob Brown with his replacement as Greens leader, Christine Milne. Photo: Andrew Meares

THE timing of Bob Brown's quitting is anything but ideal for his party. While he stressed the desirability of ''renewal'', it would have been better left to the next parliamentary term.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/gloss-off-as-greens-lose-electoral-gold-20120413-1wz3r.html#ixzz1s3g4w1MJ

Gillard digs in as Liberals push for police warrant Michelle Grattan and Clay LucasApril 6, 2012

Craig Thomson. Photo: Andrew Meares

FAIR Work Australia has declined to give its report into allegations against Labor MP Craig Thomson and the Health Services Union to a Senate committee for another four to six weeks, declaring that it needs more time to consider it.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/gillard-digs-in-as-liberals-push-for-police-warrant-20120405-1wfmd.html#ixzz1s3gHK1on

Disappearing act of the soul that's so hard to bear March 4, 2012


Dreams of a good life ... what everyone wants.

TO HAVE lived a good life. Everyone wants that.

My grandmother lives in California and she is dying. She has a ''do not resuscitate'' order and her opportunistic infections are not being treated. To manage excruciating pain from the bones she broke in a fall she's been heavily sedated. In this manner will she slip away from us, relieved of suffering but unable to say goodbye.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/disappearing-act-of-the-soul-thats-so-hard-to-bear-20120303-1u9bp.html#ixzz1s3ggdAGc

Backward step for feminism February 18, 2012



Heavy hitting issues ... domestic violence. Photo: Gabriele Charotte

THE tweets were reactions to Chris Brown's appearance at the Grammy Awards. All were variations on a theme: domestic violence. Reading through them was an assault, too. A vivid reminder that at the start of the 21st century, there are still plenty of insecure women parading about like peahens in ways certain to attract abusive partners.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/backward-step-for-feminism-20120218-1tfs0.html#ixzz1s3gl6SgB

The name game is really a problem of socialisation February 5, 2012


Comments 51

The name game ... A question of choice.

Why do women take their partner's surnames when they marry? Why, even where a woman keeps her own name, does she follow tradition and give her offspring his surname instead of hers?

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/the-name-game-is-really-a-problem-of-socialisation-20120204-1qyfr.html#ixzz1s3goJIuq

Legal bind means there is no decent end to suffering Leslie CannoldJanuary 8, 2012


Difficult conversations ... the limits of modern medicine should be topics discussed with terminal patients. Photo: Jim Rice

SARA MONOPOLI, a non-smoker, was 34 years old - and 39 weeks pregnant - when diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Alan Rosendorff, 56, was a successful lawyer and strapping bloke who swam kilometres in Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay to keep fit, when he learnt his recently diagnosed stomach cancer had metastasised.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/legal-bind-means-there-is-no-decent-end-to-suffering-20120107-1pp4d.html#ixzz1s3gwyaPi

Good reason to worry about our democracy Leslie CannoldDecember 5, 2011


Comments 71

We have placed the essence of what we value in peril. Photo: Rob Homer

There is something rotten in Australian democracy, we have good reason to worry.

THERE'S been much talk recently about a decline in the ''civility'' of our public debate. This follows a long period of anxiety about ''values'' and disgruntlement about ''spin'', and - if I'm reading the tea leaves right - will soon give way to sustained fretting about what our Prime Minister recently called the ''Americanisation'' of Australian politics.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/good-reason-to-worry-about-our-democracy-20111204-1oddk.html#ixzz1s3h3xUjJ

Conscience votes hardly a matter of conscience November 20, 2011


People power ... US-style primaries would allow Australian voters to have more say in who runs for office. Photo: Wolter Peeters

Last week, the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, sought to take the heat out of the gay marriage issue. In an opinion piece in the Fairfax press, she announced she would offer Labor MPs a conscience vote if a private member's bill was presented. In the same article, the PM supported a recommendation from the 2010 National Review of the Labor Party to trial a new preselection process designed to engage the community.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/conscience-votes-hardly-a-matter-of-conscience-20111118-1nmtm.html#ixzz1s3h8Z9Cq

Crying out for unbolted freedom from decency Leslie CannoldNovember 7, 2011


Comments 9

Herald Sun columnist Andrew Bolt. Photo: Justin McManus JZM

The Federal Court recently found one of Australia's shock jocks of the written word guilty of violating the Racial Discrimination Act.

As the court's summary of the issues in Eatock v Bolt shows, violations of the Racial Discrimination Act are very difficult to prove. Even where successful, the consequences for offenders rarely amount to much. In this case there were no damages awarded, no apologies nor gag orders. Instead, the paper had to twice print a correction notice and refrain from publishing such material again.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/crying-out-for-unbolted-freedom-from-decency-20111104-1mzpa.html#ixzz1s3hDsJir

Don't be fooled – it's still zealot Tony underneath Leslie CannoldOctober 9, 2011


Comments 47

Strong views ... Tony Abbott. Photo: Louie Douvis

Not long ago I started a conversation thread on Twitter. My hope was that some of my more than 5000 followers would engage in some informed speculation about what life would be like for working-class people, Aborigines, gays, working parents and women of reproductive age if Tony Abbott became prime minister.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/dont-be-fooled--its-still-zealot-tony-underneath-20111007-1ld5h.html#ixzz1s3hMLTwc

Time to weigh anchor on the boat people ‘problem’ Leslie Cannold September 11, 2011


Comments 45

What drives our hostility to refugees? Photo: Jacky Ghossein

We have been talking about "boat people" for years. It's about time we moved on.

THE most compelling argument for bipartisanship on boat arrival policy is that we could finally stop talking about the issue and deal with something else.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/time-to-weigh-anchor-on-the-boat-people-problem-20110909-1k1el.html#ixzz1s3hTb9qe

It's my kind of town, say 666,000 new Melburnians Tim Colebatch March 31, 2012

Pushing the city's limits: kangaroos graze at Attwood in Melbournes northern suburbs.

MELBOURNE has added 666,000 new residents - equivalent to a third of a Brisbane - in a decade of growth that has outpaced anything any Australian city has seen before.

The Bureau of Statistics estimates that the city added 67,000 people in the year to June 30, 2011, almost 1300 a week, as new suburbs emerged, expanded and filled up, mostly to the north and west.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/political-news/its-my-kind-of-town-say-666000-new-melburnians-20120330-1w3t9.html#ixzz1s3ih6HJW
