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gimnasia volteretas

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  • 7/30/2019 gimnasia volteretas


    1. VOLTERETA ADELANTE AGRUPADA/ THE FORWARD SOMERSAULTConsiste en hacer un giro en el eje transversal del cuerpo apoyando las manos, rodando el cuerpo y,

    finalmente, acabando en posicin de pie.

    The forward somersault consists of making a turn on the cross axis of the body, supporting yourself with

    your hands, rolling your body, and finally, ending in a position with your feet planted on the floor.


    a. Tienes que agruparte cuanto puedas para hacerte lo ms redondo posible.b. Debes hacer el apoyo de manos con toda la palma, separadas la anchura de los hombros y con los

    dedos orientados hacia adelante.

    c. Tienes que aproximar La barbilla al pecho.d. Antes de despegar, los pies deben estar juntos.e. Los pies deben permanecer unidos durante de la fase de giro.f. Debes contactar con la colchoneta con el comienzo de la espalda.g. Tienes que girar rpido para poder ponerte de pie.h. Debes girar siguiendo una lnea recta.


    a. Has extendido el cuello.b. No has dirigido tus dedos hacia adelantec. Has Apoyado el antebrazo en lugar de las palmas de las manos.


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    d. Has abierto las piernase. Has hecho tijeras con los pies en lugar de mantener los pies juntosf. Tu cabeza a tocado la colchoneta.g. No has impulsado lo suficiente.h. No te has impulsado suficientementei. Te has ladeado.


    a. You have to make your body as round as possible.b. You should support yourself with the palms of your hands, shoulder-width apart and with your

    fingers pointing forward.

    c. You have to bring your chin as close to your chest as possible.d. Before the turn, your feet should be together.e. Your feet should be kept together during the phase of the turn.f. Your upper back should make contact with the mat.g. You have to roll yourself quickly in order to be able to arrive back on your feet.h. You have to turn in a straight line.


    a. You have extended your neck.b. You have not directed all of your fingers forward.c. You have used your forearm as a support instead of your palms.d. You has opened your legse. You have made your legs into scissors, instead of keeping your feet together.f. Your head has touched the mat.g. You have not sufficiently propelled yourself forward.h. You have gone sideway

    2. VOLTERETA ADELANTE CON PIERNAS EXTENDIDAS/ THE FORWARD SOMERSAULT WITH LEGS EXTENDEDEs una variante de la anterior en la que la posicin final es de pie con las piernas separadas.

    This varies from the last move in that you land in the final position with your legs separated.

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    Todo es igual que la anterior pero en el ltimo momento debes separar las piernas e impulsarte con las


    a. Debes mantener las piernas unidas has que el giro acabe.b. Debes contactar las manos justo debajo del pubis.c. Las manos deben impulsar en el suelo antes que las piernasd. Debes extender las rodillas en el ltimo momento.e. Debes girar con velocidad.


    a. Has separado las piernas antes de tiempo.b. Has apoyado las manos demasiado cerca/lejos.c. Has impulsado con las manos despus de hacerlo con los pies.d. No has extendido las rodillas en el ltimo momento.e. No te has impulsado lo suficiente.


    Everything is the same as the last movement, except that in the last moment you should separate yourlegs and push yourself forward with your hands.

    a. You should keep your legs together until the turn is finished.b. You have to touch the mat with your palms just under your pubis.c. You have to push with your hands before your feet.d. You have to extend your knees in the last moment.e. You have to turn quickly enough.


    a. You have separated your legs too early.b. You have land your hands to close/to far.c. You have push with your hands after your feet.

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    d. You havent extended your knees in the last moment.e. You have not sufficiently propelled yourself forward.

    3. VOLTERETA LANZADA/ THE HANDSPRINGEs una variante de la anterior en la que hay una fase de vuelo antes de iniciar el giro.

    This varies from the last move in that you leap forward before initiating the turn.


    a. Tienes que buscar el apoyo de las manos ms adelante que en las volteretas anteriores.b. Tienes que saltar hacia arriba y despus caer.c. Debes flexionar los codos despus de aterrizar con las manos.d. Debes flexionar ligeramente la cadera.


    a. Has apoyado las manos demasiado cerca.b. Has saltado hacia adelante en lugar de hacia arriba.c. Has ido con el cuerpo demasiado extendido.d. No has flexionado los codos.


    a. You have to use your hands as a support farther than in the somersaults.b. You have to jump up first, and then fall forward.c. You have to flex your elbows after landing with your hands.d. You should slightly bend your hips.


    a. You have contacted with your hands to close.b. You have jumped forward instead of up.

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    c. You havent bent your elbows.d. Your body was too extended for the movement.

    4. VOLTERETA ATRS AGRUPADA/ THE BACKWARDS SOMERSAULTConsiste en hacer un giro en el eje transversal del cuerpo apoyando las manos, rodando el cuerpo

    y, finalmente, acabando en posicin de pie.

    The backwards somersault consists of making a turn on the cross axis of the body, supportingyourself with your hands, rolling your body, and, finally, ending in a position with your feet planted on the



    a. Tienes que comenzar el movimiento en cluclillas y con los brazos al frente.b. Cuando comienza el movimiento debes poner tus manos orientadas hacia atrs a la altura de tus


    c. Debes realizar el movimiento con velocidadd. Despus del giro, debes impulsar con las manos para evitar presionar el cuello.e. Debes estirar los codos al final del movimiento


    a. Has empezado de pie en lugar de en cuclillas.b. No has colocado bien las manos.c. No has girado con velocidad.d. No has impulsado suficiente con las manos.e. No has extendido los codos.



    You have to begin the movement in a crouching position with your arms forward.b. When you begin the movement, you should put your hands at the same height as your ears andpoint them backwards.

    c. You have to make the movement quickly.

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    d. After the turn, you should propel yourself with your hands in order to avoid pressure on your


    e. Yu must to extend your elbows at the end of the movement.FREQUENT ERRORS

    a. You have begun the position on your feet, instead of crouching.b. You have not placed your hands in a correct position.c. You have not done the turn quickly enough.d. You havent propelled enough with your handse. You have not straightened your elbows.

    5. EQUILIBRIO INVERTIDO DE CABEZA/ THE HEADSTANDConsiste en mantener un equilibrio invertido mantenido con tres apoyos: la cabeza y las dos manos.

    The headstand consists in maintaining an inverted balance with three supports: the head and the hands.


    a. Debes poner La cabeza y las palmas de modo que formen un tringulo equiltero antes decomenzar a realizar el equilibrio.

    b. El apoyo con la cabeza debe comenzar en la frente.c. No mover las manos despus de iniciado el movimiento.d. El tronco es el primer segmento que debe subir, despus las piernas.e. Debes bloquear las caderas.f. Debes impulsarte con suficiente fuerza.g. El cuerpo debe alinearse perfectamente con los pies juntos.


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    a. Has puesto los tres apoyos en lnea en lugar de formando un tringulob. Has apoyado la parte superior de la cabeza.c. Has movido las manos una vez iniciado el movimiento.d. No has bloqueado las caderas.e. No has impulsado lo suficiente.f. Has Impulsado demasiado, sin control.g. El cuerpo no estaba alineado


    a. You should put your head and palms of your hands in the form of an equilateral triangle beforebeginning to balance in the position.

    b. You should use your forehead as a support for your head.c. You cant move your hand when the movement has started.d. The first part of your body that you should lift is your torso, and then your legs.e. You must blocked your hips.f. Your body should be perfectly aligned with your feet together.


    a. You have placed your three supports in a line.b. You have supported yourself with the top of your head.c. Move your hands once as you begin the movement.d. You have not kept your hips squared.e. You have not sufficiently propelled yourself forward.f. You have propelled yourself forward with too much force and lost control.g. Your body wasnt properly aligned.

    6. EQUILIBRIO INVERTIDO DE MANOS/ THE HANDSTANDConsiste en mantener un equilibrio invertido mantenido con el apoyo de las manos.

    The handstand consists in holding an inverted balance, using your hands as supports.

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    a. Colcate con una pierna adelantada flexionada y la de atrs extendida.b. Debes apoyar las manos firmemente, separados a la anchura de los hombros y con los dedos

    orientados hacia adelante.

    c. Debes buscar el equilibrio con el tronco estirado y los hombros bloqueados.d. Debes flexionar el pie adelantado y lanzar el atrasado con rodilla estiradae. Las dos piernas se juntan en la vertical.f. Mantn el tronco arqueado.g. Debes impulsarte con suficiente fuerza.h. Debes bajar flexionando la cadera, primero con un pie y despus con el otro.


    a. No tenas adelantada una pierna.b. Has flexionado los codos.c. No has bloqueado los hombros.d. No has extendido el pie retrasado.e. No has juntado las piernas en la vertical.f. Has flexionado tus caderas.g. Debes impulsar con ms fuerza.h. Has bajado con los dos pies a la vez.


    a. Stand with one leg forward and bent, and the other behind you and extended.b. You should support yourself with firm hands, shoulder-width apart, and with your fingers pointed

    forward.c. You should try to balance yourself leaning forward keeping your trunk extended and your

    shoulder blocked

    d. You must bent your foot forward and after to throw de back leg extended.

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    e. Your two legs should come together while vertical.f. You should keep your torso curved backward.g. You must propelled yourself strong enough.h. You should lower yourself while bent at the hips, and first lower one foot and then the other.


    a. You had not your leg forwardb. You have bent your elbows.c. You havent blocked the waist.d. You have not extended your foot behind you.e. You havent put your leg together while verticalf. You have bent your hips.g. You should propel yourself with more force.h. You have not kept your hips squared.i. You have lowered yourself with both feet at the same time.

    7. RUEDA LATERAL/ THE CARTWHEELConsiste en realizar un giro sobre el eje anteroposterior del cuerpo apoyando sucesivamente cada uno de

    los segmentos corporales simulando el movimiento de una rueda.

    The cartwheel consists in completing a turn around the axis anteroposterior of the body, supporting

    yourself with each part of your body, one by one, simulating the movement of a wheel.

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    a. Colcate de pie con brazos extendidos hacia arriba.b. Da un paso largo y busca el apoyo de la primera mano cerca del pie adelantado.c. Apoya primero una mano y despus la otra.d. Comienza el giro manteniendo la pierna retrasada extendida.e. Apoya la segunda mano, implsate y pasa por la vertical con los pies separados.f. Mantn estirado el cuerpo la fase de vuelog. Debes caer primero con el pie adelantado y, despus, con el atrasado.


    a. Has iniciado el movimiento flexionado.b. Has hecho el primer paso demasiado corto.c. No debes apoyar las dos manos a la vez.d. Debes mantener extendido el pie atrasado.e. Has juntado los pies en la verticalf. Debes evitar flexionar la cadera durante el giro.g. Has cado con los dos pies a la vez.


    a. Stand with your arms extended above your head.b. Take a long step and support yourself with the hand closest to your forward foot.c. You have support yourself with one hand and afterwards the other one.d. Begin the turn, keeping your back leg extended.e. Support yourself with your second hand and push yourself forward so that your legs are vertical

    above you with your feet separated.

    f. Kept your feet together during the flight.g. You should land first with your forward foot, and second with the other.

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    a. You have begun the movement with your body bent.b. You have taken the first step too much short.c. You have support yourself with your hands at the same time.d. You have not kept your back foot extended.e. You have put your feet together while turning.f. You have bent your hips during the turn.g. You have landed with both feet at the same time.

    8. LA RONDADA/ THE ROUND-OFFConsiste en realizar un movimiento combinado de una rueda lateral y un giro de 180 grados.

    This movement consists of a combination of a cartwheel and a 180 degree turn.


    a. Comienza el impulso con el cuerpo extendido y los dos brazos extendidos arriba.b. Da un paso largo y busca el apoyo de las dos manos a la vez.c. Eleva los dos pies a la vez bloqueando las caderas.d. Gira 180 grados de modo que el aterrizaje se produzca orientando tu cuerpo en sentido contrario

    al movimiento realizado.

    e. Debes aterrizar con los ambos pies a la vez.ERRORES FRECUENTES

    a. Has realizado el impulso con el cuerpo flexionado.b. No has adelantado un pie antes del apoyo de las manos.c. No has juntado tus pies en la vertical.d. No has realizado el giro de 180 grados.e. Debes aterrizar con los dos pies a la vez.


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    a. Begin to propel yourself with your trunk extended both arms extended above your head.b. Take a long step and support yourself with both hands at the same time.c. Lift both your legs at the same time andd. Turn 180 degrees in order to land opossite the direction of the movement.e. You must land with both feet at the same time.


    a. You have done the jump with your body bent.b. You havent advanced one foot before the palm supportc. You havent put your feet together in the handstand You havent performed the 180 turnd. You have to land with the two feet at the same time.
