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Gis hydrology river_in_summary of river link project_with images_05.08.2013

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Study on linking or rivers in India for Irrigation & Flood Control
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Summary of Link Proposal 1 Almatti - Pennar Link The Proposal: For interlinking Krishna with Pennar, three links are envisaged. Almatti -Pennar is the first link. This link will divert 1,980 Mcum of water and will provide enroute irrigation to 2.58 lakh hectares (1.76 lakh hectares in Andhra Pradesh and 0.82 lakh hectares in Karnataka), utilizing 1,714 Mcum of water. A provision of 56 Mcum has been made towards domestic & industrial requirement enroute. The quantum of water diverted through this link canal will be made available at Almatti in exchange of the surplus waters of Mahanadi and Godavari basins transferred to Nagarjunasagar from the river Godavari. This link canal will run for a length of 587 km., which includes 5 tunnels of different lengths totaling 35.66 km. Figure1:Index Map of Almatti-Pennar Link Engineering Aspect: The link proposes to utilize the Existing Almatti reservoir in Krishna basin, which is a component of the ongoing Upper Krishna Project with a gross storage capacity of 3,440 Mcum at FRL 519.60 m under Stage-II. Along with this ongoing project, one more reservoir at Kalvapalli and the existing tank at Bukkapatnam in Pennar basin are also proposed as the head works required for the link canal. The total length of the conveyance system is 587 km including 5 tunnels to cross ridges and avoid heavy cutting. The link canal is proposed to be operated for 180 days from June to November in a year with a designed discharge of 230 cumecs at head. The canal takes off from Almatti reservoir at FSL 510 m and crosses Tungabhadra and Vedavathi rivers and joins the proposed Kalvapalli reservoir on Pennar river and runs further to join the stream of Maddileru a tributary of Pennar river via existing Bukkapatnam tank. The diversion is entirely by gravity. Environmental Issue: The existing Almatti reservoir submerges a total area of 48,787 ha. About 22 villages with 80,000 populations will be affected due to the project. Along the canal alignment about 71 ha of forest land will come under submergence for which a compensatory afforestation programme for 142 ha of land have been evolved in order to compensate loss of vegetation.
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Summary of Link Proposal1 Almatti - Pennar LinkThe Proposal:For interlinking Krishna with Pennar, three links are envisaged. Almatti -Pennar is the first link. This link will divert 1,980 Mcum of water and will provide enroute irrigation to 2.58 lakh hectares (1.76 lakh hectares in Andhra Pradesh and 0.82 lakh hectares in Karnataka), utilizing 1,714 Mcum of water. A provision of 56 Mcum has been made towards domestic & industrial requirement enroute. The quantum of water diverted through this link canal will be made available at Almatti in exchange of the surplus waters of Mahanadi and Godavari basins transferred to Nagarjunasagar from the river Godavari. This link canal will run for a length of 587 km., which includes 5 tunnels of different lengths totaling 35.66 km.

Figure1:Index Map of Almatti-Pennar Link

Engineering Aspect:The link proposes to utilize the Existing Almatti reservoir in Krishna basin, which is a component of the ongoing Upper Krishna Project with a gross storage capacity of 3,440 Mcum at FRL 519.60 m under Stage-II. Along with this ongoing project, one more reservoir at Kalvapalli and the existing tank at Bukkapatnam in Pennar basin are also proposed as the head works required for the link canal. The total length of the conveyance system is 587 km including 5 tunnels to cross ridges and avoid heavy cutting. The link canal is proposed to be operated for 180 days from June to November in a year with a designed discharge of 230 cumecs at head. The canal takes off from Almatti reservoir at FSL 510 m and crosses Tungabhadra and Vedavathi rivers and joins the proposed Kalvapalli reservoir on Pennar river and runs further to join the stream of Maddileru a tributary of Pennar river via existing Bukkapatnam tank. The diversion is entirely by gravity.

Environmental Issue:The existing Almatti reservoir submerges a total area of 48,787 ha. About 22 villages with 80,000 populations will be affected due to the project. Along the canal alignment about 71 ha of forest land will come under submergence for which a compensatory afforestation programme for 142 ha of land have been evolved in order to compensate loss of vegetation.

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2 Bedti - Varada LinkThe Proposal:This link proposal envisages diversion of 242 Mcum of surplus waters of Bedti basin to water short Tungabhadra sub-basin, to be utilized under Tungabhadra Project Command. The irrigation that proposed under the link canal is 60,200 hectares in the drought prone Raichur district of Karnataka. Two powerhouses with an installed capacity 1.8 MW each are also proposed. The requirement of power for lifting the water has been estimated to be 61.10 MW for a total lift of 123.70 m. in three stages.

Figure2:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The head works of this project consists of two dams viz. Pattanadahalla dam on Pattanadahalla stream and Shalamalahalla dam on Shalamalahalla stream and interlinking systems between these two reservoirs. The proposed FRL of the Pattanadahalla dam is at 512.75 m and that of Shalamalahalla dam at 480.4 m. The live storage and dead storage capacities of these two dams are fixed at 13.00 Mcum and 5 Mcum and 72.50 Mcum and 7.5 Mcum respectively. The conveyance system of the link canal has been sub-divided into two main components viz. interlinking of Pattanadahalla and Shalamalahalla reservoirs and interlinking of the canal/tunnel from Shalamalahalla reservoir to a tributary of Varada river. The interlinking of the first component is about 8.5 km long including 2.2 km long tunnel. The second component is about 14.83 km long including 6.8 km long tunnel. The canal takes off from the Shalamalahalla reservoir at FSL 520.3 m after an initial lift of 57.8 m and outfalls into a stream leading

to Varada river at FSL 565.0 m with additional lift of 65.90 m in two stages of 25.78 m and 40.12 m.

Environmental Issue:In this link, about 1,005 ha of area in north Kanara district would come under submergence of which 787 ha is forest land, 130 ha cultivable land and 88 ha under non-agricultural use. Provision for compensatory afforestation on account of submergence of forest land has been made. No important historical monuments and archaeological structures will be coming under submergence. Due to construction of the two proposed dams, one village with a population of 967 will come under submergence.

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3 Damanganga-Pinjal LinkThe Proposal:This link proposes to divert surplus waters available at Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs in Damanganga basin to Pinjal dam across the river Pinjal in Vaitarna basin. It will transmit 909 Mcum of water to Mumbai City for meeting the domestic and industrial demands.

Figure3:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The proposal envisages construction of three storage reservoirs viz. Bhugad, Khargihill and Pinjal. The entire conveyance portion of the link canal is sub-divided into two parts, viz. (i) a tunnel of 16.85 km length to connect Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs and (ii) a tunnel of 25.70 km length to connect Khargihill and Pinjal reservoirs. Since, the main objective of the scheme is to provide additional water supplies to the Metropolitan Area of Mumbai City, further arrangements from the reservoir Pinjal for transporting of water to Mumbai City has to be made according to the plans of Municipal Corporation of Mumbai and Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority.

Environmental Issue:The conveyance system of the link canal is proposed to be traversed through two tunnels of length 16.85 km and 25.70 km respectively for connecting the proposed reservoirs viz. Bhugad – Khargihill and Khargihill –Pinjal. Hence the land acquisition, which is required for the link canal system will be nil. The submergence areas coming under the proposed Bhugad and Khargihill reservoirs will be of the order of 1,903 ha. and 1,558 ha. respectively. In the case of Pinjal reservoir the same will be 1,900 ha, of which 1,175 ha. will come under forest.

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4 Inchampalli-Nagarjunasagar LinkThe Proposal:A gross quantum of about 21,520 Mcum including surplus waters of Godavari and 6,500 Mcum of water received from Mahanadi is planned for diversion to Krishna basin through three links, of which Inchampalli-Nagarjunasagar link is the first one. This link will transfer 16,426 Mcum of water over a length of 299 km that includes 9 km. of tunnel. This link will provide total enroute irrigation to the tune of 2.87 lakh hectares, of which 1.78 lakh hectares falls under Kakatiya Canal Stage-II of Sriramsagar Project and 1.09 lakh hectares under Srisailam Left Bank Canal by utilizing 1,427 Mcum for enroute irrigation requirement and 562 Mcum towards transmission losses. This link will require a total lift of 107 m. utilizing 1,960 MW of power. There is also a provision to generate 975 MW of peaking power at Inchampalli dam by installing reversible turbines. Also a canal power house of 70 MW is proposed at Musi reservoir enroute. A provision of 237 Mcum of water has been made towards domestic and industrial requirement enroute. Finally, about 14,200 Mcum will be transferred to Nagarjunasagar reservoir on Krishna for further southward transmission.

Figure4:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:For this proposal, two dams namely Inchampalli on Godavari as proposed by Andhra Pradesh Government with FRL 112.77 m and another existing Nagarjunasagar dam on Krishna with FRL 179.83 m are considered. The gross and live storages of these reservoirs are 10,374 Mcum, 4,285 Mcum, 11,560 Mcum and 5,733 Mcum, respectively. The total length of the link canal is about 299 km between Inchampalli and Nagarjunasagar including about 9 km tunnel portion for crossing Godavari-Krishna ridge. The FSLs at head and tail are 141.00 m and 180.254 m respectively. The link canal is proposed to be operated throughout the year with the designed discharge of 1,090 cumecs.

Environmental Issue:Under Inchampalli reservoir total submergence will be to the extent of 92,555 ha. of which 21,734 ha is reserved forests, for which compensatory afforestation will be provided. About 1 lakh persons will be affected by the reservoir.

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5 Inchampalli-Pulichintala LinkThe Proposal:The proposal envisages diversion of 4,370 Mcum from the surplus water available from Mahanadi and Godavari basins. Link proposal involves 312 km long canal off-taking from the Inchampalli reservoir and outfalling into Pulichintala reservoir including 12.50 km long tunnel crossing the ridge between Godavari and Krishna basins. The link will provide annual irrigation to the tune of 6,13,442 ha in Andhra Pradesh comprises of proposed command of 1,09,345 ha (IRBC=72,345 ha and under NSLBC Extension 37,000 ha) utilizing 660 Mcum of water and 5,04,097 ha of existing command (NSLBC 2,19,380 ha and NSRBC 2,84,717 ha) utilizing 3005 Mcum of water. The link will provide 176 Mcum for domestic & 237 Mcum for industrial water supply. Transmission losses through the link canal will be 293 Mcum. The designed discharge at offtake of the canal is 304 cumecs. In the link canal enroute water will be lifted by 38.66 m at crossing of NSLBC requiring about 71 MW of power. Besides, water will be lifted from Pulichintala reservoir to Pulichintala RBC which involves a pumping of 12.63 m requiring 41 MW of power. Thus, about 112 MW of power in total will be required in pumping the water.

Figure5:Index Map

Engineering Aspects:For this purpose two dams namely Inchampalli on Godavari with FRL 112.77 m and another Pulichintala dam on river Krishna with FRL 53.30 m as proposed by Andhra Pradesh Government is considered. The gross and live storage of these reservoirs are 10,374 Mcum, 4,285 Mcum, 1,296 Mcum and 1,026 Mcum respectively. The total length of link canal is 312 km between Inchampalli & Pulichintala including 12.50 km tunnel portion for crossing Godavari-Krishna ridge. The FSL at head and tail are 106.68 m and 55.44 m respectively.

Environmental Issue:Under Inchampalli reservoir total submergence will be to the extent of 92,555 ha. of which 21,734 ha is reserved forests, for which compensatory afforestation will be provided. About 1 lakh persons will be affected by the reservoir.

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6 Kattalai-Vaigai-Gundar LinkThe Proposal:The proposed link envisages tapping of 2,252 Mcum of water from Cauvey at the existing Kattalai bed regulator through a 255.60 km. long gravity canal for irrigating additional area of 3.38 lakh hectares, utilizing 1,952 Mcum of water in Tamil Nadu. This link canal will also provide 185 Mcum for domestic and industrial water supply to enroute area, besides the transmission losses of 115 Mcum of water.

Figure6:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The existing Kattalai head regulator is located on river Cauvery downstream of Mettur dam. The crest level is 96.80 m. This regulator is proposed to be modified as a barrage to serve as the headwork structure for this link canal. Also, a weir across Gundar river is proposed for picking up of water for irrigation. The total length of the link canal is 255.60 km. The canal takes off at Right Bank of Cauvery near Kattalai, at the head regulator, with FSL 100.75 m and outfalls into Gundar River with FSL at 75.688 m. The canal is proposed to be operated through out the year to meet the domestic and industrial water supply as well as the irrigation needs. The canal is proposed to be lined through out its


Environmental Issue:In this link also no major environmental issues are involved. No water logging is expected since the canal runs through water short areas. Rather, it will be beneficial in recharging the ground water in the region.

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7 Ken-Betwa LinkThe Proposal:This link will cover a length of about 231 km. and provide irrigation in the downstream of proposed Daudhan dam, water short areas of Upper Betwa basin by way of substitution and also to enroute areas to the tune of 6.45 lakh hectares (1.55 lakh hectares in Uttar Pradesh and 4.90 lakh hectares in Madhya Pradesh) utilizing 3,196 Mcum of water. It will also provide domestic and industrial water needs of 12 Mcum, besides an installed capacity of 72 MW of power. About 37 Mcum will be used for meeting the transmission losses of the canal. NWDA has already completed the feasibility study of this link.

Figure7:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:An earthen dam is proposed on Ken at Daudhan 2.5 km upstream of the existing Gangau weir. Two power houses, one (Power House No. I) at the foot of the dam and the other one (Power House-II) at the end of 2 km long tunnel, have also been proposed. The total length of the link canal will be 231 km including a 2 km long tunnel in its head reach. The design discharge of the link canal at the head is 72 cumecs. The canal crosses several rivers/streams and finally outfalls into the existing reservoir viz. Barwa Sagar on Barwa river, a tributary of Betwa River.

Environmental Issue:This project envisages construction of Daudhan dam 2.5 km upstream of the existing Gangau Weir. The submergence under the project is expected to be of the order of 8,650 ha of which 6,400 ha will be the forest area. About 8,550 people shall be affected in ten villages.

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8 Mahanadi-Godavari LinkThe Proposal:A quantum of 12,165 Mcum is proposed for diversion through the link taking off at Manibhadra reservoir on Mahanadi to Dowlaiswaram Barrage on Godavari. This link will provide enroute irrigation benefits to the tune of 4.43 lakh hectares, of which 0.91 lakh hectares in Andhra Pradesh and 3.52 lakh hectares in Orissa. In this process it will utilize 3,790 Mcum of water. A provision of 802 Mcum is made for domestic and industrial water requirement enroute. The total length of the link canal is about 828 km including 6.15 km.of length through a tunnel. The total transmission loss of the link canal is worked out to be 1073 Mcum and proposes to transfer the remaining 6,500 Mcum of water to Godavari river for taking care of the water demands of further South. There is also a provision to generate 445 MW of hydropower at Manibhadra dam in this link canal proposal.

Figure8:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:A dam across the river Mahanadi in Orissa at Manibhadra as contemplated by the Government of Orissa is considered for diversion of water from Mahanadi to Godavari. The gross and live storages of the reservoir are 8,520 Mcum and 6,608 Mcum respectively. The diverted water will be received at the existing Sir Arthur Cotton (SAC) Barrage on Godavari at Dowlaiswaram in Andhra Pradesh. The total length of the link canal is about 828 km with FSLs at head and tail ponds being 74.00 m and 15.82 m, respectively. The designed discharge of the canal at the head is 802 cumecs and the canal is proposed to be operated throughout the year.

Environmental Issue:The Manibhadra reservoir will submerge a total area of 63,003 ha at FRL 86.0 m. Under this reservoir, forest area to the extent of 9,520 ha is likely to be submerged. About 79,000 persons will be affected by the proposed Manibhadra reservoir submergence.

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9 Nagarjunasagar-Somasila LinkThe Proposal:This is the third link to connect the rivers Krishna and Pennar and proposes to divert 12,146 Mcum of water from Nagarjunasagar to Pennar. The total length of the link canal is about 393 km. The enroute irrigation proposed from this link canal is of the order of 5.81 lakh hectares entirely in the State of Andhra Pradesh by utilizing 3,264 Mcum of water, of which 908 Mcum of water will be used for irrigating 1.68 lakh hectares in between Gundlakamma and Pennar rivers and 2,356 Mcum for irrigating part area of Nagarjunasagar RBC to an extent of 4.13 lakh hectares. A quantity of 124 Mcum is provided for enroute water supply needs and 332 Mcum of water being accounted for transmission losses; and the remaining 8,426 Mcum of water being considered as the available water at Somasila for further diversion to Cauvery and Vaigai. This link project also has canal powerhouse at the head of the link canal with an installed capacity of 90 MW of power. NWDA has completed the feasibility study of the proposal.

Figure9:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The link does not envisage construction of any new reservoir. It proposes to utilize the existing reservoir viz. Nagarjunasagar on Krishna and Somasila on Pennar. The reservoir at Nagarjunasagar has a gross storage capacity of 11,560 Mcum at FRL 179.83 m and live storage capacity of 5,733 Mcum. The reservoir at Somasila has a gross storage capacity of 2,208 Mcum at FRL 100.58 m and a live storage capacity of 1,994 Mcum. The total length of the link canal from Nagarjunasagar to its outfall into Somasila reservoir is about 393 km. The right bank canal of the Nagarjunasagar is known as Jawahar Canal takes off at FSL of 151.67 m from Nagarjunasagar reservoir, so also the Nagarjunasagar

–Somasila link canal. The link canal for the first 203 km will run parallel to the existing Nagarjunasagar RBC and carry 8,146 Mcum and thereafter along a new alignment carrying 9,790 Mcum including 1,644 Mcum transferred from Nagarjunasagar right bank canal. The Nagarjunasagar Right Bank canal has the carrying capacity of 4,000 Mcum and a quantity of 1,623 Mcum is proposed to be received through Inchampalli-Pulichintala link. Since the Nagarjunasagar right bank canal requirement is 3,979 Mcum, a quantity of 1,644 Mcum (4000+1623-3979) has been transferred to the link canal at RD 203 km. This link canal will deliver about 8,426 Mcum of water into Somasila reservoir and is proposed to be operated for a period of 240 days in a year with the designed discharge of the canal at RD 202.75 km. as 565 cumecs.

Environmental Issue:In this link also no new area will come under submergence as the existing Nagarjunasagar and Somasila reservoirs will be used in this proposal. Sufficient flows will be ensured downstream of the diversion point to safeguard the water quality.

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10 Netravati-Hemavati LinkThe Proposal:This link proposes to divert 188 Mcum of surplus water from Netravati basin to water short Cauvery basin to irrigate an area of about 33,813 hectares under the command of Hemavati Irrigation Project in the drought prone Tumkur, Hassan and Mandya districts of Karnataka. In this project too, the total lift shall be of the order of 81 m, in two stages; consuming a total power of about 6 MW. The total length of the canal is about 11 km., which includes 3 tunnels of total length of 8.4 km.

Figure10:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The project proposal comprises two stages. Under Stage-I, the surplus waters of Yattinhole reservoir of Netravati basin will be lifted to a height of 19.50 m to divert into Hemavati river. Under Stage-II, the combined surplus waters of Kerihole and Hongadhallad hole reservoirs of Netravati basin will be lifted to a height of 61.31 m for diverting into Hemavati river of Cauvery basin. The conveyance system from Yattinhole to Hemavati river is 3.54 km long (including 3.04 km long tunnel). The interlinking tunnel from Keri hole to Hongadhallad hole reservoir is 3.98 km long. The conveyance system from Hongadhallad hole to Hemavati river is 3.30 km long with a tunnel of 1.375 km.

Environmental Issue:The Yattinhole reservoir at FRL 900.00 m will submerge about 295 ha of area in Sakleshpur taluk of Hassan district, of which 78 ha is in forest land, 173 ha in cultivable land and 44 ha under non-agricultural use. The Keri hole reservoir at FRL 865.70 m will submerge an area of about 120 ha of which, 33 ha is forest land, 73 ha is cultivable land and 14 ha under non-agricultural use. The third reservoir viz. Hongadhallad hole at FRL 865.70 m will submerge about 350 ha, of which 97 ha is forest land, 218 ha is cultivable land and 35 ha under non-agricultural use. No important historical monuments and archaeological structures will be coming under submergence. The submergence area coming under these reservoirs are uninhabited and as such no population is affected due to the submergence.

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11 Pamba–Anchankovil-Vaippar LinkThe Proposal:NWDA has completed the feasibility report of this link study. The link canal proposes to divert 634 Mcum of water from the surplus available in Pamba and Anchankovil basins of Kerala State to Vaippar basin for irrigating an area of 91,400 hectares in the drought prone districts of Tirunelveli, Chidambaranar and Kamarajar of Tamil Nadu. Apart from this, the project will generate 508 MW of power and provide regulated releases of 150 Mcum of water during lean season in Pamba and Anchankovil rivers to improve the lean season flows and combat salinity intrusion.

Figure11:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The link project consists of 150 m high concrete dam on Pamba-Kal Ar, 160 m high concrete dam on Anchankovil Kal Ar and Anchankovil dam, a 35 m high concrete gravity dam on Anchankovil river. The Punnamedu and Anchankovil Kal Ar dams are inter-connected by a 5.0 m diameter and 8 km long tunnel for diverting the water of Punnamedu reservoir to Anchankovil Kal Ar reservoir. Water from Anchankovil is pumped to Anchankovil Kal Ar reservoir. The water from Anchankovil Kar Ar reservoir will be diverted through an 8 m diameter and 9 km long tunnel to cross the Western Ghats. The main canal will run for a length of 50.68 km before reaching Alagar Odai, a tributary of Vaippar river.

Peaking power station of 500 MW installed capacity is located at the toe of the Anchankovil Kal Ar dam. Six mini hydropower plants with a cumulative installed capacity of 8.37 MW are located near the inlet of the inter-connecting tunnel of Punnamedu and Anchankovil Kal Ar reservoirs, toe of Anchankovil dam and at four canal drops on the main canal. The peaking power plant comprises of 5 units of 100 MW each. Three of the units are reversible type. 10 Mcum of water released from Anchankovil Kal Ar reservoir for power generation during 6 hours peak load will be pumped back to Anchankovil Kal Ar reservoir during the remaining period.

Environmental Issue:The Punnamedu reservoir will submerge an area of 440 ha, which is entirely forest. No population will be affected due to this submergence. The submergence area under Anchankovil Kal Ar is about 1,241 ha, comprising about 872 ha of virgin forest and the remaining land under teak plantation. The Anchankovil dam will submerge an area 323 ha, of which 304 ha will be virgin forest& forest plantation and 19 ha of cultivable land. Necessary provisions are to be made for compensatory afforestation. The provision of regulated releases of 150 Mcum during lean season will improve the flow in the river systems and combat salinity intrusion from the sea.

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12 Par-Tapi-Narmada LinkThe Proposal:NWDA has completed the feasibility study of the link canal project. This link proposes to transfer surpluses available between Par and Tapi to water deficit areas in north Gujarat. It will transfer 1,350 Mcum of water through a canal of length 401 km. by gravity. The total enroute irrigation benefits envisaged are 1.63 lakh hectares in Gujarat by utilizing 460 Mcum and 190 Mcum for meeting the transmission losses. In addition to this, about 700 Mcum will also be provided to Saurashtra and Kutch areas of Gujarat. Besides this, there is also a provision for generation of about 32.5 MW of power.

Figure12:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The link project consists of 7 proposed reservoirs viz. Jheri, Mohankavchali & Paikhed on Par River, Chasmandva on Auranga River, Chikkar & Dabdar on Ambica River and Kelwan on Purna river and a 401 km long link canal connecting these reservoirs. Powerhouses are proposed at the foot of the dams at Jheri, Paikhed, Chasmandva and Chikkar. The total length of the link canal is sub-divided into two reaches viz. Par-Tapi (211 km including 5.5 km. tunnel and 33.3 Km. Feeder length), and Tapi - Narmada (190.1 km). The link from Par to Tapi starts with a tunnel connecting Mohankavchali reservoir to Paikhed weir. The open channel link starts from Paikhed weir and drops into Ukai reservoir. The Tapi-Narmada portion of the link starts from Ukai reservoir crosses Narmada River and terminates at the Miyagam branch canal of Narmada main canal.

Environmental Issue:The seven proposed reservoirs in this link would submerge an area of 7,559 ha of which 3,572 ha is forestland. Apart from this, 14,832 people and 9,029 livestock would be affected by the submergence. Provisions have been made to resettle the affected persons by providing them with attractive packages. Provision has also been made for

compensatory afforestation.

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13 Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal LinkThe Proposal:Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link project envisages the diversion of surplus waters of Parbati and Kalisindh sub-basins to Gandhisagar dam /Rana Pratap Sagar dam across Chambal River. The water will be utilized for irrigation in the new command areas enroute the link canal & the existing command of Chambal system at Kota barrage. Water of the Chambal thus saved by way of substitution will be tapped in the upper reaches and will be utilised in the drought prone districts of Upper Chambal sub-basin, where the present level of irrigation is 5.44% of culturable area. The link proposal involves three alternatives studies viz.(i) linking to Rana Pratap Sagar Dam [ Alt-(a)],(ii) linking to Gandhi Sagar Dam and linking to Gandhi Sagar Dam [ Alt-(b)-II].

Figure13:Index Map

In case of linking to Rana Pratap Sagar dam, the surplus water will irrigate an area of 1.09 lakh ha, out of which0.43 Lakh Ha area lies in Jhalawar, Kota & Chittorgarh districts of Rajasthan and 0.66 lakh ha area in Rajgarh, Guna, Shajapur (drought prone) and Mandsaur Districts of Madhya Pradesh and 1.12 lakh ha by substitution in Dhar(drought prone ) , Shajapur (drought prone ),Ujjain (drought prone ),Ratlam districts in the upper reaches of Chambal basin in Madhya Pradesh .

In case of linking to Gandhi Sagar dam, the surplus water will irrigate an area of 1.17 lakh ha enroute, out of which 0.27 lakh ha is in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan and 0.90 lakh ha area in Rajgarh, Guna, Shajapur (drought prone) and Mandsaur Districts of Madhya Pradesh and 1.12 lakh ha by substitution in Dhar(drought prone ) , Shajapur (drought prone ),Ujjain (drought prone ),Ratlam districts in the upper reaches of Chambal basin in Madhya Pradesh.

Technical AspectsThe surplus water available at Patanpur, Mohanpura and Kundaliya is of the order of 948 Mcum, 444 Mcum and 610 Mcum respectively. It is proposed to divert 1360 Mcum of water through Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal link project for

meeting the requirement of seven projects in Upper Chambal basin, the enroute demands of link for irrigation & domestic use and additional requirement of Kota Barrage.

The total length of the link canal in case of linking to Rana Pratap Sagar dam is 243.62 km which includes 5 tunnels having total length of 20.56 km. The total cost of the project estimated at 2002-03 price level is Rs.2989.02 crores. The B.C. ratio has been worked out as 1.67.

The total length of the link canal from Patanpur dam to Gandhi Sagar dam in case of linking to Gandhi Sagar dam, alt-(b)-II, is 201.83 km which includes 3 tunnels having total length of 11.0 km and 3.2 km long pipeline to feed the sump well, involving single stage lift of 47.42m utilizing 18.10 MW of power for pumping whereas 9.07 MW of power is likely to be generated by transferred water at Gandhisagar dam. Thus, net requirement of power for pumping will be about 9.03 MW. The actual head in this case for single stage pumping is calculated as 62.41m. The total cost of the project estimated at 2002-03 price level is Rs.3058.30 crores. The B.C. ratio has been worked out as 1.63.

Environmental Issues:This project envisages construction of three dams viz. Patanpur on Parbati, Mohanpura on Newaj and Kundaliya on Kalisindh involving total submergence area of 17,308 ha including 244.4 ha forest area. A population of 27,055 people in 65 villages is likely to be affected. The works of Rapid Socio-Economic, Environmental & Ecological Impact studies awarded to M/s RITES Ltd. is under progress.

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14 Polavaram-Vijayawada LinkThe Proposal:This is the third link proposed to transfer water from Godavari to Krishna. This link canal takes off from the Right Bank of Godavari at the proposed Polavaram reservoir and shall divert 5,325 Mcum of water over a length of 174 km. This link will provide total irrigation benefits of about 5.82 lakh hectares in Andhra Pradesh. This link will also cater to transfer of 2,265 Mcum of water to the Krishna Delta, enroute domestic and industrial requirement of 162 Mcum and 1,236 Mcum of additional water for stabilization of the existing command under Krishna Delta, besides transmission losses of 260 Mcum of water. NWDA has completed the feasibility study of the link.

Figure14:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The Polavaram project proposed by the Government of Andhra Pradesh will be used for diverting the Godavari water through this link canal which will be received at the existing Prakasam Barrage on Krishna river at Vijayawada. The FRL/MWL of Polavaram reservoir is 45.72 m and its gross and live storage capacities are 5511 Mcum and 2130 Mcum respectively. The total length of link canal from Polavaram dam site to its outfall into Prakasam Barrage is about 174 km. The link canal takes off from Polavaram reservoir with a FSL of 40.232 m and outfall into Prakasam Barrage at a

FSL of 27.965 m. The link canal is proposed to be operated through out the year. The design discharge of the canal at the takeoff point works out to be 405.12 cumecs. The diversion is entirely by gravity.

Environmental Issue:The Polavaram reservoir submerges an area of 63,691 ha comprising of 60,063 ha in Andhra Pradesh, 2,398 ha in Chattisgarh and 1,230 ha in Orissa. Out of the total submergence area, the area under cultivation is about 30,650 ha and the forest area 3,705 ha. The reservoir submergence will affect 250 villages and a total population of about 1.45 lakhs in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Orissa.

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15 Somasila-Grand Anicut LinkThe Proposal:This link envisages diversion of water from Somasila reservoir at Pennar basin to South of Pennar. A quantum of 8,565 Mcum of water by gravity out of 10,743 Mcum reaching at Somasila reservoir (Nagarjunasagar-Somasila; 8,648 Mcum and Srisailam-Pennar; 2,095 Mcum) will flow through the link canal. A quantity of 890 Mcum equivalent to the irrigation requirement of Telugu Ganga Project would be diverted to Kandaleru reservoir through the Somasila-Kandaleru Flood Flow Canal and 1,066 Mcum will be utilized for making of the deficit in Pennar Delta area. This link canal will run 529 km., providing irrigation to 4.91 lakh hectares (0.49 lakh hectares in Andhra Pradesh, 4.36 lakh hectares in Tamil Nadu and 0.06 lakh hectares in Pondicherry). Of the 8,565 Mcum proposed to be diverted through link canal, 3,048 Mcum will be for enroute irrigation, 1,105 Mcum of water is for meeting domestic and industrial requirement enroute/Chennai city and 3,855 Mcum for transfer to Cauvery river, besides the transmission losses of 557 Mcum.

Figure15:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:Somasila project is an existing multi-purpose project across Pennar with FRL 100.58 m and the gross storage and live storage capacities being 2,208 Mcum and 1,994 Mcum, respectively. The Grand Anicut or Kallanai is an age-old scheme on Cauvery with pond level at 59.22 m. The total length of the link canal from Somasila to its outfall into Cauvery is 529 km. The canal takes off at an FSL of 95.42 m and outfalls into Cauvery river by gravity at Grand Anicut with FSL of 60.859 m. The link canal is proposed to be operated annually with the designed discharge of 603.33 cumecs at the take off point. The canal is lined through out its length.

Environmental Issue:This link proposal will also pose no environmental problems as the existing reservoirs viz. Somasila, Kandaleru and Kallanai Pond at Grand Anicut shall be made use of in the link. No waterlogging problem is anticipated, since the area is having good drainage conditions.

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16 Srisailam-Pennar Link The Proposal:This is the second link to join Krishna with Pennar and envisages transfer of 2,310 Mcum of water. In this link, no enroute irrigation is proposed. Four mini hydel schemes are proposed in the enroute reaches for utilizing the natural falls of the streams with total installed capacity of 17 MW of power. The water diverted to Pennar river through the link will be picked up at Somasila along with that diverted through Nagarjunasagar- Somasila link for further southward diversion from the river Pennar. The total length of the link canal will be 204 km. NWDA has completed the feasibility study of the proposal.

Figure16:Index Map

Engineering Aspect:The link does not envisage construction of any dam or reservoir. The water will be diverted from the existing Srisailam reservoir and let into Pennar river mostly through natural streams. The total length of link canal from Srisailam reservoir to its confluence with Pennar is about 204 km. The existing infrastructure of Srisailam canal system viz. approach channel, head regulator at Pothireddypadu, Srisailam right main canal and cross regulator at Banakacherla will be used for diverting the water. The water from the Central escape of the Banakacherla cross regulator will be let into the natural streams viz. Nippulavagu, Galeru and Kunderu, till it reaches the Pennar river at Adinimmayapalli

anicut. The link canal is proposed to be operated for a period of 184 days and is designed for a discharge of 145 cumec. There is no enroute irrigation, since the areas are already covered under the existing and ongoing projects. However, it is proposed to install mini- hydel schemes enroute of the link canal for utilizing the natural falls for power generation with total installed capacity of 17 MW.

Environmental Issue:No new area will come under submergence due to this canal project as the existing Srisailam reservoir is used in this link proposal.

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